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13 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2022
12, 10.2022
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2210.00109 How to Identify Different New Neutrino Oscillation Physics Scenarios at DUNE
2210.00110 An Order Statistics Post-Mortem on LIGO-Virgo GWTC-2 Events Analysed with Nested Sampling
2210.00112 Superconducting source and sensor of single bubbles to study nucleate boiling of liquid helium
2210.00113 Institutional Foundations of Adaptive Planning: Exploration of Flood Planning in the Lower Rio Grande Valley, Texas, USA
2210.00114 Optimizing Product Wheel Time in Lean Manufacturing Systems
2210.00115 A geometric framework for asymptoticity and expansivity in topological dynamics
2210.00116 Predicting Cellular Responses with Variational Causal Inference and Refined Relational Information
2210.00118 A probabilistic model of ocean floats under ice
2210.00119 Mass decomposition of the pion in the 't Hooft model
2210.00120 NTFields: Neural Time Fields for Physics-Informed Robot Motion Planning
2210.00121 Visuo-Tactile Transformers for Manipulation
2210.00122 Adversarial Robustness of Representation Learning for Knowledge Graphs
2210.00123 Multi-Robot Motion Planning for Unit Discs with Revolving Areas
2210.00124 Implicit Neural Spatial Representations for Time-dependent PDEs
2210.00125 A Taxonomy of Semantic Information in Robot-Assisted Disaster Response
2210.00126 Many-body description of STM-induced fluorescence of charged molecules
2210.00127 Robust Person Identification: A WiFi Vision-based Approach
2210.00129 An In-depth Study of Stochastic Backpropagation
2210.00130 Midas: A Multi-Joint Robotics Simulator with Intersection-Free Frictional Contact
2210.00132 Alignment-guided Temporal Attention for Video Action Recognition
2210.00133 Equivalence Principle in Classical and Quantum Gravity
2210.00134 Towards Implementing ML-Based Failure Detectors
2210.00136 IMB-NAS: Neural Architecture Search for Imbalanced Datasets
2210.00137 Going In Blind: Object Motion Classification using Distributed Tactile Sensing for Safe Reaching in Clutter
2210.00139 Code Reviews in Open Source Projects : How Do Gender Biases Affect Participation and Outcomes?
2210.00141 The anisotropic photorefractive effect in lithium sulfo-phosphate glass system doped with nickel ions
2210.00142 Tunable Magnets: modeling and validation for dynamic and precision applications
2210.00143 The impact of SMEs on employment creation in Makurdi metropolis of Benue state
2210.00144 The Velocity Dispersion Function for Massive Quiescent and Star-Forming Galaxies at 0.6 $<$ z $leq$ 1.0
2210.00145 Coalitional Game-Theoretical Approach to Coinvestment with Application to Edge Computing
2210.00150 Emitter-Optomechanical Interaction in high-Q hBN Nanocavities
2210.00151 Entropy and Seebeck signals meet on the edges
2210.00153 Probabilistic Traversability Model for Risk-Aware Motion Planning in Off-Road Environments
2210.00156 Competitive exclusion in a model with seasonality: three species cannot coexist in an ecosystem with two seasons
2210.00157 Deconstructing experimental decay energy spectra: the $^{26}$O case
2210.00159 Flow and transverse momentum correlation in Pb+Pb and Xe+Xe collisions with ATLAS: assessing the initial condition of the QGP
2210.00160 Explaining Website Reliability by Visualizing Hyperlink Connectivity
2210.00164 Conformal uniformization of planar packings by disk packings
2210.00165 Renormalization group effects for a rank degenerate Yukawa matrix and the fate of the massless neutrino
2210.00166 Automated segmentation of microvessels in intravascular OCT images using deep learning
2210.00167 Weighted MMSE Precoding for Constructive Interference Region
2210.00169 Multi-stage Progressive Compression of Conformer Transducer for On-device Speech Recognition
2210.00170 Simulation of Medium-Frequency R-Mode Signal Strength
2210.00171 PORTAL: Portal Widget for Remote Target Acquisition and Control in Immersive Virtual Environments
2210.00174 Improving ProtoNet for Few-Shot Video Object Recognition: Winner of ORBIT Challenge 2022
2210.00175 Technical Report-IoT Devices Proximity Authentication In Ad Hoc Network Environment
2210.00176 A Combinatorial Perspective on the Optimization of Shallow ReLU Networks
