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08 February 2025

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1605.0877 Single top and Higgs associated production in the minimal $B-L$ model at the LHC
1605.0878 Short-Time Elasticity of Polymer Melts: Tobolsky Conjecture and Heterogeneous Local Stiffness
1605.0882 Truncated correlation hierarchy schemes for driven-dissipative multimode quantum systems
1605.0883 A multidimensional birkhoff theorem for time-dependent Tonelli Hamiltonians
1605.0885 Conjugated liquid layers driven by the short-wavelength B'enard-Marangoni instability: experiment and numerical simulation
1605.0886 Nanoconfined circular and linear DNA - equilibrium conformations and unfolding kinetics
1605.0887 Determinantal sets, singularities and application to optimal control in medical imagery
1605.0888 Modulation equations approach for solving vortex and radiation in nonlinear Schrodinger equation
1605.0889 The Role of communication and network technologies in vehicular applications
1605.0891 Fujita blow up phenomena and hair trigger effect: the role of dispersal tails
1605.0892 Role of Depletion on the Dynamics of a Diffusing Forager
1605.0893 Optimal time-decay estimates for the compressible navier-stokes equations in the critical l p framework
1605.0894 Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network Regression for Continuous Pain Intensity Estimation in Video
1605.0895 Local vs. global temperature under a positive curvature condition
1605.0896 T/B scaling without quasiparticle mass divergence: YbCo2Ge4
1605.0897 Percolations on Hypergraphs
1605.0898 Flavor structure in $SO(32)$ heterotic string theory
1605.0900 Terrestrial matter effects on reactor antineutrino oscillations at JUNO or RENO-50: how small is small?
1605.0901 Precedence-constrained scheduling problems parameterized by partial order width
1605.0903 Certifying Random Polynomials over the Unit Sphere via Sum of Squares Hierarchy
1605.0904 Random Access in Uplink Massive MIMO Systems: How to exploit asynchronicity and excess antennas
1605.0905 Excitation of wakefield around pulsars
1605.0907 DAGAL: Detailed Anatomy of Galaxies
1605.0908 Polar symplectic representations
1605.0910 Design Guidelines for the User-Centred Collaborative Citizen Science Platforms
1605.0911 The random $k$ cycle walk on the symmetric group
1605.0913 Constraining the range of Yukawa gravity interaction from S2 star orbits II: Bounds on graviton mass
1605.0914 Capacity Planning for Cluster Tools in the Semiconductor Industry
1605.0916 Equivalence of quasiregular mappings on subRiemannian manifolds via the Popp extension
1605.0917 Phase coexistence phenomena in an extreme case of the misanthrope process with open boundaries
1605.0919 Weyl invariance with a nontrivial mass scale
1605.0921 Gauge coupling unification with extra Higgs doublets
1605.0922 Extrapolation in the scale of generalized reverse H"older weights
1605.0924 Effect of Thermal Fluctuations on a Charged Dilatonic Black Saturn
1605.0927 X-ray and optical observations of four polars
1605.0929 A primer for unstable motivic homotopy theory
1605.0930 Efficient Execution of Irregular Wavefront Propagation Pattern on Many Integrated Core Architecture
1605.0932 Building the analytical response in frequency domain of AC biased bolometers Application to Planck/HFI
1605.0934 Empirical corrections to the Amber RNA force field with Target Metadynamics
1605.0935 Proposal for a quantum delayed-choice experiment with a spin-mechanical setup
1605.0937 Dictionary Learning for Massive Matrix Factorization
1605.0939 Estimating discrete curvatures in terms of beta numbers
1605.0940 An efficient perturbation theory of density matrix renormalization group
1605.0941 Discrimination in Liquid Scintillator and Its Usage to Suppress $^{8}$He/$^{9}$Li Backgrounds
1605.0942 TheanoLM - An Extensible Toolkit for Neural Network Language Modeling
1605.0943 Switching dynamics of morphology-structure in chemically deposited carbon films -a new insight
1605.0944 On the ergodicity of perpendicular cosmic ray transport
1605.0945 An example of a $P$-minimal structure without definable Skolem functions
1605.0946 Families of $2$-weights of some particular graphs
1605.0947 Distributed Frequency Control in Power Grids Under Limited Communication
1605.0948 Narrowband Gyrosynchrotron Bursts: Probing Electron Acceleration in Solar Flares
