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26 January 2025
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2025, 2016
12, 4.2016
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1604.0063 Non-equilibrium piezo-thermal effect in spinning gas
1604.0067 Torsion or not torsion, that is the question
1604.0069 Cross-Frequency Coupling of Neuronal Oscillations During Cognition
1604.0070 Bulk Comptonization by Turbulence in Accretion Disks
1604.0072 Cohn path algebras of higher-rank graphs
1604.0074 Waveform Design for Wireless Power Transfer
1604.0075 An Operator-Based Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method Compatible With the BSSN Formulation of the Einstein Equations
1604.0076 Quasisymmetric Functions from Combinatorial Hopf Monoids and Ehrhart Theory
1604.0077 Neural Attention Models for Sequence Classification: Analysis and Application to Key Term Extraction and Dialogue Act Detection
1604.0079 Effect of periodic potential on exciton states in semiconductor carbon nanotubes
1604.0080 Graphical Perception in Animated Bar Charts
1604.0082 A track-before-detect labelled multi-Bernoulli particle filter with label switching
1604.0083 The fine structure of operator mice
1604.0084 Dynamical Electroweak Symmetry Breaking in the model of electroweak-scale right-handed neutrinos
1604.0085 Ensemble Monte Carlo for III-V and Si n-channel FinFETs considering non-equilibrium degenerate statistics and quantum-confined scattering
1604.0086 Graphene bubbles on a substrate : Universal shape and van der Waals pressure
1604.0087 Automated point-neuron simplification of data-driven microcircuit models
1604.0088 Plasticity-induced restructuring of a nanocrystalline grain boundary network
1604.0089 H{alpha} Imaging of Nearby Seyfert Host Galaxies
1604.0090 ISM gas studies towards the TeV PWN HESS J1825-137 and northern region
1604.0091 Learning warps object representations in the ventral temporal cortex
1604.0092 Variational reaction-diffusion systems for semantic segmentation
1604.0093 Devising local protocols for multipartite quantum measurements
1604.0096 Observation of 2D fermionic Mott insulators of $^{40}$K with single-site resolution
1604.0097 Occupation times of general L'evy processes
1604.0098 Thermoluminescent characteristics of LiF:Mg,Cu,P and CaSO$_4$:Dy for low dose measurement
1604.0099 Inverse problems for Jacobi operators IV: Interior mass-spring perturbations of semi-infinite systems
1604.0100 A Compositional Approach to Language Modeling
1604.0101 On Schauder estimates for a class of nonlocal fully nonlinear parabolic equations
1604.0102 Lyman continuum leaking AGN in the SSA22 field
1604.0103 Priority Mechanism of Bitcoin and Its Effect on Transaction-Confirmation Process
1604.0105 Option pricing under fast-varying long-memory stochastic volatility
1604.0106 Dynamic Symmetries and Quantum Nonadiabatic Transitions
1604.0107 Secret-Key Agreement with Public Discussion subject to an Amplitude Constraint
1604.0108 Evidence of both surface and bulk Dirac bands in ZrSiS and the unconventional magnetoresistance
1604.0109 Krawtchouk matrices from the Feynman path integral and from the split quaternions
1604.0111 Computing Join Queries with Functional Dependencies
1604.0112 A Spectroscopic Survey of Massive Stars in M31 and M33Ph
1604.0113 Tropical Coordinates on the Space of Persistence Barcodes
1604.0114 Wrapped microlocal sheaves on pairs of pants
1604.0115 Linear determinantal representations of smooth plane cubics over finite fields
1604.0116 Publicly Verifiable Blind Quantum Computation
1604.0117 Domain Adaptation of Recurrent Neural Networks for Natural Language Understanding
1604.0118 Data Injection Attacks on Smart Grids with Multiple Adversaries: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
1604.0119 Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Methods for Categorizing Posts in Web Discussion Forums
1604.0120 Coherent Microwave Control of Ultracold $^{23}$Na$^{40}$K Molecules
1604.0121 Common fixed point theorems for Hybrid generalized $(F,varphi)$-contractions under common limit range property with applications
