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26 January 2025

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1509.0085 Hunting for dark matter subhalos among the Fermi-LAT sources with VERITAS
1509.0086 A bipartite separable ball and its applications
1509.0087 Two-Flavor Lattice QCD with a Finite Density of Heavy Quarks: Heavy-Dense Limit and "Particle-Hole" Symmetry
1509.0088 Efficiency of an enhanced linear optical Bell-state measurement scheme with realistic imperfections
1509.0089 A stabilized 18 GHz chip-scale optical frequency comb at 2.8x10-16 relative inaccuracy
1509.0090 On the solvability of confluent Heun equation and associated orthogonal polynomials
1509.0091 Fault Tolerant Control of Power Systems in presence of Sensor Failure
1509.0092 Explicit resilient functions matching Ajtai-Linial
1509.0093 ASHEE: a compressible, equilibrium-Eulerian model for volcanic ash plumes
1509.0094 Controlling properties of a hybrid Cooper pair box interacting with a nanomechanical resonator in the presence of Kerr nonlinearities and losses
1509.0095 Brewing Analytics Quality for Cloud Performance
1509.0096 Hybrid and iteratively reweighted regularization by unbiased predictive risk and weighted GCV
1509.0097 Shortcut to adiabatic holonomic quantum computation in decoherence-free subspace with transitionless quantum driving algorithm
1509.0098 On Some Conformally Invariant Operators in Euclidean Space
1509.0099 Bounds and Fixed-Parameter Algorithms for Weighted Improper Coloring (Extended Version)
1509.0100 Decidability of Equivalence of Aggregate Count-Distinct Queries
1509.0101 Quantum Spin Fluctuations and magnons in antiferromagnetically coupled bilayers with tuneable intra-bilayer exchange - the case of Cr$_2$W(Te)O$_6$
1509.0102 Collective rotation from ab initio theory
1509.0103 ANCOVA: A heteroscedastic global test when there is curvature and two covariates
1509.0104 Truth Discovery to Resolve Object Conflicts in Linked Data
1509.0105 Evolving Unipolar Memristor Spiking Neural Networks
1509.0106 Adaptive Smoothing Algorithms for Nonsmooth Composite Convex Minimization
1509.0107 Community detection in networks with unequal groups
1509.0108 Exact quantum numbers of collapsed and non-collapsed 2-string solutions in the Heisenberg spin chain
1509.0109 Performance of the ARIANNA Hexagonal Radio Array
1509.0110 Bayesian Models for Heterogeneous Personalized Health Data
1509.0111 Discovery Radiomics for Multi-Parametric MRI Prostate Cancer Detection
1509.0112 Quantum K-theoretic geometric Satake
1509.0113 Entanglement Holography
1509.0114 Multi-Sensor Slope Change Detection
1509.0115 Livetime and sensitivity of the ARIANNA Hexagonal Radio Array
1509.0116 FlatCam: Thin, Bare-Sensor Cameras using Coded Aperture and Computation
1509.0117 Discovery Radiomics for Computed Tomography Cancer Detection
1509.0118 Towards Tight Bounds for the Streaming Set Cover Problem
1509.0119 Elusive pure anapole excitation in homogenous spherical nanoparticles with radial anisotropy
1509.0120 Application of AdS/QCD to B physics
1509.0121 Tight fibered knots and band sums
1509.0122 Suppression of dephasing by qubit motion in superconducting circuits
1509.0123 Mode Selection, Resource Allocation and Power Control for D2D-Enabled Two-Tier Cellular Network
1509.0124 Recent Results on Light Hadrons from the BESIII Experiment
1509.0125 Finitistic dimension conjecture and radical-power extensions
1509.0126 Dynamic Network Formation with Foresighted Agents
1509.0127 DiffSum - A Simple Post-Election Risk-Limiting Audit
1509.0128 Characterizing the Rigidly Rotating Magnetosphere Stars HD 345439 and HD 23478
1509.0129 First Light Results from the Hermes Spectrograph at the AAT
1509.0130 Sequential Information Guided Sensing
1509.0131 Generalising separating families of fixed size
1509.0132 Thermally driven microwave emission from magnetic bilayers
1509.0133 Operational calculus and integral transforms for groups with finite propagation speed
1509.0136 The effect of stock market indexing on corporate tax avoidance
1509.0137 Online Supervised Subspace Tracking
1509.0138 L'in'egalit'e de Melin H"ormander en caract'eristiques multiples
1509.0139 Measurements of Ca II Infrared Triplet Lines of Young Stellar Objects
