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09 February 2025

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2203.00132 On Testability and Goodness of Fit Tests in Missing Data Models
2203.00133 Combination of survival movement strategies in cyclic game systems during an epidemic
2203.00135 Investigating the Spatiotemporal Charging Demand and Travel Behavior of Electric Vehicles Using GPS Data: A Machine Learning Approach
2203.00136 Estimating Importation Risk of Covid-19 in Hurricane Evacuations: A Prediction Framework Applied to Hurricane Laura in Texas
2203.00138 Spatiotemporal Transformer Attention Network for 3D Voxel Level Joint Segmentation and Motion Prediction in Point Cloud
2203.00140 Carrier-phase and IMU based GNSS Spoofing Detection for Ground Vehicles
2203.00142 Mean field Kuramoto models on graphs
2203.00143 Functional reduction of one-loop Feynman integrals with arbitrary masses
2203.00146 VaultDB: A Real-World Pilot of Secure Multi-Party Computation within a Clinical Research Network
2203.00147 Arbitrarily high order implicit ODE integration by correcting a neural network approximation with Newton's method
2203.00148 Improved iterative methods for solving risk parity portfolio
2203.00149 Understanding Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion via long-range molecular interactions
2203.00150 Explaining RADAR features for detecting spoofing attacks in Connected Autonomous Vehicles
2203.00154 When to Crossover from Earth to Space for Lower Latency Data Communications?
2203.00155 Performance of Distribution Regression with Doubling Measure under the seek of Closest Point
2203.00156 Preemptive Motion Planning for Human-to-Robot Indirect Placement Handovers
2203.00159 Limit distribution theory for smooth $p$-Wasserstein distances
2203.00161 On Testability of the Front-Door Model via Verma Constraints
2203.00163 Symmetry and Asymmetry in the 1+N Coorbital Problem
2203.00164 Quantum jumbled pattern matching
2203.00165 A descriptive approach to higher derived limits
2203.00166 Dvoretzky-type theorem for locally finite subsets of a Hilbert space
2203.00167 Nonlocal diffusion models with consistent local and fractional limits
2203.00168 Aspects of $Z_{cs}(3985)$ and $Z_{cs}(4000)$
2203.00169 Baire spaces of homogeneous structures in which Borel sets are Ramsey
2203.00171 Nuclear Segmentation and Classification Model with Imbalanced Classes for CoNiC Challenge
2203.00172 Enhancing Local Feature Learning for 3D Point Cloud Processing using Unary-Pairwise Attention
2203.00173 Oncology Dose Finding Using Approximate Bayesian Computation Design
2203.00176 When AUC meets DRO: Optimizing Partial AUC for Deep Learning with Non-Convex Convergence Guarantee
2203.00178 Essential self-adjointness for the Klein-Gordon type operators on asymptotically static spacetime
2203.00180 Exploring the Quark Transversity and the Collins Fragmentation Functions using Polarized $pp$ Collisions at STAR
2203.00186 ACTIVE:Augmentation-Free Graph Contrastive Learning for Partial Multi-View Clustering
2203.00187 Robots Autonomously Detecting People: A Multimodal Deep Contrastive Learning Method Robust to Intraclass Variations
2203.00188 Three-Port Impedance Model and Validation of VSCs for Stability Analysis
2203.00193 EPPAC: Entity Pre-typing Relation Classification with Prompt AnswerCentralizing
2203.00194 Private Frequency Estimation via Projective Geometry
2203.00195 Do Atoms Age?
2203.00196 Atmospheric aerosol clearing by femtosecond filaments
2203.00199 Equivariant and Stable Positional Encoding for More Powerful Graph Neural Networks
2203.00200 Topological susceptibility and fourth cumulant in a uniform magnetic field
2203.00204 Riemannian statistics meets random matrix theory: towards learning from high-dimensional covariance matrices
2203.00205 Predicting the Future Performance of the Planned Seismic Network in Mainland China
2203.00207 Generalized hypergeometric $G$-functions take linear independent values
2203.00208 Automorphisms and representations of quasi Laurent polynomial algebras
2203.00209 Tail bounds for detection times in mobile hyperbolic graphs
2203.00210 Interactive Human-in-the-loop Coordination of Manipulation Skills Learned from Demonstration
2203.00211 Investigating Selective Prediction Approaches Across Several Tasks in IID, OOD, and Adversarial Settings
2203.00215 Ultrafast laser inscribed waveguides in tailored fluoride glasses: An enabling technology for mid-infrared integrated photonics devices
2203.00217 Some results on degenerate Fubini and degenerate Bell polynomials
2203.00218 Specialized Accelerators and Compiler Flows: Replacing Accelerator APIs with a Formal Software/Hardware Interface
2203.00219 FedREP: Towards Horizontal Federated Load Forecasting for Retail Energy Providers
2203.00220 On Minimal Surfaces of Revolutions Immersed in Deformed Hyperbolic Kropina Space
2203.00222 On The Hydrosphere Stability of TESS Targets: Applications to 700 d, 256 b, and 203 b
2203.00224 On Orthogonal Approximate Message Passing
2203.00225 INAQS, a generic interface for non-adiabatic QM/MM dynamics: Design, implementation, and validation for GROMACS/Q-CHEM simulations
2203.00227 $C_3$ symmetry breaking metal-insulator transitions near a flat band in the half-filled Hubbard model on the decorated honeycomb lattice
