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18 February 2025

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1508.0863 Asymptotic and structural properties of special cases of the Wright function arising in probability theory
1508.0864 Stabilization and Fault-Tolerance in Presence of Unchangeable Environment Actions
1508.0865 Are arrhythmic hearts more complex ? Using skewness and the first-digit phenomenon to identify dynamical transitions in cardiac models
1508.0866 A review of hydrodynamic investigations into arrays of ocean wave energy converters
1508.0867 One-dimensional infinite memory imitation models with noise
1508.0869 Efficient Bayesian Phase Estimation
1508.0870 Lattices related to extensions of presentations of transversal matroids
1508.0871 High-dimensional representations of the 3-component loop braid group
1508.0872 Regular Sampling on Metabelian Nilpotent Lie Groups
1508.0873 A multiband electronic characterization of the complex intermetallic cage system Y$_{1-x}$Gd$_x$Co$_{2}$Zn$_{20}$
1508.0874 Black phosphorus: narrow gap, wide applications
1508.0875 Families of periodic orbits in the planar Hill four-body problem
1508.0876 Subdivision based Isogeometric Analysis technique for Electric Field Integral Equations for Simply Connected Structures
1508.0877 On representations of Cartan map Lie superalgebras
1508.0878 An Extended Magnetohydrodynamics Model for Relativistic Weakly Collisional Plasmas
1508.0879 Qualitative Decision Methods for Multi-Attribute Decision Making
1508.0880 Planetary Evaporation and the Dynamics of Planet Wind/Stellar Wind Bow Shocks
1508.0881 Leptogenesis from left-handed neutrino production during axion inflation
1508.0882 Asynchronous stochastic convex optimization
1508.0883 Equality of Participation Online Versus Face to Face: Condensed Analysis of the Community Forum Deliberative Methods Demonstration
1508.0884 Maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills on the lattice
1508.0885 Superworld without Supersymmetry
1508.0886 Two-Nucleon Higher Partial-Wave Scattering from Lattice QCD
1508.0887 Bertrand's Postulate for Number Fields
1508.0888 Formation of hidden-charm pentaquarks in photon-nucleon collisions
1508.0889 Measuring chromatic aberrations in imaging systems using plasmonic nano-particles
1508.0890 On the regularity for the Navier-slip thin-film equation in the perfect wetting regime
1508.0891 Fermion production during and after axion inflation
1508.0892 Magnetic properties of light nuclei from lattice QCD
1508.0893 Information Cascades and Online Rating Games
1508.0894 Enhancing Low-Cost Ozone Spectrometers to Measure Mesospheric Winds and Tides
1508.0895 Performance of internal Covariance Estimators for Cosmic Shear Correlation Functions
1508.0896 Statistics of the epoch of reionization (EoR) 21-cm signal: I - power spectrum error covariance
1508.0897 Canonical Energy is Quantum Fisher Information
1508.0898 Isochronal age scale of young moving groups in the solar neighbourhood
1508.0899 High Order Harmonics in Light Curves of Kepler Planets
1508.0900 On the relative importance of different microphysics on the D-type expansion of galactic HII regions
1508.0901 Light-by-light-type corrections to the muon anomalous magnetic moment at four-loop order
1508.0902 Spitzer Secondary Eclipse Observations of Five Cool Gas Giant Planets and Empirical Trends in Cool Planet Emission Spectra
1508.0903 Vortex Formation and Evolution in Planet Harboring Disks under Thermal Relaxation
1508.0904 Magnetically driven accretion in protoplanetary discs
1508.0905 Sensing of single nuclear spins in random thermal motion with proximate nitrogen-vacancy centers
1508.0906 Causality and quantum criticality with long-range interactions
1508.0907 The OGLE Collection of Variable Stars. Anomalous Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds
1508.0908 Dark Matter in Leptophilic Higgs Models After the LHC Run-I
1508.0909 Higgs boson pair production: top quark mass effects at NLO and NNLO
1508.0910 On the Global Structure of Deformed Yang-Mills Theory and QCD(adj) on R^3XS^1
1508.0911 The Parton Orbital Angular Momentum: Status and Prospects
1508.0912 Four-loop Standard Model effective potential at leading order in QCD
