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07 February 2025

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1609.9642 A CNN Cascade for Landmark Guided Semantic Part Segmentation
1609.9645 Excitonic gap formation and condensation in the bilayer graphene structure
1609.9646 Nonlinear solution techniques for solving a Monge-Amp’ere equation for redistribution of a mesh
1609.9647 The ALMA detection of CO rotational line emission in AGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
1609.9651 Spin-orbit coupling in a hexagonal ring of pendula
1609.9653 Bell nonlocality and fully-entangled fraction measured in an entanglement-swapping device without quantum state tomography
1609.9654 ERA Revisited: Theoretical and Experimental Evaluation
1609.9656 Automated Enterprise Applications Generation from Requirement Model
1609.9657 On exact Hausdorff measure functions of operator semistable L'evy processes
1609.9658 May axion clusters be sources of fast radio bursts?
1609.9659 Two band model for coherent excitonic condensates
1609.9660 On Identification of Sparse Multivariable ARX Model: A Sparse Bayesian Learning Approach
1609.9663 Zero-divisor graphs of lower dismantlable lattices-II
1609.9665 Inverse mean curvature flows in warped product manifolds
1609.9666 A historical introduction to the symmetries of magnetic structures: Part 1. Early quantum theory, neutron powder diffraction and the colored space groups
1609.9667 Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians Generating Waveguide Mode Evolution
1609.9669 Relative two-weight $mathbb{Z}_2 mathbb{Z}_4$-additive Codes
1609.9670 Graded Frobenius cluster categories
1609.9671 Caffeinated FPGAs: FPGA Framework For Convolutional Neural Networks
1609.9672 Hyperbolic volume estimates via train tracks
1609.9676 Thermal Stability of Diamond-Like Carbon Nanothreads
1609.9677 BEaTriX, expanded X-ray beam facility for testing modular elements of telescope optics: an update
1609.9679 Clustered Planarity with Pipes
1609.9680 Partial Regularity of Solutions to the Second Boundary Value Problem for Generated Jacobian Equations
1609.9681 Predicting the consequence of action in digital control state spaces
1609.9682 Soft Cache Hits and the Impact of Alternative Content Recommendations on Mobile Edge Caching
1609.9684 Thoroughly Distributed Colorings
1609.9687 Correlated spontaneous emission of fluorescent emitters mediated by single plasmons
1609.9690 Chiral magnetism of magnetic adatoms generated by Rashba electrons
1609.9692 Loss of boundary conditions for fully nonlinear parabolic equations with superquadratic gradient terms
1609.9694 AlN-buffered superconducting NbN nanowire single-photon detector on GaAs
1609.9697 Anomalous diffusion in time-fluctuating non-stationary diffusivity landscapes
1609.9700 Silicon CMOS architecture for a spin-based quantum computer
1609.9701 Martingale representation in progressive enlargement by the reference filtration of a semimartingale: a note on the multidimensional case
1609.9703 Trace formulae for Schr"odinger operators with complex-valued potentials on cubic lattices
1609.9704 Atomtronics - a continuous matrix product state approach
1609.9705 Regimes of turbulence without an energy cascade
1609.9707 Some loose ends on unbounded order convergence
1609.9708 Locally Compact Stone Duality
1609.9709 Type checking through unification
1609.9710 Accumulation Rate of Bound States of Dipoles Generated by Point Charges in Strained Graphene
1609.9711 Roundness of grains in cellular microstructures
1609.9712 Light-mediated cascaded locking of multiple nano-optomechanical oscillators
1609.9713 A deep representation for depth images from synthetic data
1609.9714 Magnetic BV functions and the Bourgain-Brezis-Mironescu formula
1609.9715 Experimental observation of few-layers MoS$_2$ semiconductor-to-metal transition under tensile strain
1609.9716 Modelling observed decay-less oscillations as resonantly enhanced Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices from transverse MHD waves and their seismological application
1609.9717 Holographic superconductor with momentum relaxation and Weyl correction
1609.9718 Jolie Community on the Rise
1609.9720 Skin Normal Force Calibration Using Vacuum Bags
1609.9723 Composing decoherence functionals
1609.9724 Distinguishing Galois representations by their normalized traces
1609.9725 Efficient simulation for dependent rare events with applications to extremes
1609.9726 Revisiting 802.11 Rate Adaptation from Energy Consumption's Perspective