1509.0140 Extend the Kompaneets Equation to Down-Comptonization Process in a Novel Way
1509.0141 Characteristic cycles of highest weight Harish-Chandra modules for Sp(2n,R)
1509.0142 Une condition suffisante pour que le probl’eme de Cauchy soit bien pos'e
1509.0143 Motivic measures of moduli spaces of 1-dimensional sheaves on rational surfaces
1509.0144 Automatic Software Diversity in the Light of Test Suites
1509.0145 Center Vortices, Area Law and the Catenary Solution
1509.0146 Structure of near-threshold quasi-bound states
1509.0147 Stability of Elastic M"obius Band Configurations
1509.0148 Embeddings for General Relativity
1509.0149 Analysis of Hannan Consistent Selection for Monte Carlo Tree Search in Simultaneous Move Games
1509.0150 Cosmic Transients Test Einstein's Equivalence Principle out to GeV Energies
1509.0151 Learning A Task-Specific Deep Architecture For Clustering
1509.0152 Near horizon symmetry and entropy of black holes in $f(R)$ gravity and conformal gravity
1509.0153 Learning Deep $ell_0$ Encoders
1509.0154 Tumor Motion Tracking in Liver Ultrasound Images Using Mean Shift and Active Contour
1509.0155 Engineering Bright Solitons to Enhance the Stability of Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates
1509.0156 Homomorphisms into totally disconnected, locally compact groups with dense image
1509.0157 On the disk complexes of weakly reducible, unstabilized Heegaard splittings of genus three III - Generalized Heegaard splittings and mapping classes
1509.0158 Boosted Tidal Disruption by Massive Black Hole Binaries During Galaxy Mergers - In The View of N-Body Simulation
1509.0159 Preprint Virtual Reality Assistant Technology for Learning Primary Geography
1509.0160 Glueballs amass at RHIC and LHC Colliders! - The early quarkless 1st order phase transition at $T=270$ MeV - from pure Yang-Mills glue plasma to GlueBall-Hagedorn states
1509.0161 Adjacent Pairs Exchange correction to the Random Phase Approximation
1509.0162 Effect of carbon vacancies on structural and mechanical properties of stable zirconium carbides: A first principles study
1509.0163 Thermodynamics of a Large Class of Dynamical $Lambda (H)$-Models
1509.0164 Theorems of Tarski's Undefinability and Godel's Second Incompleteness - Computationally
1509.0165 Detection of Noisy and Flickering Pixels from SWIFT BAT Event Data
1509.0166 Cooperative Relaying in Underlay Cognitive Systems with Hardware Impairments
1509.0167 Low Delay Random Linear Coding Over a Stream
1509.0168 A new perspective on the Kosambi-Cartan-Chern theory, and its applications
1509.0169 Generation of neutral atomic beams utilizing photodetachment by high power diode laser stacks
1509.0170 Accretion, disks, and magnetic activity in the TW Hya association
1509.0171 Topological schemas of cognitive maps and spatial learning in the hippocampus
1509.0172 Adaptive, delayed-acceptance MCMC for targets with expensive likelihoods
1509.0173 Lax pairs on Yang-Baxter deformed backgrounds
1509.0174 A Telescopic Binary Learning Machine for Training Neural Networks
1509.0175 Geometric monodromy around the tropical limit
1509.0176 A distance limited sample of massive star forming cores from the RMS survey
1509.0177 Large time behavior of solutions to a degenerate parabolic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation
1509.0178 A variational method for second order shape derivatives
1509.0179 Searching for Trans Ethyl Methyl Ether in Orion KL
1509.0180 Localized starbursts in dwarf galaxies produced by impact of low metallicity cosmic gas clouds
1509.0181 Differentially Private Online Learning for Video Recommendation with Social Big Data over Media Cloud
1509.0182 Improvement in granularity of NdFeAsO0.8F0.2 superconductor through Ag doping
1509.0183 Light Bridge in a Developing Active Region. I. Observation of Light Bridge and its Dynamic Activity Phenomena
1509.0184 Boundary conditions for transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers in the continuum model
1509.0185 Flasher and muon-based calibration of the GCT telescopes proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
1509.0186 A Real-time Coherent Dedispersion Pipeline for the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope
1509.0187 Low dimensional linear representations of SAut(Fn)