1508.0913 Interface dynamics of immiscible two-phase lattice-gas cellular automata: A model with random dynamic scatterers and quenched disorder in two dimensions
1508.0914 Characterization of metrics induced by hierarchical posets
1508.0915 6d $mathcal{N}{=}(1,0)$ theories on $S^1/T^2$ and class S theories: part II
1508.0916 A note on operator tuples which are $(m,p)$-isometric as well as $(mu,infty)$-isometric
1508.0917 Chaos in Terrestrial Planet Formation
1508.0918 Free Boundary Problems: The Forefront of Current and Future Developments
1508.0919 A Multiscale Analysis of Traveling Waves in Stochastic Neural Fields
1508.0920 From the Lorentz Group to the Celestial Sphere
1508.0921 Cometic functors for small concrete categories and an application
1508.0922 Slowing time: Markov-modulated Brownian motion with a sticky boundary
1508.0923 Detection and clearing of trapped ions in the high current Cornell photoinjector
1508.0924 $J/psi (eta_c) N$ and $Upsilon (eta_b) N$ cross sections
1508.0925 Acoustic signatures of the phases and phase transitions in Yb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$
1508.0926 Revisiting the gauge fields of strained graphene
1508.0927 Degrees of Freedom for Instantaneous-Relay Aided Interference Channel: Bounds and Achievable Schemes
1508.0928 Time optimal information transfer in spintronics networks
1508.0929 Existence and non-existence results for the SU(3) singular Toda system on compact surfaces
1508.0930 Light atom quantum oscillations in UC and US
1508.0931 The Solar System as an Exoplanetary System
1508.0932 Spin structure of harmonically trapped one-dimensional atoms with spin-orbit coupling
1508.0933 Chow groups and equivariant geometry
1508.0934 Admissibility in Partial Conjunction Testing
1508.0935 Effect of Atomic Size and Valence Electron Concentration on the Formation of fcc or bcc Solid Solid Solutions in High Entropy Alloys
1508.0936 A quantum framework for likelihood ratios
1508.0937 On Maximal and Minimal Linear Matching Property
1508.0938 Quantum homomorphic encryption from quantum codes
1508.0939 Comments on Microcausality, Chaos, and Gravitational Observables
1508.0940 Lattice Boltzmann methods for multiphase flow and phase-change heat transfer
1508.0941 On some families of modules for the current algebra
1508.0942 Queuing models for abstracting interactions in Bacterial communities
1508.0943 On properties of the lower central series of associative algebras
1508.0944 On the weak limit law of the maximal uniform k-spacing
1508.0945 Structured Prediction: From Gaussian Perturbations to Linear-Time Principled Algorithms
1508.0946 Asteroseismic modeling of 16 Cyg A & B using the complete Kepler data set
1508.0947 MCMC-Based Inference in the Era of Big Data: A Fundamental Analysis of the Convergence Complexity of High-Dimensional Chains
1508.0948 ECO and RESOLVE: Galaxy Disk Growth in Environmental Context
1508.0949 Loss Rate Estimators and the Properties for the Tree Topology
1508.0950 Toward Understanding The B[e] Phenomenon: V. Nature and Spectral Variations of the MWC 728 Binary System
1508.0951 On Ryser's Conjecture for Linear Intersecting Multipartite Hypergraphs
1508.0952 Graphical Newton
1508.0953 Nature of Intra-night Optical Variability of BL Lacertae
1508.0954 Desingularization of quiver Grassmannians for Gentle algebras
1508.0955 Asteroseismic analysis of Kepler targets KIC 11081729
1508.0956 Asymptotic formula on average path length of fractal networks modelled on Sierpinski Gasket
1508.0957 On a problem from the Kourovka Notebook
1508.0958 Periodic shedding of vortex dipoles from a moving penetrable obstacle in a Bose-Einstein condensate
1508.0959 Optical and Radio Variability of BL Lacertae
1508.0960 Z_N Berry phase and symmetry protected topological phases of SU(N) antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain
1508.0961 Mathematical Modeling of Dengue Epidemic: Control Methods and Vaccination Strategies
1508.0962 Event-Trigger Based Robust-Optimal Control for Energy Harvesting Transmitter
1508.0963 3D supergravity from wrapped M5-branes
1508.0964 MAP Support Detection for Greedy Sparse Signal Recovery Algorithms in Compressive Sensing
