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Articles rated:
13 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2022
12, 9.2022
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2209.00137 Partial Counterfactual Identification for Infinite Horizon Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
2209.00139 Variational Quantum Circuits for Multi-Qubit Gate Automata
2209.00140 New Lower Bounds For Essential Covers Of The Cube
2209.00142 Charged Lepton Flavor Violation
2209.00143 The Emergence of League and Sub-League Structure in the Population Lotto Game
2209.00144 Charged Particles Circular Orbits around Weakly Charged and Magnetized Kerr Black Holes
2209.00148 A Note on the Games-Chan Algorithm
2209.00149 A New Approach of Linear Theory of Tearing Instability in Uniform Resistivity
2209.00152 Softly broken symmetries in the 2HDM -- an invariant formulation
2209.00153 Global regularity and decay behavior for Leray equations with critical-dissipation and Its Application to Self-similar Solutions
2209.00154 Contextualized language models for semantic change detection: lessons learned
2209.00155 Surface state mediated ferromagnetism in Mn$_{0.14}$Bi$_{1.86}$Te$_3$ thin films
2209.00158 Space-efficient data structure for next/previous larger/smaller value queries
2209.00159 Orloj: Predictably Serving Unpredictable DNNs
2209.00161 Closure Operators of the Category of Positive Topologies
2209.00162 Prioritization of Metamorphic Relations to reduce the cost of testing
2209.00163 Stability of the Gaussian Stationary Point in the Han-Kobayashi Region for Z-Interference Channels
2209.00164 Transverse measures to infinite type laminations
2209.00166 New types of instability and CP violation in electroweak theory
2209.00169 Some Algebraic Questions about the Reed-Muller Code
2209.00170 CPS Attack Detection under Limited Local Information in Cyber Security: A Multi-node Multi-class Classification Ensemble Approach
2209.00171 Stability of rotating gaseous stars
2209.00172 Periodic and solitary waves generating in optical fiber amplifiers and fiber lasers with distributed parameters
2209.00173 Continuous-time Particle Filtering for Latent Stochastic Differential Equations
2209.00174 A Spring-Mass-Damper-Based Platooning Logic for AVs
2209.00176 About the waiting time for a strong earthquake
2209.00178 Magneto-optical Kerr effect and magnetoelasticity in weak ferromagnetic RuF$_4$ monolayer
2209.00180 Magnon dynamics in parity-time-symmetric dipolarly coupled waveguides and magnonic crystals
2209.00181 Understanding the dynamic impact of COVID-19 through competing risk modeling with bivariate varying coefficients
2209.00182 What is missing in deep music generation? A study of repetition and structure in popular music
2209.00183 ProCo: Prototype-aware Contrastive Learning for Long-tailed Medical Image Classification
2209.00184 Cosmic voids and the kinetic analysis
2209.00185 SketchBetween: Video-to-Video Synthesis for Sprite Animation via Sketches
2209.00187 textit{Ab initio} study on spin fluctuations of itinerant kagome magnet FeSn
2209.00191 Spherical Graph Drawing by Multi-dimensional Scaling
2209.00194 First detection of transverse vertical oscillation during the expansion of coronal loops
2209.00195 Online Data Selection for Federated Learning with Limited Storage
2209.00197 Switchback Experiments under Geometric Mixing
2209.00198 Amplitude/Operator Basis in Chiral Perturbation Theory
2209.00199 Joint Beamforming Design for Intelligent Omni Surface Assisted Wireless Communication Systems
2209.00200 An Ion Exchange Mechanism Inspired Story Ending Generator for Different Characters
2209.00202 The Quest for Omnioculars: Embedded Visualization for Augmenting Basketball Game Viewing Experiences
2209.00203 Observation and dynamic control of a new pathway of H$_3^+$ formation
2209.00206 Free Fermion Cyclic/Symmetric Orbifold CFTs and Entanglement Entropy
2209.00208 Strategies for determining the cascade rate in MHD turbulence: isotropy, anisotropy, and spacecraft sampling
2209.00209 Invariant and Dual Invariant Subspaces of $k$-valued Networks
2209.00210 Probabilistic Deduction: an Approach to Probabilistic Structured Argumentation
2209.00211 A two-grid temporal second-order scheme for the two-dimensional nonlinear Volterra integro-differential equation with weakly singular kernel
2209.00212 Failure of $L^p$ Symmetry of Zonal Spherical Harmonics
2209.00214 Linear maps preserving the Lorentz spectrum of $3 imes 3$ matrices
2209.00215 A Genetic Algorithm-based Framework for Learning Statistical Power Manifold
