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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 1.2016
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1601.0029 On the spectra of direct sums and Kronecker products of side length 2 hypermatrices
1601.0030 Influence of Polymer Shape on Depletion Potentials and Crowding in Colloid-Polymer Mixtures
1601.0033 Randomized Aperture Imaging
1601.0034 Stochastic Neural Networks with Monotonic Activation Functions
1601.0035 A fast lattice Green's function method for solving viscous incompressible flows on unbounded domains
1601.0036 VISION: A Six-Telescope Fiber-Fed Visible Light Beam Combiner for the Navy Precision Optical Interferometer
1601.0037 A finite element method for nematic liquid crystals with variable degree of orientation
1601.0039 The weak ideal property and topological dimension zero
1601.0040 Nonlinear hydrodynamic response confronts LHC data
1601.0041 Combinations of structures
1601.0042 Fast, Safe, and Propellant-Efficient Spacecraft Planning under Clohessy-Wiltshire-Hill Dynamics
1601.0043 Closures and generating sets related to combinations of structures
1601.0044 Pseudospectra of Matrix Pencils for Transient Analysis of Differential-Algebraic Equations
1601.0046 Line of magnetic monopoles and an extension of the Aharonov-Bohm effect
1601.0047 On a Poisson structure on Bott-Samelson varieties: computations in coordinates
1601.0048 Effects of thermal perturbations on magnetic dissipative droplet solitons
1601.0049 Inverse design of periodic metallic slits for extraordinary optical transmission
1601.0050 The proof-theoretic strength of Ramsey's theorem for pairs and two colors
1601.0051 On the $T$-leaves and the ranks of a Poisson structure on twisted conjugacy classes
1601.0052 Combinatorial Formulas for Certain Sequences of Multiple Numbers
1601.0053 Efficient Symmetrized DMRG Algorithm for Low-lying Excited States of Conjugated Carbon Systems: Application to Coronene, Ovalene and 1,12-Benzoperylene
1601.0054 Study of Milli-Jansky Seyfert Galaxies with Strong Forbidden High-Ionization Lines Using the Very Large Array Survey Images