1508.0965 Quantifying ionospheric effects on time-domain astrophysics with the Murchison Widefield Array
1508.0966 3D Automatic Segmentation Method for Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Volume Data Using Boundary Surface Enhancement
1508.0967 Asteroseismic analysis of Kepler target KIC 2837475
1508.0968 The Effect of Primordial Non-Gaussianities on the Seeds of Super-Massive Black Holes
1508.0969 Pion and proton form factors in the Regge description of electroproduction $p(e,e'pi^+)n$
1508.0970 Measurement-device-independent quantum communication with an untrusted source
1508.0971 Mimetic Attractors
1508.0972 Quantum discord protection from amplitude damping decoherence
1508.0973 Progressive EM for Latent Tree Models and Hierarchical Topic Detection
1508.0974 Quantum Block and Synchronizable Codes Derived from Certain Classes of Polynomials
1508.0975 Symmetry restoration by pricing in a duopoly of perishable goods
1508.0976 Limits of $alpha$-harmonic maps
1508.0977 Warm Debris Disks Produced by Giant Impacts During Terrestrial Planet Formation
1508.0978 Quantum Codes from Generalized Reed-Solomon Codes and Matrix-Product Codes
1508.0979 Renormalized Entanglement Entropy on Cylinder
1508.0980 Nilpotent group C*-algebras as compact quantum metric spaces
1508.0981 Dynamical description of the fission process using the TD-BCS theory
1508.0982 Improving Reliability Performance of Diffusion-based Molecular Communication With Adaptive Threshold Variation Algorithm
1508.0983 Many-body theory of ultrafast demagnetization and angular momentum transfer in ferromagnetic transition metals
1508.0984 Dimension Reduction with Non-degrading Generalization
1508.0985 Constraints on scalar coupling to electromagnetism
1508.0986 On the Linear Belief Compression of POMDPs: A re-examination of current methods
1508.0987 On the Shoulders of Giants: Incremental Influence Maximization in Evolving Social Networks
1508.0988 Experimental realization of secure multi-party computation in an entanglement access to network
1508.0989 Critical mass renormalization in renormalized phi4 theories in two and three dimensions
1508.0990 New readout and data-acquisition system in an Electron-Tracking Compton Camera for MeV Gamma-Ray Astronomy (SMILE-II)
1508.0991 Equivalence relations among some inequalities on operator means
1508.0992 A Model Structure On The Category Of Small Acyclic Categories
1508.0993 Orbital Magnetization in Molecules and in Condensed Matter
1508.0994 Rationality does not specialize among terminal varieties
1508.0995 Nano-optomechanical Nonlinear Dielectric Metamaterials
1508.0996 Robust and Sensitive Method of Lyapunov Exponent for Heart Rate Variability
1508.0997 On the lack of semiconcavity of the subRiemannian distance in a class of Carnot groups
1508.0998 Single and Multiple Illuminant Estimation Using Convolutional Neural Networks
1508.0999 Approximation properties by generalized Baskakov Kantorovich Stancu type operators
1508.1000 Uniform Quadratic Optimization and Extensions
1508.1001 On propagation of photons in a magnetized medium
1508.1002 Positive almost periodic solution for Nicholson's blowflies models on time scales
1508.1003 A concentration of centimeter-sized grains in the Oph IRS 48 dust trap
1508.1004 Enhanced light emission from Carbon Nanotubes integrated in silicon micro-resonator
1508.1005 Atomistic details of oxide surfaces and surface oxidation: the example of copper and its oxides
1508.1006 Relation Classification via Recurrent Neural Network
1508.1007 Controlling carbon nanotube photoluminescence using silicon microring resonators
1508.1008 INsight: A Neuromorphic Computing System for Evaluation of Large Neural Networks
1508.1009 Stancu-variant of generalized Baskakov operators
1508.1010 Kinetic equation and magneto-conductance for Weyl metal in the clean limit
1508.1011 Learning from LDA using Deep Neural Networks
1508.1012 Ferromagnetic Spin Fluctuation and Unconventional Superconductivity in Rb$_{2}$Cr$_{3}$As$_{3}$ revealed by $^{75}$As NMR and NQR
1508.1013 Understanding corrosion inhibition with van der Waals DFT methods: the case of benzotriazole
1508.1014 Computational complexity of distance edge labeling
1508.1015 Light Emission in Silicon from Carbon Nanotubes
