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1605.9437 Fog Data: Enhancing Telehealth Big Data Through Fog Computing
1605.9460 From Ann Arbor to Sheffield: Around the World in 80 Years. I
1605.9604 Realization of uniform synthetic magnetic fields by periodically shaking an optical square lattice
1605.9653 A Comprehensive Evaluation and Benchmark for Person Re-Identification: Features, Metrics, and Datasets
1606.0061 Hierarchical Co-Attention for Visual Question Answering
1606.0062 Acceleration of an iterative method for the evaluation of high-frequency multiple scattering effects
1606.0063 The Quantum Socket: Three-Dimensional Wiring for Extensible Quantum Computing
1606.0064 Magnus-Induced Dynamics of Driven Skyrmions on a Quasi-One-Dimensional Periodic Substrate
1606.0066 How many-body correlations and $alpha$-clustering shape $^6$He
1606.0067 Sign Changes of Coefficients and Sums of Coefficients of L-Functions
1606.0068 Quantifying the probable approximation error of probabilistic inference programs
1606.0071 A fully nonlinear Sobolev trace inequality
1606.0073 The instantaneous local transition of a stable equilibrium to a chaotic attractor in piecewise-smooth systems of differential equations
1606.0075 Applications of Probabilistic Programming (Master's thesis, 2015)
1606.0077 Chiral groundstate currents of interacting photons in a synthetic magnetic field
1606.0078 Existence of solutions for some nonlinear problems with boundary value conditions
1606.0079 A confocal rheoscope to study bulk or thin-film material under uniaxial or biaxial shear
1606.0083 $k$-protected vertices in unlabeled rooted plane trees
1606.0084 Study of young stellar objects around SNR G18.8+0.3
1606.0085 Spin Texture in Type-II Weyl Semimetal WTe2
1606.0090 The heralded amplification for the single-photon multi-mode W state of the time-bin qubit
1606.0091 Proposal for an Integrated Raman-free Correlated Photon Source
1606.0092 Testing for Common Breaks in a Multiple Equations System
1606.0093 ExTASY: Scalable and Flexible Coupling of MD Simulations and Advanced Sampling Techniques
1606.0094 Boda-RTC: Productive Generation of Portable, Efficient Code for Convolutional Neural Networks on Mobile Computing Platforms
1606.0095 The magnitude of a metric space: from category theory to geometric measure theory
1606.0097 Production of Charmed Tetraquarks from $B_c$ and $B$ decays
1606.0098 A new proof of the classification of Elliptic Foliations induced by real Quadratic Fields with center
1606.0099 On A Subclass of Close-to-Convex Functions
1606.0103 A Comparative Study of Blending Algorithms for Realtime Panoramic Video Stitching
1606.0105 Quantum corrections to the Relativistic mean-field theory
1606.0106 Diffusive chaos in navigation satellites orbits
1606.0108 Dynamics and statistics in the operator algebra of quantum mechanics
1606.0109 Magnetic-field- and pressure-induced quantum phase transition in CsFeCl$_3$ proved via magnetization measurement
1606.0110 OpenSalicon: An Open Source Implementation of the Salicon Saliency Model
1606.0111 It s Time OS Mechanisms for Enforcing Asymmetric Temporal Integrity
1606.0112 Nearest-Neighbor Searching Under Uncertainty II
1606.0114 Beyond Quantum interference and Optical pumping: invoking a Closed-loop phase
1606.0116 Synthesis and different Optical properties of Gd2O3 doped sodium zinc tellurite glasses
1606.0117 Hardness of the Pricing Problem for Chains in Barter Exchanges
1606.0119 Latent Contextual Bandits
1606.0121 Scaling limits of discrete holomorphic functions
1606.0124 Caching Placement in Stochastic Wireless Caching Helper Networks: Channel Selection Diversity via Caching
1606.0125 Periodicity Properties of the Colored Jones Polynomial
1606.0126 Large-area and high-quality 2D transition metal telluride
1606.0127 On the Capacity of an Elemental Two-Way Two-Tier Network
1606.0128 Self-Paced Learning: an Implicit Regularization Perspective
1606.0129 Stability and the Morse boundary
1606.0131 Unique SRB measures and transitivity for Anosov diffeomorphisms
1606.0132 $C^r$-generic Anosov diffeomorphisms have trivial centralizer
1606.0135 Aggregating quantum repeaters for the quantum internet
1606.0136 Efficiently Bounding Optimal Solutions after Small Data Modification in Large-Scale Empirical Risk Minimization
1606.0139 Strict $omega$-categories are monadic over polygraphs
1606.0140 On the Host Galaxy of GRB 150101B and the Associated Active Galactic Nucleus
1606.0146 Experimental observation and computational analysis of striations in electronegative capacitively coupled radio-frequency plasmas
1606.0151 Mapping and Localization from Planar Markers
1606.0152 Equidistribution of curves in homogeneous spaces and Dirichlet's approximation theorem for matrices
1606.0154 Thermal expansion and magneto-volume studies of the itinerant helical magnet MnSi
1606.0155 Tracing scientific mobility of Early Career Researchers in Spain and The Netherlands through their publications
