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Articles rated:
07 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 5.2016
1605.1811 Darboux Calculus
1605.1812 Interaction of Two Filament Channels of Different Chiralities
1605.1820 On a representation of Humbert's double hypergeometric series $Phi_3$ in a series of Gauss's $_2F_1$ function
1605.1822 Absence of Marginal Stability in Self-Generated Coulomb Glasses
1605.1823 A normality criterion generalizing Gu's result
1605.1824 Development of an Autonomous Reactive Mission Scheduling and Path Planning (ARMSP) Architecture Using Evolutionary Algorithms for AUV Operation in a Sever Ocean Environment
1605.1825 Robust Optical Flow Estimation of Double-Layer Images under Transparency or Reflection
1605.1827 Intrinsic Negative Poisson's Ratio for Single-Layer Graphene
1605.1828 Two-sided Quantum Amplitude Amplification and Exact-Error Algorithms
1605.1834 Arbitrarily Varying Networks: Capacity-achieving Computationally Efficient Codes
1605.1835 Evolution of science I: Evolution of Mind
1605.1836 Evolution of science II: Insights into working of Nature
1605.1839 Beyond Local Search: Tracking Objects Everywhere with Instance-Specific Proposals
1605.1842 Resonances of third order differential operators
1605.1843 Perceptually Consistent Color-to-Gray Image Conversion
1605.1844 On the origin of the hard X-ray tail in neutron-star X-ray binaries
1605.1850 Symmetries of the Coefficients of Three Term Relations for the Hypergeometric Functions
1605.1851 Asymmetric sequential Landau-Zener dynamics of Bose condensed atoms in a cavity
1605.1853 A computational intuition pump to examine group creativity: building on the ideas of others
1605.1855 Resource allocation using metaheuristic search
1605.1857 Algorithm on rainbow connection for maximal outerplanar graphs
1605.1858 Scaling solutions for Dilaton Quantum Gravity
1605.1861 Incremental and Decremental Secret Key Agreement
1605.1862 Optimal market making
1605.1864 Instabilities, motion and deformation of active fluid droplets
1605.1865 Hybrid Double Quantum Dots: Normal, Superconducting, and Topological Regimes
1605.1867 Statistical mechanics analysis of thresholding 1-bit compressed sensing
1605.1871 Achieving acoustic cloak by using compressible background flow
1605.1876 Quantal rotation and its coupling to intrinsic motion in nuclei
1605.1877 Local Borcherds Products for Unitary Groups
1605.1878 Design and Analysis of Novel Kernel Measure for Software Fault Localization
1605.1879 Weak solution of Parabolic complex Monge-Amp'ere equation II
1605.1880 Privacy-Constrained Remote Source Coding
1605.1881 Detecting continuous spontaneous localisation with charged bodies in a Paul trap
1605.1882 The first eigenvalue of the $p$-Laplacian on time dependent Riemannian metrics
1605.1883 Magnetic fields in ring galaxies
1605.1885 Minimising movements for oscillating energies: the critical regime
1605.1890 The Ricci tensor of almost parahermitian manifolds
1605.1891 Bounds on collapse models from cold-atom experiments
1605.1895 Sentiment-enhanced Multidimensional Analysis of Online Social Networks: Perception of the Mediterranean Refugees Crisis
1605.1898 Boosted scalar confronting 750 GeV di-photon excess
1605.1899 Mixed type multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with the modified Bessel functions and products of two coupled random matrices
1605.1900 Optically probing symmetry breaking in the chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3
1605.1903 Deterministic Leader Election in $O(D + log n)$ Time with Messages of Size $O(1)$
1605.1904 On Dimensional Reduction of Magical Supergravity Theories
1605.1908 Direct evidence for multi-gap nodeless superconductivity in FeSe
1605.1910 Creating lenticular galaxies with major mergers
1605.1911 Critical behaviour of ($2+1$)-dimensional QED: 1/N_f-corrections in the Landau gauge
1605.1912 Magnetic shift of the chemical freezeout and electric charge fluctuations
1605.1914 Electromagnetic Imaging with Atomic Magnetometers: A Novel Approach to Security and Surveillance
1605.1916 The quantum change point
1605.1917 Dynamical and structural signatures of the glass transition in emulsions
