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Articles rated:
08 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 9.2016
1609.0327 Experimental Evidence for a Structural-Dynamical Transition in Trajectory Space
1609.0328 A comment on power-law inflation with a dark radiation component
1609.0329 Properties of Magnetic Tongues over a Solar Cycle
1609.0330 SETI at X-ray Energies - Parasitic Searches from Astrophysical Observations
1609.0331 Verifier Theory from Axioms to Unverifiability of Mathematical Proofs, Software and AI
1609.0332 Heterogeneous nucleation and heat flux avalanches in La(Fe,Si)$_{13}$ magnetocaloric compounds near the critical point
1609.0333 Microwave spectroscopy of spinful Andreev bound states in ballistic semiconductor Josephson junctions
1609.0335 First-principles Predications of Electronic Properties of GaAs1-x-yPyBix and GaAs1-x-yPyBix-based Heterojunctions
1609.0336 Stochastic Dynamics of Extended Objects in Driven Systems: I. Higher-Dimensional Currents in the Continuous Setting
1609.0337 Free and Non-free Multiplicities on the $A_3$ Arrangement
1609.0338 Extremes of $q$-Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes
1609.0339 Inference in a bimodal Birnbaum-Saunders model
1609.0340 Measuring nonlinear stresses generated by defects in 3D colloidal crystals
1609.0341 Linear Convergence of Projection Algorithms
1609.0342 The role of the internal demagnetizing field in a surface-modulated magnonic crystal
1609.0344 Deep Learning Human Mind for Automated Visual Classification
1609.0347 Thermal Structure and Burning Velocity of Flames in Non-volatile Fuel Suspensions
1609.0348 The Cold Neutron Chopper Spectrometer at the Spallation Neutron Source - A Review of the first 8 Years of Operation
1609.0349 FFT-PT: Reducing the 2-loop large-scale structure power spectrum to one-dimensional, radial integrals
1609.0350 Higgs potential from extended Brans-Dicke theory and the time-evolution of the fundamental constants
1609.0351 Exact formulas for radiative heat transfer between planar bodies under arbitrary temperature profiles: modified asymptotics and sign-flip transitions
1609.0352 Observation of Weak Collapse in a Bose-Einstein Condensate
1609.0353 Notes on Relevant, Irrelevant, Marginal and Extremal Double Trace Perturbations
1609.0354 Gravitational scattering, post-Minkowskian approximation and Effective One-Body theory
1609.0355 HD 240121 - an ACV variable showing anti-phase variations of the B and V light curves
1609.0356 Spinning test-body orbiting around Schwarzschild black hole: circular dynamics and gravitational-wave fluxes
1609.0357 Theory of condensation of indirect excitons in a trap
1609.0358 Lorentzian manifolds with a conformal action of SL(2,R)
1609.0359 Non-Markovian dynamics of a superconducting qubit in an open multimode resonator
1609.0360 Uncovering Hidden Disease-related Brain Connectome Networks
1609.0361 Autonomous driving challenge: To Infer the property of a dynamic object based on its motion pattern using recurrent neural network
1609.0362 Ancient eruptions of Eta Carinae: A tale written in proper motions
1609.0363 Towards Quantum Turbulence in Cold Atomic Fermionic Superfluids
1609.0364 Inflation from Nilpotent K"ahler Corrections
1609.0365 State Estimation for Piecewise Affine State-Space Models
1609.0366 Rigidity of Free Boundary Surfaces in Compact 3-manifolds with Strictly Convex Boundary
1609.0368 Ten Steps of EM Suffice for Mixtures of Two Gaussians
1609.0369 Harmonic oscillators at resonance, perturbed by a non-linear friction force
1609.0371 Precise Higgs mass calculations in (non-)minimal supersymmetry at both high and low scales
1609.0372 Detecting topological superconductivity using the Shapiro steps
1609.0373 A study of the Structural Properties of finite $G$-graphs and their Characterisation
1609.0375 Testing for X-ray-SZ Differences and Redshift Evolution in the X-ray Morphology of Galaxy Clusters
1609.0377 Application of the Feynman-tree theorem together with BCFW recursion relations
1609.0379 Numerical evaluation of the bispectrum in multiple field inflation
1609.0381 PyTransport: A Python package for the calculation of inflationary correlation functions
1609.0382 Imaging an 80 AU Radius Dust Ring Around the F5V Star HD 157587
1609.0383 Dynamical Screening Effect on $alpha$-$alpha$ Resonant Scattering and Thermal Nuclear Scattering Rate
1609.0384 From Exoplanets to Quasars: Detection of Potential Damped Lyman Alpha Absorbing Galaxies Using Angular Differential Imaging
1609.0387 Bow Ties in the Sky I: The Angular Structure of Inverse Compton Gamma-ray Halos in the Fermi Sky
1609.0388 Faint Submillimeter Galaxies identified through their optical/near-infrared colours I: spatial clustering and halo masses
