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26 January 2025
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2025, 2016
12, 8.2016
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1607.8610 Bouncing cosmology inspired by regular black holes
1607.8613 SDSS-IV MaNGA IFS Galaxy Survey --- Survey Design, Execution, and Initial Data Quality
1607.8646 Gauge Coupling Field, Currents, Anomalies and N=1 Super-Yang-Mills Effective Actions
1607.8658 Optical Identification of Cepheids in 19 Host Galaxies of Type Ia Supernovae and NGC 4258 with the Hubble Space Telescope
1607.8670 The role of singular spinor fields in a torsional gravity, Lorentz-violating, framework
1607.8692 A Novel Bilingual Word Embedding Method for Lexical Translation Using Bilingual Sense Clique
1607.8729 Multi-contact Walking Pattern Generation based on Model Preview Control of 3D COM Accelerations
1607.8754 A flow based pruning scheme for enumerative equitable coloring algorithms
1607.8779 The reduced classical car-following model: stability analyses and design guidelines
1607.8864 The DLVHEX System for Knowledge Representation: Recent Advances (System Description)
1607.8892 High-precision theory for top-quark production
1608.0270 New wavelet-based superresolution algorithm for speckle reduction in SAR images
1608.0271 On Approximating Maximum Independent Set of Rectangles
1608.0272 Modeling Context in Referring Expressions
1608.0273 Kalman's shrinkage for wavelet-based despeckling of SAR images
1608.0277 Fuzzy thresholding in wavelet domain for speckle reduction in Synthetic Aperture Radar images
1608.0278 Inclusive breakup of Borromean nuclei
1608.0279 Neural shrinkage for wavelet-based SAR despeckling
1608.0280 Pricing Weakly Model Dependent Barrier Products
1608.0281 Hamiltonian Simulation with Optimal Sample Complexity
1608.0282 The BRITE Constellation nanosatellite mission: Testing, commissioning and operations
1608.0283 Heavy Bino Dark Matter and Collider Signals in the MSSM with Vector-like 4th-Generation Particles
1608.0284 Parameters and duality for the metaplectic geometric Langlands theory
1608.0286 Observation of optomechanical coupling in a microbottle resonator
1608.0290 Three-dimensional charged Einstein-aether black holes and Smarr formula
1608.0292 Widely-connected sets in the Knaster continuum
1608.0293 Left-corner Methods for Syntactic Modeling with Universal Structural Constraints
1608.0294 Eigenvalues behaviours for self-adjoint Pauli operators with unsigned perturbations and admissible magnetic fields
1608.0295 Generalized Bernstein-type approximation of continuous functions
1608.0297 Triangulated quotient categories
1608.0298 Observation of electromagnetically induced Talbot effect in an atomic system with nonlinearity
1608.0300 A geometric approach to orthogonal Higgs bundles
1608.0301 Anomaly detection in online social networks
1608.0303 A Paradigm for Modeling and Computation of Gas Dynamics
1608.0305 Entanglement entropy for free scalar fields in AdS
1608.0306 Taiwan EXperiment On NeutrinO -- History, Status and Prospects
1608.0307 Collaborative Smartphone Sensing using Overlapping Coalition Formation Games
1608.0308 Experimental evidence that electrical fatigue failure obeys a generalized Coffin-Manson law
1608.0310 Video Summarization in a Multi-View Camera Network
1608.0311 Localized electronic states at grain boundaries on the surface of graphene and graphite
1608.0313 Student self-assessment and reflection in a learner controlled environment
1608.0314 Advanced Pump-Probe Faraday Rotation Spectroscopy of the Sub-microsecond Electron Spin Dynamics in n-type GaAs
1608.0315 Some identities of symmetry for the degenerate q-Bernoulli polynomials under symmetry group of degree n
1608.0317 Estimate of the critical exponent of the Anderson transition in the three and four dimensional unitary universality classes
1608.0319 The Tukey Order and Subsets of $omega_1$
1608.0320 E6 inspired composite Higgs model and 750 GeV diphoton excess
1608.0322 Modified Lorentz transformations in deformed special relativity
1608.0323 Weak Localization and Electron-electron Interactions in Few Layer Black Phosphorus Devices