1606.0156 Fibrations and log-symplectic structures
1606.0158 Onset of anomalous diffusion from local motion rules
1606.0159 Thermal Relic Dark Matter Beyond the Unitarity Limit
1606.0162 Are there two types of pulsars?
1606.0164 A fixed contact angle condition for varifolds
1606.0165 Substitutional 4d and 5d Impurities in Graphene
1606.0166 Multiview Rectification of Folded Documents
1606.0167 Purcell-enhanced single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a tunable microcavity
1606.0168 Testing dark energy models with $H(z)$ data
1606.0169 Parked Cars are Excellent Roadside Units
1606.0170 Inscription of 3D waveguides in diamond using an ultrafast laser
1606.0171 Compact multiplication operators on nest algebras
1606.0173 Solvable Chaotic Synchronization -A New Interpretation of Common Noise-induced Synchronization with Conditional Lyapunov Exponents-
1606.0174 Singular Hermitian metrics and positivity of direct images of pluricanonical bundles
1606.0175 Polynomial Analysis Algorithms for Free Choice Probabilistic Workflow Nets
1606.0176 Large time monotonicity of solutions of reaction-diffusion equations in R^N
1606.0178 Enhanced optical squeezing from a degenerate parametric amplifier via time-delayed coherent feedback
1606.0179 Exact partition functions for the $Omega$-deformed $mathcal N=2^{*}$ $SU(2)$ gauge theory
1606.0180 Cosmology and Fundamental Physics with the Euclid Satellite
1606.0181 The formation of well-defined crystalline structures by UV laser irradiation of amorphous silicon films
1606.0182 On the Troll-Trust Model for Edge Sign Prediction in Social Networks
1606.0183 The classification of 3-dimensional noetherian cubic Calabi-Yau algebras
1606.0184 The Most Bound Halo Particle-Galaxy Correspondence Model: Comparison between Models with Different Merger Timescales
1606.0186 The Internal Polya Inequality for $mathbb{C}$-convex Domains in $mathbb{C}^n$
1606.0187 Robust Principal Component Analysis in Hilbert spaces
1606.0188 A strongly correlated Fermi superfluid near an orbital Feshbach resonance: The stability, universal equation of state and Leggett mode
1606.0189 Neural Network Translation Models for Grammatical Error Correction
1606.0190 The Development of Elementary Quantum Theory from 1900 to 1927
1606.0191 Anticipatory Networking in Future Generation Mobile Networks: a Survey
1606.0193 Not dead, just resting: The practical value of per publication citation indicators
1606.0194 Discovery of hard phase lags in the pulsed emission of GRO J1744-28
1606.0196 Trust-free verification of steering: why you can't cheat a quantum referee
1606.0197 Collective transport of charges in charge density wave systems based on traveling soliton lattices
1606.0198 High-precision broad-band linear polarimetry of early-type binaries I. Discovery of variable, phase-locked polarization in HD 48099