1609.0389 QED-driven laser absorption
1609.0390 A Floquet Model for the Many-Body Localization Transition
1609.0394 60dB high-extinction auto-configured Mach--Zehnder interferometer
1609.0395 Anisotropically Weighted and Nonholonomically Constrained Evolutions on Manifolds
1609.0396 Language Classes Associated with Automata Over Matrix Groups
1609.0398 Net Baryon Fluctuations from a Crossover Equation of State
1609.0399 Can the relic density of self-interacting dark matter be due to annihilations into Standard Model particles?
1609.0403 Laboratory Measurements of the K-shell transition energies in L-shell ions of Si and S
1609.0407 Cosmology in Weyl Transverse Gravity
1609.0410 On the local-global divisibility of torsion points on elliptic curves and ${ m GL}_2$-type varieties
1609.0411 Pullback attractors for a class of non-autonomous thermoelastic plate systems
1609.0412 An asymptotic preserving method for transport equations with oscillatory scattering coefficients
1609.0413 Hyperbolic Metamaterials and Coupled Surface Plasmon Polaritons: comparative analysis
1609.0414 Magnetic Field Induced Vortex Lattice Transition in HgBa$_{2}$CuO$_{4+delta}$
1609.0416 An atom interferometer with a shaken optical lattice
1609.0417 The MARS15-based FermiCORD code system for calculation of the accelerator-induced residual dose
1609.0420 Note on von Neumann and R'enyi entropies of a Graph
1609.0422 Nuclear relaxation rates in the Herbertsmithite Kagome antiferromagnets ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2
1609.0423 Night sky brightness at San Pedro Martir Observatory
1609.0425 Identifying Dogmatism in Social Media: Signals and Models
1609.0426 New Rain Rate Statistics for Emerging Regions: Implications for Wireless Backhaul Planning
1609.0427 No Time to Observe: Adaptive Influence Maximization with Partial Feedback
1609.0429 NbN superconducting nanowire single photon detector with efficiency over 90% at 1550 nm wavelength operational at compact cryocooler temperature
1609.0430 Ab initio effective rotational and rovibrational Hamiltonians for non-rigid systems via curvilinear second order vibrational M{o}ller-Plesset perturbation theory
1609.0433 Non-anti-hermitian quaternionic quantum mechanics
1609.0434 The quantum Rabi model: solution and dynamics
1609.0435 Citation Classification for Behavioral Analysis of a Scientific Field
1609.0436 Subelliptic Resolvent Estimates for Non-self-adjoint Semiclassical Schrodinger Operators
1609.0437 Evolution of Protoplanetary Discs with Magnetically Driven Disc Winds
1609.0438 Quasi-two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensation of spin triplets in dimerized quantum magnet Ba$_2$CuSi$_2$O$_6$Cl$_2$