1608.0324 Local index theory and the Riemann-Roch-Grothendieck theorem for complex flat vector bundles
1608.0326 Defect induced magnetism and super spin glass state in nano structured AlN thin films
1608.0328 Universality in the Shape Dependence of Holographic R'enyi Entropy for General Higher Derivative Gravity
1608.0329 Keyphrase Extraction using Sequential Labeling
1608.0332 Scattering of flexural--gravity waves by a group of elastic plates floating on a stratified fluid
1608.0333 Removable sets for weighted Orlicz-Sobolev spaces
1608.0334 Iterative Visual Recognition for Learning Based Randomized Bin-Picking
1608.0336 Boundary effects and gapped dispersion in rotating fermionic matter
1608.0340 Search for a stochastic gravitational wave background at 1-5 Hz with Torsion-bar Antenna
1608.0341 Laser-ion acceleration via anomalous electron heating
1608.0342 On rings of supersymmetric polynomials
1608.0343 Condensate flow in holographic models in the presence of dark matter
1608.0345 Transverse multipolar light-matter couplings in evanescent waves
1608.0347 Counting gluings of octahedra
1608.0349 Off-Shell N=2 Linear Multiplets in Five Dimensions
1608.0350 Frequency of Arrival-based Interference Localization Using a Single Satellite
1608.0351 Accelerated Kaczmarz Algorithms using History Information
1608.0352 Spectral Efficiency of Mixed-ADC Receivers for Massive MIMO Systems
1608.0354 hdm: High-Dimensional Metrics
1608.0356 Some applications of Supercompact Extender Based Forcings to HOD
1608.0361 Fast and robust pushbroom hyperspectral imaging via DMD-based scanning
1608.0362 Thermoelectric properties of orthorhombic group IV-VI monolayers from the first-principles calculations
1608.0363 Curvature-guided motility of microalgae in geometric confinement
1608.0364 Normality of general elephants on 3-fold terminal flips
1608.0365 Generalizations of the Rips filtration for quasi-metric spaces with persistent homology stability results
1608.0367 Accelerating the Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network
1608.0368 Parity violation in the CMB trispectrum from the scalar sector
1608.0370 Halo Occupation Distribution of Infrared Selected Quasars
1608.0372 Constraining the EoR model parameters with the 21cm bispectrum
1608.0373 The spectral excess theorem for graphs with few eigenvalues whose distance-$2$ or distance-$1$-or-$2$ graph is strongly regular
1608.0377 Interferometric Motion Detection in Atomic Layer 2D Nanostructures: Visualizing Signal Transduction Efficiency and Optimization Pathways
1608.0378 General finite-size effects for zero-entropy states in one-dimensional quantum integrable models
1608.0379 Functional renormalisation group for the $T_5^6$ TGFT with closure constraint
1608.0380 Magnetism in Sr$_{2}$CrMoO$_{6}$: A combined abinitio and model study
1608.0383 Universal Bound on Sampling Bosons in Linear Optics
1608.0385 Generation of a cold pulsed beam of Rb atoms by transfer from a 3D magneto-optic trap
1608.0387 An interacting quark-diquark model. Strange and nonstrange baryon spectroscopy and other observables
1608.0388 Controlling almost-invariant halfspaces in both real and complex settings
1608.0389 Bounds to precision for an SU(1,1) interferometer with Gaussian input states
1608.0392 Noncommutative Iwasawa theory arising from Hecke algebras
1608.0394 The hard-edge tacnode process for Brownian motion
1608.0395 High order dark wavefront sensing simulations
1608.0396 The first four-color photometric investigation of the W UMa type contact binary V868 Mon
1608.0398 The Photometric Investigation of V921 Her using the Lunar-based Ultraviolet Telescope of Chang'e-3 mission
1608.0399 Eigenvalue Dynamics for Multimatrix Models
1608.0400 Reconstruction of interaction rate in Holographic dark energy
1608.0401 A global perspective to connections on principal 2-bundles
1608.0402 Landau-Khalatnikov phonon damping in strongly interacting Fermi gases
1608.0403 Unitary boson-boson and boson-fermion mixtures: third virial coefficient and three-body parameter on a narrow Feshbach resonance
1608.0406 Cloud Benchmarking For Maximising Performance of Scientific Applications
1608.0407 Measurement of Singly Cabibbo-Suppressed Decays $Lambda_c^{+} o ppi^{+}pi^{-}$ and $Lambda_c^{+} o pK^{+}K^{-}$
