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Articles rated:
07 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2015
12, 8.2015
1509.0025 GCC-Plugin for Automated Accelerator Generation and Integration on Hybrid FPGA-SoCs
1509.0026 Axion dark matter: strings and their cores
1509.0027 Generalised universality of gauge thresholds in heterotic vacua with and without supersymmetry
1509.0028 Pure and Hybrid Evolutionary Computing in Global Optimization of Chemical Structures: from Atoms and Molecules to Clusters and Crystals
1509.0029 Heating of Baryons due to Scattering with Dark Matter During the Dark Ages
1509.0030 On the Assembly of Dwarf Galaxies in Clusters and their Efficient Formation of Globular Clusters
1509.0031 Saddle point inflation from higher order corrections to Higgs/Starobinsky inflation
1509.0032 MUSE tells the story of NGC 4371: The dawning of secular evolution
1509.0033 Stress-tensor OPE in N=2 Superconformal Theories
1509.0034 What shapes the far-infrared spectral energy distributions of galaxies?
1509.0035 A quantum resonance catastrophe for transport through an AC driven impurity
1509.0036 A Comparison of High-Level Design Tools for SoC-FPGA on Disparity Map Calculation Example
1509.0037 Spitzer IRAC Photometry for Time Series in Crowded Fields
1509.0038 The classification of subfactors with index at most $5 frac{1}{4}$
1509.0039 Heating up the Galaxy with Hidden Photons
1509.0040 DSL-based Design Space Exploration for Temporal and Spatial Parallelism of Custom Stream Computing
1509.0041 A Machine Learning Technique to Identify Transit Shaped Signals
1509.0042 Automatic Nested Loop Acceleration on FPGAs Using Soft CGRA Overlay
1509.0043 The evolution of the disc variability along the hard state of the black hole transient GX 339-4
1509.0044 Hair-brane Ideas on the Horizon
1509.0045 Schur-positive sets of permutations via products of grid classes
1509.0046 Quantum oscillation and wave packet revival in conical graphene structure
1509.0047 Is the Relaxion an Axion?
1509.0048 D6-Brane Model Building on Z(2)xZ(6): MSSM-like and Left-Right Symmetric Models
1509.0049 Segmentation of functional-biased series by a Bayesian approach
1509.0050 New Prospects in Fixed Target Searches for Dark Forces with the SeaQuest Experiment at Fermilab
1509.0051 Band Depth Clustering for Nonstationary Time Series and Wind Speed Behavior
1509.0052 Computational dynamics of acoustically-driven microsphere systems
1509.0053 Single stars in the Hyades open cluster. Fiducial sequence for testing stellar and atmospheric models
1509.0054 A Note on the Dirac-like Equation in Non-commutative Geometry
1509.0055 Facilitating follow-up of LIGO-Virgo events using rapid sky localization
1509.0056 A Compact Expression for Periodic Instantons
1509.0057 Periodic striped ground states in Ising models with competing interactions
1509.0058 A conservative assessment of the current constraints on dark matter annihilation from Cosmic Rays and CMB observations
1509.0059 Analysis of an Arctic sea ice loss model in the limit of a discontinuous albedo
1509.0060 Discrete Hybrid Polyharmonic Cubature Formulas with weight on the disc. with error bounds
1509.0061 Value function approximation via low-rank models
1509.0062 The Kinetic Energy of Hydrocarbons as a Function of Electron Density and Convolutional Neural Networks
1509.0063 A stochastic differential equation model for foraging swarms
1509.0064 Estimating the power spectrum covariance matrix with fewer mock samples
1509.0065 Compromising a Medical Mannequin
1509.0066 Infrared Observations of novae in the SOFIA era
1509.0067 Panchromatic imaging and spectroscopic observations of the mass ejections of RY Scuti
1509.0068 Optimal transport in competition with reaction: the Hellinger-Kantorovich distance and geodesic curves
1509.0069 Overlapping Coalition Formation Games for Emerging Communication Networks
1509.0070 In-Line-Test of Variability and Bit-Error-Rate of HfOx-Based Resistive Memory
1509.0071 Maximum principles for diffusive Lotka-Volterra systems of two competing species
1509.0072 Programme de Langlands en bref
1509.0073 Implications of a Running Dark Photon Coupling
1509.0074 A coarse-grained generalized second law for holographic conformal field theories
1509.0075 AGT and the Segal-Sugawara construction
1509.0076 Alternative derivation of Krasnov's action for general relativity
1509.0077 Large deviations principle for the invariant measures of the 2D stochastic Navier-Stokes equations on a torus
1509.0078 Entanglement detection via some classes of measurements
1509.0079 Factorization for Hardy spaces and characterization for BMO spaces via commutators in the Bessel setting
1509.0080 Coupled-channels description of multi-nucleon transfer and fusion reactions at energies around and far below the Coulomb barrier
1509.0081 The O- and B-Type Stellar Population in W3: Beyond the High-Density Layer
1509.0082 Quantum information as a non-Kolmogorovian generalization of Shannon's theory
1509.0083 Metastatic liver tumour segmentation from discriminant Grassmannian manifolds
1509.0084 Silicon and silicon-nitrogen impurities in graphene: structure, energetics and effects on electronic transport
1509.0134 Marks of heliacal rising of Sirius on the sundial of the Bronze Age
1509.0135 Astronomical Interpretation of the Signs on the Vessel of the Bronze Age (Central Donbass)
1509.0283 A new cubature formula with weight functions on the disc, with error estimates
1509.0301 Randers geometry as MOND/dark matter
1509.0401 A New Model for Strange Star
1509.0403 On Higher Structures
