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15 February 2025

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1605.0504 A HIFI view on circumstellar H2O in M-type AGB stars: radiative transfer, velocity profiles, and H2O line cooling
1605.0505 Dynamics of Transformation from Segregation to Mixed Wealth Cities
1605.0506 On rational functions without Froissart doublets
1605.0507 Methods for Sparse and Low-Rank Recovery under Simplex Constraints
1605.0508 Towards an Appropriate Beamforming Scheme for Initial Cell Discovery in mmW 5G Cellular Networks
1605.0510 ElEvoHI: a novel CME prediction tool for heliospheric imaging combining an elliptical front with drag-based model fitting
1605.0512 Spacetime Variation of Lorentz-Violation Coefficients at Nonrelativistic Scale
1605.0513 Fuzzy clustering of distribution-valued data using adaptive L2 Wasserstein distances
1605.0516 First Principles Prediction of Amorphous Phases Using Evolutionary Algorithms
1605.0517 Uncovering dispersion properties in semiconductor waveguides to study photon-pair generation
1605.0518 On the spectrum of AdS3 x S3 x T4 strings with Ramond-Ramond flux
1605.0519 Linear-time Outlier Detection via Sensitivity
1605.0520 Turbulent Plasmoid Reconnection
1605.0521 Quasisolitons in self-diffusive excitable systems, or Why asymmetric diffusivity does not violate the Second Law
1605.0522 On the possible wind nebula of magnetar Swift J1834.9-0846: a magnetism-powered synchrotron nebula
1605.0527 Role of syndrome information on a one-way quantum repeater using teleportation-based error correction
1605.0528 Minimising the number of triangular edges
1605.0529 Tradeoffs for Space, Time, Data and Risk in Unsupervised Learning
1605.0531 Random Antagonistic Matrices
1605.0533 Real time change-point detection in a nonlinear quantile model
1605.0534 Ramsey-type phase control of free electron beams
1605.0535 On the $C^1$ regularity of solutions to divergence form elliptic systems with Dini-continuous coefficients
1605.0536 Fast Mapping of Terahertz Bursting Thresholds and Characteristics at Synchrotron Light Sources
1605.0537 The interaction of $He^{-}$ with fullerenes
1605.0538 Counterexamples to the quadrisecant approximation conjecture
1605.0540 Active role of the nonmagnetic cations in magnetic interactions for the double-perovskite Sr2BOsO6 (B=Y, In, Sc)
1605.0541 Higher-order approximations of the residual-mean eddy streamfunction and the quasi-Stokes streamfunction
1605.0542 Interference Effects in the Decays of 750 GeV States into $gamma gamma$ and $tar{t}$
1605.0543 Skyrmion Black Hole Hair: Conservation of Baryon Number by Black Holes and Observable Manifestations
1605.0544 Free boundary regularity in the parabolic fractional obstacle problem
1605.0545 Charge self-consistency in density functional theory + dynamical mean field theory: k-space reoccupation and orbital order
1605.0550 Partial oxidation of Step-Bound Water Leads to Anomalous pH Effects on Metal Electrode Step-Edges
1605.0551 Compatible finite element spaces for geophysical fluid dynamics
1605.0552 Emergent Cosmos in Einstein-Cartan Theory
1605.0553 Cluster glass and crystal transitions in monodisperse ensembles: vortex matter in type-1.5 superconductors
1605.0554 NLO QCD + EW corrections to $WWW$ production with leptonic decays at the LHC
1605.0555 Testing LSST Dither Strategies for Survey Uniformity and Large-Scale Structure Systematics
1605.0557 Strangeness in nuclear physics
1605.0558 Algorithms for the Pagination Problem, a Bin Packing with Overlapping Items
1605.0559 Age-of-Information in the Presence of Error
1605.0560 Finite dimensional Hopf actions on algebraic quantizations
1605.0561 Parallel Wavelet Schemes for Images
1605.0562 Persistent homology of time-dependent functional networks constructed from coupled time series
1605.0563 Exceptional generalised geometry for massive IIA and consistent reductions
1605.0565 Weaker consistency notions for all the CSPs of bounded width
1605.0566 The future's not ours to see
1605.0567 Evolution of a superfluid vortex filament tangle driven by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
1605.0568 A Lagrangian scheme for the incompressible Euler equation using optimal transport
1605.0569 Lorentz invariant relative velocity and relativistic binary collisions
1605.0570 Holographic duality between $(2+1)$-d quantum anomalous Hall state and $(3+1)$-d topological insulators