2209.00218 Isotropic Representation Can Improve Dense Retrieval
2209.00220 ByteStore: Hybrid Layouts for Main-Memory Column Stores
2209.00223 Towards topology optimization of pressure-driven soft robots
2209.00224 1st Place Solution to ECCV 2022 Challenge on Out of Vocabulary Scene Text Understanding: End-to-End Recognition of Out of Vocabulary Words
2209.00225 STDEN: Towards Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Traffic Flow Prediction
2209.00226 Non-Cooperative Resource Management for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Networks
2209.00227 Improved Sparse Vector Code Based on Optimized Spreading Matrix for Short-Packet URLLC in mMTC
2209.00228 Dimensions of projected sets and measures on typical self-affine sets
2209.00231 Scattering of cubic Dirac equations with a general class of Hartree-type nonlinearity for the critical Sobolev data
2209.00233 Delving into the Frequency: Temporally Consistent Human Motion Transfer in the Fourier Space
2209.00234 Mock theta functions and characters of N=3 superconformal modules IV
2209.00235 Global behavior of temporal discretizations for Volterra integrodifferential equations with certain nonsmooth kernels
2209.00236 Non-Hermitian skin effect and lasing of absorbing open-boundary modes in photonic crystals
2209.00237 Effect of the average scalar curvature on Riemannian manifolds
2209.00238 The Geometry and Calculus of Losses
2209.00243 Less is More: Rethinking State-of-the-art Continual Relation Extraction Models with a Frustratingly Easy but Effective Approach
2209.00244 MM-PCQA: Multi-Modal Learning for No-reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment
2209.00246 Extreme Continuous Treatment Effects: Measures, Estimation and Inference
2209.00247 A Modified IEEE 802.15.6 MAC Scheme to Enhance Performance of Wireless Body Area Networks in E-health Applications
2209.00248 Quantitative stability for the complex Monge-Ampere equations
2209.00249 Radio Localization and Sensing -- Part II: State-of-the-art and Challenges
2209.00250 Exploring Effective Information Utilization in Multi-Turn Topic-Driven Conversations
2209.00252 Four-point bending piezoelectric energy harvester with uniform surface strain toward better energy conversion performance and material usage
2209.00253 Planar Black Holes in Holographic Axion Gravity: Islands, Page Times, and Scrambling Times
2209.00254 Spin-dependent metastable He ($2^3$S) atom scattering from ferromagnetic surfaces: potential application to polarized gas production
2209.00256 Reflective Dielectric Cavity Enhanced Emission from Hexagonal Boron Nitride Spin Defect Arrays
2209.00258 Classification of Hamiltonian non-abelian Painlevé type systems
2209.00259 Target Searches of Interacting Brownian Particles
2209.00260 Deep Sparse Conformer for Speech Recognition
2209.00261 Attention Enhanced Citrinet for Speech Recognition
2209.00262 Which anonymization technique is best for which NLP task? -- It depends. A Systematic Study on Clinical Text Processing
2209.00264 Transposed Poisson structures on Galilean and solvable Lie algebras
2209.00265 Structural properties of TaAs Weyl semimetal thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) substrates
2209.00266 Cooperation and competition in the collective drive by motor proteins: Mean active force, fluctuations, and self-load
2209.00267 Energy enhancement of laser-driven ions by radiation reaction and Breit-Wheeler pair production in the ultra-relativistic Breakout-Afterburner regime
2209.00268 Returns-Driven Macro Regimes and Characteristic Lead-Lag Behaviour between Asset Classes
2209.00272 Guided Electromagnetic Discharge Pulses Driven by Short Intense Laser Pulses: Characterisation and Modelling
2209.00273 Combating Noisy Labels in Long-Tailed Image Classification
2209.00275 $B'$
2209.00276 $B$-anomalies in a twin Pati-Salam theory of flavour
2209.00278 Enhancing Semantic Understanding with Self-supervised Methods for Abstractive Dialogue Summarization
2209.00281 Large-Scale Auto-Regressive Modeling Of Street Networks
2209.00282 Broad-band spectral analysis of LMXB 2S 0921-63 with Suzaku
2209.00284 Correlated 1-1000 Hz magnetic field fluctuations from lightning over earth-scale distances and their impact on gravitational wave searches
2209.00285 On the Wick Rotation of the Four-point Function in Conformal Field Theories
2209.00286 On nilpotent Schur groups
2209.00287 Correction to Friis Noise Factors
2209.00288 Imprints of clustering in multiplicity fluctuations
2209.00289 On generalized Schur groups
