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26 January 2025

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1605.0172 On the number of Singular Vector Tuples of Hyper-Cubical Tensors
1605.0174 Reduction Operators and Completion of Rewriting Systems
1605.0177 Solving the missing GRB neutrinos and the GRB-SN puzzles
1605.0178 An attempted replication of Hackl, Koster-Hale, Varvoutis (2012)
1605.0179 Probing Nuclear Effects at the T2K Near Detector Using Transverse Kinematic Imbalance
1605.0180 Counting the number of isosceles triangles in rectangular regular grids
1605.0182 Non-Perturbative Quantum Geometry III
1605.0183 On the Membrane Paradigm and Spontaneous Breaking of Horizon BMS Symmetries
1605.0184 A Supervised Learning Algorithm for Binary Domain Classification of Web Queries using SERPs
1605.0185 Constrained Nonlinear and Mixed Effects Differential Equation Models for Dynamic Cell Polarity Signaling
1605.0186 Linear Distances between Markov Chains
1605.0188 Jet quenching parameter of quark-gluon plasma in strong magnetic field: perturbative QCD and AdS/CFT correspondence
1605.0195 Spectroscopic Diagnostics of Solar Magnetic Flux Ropes Using Iron Forbidden Line
1605.0199 Approaching quantum-limited amplification with large gain catalyzed by hybrid nonlinear media in cavity optomechanics
1605.0200 Slow Auger Recombination of Charged Excitons in Nonblinking Perovskite Nanocrystals without Spectral Diffusion
1605.0201 Further properties of the forward-backward envelope with applications to difference-of-convex programming
1605.0202 Precise determination of the low-energy hadronic contribution to the muon $g-2$ from analyticity and unitarity - an improved analysis
1605.0203 Fundamental Tradeoff between Storage and Latency in Cache-Aided Wireless Interference Networks
1605.0206 750 GeV diphoton resonance and electric dipole moments
1605.0207 X-ray spectral properties of the AGN sample in the northern XMM-XXL field
1605.0209 Running the running
1605.0210 First clear evidence of quantum chaos in the bound states of an atomic nucleus
1605.0214 Information-Theoretical Analysis of Two Shannon's Ciphers
1605.0215 SoLid: Search for Oscillation with a 6Li Detector at the BR2 research reactor
1605.0216 A fundamental mechanism for carbon-film lubricity identified by means of ab initio molecular dynamics
1605.0217 Discrete Morrey spaces and their generalizations
1605.0218 On the diamenter of Lascar strong types (after Ludomir Newelski)
1605.0219 Decoherence of the quantum logic gate implemented with the Jaynes-Cummings model
1605.0221 Signifying the nonlocality and mesoscopic quantum coherence of NOON states using Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering inequalities
1605.0222 Two-particle atomic coalescences: Boundary conditions for the Fock coefficient components
1605.0224 Stimulated Raman adiabatic passage in physics, chemistry and beyond
1605.0225 An improved method for estimating the neutron background in measurements of neutron capture reactions
1605.0226 Two minimal unique ergodic diffeomorphisms on a manifolds and their smooth crossed product algebras
1605.0227 On Fomin--Kirillov Algebras for Complex Reflection Groups
1605.0229 Cherednik algebras and Zhelobenko operators
1605.0231 Conformal and projective symmetries in Newtonian cosmology
1605.0234 Quantum thermodynamics in strong coupling: heat transport and refrigeration
1605.0235 Numerical study of the Transverse Diffusion coefficient for a one component model of a plasma
1605.0236 On exceptional collections of line bundles and mirror symmetry for toric Del-Pezzo surfaces
1605.0238 Local unitary equivalence of quantum states and simultaneous orthogonal equivalence