1605.1918 $zeta^2$ Ret, its debris disk, and its lonely stellar companion $zeta^1$ Ret. Different $T_{mathrm{c}}$ trends for different spectra
1605.1919 User Reviews and Language: How Language Influences Ratings
1605.1921 Electrically pumped single-defect light emitters in WSe$_2$
1605.1923 UAV-based Autonomous Image Acquisition with Multi-View Stereo Quality Assurance by Confidence Prediction
1605.1925 Summation formula inequalities for eigenvalues of Schr"odinger operators
1605.1927 Bifurcations and exceptional points in a PT-symmetric dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate
1605.1929 Currents algebra for an atom-molecule Bose-Einstein condensate model
1605.1932 Eisenhart lifts and symmetries of time-dependent systems
1605.1933 Conformal field theories from deformations of theories with $W_n$ symmetry
1605.1942 Edge-covers in d-interval hypergraphs
1605.1943 From Fock's Transformation to de Sitter Space
1605.1944 SDNsec: Forwarding Accountability for Internet Reputability
1605.1946 A determination of mc(mc) from HERA data using a matched heavy-flavor scheme
1605.1947 Resource allocation in OFDMA networks with half-duplex and imperfect full-duplex users
1605.1950 Automatic LQR Tuning Based on Gaussian Process Global Optimization
1605.1952 Pattern formation mechanisms in motility mutants of Myxococcus xanthus
1605.1954 Observation estimate for kinetic transport equation by diffusion approximation
1605.1955 Variation in the pre-transit Balmer line signal around the hot Jupiter HD 189733 b
1605.1959 Point Island Models for Nucleation and Growth of Supported Nanoclusters during Surface Deposition
1605.1960 Polarization Enhancement of terahertz radiation generated by intrinsic Josephson junctions in a truncated edge square Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8+{delta}} mesa
1605.1961 Do we really live in four or in higher dimensions?
1605.1963 Global sausage oscillation of solar flare loops detected by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph
1605.1965 An anomaly in space and time and the origin of dynamics
1605.1967 Configurational entropy as a bounding of Gauss-Bonnet braneworld models
1605.1969 Szlenk and $w^*$-dentability indices of $C(K)$
1605.1974 Convergence of transition amplitudes obtained with the Schwinger variational principle
1605.1975 Real-space Hopfield diagonalization of inhomogeneous dispersive media
1605.1977 Open Packet Processor: a programmable architecture for wire speed platform-independent stateful in-network processing
1605.1978 An inertial lower bound for the chromatic number of a graph
1605.1981 Probability distribution built by Prabhakar function. Related Tur'an and Laguerre inequalities
1605.1982 On a conjecture of Stein
1605.1984 Exploring the Dark Universe: Constraint on dynamical dark energy models from CMB, BAO and Growth Rate Measurements
1605.1985 CW-resolutions of monomial ideals that are supported on face posets
1605.1987 TCPTuner: Congestion Control Your Way
1605.1988 LSTM with Working Memory
1605.1990 Searches for Sterile Neutrinos with the IceCube Detector
1605.1991 Spin orbit alignment for KELT-7b and HAT-P-56b via Doppler tomography with TRES
1605.1992 Fast Radio Bursts counterparts in the scenario of supergiant pulses
1605.1993 Coded Caching for a Large Number Of Users
1605.1994 Rolex: Resilience-Oriented Language Extensions for Extreme-Scale Systems
1605.1996 Optimized Coplanar Waveguide Resonators for a Superconductor-Atom Interface
1605.1999 Visual Saliency Based on Scale-Space Analysis in the Frequency Domain
1605.2000 Poroelastic toughening in polymer gels: A theoretical and numerical study
1605.2003 Framed cobordism and flow category moves
1605.2004 Collinear antiferromagnetism in trigonal SrMn$_{2}$As$_{2}$ revealed by single-crystal neutron diffraction
1605.2005 Frame-Dragging from Charged Rotating Body
1605.2009 On the disorder-driven quantum transition in $d=3$ relativistic metals
1605.2014 Existence of invariant measures for the stochastic damped Schr"odinger equation
1605.2017 A simple proof of the non-rationality of a general quartic double solid
1605.2020 A Dirichlet Process Characterization of RBM in a Wedge
