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18 February 2025

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1609.1670 Improving Color Constancy by Discounting the Variation of Camera Spectral Sensitivity
1609.1675 Decompositions of complete uniform multi-hypergraphs into Berge paths and cycles of arbitrary lengths
1609.1678 Discriminative Enhancement for Single Channel Audio Source Separation using Deep Neural Networks
1609.1679 Filtering Problem for Functionals of Stationary Processes with Missing Observations
1609.1683 Ultrasonic attenuation in a pseudogapped superconductor
1609.1684 KAM for beating solutions of the quintic NLS
1609.1691 Transverse-momentum resummation for Higgs boson pair production at the LHC with top-quark mass effects
1609.1692 A Search for Very High-Energy Gamma Rays from the Missing Link Binary Pulsar J1023+0038 with VERITAS
1609.1694 Axion star collisions with Neutron stars and Fast Radio Bursts
1609.1697 Majorana box qubits
1609.1699 Poisson approximation of counts of subgraphs in random intersection graphs
1609.1700 Problems in additive number theory, V: Affinely inequivalent MSTD sets
1609.1701 Quintessential Scale Dependence from Separate Universe Simulations
1609.1703 Positions of the magnetoroton minima in the fractional quantum Hall effect
1609.1707 Lyapunov Exponent and Four-Point Correlator's Growth Rate in a Chaotic System
1609.1709 Thermometry for Laughlin States of Ultracold Atoms
1609.1711 Probing Gravitational Cat States in Canonical Quantum Theory vs Objective Collapse Theories
1609.1712 Encoding spatial data into quantum observables
1609.1713 The SLUGGS Survey: revisiting the correlation between X-ray luminosity and total mass of massive early-type galaxies
