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Articles rated:
07 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 5.2016
1605.1187 Novel Self-passivation Rule and Structure of CdTe sigma3 (112) Grain Boundary
1605.1190 Maximum likelihood estimator for discretely observed CIR mode with small $alpha$-stable noises
1605.1194 IISCNLP at SemEval-2016 Task 2: Interpretable STS with ILP based Multiple Chunk Aligner
1605.1197 Numerical Investigation of Vertical Cavity Lasers with Subwavelength Gratings Using the Fourier Modal Method
1605.1199 Non-Homogenizable Classes of Finite Structures
1605.1201 From Network Sharing to Multi-tenancy: The 5G Network Slice Broker
1605.1203 Kaon-Nucleon systems and their interactions in the Skyrme model
1605.1204 A new look at the Feynman ’hodograph' approach to the Kepler first law
1605.1207 Ontology-Mediated Queries: Combined Complexity and Succinctness of Rewritings via Circuit Complexity
1605.1208 Convergence of a decoupled mixed FEM for the dynamic Ginzburg--Landau equations in nonsmooth domains with incompatible initial data
1605.1209 Hunting for Dark Particles with Gravitational Waves
1605.1210 Quantum dynamics on Orlicz spaces
1605.1211 An Upper Bound for the Capacity of Amplitude-Constrained Scalar AWGN Channel
1605.1212 $hp$-Version space-time discontinuous Galerkin methods for parabolic problems on prismatic meshes
1605.1213 Generalized Method of Moments for Estimating Parameters of Stochastic Reaction Networks
1605.1214 Factor Models for Asset Returns Based on Transformed Factors
1605.1215 HELP-ing Extragalactic Surveys : The Herschel Extragalactic Legacy Project and The Coming of Age of Multi-Wavelength Astrophysics
1605.1216 Neutrino masses and superheavy dark matter in the 3-3-1-1 model
1605.1218 Indirect Dark Matter searches in the light of the recent AMS-02 observations
1605.1219 Evolution of transcription factor families along the human lineage
1605.1220 Multidimensional monopolist pricing problem with uncertain valuations
1605.1221 Valued modules over skew polynomial rings 1
1605.1223 Crystal field parameters of the rare earth pyrochlores $R_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ ($R$ = Tb, Dy, Ho)
1605.1224 Learning Covariant Feature Detectors
1605.1225 Unidirectional Invisibility and Nonreciprocal Transmission in Two and Three Dimensions
1605.1227 A simple bijection between permutation matrices and descending plane partitions without special parts
1605.1228 Automatic Handover Control for Distributed Load Balancing in Mobile Communication Network
1605.1230 Notes on divisible MV-algebras
1605.1232 A note on uniqueness boundary of holomorphic mappings
1605.1235 On the evaluation of uncertainties for state estimation with the Kalman filter
1605.1236 Characterizing Solution Concepts in Terms of Common Knowledge of Rationality
1605.1238 Fast formation of isogeometric Galerkin matrices by weighted quadrature
1605.1239 Star Formation and Feedback: A Molecular Outflow-Prestellar Core Interaction in L1689N
1605.1240 On Codimension one Embedding of Simplicial Complexes
1605.1241 Giant spin-orbit splitting in inverted InAs/GaSb double quantum wells
1605.1242 Hierarchical Modeling of Multidimensional Data in Regularly Decomposed Spaces: Applications in Image Analysis
1605.1243 A weak approximation with asymptotic expansion and multidimensional Malliavin weights
1605.1244 INFFTM: Fast evaluation of 3d Fourier series in MATLAB with an application to quantum vortex reconnections
1605.1247 Hyperbolic thermal antenna
1605.1248 $f$-mode interaction with models of sunspot : near-field scattering and multi-frequency effects
1605.1249 Nanoripple formation on GaAs (001) surface by reverse epitaxy during ion beam sputtering at elevated temperature
1605.1250 Strichartz estimates with loss of derivatives under a weak dispersion property for the wave operator
1605.1251 Oscillation and variation for Riesz transform associated with Bessel operators
1605.1253 Tools for assessing and optimizing the energy requirements of high performance scientific computing software
1605.1256 Oscillation and variation for semigroups associated with Bessel operators
1605.1258 Geometric orbital susceptibility: quantum metric without Berry curvature
1605.1259 High temperature superconductivity in sulfur hydride under ultrahigh pressure: A complex superconducting phase beyond conventional BCS
