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18 February 2025

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1609.1064 A Deep Multi-Level Network for Saliency Prediction
1609.1065 Anderson localization of ultracold atoms: Where is the mobility edge?
1609.1066 Coupon collector's probabilities and generating function: analytic approach
1609.1067 Functional central limit theorems for the Nelson-Aalen and Kaplan-Meier estimators for dependent stationary data
1609.1068 Dynamic Path Contraction for Distributed, Dynamic Dataflow Languages
1609.1070 Toward Crowdsourced User Studies for Software Evaluation
1609.1071 The triple system AT Mic AB + AU Mic in the beta Pictoris Association
1609.1074 Analytical aspects of spatially adapted total variation regularisation
1609.1075 Valley Polarization by Spin Injection in a Light-Emitting van der Waals Heterojunction
1609.1077 The role of the Fermi level pinning in gate tunable graphene-semiconductor junctions
1609.1078 Subset Sum Problems With Digraph Constraints
1609.1079 Astronomical Data Fusion Tool Based on PostgreSQL
1609.1080 Multipolar Hardy inequalities on Riemannian manifolds
1609.1082 Mean-Lagrangian formalism and covariance of fluid turbulence
1609.1084 Uniform Global Attractors for Non-Autonomous Dissipative Dynamical Systems
1609.1085 Structure of charmed baryons studied by pionic decays
1609.1086 Prometheus Induced Vorticity In Saturns F Ring
1609.1087 Effective N-particle collisions in a hadronic transport approach
1609.1089 Relating the spectrum of a matrix and a principal submatrix using adjugates and Schur complements
1609.1091 Reconfinement of highly magnetized jets: Implications for HST-1 in M87
1609.1095 Detection of very high energy gamma-ray emission from the gravitationally-lensed blazar QSO B0218+357 with the MAGIC telescopes
1609.1096 Microwave-Induced Oscillations in the Magnetocapacitance: Direct Evidence for Non-equilibrium Occupation of Electronic States
1609.1098 Controlled Reactions between Ultracold Alkali and Metastable Helium Atoms
1609.1099 Multipolar interference effects in nanophotonics
1609.1101 Performance analysis of a non-beacon enabled IEEE 802.15.4 network with retransmission and ACK mode
1609.1102 Monadic second-order properties of very sparse random graphs
1609.1103 Deep Retinal Image Understanding
1609.1104 Sparse recovery in Wigner-D basis expansion
1609.1105 The Accuracy of Mean-Field Approximation for Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible Epidemic Spreading
1609.1106 Properties of Supersonic Evershed Downflows
1609.1107 An Analysis of the Cloud Computing Security Problem
1609.1108 Entropic properties of $D$-dimensional Rydberg systems
1609.1109 A note on the spectrum of composition operators on spaces of real analytic functions
1609.1113 Heisenberg-like uncertainty measures for $D$-dimensional hydrogenic systems at large D
1609.1114 Clustering and Velocity Distributions in Granular Gases Cooling by Solid Friction
1609.1115 On infinite spectra of first order properties of random graphs
1609.1116 Modelling simultaneous broadcasting by level-disjoint partitions
1609.1117 Reflections on Shannon Information: In search of a natural information-entropy for images
1609.1118 Extracting replicable associations across multiple studies: algorithms for controlling the false discovery rate
1609.1119 Hamilton circles in Cayley graphs
1609.1120 Flow polynomials as Feynman amplitudes and their $alpha$-representation
1609.1121 Multifractality of eigenstates in the delocalized non-ergodic phase of some random matrix models : application to Levy matrices
1609.1129 Estimation of the Vertical Disk Scale Height Using Young Galactic Objects
1609.1130 Colliding-wind Binaries with strong magnetic fields
1609.1131 Proposal of Data Processing Platform for Direct Marketing Data
1609.1133 On permutation numerical semigroups
1609.1135 Prospects for quarkonium measurements in p--A and A--A collisions at the LHC
1609.1136 Constructions of Optimal Cyclic $(r,delta)$ Locally Repairable Codes
1609.1138 STIT Tessellations -- Ergodic Limit Theorems and Bounds for the Speed of Convergence
1609.1140 Redefining the boundaries of interplanetary coronal mass ejections from observations at the ecliptic plane
1609.1143 Microlensing and dynamical constraints on primordial black hole dark matter with an extended mass function
1609.1145 Experimental evidence for the influence of charge on the adsorption capacity of carbon dioxide on charged fullerenes
1609.1146 Optimal Quadrature Formulas for the Sobolev Space $H^1$
