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Articles rated:
09 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2022
12, 8.2022
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2208.00531 Orientation effects on near-field radiative heat transfer between complex-shaped dielectric particles
2208.00532 Unveiling the outer core composition with neutrino oscillation tomography
2208.00533 Identifying Interstellar Object Impact Craters
2208.00534 Generalized Luttinger surgery and other cut-and-paste constructions in generalized complex geometry
2208.00535 Midpoint and trapezoid type inequalities for multiplicatively convex functions
2208.00536 Countdown $μ$-calculus
2208.00537 Mitigation of the Turbulence within an Arteriovenous Fistula with a Stent Implantation
2208.00538 Rogue waves in quantum lattices with correlated disorder
2208.00539 Is current research on adversarial robustness addressing the right problem?
2208.00540 The Uchuu-SDSS galaxy lightcones: a clustering, RSD and BAO study
2208.00541 On the reconstruction of unknown driving forces from low-mode observations in the 2D Navier-Stokes Equations
2208.00542 DeScoD-ECG: Deep Score-Based Diffusion Model for ECG Baseline Wander and Noise Removal
2208.00543 ERC-20R and ERC-721R: Reversible Transactions on Ethereum
2208.00544 Analysis of Semi-Supervised Methods for Facial Expression Recognition
2208.00545 Distributed Intelligence in Wireless Networks
2208.00546 Interior Dynamics of Fatou Sets
2208.00547 All polytopes are coset geometries: characterizing automorphism groups of k-orbit abstract polytopes
2208.00548 Safer Traffic Recovery from the Pandemic in London -- Spatiotemporal Data Mining of Car Crashes
2208.00549 Unifying Approaches in Data Subset Selection via Fisher Information and Information-Theoretic Quantities
2208.00550 Classifying Space via Homotopy Coherent Nerve
2208.00551 Dimensionless solutions of the wave equation
2208.00552 The Effect of Omitted Variables on the Sign of Regression Coefficients
2208.00553 Search for or Navigate to? Dual Adaptive Thinking for Object Navigation
2208.00554 A Diamond Structure in the Transducer Hierarchy
2208.00555 Evo* 2022 -- Late-Breaking Abstracts Volume
2208.00556 The integral Chow rings of the stacks of hyperelliptic Weierstrass points
2208.00557 The factorization effect in $Λ_C o Λπ$ and $Λ_C o ΛK$
2208.00558 Bound states in microwave QED: Crossover from waveguide to cavity regime
2208.00559 Scaling of electron heating by magnetization during reconnection and applications to dipolarization fronts and super-hot solar flares
2208.00560 Cohomology, deformations, and extensions of Rota-Baxter Leibniz algebras
2208.00561 AvatarGen: a 3D Generative Model for Animatable Human Avatars
2208.00562 A short resolution of the diagonal for smooth projective toric varieties of Picard rank 2
2208.00563 Backdoor Watermarking Deep Learning Classification Models With Deep Fidelity
2208.00564 Quantum Adaptive Fourier Features for Neural Density Estimation
2208.00565 Modeling Human Response to Robot Errors for Timely Error Detection
2208.00566 Atomistic characterization of the SiO2 high-density liquid/low-density liquid interface
2208.00567 Exact and efficient Lanczos method on a quantum computer
2208.00568 Calculating incidence of Influenza-like and COVID-like symptoms from Flutracking participatory survey data
2208.00569 Dynamic stability for steady Prandtl solutions
2208.00570 The quasar luminosity function at $zsim5$ via deep learning and Bayesian information criterion
2208.00571 CLIFF: Carrying Location Information in Full Frames into Human Pose and Shape Estimation
2208.00572 A continuous analog of the binary Darboux transformation for the Korteweg-de Vries equation
2208.00573 Non-thermal evolution of dense plasmas driven by intense x-ray fields
2208.00574 Mathieu moonshine and Borcherds products
2208.00575 A primal finite element scheme of the Hodge Laplace problem
2208.00576 Conserved charges in the quantum simulation of integrable spin chains
2208.00577 A conjectured formula for the rational $q,t$-Catalan polynomial
2208.00578 A construction of general SIC-POVMs by using a complete orthogonal basis
2208.00579 Momentum Transformer: Closing the Performance Gap Between Self-attention and Its Linearization
2208.00580 Rigidity of Acute Triangulations of the Plane
2208.00581 Parallel syndrome extraction with shared flag qubits for CSS codes of distance three
2208.00582 Double-well phase transitions are more rigid than minimal hypersurfaces
2208.00583 An Enhanced Deep Learning Technique for Prostate Cancer Identification Based on MRI Scans