1609.0439 Qualitative Framing of Financial Incentives - A Case of Emotion Annotation
1609.0442 The role of $a_1(1260)$ in $pi^- p o a^-_1(1260) p$ and $pi^- p o pi^- ho^0 p$ reactions near threshold
1609.0443 Counter-term for the Palatini action of general relativity
1609.0446 Built-in Foreground/Background Prior for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
1609.0448 Do Mathematicians, Economists and Biomedical Scientists Trace Hot Topics More Strongly Than Physicists?
1609.0449 G345.45+1.50: An expanding ring-like structure with massive star formation
1609.0451 Least Ambiguous Set-Valued Classifiers with Bounded Error Levels
1609.0452 Large-Scale Antenna-Assisted Grant-free Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access via Compressed Sensing
1609.0453 The Hamilton-Waterloo Problem for $C_3$-factors and $C_n$-factors
1609.0454 Brauer group of moduli of Higgs bundles and connections
1609.0455 Kinematics of the Galactic disk from LAMOST Dwarf sample
1609.0459 Wilsonian Effective Action of Superstring Theory
1609.0460 Current-temperature scaling for a Schottky interface with non-parabolic energy dispersion
1609.0462 A case study of algorithm selection for the traveling thief problem
1609.0463 Stochastic Discrete Hamiltonian Variational Integrators
1609.0465 Strong ferromagnetic exchange interaction in the parent state of the superconductivity in BaFe$_2$S$_3$
1609.0470 Spin-resolved orbital magnetization in Rashba two-dimensional electron gas
1609.0471 Turbulence as Information
1609.0472 High pressure structural, elastic and vibrational properties of green energetic oxidizer ammonium dinitramide
1609.0474 On thermal corrections to near-threshold co-annihilation
1609.0476 Cyclic subgroup commutativity degrees of finite groups
1609.0480 Attitude toward mathematics among the students at Nazarbayev University Foundation Year Programme
1609.0481 Linear Game Theory : Reduction of complexity by decomposing large games into partial games
1609.0482 Fidelity of dynamical maps
1609.0484 Spin liquid and quantum phase transition without symmetry breaking in a frustrated three-dimensional Ising model
1609.0485 A microscopic model for the magnetic field driven breakdown of the dissipationless state in the integer and fractional quantum Hall effect
1609.0486 Using a Szilard engine to illustrate the validity of the modified Jarzynski equality in presence of measurement errors
1609.0487 New distances for a selected set of visual binaries with inconsistent dynamical masses
1609.0489 A deep learning model for estimating story points
1609.0490 SU(2|2) supersymmetric mechanics
1609.0497 EELT-HIRES the high-resolution spectrograph for the E-ELT
1609.0499 The faint radio sky: radio astronomy becomes mainstream
1609.0503 Rational solutions of the Boussinesq equation and applications to rogue waves
1609.0504 Quantifying lost information due to covariance matrix estimation in parameter inference
1609.0506 Some Statistics concerning the Austrian Presidential Election 2016
1609.0507 The 3rd Reactive Synthesis Competition (SYNTCOMP 2016): Benchmarks, Participants & Results
1609.0508 The solar chromosphere as induction disk and the inverse Joule-Thomson effect
1609.0515 Enumerating independent vertex sets in grid graphs
1609.0516 The complexity of a flat groupoid
1609.0517 Quantum knot mosaics and the growth constant
1609.0520 Species coexistence in a neutral dynamics with environmental noise
1609.0522 Espaces de configuration g'en'eralis'es. Espaces topologiques $i$-acycliques. Suites spectrales basiques
1609.0524 Optical linear polarization of 74 white dwarfs with the RoboPol polarimeter
1609.0526 Rectification at nanoscale level
1609.0528 Fast neutrino flavor conversions near the supernova core with realistic flavor-dependent angular distributions
1609.0531 The weakest nontrivial idempotent equations
1609.0534 K2P$^2$: Reduced data from campaigns 0-4 of the K2 mission
1609.0535 Radial velocity observations of the 2015 Mar 20 eclipse - A benchmark Rossiter-McLaughlin curve with zero free parameters
1609.0536 A Machine Learning Analysis of Twitter Sentiment to the Sandy Hook Shootings
1609.0537 The Lockman Hole project: LOFAR observations and spectral index properties of low-frequency radio sources
1609.0538 In-orbit performance of AstroSat CZTI
1609.0540 Interplay between adsorption and hydrodynamics in nanochannels: towards tunable membranes
1609.0543 On Profiling Bots in Social Media
1609.0544 On unrooted and root-uncertain variants of several well-known phylogenetic network problems
1609.0548 Including heavy spin effects in a lattice QCD study of static-static-light-light tetraquarks
1609.0550 Pressure profiles of nonuniform two-dimensional atomic Fermi gases
1609.0552 Incorporating Clicks, Attention and Satisfaction into a Search Engine Result Page Evaluation Model
1609.0553 Semi-classical Time-frequency Analysis and Applications
1609.0556 Marginally stable and turbulent boundary layers in low-curvature Taylor-Couette flow