2203.00228 When is a subcategory Serre or torsionfree?
2203.00229 Fitting a Stochastic Model of Intensive Care Occupancy to Noisy Hospitalization Time Series
2203.00231 Self-Propulsion of Boiling Droplets on Thin Heated Oil Films
2203.00232 Extended Graph Temporal Classification for Multi-Speaker End-to-End ASR
2203.00233 Ordered Submodularity and its Applications to Diversifying Recommendations
2203.00234 Small infinite partitions and other features of the Nowhere Centered ideal
2203.00235 Beam Squint-Aware Integrated Sensing and Communications for Hybrid Massive MIMO LEO Satellite Systems
2203.00237 Mental Health Pandemic during the COVID-19 Outbreak: Calls for Help on Social Media
2203.00240 Convergence Criteria of a Three Step Scheme under generalized Lipschitz Condition in Banach Spaces
2203.00241 First-generation Memory Disaggregation for Cloud Platforms
2203.00242 Unsupervised Vision-and-Language Pre-training via Retrieval-based Multi-Granular Alignment
2203.00243 Lattice paths, vector continued fractions, and resolvents of banded Hessenberg operators
2203.00245 On the Causal Interpretation of Randomized Interventional Indirect Effects
2203.00246 Sample Complexity versus Depth: An Information Theoretic Analysis
2203.00247 Band structures under non-Hermitian periodic potentials: Connecting nearly-free and bi-orthogonal tight-binding models
2203.00248 Extension of Irreducibility results on Generalised Laguerre Polynomials $L_n^{(-1-n-s)}(x)$
2203.00250 A nonlinear weighted anisotropic total variation regularization for electrical impedance tomography
2203.00253 Intermediate asymptotics on crossover of scaling law on dynamical impact of viscoelastic surface
2203.00254 Isolating noise and amplifying signal with quantum Cheshire cat
2203.00256 Optimal Regularity in Transmission Problems]{Optimal regularity for variational solutions of free transmission problems
2203.00257 Sentiment Word Aware Multimodal Refinement for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with ASR Errors
2203.00258 When A Conventional Filter Meets Deep Learning: Basis Composition Learning on Image Filters
2203.00260 Multi-Area Distribution System State Estimation via Distributed Tensor Completion
2203.00261 A Comprehensive Review of Quantum Random Number Generators: Concepts, Classification and the Origin of Randomness
2203.00262 Separable-HoverNet and Instance-YOLO for Colon Nuclei Identification and Counting
2203.00263 Private Convex Optimization via Exponential Mechanism
2203.00264 On minima of difference of theta functions and application to hexagonal crystallization
2203.00265 Joint Beamforming and Reflection Design for RIS-assisted ISAC Systems
2203.00267 Energy evolution of T-odd gluon TMDs at small $x$
2203.00269 Chiral symmetry restoration and the $Delta$ matter formation in neutron stars
2203.00270 Bidirectional Pricing and Demand Response for Nanogrids with HVAC Systems
2203.00271 ArabGend: Gender Analysis and Inference on Arabic Twitter
2203.00273 Generalised point vortices on a plane
2203.00274 TableFormer: Robust Transformer Modeling for Table-Text Encoding
2203.00276 Radio properties of the OH megamaser galaxy IIZw 096
2203.00278 Slice-Aware Resource Calendaring in Cloud-based Radio Access Networks
2203.00281 Fast-R2D2: A Pretrained Recursive Neural Network based on Pruned CKY for Grammar Induction and Text Representation
2203.00284 Continuous Covering on Networks: Strong Mixed Integer Programming Formulations
2203.00286 "Is Whole Word Masking Always Better for Chinese BERT?": Probing on Chinese Grammatical Error Correction
2203.00287 The Elliptic Ginibre Ensemble: A Unifying Approach to Local and Global Statistics for Higher Dimensions
2203.00288 On subspaces whose weak* derived sets are proper and norm dense
2203.00289 Structured Output Feedback Control for Linear Quadratic Regulator Using Policy Gradient Method
2203.00290 Lack of evidence for an odderon at small t
2203.00296 Earthquake Control: An Emerging Application for Robust Control. Theory and Experimental Tests
2203.00297 Comparison to control oscillations in high-order Finite Volume schemes via physical constraint limiters, neural networks and polynomial annihilation
2203.00298 RFI Identification Based On Deep-Learning]{A Robust RFI Identification For Radio Interferometry based on a Convolutional Neural Network
2203.00300 Towards Decentralized Identity Management in Multi-stakeholder 6G Networks
2203.00302 Adversarial samples for deep monocular 6D object pose estimation