1605.0951 Measurement of forward $W$ and $Z$ boson production in association with jets in proton-proton collisions at $sqrt{s}=8$~TeV
1605.0953 A Non-associative Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula
1605.0957 Bloom Filters and Compact Hash Codes for Efficient and Distributed Image Retrieval
1605.0959 Personalized Risk Scoring for Critical Care Patients using Mixtures of Gaussian Process Experts
1605.0961 Hierarchical Modeling of Multidimensional Data in Regularly Decomposed Spaces: Main Principles
1605.0962 Does disaggregated electricity feedback reduce domestic electricity consumption? A systematic review of the literature
1605.0963 Blob dynamics in TORPEX poloidal null configurations
1605.0965 Exotic $mathbb{R}^4$'s and positive isotropic curvature
1605.0966 Maps of the Magellanic Clouds from Combined South Pole Telescope and Planck Data
1605.0967 Hierarchical Modeling of Multidimensional Data in Regularly Decomposed Spaces: Implementation on Computer
1605.0968 Tracking Dengue Epidemics using Twitter Content Classification and Topic Modelling
1605.0969 Schr"odinger-like quantum dynamics in loop quantized black holes
1605.0970 Arbitrary-dimensional teleportation of optical number states with linear optics
1605.0972 Phase 2: DCL System Using Deep Learning Approaches for Land-based or Ship-based Real-Time Recognition and Localization of Marine Mammals - Machine Learning Detection Algorithms
1605.0974 From the Newton equation to the wave equation : the case of shock waves
1605.0976 Isoparametric hypersurfaces with four principal curvatures, IV
1605.0977 Blackwell-Nash Equilibrium for Discrete and Continuous Time Stochastic Games
1605.0978 DAHA and plane curve singularities
1605.0979 Gaussian Two-Way Channels With Discrete Inputs and Quantized Outputs
1605.0980 Riemann-Roch for homotopy invariant K-theory and Gysin morphisms
1605.0983 Phase 3: DCL System Using Deep Learning Approaches for Land-based or Ship-based Real-Time Recognition and Localization of Marine Mammals - Bioacoustic Applicaitons
1605.0984 Understanding the Onset of Oscillatory Swimming in Microchannels
1605.0985 Alternating Arm Exponents for the Critical Planar Ising Model
1605.0986 Non-symmetric interactions trigger collective swings in globally ordered systems
1605.0987 A practical attack to Bouftass's cryptosystem
1605.0988 Matrices with high completely positive semidefinite rank
1605.0989 Did high energy astrophysical sources contribute to Martian atmospheric loss?
1605.0990 Search for $XYZ$ states in $Upsilon(1S)$ inclusive decays
1605.0992 The Quantum Computer Puzzle (Expanded Version)
1605.0993 Newton law in covariant unimodular $F(R)$ gravity
1605.0994 Magnetic-field-induced relativistic properties in type-I and type-II Weyl semimetals
1605.0996 Quantum Field Theory of Interacting Dark Matter/Dark Energy: Dark Monodromies
1605.0997 Nucleon to $Delta$ transition form factors and empirical transverse charge densities
1605.1000 Stationary and moving breathers in (2+1)-dimensional O(3) nonlinear $sigma$-model
1605.1001 The effect of detector nonlinearity on WFIRST PSF profiles for weak gravitational lensing measurements
1605.1003 Monadic second order logic as the model companion of temporal logic
1605.1004 The Completeness Problem for Modal Logic
1605.1005 Quantum melting of two-component Rydberg crystals
1605.1010 A Novel Approach for Imputation of Missing Attribute Values for Efficient Mining of Medical Datasets - Class Based Cluster Approach
1605.1011 Minimax Rates for Estimating the Dimension of a Manifold
1605.1013 Transition from direct to sequential two-proton decay in $s$-$d$ shell nuclei
1605.1014 Deep Deformation Network for Object Landmark Localization
1605.1015 Anisotropic transport at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface explained by microscopic imaging of channel-flow over SrTiO3 domains
1605.1018 Making Decisions with Spatially and Temporally Uncertain Data
1605.1024 On Borel semifilters
1605.1025 A note on multiply wound BPS Wilson loops in ABJM
1605.1027 Mechanism of stimulated Hawking radiation in a laboratory Bose-Einstein condensate
1605.1029 Online Machine Learning Techniques for Predicting Operator Performance
1605.1030 Comparing Kalman Filters and Observers for Dynamic State Estimation with Model Uncertainty and Malicious Cyber Attacks
1605.1031 Equivalence of L0 and L1 Minimizations in Sudoku Problem
1605.1033 Universal Multiparty Data Exchange and Secret Key Agreement