2210.00177 Deterministic Laser Writing of Spin Defects in Nanophotonic Cavities
2210.00178 On the tightness of linear relaxation based robustness certification methods
2210.00180 Exact evaluations and reciprocity theorems for finite trigonometric sums
2210.00181 EAPruning: Evolutionary Pruning for Vision Transformers and CNNs
2210.00182 Configuration Tracking Control of a Multi-Segment Soft Robotic Arm Using a Cosserat Rod Model
2210.00183 Structure-Aware NeRF without Posed Camera via Epipolar Constraint
2210.00184 A Communication-Efficient Decentralized Newton's Method with Provably Faster Convergence
2210.00185 Zemi: Learning Zero-Shot Semi-Parametric Language Models from Multiple Tasks
2210.00186 Descent for sheaves on compact Hausdorff spaces
2210.00187 Design of Economical Fuzzy Logic Controller for Washing Machine
2210.00190 A high performance globally exponentially stable sensorless observer for the IPMSM: Theoretical and experimental results
2210.00191 Cut-Paste Consistency Learning for Semi-Supervised Lesion Segmentation
2210.00192 RDA: An Accelerated Collision-free Motion Planner for Autonomous Navigation in Cluttered Environments
2210.00194 The Logarithmic Minkowski conjecture and the $L_p$-Minkowski Problem
2210.00195 Obstructions of extension of vector bundles
2210.00197 Extension of Zorn's lemma to arbitrary binary relations
2210.00200 Paradoxes and resolutions for semiparametric fusion of individual and summary data
2210.00201 Integrating Conventional Headway Control with Reinforcement Learning to Avoid Bus Bunching
2210.00204 Learning-Based Adaptive Optimal Control of Linear Time-Delay Systems: A Policy Iteration Approach
2210.00205 Borsuk-Ulam property and Sectional Category
2210.00207 A minimum semi-degree condition for unpaired many-to-many disjoint path covers in digraphs
2210.00208 Summing free unitary Brownian motions with applications to quantum information
2210.00209 The Cowen-Douglas Theory for Operator Tuples and Similarity
2210.00210 Behaviour of the normalized depth function
2210.00211 Boosting Exploration in Actor-Critic Algorithms by Incentivizing Plausible Novel States
2210.00213 HyperHawkes: Hypernetwork based Neural Temporal Point Process
2210.00214 Orbital Stability of Proposed NY Virginis Exoplanets
2210.00216 Nested Search versus Limited Discrepancy Search
2210.00217 Transposed Poisson structures on Witt type algebras
2210.00218 Diagnostic Quality Assessment for Low-Dimensional ECG Representations
2210.00220 A Dual-Attention Learning Network with Word and Sentence Embedding for Medical Visual Question Answering
2210.00221 Motion-inductive Self-supervised Object Discovery in Videos
2210.00223 Contour-Aware Equipotential Learning for Semantic Segmentation
2210.00224 Gradient estimates for the porous medium type equations and fast diffusion type equations on complete noncompact metric measure space with compact boundary
2210.00225 Lipschitz Continuity of the Schrödinger Map in Entropic Optimal Transport
2210.00226 Towards Understanding and Mitigating Dimensional Collapse in Heterogeneous Federated Learning
2210.00228 Spherical twists, relations and the center of autoequivalence groups of K3 surfaces
2210.00229 Stability analysis of the perfectly matched layer for the elastic wave equation in layered media
2210.00232 Learnable Distribution Calibration for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning
2210.00233 Demonstration of 17{lambda} x 10 Gb/s C-Band Classical / DV-QKD Co-Existence Over Hollow-Core Fiber Link
2210.00234 The Lorentz Process with a Nearly Periodic Distribution of Scatterers
2210.00236 Software system rationalisation: How to get better outcomes through stronger user engagement
2210.00237 Physical interpretation of nonlocal quantum correlation through local description of subsystems
2210.00239 One-connection rule for structural equation models
2210.00240 Executable First-Order Queries in the Logic of Information Flows
2210.00241 Surface modulation of metal-organic frameworks for on-demand photochromism in the solid state
2210.00242 Causal Effect of Functional Treatment
2210.00243 An experimental study of algorithms for obtaining a singly connected subgraph
2210.00244 On The Relative Error of Random Fourier Features for Preserving Kernel Distance
2210.00245 Uniqueness for 2-Intersecting Families of Permutations and Perfect Matchings
