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25 April 2024

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2008.00086 LearningCC: An online learning approach for congestion control
2008.00097 Back-propagation through Signal Temporal Logic Specifications: Infusing Logical Structure into Gradient-Based Methods
2008.00099 Fractal Gravitation
2008.00100 Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes of Upsilons
2008.00101 Telemanipulation with Chopsticks: Analyzing Human Factors in User Demonstrations
2008.00102 Selected Science Opportunities for the EicC
2008.00103 F*: An Interpretable Transformation of the F-measure
2008.00105 Corotating dyonic binary black holes
2008.00108 $A_{2l}^{(2)}$ at level $-l-frac{1}{2}$
2008.00109 Characterization of Assistive Robot Arm Teleoperation: A Preliminary Study to Inform Shared Control
2008.00110 Relational Teacher Student Learning with Neural Label Embedding for Device Adaptation in Acoustic Scene Classification
2008.00111 Three-body model for $K(1460)$ resonance
2008.00112 Kinetics of lithium electrodeposition and stripping
2008.00115 DeepCOVIDNet: An Interpretable Deep Learning Model for Predictive Surveillance of COVID-19 Using Heterogeneous Features and their Interactions
2008.00116 Baryonic Sources of Thermal Photons
2008.00119 CorrSigNet: Learning CORRelated Prostate Cancer SIGnatures from Radiology and Pathology Images for Improved Computer Aided Diagnosis
2008.00120 The Tactician (extended version): A Seamless, Interactive Tactic Learner and Prover for Coq
2008.00122 A Solution to Driven Brownian Motion and its Application to the Optimal Control of Small Stochastic Systems
2008.00124 Multivariate General Compound Point Processes in Limit Order Books
2008.00127 Partial identification and dependence-robust confidence intervals for capture-recapture surveys
2008.00128 White-Box Evaluation of Fingerprint Recognition Systems
2008.00130 A New Class of Multivariate Elliptically Contoured Distributions with Inconsistency Property
2008.00132 Neural text-to-speech with a modeling-by-generation excitation vocoder
2008.00133 Super-Catalan Numbers of the Third and Fourth Kind
2008.00134 Topological charge pumping in excitonic insulators
2008.00138 Vulnerability Under Adversarial Machine Learning: Bias or Variance?
2008.00140 Experiments in Extractive Summarization: Integer Linear Programming, Term/Sentence Scoring, and Title-driven Models
2008.00141 Actor-Action Video Classification CSC 249/449 Spring 2020 Challenge Report
2008.00142 Bayesian-Assisted Inference from Visualized Data
2008.00143 Efficient Independent Vector Extraction of Dominant Target Speech
2008.00144 Solving Elliptic Equations with Brownian Motion: Bias Reduction and Temporal Difference Learning
2008.00145 Muon Spin Relaxation and fluctuating magnetism in the pseudogap phase of YBa$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{y}$
2008.00146 CROSSLINE: Breaking ''Security-by-Crash'' based Memory Isolation in AMD SEV
2008.00148 Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis based on Convolutional Neural Network
2008.00149 Hybridization and postprocessing in finite element exterior calculus
2008.00150 Cluster-Based Information Retrieval by using (K-means)- Hierarchical Parallel Genetic Algorithms Approach
2008.00151 A Visual Analytics Framework for Contrastive Network Analysis
2008.00152 Cyber-Resilient Transactive Energy System Design over Insecure Communication Links
2008.00156 MIPS: Instance Placement for Stream Processing Systems based on Monte Carlo Tree Search
2008.00158 TexMesh: Reconstructing Detailed Human Texture and Geometry from RGB-D Video
2008.00159 POTUS: Predictive Online Tuple Scheduling for Data Stream Processing Systems
2008.00160 Mean Exit Time and Escape Probability for the Stochastic Logistic Growth Model with Multiplicative {alpha}-Stable L'evy Noise
2008.00162 To Achieve Security and High Spectrum Efficiency: A New Transmission System Based on Faster-than-Nyquist and Deep Learning
2008.00163 The Importance of Being Correlated: Implications of Dependence in Joint Spectral Inference across Multiple Networks
2008.00164 Byzantine-Resilient Distributed Hypothesis Testing With Time-Varying Network Topology
2008.00165 Trends in elastic properties of Ti-Ta alloys from first-principles calculations
2008.00166 Optical Valley Hall Effect of 2D Excitons in Hyperbolic Metamaterial
2008.00167 DeePKS: a comprehensive data-driven approach towards chemically accurate density functional theory
