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26 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 7.2016
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1606.9250 The Gamma-Ray Pulsar Population of Globular Clusters: Implications for the GeV Excess
1606.9271 Gauge theory and G2-geometry on Calabi-Yau links
1606.9315 Data Compression for Analytics over Large-scale In-memory Column Databases
1606.9360 Quantum simulation of magnetic monopoles in spin-1/2 systems
1606.9396 Design of 280 GHz feedhorn-coupled TES arrays for the balloon-borne polarimeter SPIDER
1606.9426 Evolution of the stellar-merger red nova V1309 Scorpii: SED analysis
1606.9446 Discovering topically- and temporally-coherent events in interaction networks
1606.9463 Optimal Locally Repairable Codes with Improved Update Complexity
1606.9477 Comparative study of high-Tc superconductivity in H3S and H3P
1606.9492 Packing perfect matchings in random hypergraphs
1606.9507 $ar{partial}$-equation on $(p,q)$-forms on conic neighbourhoods of $1$-convex manifolds
1606.9539 Multiscale integrators for stochastic differential equations and irreversible Langevin samplers
1606.9573 Diagonal and off-diagonal susceptibilities of conserved quantities in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
1606.9589 The Changing Locus of Health Data Production and Use: Patient-Generated Health Data, Observations of Daily Living, and Personal Health Information Management
1607.0060 Non-abelian Gerbes and Enhanced Leibniz Algebras
1607.0061 Towards A Virtual Assistant That Can Be Taught New Tasks In Any Domain By Its End-Users
1607.0062 Local Cohomology and Base Change
1607.0063 Prospects for quantum acoustics with phononic crystal devices
1607.0065 Sensitivities to charged-current nonstandard neutrino interactions at DUNE
1607.0067 Unsupervised Learning with Imbalanced Data via Structure Consolidation Latent Variable Model
1607.0069 Approaching the Standard Quantum Limit of Mechanical Torque Sensing
1607.0070 A Sequence-to-Sequence Model for User Simulation in Spoken Dialogue Systems
1607.0074 Intermittent dipping in a low-mass X-ray Binary
1607.0076 Multi-class classification: mirror descent approach
1607.0077 Fake Brownian motion and calibration of a Regime Switching Local Volatility model
1607.0078 A Graph-Algorithmic Approach for the Study of Metastability in Markov Chains
1607.0079 Measurement of many-body chaos using a quantum clock
1607.0082 Efficient hyperentanglement purification for two-photon six-qubit quantum systems
1607.0083 Conservative Integrators for a Toy Model of Weak Turbulence
1607.0084 Provable Symmetric Nonnegative Matrix Factorization for Overlapping Clustering
1607.0085 Metadata salad at the Cordoba Observatory
1607.0087 Fractal Dimension Pattern Based Multiresolution Analysis for Rough Estimator of Person-Dependent Audio Emotion Recognition
1607.0088 Representations of integers by certain $2k$-ary quadratic forms
1607.0089 Detecting Algebraic Manipulation in Leaky Storage Systems
1607.0091 Reducing overfitting in challenge-based competitions
1607.0095 High-Fidelity Entangled Bell States via Shortcuts to Adiabaticity
1607.0097 Edge Detection Methods Based on Differential Phase Congruency of Monogenic Image
1607.0099 k-Congruences on semirings
1607.0100 Scalable ion-photon quantum interface based on integrated diffractive mirrors
1607.0103 On homogeneous locally conical spaces
1607.0105 Linear quaternion-valued Dynamic Equations on Time Scales
1607.0106 A note on extended Euclid's algorithm
1607.0108 Dynamics of Vector Solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates
1607.0109 Distinguishing between $s+id$ and $s+is$ pairing symmetries in multiband superconductors through spontaneous magnetization pattern induced by a defect
1607.0111 Behavior of three modes of decay channels and their self-energies of elliptic dielectric microcavity
1607.0112 The Chiral Potts Spin-Glass in d=2 and 3 Dimensions
1607.0114 Microscopic Description of Diffractive Deuteron Breakup by He-3 Nuclei
1607.0115 NUV Star Catalogue from the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope Survey. First Release
1607.0116 Generation of Spin Currents by Magnetic Field in $mathcal{T}$- and $mathcal{P}$-Broken Materials
1607.0117 All Your Cards Are Belong To Us: Understanding Online Carding Forums
1607.0118 Geometrothermodynamics for Black holes and de Sitter Space
1607.0119 One atom and one photon - the simplest polaritonic heat engine