1609.9727 Pair Production, Vacuum Polarization and Anomaly in (A)dS and Charged Black Holes
1609.9728 On the Complexity of Bounded Context Switching
1609.9730 Cosmology with the CMB temperature-polarization correlation
1609.9731 Experimental nonlocality-based network diagnostics of mutipartite entangled states
1609.9733 Inverse curvature flow in anti-de Sitter-Schwarzschild manifold
1609.9737 The role of sample height in the stacking diagram of colloidal mixtures under gravity
1609.9739 Graphs, Ideal Flow, and the Transportation Network
1609.9740 Calabi-Yau compactifications of toric Landau-Ginzburg models for smooth Fano threefolds
1609.9744 Phase Unmixing : Multichannel Source Separation with Magnitude Constraints
1609.9745 Gauged Supergravities
1609.9746 Independent sets in the union of two Hamiltonian cycles
1609.9747 Hearing in a shoe-box : Binaural source position and wall absorption estimation using virtually supervised learning
1609.9748 Characterization of experts in crowdsourcing platforms
1609.9749 Molecular gas kinematics of the CMZ: Great oaks from little acorns grow
1609.9750 Topological protected quantum critical point in 1D Two Impurity Models
1609.9751 Reactions with a 10Be beam to study the one-neutron halo nucleus 11Be
1609.9753 Computations of Keller maps over fields with $ frac16$
1609.9754 Influence of phonons on solid-state cavity-QED investigated using nonequilibrium Green's functions
1609.9755 M'etodos Matem'aticos Aplicados ’a Mec^anica dos Fluidos (Mathematical Methods Applied to Fluid Mechanics)
1609.9756 Making Public Safety Data Accessible in the Westside Atlanta Data Dashboard
1609.9757 Possible Internal Structures and Compositions of Proxima Centauri b
1609.9759 Influence of the ferroelectric quantum critical point on SrTiO$_3$ interfaces
1609.9760 Algebraic and algorithmic aspects of radical parametrizations
1609.9761 Detecting Cognitive Appraisals from Facial Expressions for Interest Recognition
1609.9762 Three-dimensional higher-spin Dirac and Weyl dispersions in the strongly-isotropic $K_4$ crystal
1609.9763 Abundance Derivations for the Secondary Stars in Cataclysmic Variables from Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
1609.9764 Adaptive dictionary based approach for background noise and speaker classification and subsequent source separation
1609.9765 Searching for New Heavy Neutral Gauge Bosons using Vector Boson Fusion Processes at the LHC
1609.9766 Achromatic light patterning and improved image reconstruction for parallelized RESOLFT nanoscopy
1609.9767 Internet Scale Research Studies using SDL-RX
1609.9768 Nonlinear modification of the laser noise power spectrum induced by a frequency-shifted optical feedback
1609.9769 Transition moments between excited electronic states from the Hermitian formulation of the coupled cluster quadratic response function
1609.9770 Shidlovsky's multiplicity estimate and Irrationality of zeta values
1609.9774 Gravity field and solar component of the precession rate and nutation coefficients of Comet 67P Churyumov-Gerasimenko
1609.9776 Weak eigenstate thermalization with large deviation bound
1609.9779 Thermodynamics and emergent universe
1609.9780 Moduli spaces of framed symplectic and orthogonal bundles on P2 and the K-theoretic Nekrasov partition functions
1609.9781 General Relativity and Cosmology: Unsolved Questions and Future Directions
1609.9784 Gravitational luminosity of a hot plasma in R^2 gravity
1609.9786 Bit-permuted coded modulation for polar codes
1609.9787 Universally and existentially definable subsets of global fields
1609.9789 Identification of Piecewise Affine State-Space Models via Expectation Maximization
1609.9790 Simultaneous control of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and magnetic anisotropy in nanomagnetic multilayers
1609.9792 R'esolution des syst’emes polynomiaux: un solveur bas'e sur les matrices de Bezout
1609.9793 Isogeny graphs of ordinary abelian varieties
1609.9794 Plasmon-assisted high-harmonic generation in graphene
1609.9795 Entropy of Causal Horizons
1609.9798 Cosmological self-tuning and local solutions in generalized Horndeski theories
1609.9799 Optimal spectral transportation with application to music transcription
1609.9800 Transition from Solitons to Solitary Waves in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Lattice
1609.9801 Fermi's Paradox Is a Daunting Problem---Under Whatever Label
1609.9802 On groups elementarily equivalent to a group of triangular matrices $T_n(R)$
1609.9803 Beyond p values: practical methods for analyzing uncertainty in research
1609.9804 Distinguishability and many-particle interference