1601.0056 Rapid rotational crust-core relaxation in magnetars
1601.0057 Tracking Dark Energy from Axion-Gauge Field Couplings
1601.0059 Controversies in the foundations of analysis: Comments on Schubring's Conflicts
1601.0060 The conical K"ahler-Ricci flow with weak initial data on Fano manifold
1601.0061 Wavelets and graph $C^*$-algebras
1601.0062 Practical Algorithms for Learning Near-Isometric Linear Embeddings
1601.0067 Point Source Detection Software in the SKA Era
1601.0068 Beyond linear elasticity: Jammed solids at finite shear strain and rate
1601.0069 Atmospheric Circulation of Hot Jupiters: Dayside-Nightside Temperature Differences
1601.0070 Implementation of Tidbinbilla 70-m On-The-Fly mapping and Hydrogen radio recombination line early results
1601.0071 Disorder Induced Vortex Lattice Melting in Bose-Einstein Condensate
1601.0072 GPU-Based Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm for Image Segmentation
1601.0073 Mimir: Bringing CTables into Practice
1601.0074 Self-deformation in a dc driven helium jet micro discharge
1601.0076 Bounds on topological Abelian string-vortex and string-cigar from information-entropic measure
1601.0077 Griffiths like Robust Ferromagnetism in Co3-xMnxTeO6; (x = 0.5, 1, 2)
1601.0078 A Characterization of the Normal Distribution by the Independence of a Pair of Random Vectors
1601.0081 Dark matter and localised fermions from spherical orbifolds?
1601.0085 Dynamic Multi-Factor Bid-Offer Adjustment Model: A Feedback Mechanism for Dealers (Market Makers) to Deal (Grapple) with the Uncertainty Principle of the Social Sciences
1601.0087 Sentiment/Subjectivity Analysis Survey for Languages other than English
1601.0090 Topological equivalence of holomorphic foliation germs of rank $1$ with isolated singularity in the Poincar'e domain
1601.0091 Proper motions of embedded protostellar jets in Serpens
1601.0092 Hyperinflation in Brazil, Israel, and Nicaragua revisited
1601.0094 Dependence of the amplitude of magnetoquantum oscillations of the metallic point-contact resistance on the bias voltage
1601.0095 Single-layer MoS$_2$ on Au(111): band gap renormalization and substrate interaction
1601.0096 Modular forms of real weights and generalized Dedekind symbols
1601.0097 Simple transitive 2-representations for two non-fiat 2-categories of projective functors
1601.0098 Nonlinear Predictor Feedback for Input-Affine Systems with Distributed Input Delays
1601.0100 Fractional Poincar'e inequality with finite total $Q$-curvature
1601.0104 Quantum States as Objective Informational Bridges
1601.0105 Long-Time Predictability in Disordered Spin Systems Following a Deep Quench
1601.0107 The shell model Monte Carlo approach to level densities: recent developments and perspectives
1601.0108 Precision and Sensitivity in Detailed-Balance Reaction Networks
1601.0109 Reverse degradation of nickel graphene junction by hydrogen annealing
1601.0110 Newtonian kinematical backreaction in cosmological $N$-body simulations with Delaunay Tesselation: "zero test" and scale dependence
1601.0111 Matrix weighted Poincar'e inequalities and applications to degenerate elliptic systems
1601.0112 Stability and bifurcation properties of the algorithms for keeping of differential equations solutions on the required level
1601.0113 Steering Bell-diagonal states
1601.0114 3-D Projected $ L_{1}$ inversion of gravity data
1601.0115 Revisiting CFHTLenS cosmic shear: Optimal E/B mode decomposition using COSEBIs and compressed COSEBIs
1601.0116 Sgr A* and its Environment: Low Mass Star Formation, the Origin of X-ray Gas and Collimated Outflow
1601.0117 Assessment of Systematic Chromatic Errors that Impact Sub-1% Photometric Precision in Large-Area Sky Surveys
1601.0119 Discriminative Sparsity for Sonar ATR
1601.0120 Polymers with nearest- and next nearest-neighbor interactions on the Husimi lattice
1601.0121 Quantum Interference between Transverse Spatial Waveguide Modes
1601.0122 Improving Performance of IEEE 802.11 by a Dynamic Control Backoff Algorithm Under Unsaturated Traffic Loads
1601.0123 Fast Timing for High-Rate Environments with Micromegas
1601.0124 On a conjecture of a logarithmically completely monotonic function
1601.0125 Initial Performance of BICEP3: A Degree Angular Scale 95 GHz Band Polarimeter
1601.0126 On some bounds for symmetric tensor rank of multiplication in finite fields
1601.0127 Semiclassical structure constants in the eta-deformed AdS_5 x S^5: Leading finite-size corrections
1601.0129 The Reduced-Order Hybrid Monte Carlo Sampling Smoother
1601.0130 Systematic errors in estimation of gravitational-wave candidate significance
1601.0131 Multiple periodic solutions for two classes of nonlinear difference systems involving classical $(phi_1,phi_2)$-Laplacian
1601.0133 On motivic Joyce-Song formula for the Behrend function identities
1601.0134 Analytical study on holographic superfluid in AdS soliton background
1601.0135 An Extreme Analogue of $epsilon$ Aurigae: An M-giant Eclipsed Every 69 Years by a Large Opaque Disk Surrounding a Small Hot Source
