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21 September 2024

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2202.00140 High-Dimensional Quantum Conference Key Agreement
2202.00141 Partial Sum Processes of Residual-Based and Wald-type Break-Point Statistics in Time Series Regression Models
2202.00143 Gene set proximity analysis: expanding gene set enrichment analysis through learned geometric embeddings
2202.00144 An Adaptive sampling and domain learning strategy for multivariate function approximation on unknown domains
2202.00145 Step-size Adaptation Using Exponentiated Gradient Updates
2202.00146 Evaluating Deep Vs. Wide & Deep Learners As Contextual Bandits For Personalized Email Promo Recommendations
2202.00147 Distributed Quantum Vote Based on Quantum Logical Operators, a New Battlefield of the Second Quantum Revolution
2202.00149 How local antipredator response unbalances the rock-paper-scissors model
2202.00150 Learning Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward Markov Decision Processes with Constraints
2202.00153 Transformer-based Models of Text Normalization for Speech Applications
2202.00154 Trace anomaly and induced action for a metric-scalar background
2202.00155 Fortuitous Forgetting in Connectionist Networks
2202.00156 Nonormality, optimality and synchronization
2202.00157 Teaching Predictive Control Using Specification-based Summative Assessments
2202.00159 Content addressable memory without catastrophic forgetting by heteroassociation with a fixed scaffold
2202.00161 CIC: Contrastive Intrinsic Control for Unsupervised Skill Discovery
2202.00162 Dilated Continuous Random Field for Semantic Segmentation
2202.00164 DexVIP: Learning Dexterous Grasping with Human Hand Pose Priors from Video
2202.00165 Design Constraints of Disturbance Observer-based Motion Control Systems are Stricter in the Discrete-Time Domain
