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07 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2016
12, 9.2016
1609.0648 Electron-phonon interaction during optically induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Au/GdFeCo bilayers
1609.0649 Nuclear matter properties from local chiral interactions with $Delta$ isobar intermediate states
1609.0651 Safety Barrier Certificates for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems
1609.0652 Regularity of CR-mappings into Levi-degenerate hypersurfaces
1609.0655 Structured Optimal Feedback in Multi-Agent Systems: A Static Output Feedback Perspective
1609.0656 Itemwise conditionally independent nonresponse modeling for incomplete multivariate data
1609.0659 Rotation sensing with trapped ions
1609.0660 Gibbs states defined by biorthogonal sequences
1609.0666 A Note on Moments of Limit Log Infinitely Divisible Stochastic Measures of Bacry and Muzy
1609.0667 (Almost) Closing the Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter Window with NuSTAR
1609.0668 Structural Simplicity as a Constraint on the Structure of Amorphous Silicon
1609.0670 A novel approach for solving an arbitrary sparse linear system
1609.0671 Structural Convergence Results for Low-Rank Approximations from Block Krylov Spaces
1609.0672 The Inflation Technique for Causal Inference with Latent Variables
1609.0677 Tests for Single Snapshot Multiple Target Detection
1609.0678 Particle dynamics and Stochastic Resonance in Periodic potentials
1609.0680 Accurate De Novo Prediction of Protein Contact Map by Ultra-Deep Learning Model
1609.0681 Fractal basin boundaries and escape dynamics in a multiwell potential
1609.0682 Unifying Markov Chain Approach for Disease and Rumor Spreading in Complex Networks
1609.0684 Attaining the quantum limit of passive imaging
1609.0685 Majorana quasiparticles of inhomogeneous Rashba chain
1609.0686 Single photon in hierarchical architecture for physical reinforcement learning: Photon intelligence
1609.0687 An invariance principle for sums and record times of regularly varying stationary sequences
1609.0690 Integrability of the hyperbolic reduced Maxwell-Bloch equations for strongly correlated Bose-Einstein condensates
1609.0692 Review of recent results on heavy-ion physics and astroparticle physics in ALICE at the LHC
1609.0693 Tunneling Conductance in Normal-Insulator-Superconductor junctions of Silicene
1609.0694 Two computationally efficient polynomial-iteration infeasible interior-point algorithms for linear programming
1609.0696 Adaptive Bayesian Spectral Analysis of Nonstationary Biomedical Time Series
1609.0697 Deterministic and Stochastic Becker-D"oring equations: Past and Recent Mathematical Developments
1609.0701 High-frequency, scaled MoS2 transistors
1609.0702 Numerical solution of a semilinear parabolic degenerate Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation with singularity
1609.0703 Slanted snaking bifurcation of localized Faraday waves
1609.0705 Classification of the stable solution to the fractional $2<s<3$ Lane-Emden equation
1609.0706 Families from Supergroups
1609.0709 Scientific Return of a Lunar Elevator
1609.0710 Flexible Bayesian Quantile Regression in Ordinal Models
1609.0713 Superdense coding over optical fiber links with complete Bell-state measurements
1609.0715 Rarefied elliptic hypergeometric functions
1609.0716 Lectures on Inflation
1609.0717 Very Massive Tracers and Higher Derivative Biases
1609.0719 Peacock Bundles: Bundle Coloring for Graphs with Globality-Locality Trade-off
1609.0728 Gaia Parallax Zero Point From RR Lyrae Stars
1609.0742 Influence of coupling on thermal forces and dynamic friction in plasmas with multiple ion species
1609.0754 A heuristic extending the Squarified treemapping algorithm
1609.0755 Algorithms for Visualizing Phylogenetic Networks
1609.0756 Renormalization of the Unitary Evolution Equation for Coined Quantum Walks
1609.0757 Bound states for rapidly oscillating Schr"odinger operators in dimension 2
1609.0759 A MIP Backend for the IDP System
1609.0766 Free-Space Nonlinear Beam Combining Towards Filamentation
1609.0769 A probabilistic Harnack inequality and strict positivity of stochastic partial differential equations