1605.0571 The GeV counterpart of VER J2019+407 in the northern shell of the supernova remnant G78.2+2.1 ($gamma$ Cygni)
1605.0573 Effective Field Theories for the LHC
1605.0574 Variational estimates for the bilinear iterated Fourier integral
1605.0576 Nonlinear heat conduction equations with memory: physical meaning and analytical results
1605.0577 Notes on exploded manifolds and a tropical gluing formula for Gromov-WItten invariants
1605.0579 THEO Concept Mission: Testing the Habitability of Enceladus's Ocean
1605.0580 Diffusion Monte Carlo methods applied to Hamaker Constant evaluations
1605.0581 Martingales in self-similar growth-fragmentations and their connections with random planar maps
1605.0582 The effect of polarization entanglement in photon-photon scattering
1605.0583 A Note on Schwarzschild de Sitter Black Holes in Mimetic $F(R)$ Gravity
1605.0584 Dynamics of Discrete Time Systems with a Hysteresis Stop Operator
1605.0585 Probing gaugino coannihilation with displaced vertex searches
1605.0586 Stabilizing the Hexagonal Close Packed Structure of Hard Spheres with Polymers : Phase diagram, Structure, and Dynamics
1605.0587 A Lefschetz (1,1) theorem for singular varieties
1605.0588 Discretising the Herman--Kluk Propagator
1605.0589 The propagation of chaos for a rarefied gas of hard spheres in vacuum
1605.0590 Performance of the finite volume method in solving regularised Bingham flows: inertia effects in the lid-driven cavity flow
1605.0594 Lattice Gluon and Ghost Propagators, and the Strong Coupling in Pure SU(3) Yang-Mills Theory: Finite Lattice Spacing and Volume Effects
1605.0596 Graph Clustering Bandits for Recommendation
1605.0597 Quasi-Long-Range Order in Trapped 2D Bose Gases
1605.0598 Computational complexity and the conjugacy problem
1605.0601 Fictitious Play with Inertia Learns Pure Equilibria in Distributed Games with Incomplete Information
1605.0603 A center vortex representaton of the classical SU(2) vacuum
1605.0604 Formal Verification of Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation of Ground Robots
1605.0605 Universal graphs at $aleph_{omega_1+1}$
1605.0607 A spacetime estimate for hard spheres
1605.0608 Deriving the exact nonadiabatic quantum propagator in the mapping variable representation
1605.0609 Algorithms for Learning Sparse Additive Models with Interactions in High Dimensions
1605.0610 Locally homogeneous triples. Extension theorems for parallel sections and parallel bundle isomorphisms
1605.0612 Atmospheric Neutrino Status
1605.0614 Gradient Bundle Analysis: A Full Topological Approach to Chemical Bonding
1605.0615 Lubin-Tate Deformation Spaces and $(phi,Gamma)$-Modules
1605.0617 Aspects of pQCD at a 100 TeV future hadron collider
1605.0618 CAIR: Using Formal Languages to Study Routing, Leaking, and Interception in BGP
1605.0619 A Note on Oracle Separations for BQP
1605.0620 Sparsity-Constrained Games and Distributed Optimization with Applications to Wide-Area Control of Power Systems
1605.0621 A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Local Maxima of Polynomial Modulus Over Unit Disc
1605.0622 Charged Higgs production in association with a top quark at approximate NNLO
1605.0623 Real eigenvalues of non-symmetric random matrices: Transitions and Universality
1605.0625 The Attenuated Space Poset $mathcal{A}_q(N, M)$
1605.0627 Random Access Design for Wireless Control Systems
1605.0628 Energy conservation for the weak solutions of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations
1605.0629 Confronting LQ with observed sign anomaly in $A_{cp}( au ightarrow K_{s} pi u_{ au})$
1605.0631 Search for neutrinoless double beta decay
1605.0632 The Aw-Rascle-Zhang model with constraints
1605.0634 Why have asset price properties changed so little in 200 years
1605.0636 Superconformal Symmetry in the Kaluza-Klein Spectrum of Warped AdS(3)
1605.0637 Secondary Electron Emission from Surfaces with Small Structure
1605.0638 Navigation Functions for Convex Potentials in a Space with Convex Obstacles
1605.0640 Spectral shearing of quantum light pulses by electro-optic phase modulation
1605.0643 Galactic winds driven by isotropic and anisotropic cosmic ray diffusion in disk galaxies
1605.0644 ALMA Investigation of Vibrationally Excited HCN/HCO+/HNC Emission Lines in the AGN-Hosting Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy IRAS 20551-4250
1605.0646 Mass Transport and Turbulence in Gravitationally Unstable Disk Galaxies II: The Effects of Star Formation Feedback
