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Articles rated:
26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 3.2016
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1603.0086 Accretion of Chondrules formed by Impact Jetting in Magnetically Induced Turbulent Solar Nebula
1603.0087 Effective Sequential Protocol Composition in Maude-NPA
1603.0088 Yangian-type symmetries of non-planar leading singularities
1603.0089 Experimental Perfect Quantum State Transfer
1603.0090 Visco-Resistive Plasmoid Instability
1603.0091 PROMETHEE is Not Quadratic: An O(qn log(n)) Algorithm
1603.0092 Interlinked Cycles for Index Coding: Generalizing Cycles and Cliques
1603.0093 Mean-square radii in mixed-species systems in two dimensions
1603.0094 $K$-series X-rays yield measurement of kaonic hydrogen atoms in gaseous target
1603.0096 Temperature and voltage measurement in quantum systems far from equilibrium
1603.0097 Signatures of criticality arise in simple neural population models with correlations
1603.0098 Cosmogenic Activation of Materials Used in Rare Event Search Experiments
1603.0099 A Fitting Model for Asymmetric I-V Characteristics of Graphene Field-Effect Transistors for Extraction of Intrinsic Mobilities
1603.0100 Crashing Modulus Attack on Modular Squaring for Rabin Cryptosystem
1603.0102 Implicit-explicit linear multistep methods for stiff kinetic equations
1603.0103 Polynomial Assignments for Bott-Samelson manifolds
1603.0104 Dynamic Stackelberg User-in-the-Loop Repeated Game for Device-to-Device Communications
1603.0105 Robust fractional quantum Hall effect and composite fermions in the $N=2$ Landau level in bilayer graphene
1603.0106 Designing Domain Specific Word Embeddings: Applications to Disease Surveillance
1603.0107 Prime number theorems and holonomies for hyperbolic rational maps
1603.0108 Generators for comonoids and universal constructions
1603.0109 On the Toeplitz-Jacobson algebra and direct finiteness
1603.0110 Robust Multi-body Feature Tracker: A Segmentation-free Approach
1603.0111 Softening Mechanism of Coherent Phonons in Antimony Under High Density Photoexcitation
1603.0113 Directed Self-Assembly of Linear Nanostructures by Optimal Control of External Electrical Fields
1603.0114 Continuous Cocycle Superrigidity for Shifts and Groups with One End
1603.0115 Highly super-Chandrasekhar white dwarfs in an extensive GRMHD framework
1603.0116 T-duality simplifies bulk-boundary correspondence: the general case
1603.0118 Generalized estimating equations for vector regression
1603.0119 From Duels to Battefields: Computing Equilibria of Blotto and Other Games
1603.0120 Two-photon up-conversion affected by inter-molecule correlations near metallic nanostructure
1603.0121 A note on Lee-Yang zeros in the negative half-plane
1603.0122 Transmission dynamics of an SIS model with age structure on heterogeneous networks
1603.0123 A large class of bound-state solutions of the Schr"odinger equation via Laplace transform of the confluent hypergeometric equation
1603.0124 Learning Multilayer Channel Features for Pedestrian Detection
1603.0125 A Note on Rational Cuspidal curves on $mathbb{Q}$-Homology Projective Planes
1603.0126 Information Measures, Experiments, Multi-category Hypothesis Tests, and Surrogate Losses
1603.0127 Gravitational Effects on Measurements of the Muon Dipole Moments
1603.0128 Cascaded Subpatch Networks for Effective CNNs