2008.00171 DeACT: Architecture-Aware Virtual Memory Support for Fabric Attached Memory Systems
2008.00173 Identifying Minimal Composite Dark Matter
2008.00174 A refined asymptotic behavior of traveling wave solutions for degenerate nonlinear parabolic equations
2008.00175 State-of-The-Art Fuzzy Active Contour Models for Image Segmentation
2008.00176 Custom Tailored Suite of Random Forests for Prefetcher Adaptation
2008.00178 Contrastive Explanations in Neural Networks
2008.00179 Stable circular orbits in higher-dimensional multi-black hole spacetimes
2008.00180 Correlated Data in Differential Privacy: Definition and Analysis
2008.00181 Relation-aware Meta-learning for Market Segment Demand Prediction with Limited Records
2008.00182 Challenges in teaching Real Analysis classes at the University of PGRI, South Sumatra, Indonesia
2008.00185 On the Lower Bound of the Principal Eigenvalue of a Nonlinear Operator
2008.00186 Resource-Constrained Classical Communication
2008.00187 Bohr radius for certain subclasses of close-to-convex analytic and harmonic mappings
2008.00188 Augmented Skeleton Based Contrastive Action Learning with Momentum LSTM for Unsupervised Action Recognition
2008.00189 Performance Analysis of Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Communication Systems
2008.00191 Dynamic Legged Manipulation of a Ball Through Multi-Contact Optimization
2008.00194 Ferroelectricity of Dion-Jacobsen layered perovskites CsNdNb$_2$O$_7$ and RbNdNb$_2$O$_7$
2008.00195 Joint Generative Learning and Super-Resolution For Real-World Camera-Screen Degradation
2008.00196 Data-Driven Bandit Learning for Proactive Cache Placement in Fog-Assisted IoT Systems
2008.00198 Singer Identification Using Convolutional Acoustic Motif Embeddings
2008.00199 Green Offloading in Fog-Assisted IoT Systems: An Online Perspective Integrating Learning and Control
2008.00200 Generalised dihedral CI-groups
2008.00203 Score-informed Networks for Music Performance Assessment
2008.00204 PORA: Predictive Offloading and Resource Allocation in Dynamic Fog Computing Systems
2008.00205 Inertial and gravity wave transmissions near the radiative-convective boundaries
2008.00206 HMOR: Hierarchical Multi-Person Ordinal Relations for Monocular Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation
2008.00208 Service Chain Composition with Failures in NFV Systems: A Game-Theoretic Perspective
2008.00210 A New Method for Detecting Solar Atmospheric Gravity Waves
2008.00211 Device to Remotely Track and Locate the Position of a Child for Safety
2008.00213 Proto-neutron stars with heavy baryons and universal relations
2008.00215 Superregular matrices over small finite fields
2008.00216 Faster Schr"odinger-style simulation of quantum circuits
2008.00217 Efficient Adversarial Attacks for Visual Object Tracking
2008.00219 Many-body localization in one dimensional optical lattice with speckle disorder
2008.00220 Efficient multireference perturbation theory without high-order reduced density matrices
2008.00222 Transport coefficients for hard-sphere relativistic gas
2008.00223 Unsupervised Deep Cross-modality Spectral Hashing
2008.00225 Protection of graphs with emphasis on Cartesian product graphs
2008.00226 Regularization by Denoising via Fixed-Point Projection (RED-PRO)
2008.00227 Traces, symmetric functions, and a raising operator
2008.00228 Prebiotic precursors of the primordial RNA world in space: Detection of NH$_{2}$OH
2008.00231 The center-mode instability of viscoelastic plane Poiseuille flow
2008.00232 A duality principle and its application to a model in superconductivity
2008.00233 A Stochastic Fractional Calculus with Applications to Variational Principles
2008.00234 Ergodic Annealing
2008.00235 Two-step penalised logistic regression for multi-omic data with an application to cardiometabolic syndrome
2008.00236 Double domination in lexicographic product graphs
2008.00237 Signatures of odd-frequency pairing in the Josephson junction current noise
2008.00238 An Explainable Machine Learning Model for Early Detection of Parkinson's Disease using LIME on DaTscan Imagery
2008.00240 On the filtered polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev nodes
2008.00242 Posterior Impropriety of some Sparse Bayesian Learning Models
2008.00243 Friendly-rivalry solution to the iterated $n$-person public-goods game
2008.00245 Two temperature Ising Model
2008.00246 Affine monomial curves
2008.00248 Analysis and Optimization of Cache-Enabled Networks with Random DTX Scheme