1605.0647 Building disc structure and galaxy properties through angular momentum: The DARK SAGE semi-analytic model
1605.0650 Suppression of star formation in dwarf galaxies by grain photoelectric feedback
1605.0652 Coupled-layer description of topological crystalline insulators
1605.0653 Different twins in the millisecond pulsar recycling scenario: optical polarimetry of PSR J1023+0038 and XSS J12270-4859
1605.0655 Many-body localization beyond eigenstates in all dimensions
1605.0661 The most-luminous heavily-obscured quasars have a high merger fraction: morphological study of WISE-selected hot dust-obscured galaxies
1605.0665 The Complete Ultraviolet Spectrum of the Archetypal "Wind-Dominated" Quasar Mrk~231: Absorption and Emission from a High-Speed Dusty Nuclear Outflow
1605.0670 Cosmological Aspects of Spontaneous Baryogenesis
1605.0677 Security and Privacy Aspects in MapReduce on Clouds: A Survey
1605.0678 Carbon nanotubes decorated with gold, platinum and rhodium clusters by injection of colloidal solutions into the post-discharge of a RF atmospheric plasma
1605.0680 On the origin of S'ersic profiles of galaxies and Einasto profiles of dark-matter halos
1605.0681 Power Side Channels in Security ICs: Hardware Countermeasures
1605.0684 Threshold-Dependent Camouflaged Cells to Secure Circuits Against Reverse Engineering Attacks
1605.0685 Potential tuning in the S-W system. (i) Bringing Tc,2 to ambient pressure, and (ii) colliding Tc,2 with the liquid-vapor spinodal
1605.0687 A Liouville theorem for elliptic systems with degenerate ergodic coefficients
1605.0689 Dualization and deformations of the Bar-Natan--Russell skein module (PhD thesis)
1605.0702 A heuristic algorithm for a single vehicle static bike sharing rebalancing problem
1605.0710 Electrical Detection of Magnetization Dynamics via Spin Rectification Effects
1605.0711 3FGL Demographics Outside the Galactic Plane using Supervised Machine Learning: Pulsar and Dark Matter Subhalo Interpretations
1605.0714 Non-linear structure formation in the "Running FLRW" cosmological model
1605.0719 A Correlation Between the Intrinsic Brightness and Average Decay Rate of Gamma-ray Burst X-ray Afterglow Light Curves
1605.0723 Solving and Verifying the boolean Pythagorean Triples problem via Cube-and-Conquer
1605.0725 CRKSPH - A Conservative Reproducing Kernel Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Scheme
1605.0728 Relaxation with long-period oscillation in defect turbulence of planar nematic liquid crystals
1605.0729 Bose polarons in the strongly interacting regime
1605.0733 Crystal Structure Prediction of Molecular Crystals from First Principles: Are we there yet?
1605.0734 Non-Reciprocal Wave Propagation in Spatiotemporal Periodic Structures
1605.0735 No-Scale $mu$-Term Hybrid Inflation
1605.0740 VLSI Extreme Learning Machine: A Design Space Exploration
1605.0742 The X-ray Properties of Million Solar Mass Black Holes
1605.0747 Density affects the nature of the hexatic-liquid transition in two-dimensional melting of core-softened systems
1605.0749 Plutos interaction with its space environment: Solar Wind, Energetic Particles & Dust
1605.0750 On the Light dilaton in the Large N Tri-critical O(N) Model
1605.0751 Learning from Binary Labels with Instance-Dependent Corruption
1605.0752 Estimation of mass outflow rates from viscous relativistic accretion discs around black holes
1605.0754 General quantum-mechanical setting for field-antifield formalism as a hyper-gauge theory
1605.0758 Efficient Distributed Estimation of Inverse Covariance Matrices
1605.0760 Fast Detection of Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes with Unknown Channel
1605.0762 Revisiting a Theorem of L.A. Shepp on Optimal Stopping
1605.0763 Automatic Identification of Retinal Arteries and Veins in Fundus Images using Local Binary Patterns
1605.0765 The reverberation lag in the low mass X-ray binary H1743-322
1605.0767 Thermodynamic geometry of black holes in f(R) gravity
1605.0770 Enhancement in the effectiveness of requirement change management model for global software development
1605.0772 Bandwidth and delay issue s on the network routing
1605.0774 Estimating software reliability in maintenance phase through ann and statistics
1605.0776 Optical properties of VO$_2$ films at the phase transition: influence of substrate and electronic correlations