1605.1260 Eta-quotients and Embeddings of $X_0(N)$ in the Projective Plane
1605.1261 Peculiar compact stellar systems in the Fornax cluster
1605.1263 Direct Bethe-Salpeter solutions in Minkowski space
1605.1264 On Generalized Commutator
1605.1265 What decides the direction of a current?
1605.1269 Suppression of a kinematic dynamo by large shear
1605.1270 Towards tailoring non-invasive brain stimulation using real-time fMRI and Bayesian optimization
1605.1271 Strong Field Limit Lensing Effects in the Minimal Geometric Deformation and Casadio-Fabbri-Mazzacurati Solutions
1605.1272 Motional-Mode Analysis of Trapped Ions
1605.1274 Modeling Anisotropic Stars Obeying Chaplygin Equation of State
1605.1275 Phase transition and uniqueness of levelset percolation
1605.1276 Low Mach number limit for the Quantum-Hydrodynamics system
1605.1278 A Bayesian Approach to Policy Recognition and State Representation Learning
1605.1279 Uniform asymptotic approximation of diffusion to a small target: generalized reaction models
1605.1280 Torsion exceptional sheaves on weak del Pezzo surfaces of Type A
1605.1282 Classification of universal formality maps for quantizations of Lie bialgebras
1605.1283 Barometric pumping effect for radon-due neutron flux in underground laboratories
1605.1284 Expanding molecular bubble surrounding Tycho's supernova remnant (SN 1572) observed with IRAM 30 m telescope: evidence for a single-degenerate progenitor
1605.1285 Shape recovery from sparse tomographic X-ray data
1605.1288 From exp-concavity to variance control: High probability O(1/n) rates and high probability online-to-batch conversion
1605.1290 The role of idiotypic interactions in the adaptive immune system: a belief-propagation approach
1605.1291 Direct visualization of mechanical beats by means of an oscillating smartphone
1605.1292 A minimal model of TeV scale WIMPy leptogenesis
1605.1297 Gaussian fluctuations for the classical XY model
1605.1298 The Euclidean criterion for irreducibles
1605.1299 Integrality of HLV kernels
1605.1300 Relativistic X-ray reverberation modelling of the combined time-averaged and lag-energy spectra in AGN
1605.1302 EDF-VD Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Systems with Degraded Quality Guarantees
1605.1303 Investigating the impact of optical selection effects on observed rest frame prompt GRB properties
1605.1304 Composite mapping on hesitant fuzzy soft classes
1605.1305 A note on rings of finite rank
1605.1306 The Search for HI Emission at z $approx0.4$ in Gravitationally Lensed Galaxies with the Green Bank Telescope
1605.1307 Studying Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence with Synchrotron Polarization Dispersion
1605.1308 The distance between the general Poisson summation formula and that for bandlimited functions; applications to quadrature formulae
1605.1310 Statistical mechanical models of integer factorization problem
1605.1311 Visualizing Count Data Regressions Using Rootograms
1605.1312 The role of double TiO2 layers at the interface of FeSe/SrTiO3 superconductors
1605.1313 V470 Cas and GSC 2901-00089, Two New Double-mode Cepheids
1605.1316 Waiting for Unruh
1605.1317 Endohedral confinement of a DNA dodecamer onto pristine carbon nanotubes and the stability of the canonical B form
1605.1318 Secondary cosmic ray nuclei in the light of the Single Source Model
1605.1319 (2/2/3)-SAT problem and its applications in dominating set problems
1605.1320 Minimal Asymmetric Graphs
1605.1321 Parker's model in geodynamo
1605.1322 Simplicial Lusternik-Schnirelmann category
1605.1325 Survival of habitable planets in unstable planetary systems
1605.1326 Compression and the origins of Zipf's law for word frequencies
1605.1328 Optimized Binomial Quantum States of Complex Oscillators with Real Spectrum
1605.1329 Single Channel Speech Enhancement Using Outlier Detection
1605.1331 Linear Network Coding Capacity Region of The Smart Repeater with Broadcast Erasure Channels
1605.1334 Imprints of Electron-positron Winds on the Multi-wavelength Afterglows of Gamma-ray Bursts
1605.1335 Learning from the memory of Atari 2600
1605.1336 MV-algebras and measure: some examples
1605.1337 The magnetic momentums of the hidden-charm pentaquark states
1605.1338 Parton Shower Uncertainties with Herwig 7: Benchmarks at Leading Order
