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26 January 2025

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1608.8240 Lattice-motivated holomorphic nearly perturbative QCD
1608.8309 Hyperbolic Dehn filling in dimension four
1608.8336 Low-rank Multi-view Clustering in Third-Order Tensor Space
1608.8353 A short review and primer on event-related potentials in human computer interaction applications
1608.8367 Pattern Coding Meets Censoring: (almost) Adaptive Coding on Countable Alphabets
1608.8419 Heritage of Konkoly's Solar Observations: the Debrecen Photoheliograph Programme and the Debrecen Sunspot Databases
1608.8453 Dark matter search in the inner galactic center halo with H.E.S.S
1608.8517 Empirically Grounded Agent-Based Models of Innovation Diffusion: A Critical Review
1608.8522 A Distributed Multilevel Force-directed Algorithm
1608.8542 Design and Characterisation of Tissue-Mimicking Gel Phantoms for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
1608.8605 Magnon Hall effect without Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the frustrated star lattice
1608.8633 Strain-induced Landau Levels in arbitrary dimensions with an exact spectrum
1608.8647 Modeling Chebyshev's Bias in the Gaussian Primes as a Random Walk
1608.8657 Exponential Stability and the Markus-Yamabe Conjecture in Compact Spaces
1608.8715 Epidemic extinction in a generalized contact process
1608.8726 Alignment of wave functions for angular momentum projection
1608.8739 Subdwarf B stars from the common envelope ejection channel
1608.8764 On Summand Minimality of Generalized Zeckendorf Decompositions
1608.8766 A babystep-giantstep method for faster deterministic integer factorization
1608.8772 New Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects: Towards a Super-Earth in the Outer Solar System
1608.8779 Hybrid and Subexponential Linear Logics Technical Report
1608.8794 Distinguishing between MSSM and NMSSM through $Delta F=2$ processes
1608.8851 Efficient Two-Stream Motion and Appearance 3D CNNs for Video Classification
1608.8864 Energy momentum tensor in the nonsymmetric gravity
1608.8887 Exact Berry-Esseen bounds for martingales
1608.8968 The Bayesian SLOPE
1608.8995 The dynamics of starvation and recovery
1608.9008 Two long-term intermittent pulsars discovered in the PALFA Survey
1609.0055 Reconstruction of Static Black Hole Images Using Simple Geometric Forms
1609.0056 Team Optimal Decentralized Control of System with Partially Exchangeable Agents--Part 1: Linear Quadratic Mean-Field Teams
1609.0059 Generalized solutions of Riccati equalities and inequalities
1609.0061 Pixel Arrays: A fast and elementary method for solving nonlinear systems
1609.0063 Mesh Resolution Effect on 3D RANS Turbomachinery Flow Simulations
1609.0064 Evidence for Fluorescent Fe II Emission from Extended Low Ionization Outflows in Obscured Quasars
1609.0066 A Review of Multivariate Distributions for Count Data Derived from the Poisson Distribution
1609.0071 On the essential minimum of Faltings' height
1609.0072 Attentional Push: Augmenting Salience with Shared Attention Modeling
1609.0073 Modulated Pulses Based High Spatial Resolution Distributed Fiber System for Multi-Parameter Sensing
1609.0074 Neural Network Architecture Optimization through Submodularity and Supermodularity
1609.0075 Dynamical Phonon Laser in Coupled Active-Passive Microresonators
1609.0076 BLISlab: A Sandbox for Optimizing GEMM