1601.0137 A unified, goal-oriented, hybridized reduced basis method and generalized polynomial chaos algorithm for partial differential equations with random inputs
1601.0139 Group Centrality for Semantic Networks: a SWOT analysis featuring Random Walks
1601.0140 First-principles calculations of electronic, optical, and thermodynamic properties of borophene
1601.0141 Detecting the historical roots of tribology research: a bibliometric analysis
1601.0142 Joint Estimation of Precision Matrices in Heterogeneous Populations
1601.0143 Wigner Quasi-probability Distribution Function for Two-mode Entangled Coherent States Generated by Beam Splitter and Cavity QED
1601.0144 Constacyclic and Quasi-Twisted Hermitian Self-Dual Codes over Finite Fields
1601.0145 Contact numbers for sphere packings
1601.0146 On some Frobenius groups with the same prime graph as the almost simple group PGL(2,49)
1601.0148 Renormalized coupling constants for 3D scalar lambdaphi^4 field theory and pseudo-epsilon-expansion
1601.0150 Quantum speed limit for noisy dynamics
1601.0151 Topological stability of continuous functions with respect to averaging by measures with locally constant densities
1601.0152 Information Exchange in Randomly Deployed Dense WSNs with Wireless Energy Harvesting Capabilities
1601.0154 Deviation from the normal mode expansion in a coupled graphene-nanomechanical system
1601.0155 Asymptotic behavior of the Laplacian quasi-maximum likelihood estimator of affine causal processes
1601.0156 Geons as wormholes of modified gravity
1601.0157 Theory of noise suppression in {Lambda}-type quantum memories by means of a cavity
1601.0158 Gauge invariance of thermal transport coefficients
1601.0159 PI : a Parallel in-memory skip list based Index
1601.0161 Wormholes as a cure for black hole singularities
1601.0162 The NH$_2$D hyperfine structure revealed by astrophysical observations
1601.0163 A Parameterized algorithm for Bounded-Degree Vertex Deletion
1601.0164 On a generalization of Nemhauser and Trotter's local optimization theorem
1601.0165 Magnetoquantum oscillations in the resistance of metallic point contacts: Influence of nonequilibrium phonons
1601.0166 Stability results of a distributed problem involving Bresse system with history and/or Cattaneo law under fully Dirichlet or mixed boundary conditions
1601.0168 Universal constructions for spaces of traffics
1601.0169 Braided C*-quantum groups
1601.0170 Diffeological vector pseudo-bundles, and diffeological pseudo-metrics on them as substitutes for Riemannian metrics
1601.0171 Quasi-Local Conserved Charges of Spin-3 Topologically Massive Gravity
1601.0172 On Quantitatively Measuring Controllability of Complex Networks
1601.0173 Quantum plasmonic sensing: beyond the shot-noise and diffraction limit
1601.0174 Universality in the mean spatial shape of avalanches
1601.0175 Minimax perfect stopping rules for selling an asset near its ultimate maximum
1601.0176 Interdependent Relationships in Game Theory: A Generalized Model
1601.0177 Counting lattice points in free sums of polytopes
1601.0178 Constraining Natural SUSY via the Higgs Coupling and the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment Measurements
1601.0179 Index-p abelianization data of p-class tower groups, II
1601.0180 Long-short GRBs within the horizon of the advanced LIGO/VIRGO network and Time lag between compact object coalescence and GRB onset
1601.0181 Implementing Brouwer's database of strongly regular graphs
1601.0183 Constraints On Holographic Cosmological Models From Gamma Ray Bursts
1601.0184 The Security of WebRTC
1601.0185 Asymptotic Analysis of a Three State Quantum Cryptographic Protocol
1601.0186 Moduli space of families of positive $(n-1)$-weights
1601.0187 High resolution ALMA observations of dense molecular medium in the central regions of active galaxies
1601.0188 Underground nuclear astrophysics: why and how
1601.0189 Color transparency in $pi^-$-induced dilepton production on nuclei
1601.0191 An Improved Intelligent Agent for Mining Real-Time Databases Using Modified Cortical Learning Algorithms
1601.0193 Adaptive Anisotropic Petrov-Galerkin Methods for First Order Transport Equations
1601.0194 Convergence Rate of Distributed ADMM over Networks
1601.0195 SXDF-UDS-CANDELS-ALMA 1.5 arcmin$^2$ deep survey
1601.0196 Higher-Derivative $f(R,Box R, T)$ Theories of Gravity
1601.0197 Anomalous Hall Effect on the surface of topological Kondo insulators
1601.0198 Analysis of Sparse Cutting-planes for Sparse MILPs with Applications to Stochastic MILPs
1601.0199 A Unified Framework for Compositional Fitting of Active Appearance Models
1601.0200 Quantitative interpretation of time-resolved coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy with all Gaussian pulses
1601.0201 A Deeper Look at Faint H$alpha$ Emission in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies
1601.0202 Current status linear regression
1601.0203 A Gamma Class Formula for Open Gromov-Witten Calculations
1601.0204 Analysis of a Stochastic Switched Model of Freeway Traffic Incidents
1601.0205 The inverse problem for canonically bounded rank-one transformations