1605.1341 eLISA eccentricity measurements as tracers of binary black hole formation
1605.1342 Age of old objects constraints on cosmic opacity
1605.1343 Electoral Systems Used around the World
1605.1344 Advances in quantum metrology: Continuous variables in phase space
1605.1345 A Linearization Technique for Self-Interference Cancellation in Full-Duplex Radios
1605.1347 On the geometry of spatial biphoton correlation in spontaneous parametric down-conversion
1605.1350 On Chromatic Zagreb Indices of Certain Graphs
1605.1351 Demonstration of weight-four parity measurements in the surface code architecture
1605.1352 Default Rules for Curry
1605.1353 HD 35502: a hierarchical triple system with a magnetic B5IVpe primary
1605.1354 Modeling and Simulation of the Economics of Mining in the Bitcoin Market
1605.1357 Recursion formula for the Green's function of a Hamiltonian for several types of Dirac delta-function potentials in curved spaces
1605.1359 Constancy regions of mixed multiplier ideals in two-dimensional local rings with rational singularities
1605.1360 Spin polarization in SCC-DFTB
1605.1363 Vector and Axial-vector resonances in composite models of the Higgs boson
1605.1365 On the Macroscopic Fractal Geometry of Some Random Sets
1605.1366 Nanoscopic Characterization of DNA within Hydrophobic Pores:Thermodynamics and Kinetics
1605.1369 Accelerating Deep Learning with Shrinkage and Recall
1605.1373 Simple transitive 2-representations of small quotients of Soergel bimodules
1605.1374 Remarks of weak-compactness along Kahler Ricci flow
1605.1375 Fermi Reveals New Light on Novae in Gamma rays
1605.1376 Hopf algebroid twists for deformation quantization of linear Poisson structures
1605.1377 Shape minimization problems in liquid crystals
1605.1379 Leveraging Visual Question Answering for Image-Caption Ranking
1605.1380 Two loop correction to interference in $gg o ZZ$
1605.1384 Multi Level Monte Carlo methods for a class of ergodic stochastic differential equations
1605.1385 Shift-preserving maps on $omega^*$
1605.1387 Strategic initial placement promotes evolution of cooperation on graphs
1605.1388 Arctic curves of the six-vertex model on generic domains: the Tangent Method
1605.1389 Heavy ions at the Future Circular Collider
1605.1390 Interaction-tuned Anderson versus Mott localization
1605.1392 A bias to CMB lensing measurements from the bispectrum of large-scale structure
1605.1393 The Last Minutes of Oxygen Shell Burning in a Massive Star
1605.1394 The Availability and Security Implications of Glue in the Domain Name System
1605.1395 Viscoplastic flow in an extrusion damper
1605.1396 Squares that Look Round: Transforming Spherical Images
1605.1397 Skin Lesion Analysis toward Melanoma Detection: A Challenge at the International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2016, hosted by the International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC)
1605.1398 Maximal Flavor Violation in Super-GUTs
1605.1399 The Influence of Temperature Anisotropies in Controlling the Development of Magnetospheric Substorms
1605.1402 Challenging Fuel Cycle Modeling Assumptions: Facility and Time Step Discretization Effects
1605.1638 Baryonic Distributions in Galaxy Dark Matter Haloes I: New Observations of Neutral and Ionized Gas Kinematics
1605.1646 Improving estimates of msini by expanding RV datasets
1605.1648 A Joint Chandra and Swift View of the 2015 X-Ray Dust Scattering Echo of V404 Cygni
1605.1667 Constraints on parity violation from ACTpol and forecasts for forthcoming CMB experiments
1605.1673 Information Mechanics
1605.1682 Maps of Evolving Cloud Structures in Luhman 16AB from HST Time-Resolved Spectroscopy
1605.1695 Faster Online Matrix-Vector Multiplication
1605.1707 Search for transient gravitational waves in coincidence with short duration radio transients during 2007-2013
1605.1708 A proof of the peak polynomial positivity conjecture
1605.1710 Plug-and-Play ADMM for Image Restoration: Fixed Point Convergence and Applications
1605.1712 New constraints on interacting dark energy from cosmic chronometers
1605.1713 Not Just a Black Box: Learning Important Features Through Propagating Activation Differences