1605.2026 Training Neural Networks Without Gradients: A Scalable ADMM Approach
1605.2028 A theoretical approach to understand spatial organization in complex ecologies
1605.2029 Shaping the Future through Innovations: From Medical Imaging to Precision Medicine
1605.2031 Extended Kalman Filter on SE(3) for Geometric Control of a Quadrotor UAV
1605.2032 Testing lowered isothermal models with direct N-body simulations of globular clusters
1605.2034 Searching for the 3.5 keV Line in the Stacked Suzaku Observations of Galaxy Clusters
1605.2035 Pseudorapidity dependence of the anisotropic flow of charged particles in Pb-Pb collisions at $sqrt{s_{ m NN}}=2.76$ TeV
1605.2045 Fast Compatibility Testing for Phylogenies with Nested Taxa
1605.2048 Differential equations defined on algebraic curves
1605.2049 Multidimensional Thermoelasticity for Nonsimple Materials -- Well-Posedness and Long-Time Behavior
1605.2053 Topological Protection of Photonic Path Entanglement
1605.2056 Q-balls in the Wick-Cutkosky model
1605.2061 A holographic model for black hole complementarity
1605.2063 Local quantum geometric dynamics
1605.2065 Concentrated Differential Privacy: Simplifications, Extensions, and Lower Bounds
1605.2333 Improving Initial Conditions for Cosmological $N$-Body Simulations
1605.2338 Understanding inverse metallicity gradients in galactic discs as a consequence of inside-out formation
1605.2355 Unconditionally secure credit/debit card chip scheme and physical unclonable function
1605.2379 Schwinger pair creation in Dirac semimetals in the presence of external magnetic and electric fields
1605.2385 Forbidden Iron Lines and Dust Destruction in Supernova Remnant Shocks: The Case of N49 in the Large Magellanic Cloud
1605.2392 The quantum origins of moment fragmentation in Nd2Zr2O7
1605.2403 Probing the Neutrino Mass through the Cross Correlation between the Rees-Sciama Effect and Weak Lensing
1605.2420 What can the occult do for you?
1605.2424 Learning Discriminative Features with Class Encoder
1605.2432 A broker-based framework for integrated SLA-aware SaaS Provisioning
1605.2438 Physical conditions and element abundances in SN and GRB host galaxies at different redshifts
1605.2445 Group decision makers making process - an analytic hierarchy approach
1605.2449 New insights on frequency combinations and 'forbidden frequencies' in de Haas-van Alphen spectrum of k{appa}-(ET) 2 Cu(SCN) 2
1605.2450 PTF 13efv - An outburst 500 days prior to the SNHunt 275 explosion and its radiative efficiency
1605.2455 2.4GHZ Class AB power Amplifier For Healthcare Application
1605.2456 On the structure of finitely generated shift-invariant subspaces
1605.2460 Fuzzy Clustering Based Segmentation Of Vertebrae in T1-Weighted Spinal MR Images
1605.2467 The nature of the torus in the heavily obscured AGN Markarian 3: an X-ray study
1605.2474 Data Dissemination in Unified Dynamic Wireless Networks
1605.2477 Holographic strange metals, entanglement and fermion signs
1605.2483 New Model-independent Method to Test the Cosmic Curvature
1605.2489 Designing social networks for efficient learning
1605.2491 iPTF15dtg: a double-peaked Type Ic Supernova from a massive progenitor
1605.2494 The complexity of cylindrical algebraic decomposition with respect to polynomial degree
1605.2499 Geometric Dominating Set and Set Cover via Local Search
1605.2514 Process Information Model for Sheet Metal Operations
1605.2516 Enhanced high-order harmonic generation from periodic potentials in inhomogeneous laser fields
1605.2518 Critical Point Computations on Smooth Varieties: Degree and Complexity bounds
1605.2521 Modeling the microstructural evolution during constrained sintering
1605.2523 Orbital stability via the energy-momentum method: the case of higher dimensional symmetry groups
1605.2524 The lifetime cost of a magnetic refrigerator
1605.2526 Absolute hydrogen depth profiling using the resonant $^{1}$H($^{15}$N,$alphagamma$)$^{12}$C nuclear reaction
1605.2530 Fixed Parameter Approximations for k-Center Problems in Low Highway Dimension Graphs
1605.2533 Tracking of magnetic flux concentrations over a five-day observation and an insight into surface magnetic flux transport