1509.0188 Argon difluoride (ArF2) stabilized at high pressure
1509.0189 Echo chambers in the age of misinformation
1509.0190 GR2RSS: Publishing Linked Open Commerce Data as RSS and Atom Feeds
1509.0191 Kemer's Theory for H-Module Algebras with Application to the PI Exponent
1509.0192 Shape and evolution of wind-blown bubbles of massive stars: on the effect of the interstellar magnetic field
1509.0193 Optical Properties of Mono-Dispersed AlGaN Nanowires in the Single-Prong Growth Mechanism
1509.0194 Heavy Hadrons in Dense Matter
1509.0195 Higgs Boson Production via Gluon Fusion: Soft-Gluon Resummation including Mass Effects
1509.0196 Uncovering a Nonclassicality of the Schr"odinger Coherent State up to the Macro-Domain
1509.0197 Hadronic contributions to electroweak observables within DPT
1509.0198 The local counting function of operators of Dirac and Laplace type
1509.0199 A distance limited sample of massive molecular outflows
1509.0200 On the non-abelian Brumer-Stark conjecture
1509.0201 Transit-Depth Metallicity Correlation: A Bayesian Approach
1509.0202 Fingerprinting-Based Positioning in Distributed Massive MIMO Systems
1509.0203 Novel single phase vanadium dioxide nanostructured films for methane sensing near room temperature
1509.0204 Odd manifolds of small integral simplicial volume
1509.0205 Light Bridge in a Developing Active Region. II. Numerical Simulation of Flux Emergence and Light Bridge Formation
1509.0206 Fast Algorithms for the computation of Fourier Extensions of arbitrary length
1509.0207 Topological phases of the compass ladder model
1509.0208 Kinetic Simulation of Filament Growth Dynamics in Memristive Electrochemical Metallization Devices
1509.0209 Parton distribution functions with QED corrections
1509.0210 Strong-coupling phases of 3D Dirac and Weyl semimetals. A renormalization group approach
1509.0211 Average entropy of a subsystem along a global unitary orbit
1509.0212 Conformal gravity and "gravitational bubbles"
1509.0213 Renormalization functions for Nf=2 and Nf=4 Twisted Mass fermions
1509.0214 New Identification of the Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnant G298.6-0.0 with Possible Gamma-ray Association
1509.0215 Multiserial and special multiserial algebras and their representations
1509.0216 Multireference linearized Coupled Cluster theory for strongly correlated systems using Matrix Product States
1509.0217 A permutation Information Theory tour through different interest rate maturities: the Libor case
1509.0218 A Dynamic Modification to Sneutrino Chaotic Inflation
1509.0219 Clustering of the AKARI NEP Deep Field 24 $mu$m selected galaxies
1509.0220 Curling Numbers of Certain Graph Structures
1509.0221 Classical many-body systems with retarded interactions: dynamical irreversibility
1509.0222 Wilson loops at strong coupling for curved contours with cusps
1509.0223 Time Series with Tailored Nonlinearities
1509.0224 Impact of mobility structure on the optimization of small-world networks of mobile agents
1509.0225 Newtonian CAFE: a new ideal MHD code to study the solar atmosphere
1509.0226 Fission and spallation data evaluation using induced-activity method
1509.0227 Dicke subradiance in a large cloud of cold atoms
1509.0228 Equidistribution of the conormal cycle of random nodal sets
1509.0229 A projection algorithm on measures sets
1509.0230 The Be/X-ray binary system V 0332+53: A Short Review
1509.0231 Ergodic Backward Stochastic Difference Equations
1509.0232 Necessary conditions for an AdS-type instability
1509.0233 Realizations of Galilei algebras
1509.0234 Three-fluid-sourced, massive, two-charged, rotating as well as static wormholes
1509.0235 VHEeP: A very high energy electron-proton collider based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration
1509.0236 Trusted routing vs. VPN for secured data transfer over IP-networks/Internet
1509.0237 The effect of broadband soft X-rays in SO2-containing ices: Implication on the photochemistry of ices towards young stellar objects
1509.0238 Target Tracking in Confined Environments with Uncertain Sensor Positions
1509.0239 CASH: A Cost Asymmetric Secure Hash Algorithm for Optimal Password Protection
1509.0240 Variational formulation of relaxed and multi-region relaxed magnetohydrodynamics