1606.0200 A Fast Order-Based Approach for Core Maintenance
1606.0201 Coulomb dissociation of $^{20,21}$N
1606.0203 A multi-objective synthesis methodology in quantum-dot cellular automata technology
1606.0205 Ludvig Lorenz, Electromagnetism, and the Theory of Telephone Currents
1606.0206 Production of high stellar-mass primordial black holes in trapped inflation
1606.0207 iResum: a new paradigm for resumming gravitational wave amplitudes
1606.0209 All-flavour Search for Neutrinos from Dark Matter Annihilations in the Milky Way with IceCube/DeepCore
1606.0210 Exploiting N-Best Hypotheses to Improve an SMT Approach to Grammatical Error Correction
1606.0211 Numerical matrix method for quantum periodic potentials
1606.0213 Stirring by Periodic Arrays of Microswimmers
1606.0214 Nonlinear Spinor field in isotropic space-time and dark energy models
1606.0217 Leibniz triple systems admitting a multiplicative basis
1606.0219 Hyperspectral Subspace Identification Using SURE
1606.0220 Theory of Orbital Susceptibility in the Tight-Binding Model: Corrections to the Peierls Phase
1606.0221 Diameter two properties, convexity and smoothness
1606.0223 Clustering of Self-Propelled Triangles with Surface Roughness
1606.0224 Local characterization of wave functions in inhomogeneous substrates
1606.0225 V4743 Sgr, a magnetic nova?
1606.0226 Crowdsourcing: Low complexity, Minimax Optimal Algorithms
1606.0227 A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
1606.0228 How do signs organize in directed signed social networks?
1606.0230 Dynamical Spectral rigidity among $mathbb Z_2$-symmetric strictly convex domains close to a circle
1606.0235 Clustering with phylogenetic tools in astrophysics
1606.0236 Persistence probabilities for stationary increment processes
1606.0237 The HOMFLYPT polynomials of sublinks and the Yokonuma-Hecke algebras
1606.0238 Tropical totally positive matrices
1606.0241 Entanglement and manipulation of the magnetic and spin-orbit order in multiferroic Rashba semiconductors
1606.0242 ctsmr - Continuous Time Stochastic Modeling in R
1606.0243 Visualizing the response of Weyl semimetals to Coulomb and magnetic perturbations
1606.0249 A strengthening of Wickstead's Theorem: Ordered Banach spaces in which every precompact set is order bounded
1606.0252 Testing High Dimensional Differential Matrices, with Application to Detecting Schizophrenia Risk Genes
1606.0253 On a Topic Model for Sentences
1606.0260 Generalized diffusion equation with fractional derivatives within Renyi statistics
1606.0262 Wave propagation in spatially modulated tubes
1606.0263 Generalised block bootstrap and its use in meteorology
1606.0264 Advanced Transport Options for the Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
1606.0266 Forces between Colloidal Particles in Aqueous Solutions Containing Monovalent and Multivalent Ions
1606.0268 Certain Chromatic Sums of Some Cycle Related Graph Classes
1606.0269 Characterization of linear convergence of gradient decent
1606.0271 A compact and robust diode laser system for atom interferometry on a sounding rocket
1606.0272 On centrality of even orthogonal $mathrm K_2$
1606.0274 Convergence of the gradient method for ill-posed problems
1606.0276 Distribution of the k-th smallest Dirac operator eigenvalue : an update
1606.0277 Crossing Numbers of Random Two-Bridge Knots
1606.0278 A-priori mesh grading for the numerical calculation of the head-related transfer functions
1606.0279 Sensitivity of chemical reaction networks: a structural approach 3. Regular multimolecular systems
1606.0280 Relational type-checking for MELL proof-structures. Part 1: Multiplicatives
1606.0282 Multi-Label Zero-Shot Learning via Concept Embedding
1606.0283 Synthetic data products for future HI galaxy surveys: a tool for characterising source confusion in spectral line stacking experiments
1606.0284 The intermediate line region in active galactic nuclei
1606.0285 Using Monte Carlo Search With Data Aggregation to Improve Robot Soccer Policies
1606.0290 Notes on a reduction property for GLP-algebras
1606.0292 Nanosecond-timescale spin transfer using individual electrons in a quadruple-quantum-dot device
1606.0293 Ergodic measures on infinite skew-symmetric matrices over non-Archimedean local fields
1606.0296 Finite rank Bratteli--Vershik system with periodicity is expansive