1605.2549 X-Ray diffraction on large single crystals using a powder diffractometer
1605.2550 Chaos and Stochastic Models in Physics: Ontic and Epistemic Aspects
1605.2552 How Much Cache is Needed to Achieve Linear Capacity Scaling in Backhaul-Limited Dense Wireless Networks?
1605.2559 Robust imaging of hippocampal inner structure at 7T: in vivo acquisition protocol and methodological choices
1605.2562 The ALMA-PILS survey: First detections of deuterated formamide and deuterated isocyanic acid in the interstellar medium
1605.2567 A note on Gekeler's h-function
1605.2575 One-dimensional magnetic order in the metal-organic framework Tb(HCOO)3
1605.2588 A Vizing-like theorem for union vertex-distinguishing edge coloring
1605.2591 Self-Duality and Self-Similarity of Little String Orbifolds
1605.2595 Nodal sets of Laplace eigenfunctions: estimates of the Hausdorff measure in dimension two and three
1605.2597 Fundamental Limits of Spectrum Sharing Full-Duplex Multicell Networks
1605.2601 An $SU(2)_L$ Septet Scalar Linking to Radiative Neutrino Model
1605.2603 The WSRT ZoA Perseus-Pisces Filament wide-field HI imaging survey I. HI catalogue and atlas
1605.2613 Effective field theory for large logarithms in radiative corrections to electron proton scattering
1605.2619 On the Emergence of Shortest Paths by Reinforced Random Walks
1605.2620 Universality of 2+1 dimensional RSOS models
1605.2628 Topological language for RNA
1605.2629 On the dynamics of tilted black hole-torus systems
1605.2634 On the 3x+1 conjecture
1605.2635 On Vector Linear Solvability of Multicast Networks
1605.2648 Symmetry Reduced Loop Quantum Gravity: A Bird's Eye View
1605.2649 The Langevin equation for systems with a preferred spatial direction
1605.2653 Multiple photon Hamiltonian in linear quantum optical networks
1605.2658 On locally coherent hearts
1605.2660 Information is not a Virus, and Other Consequences of Human Cognitive Limits
1605.2667 Unimodular Trees versus Einstein Trees
1605.2670 Heterogeneous nucleation on a surface with heterogeneous surface energy
1605.2672 The jet feedback mechanism (jfm) in stars, galaxies and clusters (a review)
1605.2675 3d N=2 mirror symmetry, pq-webs and monopole superpotentials
1605.2676 Nanoassembly of Polydisperse Photonic Crystals based on Binary and Ternary Polymer Opal Alloys
1605.2677 Building a Large Scale Dataset for Image Emotion Recognition: The Fine Print and The Benchmark
1605.2679 New limits on anomalous contributions to the $Wtb$ vertex
1605.2680 Graviton propagation within the context of the D-material universe
1605.2684 Les Houches 2015: Physics at TeV colliders - new physics working group report
1605.2687 A Framework for Similarity Search with Space-Time Tradeoffs using Locality-Sensitive Filtering
1605.2688 Theano: A Python framework for fast computation of mathematical expressions
1605.2689 Black hole radiation of massive spin-2 particles in (3+1) dimensions
1605.2695 Electron doping evolution of the magnetic excitations in NaFe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$As
1605.2706 Close encounters involving RAVE stars beyond the 47 Tucanae tidal radius
1605.2708 $Extrasolar~Storms$: Pressure-dependent Changes In Light Curve Phase In Brown Dwarfs From Simultaneous $Hubble$ and $Spitzer$ Observations
1605.2711 Stochastic Variance Reduced Optimization for Nonconvex Sparse Learning
1605.2714 Diameter in ultra-small scale-free random graphs
1605.2717 Integral Canonical Models for Automorphic Vector Bundles of Abelian Type
1605.2719 Measurement of $sin^2 heta^{ m lept}_{ m eff}$ using $e^+e^-$ pairs from $gamma^*/Z$ bosons produced in $par{p}$ collisions at a center-of-momentum energy of 1.96 TeV
1605.2720 Anytime Bi-Objective Optimization with a Hybrid Multi-Objective CMA-ES (HMO-CMA-ES)
1605.2722 The Kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect with Projected Fields II: prospects, challenges, and comparison with simulations
1605.2725 Unifying Dynamical and Structural Stability of Equilibriums
1605.2727 Good variation theory: a tauberian approach to the Riemann Hypothesis
1605.2729 The Effect of Features on the Functional Form of the Scalar Power Spectrum
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