1605.1035 Search for the glueball content of hadrons in gamma p interactions at GlueX
1605.1036 Orbital minimization method with $ell^1$ regularization
1605.1037 Multi-band gravitational-wave astronomy: parameter estimation and tests of general relativity with space and ground-based detectors
1605.1039 Phylogenetic trees and Euclidean embeddings
1605.1040 The 750 GeV Diphoton Resonance in the MSSM
1605.1041 Local convergence of spectra and pseudospectra
1605.1042 Hierarchical Bayesian Noise Inference for Robust Real-time Probabilistic Object Classification
1605.1045 Compare and contrast between duals of fusion and discrete frames
1605.1046 Logarithmic proximity measures outperform plain ones in graph nodes clustering
1605.1047 Strong-coupling and the Stripe phase of $^3$He
1605.1050 Evolution of a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to a minimal thermal environment
1605.1053 Semi-classical and quantum Rabi models: in celebration of 80 years
1605.1054 An Open Catalog for Supernova Data
1605.1056 Systematic tests for position-dependent additive shear bias
1605.1057 BOND: Bayesian Oxygen and Nitrogen abundance Determinations in giant H II regions using strong and semi-strong lines
1605.1058 The Spatially Resolved Dynamics of Dusty Starburst Galaxies in a z ~ 0.4 Cluster: Beginning the Transition from Spirals to S0s
1605.1059 Predictions for the Detection and Characterization of a Population of Free-Floating Planets with K2 Campaign 9
1605.1061 $p$-adic AdS/CFT
1605.1065 Intrinsic alignments in redMaPPer clusters -- I. Central galaxy alignments and angular segregation of satellites
1605.1066 Temperature Structure and Atmospheric Circulation of Dry, Tidally Locked Rocky Exoplanets
1605.1068 Permutations contained in transitive subgroups
1605.1071 Lie symmetries of (1+2) nonautonomous evolution equations in Financial Mathematics
1605.1072 Chill-Pass: Using Neuro-Physiological Responses to Chill Music to Defeat Coercion Attacks
1605.1073 Negative Entropies in Casimir and Casimir-Polder Interactions
1605.1074 Quantitatively analyzing intrinsic plasmonic chirality by tracking the interplay of electric and magnetic dipole modes
1605.1075 Gravitational Positive Energy Theorems from Information Inequalities
1605.1079 Newer method of string comparison: the Modified Moving Contracting Window Pattern Algorithm
1605.1080 Spin-lattice-coupled order in Heisenberg antiferromagnets on the pyrochlore lattice
1605.1083 Dualized Simple Type Theory
1605.1084 Interaction-Free Measurements of Optical Semitransparent Objects
1605.1085 Numerical Computations and Computer Assisted Proofs of Periodic Orbits of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation
1605.1086 A Framework for the Numerical Computation and a Posteriori Verification of Invariant Objects of Evolution Equations
1605.1087 A quantum optical model for the dynamics of high harmonic generation
1605.1088 Factorization of the Quantum Fractional Oscillator
1605.1089 Projective embedding of log riemann surfaces and K-stability
1605.1091 The Resistance Perturbation Distance: A Metric for the Analysis of Dynamic Networks
1605.1092 Information Flows in Encrypted Databases
1605.1093 Complex structures and zero-curvature equations for sigma-models
1605.1095 Regression with missing Ys: An improved strategy for analyzing multiply imputed data
1605.1099 Falsifying Baryogenesis with Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
1605.1101 WEPSAM: Weakly Pre-Learnt Saliency Model
1605.1103 Laser Interferometers as Dark Matter Detectors
1605.1107 Decentralized Dynamic Discriminative Dictionary Learning
1605.1108 Perron's method for stochastic viscosity solutions
1605.1109 Numerical simulations with the finite element method for the Burgers' equation on the real line
1605.1110 On the Delay of Geographical Caching Methods in Two-Tiered Heterogeneous Networks
1605.1111 On the Structural Origin of the Single-ion Magnetic Anisotropy in LuFeO3
1605.1113 Field-induced transition of the magnetic ground state from A-type antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic order in CsCo2Se2
1605.1114 Proton Tomography Through Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
1605.1115 MARLow: A Joint Multiplanar Autoregressive and Low-Rank Approach for Image Completion
1605.1116 An evaluation of randomized machine learning methods for redundant data: Predicting short and medium-term suicide risk from administrative records and risk assessments