1509.0404 Broadband extended emission in gravitational waves from core-collapse supernovae
1509.0407 Near-extremal black holes as initial conditions of long GRB-supernovae and probes of their gravitational wave emission
1509.0409 Proposed searches for candidate sources of gravitational waves in a nearby core-collapse supernova survey
1509.0410 Parking-garage structures in astrophysics and biophysics
1509.0411 Studies of unicellular micro-organisms Saccharomyces cerevisiae by means of Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy
1509.0447 Characterizations of compact sets in fuzzy sets spaces with $L_p$ metric
1509.0457 Spectral Methods And Prime Numbers Counting Problems
1509.0471 The notion of Infinity within the Zermelo system and its relation to the Axiom of Countable Choice
1509.0501 The vector algebra war: A historical perspective
1509.0504 Using a Power Law Distribution to describe Big Data
1509.0739 Recoil filters for active correlations method: different scenarios
1509.0850 Complex Dynamics of $displaystyle{z_{n+1}=frac{alpha + eta z_{n}+ gamma z_{n-1}}{A + B z_n + C z_{n-1}}}$
1509.0866 Separation Axioms in Bi-soft Topological Spaces
1509.0867 A multi-term solution of the space-time Boltzmann equation for electrons in gaseous and liquid Argon
1509.1117 Introduction to Mathematical Programming-Based Error-Correction Decoding
1509.1197 Heat flows and energetic behavior of a telecommunication radio base station
1509.1198 Underlying SU(3) Symmetry of the Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions
1509.1199 Inferring Passenger Type from Commuter Eigentravel Matrices
1509.1200 A modular modelling framework for hypotheses testing in the simulation of urbanisation
1509.1211 Control principles of metabolic networks
1509.1220 Light Efficient Flutter Shutter
1509.1272 Enhancing energy transport in electrical-oscillator networks via off-diagonal dynamical disorder
1509.1457 Optical and electronic properties of some binary semiconductors from energy gaps
1509.1459 On a novel 3D hypercomplex number system
1509.1596 Inter-Layer Per-Mobile Optimization of Cloud Mobile Computing: A Message-Passing Approach
1509.2400 RSSI-Based Distributed Self-Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks used in Precision Agriculture
1509.2413 Learning Efficient Representations for Reinforcement Learning
1509.2420 Geometric Number Systems and Spinors
1509.2436 Review on Generalized Uncertainty Principle
1509.2443 Signal photon flux generated by high-frequency relic gravitational waves
1509.2485 Polyhedral studies of vertex coloring problems: The asymmetric representatives formulation
1509.2488 Can we admit the way in which $sin(x)$ is typically defined?
1509.2548 Initial Analysis of a Simple Numerical Model that Exhibits Antifragile Behavior
1509.3214 Simple, Flexible, and Interoperable SCADA System Based on Agent Technology
1509.3220 State Ensembles and Quantum Entropy
1509.3221 Recurrent Neural Network Based Modeling of Gene Regulatory Network Using Bat Algorithm
1509.3227 Parameterization adaption for 3D shape optimization in aerodynamics
1509.3657 Emergent observable deSitter space from an Equation of Motion
1509.3660 Oracle MCG: A first peek into COCO Detection Challenges
1509.4146 Spinorial Reduction of the Superdimensional Dual-covariant Field Theory
1509.4148 Quantum state evolution in C2 and G3+
1509.4321 Numerical Methods for the Inverse Nonlinear Fourier Transform
1509.4326 Numerical Study of Astrophysics Equations by Meshless Collocation Method Based on Compactly Supported Radial Basis Function
1509.4614 The simplest non-associative generalization of supersymmetry
1509.6229 Target Space $ eq$ Space
1509.6252 Algebraic Solution for Beamforming in Two-Way Relay Systems with Analog Network Coding
1509.6314 Design and Analysis of Green Optical Line Terminal for TDM Passive Optical Networks
1509.7149 Home-run probability as a function of coefficient of restitution of baseballs
1509.7893 The role of the Havriliak-Negami relaxation in the description of local structure of Kohlrausch's function in the frequency domain. Part I
1509.8756 Anisotropic Strange Quintessence Stars in $f(R)$ Gravity
1509.8924 Balance of interactions determines optimal survival in multi-species communities
1510.0323 Large n-limit for Random matrices with External Source with 3 eigenvalues
1510.1140 Deconstructing Bataknese Gorga Computationally
1510.1935 Real-time shape approximation and 5-D fingerprinting of single proteins
1510.2671 On quantum phase transitions in tilted 2D lattices
1510.2810 Dirac's and Generalized Faddeev-Jackiw brackets for Einstein's theory in G $ ightarrow 0$ limit
1510.4304 Voyager 2 solar plasma and magnetic field spectral analysis for intermediate data sparsity
1510.5449 Can Tsallis distribution fit all the particle spectra produced at RHIC and LHC?
1511.0541 Cosmic Rays Propagation with HelMod: Difference between forward-in-time and backward-in-time approaches
1511.5589 An alternative aggregate preference ranking algorithm to assess environmental effects on macrobenthic abundance in coastal water
1512.0035 A biologically constrained model of the whole basal ganglia addressing the paradoxes of connections and selection
1512.0515 Slipping on an Arbitrary Surface with Friction
1512.4331 What National Examinations Reforms should be made and how may technology be leveraged?
1602.7573 A straightforward method to assess motion blur for different types of displays
1603.9578 Wireless Coverage Area Computation and Optimization
1604.5672 Risk Aversion and Catastrophic Risks: the Pill Experiment
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