2008.00249 Review on Ranking and Selection: A New Perspective
2008.00252 Distributed Nonconvex Optimization: Oracle-free Iterations and Globally Optimal Solution
2008.00253 Male Earnings Volatility in LEHD before, during, and after the Great Recession
2008.00255 Theta palindromes in theta conjugates
2008.00256 Complex Interpolation of Lizorkin-Triebel-Morrey Spaces on Domains
2008.00257 Delay-induced periodic behavior in competitive populations
2008.00258 Robust-fidelity hyperparallel controlled-phase-flip gate through microcavities
2008.00261 Distilling Visual Priors from Self-Supervised Learning
2008.00262 Estimating the real burden of disease under a pandemic situation: The SARS-CoV2 case
2008.00263 Signal metrics analysis of oscillatory patterns in bacterial multi-omic networks
2008.00264 DCCRN: Deep Complex Convolution Recurrent Network for Phase-Aware Speech Enhancement
2008.00266 On parity decision trees for Fourier-sparse Boolean functions
2008.00267 From Shadow Segmentation to Shadow Removal
2008.00269 Quantum Monte Carlo determination of the principal Hugoniot of deuterium
2008.00271 Transverse Energy-Energy Correlations of jets in the electron-proton Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA
2008.00274 Well-Posedness of the 3D Stochastic Primitive Equations with Transport Noise
2008.00275 Stretching wormlike chains
2008.00276 On some decompositions of the 3-strand Singular Braid Group
2008.00277 Guided Pattern Mining for API Misuse Detection by Change-Based Code Analysis
2008.00279 An Empirical Study of Clarifying Question-Based Systems
2008.00280 Analytical Modeling and Design of Gallium Oxide Schottky Barrier Diodes Beyond Unipolar Figure of Merit Using High-k Dielectric Superjunction Structures
2008.00281 Teaching Climate Change in a Physics Classroom: Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach
2008.00284 Generalized harmonic numbers via poly-Bernoulli polynomials
2008.00285 Dividing Bads is Harder than Dividing Goods: On the Complexity of Fair and Efficient Division of Chores
2008.00286 On 1-absorbing primary ideal of a commutative ring (Correction to Theorem 17 is added)
2008.00287 Comments to the paper by L. Durand and P. Ha on Coulomb-nuclear interference
2008.00288 A novel hydrogenic spectroscopic technique for inferring the role of plasma-molecule interaction on power and particle balance during detached conditions
2008.00289 Fracture in distortion gradient plasticity
2008.00291 weakly $(m,n)$-closed ideals and $(m,n)$-von Neumann regular rings
2008.00294 Quadrature methods for integro-differential equations of Prandtl's type in weighted spaces of continuous functions
2008.00295 Unifying low and high mass star formation through density amplified hubs of filaments
2008.00296 The Role of State-of-the-Art Quantum-Chemical Calculations in Astrochemistry: Formation Route and Spectroscopy of Ethanimine as a Paradigmatic Case
2008.00297 The Price of Tailoring the Index to Your Data: Poisoning Attacks on Learned Index Structures
2008.00299 Eigen-CAM: Class Activation Map using Principal Components
2008.00300 A Bayesian Mixture Model for Changepoint Estimation Using Ordinal Predictors
2008.00302 Accurate and Efficient Intracranial Hemorrhage Detection and Subtype Classification in 3D CT Scans with Convolutional and Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks
2008.00306 Conservative surface homeomorphisms with finitely many periodic points
2008.00308 Learning-based link prediction analysis for Facebook100 network
2008.00309 SCExAO/CHARIS Near-IR Integral Field Spectroscopy of the HD 15115 Debris Disk
2008.00310 Far-Infrared Polarization Spectrum of the OMC-1 Star-Forming Region
2008.00313 Sparse Network Modeling
2008.00315 A fresh look at introductory data science
2008.00316 Order from chaos in quantum walks on cyclic graphs
2008.00317 Adaptive Chemotaxis for improved Contour Tracking using Spiking Neural Networks
2008.00318 A characterization of the strong law of large numbers for Bernoulli sequences
2008.00319 Stripe patterns orientation resulting from nonuniform forcings and other competitive effects in the Swift-Hohenberg dynamics
2008.00320 MEGARA-IFU detection of extended HeII4686 nebular emission in the central region of NGC1569 and its ionization budget
2008.00321 Quantum Theory Needs No 'Interpretation' But 'Theoretical Formal-Conceptual Unity' (Or: Escaping Adan Cabello's "Map of Madness" With the Help of David Deutsch's Explanations)