1609.0772 Periodicity and ergodicity in the trihexagonal tiling
1609.0773 Hodge theory on transversely symplectic foliations
1609.0774 Equivariant formality of transversely symplectic foliations and Frobenius manifolds
1609.0775 An Error Covariance Splitting Technique for Multi-User MIMO Interference Environment
1609.0782 Optimal maps in essentially non-branching spaces
1609.0783 Linear stability analysis and direct numerical simulation of two layer channel flow
1609.0790 Scalable Betweenness Centrality Maximization via Sampling
1609.0795 Creation of a tight PSF array for scanning structured illumination via phase retrieval
1609.0796 Runaway Freeze-out of Volatiles in Weakly Turbulent Protoplanetary disks
1609.0797 Discussion on Neutrino Oscillation and CPT/Lorentz Invariance Violation
1609.0802 Strong gravitational lensing by a Konoplya-Zhidenko rotating non-Kerr compact object
1609.0808 Vizing's independence number conjecture is true asymptotically
1609.0809 The ARCHES project
1609.0812 The Cesaro operator in growth Banach spaces of analytic functions
1609.0813 Performance of Adaptive Link Selection with Buffer-Aided Relays in Underlay Cognitive Networks
1609.0814 Backward Nested Descriptors Asymptotics with Inference on Stem Cell Differentiation
1609.0816 Signature of frustrated moments in quantum critical CePd$_{1-x}$Ni$_x$Al
1609.0817 Stochastic Learning of Multi-Instance Dictionary for Earth Mover's Distance based Histogram Comparison
1609.0819 Option-Based Pricing of Wrong Way Risk for CVA
1609.0820 Classifying spaces for knots: New bridges between knot theory and algebraic number theory
1609.0821 Stability of planar traveling waves in a Keller-Segel equation on an infinite strip domain
1609.0825 Phonon anharmonicity, lifetimes and thermal transport in CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ from many-body perturbation theory
1609.0827 Error estimates on a finite volume method for diffusion problems with interface on Eulerian grids
1609.0829 Efficient computation of Laguerre polynomials
1609.0831 Dynamic beats fixed: on phase-based algorithms for file migration
1609.0834 Functional Data Analysis by Matrix Completion
1609.0835 On the $A_{alpha}$-spectra of trees
1609.0837 Plastikstufe with toric core
1609.0842 Rate of Convergence of the Bundle Method
1609.0845 Graph-Based Active Learning: A New Look at Expected Error Minimization
1609.0846 Deep data mining in a real space: Separation of intertwined electronic responses in a lightly-doped BaFe2As2
1609.0850 Integrating Agent-based Programming with Elementary Science: The Role of Sociomathematical Norms
1609.0851 Inverse Design for Self Assembly via On-the-Fly Optimization
1609.0852 Joint Caching and Pricing Strategies for Popular Content in Information Centric Networks
1609.0853 A $q$-Queens Problem. IV. Queens, Bishops, Nightriders (and Rooks)
1609.0855 All-phononic Amplification in Coupled Cantilever Arrays based on Gap Soliton Dynamics
1609.0856 Spectral Efficiency Bounds for Interference-Limited SVD-MIMO Cellular Communication Systems
1609.0857 Exciting with Quantum Light. II. Exciting a two-level system
1609.0858 Etch-Tuning and Design of Silicon Nitride Photonic Crystal Reflectors
1609.0860 Restrained Dark $U(1)_d$ at Low Energies
1609.0861 Adaptation in log-concave density estimation
1609.0862 Convergence analysis of variants of the averaged alternating modified reflections method
1609.0863 Limits for the graphene on ferroelectric domain wall p-n-junction rectifier for different regimes of current
1609.0864 Identifiability of dynamic networks with noisy and noise-free nodes
1609.0865 Data Mining Graphene: Correlative Analysis of Structure and Electronic Degrees of Freedom in Graphenic Monolayers with Defects
1609.0866 Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes
1609.0868 Advances in solving the two-fermion homogeneous Bethe-Salpeter equation in Minkowski space
1609.0869 Determining Optimal Stop-Loss Thresholds via Bayesian Analysis of Drawdown Distributions
1609.0871 Scale-Bridging Model Development for Coal Particle Devolatilization
1609.0872 Entanglement Growth after a Global Quench in Free Scalar Field Theory
1609.0873 Measurement of the total and differential inclusive B(+) hadron cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV
1609.0875 Compatible and Usable Mandatory Access Control for Good-enough OS Security
1609.0876 Statistical Dynamics of Regional Populations and Economies
1609.0877 Effective field theory approach to many-body localization
1609.0878 A Probabilistic Optimum-Path Forest Classifier for Binary Classification Problems
1609.0879 Conformal blocks on a 2-sphere with indistinguishable punctures and implications on black hole entropy
1609.0880 Valley splitting in the transition-metal dichalcogenides monolayer via atoms adsorption
1609.0881 CryptoImg: Privacy Preserving Processing Over Encrypted Images
1609.0882 $q$-difference Kac-Schwarz operators in topological string theory
1609.0884 Boundary Conditions of Weyl Semimetals
1609.0886 Slip Morphology of Elasticas on Frictional Rigid Substrates
1609.0889 Distributed Power Control for Delay Optimization in Energy Harvesting Cooperative Relay Networks
1609.0890 Hypercomplex Signal Energy Concentration in the Spatial and Quaternionic Linear Canonical Frequency Domains
1609.0892 Rotational equilibria by Lagrangian variational principle: toward multi-dimensional stellar evolutions
1609.0893 Low-Rank Tensor Networks for Dimensionality Reduction and Large-Scale Optimization Problems: Perspectives and Challenges PART 1
1609.0896 A Robust Sparse Fourier Transform in the Continuous Setting
1609.0897 On the Calabi-Yau equation in the Kodaira-Thurston manifold
1609.0899 First Monte Carlo analysis of fragmentation functions from single-inclusive $e^+ e^-$ annihilation
1609.0902 The Damascus Inequality
1609.0903 Generating coherent soft x-ray pulses in the water window with a high-brightness seeded free-electron laser
1609.0904 High Dimensional Human Guided Machine Learning
1609.0907 Gravitational Wave Signatures of Dark Matter Sub-Millimeter Primordial Black Holes
1609.0908 Some recent developments in statistics for spatial point patterns
1609.0910 Endomorphisms of projective bundles over a certain class of varieties
1609.0911 Downward relativistic potential step and phenomenological account of Bohmian trajectories of the Klein paradox
1609.0913 Quantum coherence of Gaussian states
1609.0914 Random simplicial complexes - around the phase transition
1609.0915 Basic Celestial Mechanics
1609.0921 Decoding visual stimuli in human brain by using Anatomical Pattern Analysis on fMRI images
1609.0922 Renormalized solutions of semilinear elliptic equations with general measure data
1609.0924 Quantum elasticity of graphene: Thermal expansion coefficient and specific heat
1609.0926 Multivariate Mixed Tempered Stable Distribution
1609.0930 Penetration of a resonant magnetic perturbation in an adiabatically rippled plasma slab
1609.0932 Spectral learning of dynamic systems from nonequilibrium data
1609.0933 Graph-Like Compacta: Characterizations and Eulerian Loops
1609.0935 Strict local martingales: examples
1609.0937 Gamma strength function and level densities of $^{208}$Pb from forward-angle proton scattering at 295 MeV
1609.0940 Large Scale-ratio Asymptotics for Nonparametric Estimation
1609.0941 Short-time Variability of Blazars via Non-linear, Time-dependent Synchrotron-Self Compton Radiative Losses
1609.0946 Gradient dynamics models for liquid films with soluble surfactant
1609.0947 Some notes on minimal primes and maximal ideals
1609.0949 Adjoint map of Serre derivative and special values of shifted Dirichlet series
1609.0952 The non-Lefschetz locus
1609.0953 On the solutions of the $Z_n$-Belavin model with arbitrary number of sites
1609.0956 Factorial hypersurfaces
1609.0957 $N(p, q, s)$-type spaces in the unit ball of $C_n$
1609.0958 Efficient ray tracing on 3D regular grids for fast generation of digitally reconstructed radiographs in iterative tomographic reconstruction techniques
1609.0965 A note on Brehm's extension theorem
1609.0966 The Algebra of Block Spin Renormalization Group Transformations
1609.0970 Astrophysical constraints on dark-matter Q-balls in the presence of baryon-violating operators
1609.0971 Operators for Parabolic Block Spin Transformations
1609.0973 Bernstein and Kantorovich polynomials diminish the $Lambda$-variation
1609.0974 Semi-semiclassical theory of quantum quenches in one dimensional systems