2202.00166 Prominent electron-hole asymmetry in thermoelectric transport of LaCoO$_3$
2202.00167 Hadronic structure on the light-front IV: Heavy and light Baryons
2202.00168 A Unified Robust Motion Controller Synthesis for Compliant Robots Driven by Series Elastic Actuators
2202.00169 Trajectories of charged particles in knotted electromagnetic fields
2202.00170 A self-organizing multi-agent system for distributed voltage regulation
2202.00171 Earth rotation and separability of polarizations of continuous gravitational waves from a known pulsar
2202.00172 Fractional Motion Estimation for Point Cloud Compression
2202.00173 Industry Experiences with Large-Scale Refactoring
2202.00174 Axion cosmology in the presence of non-trivial Nambu-Goldstone modes
2202.00175 Ground Experiment of Full-Duplex Multi-UAV System Enabled by Directional Antennas
2202.00176 Full-Duplex Aerial Communication System for Multiple UAVs with Directional Antennas
2202.00178 Stochastic Gravitational-Wave Backgrounds: Current Detection Efforts and Future Prospects
2202.00181 CLA-NeRF: Category-Level Articulated Neural Radiance Field
2202.00183 Mixed Variational Finite Elements for Implicit, General-Purpose Simulation of Deformables
2202.00186 The DIVING$^{3D}$ Survey -- Deep IFS View of Nuclei of Galaxies -- I. Definition and Sample Presentation
2202.00187 Deep Reference Priors: What is the best way to pretrain a model?
2202.00188 Rethinking the notion of oracle: A link between synthetic descriptive set theory and effective topos theory
2202.00191 Underapproximation by Egyptian fractions
2202.00192 Tight Cuts in Biartite Grafts I: Capital Distance Components
2202.00193 100-kT Magnetic field generation using paisley targets by femtosecond laser-plasma interactions
2202.00195 Federated Active Learning (F-AL): an Efficient Annotation Strategy for Federated Learning
2202.00196 Hyperbolicity of varieties with big linear representation of $pi_1$
2202.00197 Playing impartial games on a simplicial complex as an extension of the emperor sum theory
2202.00198 Recognition-Aware Learned Image Compression
2202.00199 RFUniverse: A Physics-based Action-centric Interactive Environment for Everyday Household Tasks
2202.00200 Differentiable Digital Signal Processing Mixture Model for Synthesis Parameter Extraction from Mixture of Harmonic Sounds
2202.00203 Constraining low redshift [CII] Emission by Cross-Correlating FIRAS and BOSS Data
2202.00205 Ferrimagnetically ordered states in the Hubbard model on the hexagonal golden-mean tiling
2202.00206 A pilot study of the Earable device to measure facial muscle and eye movement tasks among healthy volunteers
2202.00207 Control of sensitivity in vortex-type magnetic tunnel junction magnetometer sensors by the pinned layer geometry
2202.00208 A Structure Theorem for Bad 3-Orbifolds
2202.00209 Kinetic gas disks surrounding Schwarzschild black holes
2202.00210 INPUT Team Description Paper in 2022
2202.00213 Criterion of nonsolvability of a finite group and recognition of squares of simple groups
2202.00214 The combinatorics of hopping particles and positivity in Markov chains
2202.00215 On the rank of $π_1(mathrm{Symp}_0)$
2202.00216 Semantic Annotation and Querying Framework based on Semi-structured Ayurvedic Text
2202.00218 Confinement effects on the spatially inhomogeneous dynamics in metallic glass films
2202.00221 Second-Order Topological Insulator in van der Waals Heterostructures of CoBr$_2$/Pt$_2$HgSe$_3$/CoBr$_2$
2202.00222 Rapid discovery of cathodes, ionic conductors and solid-state electrolytes through topological migration analysis
2202.00223 Characterizing Oscillations in Heterogeneous Populations of Coordinators and Anticoordinators
2202.00225 Effective polarization in proton-induced $α$ knockout reactions
2202.00226 The plain and simple parquet approximation: single- and multi-boson exchange in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
2202.00227 Topological Superconductor Sn4Au: A first principle study
2202.00230 Can Population III stars be major origins of both merging binary black holes and extremely metal poor stars?
2202.00231 Are strongly confined colloids good models for two dimensional liquids?
2202.00232 ISNet: Costless and Implicit Image Segmentation for Deep Classifiers, with Application in COVID-19 Detection
2202.00233 Diffusion of chiral active particles in a Poiseuille flow
2202.00235 A Network Map of The Witcher
2202.00237 Kernelized Multiplicative Weights for 0/1-Polyhedral Games: Bridging the Gap Between Learning in Extensive-Form and Normal-Form Games
2202.00239 Stretching of a fractal polymer around a disc reveals KPZ-like statistics
2202.00240 On List Decoding Transitive Codes From Random Errors
2202.00241 E-Polynomials and Terwilliger algebra related to codes
2202.00242 Globally Consistent and Tightly Coupled 3D LiDAR Inertial Mapping
2202.00243 Adversarial Imitation Learning from Video using a State Observer
2202.00244 Efficient Simulation of Quantum Many-body Thermodynamics by Tailoring Zero-temperature Tensor Network
2202.00246 Hubble Asteroid Hunter: I. Identifying asteroid trails in Hubble Space Telescope images
2202.00247 ZEL: Net-Zero-Energy Lifelogging System using Heterogeneous Energy Harvesters
2202.00250 Securing the data in cloud using Algebra Homomorphic Encryption scheme based on updated Elgamal(AHEE)
2202.00251 A Novel Algorithm In Steganography Using Weighted Matching Technique
2202.00252 1T-FeS$_2$$:$ a new type of two-dimensional metallic ferromagnet
2202.00254 Active Learning Over Multiple Domains in Natural Language Tasks
2202.00255 DoCoM-SGT: Doubly Compressed Momentum-assisted Stochastic Gradient Tracking Algorithm for Communication Efficient Decentralized Learning
2202.00256 Probabilistic proof for non-survival at criticality: The Galton-Watson process and more
2202.00257 Position-Dependent Snap Feedforward: A Gaussian Process Framework
2202.00258 Parking search in the physical world: Calculating the search time by leveraging physical and graph theoretical methods
