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06 October 2024

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2206.00752 Algorithmic Applications of Tree-Cut Width
2206.00753 Remarks on the effects of the quintessence on regular black holes
2206.00754 Deferred Norlund statistical convergence in probability, mean and distribution for sequences of random variables
2206.00755 Bayesian sample size determination for causal discovery
2206.00756 Energy-Efficient Hybrid Offloading for Backscatter-Assisted Wirelessly Powered MEC with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
2206.00757 A technical note for a Shor's algorithm by phase estimation
2206.00758 Compact Groups in GDM Cosmological Simulations
2206.00759 Merlin-Arthur Classifiers: Formal Interpretability with Interactive Black Boxes
2206.00760 Xavier-Enabled Extreme Reservoir Machine for Millimeter-Wave Beamspace Channel Tracking
2206.00761 On Reinforcement Learning and Distribution Matching for Fine-Tuning Language Models with no Catastrophic Forgetting
2206.00762 On Some Properties of the Beta Normal Distribution
2206.00763 The McDonald Normal Distribution
2206.00764 Remarks on stretch formulations and the Poynting effect in nonlinear elasticity
2206.00769 Defense Against Gradient Leakage Attacks via Learning to Obscure Data
2206.00770 Winning the 3rd Japan Automotive AI Challenge -- Autonomous Racing with the Autoware.Auto Open Source Software Stack
2206.00771 Dynamic Linear Transformer for 3D Biomedical Image Segmentation
2206.00772 On the reversibility of adversarial attacks
2206.00773 Assessing the trade-off between prediction accuracy and interpretability for topic modeling on energetic materials corpora
2206.00774 Distributed Training for Deep Learning Models On An Edge Computing Network Using ShieldedReinforcement Learning
2206.00775 Adaptive Local Neighborhood-based Neural Networks for MR Image Reconstruction from Undersampled Data
2206.00776 Robots in healthcare as envisioned by care professionals
2206.00777 Visual Navigation for Autonomous Vehicles: An Open-source Hands-on Robotics Course at MIT
2206.00778 Efficient and Self-Recursive Delay Vandermonde Algorithm for Multi-Beam Antenna Arrays
2206.00779 Radix-2 Self-Recursive Sparse Factorizations of Delay Vandermonde Matrices for Wideband Multi-Beam Antenna Arrays
2206.00780 The BRST Double Complex for the Coupling of Gravity to Gauge Theories
2206.00781 Near-Optimal Search Time in $delta$-Optimal Space
2206.00782 ALMA imaging of the cold molecular and dusty disk in the type 2 active nucleus of the Circinus galaxy
2206.00783 Core-periphery Models for Hypergraphs
2206.00784 Substrate Effects on Spin Relaxation in Two-Dimensional Dirac Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling
2206.00785 Delivering Document Conversion as a Cloud Service with High Throughput and Responsiveness
2206.00786 Neural Decoding with Optimization of Node Activations
2206.00787 On the Generalization of Neural Combinatorial Optimization Heuristics
2206.00788 Information-based matching explains the diversity of cooperation among different populations
2206.00789 Integrating Unikernel Optimizations in a General Purpose OS
2206.00790 Efficient Self-supervised Vision Pretraining with Local Masked Reconstruction
2206.00791 Enhanced thermally-activated skyrmion diffusion in synthetic antiferromagnetic systems with tunable effective topological charge
2206.00792 Channel Codes for Relayless Networks with General Message Access Structure
2206.00793 Piezomagnetic switching of anomalous Hall effect in an antiferromagnet at room temperature
2206.00794 Sequential Bayesian Neural Subnetwork Ensembles
2206.00795 Adaptive Sampling-based Motion Planning with Control Barrier Functions
2206.00796 Stabilizing Q-learning with Linear Architectures for Provably Efficient Learning
2206.00797 Adiabatic Floquet-Wave Solutions of Temporally Modulated Anisotropic Leaky-Wave Holograms
2206.00798 Multi-scale frequency separation network for image deblurring
2206.00799 Federated Learning under Distributed Concept Drift
2206.00800 CcHarmony: Color-checker based Image Harmonization Dataset
2206.00801 Indeterminacy in Latent Variable Models: Characterization and Strong Identifiability
2206.00802 Optimized Quantum Phase Estimation for Simulating Electronic States in Various Energy Regimes
2206.00803 Robust recovery of low-rank matrices and low-tubal-rank tensors from noisy sketches
2206.00804 Learning code summarization from a small and local dataset