1509.0241 When powers of a matrix coincide with its Hadamard powers
1509.0242 Generalization of the van der Waals equation for anisotropic fluids in porous media
1509.0243 Location-Aware Dynamic Resource Management for High-Speed Railway Wireless Communications
1509.0244 Robust Face Recognition via Multimodal Deep Face Representation
1509.0245 Inhomogeneous Thermal Quenches
1509.0246 Confinement and string breaking for QED$_2$ in the Hamiltonian picture
1509.0247 Approximations of standard equivalence relations and Bernoulli percolation at p\_u
1509.0248 A novel electromagnetic mode in neutral Weyl Semimetals
1509.0249 Algorithms for Network-on-Chip Design with Guaranteed QoS
1509.0250 Pinning-induced pn junction formation in low-bandgap two-dimensional semiconducting systems
1509.0251 On the decoupling of heavy states in higher-derivative supersymmetric field theories
1509.0252 Numerical accuracy of mean-field calculations in coordinate space
1509.0253 A large deviations approach to limit theory for heavy-tailed time series
1509.0254 Dispersive deformations of the Hamiltonian structure of Euler's equations
1509.0255 Intrinsic Ergodicity of Open dynamical systems for the doubling map
1509.0256 On the joint behaviour of speed and entropy of random walks on groups
1509.0257 Robust Global Adaptive Exponential Stabilization of Discrete-Time Systems with Application to Freeway Traffic Control
1509.0258 Addendum to 'Direct limits in the heart of a t-structure: The case of a torsion pair'
1509.0259 Photoelectron Emission from Metal Surfaces Induced by Radiation Emitted by a 14 GHz Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source
1509.0260 Pure morphic sequences and their standard forms
1509.0261 Inter-laboratory comparison of a WDS-EDS quantitative X-ray microanalysis of a metallic glass
1509.0262 Slowly rotating charged fluid balls in the presence of a cosmological constant
1509.0263 Time-dependent Bragg diffraction and short-pulse reflection by one-dimensional photonic crystals
1509.0264 Homoclinic tangencies to resonant saddles and discrete Lorenz attractors
1509.0265 Electric dipole polarizability: from few- to many-body systems
1509.0266 Using muon rings for the optical throughput calibration of the SST-1M prototype for the Cherenkov Telescope Array
1509.0267 Exact results for ${cal N}=2$ supersymmetric gauge theories on compact toric manifolds and equivariant Donaldson invariants
1509.0268 AMON: An Open Source Architecture for Online Monitoring, Statistical Analysis and Forensics of Multi-gigabit Streams
1509.0269 Some Triangulated Surfaces without Balanced Splitting
1509.0270 A Better Lower Bound Estimation of Brennan's Conjecture
1509.0271 Algebraic structures of groups of birational transformations
1509.0272 Diameter-Selective Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes via Polymers: A Competition between Adsorption and Bundling
1509.0273 Weak and strong $A_p$-$A_infty$ estimates for square functions and related operators
1509.0274 Anatomy of the AGN in NGC 5548: V. A clear view of the X-ray narrow emission lines
1509.0275 A characterization of L(2, 1)-labeling number for trees with maximum degree 3
1509.0276 Random lasers, L'evy statistics and spin glasses: Synergy between photonics and complex systems
1509.0277 A new discrete monotonicity formula with application to a two-phase free boundary problem in dimension two
1509.0278 An N-barrier maximum principle for elliptic systems arising from the study of traveling waves in reaction-diffusion systems
1509.0279 Information Sets of Multiplicity Codes
1509.0280 Magnetic-Field-Induced Polar Phase in Chiral Magnet CsCuCl$_3$
1509.0281 Kossel diffraction and photonic modes in one-dimensional photonic crystal
1509.0282 Non-standard Nonstandard Analysis and the computational content of standard mathematics
1509.0284 Driving spin excitations by hydrostatic pressure in BiFeO3
1509.0285 Double exponential stability for generic real-analytic elliptic equilibrium points
1509.0286 Five is More: Comments on Symmetry, Integrability, and Solvability for a Few Particles Trapped in One Dimension
1509.0287 Magnetic resonance in a singlet-triplet Josephson junction
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