1609.9805 Progress on the three-particle quantization condition
1609.9808 Equation system describing the radiation intensity and the air motion with the water phase transition
1609.9809 Hochschild homology and cohomology of down-up algebras
1609.9810 On elementary equivalence of rings with a finitely generated additive group
1609.9811 Orbital and Superorbital Monitoring of the Be/X-ray binary A0538-66: constraints on the system parameters
1609.9812 Lieb-Thirring Inequalities for Complex Finite Gap Jacobi Matrices
1609.9813 Subleading power corrections in radiative leptonic $B$ decay
1609.9815 Lectures on Higher Structures in M-Theory
1609.9816 A Spatio-Temporal Modeling Approach for Weather Radar Reflectivity Data and Its Applications in Tropical Southeast Asia
1609.9817 Observation of repulsive Fermi polarons in a resonant mixture of ultracold ${}^6$Li atoms
1609.9821 On Special Rees Matrix Semigroups Over Semigroups
1609.9823 On the Worst-case Communication Overhead for Distributed Data Shuffling
1609.9826 Explorations of Dusty Debris Disk Geometry
1609.9827 Sprout: A functional caching approach to minimize service latency in erasure-coded storage
1609.9829 Time-period flow of a viscous liquid past a body
1609.9830 Meta-Analytics: Tools for Understanding the Statistical Properties of Sports Metrics
1609.9831 On entropy change measurements around first order phase transitions in caloric materials
1609.9833 A fast, open source implementation of adaptive biasing potentials uncovers a ligand design strategy for the chromatin regulator BRD4
1609.9835 Extremal Density Matrices for Qudit States
1609.9836 Optimal line packings from association schemes
1609.9837 A Sharp Threshold for Spanning 2-Spheres in Random 2-Complexes
1609.9838 Realization of Gain with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency System with Non-degenerate Zeeman Sublevels in $^{87}$Rb
1609.9839 Depleted Depletion Drives Polymer Swelling in Poor Solvent Mixtures
1609.9840 Regular and almost universal hashing: an efficient implementation
1609.9841 GPU Acceleration of Hermite Methods for the Simulation of Wave Propagation
1609.9843 Boundary interpolation by finite Blaschke products
1609.9844 Staggered quantum walks with superconducting microwave resonators
1609.9845 The Tricritical Point of the f-electron Antiferromagnet USb2 Driven by High Magnetic Fields
1609.9846 Ultra-stable 2D/3D hybrid perovskite photovoltaic module
1609.9847 Solution of Cavity Resonance and Waveguide Scattering Problems Using the Eigenmode Projection Technique
1609.9848 How to Measure Squeeze Out
1609.9849 Lepton-Flavored Electroweak Baryogenesis
1609.9850 Latent fingerprint minutia extraction using fully convolutional network
1609.9852 Multi-level perspective on high-order harmonic generation in solids
1609.9855 Testing coupled dark energy models with their cosmological background evolution
1609.9857 A 50/50 electronic beam splitter in graphene nanoribbons as a building block for electron optics
1609.9858 Reverse engineering nuclear properties from rare earth abundances in the $r$ process
1609.9859 Precision ESR Measurements of Transverse Anisotropy in the Single-molecule Magnet Ni$_4$
1609.9860 Jump Events in a 3D Edwards-Anderson Spin Glass
1609.9861 An Efficient Optimal Planning and Control Framework For Quadrupedal Locomotion
1609.9863 Twisted Supersymmetry in a Deformed Wess-Zumino Model in (2+1) Dimensions
1609.9864 Technical Report: Graph-Structured Sparse Optimization for Connected Subgraph Detection
1609.9866 Antiferromagnetic THz-frequency Josephson-like Oscillator Driven by Spin Current
1609.9867 Transversality and super-rigidity for multiply covered holomorphic curves
1609.9868 A pragmatical access to the viscous flow
1610.0699 Antideuterons in cosmic rays: sources and discovery potential
1610.0749 Microscopic Pedestrian Simulation Model to Evaluate "Lane-Like Segregation" of Pedestrian Crossing
1610.0752 The Topological "Shape" of Brexit
1610.0753 Maxwell's equations as a special case of deformation of a solid lattice in Euler's coordinates
1610.0979 Horizon Quantum Mechanics of Generalized Uncertainty Principle Black Holes
1610.0985 Key attributes of a modern statistical computing tool
1610.0992 Existence of Minkowski space
1610.0997 Impact of embedding on predictability of failure-recovery dynamics in networks
1610.1002 Complex systems: physics beyond physics
1610.1005 A calculation scheme for spectral densities of strongly correlated electron systems using exact diagonalization of dynamical mean field theory