1609.1716 Comparative performance of selected variability detection techniques in photometric time series data
1609.1718 Shaken and Stirred: The Milky Way's Dark Substructures
1609.1720 A stellar-mass black hole population in the globular cluster NGC 6101?
1609.1722 Applying Relativistic Reconnection to Blazar Jets
1609.1723 Brane Brick Models in the Mirror
1609.1724 Quantum confinement on non-complete Riemannian manifolds
1609.1728 Insights from probability distribution functions of intensity maps
1609.1730 Monte Carlo calculations of the finite density Thirring model
1609.1731 The Bondi-Sachs Formalism
1609.1732 The visibility based Tapered Gridded Estimator (TGE) for the redshifted 21-cm power spectrum
1609.1734 Linking long-term planetary $N$-body simulations with periodic orbits: application to white dwarf pollution
1609.1735 Asymptotically anti-de Sitter Proca Stars
1609.1737 SDSS IV MaNGA - The spatially resolved transition from star formation to quiescence
1609.1738 Decoherence Can Relax Cosmic Acceleration
1609.1739 Angular momentum evolution of galaxies in EAGLE
1609.1741 Partial-Wave Analysis of Nucleon-Nucleon Elastic Scattering Data
1609.1742 GRB 980425 host: [CII], [OI] and CO lines reveal recent enhancement of star formation due to atomic gas inflow
1609.1743 Human pose estimation via Convolutional Part Heatmap Regression
1609.1745 The Small Field Parabolic Flow for Bosonic Many-body Models: Part 1 - Main Results and Algebra
1609.1747 The Small Field Parabolic Flow for Bosonic Many-body Models: Part 3 - Nonperturbatively Small Errors
1609.1748 The Small Field Parabolic Flow for Bosonic Many-body Models: Part 4 - Background and Critical Field Estimates
1609.1749 Short note on energy maximization property of the first eigenfunction of the Laplacian
1609.1751 Quantum fluctuation induced time of flight correlations of an interacting trapped Bose gas
1609.1753 Error correcting power of small topological codes
1609.1756 Limit Shapes of the Stochastic Six Vertex Model
1609.1757 Interacting photon pulses in Rydberg medium
1609.1758 Notes on non-singular models of black holes
1609.1759 Tuning for Software Analytics: is it Really Necessary?
1609.1760 Breather soliton dynamics in microresonators
1609.1764 Crawling and turning in a minimal reaction-diffusion cell motility model: coupling cell shape and biochemistry
1609.1765 The Mid-Infrared Evolution of the FU Orionis Disk
1609.1766 Multiparameter quantum Schur duality of type B
1609.1767 Impact of finite temperatures on the transport properties of Gd from first principles
1609.1768 First year results of the High Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory
1609.1769 Spinon and bound state excitation "light cones" in Heisenberg XXZ Chains
1609.1772 Quantal Nucleon Diffusion I: Central Collisions of Symmetric Nuclei
1609.1773 An analogue of the Kostant-Rallis multiplicity theorem for $ heta$-group harmonics
1609.1775 Performance Measures and a Data Set for Multi-Target, Multi-Camera Tracking
1609.1776 Thermal Transport Across Metal Silicide-Silicon Interfaces: An Experimental Comparison between Epitaxial and Non-epitaxial Interfaces
1609.1778 Mobile Communication Signatures of Unemployment
1609.1779 A high resolution HI study towards the supernova remnant Puppis A and its environments
1609.1780 On Kato-Ponce and fractional Leibniz
1609.1781 Effects of magnetic and kinetic helicities on the growth of magnetic fields in laminar and turbulent flows by helical-Fourier decomposition
1609.1782 Pattern-Avoiding Polytopes
1609.1783 Combinatorial aspects of the linkage principle for general linear supergroups
1609.1785 Late veneer and late accretion to the terrestrial planets
1609.1786 Nonmaximal neutrino mixing at NOvA from nonstandard interactions
1609.1788 The more you test, the more you find: Smallest P-values become increasingly enriched with real findings as more tests are conducted
1609.1789 Bounded degree and planar spectra
1609.1790 Brain Network Architecture: Implications for Human Learning
1609.1791 OAM beams from incomplete computer generated holograms
1609.1792 Multiqubit Spectroscopy of Gaussian Quantum Noise
1609.1793 Local Hubble Expansion: Current State of the Problem
1609.1794 Tailoring the energy distribution and loss of 2D plasmons
1609.1796 Effect of stretching-induced changes in hydrodynamic screening on coil-stretch hysteresis of unentangled polymer solutions
1609.1799 Differential relations for the largest root distribution of complex non-central Wishart matrices
1609.1801 Event-by-event generation of vorticity in heavy-ion collisions
1609.1802 Probing nuclear bubble structure via neutron star asteroseismology
1609.1803 Nonlinearity In A Crosslinked Polyelectric Polypeptide
1609.1806 The Belle II experiment: fundamental physics at the flavor frontier
1609.1810 Tracking System to Automate Data Collection of Microscopic Pedestrian Traffic Flow
1609.1812 Intermittent Control Properties of Car Following: Theory and Driving Simulator Experiments
1609.1813 Effect Of Running Shoes on Foot Impact During Running
1609.1814 Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Strong Shock Waves Propagating in Dense Deuterium With the Effect of Excited Electrons