1605.0239 Global $U(1)_{L}$ Breaking in Neutrinophilic 2HDM: From LHC Signatures to X-Ray Line
1605.0240 Symmetric Unique Neighbor Expanders and Good LDPC Codes
1605.0242 Hall algebras and quantum groups associated to Dynkin quivers
1605.0244 Thermally smart characteristics of nanofluids in parallel microchannel systems to mitigate hot spots in MEMS
1605.0245 The Bishop-Phelps-Bollob'as point property
1605.0246 Makarov's principle for the Bloch unit ball
1605.0250 Shadows of 4-manifolds with complexity zero and polyhedral collapsing
1605.0252 Fast Rates with Unbounded Losses
1605.0253 Further results on degree based topological indices of certain chemical networks
1605.0255 Development of a method for measuring blood coagulation using superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles and an alternating magnetic field
1605.0257 Linear transformations and strong $q$-log-concavity for certain combinatorial triangle
1605.0258 Lecture notes on closed orbits for twisted autonomous Tonelli Lagrangian flows
1605.0259 Tailoring Rydberg interactions via F"orster resonances: state combinations, hopping and angular dependence
1605.0260 Vertex Decomposition of the Steiner Wiener Index and the Steiner Betweenness Centrality
1605.0263 Unprovability of circuit upper bounds in Cook's theory PV
1605.0264 Microscopic description of insulator-metal transition in high-pressure oxygen
1605.0265 On the feasibility of semi-algebraic sets in Poisson regression
1605.0267 Distributed Algorithms for Aggregative Games on Graphs
1605.0268 Cohomology and Deformation of Virasoro Extensions of q-Witt Hom-Lie superalgebra
1605.0269 Entropy production by active particles: Coupling of odd and even functions of velocity
1605.0273 Lattice simplices of maximal dimension with a given degree
1605.0274 Uncertain Wiretap Channels and Secure Estimation
1605.0275 Comment on "Galilean invariance at quantum Hall edge"
1605.0276 Discovery of $gamma$-ray emission from the radio-intermediate quasar III Zw 2: violent jet activity with intraday $gamma$-ray variability
1605.0278 Particle Smoothing for Hidden Diffusion Processes: Adaptive Path Integral Smoother
1605.0279 The general dielectric tensor for bi-kappa magnetized plasmas
1605.0280 From the generalized Morse potential to a unified treatment of the $D$%-dimensional singular harmonic oscillator and singular Coulomb potentials
1605.0281 Generalized Zernike polynomials: Integral representation and Cauchy transform
1605.0282 Online Diversion Detection in Nuclear Fuel Cycles via Multimodal Observations
1605.0283 Differentially Private Bayesian Programming
1605.0284 MagBoard: Magnetic-based Ubiquitous Homomorphic Off-the-shelf Keyboard
1605.0285 The Borell-Ehrhard Game
1605.0286 Multidimensional Scaling on Multiple Input Distance Matrices
1605.0288 $*$-freeness in Finite Tensor Products
1605.0289 Multiple gaps with large grain deficit in the protoplanetary disk around TW Hya
1605.0291 Variation on a theme of Nathan Fine. New weighted partition identities
1605.0292 Collective Dipole-Dipole Interactions in an Atomic Array
1605.0294 Entropic information of dynamical AdS/QCD holographic models
1605.0295 Chemical history of isolated dwarf galaxies of the Local Group: I. dSphs: Cetus and Tucana
1605.0296 Chang's Conjecture and semiproperness of nonreasonable posets
1605.0297 Irreducibility and components rigid in moduli of the Hilbert scheme of smooth curves
1605.0300 CheapSMC: A Framework to Minimize SMC Cost in Cloud
1605.0301 Backward transfer entropy: Informational measure of non-hidden Markov property and its interpretation in thermodynamics, gambling and causality
1605.0306 BLMA: A Blind Matching Algorithm with Application to Cognitive Radio Networks