1603.0129 The homomorphism lattice induced by a finite algebra
1603.0130 $J/{psi}$ ${ o}$ $DP$, $DV$ decays in the QCD factorization approach
1603.0131 Platform Autonomous Custom Scalable Service using Service Oriented Cloud Computing Architecture
1603.0132 A Universal Update-pacing Framework For Visual Tracking
1603.0133 Asymptotic Analysis of Random Lattices in High Dimensions
1603.0135 Nonlocal homogenization for nonlinear metamaterials
1603.0136 Exploring a missing link between peculiar, sub- and super-Chandrasekhar type Ia supernovae by modifying Einstein's gravity
1603.0137 A Short Proof of Strassen's Theorem Using Convex Analysis
1603.0139 Shapes of polynomial Julia sets, revisited
1603.0140 A search for chaos in the blazar: W2R 1926+42 and its possible consequence
1603.0142 Discovery of a millisecond pulsar in the 5.4 day binary 3FGL J1417.5-4402: observing the late phase of pulsar recycling
1603.0144 Geometric spin echo under zero field
1603.0145 On Tie Strength Augmented Social Correlation for Inferring Preference of Mobile Telco Users
1603.0146 Storm Detection by Visual Learning Using Satellite Images
1603.0147 Loop $W(a,b)$ Lie conformal algebra
1603.0148 Morphology and kinematics of the gas envelope of Mira Ceti
1603.0149 A Fast Distributed Algorithm for Large-Scale Demand Response Aggregation
1603.0150 GOGMA: Globally-Optimal Gaussian Mixture Alignment
1603.0151 Gravitational Wave Memory In dS$_{4+2n}$ and 4D Cosmology
1603.0152 Full-deautonomisation of a lattice equation
1603.0153 Quantum entanglement of electrons in a biased 1D two-probe device
1603.0154 Broadcast Repair for Wireless Distributed Storage Systems
1603.0155 Instability analysis of spin torque oscillator with an in-plane magnetized free layer and a perpendicularly magnetized pinned layer
1603.0156 Dynamical signatures of molecular symmetries in nonequilibrium quantum transport
1603.0158 Electronic Quantum Confinement in Cylindrical Potential Well
1603.0160 Design and Analysis Framework for Sparse FIR Channel Shortening
1603.0161 Smallest Irreducible of the Form $x^2-dy^2$
1603.0163 Evidence for correlated states in a cluster of bosons with Rashba spin-orbit coupling
1603.0164 Nuclear medium effects in $F_{2A}^{EM}(x,Q^2)$ and $F_{2A}^{Weak}(x,Q^2)$ structure functions
1603.0166 Elliptic gradient estimates for a nonlinear heat equation and applications
1603.0167 Cross Sections for proton induced high energy $gamma$-ray emission (PIGE) in reaction $^{19}$F(p,$alphagamma$)$^{16}$O at incident proton energies between 1.5 and 4 MeV
1603.0168 New optimized Schwarz algorithms for one dimensional Schr"odinger equation with general potential
1603.0169 Energy Efficient Transmission for Multicast Services in MISO Distributed Antenna Systems
1603.0170 Evanescent optical trapping of nanoscale particles using slotted tapered optical fibres
1603.0172 Exact renormalisation group equations and loop equations for tensor models
1603.0175 The structure of the polynomials in preconditioned BiCG algorithms and the switching direction of preconditioned systems
1603.0176 Analysis of the structure of the Krylov subspace in various preconditioned CGS algorithms
1603.0177 Exact BPS domain walls at finite gauge coupling
1603.0178 A comparative study of protocols for secure quantum communication under noisy environment: single-qubit-based protocols versus entangled-state-based protocols