1609.1147 Asymptotic For Primitive Roots Producing Polynomials
1609.1148 Grand unification and CP violation
1609.1149 The geometrical nature of the cosmological inflation in the framework of the Weyl-Dirac conformal gravity theory
1609.1153 Gravitational smoothing of kinks on cosmic string loops
1609.1154 Local Quantum Thermometry using Unruh-De Witt Detectors
1609.1156 Pushing the Limit Caused by Qubits Distinguishing Errors for High-Qubit-Rate Quantum Communication
1609.1157 (Sub)millimetre interferometric imaging of a sample of COSMOS/AzTEC submillimetre galaxies IV. Physical properties derived from spectral energy distributions
1609.1158 Magneto-optical properties of InSb for terahertz applications
1609.1161 Phase diagram of interacting spinless fermions on the honeycomb lattice
1609.1162 Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): detection of low-surface-brightness galaxies from SDSS data
1609.1164 Strong pinning of vortices by antiferromagnetic domain boundaries in CeCo(In$_{1-x}$Cd$_x$)$_5$
1609.1165 Integral estimation based on Markovian design
1609.1166 On toric degenerations of flag varieties
1609.1167 Spectral and Polarization Signatures of Relativistic Shocks in Blazars
1609.1168 A radial age gradient in the geometrically thick disk of the Milky Way
1609.1170 Lower bounds for Lyapunov exponents of flat bundles on curves
1609.1171 A Generic Logic for Proving Linearizability (Extended Version)
1609.1173 Reaction Spreading in Systems With Anomalous Diffusion
1609.1174 Spin Orbit Torque in two dimensional Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulators
1609.1176 The Player Kernel: Learning Team Strengths Based on Implicit Player Contributions
1609.1177 Categorical localization for the coherent-constructible correspondence
1609.1178 A New Approach to Constructing Quadratic Pseudo-Planar Functions over $gf_{2^n}$
1609.1179 Gravitational Light Bending Prevents $gammagamma$ Absorption in Gravitational Lenses
1609.1180 Linear and anomalous front propagation in system with non Gaussian diffusion: the importance of tails
1609.1182 Fission of Multiply Charged Cesium and Potassium Clusters in Helium Droplets - Approaching the Rayleigh Limit
1609.1183 On central idempotents in the Brauer algebra
1609.1186 Un caso de big data punta a punta: an'alisis de datos de transporte y su uso en el negocio
1609.1187 An'alisis de resultados electorales: comparaci'on de m'etodos y estimaci'on de votos por franja etaria
1609.1188 Bi-Text Alignment of Movie Subtitles for Spoken English-Arabic Statistical Machine Translation
1609.1191 Trace formula for spin chains
1609.1192 A Compendium of Chameleon Constraints
1609.1196 Hitting and escaping statistics: mixing, targets and holes
1609.1198 On the nodes of wave function and the quantum Hamilton-Jacobi solution
1609.1207 Um, er: How meaning varies between speech and its typed transcript
1609.1208 Hairy Black Holes in a Box
1609.1209 A comprehensive photometric study of dynamically evolved small van den Bergh-Hagen open clusters
1609.1212 Involutions, Trace Maps, and Pseudorandom Numbers
1609.1213 Waring's Problem for Polynomial Rings and the Digit Sum of Exponents
1609.1216 Factorization, resummation and sum rules for heavy-to-light form factors
1609.1217 Relating urban scaling, fundamental allometry, and density scaling
1609.1219 The degenerate Fermi gas of $pi$ electrons in fullerenes and the $sigma$ surface instabilities
1609.1221 Excluding a large theta graph
1609.1223 Optical Writing of Magnetic Properties by Remanent Photostriction
1609.1225 KMS quantum symmetric states
1609.1228 Towards Automated Melanoma Screening: Exploring Transfer Learning Schemes
1609.1230 Topology in the SU(Nf) chiral symmetry restored phase of unquenched QCD and axion cosmology
1609.1234 Cooper pair splitting in diffusive magnetic SQUIDs
1609.1237 Blade-shaped (PKN) Hydraulic Fracture Driven By A Turbulent Fluid In An Impermeable Rock
1609.1238 Super-character theory and comparison arguments for a random walk on the upper triangular matrices
1609.1239 Urban Energy Flux: Human Mobility as a Predictor for Spatial Changes
1609.1240 Combinatorial Repairability for Threshold Schemes
1609.1241 Quantum Circuit Design of Integer Division Optimizing Ancillary Qubits and T-Count
1609.1242 An explicit Ricci potential for the Universal Moduli Space of Vector Bundles
1609.1248 Adaptive broadening to improve spectral resolution in the numerical renormalization group
1609.1250 Contextuality of Identical Particles
1609.1251 Microscopic model of quantum butterfly effect: out-of-time-order correlators and traveling combustion waves