1607.0120 Holographic intravital microscopy for 2-D and 3-D imaging intact circulating blood cells in microcapillaries of live mice
1607.0122 Less-forgetting Learning in Deep Neural Networks
1607.0124 Probing hybrid nuclear-electronic states in a model quantum ferromagnet
1607.0125 Fluctuation sound absorption in quark matter
1607.0126 Dynamics and Protecting of Entanglement in Two-Level Systems Interacting with a Dissipative Cavity: The Gardiner-Collett Approach
1607.0127 Tensor Train alternating linear scheme for MIMO Volterra system identification
1607.0129 Oxygen, $alpha$-element and iron abundance distributions in the inner part of the Galactic thin disc. II
1607.0130 Reduction of Classical Measurement Noise via Quantum-Dense Metrology
1607.0131 Book crossing numbers of the complete graph and small local convex crossing numbers
1607.0132 Reduced Spherical Convex Bodies
1607.0133 Deep Learning with Differential Privacy
1607.0137 Sparse Graphical Representation based Discriminant Analysis for Heterogeneous Face Recognition
1607.0138 Representing Pattern Matching Algorithms by Polynomial-Size Automata
1607.0139 TensiStrength: Stress and relaxation magnitude detection for social media texts
1607.0145 Design of a high-performance GEMM-like Tensor-Tensor Multiplication
1607.0146 Efficient and Consistent Robust Time Series Analysis
1607.0148 LSTM-based Encoder-Decoder for Multi-sensor Anomaly Detection
1607.0150 On the Control of Energy Storage Systems for Electric Vehicles Fast Charging in Service Areas
1607.0151 Choquard equations under confining external potentials
1607.0152 Inhomogeneous molecular ring around the B[e] supergiant LHA 120-S 73
1607.0154 Sharp constant for Poincar'e-type inequalities in the hyperbolic space
1607.0155 Solute-solute interactions in intermetallic compounds
1607.0157 Cluster Decay of the High-lying excited states in $^{14}$C
1607.0158 Saturation magnetization and band gap tuning in BiFeO$_3$ nanoparticles via co-substitution of Gd and Mn
1607.0160 Trapping of solute atoms at grain boundaries in GdNi2
1607.0161 The violent white dwarf merger scenario for the progenitors of type Ia supernovae
1607.0163 Alternative PV Bus Modelling with the Holomorphic Embedding Load Flow Method
1607.0164 Generalized concurrence measure for faithful quantification of multiparticle pure state entanglement using Lagrange's identity and wedge product
1607.0165 Pedestrian dynamics in single-file movement of crowd with different age compositions
1607.0167 SentiBubbles: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Visualization of Entity-centric Tweets
1607.0168 On the classical Schr"odinger equation
1607.0170 Properties of groundstates of nonlinear Schr"odinger equations under a weak constant magnetic field
1607.0171 Sparse l1 Regularisation of Matrix Valued Models for Acoustic Source Characterisation
1607.0173 Vainshtein mechanism in massive gravity nonlinear sigma models
1607.0175 13-Moment System with Global Hyperbolicity for Quantum Gas
1607.0177 Global classical solutions and large-time behavior of the two-phase fluid model
1607.0179 Centers of inscribed circles in triangular orbits of an elliptic billiard
1607.0181 On the First Order Cohomology of Infinite--Dimensional Unitary Groups
1607.0184 Constraining $f(R)$ Gravity Theory Using CFHTLenS Weak Lensing Peak Statistics
1607.0185 Network Simplification for Secure AF Relaying
1607.0188 Higgs phase in a gauge $mathbf{U}(1)$ non-linear $mathbf{CP}^1$-model. Two species of BPS vortices and their zero modes
1607.0189 Nonergodic Subdiffusion from Transient Interactions with Heterogeneous Partners
1607.0190 Bender-Wu singularities
1607.0192 Bi-Hermitian metrics on Kato surfaces
1607.0193 Prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes: perturbative QCD models and nuclear effects
1607.0194 Correlation-induced DNA adsorption on like-charged membranes
1607.0197 Optimal insider control of stochastic partial differential equations
1607.0198 Sharing Network Parameters for Crosslingual Named Entity Recognition
1607.0200 An explicit asymptotic preserving low Froude scheme for the multilayer shallow water model with density stratification
1607.0201 Dynamics of trapped interacting vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates: Role of breathing degree of freedom
1607.0204 Consistent simulation of non-resonant diphoton production in hadron collisions including associated jet production up to two jets
1607.0205 An Easton-like theorem for Zermelo-Fraenkel Set Theory without Choice