1609.0559 Improving Correlation with Human Judgments by Embedding Second Order Vectors with Semantic Similarity
1609.0562 Polaritonic linear dynamic in Keldysh formalism
1609.0565 Skipping Word: A Character-Sequential Representation based Framework for Question Answering
1609.0566 A comparison between pretriangulated $mbox{A}_{infty}$-categories and $infty$-Stable categories
1609.0567 Orbital angular momentum complex spectrum analyzer for vortex light based on rotational Doppler Effect
1609.0569 Dependence of the Sunspot-group Size on the Level of Solar Activity and its Influence on the Calibration of Solar Observers
1609.0570 Surfaces expanding by non-concave curvature functions
1609.0573 Circulant preconditioners for discrete ill-posed Toeplitz systems
1609.0574 Pathologies on Mori fibre spaces in positive characteristic
1609.0576 Continued fractions and semigroups of M"obius transformations
1609.0580 Approach to the steady state in kinetic models with thermal reservoirs at different temperatures
1609.0581 $AB$-algorithm and its application for solving matrix square roots
1609.0583 A priori error estimates of the DtN-FEM: fluid-solid interaction problems
1609.0584 A Theory of Shape-Shifting Droplets
1609.0585 Doubly stochastic large scale kernel learning with the empirical kernel map
1609.0586 Chemical Propagation Pattern for Molecular Communications
1609.0587 On long term portfolio optimality via large deviations
1609.0588 Upper bounds for dominant dimensions of gendo-symmetric algebras
1609.0589 Dynamical fluid-type Universe scenario with dust and radiation
1609.0590 Towards quantum entanglement of micromirrors via a two-level atom and radiation pressure
1609.0591 Mirror graphs: graph theoretical characterization of reflection arrangements and finite Coxeter groups
1609.0592 2D dynamics of the radiation zone of low mass stars
1609.0593 The internal structure of magnetized relativistic jets
1609.0594 On AWGN Channels and Gaussian MACs with Variable-Length Feedback
1609.0595 On the relations of isotonian algebras
1609.0596 Abnormal oscillation modes in a waning light bridge
1609.0597 Influence of Cu deposition potential on the giant magnetoresistance and surface roughness of electrodeposited Ni-Co/Cu multilayers
1609.0598 Scaling of compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the fast solar wind
1609.0599 Are Order Anticipation Strategies Harmful? A Theoretical Approach
1609.0601 A Revised Gyro-Age for M 67 from Kepler/K2-Campaign-5 Light Curves
1609.0602 Climate Cycling on Early Mars Caused by the Carbonate-Silicate Cycle
1609.0605 Attracting Currents and Equilibrium Measures for Quasi-attractors of $mathbb P^k$
1609.0607 Parton Shower Uncertainties in Jet Substructure Analyses with Deep Neural Networks
1609.0608 On the spectral properties of Dirac operators with electrostatic $delta$-shell interactions
1609.0610 Modeling, refining and analyzing Incomplete B"uchi Automata
1609.0611 On the Dispersion Relation of Magnetoplasmons in a Planar Graphene-Based Superlattice
1609.0612 Potential Energy Driven Spin Manipulation via a Controllable Hydrogen Ligand
1609.0615 Strain Effects on Dirac Semimetals: Artificial Fields and Topological Phase Transitions
1609.0617 Orientation-Preservation Conditions on an Iso-parametric FEM in Cavitation Computation
1609.0618 The feedback effect caused by bed load on a turbulent liquid flow
1609.0619 Charge neutrality breakdown in confined aqueous electrolytes: theory and simulation
1609.0620 Bone Remodeling as a Spatial Evolutionary Game
1609.0621 User Cooperation in Massive MIMO Systems with Cascaded Precoding
1609.0622 Dissipative entanglement of solid-state spins in diamond
1609.0623 The double-layer structure of overscreened surfaces by smeared-out ions
1609.0624 Intrinsic mirror symmetry and punctured Gromov-Witten invariants
1609.0625 Parahoric Restriction for GSp(4)
1609.0626 SynsetRank: Degree-adjusted Random Walk for Relation Identification
1609.0628 Quasi-phase-matched high harmonic generation in corrugated micrometer-scale waveguides
1609.0630 Nanosecond-level time synchronization of AERA using a beacon reference transmitter and commercial airplanes
1609.0631 From active stresses and forces to self propulsion of droplets
1609.0632 Hyperbolic surfaces with long systoles that form a pants decomposition
1609.0635 Composable Models for Online Bayesian Analysis of Streaming Data
1609.0636 Phase-Transition Theory of Kerr Black Holes in Electromagnetic Field
1609.0637 Robustness of Majorana bound states in the short junction limit
1609.0638 Miuz: measuring the impact of disconnecting a node
1609.0639 Fast Active Set Methods for Online Deconvolution of Calcium Imaging Data
1609.0644 An analysis of nonadiabatic ring-polymer molecular dynamics and its application to vibronic spectra
1609.0645 Exact Non-Markovian master equation for the Spin-Boson and Jaynes-Cummings models
1609.0646 Lectures on Higgs moduli and abelianisation
1609.0647 Polytopes and large counterexamples
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