1605.0307 Semi-analytic path integral solution of SABR and Heston equations: pricing Vanilla and Asian options
1605.0310 Agreement dynamics on directed random graphs
1605.0312 Coherent blue emission induced by a combination of diode and femtosecond lasers
1605.0316 Directional Statistics in Machine Learning: a Brief Review
1605.0317 Performance of LDPC Decoders with Missing Connections
1605.0319 Edge Caching for Coverage and Capacity-aided Heterogeneous Networks
1605.0320 A unified convergence bound for conjugate gradient and accelerated gradient
1605.0321 Compressed Teleportation
1605.0322 Adaptive Modulation in Network-coded Two-way Relay Channel: A Supermodular Game Approach
1605.0324 Dominant Codewords Selection with Topic Model for Action Recognition
1605.0326 Brans-Dicke Galileon and the Variational Principle
1605.0327 On Divergence in Radiation Fields
1605.0328 Core Course Analysis for Undergraduate Students in Mathematics
1605.0329 Some Insights into the Geometry and Training of Neural Networks
1605.0330 Analysis of spatially deconvolved polar faculae
1605.0333 Extended Bose-Hubbard model and atomic quantum simulation of U(1) gauge-Higgs model in (1 + 1) dimensions
1605.0334 Bulk Local States and Crosscaps in Holographic CFT
1605.0335 Gaussian Process Autonomous Mapping and Exploration for Range Sensing Mobile Robots
1605.0337 The non-local repercussions of partial jamming in glassy and granular flows
1605.0342 Local Calabi-Yau manifolds of affine type A and open Yau-Zaslow formula via SYZ mirror symmetry
1605.0343 Statistical structures of concave compositions
1605.0346 Multiple Change Point Analysis: Fast Implementation And Strong Consistency
1605.0347 Parameter estimation for linear control valve with hysteresis
1605.0349 Determinants associated to traces on operator bimodules
1605.0350 Thermodynamics of the collapse transition of the all-backbone peptide Gly15
1605.0352 Synchronization in Delayed Multiplex Networks
1605.0353 Rate-Optimal Perturbation Bounds for Singular Subspaces with Applications to High-Dimensional Statistics
1605.0355 Contrastive Structured Anomaly Detection for Gaussian Graphical Models
1605.0358 Formal Analysis of Vulnerabilities of Web Applications Based on SQL Injection (Extended Version)
1605.0359 Duhamel convolution product in the setting of Quantum calculus
1605.0360 Hard X-ray emissions from Cassiopeia A observed by INTEGRAL
1605.0366 Compression Artifacts Removal Using Convolutional Neural Networks
1605.0367 Variations of the 3-D coronal magnetic field associated with the X3.4-class solar flare event of AR 10930
1605.0370 A ferro-deformation at the open quantum system with protons, Z = 8, neutrons, N = 20: 28O
1605.0371 The Diagonal Problem for Higher-Order Recursion Schemes is Decidable
1605.0376 Drift-induced Benjamin-Feir instabilities
1605.0379 Cosmic Galaxy-IGM HI Relation at ${it{z}}sim 2-3$ Probed in the COSMOS/UltraVISTA $1.6$ deg$^2$ Field
1605.0380 Understanding decreases in land relative humidity with global warming: conceptual model and GCM simulations
1605.0383 Quantum Simulation with Interacting Photons
1605.0384 Waring loci and the Strassen conjecture
1605.0385 A geometric formulation of exceptional field theory
1605.0386 Enhanced density fluctuations in water-ethanol mixtures at low ethanol concentrations: Temperature dependent studies
1605.0391 Recovery of non-linear cause-effect relationships from linearly mixed neuroimaging data
1605.0392 Revisiting Human Action Recognition: Personalization vs. Generalization
1605.0395 Application of the MST clustering to the high energy gamma-ray sky. II - Possible detection of gamma-ray emission from blazar candidates in the 1WHSP sample