1605.1117 Interpolation in Algebraic Geometry
1605.1120 Information Sources on a Bratteli diagram
1605.1121 The Energy-Momentum Tensor(s) in Classical Gauge Theories
1605.1125 Barbero's formulation from a $BF$-type action with the Immirzi parameter
1605.1126 Design and Analysis of Optimal Threshold Offloading (OTO) Algorithm for LTE Femtocell/Macrocell Networks
1605.1127 Conformal graph directed Markov systems on Carnot groups
1605.1129 Radiative Type III Seesaw Model and its collider phenomenology
1605.1130 Mining Discriminative Triplets of Patches for Fine-Grained Classification
1605.1131 Growth of $mathbb{Z}^m$ in Cubing Extensions
1605.1132 The Formation and Early Evolution of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Associated Shock Wave on 2014 January 8
1605.1134 Heavy-flavored tetraquark states with the $QQar{Q}ar{Q}$ configuration
1605.1136 Atomically Thin Boron Nitride: Unique Properties and Applications
1605.1137 Spontaneous emission and the operation of invisibility cloaks: Can the invisibility cloaks render objects invisible in quantum mechanic domain?
1605.1138 A Comparative Evaluation of Approximate Probabilistic Simulation and Deep Neural Networks as Accounts of Human Physical Scene Understanding
1605.1139 Thomae formula for $2$ Abelian covers of $mathbb{CP}^1$
1605.1141 Texture Synthesis Through Convolutional Neural Networks and Spectrum Constraints
1605.1142 Separations in communication complexity using cheat sheets and information complexity
1605.1144 The length, width, and inradius of space curves
1605.1145 The Beilinson Conjecture for CM Elliptic Curves via Hypergeometric Functions
1605.1147 Insight into the magnetism of a distorted Kagome lattice, Dy3Ru4Al12, based on polycrystalline studies
1605.1148 Organic Primitives: Synthesis & Design of pH-Reactive Material InterfacesMaterials with Organic Molecules for Biocompatible I/O
1605.1149 Transverse Momentum Dependent Parton Distributions with self-similarity at small $x$ and models of proton structure function
1605.1152 Hyperons in neutron stars within Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory of gravity
1605.1153 Structural Synthesis for GXW Specifications
1605.1155 The contributions of surface charge and geometry to protein-solvent interaction
1605.1156 Application of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Detecting Extreme Weather in Climate Datasets
1605.1157 Classically conformal U(1)' extended standard model, electroweak vacuum stability, and LHC Run-2 bounds
1605.1159 Exact spectral densities of complex noise-plus-structure random matrices
1605.1160 Successive Interference Cancellation in Bipolar Ad Hoc Networks with SWIPT
1605.1163 On the relationship between sunspot structure and magnetic field changes associated with solar flares
1605.1164 Direct observation of internal quantum transitions and femtosecond radiative decay of excitons in monolayer WSe_2
1605.1165 Estimating stellar effective temperatures and detected angular parameters using stochastic particle swarm optimization
1605.1167 Model sets with positive entropy in Euclidean cut and project schemes
1605.1169 Topological Structure of the Vacuum, Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy
1605.1170 A bound for the eigenvalue counting function for Krein--von Neumann and Friedrichs extensions
1605.1171 Reflection groups and discrete integrable systems
1605.1172 Approximate euclidean Steiner trees
1605.1174 Irreproducibility of Diffusion Coefficients in Single-Particle-Tracking Measurements in Heterogeneous Environment
1605.1175 On some unexpected properties of radial and symmetric eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the $p$-Laplacian on a ball
1605.1176 On rigidity and convergence of circle patterns
1605.1177 A metric on the space of finite sets of trajectories for evaluation of multi-target tracking algorithms
1605.1178 Optimal Degrees of Freedom Region for the Asymmetric MIMO Y Channel
1605.1179 Searches for top-Higgs FCNC couplings via Whj signal with $h o gammagamma$ at the LHC
1605.1181 Deformed discrete symmetries
1605.1182 On empirical cumulant generating functions of code lengths for individual sequences
1605.1184 Optimal DoF Region for the Asymmetric Two-Pair MIMO Two-Way Relay Channel
1605.1185 Linear Bandit algorithms using the Bootstrap
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