1609.1252 Analysis of the distribution of precipitable water vapor in the Chajnantor area
1609.1253 Fully stable cosmological solutions with a non-singular classical bounce
1609.1254 Gradient flow and entropy inequalities for quantum Markov semigroups with detailed balance
1609.1255 Dimension reduction in MHD power generation models: dimensional analysis and active subspaces
1609.1257 cf4ocl: a C framework for OpenCL
1609.1258 Conditional entropy of glueball states
1609.1259 Charge Exchange Losses and Stochastic Acceleration in the Solar Wind
1609.1260 Numerical analytic continuation: Answers to well-posed questions
1609.1261 Repeated compositions of Moebius transformations
1609.1262 The fourth moment of quadratic Dirichlet $L$--functions over function fields
1609.1264 $L_h^2$-functions in unbounded balanced domains
1609.1265 Reactive magnetron sputter deposition of superconducting niobium titanium nitride thin films with different target sizes
1609.1266 Integrality of minimal unit circular-arc models
1609.1267 Newton flows for elliptic functions I Structural stability: Characterization & Genericity
1609.1268 Engineering and probing topological properties of Dirac semimetal films by asymmetric charge transfer
1609.1272 Weakening Gravity on Redshift-Survey Scales with Kinetic Matter Mixing
1609.1273 Lipschitz Embeddings of Random Fields
1609.1463 Radio Diagnostics of Electron Acceleration Sites During the Eruption of a Flux Rope in the Solar Corona
1609.1471 Importance of the H2 abundance in protoplanetary disk ices for the molecular layer chemical composition
1609.1478 Photoexcitation of electron wave packets in quantum spin Hall edge states: effects of chiral anomaly from a localised electric pulse
1609.1480 SimCADO - an instrument data simulator package for MICADO at the E-ELT
1609.1490 A Non-linear GPU Thread Map for Triangular Domains
1609.1492 First search for dark matter annihilations in the Earth with the IceCube Detector
1609.1494 Harnessing Poly(ionic liquid)s for Sensing Applications
1609.1499 Depth Estimation Through a Generative Model of Light Field Synthesis
1609.1500 Magnonic Weyl semimetal in pyrochlore ferromagnets
1609.1506 Molecular Gas Kinematics and Line Diagnostics in Early-type Galaxies: NGC4710 and NGC5866
1609.1508 Low-rank Bandits with Latent Mixtures
1609.1510 Upper Domination: towards a dichotomy through boundary properties
1609.1511 In-situ absolute calibration of electric-field amplitude measurements with the LPDA radio detector stations of the Pierre Auger Observatory
1609.1514 Spectropolarimetric observations of an arch filament system with the GREGOR solar telescope
1609.1515 The age of the young bulge-like population in the stellar system Terzan5: linking the Galactic bulge to the high-z Universe
1609.1516 Exponential-square integrability, weighted inequalities for the square functions associated to operators and applications
1609.1517 Faster O(|V|^2|E|W)-Time Energy Algorithms for Optimal Strategy Synthesis in Mean Payoff Games
1609.1518 Infrared Peak-Splitting without a Phase Transition in Hydrogen-Deuterium Mixtures at High Pressures
1609.1521 Star polymers as unit cells for coarse-graining cross-linked networks
1609.1522 Made-to-measure galaxy modelling utilising absorption line strength data
1609.1527 Bayesian Analysis of Two Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters III: Analysis of 30 Clusters
1609.1532 A numerical investigation of wind accretion in persistent Supergiant X-ray Binaries I - Structure of the flow at the orbital scale
1609.1536 Spin supplementary conditions for spinning compact binaries
1609.1539 Time reversal of ultrasound in granular media
1609.1541 Quantum one-way permutation over the finite field of two elements
1609.1546 Zero-energy pinning from interactions in Majorana nanowires
1609.1554 Phase-space views into dye-microcavity thermalised and condensed photons
1609.1556 Position-dependent radiative transfer as a tool for studying Anderson localization: delay time, time-reversal and coherent backscattering
1609.1557 Non orientable three-submanifolds of $mathrm{G}_2-$manifolds
1609.1564 A Weak Type Inequality for Maximal Monomial Oscillatory Hilbert Transforms
1609.1571 Best-Buddies Similarity - Robust Template Matching using Mutual Nearest Neighbors
1609.1572 Disorder induced phase transition in an opinion dynamics model: results in 2 and 3 dimensions
1609.1581 Effect of morphology and defectiveness of graphene-related materials on the electrical and thermal conductivity of their polymer nanocomposites