1605.0396 Low temperature thermodynamic investigation of the phase diagram of Sr3Ru2O7
1605.0398 Dynamic Address Allocation Algorithm for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
1605.0399 Cavitation inception of a van der Waals fluid at a sack-wall obstacle
1605.0401 Inter-filament Resistance at 77 K in Striated HTS Coated Conductors
1605.0402 Symbolic-Numeric Tools for Analytic Combinatorics in Several Variables
1605.0403 Higher Spin Double Field Theory : A Proposal
1605.0404 Simple2Complex: Global Optimization by Gradient Descent
1605.0406 A Tight Lower Bound for the Weights of Maximum Weight Matching in Bipartite Graphs
1605.0410 Computing Real Roots of Real Polynomials ... and now For Real!
1605.0411 Rigidity of integral coisotropic submanifolds of contact manifolds
1605.0416 Puzzle maker in SmB6: accompany-type valence fluctuation state
1605.0417 Degree cones and monomial bases of Lie algebras and quantum groups
1605.0419 Well-Rounded Lattices for Reliability and Security in Rayleigh Fading SISO Channels
1605.0420 An Enhanced Harmony Search Method for Bangla Handwritten Character Recognition Using Region Sampling
1605.0422 Munchausen Iteration
1605.0424 Monitoring the Galactic Centre with Australia Telescope Compact Array
1605.0426 Dynamic Simulation of Electro-Hydrodynamically Interacting and Sedimenting Particles
1605.0427 Hydrodynamic collective effects of active proteins in biological membranes
1605.0428 Parameter based design of a twin-cylinder wave energy converter for real sea-states
1605.0429 Adaptive splitting methods for nonlinear Schr"{o}dinger equations in the semiclassical regime
1605.0430 Undamped relativistic magnetoplasmons in lossy two-dimensional electron systems
1605.0431 Complex behaviour in cyclic competition bimatrix games
1605.0432 A new construction of naturally reductive spaces
1605.0434 An Electric Vehicle Charging Management Scheme Based on Publish/Subscribe Communication Framework
1605.0435 A young person's guide to mixed Hodge modules
1605.0437 Convergence of a Strang splitting finite element discretization for the Schr"odinger-Poisson equation
1605.0439 Global Well-posedness of the Incompressible Magnetohydrodynamics
1605.0440 Radiation Tests of Real-Sized Prototype RPCs for the Future CMS RPC Upscope
1605.0441 Gaussian States Minimize the Output Entropy of the One-Mode Quantum Attenuator
1605.0442 Token Sliding on Chordal Graphs
1605.0446 Challenges of Security and Trust of Mobile Devices as Digital Avionics Component
1605.0448 Follow Spam Detection based on Cascaded Social Information
1605.0449 Quasiconformal Teichmuller theory as an analytical foundation for two dimensional conformal field theory
1605.0450 Bandwidth of graphs resulting from the edge clique covering problem
1605.0452 Fourier Analysis and q-Gaussian Functions: Analytical and Numerical Results
1605.0453 Symbolic Manipulation of Flows of Nonlinear Evolution Equations, with Application in the Analysis of Split-Step Time Integrators
1605.0454 Gauges and functional measures in quantum gravity I: Einstein theory
1605.0457 Solvent effects on optical excitations of poly para phenylene ethynylene studied by QM/MM simulations based on Many-Body Green's Functions Theory
1605.0458 Robustness of discrete semifluxons in closed Bose-Hubbard chains
1605.0461 Stochastic parameterization of subgrid-scale processes in coupled ocean-atmosphere systems: Benefits and limitations of response theory
1605.0463 Thin n-in-p planar pixel modules for the ATLAS upgrade at HL-LHC
1605.0465 Theoretical study of the effective modulus of a composite considering the orientation distribution of the fillers and the weakened interface
1605.0466 MEMS memory bit based on magnetic repulsion
1605.0467 Escape rates for special flows and their higher order asymptotics
1605.0468 Discovery of concentric broken rings at sub-arcsec separations in the HD 141569A gas-rich, debris disk with VLT/SPHERE
1605.0471 The arithmetical rank of the edge ideals of cactus graphs
1605.0472 Non-equilibrium variational cluster perturbation theory: quench dynamics of the quantum Ising model
1605.0473 Automorphism groups of randomized structures
1605.0474 Nondeterministic Multi-Domain Noninterference via Policy Reduction
1605.0475 Rolling Shutter Camera Relative Pose: Generalized Epipolar Geometry
1605.0477 Surface-enhanced gallium arsenide photonic resonator with a quality factor of six million
1605.0480 Scalable Device-to-Device Communications For Frequency Reuse >> 1
1605.0481 Sharp integral bounds for Wigner distributions
1605.0482 Compositional Sentence Representation from Character within Large Context Text
1605.0483 A young SNR illuminating nearby Molecular Clouds with cosmic rays
1605.0484 Theoretical study of the $alpha+d$ $ ightarrow$ $^6$Li + $gamma $ astrophysical capture process in a three-body model
1605.0485 From Reaction-Diffusion Systems to Confined Brownian Motion
1605.0487 Curtis homomorphisms and the integral Bernstein center for GL_n
1605.0488 On the Roots of Characteristic Equations of Delay Differential Systems
1605.0489 Active synchronization and ordering of coupled oscillators
1605.0490 A tour about existence and uniqueness of dg enhancements and lifts
1605.0491 Response of simple quantum systems to different polarizations of gravitational waves in noncommutative phase-space
1605.0492 High level implementation of geometric multigrid solvers for finite element problems: applications in atmospheric modelling
1605.0493 Measuring the speed of light with electric and magnetic pendulum
1605.0494 Localized travelling waves in the asymptotic suction boundary layer
1605.0495 Coalition Formability Semantics with Conflict-Eliminable Sets of Arguments
1605.0496 IceCube and GRB neutrinos propagating in quantum spacetime
1605.0499 MCMC Confidence Sets for Identified Sets
1605.0501 Fermat's Last Theorem: Algebra and Number Theory
1605.0502 Diffractive Propagation on Conic Manifolds
1605.0503 Comparing SSN Index to X-ray Flare and Coronal Mass Ejection Rates from Solar Cycles 22-24
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