2008.00322 Hypocoercivity of the linearized BGK-equation with stochastic coefficients
2008.00323 Convergence of Sparse Variational Inference in Gaussian Processes Regression
2008.00326 PERCH 2.0 : Fast and Accurate GPU-based Perception via Search for Object Pose Estimation
2008.00328 Ergodicity and equidistribution in Hilbert geometry
2008.00330 Chromatic fixed point theory and the Balmer spectrum for extraspecial 2-groups
2008.00331 Learning from Mixtures of Private and Public Populations
2008.00333 A spectral clustering approach for the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2008.00334 Uncertainty-based Traffic Accident Anticipation with Spatio-Temporal Relational Learning
2008.00335 V2I Connectivity-Based Dynamic Queue-Jump Lane for Emergency Vehicles: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
2008.00337 Hypergeometric functions of type $BC$ and standard multiplicities
2008.00338 New perspectives on segmented crystal calorimeters for future colliders
2008.00339 Application of Bayesian Dynamic Linear Models to Random Allocation Clinical Trials
2008.00340 Generalized Strichartz estimates for wave and Dirac equations in Aharonov-Bohm magnetic fields
2008.00341 Mathematical Underpinnings of the Multi-Wavelength Structure of the TRGB
2008.00342 HQET vertex diagram: $varepsilon$ expansion
2008.00343 Extracting actionable information from microtexts
2008.00344 An amenability-like property of finite energy path and loop groups
2008.00345 Overview of CLEF 2019 Lab ProtestNews: Extracting Protests from News in a Cross-context Setting
2008.00347 Travel time tomography in stationary spacetimes
2008.00348 Self-supervised Visual Attribute Learning for Fashion Compatibility
2008.00349 Few-mode Field Quantization of Arbitrary Electromagnetic Spectral Densities
2008.00350 Second-order adjoint-based sensitivity for hydrodynamic stability and control
2008.00351 Cross-context News Corpus for Protest Events related Knowledge Base Construction
2008.00352 Electrical and thermal transport properties of medium-entropy SiyGeySnx alloys
2008.00353 Low-Power Optical Traps using Anisotropic Metasurfaces: Asymmetric Potential Barriers and Broadband Response
2008.00355 Evidence for an extended critical fluctuation region above the polar ordering transition in LiOsO$_3$
2008.00358 Relational Algorithms for k-means Clustering
2008.00359 Fate of a multiple-band Fermi liquid that is coupled with critical $phi^4$ bosons
2008.00360 Equilibration of the chiral asymmetry due to finite electron mass in electron-positron plasma
2008.00362 Animating Through Warping: an Efficient Method for High-Quality Facial Expression Animation
2008.00363 Looking in the Right place for Anomalies: Explainable AI through Automatic Location Learning
2008.00364 A Survey on Text Classification: From Shallow to Deep Learning
2008.00365 Simulating pulsar glitches: an $N$-body solver for superfluid vortex motion in two dimensions
2008.00367 Grand unfication models from SO(32) heterotic string
2008.00368 Privacy-Aware Data Cleaning-as-a-Service (Extended Version)
2008.00369 Comment on "A Loophole of All "Loophole-Free" Bell-Type Theorems"
2008.00370 Specific adsorption of phosphate species on Ag (111) and Ag (100) electrodes and their effect at low overpotentials of the hydrogen evolution reaction
2008.00371 An'alisis jur'idico de la discriminaci'on algor'itmica en los procesos de selecci'on laboral
2008.00373 Periodically and Quasi-periodically Driven Dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates
2008.00375 Markovian And Non-Markovian Processes with Active Decision Making Strategies For Addressing The COVID-19 Epidemic
2008.00376 Velocity Regulation of 3D Bipedal Walking Robots with Uncertain Dynamics Through Adaptive Neural Network Controller
2008.00377 Deterministic transformations of multilevel coherent states under incoherence-preserving operations
2008.00378 Some new results on dimension datum
2008.00379 On exact-WKB analysis, resurgent structure, and quantization conditions
2008.00380 Vision and Inertial Sensing Fusion for Human Action Recognition : A Review
2008.00381 Tailoring Magnetism in Self-intercalated Cr1+{delta}Te2 Epitaxial Films
2008.00382 Ensemble Forecasting of Major Solar Flares: Methods for Combining Models
2008.00383 High-throughput screening of quaternary compounds and new insight for excellent thermoelectric performance
2008.00384 Multiplicity sequence and integral dependence
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