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09 February 2025

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2301.02538 Automatic segmentation of clear cell renal cell tumors, kidney, and cysts in patients with von Hippel-Lindau syndrome using U-net architecture on magnetic resonance images
2301.02539 On the coalitional decomposition of parameters of interest
2301.02540 Cross-Correlation Forecast of CSST Spectroscopic Galaxy and MeerKAT Neutral Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Surveys
2301.02541 The one step fixed-lag particle smoother as a strategy to improve the prediction step of particle filtering
2301.02544 Invariant Gibbs measures for 1D NLS in a trap
2301.02545 A survey on toric degenerations of projective varieties
2301.02546 A new conversational interaction concept for document creation and editing on mobile devices for visually impaired users
2301.02549 Linear and non-linear machine learning attacks on physical unclonable functions
2301.02550 Differential forms on universal K3 surfaces
2301.02551 Denser glasses relax faster: a competition between rejuvenation and aging during in-situ high pressure compression at the atomic scale
2301.02552 The Limit of the Yang-Mills-Higgs Flow for twisted Higgs pairs
2301.02553 Pushing the Limits of the Periodic Table -- A Review on Atomic Relativistic Electronic Structure Theory and Calculations for the Superheavy Elements
2301.02554 MSCDA: Multi-level Semantic-guided Contrast Improves Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Breast MRI Segmentation in Small Datasets
2301.02555 "No, to the Right" -- Online Language Corrections for Robotic Manipulation via Shared Autonomy
2301.02557 The Ulam-Hammersley problem for multiset permutations
2301.02558 General relativistic effects and the near-infrared and X-ray variability of Sgr A* I
2301.02559 Forbidden emission lines in protostellar outflows and jets with MUSE
2301.02560 Beyond web-scraping: Crowd-sourcing a geographically diverse image dataset
2301.02561 Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Prediction at Intersections using State and Intention Information
2301.02563 Classicality with(out) decoherence: Concepts, relation to Markovianity, and a random matrix theory approach
2301.02564 Early Insights for Atmospheric Retrievals of Exoplanets using JWST Transit Spectroscopy
2301.02565 Accelerated Expansion of the Universe in Non-minimally Coupled Gravity
2301.02568 Nematic Torques in Scalar Active Matter: when Fluctuations Favor Polar Order and Persistence
2301.02569 Finding and Counting Patterns in Sparse Graphs
2301.02571 APC Nb$_3$Sn superconductors based on internal oxidation of Nb-Ta-Hf alloys
2301.02572 Formation of Magnetic Switchbacks Observed by Parker Solar Probe
2301.02573 Exact Controllability for a Schrödinger equation with dynamic boundary conditions
2301.02574 Gamma-ray Emission from Galaxies Hosting Molecular Outflows
2301.02575 Cognitive Endurance, Talent Selection, and the Labor Market Returns to Human Capital
2301.02577 Capturing the dynamics of Ti diffusion across Ti$_x$W$_{1-x}$/Cu heterostructures using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
2301.02579 Singularities from Hyperentropic regions using the Quantum Expansion
2301.02581 Acoustic detection of UHE neutrinos: ANDIAMO perspectives
2301.02582 Immersed Boundary Method for the Complete Electrode Model in Electrical Impedance Tomography
2301.02583 Elastic diffeological spaces
2301.02584 The Bright Extragalactic ALMA Redshift Survey (BEARS) II: Millimetre photometry of gravitational lens candidates
2301.02587 Holographic duals of evaporating black holes
2301.02590 Studies on the Transcorrelated Method
2301.02591 A new proof of gluing formula for analytic torsion forms
2301.02593 Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Fast-Timescale Demand Response of Residential Loads
2301.02595 Impact of dark excitons on Förster type resonant energy transfer between dye molecules and atomically thin semiconductors
2301.02597 Neural mixture model association of seismic phases