1609.0082 A potential theoretic approach to Tanaka formula for asymmetric L'evy processes
1609.0083 Black Hole Ringing, Quasinormal Modes, and Light Rings
1609.0085 A novel progressive learning technique for multi-class classification
1609.0086 A novel online multi-label classifier for high-speed streaming data applications
1609.0088 Statistics on bargraphs viewed as cornerless Motzkin paths
1609.0089 Quadratic Generated Normal Domains From Graphs
1609.0090 Attribute Truss Community Search
1609.0091 Approximate Bisimulation and Discretization of Hybrid CSP
1609.0094 Articulation Points in Complex Networks
1609.0098 SpECTRE: A Task-based Discontinuous Galerkin Code for Relativistic Astrophysics
1609.0100 Suspicious-Taint-Based Access Control for Protecting OS from Network Attacks
1609.0101 Baryon effects on void statistics in the EAGLE simulation
1609.0103 Neutron tomography of magnetic Majorana fermions in a proximate quantum spin liquid
1609.0106 Parasitic photon-pair suppression via photonic stop-band engineering
1609.0107 A mathematical consideration of vortex thinning in 2D turbulence
1609.0108 How a user's personality influences content engagement in social media
1609.0109 The Complexity of (List) Edge-Coloring Reconfiguration Problem
1609.0110 A Decomposition Method for Global Evaluation of Shannon Entropy and Local Estimations of Algorithmic Complexity
1609.0112 Analytic Evaluation of Three Different Five-Electron Atomic Integrals Involving Exponentially Correlated Functions of $r_{ij}$ With $r_{ij}$'s Not Forming A Closed Loop
1609.0115 Optimal State Estimation with Measurements Corrupted by Laplace Noise
1609.0118 An algebra of synchronous atomic steps
1609.0119 Geometrically Exact Finite Element Formulations for Curved Slender Beams: Kirchhoff-Love Theory vs. Simo-Reissner Theory
1609.0120 The long-term dynamical evolution of disc-fragmented multiple systems in the Solar Neighborhood
1609.0121 On the non-vanishing conjecture and existence of log minimal models
1609.0123 Effective criteria for specific identifiability of tensors and forms
1609.0124 Abelian color cycles: a new approach to strong coupling expansion and dual representations for non-abelian lattice gauge theory
1609.0125 Effect of pressure on magneto-transport properties in the superconducting and normal phases of the metallic double chain compound Pr$_{2}$Ba$_{4}$Cu$_{7}$O$_{15-delta }$
1609.0126 PPCU: Proportional Per-packet Consistent Updates for Software Defined Networks - A Technical Report
1609.0127 On a class of conserved phase field systems with a maximal monotone perturbation
1609.0130 Transparent Live Code Offloading on FPGA
1609.0131 Active Osmotic Exchanger for Efficient Nanofiltration Inspired by the Kidney
1609.0132 Axiomatization of if-then-else over possibly non-halting programs and tests
1609.0133 dr0wned - Cyber-Physical Attack with Additive Manufacturing
1609.0135 Asymptotic for the perturbed heavy ball system with vanishing damping term
1609.0136 Spontaneous orbital-selective Mott transitions and the Jahn-Teller metal of A$_3$C$_{60}$
1609.0137 The Night Sky Spectrum of Xinglong Observatory: Changes from 2004 to 2015
1609.0138 Central measures on multiplicative graphs, representations of lie algebras and weight polytopes
1609.0140 Experimental study of shear band formation: bifurcation and localization
1609.0141 Data Integration Model for Air Quality: A Hierarchical Approach to the Global Estimation of Exposures to Ambient Air Pollution