2209.00290 The SAMI Galaxy Survey: Using concentrated star-formation and stellar population ages to understand environmental quenching
2209.00291 Generating Coherent Drum Accompaniment With Fills And Improvisations
2209.00296 Monocular Camera-based Complex Obstacle Avoidance via Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning
2209.00298 Theoretical description of the first-order phase transition of aluminum from a superconducting to normal state by the current-density functional theory for superconductors
2209.00299 Coded Caching with Shared Caches and Private Caches
2209.00300 Uniaxial strain, topological band singularities and pairing symmetry changes in superconductors
2209.00301 Beyond Diagonal Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: A Multi-Sector Mode Enabling Highly Directional Full-Space Wireless Coverage
2209.00302 Progressive Fusion for Multimodal Integration
2209.00303 Analysis and Numerical Approximation of Stationary Second-Order Mean Field Game Partial Differential Inclusions
2209.00305 Effects of galactic magnetic field on the UHECR correlation studies with starburst galaxies
2209.00307 Memory Tagging: A Memory Efficient Design
2209.00308 On Minimal Critical Independent Sets of Almost Bipartite non-Konig-Egervary Graphs
2209.00309 The Oscillatory Motion of Jupiter's Polar Cyclones Results From Vorticity Dynamics
2209.00310 A geometric convergence formula for the level-increment-truncation approximation of M/G/1-type Markov chains
2209.00311 The ultra narrow FRB20191107B, and the origins of FRB scattering
2209.00312 The enigmatic winds of Wolf-Rayet stars: Results from dynamically consistent atmosphere modelling
2209.00314 Self-Supervised Pretraining for 2D Medical Image Segmentation
2209.00315 Efficient preconditioners for solving dynamical optimal transport via interior point methods
2209.00316 Evolution of boroxol ring in lithium borosilicate glasses using machine-learning potential
2209.00318 Extensions of positive symmetric operators and Krein's uniqueness criteria
2209.00319 Some old and basic facts about random walks on groups
2209.00320 DramatVis Personae: Visual Text Analytics for Identifying Social Biases in Creative Writing
2209.00321 On the unit component of the Newman-Unti group
2209.00322 Unsupervised EHR-based Phenotyping via Matrix and Tensor Decompositions
2209.00323 Directed flow in relativistic resistive magneto-hydrodynamic expansion for symmetric and asymmetric collision systems
2209.00324 Photonic Analogue of a Continuous Time Crystal
2209.00325 MTS Kion Implicit Contextualised Sequential Dataset for Movie Recommendation
2209.00326 High-Field Ultrasonic Study of CeIrIn$_5$
2209.00328 Primes of higher degree and Annihilators of Class groups
2209.00330 Two-dimensional half Chern-Weyl semimetal with multiple screw axes
2209.00331 Optimal Parametrization and Comparative Analysis of Preallocation Methods for Combinatorial Auction-Based Channel Assignment
2209.00332 Large spin-to-charge conversion at the two-dimensional interface of transition metal dichalcogenides and permalloy
2209.00334 Traversability analysis with vision and terrain probing for safe legged robot navigation
2209.00335 Heating a quantum dipolar fluid into a solid
2209.00336 Towards Complementary Characterization of the Chemical Bond
2209.00337 Krull-Remak-Schmidt decompositions in Hom-finite additive categories
2209.00338 Phase estimation of Mach-Zehnder interferometer via Laguerre excitation squeezed state
2209.00340 Weak saturation properties and side conditions
2209.00341 Barrow holographic dark energy models in $fleft( Q ight)$ symmetric teleparallel gravity with Lambert function distribution
2209.00342 One Ontology to Rule Them All: Corner Case Scenarios for Autonomous Driving
2209.00343 B'ezier Gaussian Processes for Tall and Wide Data
2209.00344 An all Froude high order IMEX scheme for the shallow water equations on unstructured Voronoi meshes
2209.00345 A Unified Framework for Consensus and Synchronization on Lie Groups admitting a Bi-Invariant Metric
2209.00346 A correlation inequality for random points in a hypercube with some implications
2209.00348 Kaufman and Falconer estimates for radial projections and a continuum version of Beck's Theorem
2209.00350 Active microrheology of colloidal suspensions of hard cuboids
2209.00351 Find the Funding: Entity Linking with Incomplete Funding Knowledge Bases
2209.00352 New Close Binary Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae from Gaia DR3 Epoch Photometry
2209.00353 AccoMontage2: A Complete Harmonization and Accompaniment Arrangement System