1608.0410 Strong Convergence Rates for Cox-Ingersoll-Ross Processes - Full Parameter Range
1608.0411 Revisiting AdS/CFT at a finite radial cut-off
1608.0412 An Universal Construction of Universal Deformation Formulas, Drinfel'd Twists and their Positivity
1608.0414 The processes $e^{+}e^{-} ightarrow K^{pm} (K^{*mp}(892), K^{*mp}(1410))$ and $e^{+}e^{-} ightarrow (eta, eta^{'}(958)) (phi(1020), phi(1680))$ in the extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
1608.0415 Isospin-violating strong decays of scalar single-heavy tetraquarks
1608.0416 Frequency stabilization by synchronization of Duffing oscillators
1608.0417 Uncountable classical and quantum complexity classes
1608.0420 Nucleon tensor form factors in a relativistic confined quark model
1608.0421 Missing particle associated with two bottom quarks at the LHC: Mono-$b$ versus 2$b$ with razor variables
1608.0425 Semi-classical Dynamics of Superradiant Rayleigh Scattering in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
1608.0433 Example Data Sets and Collections for BeSpaceD Explained
1608.0434 Experimental Quantum Multiparty Communication Protocols
1608.0436 Nanocapillary adhesion between parallel plates
1608.0440 Spectrum of a singularly perturbed periodic thin waveguide
1608.0441 Kernel Risk-Sensitive Loss: Definition, Properties and Application to Robust Adaptive Filtering
1608.0442 A Landau's theorem in several complex variables
1608.0444 Emergence of nontrivial magnetic excitations in a spin liquid state of kagome volborthite
1608.0446 Chiral Quantum Optics
1608.0447 Exploring the Front Touch Interface for Virtual Reality Headsets
1608.0448 Constraining axion coupling constants from measuring the Casimir interaction between polarized test bodies
1608.0449 Stability estimate for an inverse problem for the Schr{"o}dinger equation in a magnetic field with time-dependent coefficient
1608.0451 Numerical tolerance for spectral decompositions of random dot product graphs
1608.0456 Study of Eclipsing Binary and Multiple Systems in OB Associations IV: Cas OB6 Member DN Cas
1608.0462 Are Safer Looking Neighborhoods More Lively? A Multimodal Investigation into Urban Life
1608.0463 The limits on the strong Higgs sector parameters in the presence of new vector resonances
1608.0464 Volume nanograting formation in laser-silica interaction as a result of the 1D plasma-resonance ionization instability
1608.0466 Learning Semantically Coherent and Reusable Kernels in Convolution Neural Nets for Sentence Classification
1608.0467 Phase Transition in IrTe$_2$ induced by spin-orbit coupling
1608.0472 Hot origin of the Little Bang
1608.0474 Comparison of Geometric and Probabilistic Shaping with Application to ATSC 3.0
1608.0475 Graph Representation for Configurational Properties of Crystalline Solids
1608.0476 R package imputeTestbench as a Testbench to compare missing value imputation methods
1608.0477 Universal Shape Replicators via Self-Assembly with Attractive and Repulsive Forces
1608.0478 Spin-orbit coupled two-electron Fermi gases of ytterbium atoms
1608.0480 Central configurations and mutual differences
1608.0481 Robust split-plot designs for model misspecification
1608.0483 Homotopy- and Cohomology Groups of Kan Complexes
1608.0485 Nonparametric Estimation and Testing on Discontinuity of Positive Supported Densities: A Kernel Truncation Approach
1608.0487 Analysis of Neutron Stars Observations Using a Correlated Fermi Gas Model
1608.0488 Optimal control of treatment time in a diffuse interface model of tumor growth
1608.0489 Buoyancy driven turbulence and distributed chaos
1608.0490 On singular equations with critical and supercritical exponents
1608.0491 Critical gravitational collapse with angular momentum
1608.0492 Some observations on the optimization of a parallel SHAKE function using Sakura
1608.0493 Cosmological constant problem in a scenario with compactifications (RS-I model)
1608.0494 Recent results and prospects for NA62 experiment
1608.0495 On the Pelczynski conjecture on Auerbach Bases
1608.0496 On Spacetime Transformation Optics: Temporal and Spatial Dispersion
1608.0497 From Weak to Strong LP Gaps for all CSPs
1608.0498 Perfect state transfer by means of discrete-time quantum walk search algorithms on highly symmetric graphs