1605.1714 Exploring the propagation of relativistic quantum wavepackets in the trajectory-based formulation
1605.1715 An O(N) and parallel approach to integral problems by a kernel-independent fast multipole method: Application to polarization and magnetization of interacting particles
1605.1716 A duality principle in spin glasses
1605.1717 Negative-Weight Shortest Paths and Unit Capacity Minimum Cost Flow in $ ilde{O}(m^{10/7} log W)$ Time
1605.1720 Enhancement of the thermoelectric properties in doped FeSb$_2$ bulk crystals
1605.1722 On solutions of some of unsolved problems in number theory, specifically on the distribution of primes
1605.1723 Stirred, not Clumped: Evolution of Temperature Profiles in the Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters
1605.1724 Hard X-ray Luminosity Function of Tidal Disruption Events: First Results from MAXI Extragalactic Survey
1605.1725 How AGN Jets Heat the Intracluster Medium -- Insights from Hydrodynamic Simulations
1605.1726 Green-Schwarz superstring on the lattice
1605.1731 A Comprehensive Dust Model Applied to the Resolved Beta Pictoris Debris Disk from Optical to Radio Wavelengths
1605.1733 Matched predictions for the $bar{b}H$ cross section at the 13 TeV LHC
1605.1737 Superconductivity at very low density: the case of strontium titanate
1605.1740 Searching for GC-like abundance patterns in young massive clusters
1605.1741 Privacy and Twitter in Qatar: Traditional Values in the Digital World
1605.1742 Anosov representations and dominated splittings
1605.1744 Improving Automated Patent Claim Parsing: Dataset, System, and Experiments
1605.1745 Strong solutions for time-dependent mean field games with non-separable Hamiltonians
1605.1746 Biobjective Performance Assessment with the COCO Platform
1605.1750 Some results on the spectral radii of uniform hypergraphs
1605.1756 Limit on the Radiative Neutrinoless Double Electron Capture of $^{36}$Ar from GERDA Phase I
1605.1757 Superconductivity in multiple phases of compressed GeSb2Te4
1605.1761 On the effect of self-steepening in modulation instability
1605.1764 Narrow band amplification of light carrying orbital angular momentum
1605.1766 On free decompositions of verbally closed subgroups of free products of finite groups
1605.1770 Approximation properties for locally compact quantum groups
1605.1774 Review: Garbe, Annette. Die partiell konventional, partiell empirisch bestimmte Realit"at physikalischer RaumZeiten. K"onigshausen & Neumann: W"urzburg 2001, pp. 419, ISBN: 978-3-8260-2080-3
1605.1775 Adversarial Diversity and Hard Positive Generation
1605.1776 Non-Gaussian SLAP: Simultaneous Localization and Planning Under Non-Gaussian Uncertainty in Static and Dynamic Environments
1605.1777 The equivariant Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomial of a matroid
1605.1779 Clustering on the Edge: Learning Structure in Graphs
1605.1781 A Generalization of the Hamilton-Waterloo Problem on Complete Equipartite Graphs
1605.1782 Local existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with nonnegative density
1605.1783 On the Lagrange and Markov Dynamical Spectra for Anosov Flows in dimension 3
1605.1787 The Solar Solution: Tracking the Sun with Low Energy Neutrinos
1605.1789 Smart packaging of electronics and integrated MEMS devices using LTCC
1605.1791 Functional central limit theorems and $P(phi)_{1}$-processes for the classical and relativistic Nelson models
1605.1794 A geometric iterated function system on triangles
1605.1795 From local to global conjugacy of subgroups of relatively hyperbolic groups
1605.1796 Analysis of a spatially deconvolved solar pore
1605.1797 A decoherence-free subspace for charge: the quadrupole qubit
1605.1799 Algorithms for Overcoming the Curse of Dimensionality for Certain Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Arising in Control Theory and Elsewhere
1605.1801 A Sobolev Space theory for stochastic partial differential equations with time-fractional derivatives
1605.1802 Multiple K Means++ Clustering of Satellite Image Using Hadoop MapReduce and Spark
1605.1804 Non-viscous Regularization of the Davey-Stewartson Equations: Analysis and Modulation Theory
1605.1808 CV-QKD with Gaussian and non-Gaussian Entangled States over Satellite-based Channels
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