2206.00805 Independent discovery of a nulling pulsar with unusual sub-pulse drifting properties with the Murchison Widefield Array
2206.00806 XBound-Former: Toward Cross-scale Boundary Modeling in Transformers
2206.00807 Applied Federated Learning: Architectural Design for Robust and Efficient Learning in Privacy Aware Settings
2206.00808 Fully relativistic $GW$/Bethe-Salpeter calculations in BerkeleyGW: implementation, symmetries, benchmarking, and performance
2206.00809 Distilling Knowledge from Object Classification to Aesthetics Assessment
2206.00810 Offline Reinforcement Learning with Differential Privacy
2206.00811 Background-oriented Schlieren technique with vector tomography for measurement of axisymmetric pressure fields of laser-induced underwater shock waves
2206.00812 Modeling sRGB Camera Noise with Normalizing Flows
2206.00813 Two Candidate KH 15D-like Systems from the Zwicky Transient Facility
2206.00814 Extremely Fast Convergence Rates for Extremum Seeking Control with Polyak-Ruppert Averaging
2206.00815 Coherent control techniques in three-level quantum sensing
2206.00816 Quintet formation and exchange fluctuations: The role of stochastic resonance in singlet fission
2206.00817 Isothermal and adiabatic elastic constants from virial fluctuations
2206.00818 Economic complexity and inequality at the national and regional level
2206.00819 Conditional estimates for the logarithmic derivative of Dirichlet $L$-functions
2206.00820 NIPQ: Noise Injection Pseudo Quantization for Automated DNN Optimization
2206.00821 A Confirmation of a Conjecture on the Feldman's Two-armed Bandit Problem
2206.00822 Comparison of theoretical approaches for epidemic processes with waning immunity in complex networks
2206.00823 Beyond accuracy: generalization properties of bio-plausible temporal credit assignment rules
2206.00824 Discrete bilinear operators and commutators
2206.00825 Nonconformal Domain Decomposition Method Based on the Hybrid SIE-PDE Formulation for Flexible Transverse Magnetic Analysis
2206.00826 BayesFormer: Transformer with Uncertainty Estimation
2206.00827 Universal Polar Coding for Parallel Gaussian Channels with Non-Binary Inputs and Its Applications to HARQ and MIMO
2206.00828 Decentralized temperature and storage volume control in multi-producer district heating
2206.00829 Kirillov theory for $C^*(G,Ω)$
2206.00830 Progressive Purification for Instance-Dependent Partial Label Learning
2206.00831 Dynamic Cardiac MRI Reconstruction Using Combined Tensor Nuclear Norm and Casorati Matrix Nuclear Norm Regularizations
2206.00832 Fast Benchmarking of Accuracy vs. Training Time with Cyclic Learning Rates
2206.00833 Finite-Time Analysis of Entropy-Regularized Neural Natural Actor-Critic Algorithm
2206.00834 Second order estimates for convex solutions of degenerate $k$-Hessian equations
2206.00835 Reinforcement learning based parameters adaption method for particle swarm optimization
2206.00836 Concerning Two Conjectures of Frick and Jafari
2206.00837 Diagonal and off-diagonal thermal conduction with resonant phonon scattering in chiral $Ni_3TeO_6$
2206.00838 Bi-convolution matrix factorization algorithm based on improved ConvMF
2206.00839 Ultra-broadband surface-normal coherent optical receiver with nanometallic polarizers
2206.00840 Fano foliations with small algebraic ranks
2206.00841 Axion mass in magnetic topological insulators
2206.00842 Seven years of coordinated Chandra-NuSTAR observations of SN2014C unfold the extreme mass-loss history of its stellar progenitor
2206.00843 DepthShrinker: A New Compression Paradigm Towards Boosting Real-Hardware Efficiency of Compact Neural Networks
2206.00844 Static quark potential from centre vortices in the presence of dynamical fermions
2206.00845 Hyperspherical Consistency Regularization
2206.00846 Faster Rates of Convergence to Stationary Points in Differentially Private Optimization
2206.00847 TSTR: Too Short to Represent, Summarize with Details! Intro-Guided Extended Summary Generation
2206.00848 Order-detection of slopes on the boundaries of knot manifolds
2206.00849 $mathbf{Z}$-Categories I
2206.00850 Dynamic MRI using Learned Transform-based Deep Tensor Low-Rank Network (DTLR-Net)
2206.00851 Finite Element Complexes in Two Dimensions
2206.00852 Chemical reactions in imperfect cavities: enhancement, suppression, and resonance
2206.00853 Masked Bayesian Neural Networks : Computation and Optimality
2206.00854 A class of graded conformal algebras which is induced by Heisenberg-Virasoro conformal algebra
2206.00855 The growth of operator entropy in operator growth