1609.1582 Codes, Lower Bounds, and Phase Transitions in the Symmetric Rendezvous Problem
1609.1585 A Hardware-Efficient Approach to Computing the Rotation Matrix from a Quaternion
1609.1587 New Moduli for Banach Spaces
1609.1588 Primordial black hole formation in the matter-dominated phase of the Universe
1609.1590 Quantum Simulation of single-qubit thermometry using linear optics
1609.1591 Generalized Skyrme model with the loosely bound potential
1609.1592 CRTS: A type system for representing clinical recommendations
1609.1593 Decoding quasars: gravitationally redshifted spectral lines !
1609.1595 The Search for Multiple Populations in Magellanic Cloud Clusters I: Two Stellar Populations in the Small Magellanic Cloud Globular Cluster NGC 121
1609.1596 Direct Feedback Alignment Provides Learning in Deep Neural Networks
1609.1598 Natural operations on differential forms on contact manifolds
1609.1603 Universal fluctuations in orbital diamagnetism: A surprise in theoretical physics
1609.1606 Canonical Weierstrass representations for minimal surfaces in Euclidean 4-space
1609.1608 Robustness of topologically protected transport in graphene-boron nitride lateral heterostructures
1609.1613 Chiral charge pumping in graphene deposited on a magnetic insulator
1609.1616 Private Link Exchange over Social Graphs
1609.1617 Distributed chaos and inertial ranges in turbulence
1609.1622 A Cross-layer Contention Based Synchronous MAC Protocol for Transmission Delay Reduction in Multi-Hop WSNs
1609.1623 Observed Faraday Effects in Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers and Lyman Limit Systems: The Magnetised Environment of Galactic Building Blocks at Redshift=2
1609.1624 Quasiperiodic Frank-Kasper phases derived from the square-triangle dodecagonal tiling
1609.1625 Discriminating image textures with the multiscale two-dimensional complexity-entropy causality plane
1609.1626 Chlorine Abundances in Cool Stars
1609.1631 Mixing completely scrambled system exists
1609.1634 Fleet management for autonomous vehicles
1609.1635 A unified approach to construction of Gelfand-Tsetlin-Zhelobenko base vectors for series $A$, $B$, $C$, $D$
1609.1639 Bose-Einstein graviton condensate in a Schwarzschild black hole
1609.1643 $D$-module and $F$-module length of local cohomology modules
1609.1645 Strong Approximation by Marcinkiewicz Means of two-dimensional Walsh-Kaczmarz-Fourier Series
1609.1648 Review of the Fingerprint Liveness Detection (LivDet) competition series: 2009 to 2015
1609.1649 The Kakeya needle problem and the existence of Besicovitch and Nikodym sets for rectifiable sets
1609.1650 Competing magnetic orders and spin liquids in two- and three-dimensional kagome systems: A pseudo-fermion functional renormalization group perspective
1609.1651 Index Characterization for Free Boundary Minimal Surfaces
1609.1654 Qualification Tests of the R11410-21 Photomultiplier Tubes for the XENON1T Detector
1609.1655 The dividend problem with a finite horizon
1609.1656 Mesoscale pattern formation of self-propelled rods with velocity reversal
1609.1659 Off-shell Top Quarks with One Jet at the LHC: A comprehensive analysis at NLO QCD
1609.1661 Microlens Array Laser Transverse Shaping Technique for Photoemission Electron Source
1609.1662 Robust Computation of a Minimum Area Convex Polygon Stabber of a Set of Isothetic Line Segments
1609.1663 The canonical semantic network supports residual language function in chronic post-stroke aphasia
1609.1666 Measurement of the Two-Neutrino Double Beta Decay Half-life of $^{130}$Te with the CUORE-0 Experiment
1609.1668 The Waves and the Sigmas (To Say Nothing of the 750 GeV Mirage)
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