2209.00354 Convergence for varying measures
2209.00356 Sub-nanometer measurement of transient structural changes in dye-doped polystyrene microspheres
2209.00357 Testing Causality in Scientific Modelling Software
2209.00359 On the Vertex Position Number of Graphs
2209.00362 Reduction of $^{222}$Rn-induced Backgrounds in a Hermetic Dual-Phase Xenon Time Projection Chamber
2209.00363 WISDOM Project -- XIII. Feeding molecular gas to the supermassive black hole in the starburst AGN-host galaxy Fairall 49
2209.00364 Identifying Out-of-Distribution Samples in Real-Time for Safety-Critical 2D Object Detection with Margin Entropy Loss
2209.00365 Effect of quintessence on the Nature of Kerr-newman blackhole shadow with clouds of strings
2209.00366 How to Evaluate Explainability? -- A Case for Three Criteria
2209.00367 KoCHET: a Korean Cultural Heritage corpus for Entity-related Tasks
2209.00368 Bribery Can Get Harder in Structured Multiwinner Approval Election
2209.00370 Diameter Minimization by Shortcutting with Degree Constraints
2209.00371 Hidden Author Bias in Book Recommendation
2209.00372 Learning Generative Embeddings using an Optimal Subsampling Policy for Tensor Sketching
2209.00373 A model for an operator in an annulus
2209.00374 Spin contributions to the gravitational-waveform modes for spin-aligned binaries at the 3.5PN order
2209.00375 Second Harmonic Generation from Grating-Coupled Hybrid Plasmon-Phonon Polaritons
2209.00377 Error Bound for the Linear Complementarity Problem using Plus Function
2209.00378 Field theory capable of guaranteeing the initial conditions needed for inflation
2209.00379 Combining Machine Learning and Spectroscopy to Model Reactive Atom + Diatom Collisions
2209.00382 Tracing homotopy path for the solution of nonlinear complementarity Problem
2209.00383 TokenCut: Segmenting Objects in Images and Videos with Self-supervised Transformer and Normalized Cut
2209.00386 Flux reconstruction for the NIR camera CAGIRE at the focus of the Colibrí telescope
2209.00388 Compact modeling technology for the simulation of integrated circuits based on graphene field-effect transistors
2209.00389 Two second Steenrod squares for odd Khovanov homology
2209.00390 Global HI Properties of Galaxies via Super-profile Analysis
2209.00391 A Unified Framework for Estimation of High-dimensional Conditional Factor Models
2209.00392 Secrecy Analysis for IRS-aided Wiretap MIMO Communications: Fundamental Limits and System Design
2209.00393 Has My Release Disobeyed Semantic Versioning? Static Detection Based on Semantic Differencing
2209.00394 The Nudging Effect on Tracking Activity
2209.00395 Orientational melting in a mesoscopic system of charged particles
2209.00396 Decay of correlations and thermodynamic limit for the circular Riesz gas
2209.00397 Optimization of tracker configuration for the CEPC
2209.00400 Memory effects in multipartite systems coupled by non-diagonal dephasing mechanisms
2209.00401 Exponential Lag Synchronization of Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Discrete and Distributed Delays on Time Scales
2209.00402 Chiral Discrimination in Helicity-Preserving Fabry-Pérot Cavities
2209.00404 On the detection of morphing attacks generated by GANs
2209.00406 Smiles in delta
2209.00407 MAPLE: Masked Pseudo-Labeling autoEncoder for Semi-supervised Point Cloud Action Recognition
2209.00409 The Impact of the #MeToo Movement on Language at Court -- A text-based causal inference approach
2209.00410 Discrete global symmetries and dynamics of emergent fermions
2209.00412 Solving a Continent-Scale Inventory Routing Problem at Renault
2209.00413 Characterization and modeling of spiking and bursting in experimental NbOx neuron
2209.00414 Hey, robot! An investigation of getting robot's attention through touch
2209.00415 Relating the multi-angle quantum approximate optimization algorithm and continuous-time quantum walks on dynamic graphs
2209.00417 Bias in IV with Unordered Treatments
2209.00418 Linear Intervals in the Tamari, Dyck and alt-Tamari Lattices
2209.00419 Dynamics of physical properties of a single-mode quantized field nonlinearly and non-resonantly interacting with two V-type three-level atoms passing consecutively through a cavity
2209.00420 Magnetoelectricity induced by rippling of magnetic nanomembranes and wires
2209.00421 Review of the AMLAS Methodology for Application in Healthcare
2209.00422 An energetically consistent surface correction method for bond-based peridynamics
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