2206.00856 MentSum: A Resource for Exploring Summarization of Mental Health Online Posts
2206.00857 Transparent reporting of research-related greenhouse gas emissions through the scientific CO$_2$nduct initiative
2206.00858 Bayesian Inference of Stochastic Dynamical Networks
2206.00859 Disentangled Generation Network for Enlarged License Plate Recognition and A Unified Dataset
2206.00860 Self-Consistency of the Fokker-Planck Equation
2206.00861 Dynamic Structure Estimation from Bandit Feedback
2206.00862 A general criterion for the P'{o}lya-Carlson dichotomy and application
2206.00863 Geometry of Nonequilibrium Chemical Reaction Networks and Generalized Entropy Production Decompositions
2206.00864 Quantum phase measurement for two-qubit states in an open waveguide
2206.00865 Comment on the subtlety of defining real-time path integral in lattice gauge theories
2206.00866 Extension and Validation of 4D Model for Improving the Accuracy of Modulation-Dependent Nonlinear Interference
2206.00867 Stochastic Deep-Ritz for Parametric Uncertainty Quantification
2206.00868 6G Survey on Challenges, Requirements, Applications, Key Enabling Technologies, Use Cases, AI integration issues and Security aspects
2206.00869 Spatiotemporal models for Poisson areal data with an application to the AIDS epidemic in Rio de Janeiro
2206.00870 Revisiting Barrow's Graduated Inflationary Universe: A Warm perspective
2206.00871 Magnetic field intermittency in the solar wind: PSP and SolO observations ranging from the Alfven region out to 1 AU
2206.00872 On the acyclicity of reductions of elliptic curves modulo primes in arithmetic progressions
2206.00873 Nearly Optimal Best-of-Both-Worlds Algorithms for Online Learning with Feedback Graphs
2206.00874 Age of Information in Reservation Multi-Access Networks with Stochastic Arrivals
2206.00875 Ring isomorphisms of type II$_infty$ locally measurable operator algebras
2206.00876 Imaging of CsI(Tl) crystal event and double-slit Young's interference by a single photon sensitive camera
2206.00877 EyeCoD: Eye Tracking System Acceleration via FlatCam-based Algorithm & Accelerator Co-Design
2206.00878 EfficientNeRF: Efficient Neural Radiance Fields
2206.00879 Lattice QCD calculation of light sterile neutrino contribution in $0 u2eta$ decay
2206.00880 Subconvexity of twisted Shintani zeta functions
2206.00881 Singularities of pluri-fundamental divisors on Gorenstein Fano varieties of coindex $4$
2206.00882 Assessing the impact of non-Gaussian noise on convolutional neural networks that search for continuous gravitational waves
2206.00883 A scalar valued Fourier transform for the Heisenberg group
2206.00884 Measure equivalence rigidity among the Higman groups
2206.00885 Coordinated Double Machine Learning
2206.00886 Watch Out for the Safety-Threatening Actors: Proactively Mitigating Safety Hazards
2206.00887 A note on the Lumer--Phillips theorem for bi-continuous semigroups
2206.00888 Squeezeformer: An Efficient Transformer for Automatic Speech Recognition
2206.00889 On the structure of pointsets with many collinear triples
2206.00890 Phenomenological implications on a hidden sector from the Festina Lente bound
2206.00891 Computational protocol to evaluate electron-phonon interactions within density matrix perturbation theory
2206.00892 Strain-driven valley states and phase transitions in Janus VSiGeN4 monolayer
2206.00893 Leveraging Systematic Knowledge of 2D Transformations
2206.00894 Renormalizable Extension of the Abelian Higgs-Kibble Model with a dimension 6 operator
2206.00895 Theory of Optical Pump THz Probe with sub-picosecond time-dependent material properties: the Perturbative Transfer Matrix Method
2206.00896 Explicit computation of the modular parametrization of elliptic curves over function fields by Drinfeld modular curves
2206.00897 xView3-SAR: Detecting Dark Fishing Activity Using Synthetic Aperture Imagery
2206.00898 Variational Polaron Equations Applied to the Anisotropic Fr"ohlich Model
2206.00899 Stability of Chandrasekhar's nonlinear force-free fields
2206.00900 The chromatic index of finite projective spaces
2206.00901 Musical Instrument Recognition by XGBoost Combining Feature Fusion
2206.00902 MISSU: 3D Medical Image Segmentation via Self-distilling TransUNet
2206.00903 Satisfiability of Quantified Boolean Announcements
2206.00904 Runaway dynamics in disruptions with current relaxation
2206.00905 Period changes of Mira variables in the M16-M17 region
2206.00906 NeuralSympCheck: A Symptom Checking and Disease Diagnostic Neural Model with Logic Regularization