1609.0148 On the Reduction and Evaluation of Generalized Polylogarithms
1609.0149 From Community Detection to Community Deception
1609.0150 Reward Augmented Maximum Likelihood for Neural Structured Prediction
1609.0151 Several Proofs of Security for a Tokenization Algorithm
1609.0153 Weakly Supervised PatchNets: Describing and Aggregating Local Patches for Scene Recognition
1609.0155 Could wormholes form in dark matter galactic halos?
1609.0157 Properties of low-dimensional collective variables in the molecular dynamics of biopolymers
1609.0158 Tracking Particles with Large Displacements using Energy Minimization
1609.0160 Finite Size Corrections to the Excitation Energy Transfer in a Massless Scalar Interaction Model
1609.0161 Parallel Clustering of Graphs for Anonymization and Recommender Systems
1609.0162 Transferring Object-Scene Convolutional Neural Networks for Event Recognition in Still Images
1609.0163 Measurements and analysis of optical crosstalk in a microwave kinetic inductance detector array
1609.0164 Currents in supersymmetric field theories
1609.0165 Uniqueness for a class of stochastic Fokker-Planck and porous media equations
1609.0166 Symmetrized exponential oscillator
1609.0167 Nucleon's axial-vector form factor in the hard-wall AdS/QCD model
1609.0168 Sharp L^p-L^r estimates for k-plane transforms in finite fields
1609.0169 Equivalence Checking a Floating-point Unit against a High-level C Model (Extended Version)
1609.0170 Smale's mean value conjecture for finite Blaschke products
1609.0171 Pattern-induced anchoring transitions in nematic liquid crystals
1609.0172 A Lattice Calculation of Parton Distributions
1609.0173 Efficient quantum circuits for Szegedy quantum walks
1609.0174 Work fluctuation and total entropy production in nonequilibrium processes
1609.0175 Examining molecular clouds in the Galactic Centre region using X-ray reflection spectra simulations
1609.0177 A Continuous-Time Model of an Autonomous Aerial Vehicle to Inform and Validate Formal Verification Methods
1609.0178 The double-degenerate, super-Chandrasekhar nucleus of the planetary nebula Henize 2-428
1609.0179 Existence and asymptotic behavior of nontrivial solutions to the Swift-Hohenberg equation
1609.0180 Wire and extended ladder model predict THz oscillations in DNA monomers, dimers and trimers
1609.0181 Lattice QCD study of heavy-heavy-light-light tetraquark candidates
1609.0182 Pinning-depinning mechanism of the contact line during evaporation on chemically patterned surfaces: A lattice Boltzmann study
1609.0184 Pointing System for the Balloon-Borne Astronomical Payloads
1609.0185 Competition for light in forest population dynamics: from computer simulator to mathematical model
1609.0187 The 2015 outburst of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17511-3057 as seen by INTEGRAL, Swift and XMM-Newton
1609.0188 Variability, polarimetry, and timing properties of single pulses from PSR J1713+0747 using the Large European Array for Pulsars
1609.0189 Dual Capacity Upper Bounds for Noisy Runlength Constrained Channels
1609.0190 Hadamard property of the in and out states for Klein-Gordon fields on asymptotically static spacetimes
1609.0193 Gamma-ray burst polarization reduction induced by the Lorentz invariance violation
1609.0195 Designing a semantic model for a wide-spectrum language with concurrency
1609.0197 The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey XXV. Surface nitrogen abundances of O-type giants and supergiants
1609.0198 Bound states and field-polarized Haldane modes in a quantum spin ladder
1609.0199 Semileptonic decays of $Lambda_b$ baryons in the relativistic quark model
1609.0200 Kernel Phase and Kernel Amplitude in Fizeau Imaging
1609.0202 Model of fragmentation of the exciton inner ring in semiconductor quantum wells
1609.0203 Employing traditional machine learning algorithms for big data streams analysis: the case of object trajectory prediction
1609.0204 Strong constraints of LUX-2016 results on the natural NMSSM
1609.0206 Optimal point sets determining few distinct triangles
1609.0207 Gravitational action with null boundaries
1609.0208 Miniclusters in the Axiverse
1609.0211 On the complexity of failed zero forcing
1609.0213 A Nash-Moser-H"ormander implicit function theorem with applications to control and Cauchy problems for PDEs
1609.0215 New characterizations of the S topology on the Skorokhod space
1609.0216 Asymmetric transmission of surface plasmon polaritons on planar gratings
1609.0217 Short closed geodesics with self-intersections
1609.0218 On Polya' Theorem in Several Complex Variables
1609.0219 Hydrodynamical model atmospheres: Their impact on stellar spectroscopy and asteroseismology of late-type stars
1609.0220 Pseudodoping of Metallic Two-Dimensional Materials
1609.0221 Segmentation Free Object Discovery in Video
1609.0222 Ternary Neural Networks for Resource-Efficient AI Applications
1609.0223 Computing intersection numbers and bases of cohomology groups for triangulated closed three-dimensional manifolds
1609.0224 Stellar Systems in the direction of the Hickson Compact Group 44 - I. Low Surface Brightness Galaxies
1609.0226 Experimental multipartite entanglement and randomness certification of the W state in the quantum steering scenario
1609.0228 New Source of Ten-photon Entanglement from Thin BiB$_{3}$O$_{6}$ Crystals
1609.0229 Charge symmetry breaking in $Lambda$ hypernuclei: updated HYP 2015 progress report
1609.0232 An adjoint method for the exact calibration of Stochastic Local Volatility models
1609.0235 Electronic structure and carrier transfer in B-DNA monomer polymers and dimer polymers: Stationary and time-dependent aspects of wire model vs. extended ladder model