2208.00584 A sensitivity-based approach to optimal sensor selection for process networks
2208.00585 Electron beam polarimeter and energy spectrometer
2208.00586 A note on geometric theories of fields
2208.00587 A Particle-Based Algorithm for Distributional Optimization on extit{Constrained Domains} via Variational Transport and Mirror Descent
2208.00588 J-comb: An image fusion algorithm to combine observations covering different spatial frequency ranges
2208.00589 Observation of gigantic spin conversion anisotropy in bismuth
2208.00590 Deformation effects on the surface neutron densities of stable S and Ni isotopes probed by proton elastic scattering via isotopic analysis
2208.00591 Two-Dimensional Organic-Inorganic Room-Temperature Multiferroic
2208.00592 New relations for tree-level form factors and scattering amplitudes
2208.00593 Long Short-Term Preference Modeling for Continuous-Time Sequential Recommendation
2208.00594 Breast Cancer Classification Based on Histopathological Images Using a Deep Learning Capsule Network
2208.00595 Subcritical insability of viscoelastic flow over a circular cylinder: A numerical study
2208.00596 A System for Imitation Learning of Contact-Rich Bimanual Manipulation Policies
2208.00597 On irregularities in the cosmic ray spectrum of $10^{16}-10^{18}$ eV range
2208.00598 A Real-time Edge-AI System for Reef Surveys
2208.00599 Artificial Hawking radiation, weak pseudo-Hermiticity and Weyl semimetal blackhole analogy
2208.00600 Stark effect of quantum blue emitters in hBN
2208.00601 Impact of dust size distribution including large dust grains on magnetic resistivity: an analytical approach
2208.00602 Non-relativistic spin-$3$ symmetries in $2+1$ dimensions from expanded/extended Nappi-Witten algebras
2208.00603 Weighted Scaling Approach for Metabolomics Data Analysis
2208.00604 Beyond kNN: Adaptive, Sparse Neighborhood Graphs via Optimal Transport
2208.00605 Photonic quantum Hall effects
2208.00606 Muons in showers with energy $E_{0} geq$ 5 EeV and QGSjetII-04 and EPOS LHC models of hadronic interactions. Is there a muon deficit in the models?
2208.00607 Design and Implementation of ShenWei Universal C/C++
2208.00608 Abnormal Phonon Angular Momentum due to Off-diagonal Elements in Density Matrix induced by Temperature Gradient
2208.00609 Accurate Polygonal Mapping of Buildings in Satellite Imagery
2208.00610 On the distance & distance (signless) Laplacian spectra of non-commuting graphs
2208.00611 Lambda Number of the enhanced power graph of a finite group
2208.00612 Newly discovered $zsim5$ quasars based on deep learning and Bayesian information criterion
2208.00613 HBMax: Optimizing Memory Efficiency for Parallel Influence Maximization on Multicore Architectures
2208.00614 Electron heating in a current-driven turbulence as a result of nonlinear interaction of electron- and ion-acoustic waves
2208.00615 Computational Models for SA, RA, PC Afferent to Reproduce Neural Responses to Dynamic Stimulus Using FEM Analysis and a Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Model
2208.00616 Sustainability of large scale waste heat harvesting using thermoelectric
2208.00617 Improving Fine-Grained Visual Recognition in Low Data Regimes via Self-Boosting Attention Mechanism
2208.00618 Generalized Extended Uncertainty Principle Black Holes: Shadow and lensing in the macro- and microscopic realms
2208.00619 A iterative finite method approach to Kohn-Sham equations of light atoms: Density Functional Theory tutorial for undergraduate students
2208.00620 Software Package for Automated Analysis of Lung Ultrasound Videos
2208.00621 Generalized torsion, unique root property and Baumslag--Solitar relation for knot groups
2208.00622 Calculation of magnon drag force induced by an electric current in ferromagnetic metals
2208.00623 Quality Evaluation of Arbitrary Style Transfer: Subjective Study and Objective Metric
2208.00624 Sharp non-uniqueness of weak solutions to 3D magnetohydrodynamic equations
2208.00625 RISeer: Inspecting the Status and Dynamics of Regional Industrial Structure via Visual Analytics
2208.00626 Simplified Method for the Identification of Low Mass Ratio Contact Binary Systems that are Potential Red Nova Progenitors
2208.00627 A Rotation Meanout Network with Invariance for Dermoscopy Image Classification and Retrieval
2208.00628 The Regularity problem in domains with lower dimensional boundaries
2208.00629 XOOD: Extreme Value Based Out-Of-Distribution Detection For Image Classification
2208.00630 Identifying Influential Brokers on Social Media from Social Network Structure
2208.00631 Correlation-driven organic 3D topological insulator with relativistic fermions