2203.00303 Interpolation and stability estimates for edge and face virtual elements of general order
2203.00304 Automatic Depression Detection via Learning and Fusing Features from Visual Cues
2203.00305 Iterative Optimization of Quarter Sampling Masks for Non-Regular Sampling Sensors
2203.00306 Comprehensive Analysis of the Object Detection Pipeline on UAVs
2203.00308 Collaborative Robot Mapping using Spectral Graph Analysis
2203.00309 Ill-posedness issue for the 2D viscous shallow water equations in some critical Besov spaces
2203.00310 Microscopic modelling of exciton-polariton diffusion coefficients in atomically thin semiconductors
2203.00312 Detecting commonality and variability in use-case diagram variants
2203.00314 VScript: Controllable Script Generation with Audio-Visual Presentation
2203.00315 Quick Multi-Robot Motion Planning by Combining Sampling and Search
2203.00317 Explainability for identification of vulnerable groups in machine learning models
2203.00319 Entanglement Renormalization of a $Tar{T}$-deformed CFT
2203.00320 Graph Normalized-LMP Algorithm for Signal Estimation Under Impulsive Noise
2203.00321 The evolutionary stability of partial migration with Allee effects
2203.00322 Enhanced Dip Coating on a Soft Substrate
2203.00325 Finding global solutions of some inverse optimal control problems using penalization and semismooth Newton methods
2203.00327 Design Techniques for Incremental Non-Regular Image Sampling Patterns
2203.00328 BERT-LID: Leveraging BERT to Improve Spoken Language Identification
2203.00329 Superradiance of Spin Defects in Silicon Carbide for Maser Applications
2203.00332 Towards IID representation learning and its application on biomedical data
2203.00333 On the validity of the Euler-Lagrange system without growth assumptions
2203.00334 On closed subgroups of precompact groups
2203.00335 Cu-doping effects on the ferromagnetic semimetal CeAuGe
2203.00336 Enhanced Image Reconstruction From Quarter Sampling Measurements Using An Adapted Very Deep Super Resolution Network
2203.00337 MIRRAX: A Reconfigurable Robot for Limited Access Environments
2203.00341 Christensen-Evans theorem and extensions of GNS-symmetric quantum Markov semigroups
2203.00342 Gradient Descent Is Optimal Under Lower Restricted Secant Inequality And Upper Error Bound
2203.00344 A Semi-Markov Decision Process (SMDP)-based Channel Allocation Model for Unreliable Terahertz (THz) Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS)
2203.00345 The role of polymer structure on water confinement in poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) dispersions
2203.00346 Statistical properties of partonic configurations and diffractive dissociation in high-energy electron-nucleus scattering
2203.00348 Shaping Nanoscale Ribbons into Micro-Helices of Controllable Radius and Pitch
2203.00349 Minimax Risk in Estimating Kink Threshold and Testing Continuity
2203.00350 Results Merging in the Patent Domain
2203.00353 Diffusive shock acceleration at oblique high Mach number shocks
2203.00355 Tempera: Spatial Transformer Feature Pyramid Network for Cardiac MRI Segmentation
2203.00357 MERIt: Meta-Path Guided Contrastive Learning for Logical Reasoning
2203.00358 Safe Control with Minimal Regret
2203.00359 Low Born effective Charges, High Covalency and Strong Optical Activity in $X_3^{2+}$Bi$^{3-}$N$^{3-}$ ($X$=Ca,Sr,Ba) $inverse$-perovskites
2203.00360 Non-linear manifold ROM with Convolutional Autoencoders and Reduced Over-Collocation method
2203.00361 Scan-specific Self-supervised Bayesian Deep Non-linear Inversion for Undersampled MRI Reconstruction
2203.00363 A Multidisciplinary Approach to Optimal Communication and Flight Operation of High Altitude Long Endurance Platform
2203.00364 Practical Mitigation of Smart Contract Bugs
2203.00365 A constrained proof of the strong version of the Eshelby conjecture for the three-dimensional isotropic medium
2203.00366 Local and global properties of p-Laplace Henon equation
2203.00367 Timing techniques with picosecond-order accuracy for novel gaseous detectors
2203.00369 Approximating a deep reinforcement learning docking agent using linear model trees
2203.00370 K2 and Spitzer phase curves of the rocky ultra-short-period planet K2-141 b hint at a tenuous rock vapor atmosphere
2203.00373 On a faithful representation of Sturmian morphisms
2203.00374 Convergence of the Sasaki-Ricci flow on Sasakian 5-manifolds of general type