2210.00246 Polyubles, Poisson homogeneous spaces and multi-flag varieties
2210.00247 Evolutionary behavior in a two-locus system
2210.00248 Heterogeneous Graph Contrastive Multi-view Learning
2210.00249 Semi r-ideals of commutative rings
2210.00251 Some Unipotent Arthur Packets for Reductive $p$-adic Groups
2210.00252 Blindly Deconvolving Super-noisy Blurry Image Sequences
2210.00254 On the triple tensor product of generalized Heisenberg Lie superalgebra of rank $leq2$
2210.00255 Cascaded Multi-Modal Mixing Transformers for Alzheimer's Disease Classification with Incomplete Data
2210.00256 Remarks on extremals of sharp Sobolev trace inequalities on the unit balls
2210.00257 Some progress in the Dixmier Conjecture
2210.00258 Primal-dual regression approach for Markov decision processes with general state and action space
2210.00259 Pre-trained Speech Representations as Feature Extractors for Speech Quality Assessment in Online Conferencing Applications
2210.00260 A new numerical treatment of soil heterogeneity for modeling unsaturated flow
2210.00261 Tyranny-of-the-minority regression adjustment in randomized experiments
2210.00262 Frequency Estimation of Evolving Data Under Local Differential Privacy
2210.00264 zkBridge: Trustless Cross-chain Bridges Made Practical
2210.00265 The completion of $d$-abelian categories
2210.00266 Long-Tailed Class Incremental Learning
2210.00268 Joint Mobility Control and MEC Offloading for Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial-Network-Enabled Robots
2210.00269 Solar Power Time Series Forecasting Utilising Wavelet Coefficients
2210.00271 Numerical study of a confined vesicle in shear flow at finite temperature
2210.00274 SUSY-QCD corrections to squark annihilation into gluons and light quarks
2210.00278 Det-SLAM: A semantic visual SLAM for highly dynamic scenes using Detectron2
2210.00279 Failure-informed adaptive sampling for PINNs
2210.00280 Pinwheels as Lagrangian barriers
2210.00281 Arithmetic progressions among powerful numbers
2210.00283 Swift Markov Logic for Probabilistic Reasoning on Knowledge Graphs
2210.00285 Stability analysis of the spin evolution fix points in inspiraling compact binaries with black hole, neutron star, gravastar, or boson star components
2210.00288 Quantum Supergroup $U_{r,s}(osp(1,2))$, Scasimir Operators, and Dickson polynomials
2210.00290 High Q-Factor Silicon Nitride Nanomechanical Resonators Fabricated by Maskless Femtosecond Laser Micro-machining
2210.00294 Gait-based Age Group Classification with Adaptive Graph Neural Network
2210.00295 Gravito-Electromagnetic Perturbations and QNMs of Regular Black Holes
2210.00296 Polaritonic coherent perfect absorption based on strong critical coupling between quasi-bound state in the continuum and exciton
2210.00298 An Ensemble of Convolutional Neural Networks to Detect Foliar Diseases in Apple Plants
2210.00299 Federated Representation Learning via Maximal Coding Rate Reduction
2210.00301 Learning Globally Smooth Functions on Manifolds
2210.00302 The eventual image
2210.00303 Results on Strong multiplicity one theorem
2210.00306 Quantum walk in (1+1)-dimensional spacetime for Majorana dynamics with high order approximation in NISQ
2210.00307 Primal Characterizations of Error Bounds for Composite-convex Inequalities
2210.00308 Stochastic Paleoclimatology: Modeling the EPICA Ice Core Climate Records
2210.00309 On quantitative estimates of the de Branges function associated to the scattering transform
2210.00310 Clustering for directed graphs using parametrized random walk diffusion kernels
2210.00311 A note on the local Weyl formula on compact Lie groups
2210.00312 Multimodal Analogical Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs
2210.00314 CAST: Concurrent Recognition and Segmentation with Adaptive Segment Tokens
2210.00315 Using Argumentation Schemes to Model Legal Reasoning
2210.00316 Quantum quenches in the sinh-Gordon and Lieb-Liniger models
2210.00318 The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transition and Anomalous Metallic Phase in a Hybrid Josephson Junction Array
2210.00320 MALM: Mixing Augmented Language Modeling for Zero-Shot Machine Translation
2210.00321 Status and prospects of SABRE North
2210.00322 The DarkSide-20k TPC and Underground Argon Cryogenic System