1607.0207 Frequency tripled 1542 nm telecom laser diode stabilized to iodine hyperfine line in the 10-15 range
1607.0208 An Optimal Algorithm for Range Search on Multidimensional Points
1607.0211 Spherical Harmonic Signal Covariance and Sound Field Diffuseness
1607.0212 Cosmological constraints from $mu E$ cross-correlations
1607.0214 Self-similar plates: Casimir energies
1607.0215 Why is Posterior Sampling Better than Optimism for Reinforcement Learning
1607.0216 Serre-type equations in deep water
1607.0218 Hydrodynamic spectrum of a superfluid in an elongated trap
1607.0220 Steady photo-darkening of thulium alumino-silicate fibers pumped at $1.07~mu m$: Quantitative effect of lanthanum, cerium and thulium
1607.0221 Magnetic Properties of (La0.56Ce0.14)Sr0.30MnO3 Perovskite
1607.0223 Memory Based Collaborative Filtering with Lucene
1607.0224 Fabrication and optical characterization of long-range surface-plasmon-polariton waveguides in the NIR
1607.0225 Evaluating Unsupervised Dutch Word Embeddings as a Linguistic Resource
1607.0227 Many-body localization due to random interactions
1607.0228 The appearance of non-spherical systems. Application to LMXB
1607.0232 Irreducible Ginzburg--Landau fields in dimension 2
1607.0233 CALET Upper Limits on X-ray and Gamma-ray Counterparts of GW 151226
1607.0235 PIR Array Codes with Optimal PIR Rate
1607.0236 The a-function in three dimensions: beyond leading order
1607.0238 Forward production of Drell-Yan dileptons at high energies and low dilepton invariant masses in a $k_t$-factorization approach: Do we see onset of saturation?
1607.0240 Single- and many-particle description of scanning tunneling spectroscopy
1607.0241 Empirically extending the range of validity of parameter-space metrics for all-sky searches for gravitational-wave pulsars
1607.0242 A linear lower bound for incrementing a space-optimal integer representation in the bit-probe model
1607.0243 On the maximum of the C$eta$E field
1607.0245 Symmetric Polynomials in Tropical Algebra Semirings
1607.0246 Simple Left-Right Theory: Lepton Number Violation at the LHC
1607.0247 EuCo2P2: A Model Molecular-Field Helical Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
1607.0248 Dominating sequences in grid-like and toroidal graphs
1607.0249 Distributed Nonconvex Multiagent Optimization Over Time-Varying Networks
1607.0251 Improved Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics by Minimal Biasing with Experimental Data
1607.0252 Out of equilibrium stationary states, percolation, and sub-critical instabilities in a fully non conservative system
1607.0253 A new efficient numerical scheme to simulate the nonlinear Heisenberg-Euler equation in 3+1 Dimensions
1607.0255 Weighted Inner Products for GMRES and Arnoldi Iterations
1607.0259 Lower Bounds for Alternating Online Space Complexity
1607.0261 Noise and Disturbance of Qubit Measurements: An Information-Theoretic Characterisation
1607.0263 Relative Entropy and Torsion Coupling
1607.0264 Validity proof of Lazard's method for CAD construction
1607.0266 The Art of DNA Strings: Sixteen Years of DNA Coding Theory
1607.0267 Automated 5-year Mortality Prediction using Deep Learning and Radiomics Features from Chest Computed Tomography
1607.0271 A cluster realization of the $U_q(mathfrak{sl}_n)$ $R$-matrix from quantum character varieties
1607.0272 Connections between centrifugal, stratorotational and radiative instabilities in viscous Taylor--Couette flow
1607.0273 Noise Models in Feature-based Stereo Visual Odometry
1607.0274 A new analytical approach to consistency and overfitting in regularized empirical risk minimization
1607.0277 Wavefront Sensing in Space from the PICTURE-B Sounding Rocket
1607.0278 Obstructing Visibilities with One Obstacle
1607.0279 Meaningful Models: Utilizing Conceptual Structure to Improve Machine Learning Interpretability
1607.0283 Excited-state quantum phase transition in the Rabi model
1607.0285 Liquid-grain mixing suppresses droplet spreading and splashing during impact
1607.0287 Pauli Blockade in a Few-Hole PMOS Double Quantum Dot dominated by Spin-Orbit Interaction
1607.0289 Degenerating Hermitian metrics and spectral geometry of the canonical bundle
1607.0292 Bayes factor consistency
1607.0293 Neutrino oscillations at DUNE with improved energy reconstruction
1607.0294 Testing Lorentz symmetry with Lunar Laser Ranging
1607.0295 Studies on charge production from Cs2Te photocathodes in the PITZ L-band normal conducting radio frequency photo injector