1609.1815 Dressed states of a quantum emitter strongly coupled to a metal nanoparticle
1609.1817 401 and beyond: improved bounds and algorithms for the Ramsey algebra search
1609.1820 Replica symmtery breaking in trajectory space for the trap model
1609.1821 Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD): An Evaluation of Associated Risks to Corporate Information Security
1609.1822 Multi-Tenancy Issues with Service Delivery in Developing Economies: Privacy, Trust and Availability Concerns
1609.1825 $L^2$-contraction of large planar shock waves for multi-dimensional scalar viscous conservation laws
1609.1827 Optical far-field super-resolution microscopy using nitrogen vacancy center ensemble in bulk diamond
1609.1829 Animal Classification System: A Block Based Approach
1609.1831 Dynamical parton distributions from DGLAP equations with nonlinear corrections
1609.1832 Off-shell BCJ Relation in Nonlinear Sigma Model
1609.1834 On the extension and smoothing of the Calabi flow on complex tori
1609.1838 Curves of medium genus with many points
1609.1841 Exploring nonnormality in magnetohydrodynamic rotating shear flows: application to astrophysical accretion disks
1609.1842 Spin-Polarized Surface Resonances Accompanying Topological Surface State Formation
1609.1843 On Transfer Function Realizations for Linear Quantum Stochastic Systems
1609.1845 Enhanced Optomechanical Cooling at High-Order Exceptional Points
1609.1846 Molecular components in $mathbf{D_{s0}^{ast}(2317)}$ and $mathbf{D_{s1}(2460)}$ mesons
1609.1847 Exceptional spectra of the two-qubit quantum Rabi model
1609.1848 A study on the collective behavior of chiral plasma using first and second order conformal hydrodynamics
1609.1850 Cosmological constraints from thermal Sunyaev Zeldovich power spectrum revisited
1609.1852 Linear differential equations with slowly growing solutions
1609.1853 Modeling of a heat capacity peak and an enthalpy jump for a paraffin-based phase-change material
1609.1854 A Note on the Speed of Perfect State Transfer
1609.1855 Boundary layer flow and heat transfer of Cross fluid over a stretching sheet
1609.1856 A Survey of Downlink Non-orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Wireless Communication Networks
1609.1857 Exact Mappings in Condensed Matter Physics
1609.1859 Automatic Visual Theme Discovery from Joint Image and Text Corpora
1609.1860 RRDVCR: Real-Time Reliable Data Delivery Based on Virtual Coordinating Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks
1609.1861 Magnetic decoupling of ferromagnetic metals through a graphene spacer
1609.1862 General relativity and relativistic astrophysics
1609.1863 Experimental Sharing of Nonlocality among Multiple Observers with One Entangled Pair via Optimal Weak Measurements
1609.1864 CP violating phase from minimal texture neutrino mass matrix: Test of the phase relevant to leptogenesis
1609.1865 Line nodes and surface Majorana flat bands in static and kicked p-wave superconducting Harper model
1609.1867 Chaperone driven polymer translocation through Nanopore: spatial distribution and binding energy
1609.1868 Scalar field collapse in a conformally flat spacetime
1609.1869 Asymptotic for optimizers of the fractional Hardy-Sobolev inequality
1609.1870 Calculation of Mean and Variance of Number of Comparisons used by the Randomized Quick Sort Algorithm
1609.1871 Spectral multipliers via resolvent type estimates on non-homogeneous metric measure spaces
1609.1872 Chaining Bounds for Empirical Risk Minimization
1609.1873 Wigner law for matrices with dependent entries - a perturbative approach
1609.1875 Multimode directionality in all-dielectric metasurfaces
1609.1877 Singularities of plane rational curves via projections
1609.1878 High-Temperature Series Expansion for Spin-1/2 Heisenberg Models
1609.1880 Algebras sharing the same support $ au$-tilting poset with tree quiver algebras
1609.1881 Light dilatons in warped space: Higgs boson and LHCb anomalies
1609.1883 Enhancing Channel Assignment Performance in Wireless Mesh Networks Through Interference Mitigation Functions
1609.1884 On Large H-Intersecting Families
1609.1886 Alphabet-Almost-Simple 2-Neighbour Transitive Codes
1609.1888 Determination of intrinsic ferroelectric polarization in lossy improper ferroelectric systems
1609.1889 Flavor structure of $Lambda$ baryons from lattice QCD - from strange to charm
1609.1890 On recovering parabolic diffusions from their time-averages
1609.1891 Fillings of unit cotangent bundles of nonorientable surfaces
1609.1893 Query Optimization Techniques In Graph Databases
1609.1894 Effects of long-range disorder and electronic interactions on the optical properties of graphene quantum dots
1609.1895 Double Vibronic process in the quantum spin ice candidate Tb$_2$Ti$_2$O$_7$ revealed by terahertz spectroscopy
1609.1897 Lion and Man Game in Compact Spaces
1609.1898 Representing derivatives of Chebyshev polynomials by Chebyshev polynomials
1609.1900 The loss of interest for the euro in Romania
1609.1901 Normes cyclotomiques na"ives et unit'es logarithmiques