1606.0297 Transport and large deviations for Schrodinger operators and Mather measures
1606.0298 Automatic tagging using deep convolutional neural networks
1606.0299 Measuring Topological Invariants and Protected Bound States in Disordered Discrete Time Quantum Walks
1606.0300 Del Pezzo surfaces over finite fields and their Frobenius traces
1606.0301 Topological phonons and Weyl lines in 3 dimensions
1606.0302 Field dependence of the vortex core size probed by STM
1606.0303 On the equivariant blow-Nash classification of simple invariant Nash germs
1606.0305 Improving Deep Neural Network with Multiple Parametric Exponential Linear Units
1606.0306 On classifying spaces for the family of virtually cyclic subgroups in mapping class groups
1606.0307 Quasi-particle bands and structural phase transition of iron from Gutzwiller Density-Functional Theory
1606.0308 On subprojectivity and superprojectivity of Banach spaces
1606.0309 Prediction of miRNA-disease associations with a vector space model
1606.0311 A Revised Analysis of Gamma Ray Bursts' prompt efficiencies
1606.0312 The first-order theory of $ell$-permutation groups
1606.0314 On the GBM event seen 0.4 sec after GW 150914
1606.0315 Universal Finite-Size Scaling for Percolation Theory in High Dimensions
1606.0316 Large Deviations of the Finite-Time Magnetization of the Curie-Weiss Random Field Ising Model
1606.0317 Anomalous dispersion in Lithium Niobate one-dimensional waveguide array in the near-infrared wavelength range
1606.0319 Banach Envelopes in Symmetric Spaces of Measurable Operators
1606.0320 Effective action approach to dynamical generation of fermion mixing
1606.0321 Elliptic flow of electrons from heavy-flavour hadron decays at mid-rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at $mathbf{sqrt{s_mathrm{NN}}}$ = 2.76 TeV
1606.0322 The orbital structure of a tidally induced bar
1606.0324 Characterizations of the position value for hypergraph communication situations
1606.0325 Weak approximation of an invariant measure and a low boundary of the entropy, II
1606.0326 Cross section versus time delay and trapping probability
1606.0327 Top-quark physics at the Large Hadron Collider
1606.0328 A classification of the commutative Banach perfect semi-fields of characteristic 1. Applications
1606.0329 Generic Weyl phase in the vortex state of quasi-two-dimensional chiral superconductors
1606.0330 A standard zero free region for Rankin-Selberg L-functions
1606.0331 Global optimization, local adaptation and the role of growth in distribution networks
1606.0334 Symmetry fractionalization in the topological phase of the spin-1/2 J1-J2 triangular Heisenberg model
1606.0335 Dynamic electrical behavior of halide perovskite based solar cells
1606.0336 Skyrmions confined as beads on a vortex ring
1606.0337 Inference of Magnetic Field in the Coronal Streamer Invoking Kink Wave Motions generated by Multiple EUV Waves
1606.0338 Separable linear orders and universality
1606.0339 A structured argumentation framework for detaching conditional obligations
1606.0340 On a conjecture about dominant dimensions of algebras
1606.0341 Which Adaptation Logic? An Objective and Subjective Performance Evaluation of HTTP-based Adaptive Media Streaming Systems
1606.0344 Local equivalence of representations of Diff$^+(S^1)$ corresponding to different highest weights
1606.0345 Finite element convergence analysis for the thermoviscoelastic Joule heating problem
1606.0346 Dissipation effects in mechanics and thermodynamics
1606.0347 Localized defect states in MoS$_2$ monolayers: electronic and optical properties
1606.0348 ALMA Observations of HCN and its Isotopologues on Titan
1606.0349 Uniformization by square domains
1606.0353 Twisted-Racks, Twisted-Quandles, their Extensions and Cohomology
1606.0355 Parton distribution functions in Monte Carlo factorisation scheme
1606.0357 "Walking" Along a Free Rotating Bicycle Wheel (Round and Round)
1606.0358 Sums of multiplicative characters with additive convolutions
1606.0359 On strictly Chordality-k graphs
1606.0360 Beyond Counting: New Perspectives on the Active IPv4 Address Space
1606.0363 Mapping Unoccupied Electronic States of Freestanding Graphene by Angle-Resolved Low-Energy Electron Transmission
1606.0364 Rotating Leaks in the Stadium Billiard
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