1603.0179 Phase diagram of the two-fluid Lipkin model: a butterfly catastrophe
1603.0180 A note on rough statistical convergence
1603.0181 Absence of Giant Spin Splitting in the Two-Dimensional Electron Liquid at the Surface of SrTiO$_3$ (001)
1603.0182 Protecting suppliers' private information: the case of stock levels and the impact of correlated items
1603.0183 A note on rough statistical convergence of order $alpha$
1603.0184 On the Monogamy of Holographic $n$-partite Information
1603.0185 X-ray-binary spectra in the lamp post model
1603.0186 Canonical modules of complexes
1603.0187 Normalizers of Primitive Permutation Groups
1603.0188 The Nonlinear Analytical Envelope Equation in quadratic nonlinear crystals
1603.0189 On a certain family of U(b)-modules
1603.0190 Ferromagnetic resonance and magnetic damping in C-doped Mn5Ge3
1603.0191 Room-temperature transport of indirect excitons in (Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells
1603.0193 Plethystic identities and mixed Hodge structures of character varieties
1603.0194 The Hydrodynamics of Active Systems
1603.0195 A nonstiff solution for the stochastic neutron point kinetics equations
1603.0196 Multivariate Krawtchouk polynomials and composition birth and death processes
1603.0197 A Proof of the Bar'at-Thomassen Conjecture
1603.0198 Decomposing highly edge-connected graphs into homomorphic copies of a fixed tree
1603.0199 The Shaping of the Multipolar Pre-Planetary Nebula CRL 618 by Multi-directional Bullets
1603.0200 Beware of the Small-World neuroscientist!
1603.0201 On stabilizing the variance of dynamic functional brain connectivity time series
1603.0202 Peculiar Lapse of Periodic Eclipsing Event at Low Mass X-ray Binary GRS 1747$-$312 during Suzaku Observation in 2009
1603.0203 Harvesting the (Self-)Interference in Heterogeneous Full-Duplex Networks For Joint Rate-Energy Optimization
1603.0206 A new approach to the Tarry-Escott problem
1603.0207 Sets of bounded remainder for the continuous irrational rotation on $[0,1)^2$
1603.0208 Approximation of a free Poisson process by systems of freely independent particles
1603.0210 Phase-only signal reconstruction by MagnitudeCut
1603.0211 On the Statistical Performance of the Generalized Power Method for Angular Synchronization
1603.0212 Graphene with vacancies: supernumerary zero modes
1603.0213 An Optimal Algorithm for l1-Heavy Hitters in Insertion Streams and Related Problems
1603.0216 Structural, electronic and optical properties of well-known primary explosive: Mercury fulminate
1603.0217 A class of globally solvable Markovian quadratic BSDE systems and applications
1603.0218 Alternative multiplications and non-associativity in physics
1603.0219 The data processing pipeline for the Herschel SPIRE Fourier Transform Spectrometer
1603.0220 Evolution of electron Fermi surface with doping in cobaltates
1603.0221 Bumblebees minimize control challenges by combining active and passive modes in unsteady winds
1603.0222 Isotropic geometry of graph surfaces associated with product production functions in economics
1603.0224 Numerically Fitting The Electron Fermi Energy and The Electron Fraction in A Neutron Star
1603.0225 Non equilibrium optical properties in semiconductors from first--principles: a combined theoretical and experimental study of bulk silicon
1603.0226 Finding the Nucleoli of Large Cooperative Games: A Disproof with Counter-Example
1603.0227 On the vortex filament conjecture for Euler flows
1603.0230 Neutrino masses and ordering via gravitational waves, photon and neutrino detections
1603.0231 Classifying Unidentified Gamma-ray Sources
1603.0232 Cost Optimisation of an Instrument Suite at an Accelerator-Driven Spallation Source
1603.0234 M-curves and symmetric products
1603.0235 Oracle Estimation of a Change Point in High Dimensional Quantile Regression
1603.0236 Interference effect between $phi$ and $Lambda(1520)$ production channels in the $gamma p ightarrow K^+K^-p$ reaction near threshold
1603.0237 Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type A
1603.0239 A Solution Theory for a General Class of SPDEs
1603.0240 High pressure structural, electronic, and optical properties of polymorphic InVO4 phases
1603.0241 An Extension Theorem for convex functions of class $C^{1,1}$ on Hilbert spaces
1603.0242 3-nets realizing a diassociative loop in a projective plane
1603.0244 Caching Incentive Design in Wireless D2D Networks: A Stackelberg Game Approach
1603.0247 Electrons diffraction scattering on a traveling wave - "Inelastic Kapitza-Dirac effect"
1603.0249 Polarization angle swings in blazars: The case of 3C 279
1603.0251 An Introduction to L'evy and Feller Processes. Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona 2014
1603.0254 On the hardness of switching to a small number of edges
1603.0255 The Minimal R$ u$MDM Model
1603.0256 Long-range and quasi-long-range order in a triangular lattice Ising AF/FM bilayer
1603.0257 On the effect of wear on asperity heigth distributions, and the corresponding effect in the mechanical response
1603.0259 $L^p (p>1)$ solutions of BSDEs with generators satisfying some non-uniform conditions in $t$ and $omega$
1603.0261 textit{Ab initio} study of reactive collisions between Rb($^{2}S$) or Rb($^{2}P$) and OH$^{-}$($^{1}Sigma^{+}$)