1609.1903 Quantum Interference in Graphene Nanoconstrictions
1609.1905 Schur partition theorems via perfect crystal
1609.1906 Spin excitations in the quasi-two-dimensional charge-ordered insulator $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ probed via $^{13}$C NMR
1609.1907 Long Brownian bridges in hyperbolic spaces converge to Brownian trees
1609.1909 On the structure of groups endowed with a compatible C-relation
1609.1913 A note on a certain Baum--Connes map for inverse semigroups
1609.1914 Symmetric invariants related to representations of exceptional simple groups
1609.1915 Polyp Detection and Segmentation from Video Capsule Endoscopy: A Review
1609.1917 SNOPS: Short Non-Orthogonal Pilot Sequences for Downlink Channel State Estimation in FDD Massive MIMO
1609.1919 On the connection between Nonstandard Analysis and Computability Theory
1609.1922 Topological Triplon Modes and Bound States in a Shastry-Sutherland Magnet
1609.1925 Large X-ray Flares on Stars Detected with MAXI/GSC: A Universal Correlation between the Duration of a Flare and its X-ray Luminosity
1609.1926 A modular architecture for transparent computation in Recurrent Neural Networks
1609.1927 Preliminaries on CAT (0) Spaces and Fixed Points of a Class of Iterative Schemes
1609.1928 Scaling of spectra of Cantor-type measures and some number theoretic considerations
1609.1929 Non-equilibrium dynamics for a Widom-Rowlinson type model with mutations
1609.1930 Witt equivalence of function fields of conics
1609.1934 Computing DM-decomposition of a partitioned matrix with rank-1 blocks
1609.1936 Barlenses and X-shape features compared: different manifestations of Boxy/Peanut bulges
1609.1937 Hard rectangles near curved hard walls: tuning the sign of the Tolman length
1609.1940 Approximation of smooth functions using Bernstein polynomials in multiple variables
1609.1941 Role of acoustic phonons in frequency dependent thermal conductivity of graphene
1609.1942 Revisiting the prediction of solar activity based on the relationship between the solar maximum amplitude and max-max cycle length
1609.1943 Gravitational Couplings on D-brane Revisited
1609.1944 Evolution of clusters in energetic heavy ion bombarded amorphous graphite
1609.1946 Equation of motion of canonical tensor model and Hamilton-Jacobi equation of general relativity
1609.1948 Wikipedia mining of hidden links between political leaders
1609.1949 Spectra and elliptic flow of thermal photons from full overlap U+U collisions at RHIC
1609.1950 Equality of two non-logarithmic ramification filtrations of abelianized Galois group in positive characteristic
1609.1951 Public Wi-Fi Monetization via Advertising
1609.1952 A kilo-pixel imaging system for future space based far-infrared observatories using microwave kinetic inductance detectors
1609.1953 Scale-free unique continuation principle, eigenvalue lifting and Wegner estimates for random Schr"odinger operators
1609.1954 Breaking of Goldstone modes in two component Bose-Einstein condensate
1609.1955 Proton heating by pick-up ion driven cyclotron waves in the outer heliosphere: Hybrid expanding box simulations
1609.1956 Robust Location of Optical Fiber Modes via the Argument Principle Method
1609.1957 Infrared optical properties of $alpha$ quartz by molecular dynamics simulations
1609.1959 Entanglement manipulation by a magnetic pulse in Gd3N@C80 endohedral metallofullerenes on a Cu(001) surface
1609.1960 Transition to turbulence and streamwise inhomogeneity of vortex tangle in thermal counterflow
1609.1961 Auction-Based Coopetition between LTE Unlicensed and Wi-Fi
1609.1963 The square lattice Ising model on the rectangle I: Finite systems
1609.1966 The dangers of non-empirical confirmation
1609.1968 Optimum mixed-state discrimination for noisy entanglement-enhanced sensing
1609.1969 Automorphisms of K-groups I
1609.1970 Tagged spectator DIS on a polarized spin-1 target
1609.1971 Optimal-order isogeometric collocation at Galerkin superconvergent points
1609.1974 Real hyperbolic hyperplane complements in the complex hyperbolic plane
1609.1977 Doubly Stochastic Neighbor Embedding on Spheres
1609.1979 Haas theorem revisited
1609.1983 Extended First-Principles Molecular Dynamics Method From Cold Materials to Hot Dense Plasmas
1609.1985 Behavioural Prototypes
1609.1987 CHSalign: A Web Server That Builds upon Junction-Explorer and RNAJAG for Pairwise Alignment of RNA Secondary Structures with Coaxial Helical Stacking
1609.1988 Proceedings of the 2013 European School of High-Energy Physics (ESHEP 2013), Paradfurdo, Hungary, 5-18 Jun 2013
1609.1990 Spectral asymptotics for the Schr"odinger operator on the line with spreading and oscillating potentials
1609.1991 F-Theory $E_7$ And The Heterotic String-Derived Models
1609.1992 The MHz-peaked radio spectrum of the unusual gamma-ray source PMN J1603-4904
1609.1994 On the Maximal Invariant Statistic for Adaptive Radar Detection in Partially-Homogeneous Disturbance with Persymmetric Covariance
1609.1995 Unifying task specification in reinforcement learning
1609.1997 Energy-constrained private and quantum capacities of quantum channels
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