1604.0124 Analytical formula of quantum discord for two qubit X states
1604.0125 AttSum: Joint Learning of Focusing and Summarization with Neural Attention
1604.0126 Nonparametric Spherical Topic Modeling with Word Embeddings
1604.0129 A millisecond pulsar in an extremely wide binary system
1604.0131 PSR J1024-0719: A Millisecond Pulsar in an Unusual Long-Period Orbit
1604.0132 Electronic Band Structure Non-linear Effects in the Stopping of Protons in Copper
1604.0133 Good Practice in CNN Feature Transfer
1604.0134 The gyrokinetic resonant theory of low frequency electromagnetic perturbation
1604.0135 On the Performance of RF-FSO Links with and without Hybrid ARQ
1604.0136 It's Moving! A Probabilistic Model for Causal Motion Segmentation in Moving Camera Videos
1604.0137 Laser frequency locking with 46 GHz offset using an electro-optic modulator for magneto-optical trapping of francium atoms
1604.0138 Multiscale model reduction method for Bayesian inverse problems of subsurface flow
1604.0139 Observation of the Type-II Weyl Semimetal Phase in MoTe2
1604.0140 Designing New Electrolytes for Lithium Ion Batteries Using Superhalogen Anions
1604.0141 Ultra slow-roll G-inflation
1604.0142 Asymptotic behavior of positively curved steady Ricci Solitons, II
1604.0143 On-chip storage of broadband photonic qubits in a cavity-protected rare-earth ensemble
1604.0144 Low-metallicity Young Clusters in the Outer Galaxy. II. Sh 2-208
1604.0145 Coherence non-generating channels
1604.0146 Pre-symplectic algebroids and their applications
1604.0147 Learning a Pose Lexicon for Semantic Action Recognition
1604.0148 Market Integration in the Prewar Japanese Rice Markets
1604.0149 An example of a non-Borel locally-connected finite-dimensional topological group
1604.0150 A Polish group containing a Haar null $F_sigma$-subgroup that cannot be enlarged to a Haar null $G_delta$-set
1604.0151 Gradient-based learning algorithms with constant-error estimators: stability and convergence
1604.0152 On the relationship between G-band bright point dynamics and their magnetic field strengths
1604.0153 Definable categories and T-motives
1604.0154 On realizing Lov'asz-optimum orthogonal representation in the real Hilbert space
1604.0156 Conductivities in an anisotropic medium
1604.0159 Actions of compact quantum groups
1604.0160 Wide-band, nanoscale magnetic resonance spectroscopy using quantum relaxation of a single spin in diamond
1604.0161 Non-self-adjoint hamiltonians defined by generalized Riesz bases
1604.0162 Relations between assumption-based approaches in nonmonotonic logic and formal argumentation
1604.0163 Asphericity of a length four relative group presentation
1604.0164 Andreev reflection in s-type superconductor proximized 3D topological insulator
1604.0168 Axisymmetric Indentation of Curved Elastic Membranes by a Convex Rigid Indenter
1604.0172 Finite size effects on the phase diagram of the thermodynamical cluster model
1604.0173 A new VLA/e-MERLIN limit on central images in the gravitational lens system CLASS B1030+074
1604.0174 Role of Rotations on Surface Diffusion of Water Trimers on Pd{111}
1604.0175 Quantifying Location Sociality
1604.0176 Magnetocrystalline anisotropy of FePt: a detailed view
1604.0177 Mechanisms of the isospin-breaking decay $f_1(1285) o f_0(980)pi^0 opi^+pi^-pi^0$
1604.0178 Approaching Optimal Centralized Scheduling with CSMA-based Random Access over Fading Channels
1604.0179 Arguing on entropic and enthalpic first-order phase transitions in strongly interacting matter
1604.0180 Sub-Riemannian curvature and a Gauss-Bonnet theorem in the Heisenberg group
1604.0181 Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n,{alpha}){alpha} reaction at n_TOF
1604.0182 Some properties of Generalized Fibonacci difference bounded and $p$-absolutely convergent sequences
1604.0183 Constraining the time evolution of dark energy, curvature and neutrino properties with cosmic chronometers
1604.0184 Nematic quantum critical point without magnetism in FeSe1-xSx superconductors
1604.0185 Broad [CII] line wings as tracer of molecular and multi-phase outflows in infrared bright galaxies