2202.00261 Clips operation between type II and type III O(3)-subgroups with application to piezoelectricity
2202.00262 Polynomial automorphisms of characteristic order and their invariant rings
2202.00264 Graph-based Neural Acceleration for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
2202.00266 Generalized parton distributions of sea quarks in the proton from nonlocal chiral effective theory
2202.00267 Laplacian spectrum of the cozero-divisor graph of ring
2202.00269 Counting quiddities of polygon dissections
2202.00270 Factorized-FL: Agnostic Personalized Federated Learning with Kernel Factorization & Similarity Matching
2202.00271 Thermalization of locally perturbed many-body quantum systems
2202.00272 Quantifying the presence of a neutron in the paths of an interferometer
2202.00273 StyleGAN-XL: Scaling StyleGAN to Large Diverse Datasets
2202.00274 Infinite ergodic theory for three heterogeneous stochastic models with application to subrecoil laser cooling
2202.00275 Architecture Matters in Continual Learning
2202.00276 Classical Tracking for Quantum Trajectories
2202.00278 X-ray response to disk evolution in two gamma-Cas stars
2202.00279 Relative Transformation Estimation Based on Fusion of Odometry and UWB Ranging Data
2202.00280 Recycling Model Updates in Federated Learning: Are Gradient Subspaces Low-Rank?
2202.00281 The Gradient flow equation of Rabinowitz action functional in a symplectization
2202.00282 Surrogate Gradients Design
2202.00283 Exponentially fitted methods with a local energy conservation law
2202.00284 Charge kinetics across a negatively biased semiconducting plasma-solid interface
2202.00285 Evolution of spectral topology in one-dimensional long-range nonreciprocal lattices
2202.00286 Measurement-Based Validation of Z3RO Precoder to Prevent Nonlinear Amplifier Distortion in Massive MIMO Systems
2202.00288 Chaos in Coupled Heteroclinic Cycles and its Piecewise-Constant Representation
2202.00290 Compact planetary nebulae MaC 2-1 and Sp 4-1: Photoionization models and dust characteristics
2202.00291 XAlign: Cross-lingual Fact-to-Text Alignment and Generation for Low-Resource Languages
2202.00292 Local impacts on road networks and access to critical locations during extreme floods
2202.00293 Phase diagram of Stochastic Gradient Descent in high-dimensional two-layer neural networks
2202.00296 Strong Edge Stress in Molecularly Thin Organic$-$Inorganic Hybrid Ruddlesden$-$Popper Perovskites and Modulations of Their Edge Electronic Properties
2202.00298 Research on Question Classification Methods in the Medical Field
2202.00299 Learning Physics-Consistent Particle Interactions
2202.00300 Higher order Goh conditions for singular extremals of corank 1
2202.00301 EPW sextics vs EPW cubes
2202.00302 The based rings of two-sided cells in an affine Weyl group of type $ ilde B_3$, II
2202.00303 Infrared spectra at coupled cluster accuracy from neural network representations
2202.00305 Local derivations of semisimple Leibniz algebras
2202.00308 PAGE-PG: A Simple and Loopless Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient Method with Probabilistic Gradient Estimation
2202.00310 Estimation of Impulse-Response Functions with Dynamic Factor Models: A New Parametrization
2202.00311 The intersection form on the homology of a surface acted on by a finite group
2202.00313 On the persistence of periodic tori for symplectic twist maps and the rigidity of integrable twist maps
2202.00314 The white dwarf binary merger model of GRB 170817A
2202.00319 Integration of maXs-type microcalorimeter detectors for high-resolution x-ray spectroscopy into the experimental environment at the CRYRING@ESR electron cooler
2202.00321 On a Possibility to Measure the Magnetic Field Inside the CMS Yoke Elements
2202.00324 Non-benzenoid high-spin polycyclic hydrocarbons generated by atom manipulation
2202.00325 Comparing Eigenvector and Degree Dispersion with the Principal Ratio of a Graph
2202.00328 Relativistic reduced density matrix functional theory
2202.00329 Underwater Differential Game: Finite-Time Target Hunting Task with Communication Delay
2202.00330 The Jaynes-Cummings model and its descendants
2202.00331 Searches for lepton number violating $K^+ opi^-(pi^0)e^+e^+$ decays
2202.00332 Activity Recognition in Assembly Tasks by Bayesian Filtering in Multi-Hypergraphs
2202.00333 GenMarkov: Modeling Generalized Multivariate Markov Chains in R
2202.00334 Spectral Analysis of the Quantum Random Energy Model
2202.00335 Big fish and small ponds: why the departmental h-index should not be used to rank universities
2202.00336 Interplay of magnetic states and hyperfine fields of iron dimers on MgO(001)
2202.00337 Impact of Side Chain Hydrophilicity on Packing, Swelling and Ion Interactions in Oxy-bithiophene Semiconductors
2202.00338 Transverse Polarization of Hyperons Produced in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering
2202.00339 Quantifying Relevance in Learning and Inference