1610.1006 Is the tautochrone curve unique?
1610.1089 Quantum parallelism may be limited
1610.1090 Cosmological Attractors and Anisotropies in Two Measure Theories, Effective EYMH systems, and Off--Diagonal Inflation Models
1610.1107 Automated Anomaly Detection in Distribution Grids Using $mu$PMU Measurements
1610.1441 Order and Chaos in some deterministic infinite trigonometric products
1610.1499 Nonautonomous Riccati difference equation with real $k$-periodic ($kgeq 1$) coefficients
1610.1501 Hawking radiation conference, book of proceedings
1610.1516 Experimental Characterization of In Vivo Wireless Communication Channels
1610.1565 Non-dominated Solution of Fuzzy Maximum-Return Problem
1610.1630 Counting Geodesic Paths in 1D VANETs
1610.1647 Chiral density wave versus pion condensation in the 1+1 dimensional NJL model
1610.1868 Conditions Equivalent to the Descartes-Frenicle-Sorli Conjecture on Odd Perfect Numbers
1610.1971 Safe Human-Inspired Mesoscopic Hybrid Automaton for Autonomous Vehicles
1610.1972 Managing Information in Queues: The Impact of Giving Delayed Information to Customers
1610.1989 Regularized Dynamic Boltzmann Machine with Delay Pruning for Unsupervised Learning of Temporal Sequences
1610.2292 Mathematical modeling of local perfusion in large distensible microvascular networks
1610.2921 Systematic effects in the low-energy behaviour of the current SAID solution for the pion-nucleon system
1610.4081 Dirac Equation in Four Time and Four Space Dimensions
1610.4219 Unabridged Response to "The Mossbauer rotor experiment and the general theory of relativity" by C. Corda: General relativity cannot supply an answer to the extra time dilation in rotor Mossbauer experiments
1610.4262 Scattering intensity limit value at very small angles
1610.4468 A chart for the energy levels of the square quantum well
1610.4572 Big Data Analytics in Cloud environment using Hadoop
1610.5209 MIMO: State of the Art and the Future in Focus
1610.5269 Speckle Imaging Excludes Low-Mass Companions Orbiting the Exoplanet Host Star TRAPPIST-1
1610.6009 Constrained Cohort Intelligence using Static and Dynamic Penalty Function Approach for Mechanical Components Design
1610.6605 Mathematical analysis of inertial waves in rectangular basins with one sloping boundary
1610.7414 3D Chern-Simons Term breaks Meissner Effect
1610.8011 Broadband quasi perfect absorption using chirped multi-layer porous materials
1610.8020 Bounded Model Checking and Feature Omission Diversity
1610.8327 Transition from the C3-dominated discharge to the sooting plasma
1611.2655 Spectral Statistics of Lattice Graph Percolation Models
1611.3324 Effect of Noncommutativity of Space-time on Zitterbewegung
1611.3341 Fast Algorithm of High-resolution Microwave Imaging Using the Non-parametric Generalized Reflectivity Model
1611.3343 Fuzzy Logic-based Implicit Authentication for Mobile Access Control
1611.4573 A Review of Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Membrane Channel Charge Transport
1611.6086 Swarm Intelligence for Multiobjective Optimization of Extraction Process
1612.2446 Analysis of Ground Level Enhancements (GLE): Extreme solar energetic particle events have hard spectra
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