1605.0778 The influence of edge effects on the determination of the doping profile of silicon pad diodes
1605.0779 Temporal Clustering of Time Series via Threshold Autoregressive Models: Application to Commodity Prices
1605.0780 Laurent phenomenon algebras and the discrete BKP equation
1605.0781 Configuration Equivalence is not Equivalent to Isomorphism
1605.0783 Mechanism of the Fano resonance in a planar metamaterials: Analysis from the coupled two-oscillator model
1605.0784 Proceedings of the 2013 CERN - Latin-American School of High-Energy Physics (CLASHEP 2013), Arequipa, Peru, 6-19 Mar 2013
1605.0786 Quantum cloning attacks against PUF-based quantum authentication systems
1605.0787 Obstacle evasion using fuzzy logic in a sliding blades problem environment
1605.0788 Online Learning of Commission Avoidant Portfolio Ensembles
1605.0790 Water rotational jump driven large amplitude molecular motions of nitrate ions in aqueous potassium nitrate solution
1605.0792 On electromagnetic energy in Bardeen and ABG spacetimes
1605.0794 Computing the Thurston-Bennequin invariant in open books
1605.0795 Computing rotation and self-linking numbers in contact surgery diagrams
1605.0797 A method for building permutation representations of finitely presented groups
1605.0798 Additivity, density fluctuations, and nonequilibrium thermodynamics for active Brownian particles
1605.0799 Microscopic analysis of p^{10}B scattering at the intermediate energies
1605.0801 A variational principle for nonpotential perturbations of gradient flows of nonconvex energies
1605.0803 B-lattice of nil-extensions of rectangular skew-rings
1605.0804 Ion collisional transport coefficients in the solar wind at 1 AU
1605.0805 On the arithmetic of the endomorphism ring End($mathbb{Z}_{p} imesmathbb{Z}_{p^{m}}$)
1605.0808 Active turbulence in active nematics
1605.0809 Generating nonzero $ heta_{13}$ without breaking the $2$-$3$ symmetry of neutrino mass matrix
1605.0816 Two-scale momentum theory for very large wind farms
1605.0817 Derivatives for Enhanced Regular Expressions
1605.0821 Current status and near future plans for T2K
1605.0823 Testing a Two Field Inflation Beyond the Slow-Roll Approximation
1605.0825 Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategies in Isogeometric Analysis - A Computational Comparison
1605.0827 Experimental evidences of the Gardner phase in a granular glass
1605.0830 A cascade electronic refrigerator using superconducting tunnel junctions
1605.0831 Geometric Metasurface Fork Gratings for Vortex Beam Generation and Manipulation
1605.0832 Using Two Types of Computer Algebra Systems to Solve Maxwell Optics Problems
1605.0835 All-optical switching in granular ferromagnets caused by magnetic circular dichroism
1605.0836 Maximum principles for a time-space fractional diffusion equation
1605.0837 Full asymptotic expansion for Polya structures
1605.0838 One-body reduced density matrix of trapped impenetrable anyons in one dimension
1605.0839 Optical atomic magnetometry for magnetic induction tomography of the heart
1605.0841 The TANAMI Multiwavelength Program: Dynamic SEDs of Southern Blazars
1605.0844 Relativistic locality and the action reaction principle predict de Broglie fields
1605.0846 Cage rattling does not correlate with the local geometry in molecular liquids
1605.0847 New explicit formulas for Faltings' delta-invariant
1605.0848 Solvable Leibniz algebras with naturally graded non-Lie $p$-filiform nilradicals
1605.0850 Out-of-plane spin polarization of edge currents in Chern insulator with Rashba spin-orbit interaction
1605.0852 Propagation characteristics of dust$-$acoustic waves in presence of a floating cylindrical object in the DC discharge plasma
1605.0855 Improving Image Captioning by Concept-based Sentence Reranking
1605.0861 Including atomic vibrations in XANES calculations: polarization-dependent damping of the fine structure at the Cu K edge of (creat)$_{2}$CuCl$_{4}$
1605.0863 On the Mathematics of Data Centre Network Topologies
1605.0865 Individual electron-hole localization in submonolayer InN quantum sheets embedded in GaN
1605.0868 The Local Fractional Bootstrap
1605.0871 Thermo and photoacoustic Tomography with variable speed and planar detectors
1605.0874 Laser noise imposed limitations of ensemble quantum metrology
1605.0875 Large Area Fabrication of Electronic-Grade 2D Phosphorene by Langmuir Blodgett Assembly
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