1609.0975 One-loop divergences in the 6D, N=(1,0) abelian gauge theory
1609.0976 Oscillatory Integrals and Fractal Dimension
1609.0978 Local Maxima in the Likelihood of Gaussian Mixture Models: Structural Results and Algorithmic Consequences
1609.0979 N-barrier maximum principle for degenerate elliptic systems and its application
1609.0980 Some Notes on Pairs in Binary Strings
1609.0981 Allometric scaling in-vitro
1609.0983 Unit Hypercube Visibility Numbers of Trees
1609.0989 Mass concentration and aging in the parabolic Anderson model with doubly-exponential tails
1609.0990 A data mining-based solution for detecting suspicious money laundering cases in an investment bank
1609.0993 Tail asymptotics of maximums on trees in the critical case
1609.0995 Preliminary design of the INPE's Solar Vector Magnetograph
1609.0996 New Equation for Bending Development of Arbitrary Rods and Application to Palm Fronds Bending
1609.0999 Automatic Generation of Vectorized Montgomery Algorithm
1609.1000 Convexified Convolutional Neural Networks
1609.1001 Transference for the ErdH{o}s-Ko-Rado theorem
1609.1005 The third moment for the parabolic Anderson model
1609.1006 Combining Fully Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks for 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation
1609.1007 Domain and range symmetries of operator fractional Brownian fields
1609.1008 An integral formula for affine connections
1609.1009 Equidistribution with an error rate and Diophantine approximation over function fields
1609.1010 Automatic Library Generation for Modular Polynomial Multiplication
1609.1013 Electromagnetic cascade masquerade: a way to mimic $gamma$--ALP mixing effects in blazar spectra
1609.1014 Compact star forming galaxies as the progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies: clustering result
1609.1015 The Energy Landscape Underpinning Module Dynamics in the Human Brain Connectome
1609.1016 A concise approach to small generating sets of lattices of quasiorders and transitive relations
1609.1018 Testing Type II Radiative Seesaw Model: from Dark Matter Detection to LHC Signatures
1609.1019 Combining SOS and Moment Relaxations with Branch and Bound to Extract Solutions to Global Polynomial Optimization Problems
1609.1020 Cationic Effect on Pressure driven Spin-State Transition and cooperativity in Hybrid Perosvkites
1609.1021 Spin excitations in optimally P-doped BaFe2(As0.7P0.3)2superconductor
1609.1025 Structured signal recovery from non-linear and heavy-tailed measurements
1609.1026 Return of the King: Time-Series Photometry of FO Aquarii's Initial Recovery from its Unprecedented 2016 Low State
1609.1028 Preserving Privacy of Agents in Participatory-Sensing Schemes for Traffic Estimation
1609.1031 Time-invariant entanglement and sudden death of nonlocality for multipartite systems under collective dephasing
1609.1032 Countable OD sets of reals belong to the ground model
1609.1033 Deformations of rational surface singularities and reflexive modules with an application to flops
1609.1035 Sharp lifespan estimates and blow-up rates for the semilinear wave equation with time-dependent damping and subcritical nonlinearities
1609.1036 New bounds for equiangular lines and spherical two-distance sets
1609.1038 Highly tunable time-reversal-invariant topological superconductivity in topological insulator thin films
1609.1043 CNSMO: A Network Services Manager/Orchestrator Tool for Cloud Federated Environments
1609.1044 Classifying and sorting cluttered piles of unknown objects with robots: a learning approach
1609.1049 Noncommutative probability of type D
1609.1052 Ground-state and magnetocaloric properties of a coupled spin-electron double-tetrahedral chain (exact study at the half filling)
1609.1053 Multi-Cell Massive MIMO Performance with Double Scattering Channels
1609.1054 New insights into the photochromic mechanism in oxygen-containing yttrium hydride thin films: an optical perspective
1609.1055 Fast Abstracts and Student Forum Proceedings - EDCC 2016 - 12th European Dependable Computing Conference
1609.1057 Inference for conditioned Galton-Watson trees from their Harris path
1609.1058 Zeros of linear twists of $L$-functions outside the critical strip
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