1601.0206 On general characterization of Young measures associated with Borel functions
1601.0207 Subrings of $mathbb{C}$ Generated by Angles
1601.0208 Characterizing Dust Attenuation in Local Star Forming Galaxies: UV and Optical Reddening
1601.0209 Rogue waves of the Kundu-Eckhaus equation in a chaotic wave field
1601.0210 Susceptibility of texture measures to noise: an application to lung tumor CT images
1601.0211 A fractal dimension based optimal wavelet packet analysis technique for classification of meningioma brain tumours
1601.0212 Supervised Texture Segmentation: A Comparative Study
1601.0213 Molecular design and control of fullerene-based bi-thermoelectric materials
1601.0215 The Origin of UV-optical Variability in AGN and Test of Disc Models: XMM-Newton and ground based observations of NGC4395
1601.0218 A search for systemic mass loss in Algols with bow shocks
1601.0219 On twisting real spectral triples by algebra automorphisms
1601.0220 Sensing Single Molecules with Carbon-Boron-Nitride Nanotubes
1601.0221 Faster GPU Based Genetic Programming Using A Two Dimensional Stack
1601.0224 Basic concepts in single-molecule electronics
1601.0225 Identifying the Optimal Integration Time in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
1601.0227 Layer thickness-dependent phonon properties and thermal conductivity of MoS2
1601.0228 Hopf automorphisms and twisted extensions
1601.0229 A detailed heterogeneous agent model for a single asset financial market with trading via an order book
1601.0231 Fluctuations in a Cosmology with a Space-Like Singularity and their Gauge Theory Dual Description
1601.0232 Homological stability for moduli spaces of high dimensional manifolds. II
1601.0234 Ancilla Assisted Quantum Information Processing: General protocols and NMR implementations
1601.0237 Assessing Time-Varying Causal Effect Moderation in Mobile Health
1601.0238 Dimensionality-Dependent Generalization Bounds for $k$-Dimensional Coding Schemes
1601.0241 On the first order asymptotics of partial Bergman kernels
1601.0243 An Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Bifurcations in a Kolmogorov-Like Flow
1601.0244 True method to analyze electromechanical stability of dielectric elastomers
1601.0245 Funding acknowledgment analysis:Queries and Caveats
1601.0246 Hierarchical-distributed optimized coordination of intersection traffic
1601.0249 Calibration and GEANT4 Simulations of the Phase II Proton Compute Tomography (pCT) Range Stack Detector
1601.0252 Greedy online colouring with buffering
1601.0253 A concentric plasmonic platform for the efficient excitation of surface plasmon-polaritons
1601.0254 Euler characteristic reciprocity for chromatic and order polynomials
1601.0255 Event-triggered Communication in Wide-area Damping Control: A Limited Output Feedback Based Approach
1601.0256 Underlay Spectrum Sharing Techniques with In-band Full-Duplex Systems using Improper Gaussian Signaling
1601.0257 Modave Lectures on Applied AdS/CFT with Numerics
1601.0258 Infinite Horizon Risk-Sensitive Control of Diffusions Without Any Blanket Stability Assumptions
1601.0259 The ${Upsilon}(1S)$ ${ o}$ $B_{c}{ ho}$ decay with perturbative QCD approach
1601.0261 On the Stanley depth of the path ideal of a cycle graph
1601.0262 A trichotomy theorem for transformation groups of locally symmetric manifolds and topological rigidity
1601.0263 Time and Frequency Structure of Causal Correlation Network in China Bond Market
1601.0264 Three Tools to Aid Visualisation of FITS Files for Astronomy
1601.0266 Detecting Diffuse Sources in Astronomical Images
1601.0268 A user guide for Singularity
1601.0270 Frequency Estimation of Multiple Sinusoids with Sub-Nyquist Sampling Sequences
1601.0272 Treelike quintet systems
1601.0273 Tripartite Entanglement Dynamics in the presence of Non-Markovian Environment
1601.0274 Power Series in Several Complex Variables
1601.0275 Interactive Proof-of-Stake
1601.0278 Heavy Quark and Quarkonium Transport in High Energy Nuclear Collisions
1601.0279 Demonstrating nonclassicality and non-Gaussianity of single-mode fields: Bell-type tests using generalized phase-space distributions
1601.0280 Gravitational collapse and the thermal evolution of low-metallicity gas clouds in the early Universe
1601.0281 A note on some Poincar'e inequalities on convex sets by Optimal Transport methods
1601.0282 10C continued: a deeper radio survey at 15.7 GHz
1601.0283 Complete cosmic scenario in the Randall-Sundrum braneworld from the dynamical systems perspective
1601.0285 Vector-Like Exotics in F-Theory and 750 GeV Diphotons
1601.0286 Structure-Preserving Sparsification Methods for Social Networks
1601.0287 Wavelet Scattering on the Pitch Spiral
1601.0288 Identification of long-term concept-symbols among citations: Can documents be clustered in terms of common intellectual histories?
1601.0290 Incidence bounds and applications over finite fields
1601.0291 A rotating helical filament in the L1251 dark cloud
1601.0292 Fast structured matrix computations: tensor rank and Cohn--Umans method
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