1604.0187 PHOCNet: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Word Spotting in Handwritten Documents
1604.0188 Spin flip of multiqubit states in discrete phase space
1604.0189 Laser cooling of high temperature oscillator by multi-level system
1604.0190 Modeling battery cells under discharge using kinetic and stochastic battery models
1604.0191 The quiescent phase of galactic disc growth
1604.0192 Singing Voice Separation and Vocal F0 Estimation based on Mutual Combination of Robust Principal Component Analysis and Subharmonic Summation
1604.0193 New proofs of Borwein-type algorithms for Pi
1604.0194 Effect of particle fluctuation on isoscaling and isobaric yield ratio of nuclear multifragmentation
1604.0195 Volume-preserving mean curvature flow for tubes in rank one symmetric spaces of non-compact type
1604.0196 Pair production by Schwinger and Breit-Wheeler processes in bi-frequent fields
1604.0197 Existence and Convergence of Solutions of the Boundary Value Problem in Atomistic and Continuum Nonlinear Elasticity Theory
1604.0198 Grothendieck-Lidskii trace formula for mixed-norm and variable Lebesgue spaces
1604.0199 The Nodal Cubic is a Quantum Homogeneous Space
1604.0201 Laser assisted Breit-Wheeler and Schwinger processes
1604.0202 The Power of Local Information in PageRank
1604.0203 Digital quantum simulation of many-body non-Markovian dynamics
1604.0208 Probing the non-unitarity of the leptonic mixing matrix at the CEPC
1604.0209 Classical analog of St"uckelberg interferometry with two coupled mechanical resonators
1604.0210 Ballistic Transport in One-Dimensional Quasi-Periodic Continuous Schr"odinger Equation
1604.0211 Global classical solutions in chemotaxis(-Navier)-Stokes system with rotational flux term
1604.0212 Testable SUSY spectra from GUTs at a 100 TeV pp collider
1604.0213 SIM$(1)$--VSR Maxwell-Chern-Simons electrodynamics
1604.0215 A GIT construction of degenerations of Hilbert schemes of points
1604.0216 Differences of halting probabilities
1604.0219 Second-Order Extended Kalman Filter for Extended Object and Group Tracking
1604.0220 On existence of an x-integral for a semi-discrete chain of hyperbolic type
1604.0222 Ordering of nested square roots of 2 according to Gray code
1604.0223 Lower-Cost epsilon-Private Information Retrieval
1604.0224 On acceleration of Krylov-subspace-based Newton and Arnoldi iterations for incompressible CFD: replacing time steppers and generation of initial guess
1604.0226 Discrete step sizes of molecular motors lead to bimodal non-Gaussian velocity distributions under force
1604.0227 Multimode coherent states and the Lorentz-invariant mass of light pulses
1604.0228 Higgs bosons: discovered and hidden, in extended Supersymmetric Standard Models at the LHC
1604.0229 The Galactic sky through H.E.S.S. eyes
1604.0230 Settling Time of Mesochronous Clock Retiming Circuits for Low Swing Interconnects
1604.0231 Ge doping of GaN beyond the Mott transition using Plasma-Assisted Molecular-Beam Epitaxy
1604.0232 GK Per and EX Hya: Intermediate polars with small magnetospheres
1604.0234 Feshbach resonances and weakly bound molecular states of boson-boson and boson-fermion NaK pairs
1604.0237 Super-linear spreading in local bistable cane toads equations
1604.0241 Radial-angular decomposition of regularly varying time series in star-shaped metric spaces
1604.0242 Power-efficiency-dissipation relations in linear thermodynamics
1604.0244 Interband coupling and transport interband scattering in $s_{pm}$ superconductors
1604.0245 Static and dynamic properties of large polymer melts in equilibrium
1604.0246 Gravitational-wave signal from binary neutron stars: a systematic analysis of the spectral properties
1604.0247 Tangent map intermittency as an approximate analysis of intermittency in a high dimensional fully stochastic dynamical system: The Tangled Nature model
1604.0248 Nonequilibrium dynamics of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin-glass model with Gaussian couplings: Strong heterogeneities and the backbone picture
1604.0250 Interlayer exchange coupling -- a general scheme turning chiral magnets into magnetic multilayers carrying atomic-scale skyrmions