2210.00323 Proper Cartan Groupoids: Reduction to the Regular Case
2210.00325 Privacy-preserving Decentralized Federated Learning over Time-varying Communication Graph
2210.00326 Stellar evolution, SN explosion, and nucleosynthesis
2210.00327 Deep Recurrent Q-learning for Energy-constrained Coverage with a Mobile Robot
2210.00328 CodeDSI: Differentiable Code Search
2210.00329 Translation Results for Some Star-Selection Games
2210.00331 Cosmological and black hole Islands in multi-event horizon spacetimes
2210.00333 Expansivity Property for Composition Operators on Orlicz -Lorentz Spaces
2210.00334 Retrieving refractive index of single spheres using the phase spectrum of light-scattering pattern
2210.00338 Reconstruction and Edge Reconstruction of Triangle-free Graphs
2210.00339 Longitudinal Sentiment Analyses for Radicalization Research: Intertemporal Dynamics on Social Media Platforms and their Implications
2210.00340 Speed Up the Cold-Start Learning in Two-Sided Bandits with Many Arms
2210.00341 The pattern speeds of vertical breathing waves
2210.00342 Finding binary words with a given number of subsequences
2210.00345 Identifying Selections Operating on HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase via Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
2210.00347 All possible first signals of gauge leptoquark in quark-lepton unification and beyond
2210.00348 Numerical Solution of Free Stochastic Differential Equations
2210.00349 Manipulating the internal structure of Bloch walls
2210.00352 Tetravalent s-transitive graphs of order $6p^2$
2210.00354 Model-Free Sequential Testing for Conditional Independence via Testing by Betting
2210.00355 On some possible combinations of mixing rates for strictly stationary, reversible Markov chains
2210.00356 Social and environmental impact of recent developments in machine learning on biology and chemistry research
2210.00360 Lower bound for cyclic sums with one-sided maximal averages in denominators
2210.00361 Evaluation of Pre-Trained CNN Models for Geographic Fake Image Detection
2210.00363 Linear recurrences of order at most two in nontrivial small divisors and large divisors
2210.00364 DCI-ES: An Extended Disentanglement Framework with Connections to Identifiability
2210.00365 Efficient Solutions of Fermionic Systems using Artificial Neural Networks
2210.00367 A Comparison of Transformer, Convolutional, and Recurrent Neural Networks on Phoneme Recognition
2210.00369 Electro-Weak Transitions in A=2,3 Nuclei in Pionless Effective Field Theory
2210.00370 Axiomatic Approach to Quantum Superchannels
2210.00374 Explicit relation between two resolvent matrices of the truncated Hausdorff matrix moment problem
2210.00375 Singular states of resonant nanophotonic lattices
2210.00377 CHARTOPOLIS: A Small-Scale Labor-art-ory for Research and Reflection on Autonomous Vehicles, Human-Robot Interaction, and Sociotechnical Imaginaries
2210.00378 Optimized Decoders for Mixed-Order Ambisonics
2210.00379 NeRF: Neural Radiance Field in 3D Vision, A Comprehensive Review
2210.00380 Causal Knowledge Transfer from Task Affinity
2210.00382 Some results on the Guest-Hutchinson modes and periodic mechanisms of the Kagome lattice metamaterial
2210.00383 Conditions for minimally tough graphs
2210.00385 The maximal function of the Devil's staircase is absolutely continuous
2210.00386 Noise Spectroscopy Without Dynamical Decoupling Pulses
2210.00388 A homological nerve theorem for open covers
2210.00390 An adaptive superconvergent finite element method based on local residual minimization
2210.00392 Physical computation and compositionality
2210.00394 CGELBank: CGEL as a Framework for English Syntax Annotation
2210.00396 Re-Routing Strategy of Connected and Automated Vehicles Considering Coordination at Intersections
2210.00397 Connecting XOR and XOR* games
2210.00398 Globular cluster metallicity distributions in the E-MOSAICS simulations
2210.00400 Systematic Generalization and Emergent Structures in Transformers Trained on Structured Tasks
2210.00401 On a three-dimensional and two four-dimensional oncolytic viro-therapy models
2210.00403 Anatomy of Perturbed Traffic Networks during Urban Flooding
2210.00406 An acousto-optic modulator based bi-frequency interferometer for quantum technology
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