2208.00632 Multi-spectral Vehicle Re-identification with Cross-directional Consistency Network and a High-quality Benchmark
2208.00633 Frequency-stable robust wireless power transfer based on high-order pseudo-Hermitian physics
2208.00634 Weak measurement reveals super ergotropy
2208.00635 DictBERT: Dictionary Description Knowledge Enhanced Language Model Pre-training via Contrastive Learning
2208.00636 Studying writer-suggestion interaction: A qualitative study to understand writer interaction with aligned/misaligned next-phrase suggestion
2208.00637 Stochastic failure of cell infection post viral entry: Implications for infection outcomes and antiviral therapy
2208.00638 Composable Text Control Operations in Latent Space with Ordinary Differential Equations
2208.00639 Dress Well via Fashion Cognitive Learning
2208.00640 Quantum-enhanced multiparameter estimation and compressed sensing of a field
2208.00641 Lung nodules segmentation from CT with DeepHealth toolkit
2208.00642 Direct observation of quantum anomalous vortex in Fe(Se,Te)
2208.00643 Rate-Splitting Multiple Access for Quantized Multiuser MIMO Communications
2208.00644 Tidally Forced Planetary Waves in the Tachocline of Solar-like Stars
2208.00645 Uniform a priori estimates for critical order Lane-Emden system in arbitrary dimensions
2208.00646 Computing Bayes: From Then 'Til Now'
2208.00647 An Evidential Neural Network Model for Regression Based on Random Fuzzy Numbers
2208.00648 Transposed Poisson structures on Block Lie algebras and superalgebras
2208.00649 Computational Modelling of Plasticity-Led Evolution
2208.00650 UniToBrain dataset: a Brain Perfusion Dataset
2208.00651 De-biased Representation Learning for Fairness with Unreliable Labels
2208.00652 Non-degenerate Hypergraphs with Exponentially Many Extremal Constructions
2208.00653 Pion, Kaon, and (Anti-)Proton Production in U+U Collisions at $sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 193 GeV in STAR
2208.00654 On numerical dimensions of Calabi--Yau varieties
2208.00655 Singular perturbations in stochastic optimal control with unbounded data
2208.00656 Bogolon-mediated light absorption in atomic condensates of different dimensionality
2208.00657 SiamixFormer: A Siamese Transformer Network For Building Detection And Change Detection From Bi-Temporal Remote Sensing Images
2208.00658 New Constraints on Spin-Spin-Velocity-Dependent Interaction
2208.00659 Model-based graph reinforcement learning for inductive traffic signal control
2208.00660 Experimental validation of a model for a self-adaptive beam-slider system
2208.00661 Sustainable steel through hydrogen plasma reduction of iron ore: process, kinetics, microstructure, chemistry
2208.00662 Local Perception-Aware Transformer for Aerial Tracking
2208.00663 Temporal stability of asymptotic suction boundary layer with spectral collocation method
2208.00664 A Cahn-Hilliard system with forward-backward dynamic boundary condition and non-smooth potentials
2208.00665 Event Notifications in Value-Adding Networks
2208.00666 Topology of the Gr"unbaum--Hadwiger--Ramos problem for mass assignments
2208.00667 Distance calibration via Newton's rings in yttrium lithium fluoride whispering gallery mode resonators
2208.00668 Topological entropy of a rational map over a complete metrized field
2208.00669 Interstellar extinction correction in ionised regions using HeI lines
2208.00670 Block-transitive $3$-$(v,k,1)$ designs associated with alternating groups
2208.00671 RASIPAM: Interactive Pattern Mining of Multivariate Event Sequences in Racket Sports
2208.00672 A Novel Optimized Decomposition Method for Smoluchowski's Aggregation Equation
2208.00673 High-order corrections to the radiation-free dynamics of an electron in the strongly radiation-dominated regime
2208.00674 A fixed-point theorem for local operators with applications to stochastic equations
2208.00675 Structure-preserving numerical methods for constrained gradient flows of planar closed curves with explicit tangential velocities
2208.00676 A Pansiot-type subword complexity theorem for automorphisms of free groups
2208.00677 Similarity-based web element localization for robust test automation
2208.00678 Wideband dispersion-free THz waveguide platform
2208.00679 Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition from Neural Network Flows
2208.00680 Invited Review: Micro-fabricated components for cold atom sensors
2208.00681 The Many Facets of Trust in AI: Formalizing the Relation Between Trust and Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency
2208.00682 Eficiency of REST and gRPC realizing communication tasks in microservice-based ecosystems
2208.00683 Bound states and heat kernels for fractional-type Schr"odinger operators with singular potentials
2208.00684 Choice of spatial discretisation influences the progression of viral infection within multicellular tissues
2208.00685 Distortion element in the automorphism group of a full shift
2208.00686 Nonadiabatic forward flux sampling for excited-state rare events
2208.00687 Relativistic stable operators with critical potentials
2208.00688 Tailored meshing for parallel 3D electromagnetic modeling using high-order edge elements
2208.00689 SDSS IV MaNGA -- Gas Rotation Velocity lags in the Final Sample of MaNGA Galaxies
2208.00690 Generative Bias for Visual Question Answering
2208.00691 Intuitionistic Sahlqvist theory for deductive systems
2208.00692 Stochastic Galerkin particle methods for kinetic equations of plasmas with uncertainties
2208.00693 A 23 $μ$W Keyword Spotting IC with Ring-Oscillator-Based Time-Domain Feature Extraction
2208.00694 Semiregularity maps and deformations of modules over Lie algebroids
2208.00695 The road towards imaging a black hole -- a personal perspective
2208.00696 Effective inspiral spin distribution of primordial black hole binaries
2208.00697 Implications for Cosmic Domain Walls from LIGO-Virgo First Three Observing Runs
2208.00698 A Novel Approach on Dielectric Barrier Discharge using Printed Circuit Boards
2208.00699 Extreme TeV BL Lacs: a self-consistent stochastic acceleration model
2208.00700 Implicit bulk-surface filtering method for node-based shape optimization and comparison of explicit and implicit filtering techniques
2208.00701 Novel specification tests for additive concurrent model formulation based on martingale difference divergence
2208.00702 A New Calibration Method for Industrial Robot Based on Step-Size Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
2208.00703 Testing the weak cosmic censorship conjecture for extremal magnetized Kerr-Newman black holes
2208.00704 Towards VLBI Observations of Black Hole Structure
2208.00705 On p-harmonic self-maps of spheres
2208.00706 Iterative shaping of optical potentials for one-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
2208.00707 Simulations for estimation of heterogeneity variance $ au^2$ in constant and inverse variance weights meta-analysis of log-odds-ratios
2208.00708 High fidelity state reconstruction of a qubit via dynamics of a dissipative resonator
2208.00709 Visual-Inertial SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Dropout-Tolerant GPS Fusion
2208.00710 The Hitchhiker's Guide to Facebook Web Tracking with Invisible Pixels and Click IDs
2208.00711 Thermodynamics of AdS planar black holes and holography
2208.00712 Cross Attention Based Style Distribution for Controllable Person Image Synthesis
2208.00713 TransDeepLab: Convolution-Free Transformer-based DeepLab v3+ for Medical Image Segmentation
2208.00714 Hybrid Precoding for Mixture Use of Phase Shifters and Switches in mmWave Massive MIMO
2208.00715 Highly Efficient Estimators with High Breakdown Point for Linear Models with Structured Covariance Matrices
2208.00716 Graph Neural Network with Local Frame for Molecular Potential Energy Surface
2208.00717 Joint Active and Passive Beamforming for RIS-aided MIMO Communications with Low-Resolution Phase Shifts
2208.00718 Strain-modulated anisotropic electronic structure in superconducting RuO$_2$ films
2208.00719 Device-independent certification of indefinite causal order in the quantum switch
2208.00720 On the stunning abundance of super-early, massive galaxies revealed by JWST
2208.00721 Domain Analysis of Ethical, Social and Environmental Accounting Methods
2208.00722 Revealing impacts of stellar mass and environment on galaxy quenching
2208.00723 Pattern formation and phase transition in the collective dynamics of a binary mixture of polar self-propelled particles
2208.00724 Safe Policy Improvement Approaches and their Limitations
2208.00725 Fashion Recommendation Based on Style and Social Events
2208.00726 Proportional Fair Division of Multi-layered Cakes
2208.00727 On the impact of serial dependence on penalized regression methods
2208.00728 Performance Comparison of Deep RL Algorithms for Energy Systems Optimal Scheduling
2208.00729 Gate fidelity, dephasing, and "magic" trapping of optically trapped neutral atom
2208.00730 Field-theoretic functional renormalization group formalism for non-Fermi liquids and its application to the antiferromagnetic quantum critical metal in two dimensions
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