1609.0236 Semiconductor characterization by scanning ion beam induced charge (IBIC) microscopy
1609.0239 EPIC 212803289: a subgiant hosting a transiting warm Jupiter in an eccentric orbit and a long-period companion
1609.0240 Interplay of the pseudogap and the BCS gap for heteropairs in $^{40}$K-$^6$Li mixture
1609.0242 How you are with $mathfrak{s}$ and $mathfrak{r}$?
1609.0243 A prototype model for evaluating psychiatric research strategies: Diagnostic category-based approaches vs. the RDoC approach
1609.0244 On monodromy eigenfunctions of Heun equations and boundaries of phase-lock areas in a model of overdamped Josephson effect
1609.0245 Self-Avoiding Walks on the UIPQ
1609.0248 Construction of Exact Ermakov-Pinney Solutions and Time-Dependent Quantum Oscillators
1609.0250 Holographic Complexity and Fidelity Susceptibility as Holographic Information Dual to Different Volumes in AdS
1609.0251 Inverse problem for the mean-field monomer-dimer model with attractive interaction
1609.0252 Challenges in Large Scale Quantum Mechanical Calculations
1609.0257 Shaping frequency correlations of ultrafast pulse-pumped modulational instability in gas-filled hollow-core PCF
1609.0262 Certain irreducible characters over a normal subgroup
1609.0264 Local average height distribution of fluctuating interfaces
1609.0265 Testing $k$-Monotonicity
1609.0266 Retrofitting Applications with Provenance-Based Security Monitoring
1609.0267 Micromachining structured optical fibers using focused ion beam milling
1609.0271 On structure and TKK algebras for Jordan superalgebras
1609.0272 Competing quantum effects in the free energy profiles and diffusion rates of hydrogen and deuterium molecules through clathrate hydrates
1609.0273 The multipolar magnetic fields of accreting pre-main-sequence stars: B at the inner disk, B along the accretion flow, and B at the accretion shock
1609.0274 Preduals of JBW$^*$-triples are 1-Plichko spaces
1609.0275 Dusty tails of evaporating exoplanets. II. Physical modelling of the KIC 12557548b light curve
1609.0276 A simple assessment on inflation
1609.0277 Relationalism about mechanics based on a minimalist ontology of matter
1609.0279 Characterization ofn-associative, monotone,idempotent functions on an interval which haveneutral elements
1609.0280 Emergent SO(3) Symmetry of the Frictionless Shear Jamming Transition
1609.0281 Observation of oscillatory radial electric field relaxation in a helical plasma
1609.0282 A 2D Stress Tensor for 4D Gravity
1609.0285 Adaptive Acceleration of Sparse Coding via Matrix Factorization
1609.0287 The Impact of Surface Geometry, Cavitation, and Condensation on Wetting Transitions: Posts and Reentrant Structures
1609.0288 A Unified View of Multi-Label Performance Measures
1609.0289 Characterization of Three-Dimensional Microstructures in Single Crystal Diamond
1609.0293 Narrowest-Over-Threshold Detection of Multiple Change-points and Change-point-like Features
1609.0295 Some New Results on Integer Additive Set-Valued Signed Graphs
1609.0297 Gravitational waves and Higgs boson couplings for exploring first order phase transition in the model with a singlet scalar field
1609.0298 Intermediate disorder limits for multi-layer semi-discrete directed polymers
1609.0299 The valuative capacity of the set of sums of $d$-th powers
1609.0300 QoS Provisioning with Adaptive Backoff Algorithm for IEEE 802.11ac Under Multipacket Reception
1609.0301 The lensing and temperature imprints of voids on the Cosmic Microwave Background
1609.0303 Group actions on dendrites and curves
1609.0304 Advanced surface characterization of Ba(Fe$_{0.92}$Co$_{0.08}$)$_2$As$_2$ epitaxial thin films
1609.0305 Quantum walking in curved spacetime: $(3+1)$ dimensions, and beyond
1609.0306 On-Chip Mechanisms to Reduce Effective Memory Access Latency
1609.0308 Shedding light onto topological insulator beads: perspectives for optical tweezing application
1609.0309 Quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear wave equations
1609.0310 On Exceptional Instanton Strings
1609.0311 Cuba: the strategic choice of advanced scientific development, 1959-2014
1609.0312 Quantum correlation enhanced super-resolution localization microscopy
1609.0313 Criteria for the growth of fullerenes and single-walled carbon nanotubes in sooting environments
1609.0317 The {kappa}-{mu} Shadowed Fading Model with Integer Fading Parameters
1609.0318 Block BFGS Methods
1609.0321 Block Crossings in Storyline Visualizations
1609.0322 Open Call-by-Value
1609.0325 Conjugacy search problem and the Andrews-Curtis conjecture
1609.0326 A two-component generalization of the reduced Ostrovsky equation and its integrable semi-discrete analogue
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