1607.0296 Charge-exchange, ionization and excitation in low-energy Li$^{+}-$ Ar, K$^{+}-$ Ar, and Na$^{+}-$He collisions
1607.0297 Characterizing Corson and Valdivia compact spaces
1607.0298 CLEX: Yet Another Supercomputer Architecture?
1607.0300 Lie bialgebra structures on 2-step nilpotent graph algebras
1607.0302 Observation of the quantum paradox of separation of a single photon from one of its properties
1607.0303 Performance analysis for the new G-2 experiment
1607.0305 The Representation Dimension of a Selfinjective Algebra of Wild Tilted Type
1607.0306 Multi-wavelength Study of Transition Region Penumbral Subarcsecond Bright Dots Using IRIS and NST
1607.0307 Optimal Hash Tree Modes: the Case of Trees Having their Leaves at All the Levels
1607.0309 Full Monte-Carlo description of the Moscow State University Extensive Air Shower experiment
1607.0310 A WENO-based Method of Line Transpose Approach for Vlasov Simulations
1607.0311 Local integrands for two-loop QCD amplitudes
1607.0312 Hamburger Sternwarte plate archives: Historic long-term variability study of active galaxies based on digitized photographic plates
1607.0313 Notes on S-folds and $mathcal{N}=3$ theories
1607.0314 HOMFLY-PT homology for general link diagrams and braidlike isotopy
1607.0315 A multilevel framework for sparse optimization with application to inverse covariance estimation and logistic regression
1607.0316 Fundamental connections between models of active suspensions and transversely-isotropic fluids
1607.0317 Phosphorene as an Anode Material for High Performance Lithium-Ion Battery: First Principle Study and Experimental Measurement
1607.0318 The Evolution of Sex through the Baldwin Effect
1607.0319 Quantum state smoothing for classical mixtures
1607.0321 Formal Definition of QoE Metrics
1607.0322 HATS-19b, HATS-20b, HATS-21b: Three Transiting Hot-Saturns Discovered by the HATSouth Survey
1607.0323 Rotationally-Driven Fragmentation for the Formation of the Binary Protostellar System L1551 IRS 5
1607.0326 Evaluating linear response in active systems with no perturbing field
1607.0328 Amenability of coarse spaces and K-algebras
1607.0329 Proactive Location-Based Scheduling of Delay-Constrained Traffic Over Fading Channels
1607.0331 Machine-based Multimodal Pain Assessment Tool for Infants: A Review
1607.0332 Short-Pulse Amplification by Strongly-Coupled Brillouin Scattering
1607.0333 On SPDE and backward filtering equations for SDE systems (direct approach)
1607.0334 Massive scalar field evolution in de Sitter
1607.0338 Convergence properties of $eta o 3pi$ decays in chiral perturbation theory
1607.0341 Role of spin-transfer torques on synchronization and resonance phenomena in stochastic magnetic oscillators
1607.0342 Beyond the standard gauging: gauge symmetries of Dirac Sigma Models
1607.0343 NuSTAR Observations of the Black Hole GS 1354-645: Evidence of Rapid Black Hole Spin
1607.0344 Today a Duo, But Once a Trio? The Double White Dwarf HS 2220$+$2146 May Be A Post-Blue Straggler Binary
1607.0346 Distributed-memory Hierarchical Interpolative Factorization
1607.0347 Colorful simplicial depth, Minkowski sums, and generalized Gale transforms
1607.0350 Quantum solvable models with nonlocal one point interactions
1607.0351 A Comparison of Preconditioned Krylov Subspace Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
1607.0352 Minimizing statistical and systematic bias in transverse momentum correlations for relativistic heavy-ion collisions
1607.0353 To fission or not to fission
1607.0354 STAM: A Framework for Spatio-Temporal Affordance Maps
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