2206.00907 Discovering vanishing objects in POSS I red images using the Virtual Observatory
2206.00908 Mean Escape Time of Switched Riccati Differential Equations
2206.00909 Quantum Support Vector Machine without Iteration
2206.00910 A Real-time Critical-scenario-generation Framework for Testing Autonomous Driving System
2206.00911 Asteroid (3200) Phaethon: results of polarimetric, photometric, and spectral observations
2206.00912 Multiple symmetry breaking induced by weak damping in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou recurrence process
2206.00913 Mask-Guided Divergence Loss Improves the Generalization and Robustness of Deep Neural Network
2206.00914 Macroscopic limits of non-local kinetic descriptions of vehicular traffic
2206.00915 Influence of Cross-section Shape on Granular Column Collapses
2206.00916 Infrared Spectroscopy of free-floating planet candidates in Upper Scorpius and Ophiuchus
2206.00917 The dynamical holographic QCD method for hadron physics and QCD matter
2206.00918 MEMD-HHT based Emotion Detection from EEG using 3D CNN
2206.00919 Epitaxial growth of a two-dimensional topological insulator candidate: monolayer Si2Te2
2206.00920 Federated Learning with a Sampling Algorithm under Isoperimetry
2206.00921 A Scalable Shannon Entropy Estimator
2206.00922 Extremal values of degree-based entropies of bipartite graphs
2206.00923 Modeling Image Composition for Complex Scene Generation
2206.00924 FACM: Correct the Output of Deep Neural Network with Middle Layers Features against Adversarial Samples
2206.00925 Defect Profiling of Oxide-Semiconductor Interfaces Using Low-Energy Muons
2206.00926 Multivariate Empirical Mode Decomposition of EEG for Mental State Detection at Localized Brain Lobes
2206.00927 DPM-Solver: A Fast ODE Solver for Diffusion Probabilistic Model Sampling in Around 10 Steps
2206.00928 Constructive Characterization for Signed Analogue of Critical Graphs II: General Radials and Semiradials
2206.00929 The ParlaSent-BCS dataset of sentiment-annotated parliamentary debates from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia
2206.00930 Predicting Physical Object Properties from Video
2206.00931 Generating Sparse Counterfactual Explanations For Multivariate Time Series
2206.00932 Accessing power-law statistics under experimental constraints
2206.00933 Superbunching in cathodoluminescence: a master equation approach
2206.00934 Deep neural networks can stably solve high-dimensional, noisy, non-linear inverse problems
2206.00935 On a continued fraction expansion of the special function and an explicit expression of the continued fraction convergents
2206.00936 Revisiting the Wireless Channel from Physical Layer Security Perspective
2206.00937 Quantum thermodynamics of nonadiabatically driven systems: The effect of electron-phonon interaction
2206.00938 Exploiting Near-Data Processing to Accelerate Time Series Analysis
2206.00939 Gradient flow dynamics of shallow ReLU networks for square loss and orthogonal inputs
2206.00940 Realizing quantum speed limit in open system with a PT-symmetric trapped-ion qubit
2206.00941 Improving Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems using Manifold Constraints
2206.00942 A Serverless Engine for High Energy Physics Distributed Analysis
2206.00943 Proximity of exoplanets to first-order mean-motion resonances
2206.00944 Feature Space Particle Inference for Neural Network Ensembles
2206.00945 Algorithmic Fairness and Structural Injustice: Insights from Feminist Political Philosophy
2206.00946 An efficient thermal lattice Boltzmann method for simulating three-dimensional liquid-vapor phase change
2206.00947 A Bhattacharyya Coefficient-Based Framework for Noise Model-Aware Random Walker Image Segmentation
2206.00948 Technique for the measurement of intrinsic pulse-shape discrimination for organic scintillators using tagged neutrons
2206.00949 A symmetric approach to higher coverings in categorical Galois theory
2206.00950 Tale of GRB 171010A/SN 2017htp and GRB 171205A/SN 2017iuk: Magnetar origin?
2206.00951 Pronunciation Dictionary-Free Multilingual Speech Synthesis by Combining Unsupervised and Supervised Phonetic Representations
2206.00952 A simple method to reprogram the binding specificity of DNA-coated colloids that crystallize
2206.00953 Data-driven dynamic treatment planning for chronic diseases
2206.00954 An inverse Faraday effect through linear polarized light
2206.00955 Discovery of the cyclic C5H radical in TMC-1
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