1508.1016 Derivation of the local-in-time fourth post-Newtonian ADM Hamiltonian for spinless compact binaries
1508.1017 The Bohmian Approach to the Problems of Cosmological Quantum Fluctuations
1508.1018 Evolutionary interplay between structure, energy and epistasis in the coat protein of the $phi chi 174$ phage family
1508.1019 Direct Estimation of the Derivative of Quadratic Mutual Information with Application in Supervised Dimension Reduction
1508.1020 Compact Stein surfaces as branched covers with same branch sets
1508.1021 Nucleon-pion-state contributions in the determination of the nucleon axial charge
1508.1022 Electroabsorption study of index-defined semiconducting carbon nanotubes
1508.1023 A review of heterogeneous data mining for brain disorders
1508.1024 A complete monotonicity result involving the $q$-polygamma functions
1508.1025 Topology of the elliptical billiard with the Hooke's potential
1508.1026 The influence of intruder states in even-even Po isotopes
1508.1027 Integrable lattices of hyperplanes related to billiards within confocal quadrics
1508.1028 Adiabatic Invariance of Oscillons/I-balls
1508.1029 Doubly-heralded single-photon absorption by a single atom
1508.1030 On Some Scalar Field Equations with Competing Coefficients
1508.1031 Local ultra faint dwarves as a product of Galactic processing during a Magellanic group infall
1508.1032 Performance of a radiatively cooled system for quantum optomechanical experiments in space
1508.1033 The link between accretion mode and environment in radio-loud active galaxies
1508.1034 Cosmic explosions, life in the Universe and the Cosmological Constant
1508.1035 Can star cluster environment affect dust input from massive AGB stars?
1508.1036 On perfect cones and absolute Baire-one retracts
1508.1037 X-ray Analysis of Filaments in Galaxy Clusters
1508.1038 A Perfect Terahertz Metamaterial Absorber
1508.1039 Higher Sobolev regularity for the fractional $p-$Laplace equation in the superquadratic case
1508.1040 Oscillating Casimir force of trapped Bose gas in electromagnetic field
1508.1041 Implementation of the Log-Conformation Formulation for Two-Dimensional Viscoelastic Flow
1508.1042 Colorful plane vortices and Chiral Symmetry Breaking in $SU(2)$ Lattice Gauge Theory
1508.1043 Qualitative properties of solutions for nonlinear Schr"odinger equations with nonlinear boundary conditions on the half-line
1508.1044 Vertical-Cavity In-plane Heterostructures: Physics and Applications
1508.1045 The QBF Gallery: Behind the Scenes
1508.1046 Three-loop Neutrino Mass Model with Doubly Charged Particles from Iso-Doublets
1508.1047 Thermal creep assisted dust lifting on Mars: Wind tunnel experiments for the entrainment threshold velocity
1508.1048 Double $L$-groups and doubly-slice knots
1508.1049 Cosmological and Particle Physics Constraints on a New Non-Abelian SU(3) Gauge Model for Ordinary/Dark Matter Interaction
1508.1050 Adaptive Multiple Importance Sampling for Gaussian Processes
1508.1051 Modeling of Breaching Due to Overtopping Flow and Waves Based on Coupled Flow and Sediment Transport
1508.1052 A general theorem on temporal foliation of causal sets
1508.1053 A Review of Technical Problems when Conducting an Investigation in Cloud Based Environments
1508.1054 Correlation functions and correlation widths in Quantum-Chaotic Scattering for mesoscopic systems and nuclei
1508.1055 Estimating snow cover from publicly available images
1508.1056 Edge modification criteria for enhancing the communicability of digraphs
1508.1057 On the convergence of the sparse possibilistic c-means algorithm
1508.1058 The asymptotic behavior of Palais-Smale sequences on manifolds with boundary
1508.1059 Offline and Online Models of Budget Allocation for Maximizing Influence Spread
1508.1060 Models of Innate Neural Attractors and Their Applications for Neural Information Processing
1508.1061 Pion transverse momentum dependent parton distributions in the Nambu and Jona-Lasinio model
1508.1062 Asymptotically optimal neighbour sum distinguishing total colourings of graphs
1508.1063 Giant negative thermal expansion covering room temperature in nanocrystalline GaNxMn3
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