2202.00341 $C^*$-extreme points of entanglement breaking maps
2202.00342 Absolute measurements of state-to-state rotational energy transfer between CO and H2 at interstellar temperatures
2202.00344 Impact of noise transients on low latency gravitational-wave event localisation
2202.00345 Exploring layerwise decision making in DNNs
2202.00348 Learning entanglement breakdown as a phase transition by confusion
2202.00349 Eigenvalues and spectral gap in sparse random simplicial complexes
2202.00350 Network Hierarchy and Pattern Recovery in Directed Sparse Hopfield Networks
2202.00352 AdS$_3 imes$ S$^2$ in IIB with small ${cal N}=(4,0)$ supersymmetry
2202.00353 Chemistry and physical properties of the born-again planetary nebula HuBi 1
2202.00355 Exceptional algebroids and type IIA superstrings
2202.00356 Spaces of countable free set number and PFA
2202.00358 Photonic quantum simulations of coupled $PT$-symmetric Hamiltonians
2202.00359 Influence of the Earth's atmosphere rotation on the spectrum of acoustic-gravity waves
2202.00363 Phase transitions and amorphization of M2AgF4 (M = Na, K, Rb) compounds at high pressure
2202.00364 Numerical Model Of Harmonic Hall Voltage Detection For Spintronic Devices
2202.00365 A puzzle on isomeric configurations in and around $N=126$ closed shell
2202.00366 Extension and dynamical phases in random walkers depositing and following chemical trails
2202.00368 Filtered-CoPhy: Unsupervised Learning of Counterfactual Physics in Pixel Space
2202.00369 Anomalous Spin Transport Properties of Gapped Dirac Electrons with Tilting
2202.00370 Eruptions from coronal bright points: A spectroscopic view by IRIS of a mini-filament eruption, QSL reconnection, and reconnection-driven outflows
2202.00371 Topological properties in tensor products of Banach spaces
2202.00372 On the bounding, splitting, and distributivity numbers
2202.00373 Improving BERT-based Query-by-Document Retrieval with Multi-Task Optimization
2202.00374 Deepfake pornography as a male gaze on fan culture
2202.00375 Exploring the $θ$-vacuum structure in the functional renormalization group approach
2202.00377 EPHS: A Port-Hamiltonian Modelling Language
2202.00378 Counting lattices in products of trees
2202.00379 NTU VIRAL: A Visual-Inertial-Ranging-Lidar Dataset, From an Aerial Vehicle Viewpoint
2202.00381 Unsteady heat transport in a semi-infinite free end Hooke chain caused by instantaneous heat pulse
2202.00383 Explainable AI through the Learning of Arguments
2202.00384 Graphene-based enhancement of near-field radiative-heat-transfer rectification
2202.00387 Unbounded operator valued local completely contractive maps
2202.00388 A Novel Method to Estimate Tilt Angle of a Body using a Pendulum
2202.00390 Minority Class Oriented Active Learning for Imbalanced Datasets
2202.00391 Right for the Right Latent Factors: Debiasing Generative Models via Disentanglement
2202.00392 On packing dijoins in digraphs and weighted digraphs
2202.00393 Clairaut conformal submersions
2202.00396 Politics and Virality in the Time of Twitter: A Large-Scale Cross-Party Sentiment Analysis in Greece, Spain and United Kingdom
2202.00397 Efficient computation of the Wright function and its applications to fractional diffusion-wave equations
2202.00401 Learning to Speak on Behalf of a Group: Medium Access Control for Sending a Shared Message
2202.00403 MoCap-less Quantitative Evaluation of Ego-Pose Estimation Without Ground Truth Measurements
2202.00406 Attosecond dispersion as a diagnostics tool for solid-density laser-generated plasmas
2202.00407 Quadrics for structuring space-time wavepackets
2202.00408 Dimensionality Reduction Meets Message Passing for Graph Node Embeddings
2202.00409 Mapping intra firm trade in the automotive sector: a network approach
2202.00410 Observation of the toroidal rotation in a new designed compact torus system for EAST
2202.00411 Bounds On The Inducibility Of Double Loop Graphs
2202.00413 Waiter-Client Clique-Factor Game
2202.00414 A physics-driven study of dominance space in soccer
2202.00416 CAESR: Conditional Autoencoder and Super-Resolution for Learned Spatial Scalability
2202.00417 Bismut Ricci flat manifolds with symmetries
2202.00418 Review of Serial and Parallel Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Computer Vision
2202.00419 Sinogram Enhancement with Generative Adversarial Networks using Shape Priors
2202.00420 Iterative regularization for low complexity regularizers
2202.00423 Memory-based Message Passing: Decoupling the Message for Propogation from Discrimination
2202.00424 Improving Parametric Neural Networks for High-Energy Physics (and Beyond)
2202.00425 Interstellar Hydrocarbons: Degradation Chemistry in Diffuse Clouds
2202.00427 Existence, uniqueness and exponential ergodicity under Lyapunov conditions for McKean-Vlasov SDEs with Markovian switching
2202.00428 Counting Unreachable Single-Side Pawn Diagrams with Limitless Captures
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