1603.0262 Selecting M-giants with infra-red photometry: Distances, metallicities and the Sagittarius stream
1603.0263 Calibration of Radio Interferometers Using a Sparse DoA Estimation Framework
1603.0264 Improved 2D Intelligent Driver Model simulating synchronized flow and evolution concavity in traffic flow
1603.0265 Spectral properties of unimodular lattice triangulations
1603.0266 Can Einstein with Bohr Debate on Quantum Mechanics Be Closed?
1603.0267 Band-Passes and Long Virtual Knot Concordance
1603.0269 The Sobolev moment problem and Jordan dilations
1603.0270 On the origins of polarization holes in Bok globules
1603.0271 A canonical rate-independent model of geometrically linear isotropic gradient plasticity with isotropic hardening and plastic spin accounting for the Burgers vector
1603.0272 Stochastic systems with memory and jumps
1603.0273 Component Based Modeling of Ultrasound Signals
1603.0274 WKB-like approach to Sauter-Schwinger pair production in spacetime-dependent fields
1603.0276 Secondary fast reconnecting instability in the sawtooth crash
1603.0277 Exciton Radiative Lifetime in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers
1603.0278 Methods used by WHO to estimate the Global burden of TB disease
1603.0279 A second order implicit difference scheme for time-space fractional convection-diffusion equations
1603.0280 Smoothing and non-smoothing via a flow tangent to the Ricci flow
1603.0281 Error analysis of linear optics measurements via turn-by-turn beam position data in circular accelerators
1603.0283 Visualizing "Fermi arcs" in the Weyl semimetal TaAs
1603.0285 Kernel-based Tests for Joint Independence
1603.0286 How to Re-Divide a Cake Fairly
1603.0287 A $gammagamma$ Collider for the 750 GeV Resonant State
1603.0289 Boundary-Finite Element discretization of time dependent acoustic scattering by elastic obstacles with piezoelectric behavior
1603.0290 Width of the exotic $X_b(5568)$ state through its strong decay to $B_s^{0} pi^{+}$
1603.0291 T Pyxidis: Death by a Thousand Novae
1603.0293 RWebData: A High-Level Interface to the Programmable Web
1603.0298 Production and Interactions of Hyperons and Hypernuclei
1603.0301 A Real-Space Cluster-Dynamical Mean Field Approach to the Falicov-Kimball Model: An Alloy-Analogy Approach
1603.0302 MIMO-NOMA Design for Small Packet Transmission in the Internet of Things
1603.0303 Tattooing and the Tattoo Number of Graphs
1603.0304 Spectral duality in elliptic systems, six-dimensional gauge theories and topological strings
1603.0306 Revealing the ultrafast light-to-matter energy conversion before heat diffusion in a layered Dirac semimetal
1603.0309 Modeling non-thermal emission from stellar bow shocks
1603.0310 Gribov process advected by the synthetic compressible velocity ensemble: Renormalization Group Approach
1603.0311 Why does Monte Carlo fail to work properly in high-dimensional optimization problems?
1603.0312 Chromatic number of ordered graphs with forbidden ordered subgraphs
1603.0313 Effect of electron-hole separation on optical properties of individual Cd(Se,Te) Quantum Dots
1603.0314 Photon merging and splitting in electromagnetic field inhomogeneities
1603.0315 Measurement of two-photon exchange effect by comparing elastic $e^pm p$ cross sections
1603.0316 Convergence of Limited Communications Gradient Methods
1603.0317 Finite element approximation for the fractional eigenvalue problem
1603.0319 Nakamaye's theorem on complex manifolds
1603.0320 An example of the Rvachev function method
1603.0321 Generating a perfect quantum optical vortex
1603.0322 On synchronization and consensus patterns in complex networks: from analysis to control
1603.0324 The $alpha$-Modulation Transform: Admissibility, Coorbit Theory and Frames of Compactly Supported Functions
1603.0325 The Diameters of Transportation Polytopes satisfy the Hirsch Conjecture
1603.0328 Turbulence-generated proton-scale structures in the terrestrial magnetosheath
1603.0331 Completely decomposable Jacobian varieties in new genera
1603.0334 Finite F-type and F-abundant modules
1603.0335 How much radioactive nickel does ASASSN-15lh require?
1603.0336 Projection based model order reduction methods for the estimation of vector-valued variables of interest
1603.0338 The $omega$-SQUIPT: phase-engineering of Josephson topological materials
1603.0339 Shear-banding and Taylor-Couette instability in thixotropic yield stress fluids
1603.0341 On the Linear Stability of Sheared and Magnetized Jets Without Current Sheets - Non-Relativistic Case
1603.0342 Are we living in a quantum world? Bohr and quantum fundamentalism
1603.0343 A note on stability of spacecrafts and underwater vehicles
1603.0345 Casimir-Polder interaction of neutrons with metal or dielectric surfaces
1603.0346 Constraints on Scalar Leptoquark from Kaon Sector
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