2203.00375 Quantum simulations of neutral water clusters and singly-charged water cluster anions
2203.00376 Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filtering-Based Multimedia Recommender Systems
2203.00377 A description of charmonia decays $J/psi ightarrow Bar B$ within the QCD factorisation framework
2203.00378 Unbounded generalization of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formulae
2203.00379 Exploring Wilderness Using Explainable Machine Learning in Satellite Imagery
2203.00382 Addressing Randomness in Evaluation Protocols for Out-of-Distribution Detection
2203.00384 Data-efficient learning of object-centric grasp preferences
2203.00386 CLIP-GEN: Language-Free Training of a Text-to-Image Generator with CLIP
2203.00387 Motion-aware Dynamic Graph Neural Network for Video Compressive Sensing
2203.00389 On the number of integral ideals in a number field
2203.00391 Directing Monolayer Tungsten Disulfide Photoluminescence using a Bent Plasmonic Nanowire on a Mirror Cavity
2203.00392 Spin-Dependent Scattering of Scalar and Vector Dark Matter and an Electron
2203.00393 Deep Potentials for Materials Science
2203.00395 Metric regularity, pseudo-Jacobians and global inversion theorems on Finsler manifolds
2203.00397 A Theory of Abstraction in Reinforcement Learning
2203.00402 Muon shower vertex reconstruction with waveform information in JUNO
2203.00404 The influence of the scalar unparticle on the Z-production at high energy $e^{-}e^{+}$ scattering process
2203.00405 The intermediate orders of a Coxeter group
2203.00414 Frequency combs with parity-protected cross-correlations from dynamically modulated qubit arrays
2203.00415 The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: Benchmarking the impact of activity in high-precision radial velocity measurements
2203.00416 Extended Schur's $Q$-functions and the full Kostant--Toda hierarchy on the Lie algebra of type $D$
2203.00417 Beam-Shape Effects and Noise Removal from THz Time-Domain Images in Reflection Geometry in the 0.25-6 THz Range
2203.00420 Mode transition ($alpha-gamma$) and hysteresis in microwave-driven low-temperature plasmas
2203.00421 Regularity results for free L'{e}vy processes
2203.00423 Integration of bounded monotone functions: Revisiting the nonsequential case, with a focus on unbiased Monte Carlo (randomized) methods
2203.00425 A remark on the Half wave Schrödinger equation in the energy space
2203.00426 A safe Hosmer-Lemeshow test
2203.00428 Precision-dissipation trade-off for driven stochastic systems
2203.00432 Towards Practices for Human-Centered Machine Learning
2203.00434 Parametrization by Horizontal Constraints in the Study of Algorithmic Properties of $mathbb{Z}^2$-Subshift of Finite Type
2203.00437 Semi-overlap Functions and Novel Fuzzy Reasoning Algorithms with Applications
2203.00441 Bridge the Gap between Supervised and Unsupervised Learning for Fine-Grained Classification
2203.00442 3D particle simulations of positive air-methane streamers for combustion
2203.00443 Quantum correlation measurement of laser power noise below shot noise
2203.00453 A genetic algorithm for straight-line embedding of a cycle onto a given set of points inside the general simple polygons
2203.00454 Deep learning study on the Dirac eigenvalue spectrum of staggered quarks
2203.00455 Correlation of powers of H"usler-Reiss vectors and Brown-Resnick fields, and application to insured wind losses
2203.00456 WEMAC: Women and Emotion Multi-modal Affective Computing dataset
2203.00457 Observation of an ultra-low $Q$-value electron-capture channel decaying to $^{75}$As via high-precision mass measurement
2203.00458 A hybrid model-based evolutionary optimization with passive boundaries for physical human-robot interaction
2203.00459 Fast-MbyM: Leveraging Translational Invariance of the Fourier Transform for Efficient and Accurate Radar Odometry
2203.00463 Constraints on future analysis metadata systems in High Energy Physics
2203.00464 Controlled doping of electrocatalysts through engineering impurities
2203.00465 Privacy-Friendly Flexible IoT Health Data Processing with User-Centric Access Control
2203.00467 Belief propagation for supply networks: Efficient clustering of their factor graphs
2203.00468 Discovery of non-equilibrium ionization plasma associated with the North Polar Spur and Loop I
2203.00470 Analytic Ax-Schanuel Theorem for semi-abelian varieties and Nevanlinna theory
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