1604.0251 A relation between diffusion,temperature and the cosmological constant
1604.0253 Integrated Control/Structure Design of a Large Space Structure using Structured $mathcal{H}_infty$ Control
1604.0254 Systemic Risks in CCP Networks
1604.0255 Network structure, metadata and the prediction of missing nodes
1604.0256 How to separate the low amplitude delta Scuti variation from the instrumental ones in CoRoT data?
1604.0257 A mass, energy, enstrophy and vorticity conserving (MEEVC) mimetic spectral element discretization for the 2D incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
1604.0258 $T^omega$-representations of compact sets
1604.0259 Flexible Multibody System Linear Modeling for Control using Component Modes Synthesis and Double-Port Approach
1604.0260 Archaeoastronomy and the orientation of old churches
1604.0262 A generalized finite element method for linear thermoelasticity
1604.0263 Generalised Maxwellian Equations and their Implications
1604.0268 The deterministic information bottleneck
1604.0271 Synergies between SALT and Herschel, Euclid & the SKA: strong gravitational lensing & galaxy evolution
1604.0272 Homological Algebra of Matrix Pencil Reduction
1604.0274 Half-Duplex or Full-Duplex Communications: A Capacity Analysis under Self-Interference
1604.0275 Joint Resource Allocation for OFDMA based Overlay Cognitive Radio Networks under Stochastic Rate Constraint
1604.0276 Results from the October 2014 CERN test beam of LumiCal
1604.0277 12, 24 and Beyond
1604.0278 Modeling non-harmonic behavior of materials from experimental inelastic neutron scattering and thermal expansion measurements
1604.0279 Using Recurrent Neural Networks to Optimize Dynamical Decoupling for Quantum Memory
1604.0280 On the boundary behavior of mappings in the class $W^{1,1}_{ m loc}$ on Riemann surfaces
1604.0282 Strong Gravitational Lenses and Multi-Wavelength Galaxy Surveys with AKARI, Herschel, SPICA and Euclid
1604.0284 Riemann-Roch isometries in the non-compact orbifold setting
1604.0285 An implicit boundary integral method for interfaces evolving by Mullins-Sekerka dynamics
1604.0286 Structural and magnetic field effects on spin fluctuations in Sr$_{3}$Ru$_2$O$_7$
1604.0287 Analysis of a Cahn--Hilliard system with non-zero Dirichlet conditions modeling tumor growth with chemotaxis
1604.0288 Transverse instability of periodic and generalized solitary waves for a fifth-order KP model
1604.0289 Building Machines That Learn and Think Like People
1604.0290 The efficient certification of knottedness and Thurston norm
1604.0292 An effective field theory approach to hybrids
1604.0293 Non-symmetric perturbations of self-adjoint operators
1604.0294 Local measurement of error field using naturally rotating tearing mode dynamics in EXTRAP T2R
1604.0295 On the Number of Restricted Prime Factors of an Integer II: A Strengthening of a Theorem of Hal'{a}sz
1604.0296 Predictions on the alpha decay half lives of Superheavy nuclei with Z = 113 in the range 255 l.e. A l.e. 314
1604.0297 Poisson transforms for differential forms
1604.0298 Chirality-induced helical self-propulsion of cholesteric liquid crystal droplets
1604.0299 Perfect Bayesian Equilibria in Reputation Games with Nested Information Structure
1604.0300 A SAT model to mine flexible sequences in transactional datasets
1604.0301 A strengthening of rational closure in DLs: reasoning about multiple aspects
1604.0302 Emergence of granular-sized magnetic bubbles through the solar atmosphere. III. The path to the transition region
1604.0303 Mode stability of self-similar wave maps in higher dimensions
1604.0304 Rivulet flow over a flexible beam
1604.0305 The end of WHAT nucleon-spin crisis?
1604.0306 Parameter recovery in two-component contamination mixtures: the $mathbb{L}^2$ strategy
1604.0307 Double quadrics with large automorphism groups
1604.0309 MUSE 3D Spectroscopy and Kinematics of the GPS Radio Galaxy PKS 1934-63: Interaction, Recently Triggered AGN and Star Formation
1604.0310 Iterative Packing for Demand and Hypergraph Matching
1604.0311 On the hyperbolicity of general hypersurfaces
1604.0312 Automated Alertness and Emotion Detection for Empathic Feedback During E-Learning
1604.0313 Assessing the significance of fidelity as a figure of merit in quantum state reconstruction of discrete and continuous variable systems
1604.0314 On choosing mixture components via non-local priors
1604.0315 Lattice Gauge Theories and Spin Models
1604.0316 Dissection of a rectangle into rectangles with given side ratios
1604.0317 A Semisupervised Approach for Language Identification based on Ladder Networks
1604.0318 The microphysics of collisionless shock waves
1604.0319 Benchmarking Adiabatic Quantum Optimization for Complex Network Analysis
1604.0320 AuDroid: Preventing Attacks on Audio Channels in Mobile Devices
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