1608.0499 Endotrivial modules for finite groups via homotopy theory
1608.0501 Supervised Classification of RADARSAT-2 Polarimetric Data for Different Land Features
1608.0502 Absorption spectroscopy of xenon and ethylene-noble gas mixtures at high pressure: Towards Bose-Einstein condensation of vacuum ultraviolet photons
1608.0504 Double quantum dot Cooper-pair splitter at finite couplings
1608.0506 Spin relaxation and the Kondo effect in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers
1608.0509 TorBricks: Blocking-Resistant Tor Bridge Distribution
1608.0510 Lifting of elements of Weyl groups
1608.0511 On Finite difference schemes for partial integro-differential equations of L'evy type
1608.0512 Optimal weighted least-squares methods
1608.0513 Magnetic fields of opposite polarity in sunspot penumbrae
1608.0515 Mixed-Dimensional van der Waals Heterostructures
1608.0516 Theory of substrate-directed heat dissipation for single-layer graphene and other two-dimensional crystals
1608.0517 The width of the $Delta$-resonance at two loop order in baryon chiral perturbation theory
1608.0518 Supercompact Extender Based Magidor-Radin Forcing
1608.0519 Theorems for Asymptotic Safety of Gauge Theories
1608.0520 Quantum graphs which optimize the spectral gap
1608.0521 A topological characterization of toroidally alternating knots
1608.0523 Exploring minijets beyond the leading power
1608.0524 Change Detection via Affine and Quadratic Detectors
1608.0525 Modeling Context Between Objects for Referring Expression Understanding
1608.0526 Flavor Universal Resonances and Warped Gravity
1608.0527 Life after eruption - VI. Recovery of the old novae EL Aql, V606 Aql, V908 Oph, V1149 Sgr, V1583 Sgr and V3964 Sgr
1608.0529 Hardness of Permutation Pattern Matching
1608.0530 Visible Progress on Adversarial Images and a New Saliency Map
1608.0531 Line Percolation in Finite Projective Planes
1608.0532 Quantum Treatment of Kinetic Alfv'en Waves instability in a dusty plasma: Magnetized ions
1608.0534 Inhomogeneous Cosmology Redux
1608.0538 Directional Statistics of Preferential Orientations of Two Shapes in Their Aggregate and Its Application to Study Preferential Attachment of Nanoparticles
1608.0540 Trace test
1608.0543 Fillability of small Seifert fibered spaces
1608.0548 QBism, FAPP and the Quantum Omelette. (Or, Unscrambling Ontological Problems from Epistemological Solutions in QM)
1608.0549 Spectroscopic Evolution of Disintegrating Planetesimals: Minutes to Months Variability in the Circumstellar Gas Associated with WD 1145+017
1608.0552 Scattering of massless scalar waves by magnetically charged black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory
1608.0553 Sparse image reconstruction on the sphere: analysis vs synthesis
1608.0554 Generalized Determinantal Point Processes: The Linear Case
1608.0556 Vetting Galactic Leavitt Law Calibrators using Radial Velocities: On the Variability, Binarity, and Possible Parallax Error of 19 Long-period Cepheids
1608.0618 KELT-16b: A highly irradiated, ultra-short period hot Jupiter nearing tidal disruption
1608.0652 Efficient Energy Distribution in a Smart Grid using Multi-Player Games
1608.0653 Playing Games in the Baire Space
1608.0654 Two-Buffer Simulation Games
1608.0655 A Web-based Tool for Identifying Strategic Intervention Points in Complex Systems
1608.0670 Modelling the Inner Debris Disc of HR 8799
1608.0671 Percolation transition in the packing of bidispersed particles on curved surfaces
1608.0673 Adaptivity Gaps for Stochastic Probing: Submodular and XOS Functions
1608.0675 The Current Status of Prime Focus Instrument of Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph
1608.0676 Metrology Camera System of Prime Focus Spectrograph for Subaru Telescope
1608.0679 Intrinsic optimization using stochastic nanomagnets
1608.0684 Detection of opinion spam based on anomalous rating deviation
1608.0690 Exploring the GalMer database: bar properties and non-circular motions
1608.0694 Analysis of Co-spatial UV-optical STIS Spectra of Planetary Nebula NGC 3242
1608.0697 Rational Solutions of Underdetermined Polynomial Equations
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