2301.02599 Wigner--Yanase--Dyson function and logarithmic mean
2301.02603 Contextual Autonomy Evaluation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Subterranean Environments
2301.02606 Complexes of stable $infty$-categories
2301.02607 A Data-Driven Gaussian Process Filter for Electrocardiogram Denoising
2301.02608 A CAD System for Colorectal Cancer from WSI: A Clinically Validated Interpretable ML-based Prototype
2301.02612 Single-point spin Chern number in a supercell framework
2301.02613 Learning Deep MRI Reconstruction Models from Scratch in Low-Data Regimes
2301.02614 Quadrupole deformation signatures in elastic electron scattering from oriented odd-A nuclei
2301.02615 Silent Killer: Optimizing Backdoor Trigger Yields a Stealthy and Powerful Data Poisoning Attack
2301.02616 On the Width of the Regular $n$-Simplex
2301.02617 Linear topological invariants for kernels of differential operators by shifted fundamental solutions
2301.02618 Functions on the commuting stack via Langlands duality
2301.02622 What does a typical full-disc around a post-AGB binary look like? -- Radiative transfer models reproducing PIONIER, GRAVITY, and MATISSE data
2301.02624 Shapovalov elements of classical and quantum groups
2301.02625 Strong solution of stochastic differential equations with discontinuous and unbounded coefficients
2301.02626 A hierarchical equations of motion (HEOM) analog for systems with delay: illustrated on inter-cavity photon propagation
2301.02627 Pre-Lie algebras, their multiplicative lattice, and idempotent endomorphisms
2301.02628 Pinnacle sets of signed permutations
2301.02631 Holographic inflation in $f(R,T)$ gravity
2301.02633 Counterexamples to a divergence lower bound for the covariant derivative of skew-symmetric 2-tensor fields
2301.02637 A quantum pricing-based column generation framework for hard combinatorial problems
2301.02639 Filtered skew derivations on simple artinian rings
2301.02641 Can the double-slit experiment distinguish between quantum interpretations?
2301.02642 Triple-stream Deep Metric Learning of Great Ape Behavioural Actions
2301.02643 Auto-Assembly: a framework for automated robotic assembly directly from CAD
2301.02645 The Generalized Kauffman-Harary Conjecture is True
2301.02646 Trajectories for the Optimal Collection of Information
2301.02647 Universal adaptive optics for microscopy through embedded neural network control
2301.02648 Climate change heterogeneity: A new quantitative approach
2301.02652 Diverse Carbonates in Exoplanet Oceans Promote the Carbon Cycle
2301.02653 Single electron-spin-resonance detection by microwave photon counting
2301.02654 Does compressing activations help model parallel training?
2301.02656 TDCOSMO. XIII. Improved Hubble constant measurement from lensing time delays using spatially resolved stellar kinematics of the lens galaxy
2301.02657 TarViS: A Unified Approach for Target-based Video Segmentation
2301.02662 Robust knapsack ordering for a partially-informed newsvendor with budget constraint
2301.02664 Lindbladian-Induced Alignment in Quantum Measurements
2301.02665 Discovery of structure-property relations for molecules via hypothesis-driven active learning over the chemical space
2301.02667 Locomotion-Action-Manipulation: Synthesizing Human-Scene Interactions in Complex 3D Environments
2301.02668 A Framework for Large Scale Particle Filters Validated with Data Assimilation for Weather Simulation
2301.02669 Microphysical plasma relations from kinetic modelling of special-relativistic turbulence
2301.02672 Detecting the heterodyning of gravitational waves
2301.02673 Data-driven discovery and extrapolation of parameterized pattern-forming dynamics
2301.02674 Molecular Mapping of DR Tau's Protoplanetary Disk, Envelope, Outflow, and Large-Scale Spiral Arm
2301.02675 Testing AGN outflow and accretion models with CIV and HeII emission line demographics in z=2 quasars
2301.02676 Ionizing radiation escape enabled by galaxy merger in reionization-era analog galaxy
2301.02678 The pristine nature of SMSS 1605$-$1443 revealed by ESPRESSO
2301.02679 Grokking modular arithmetic
2301.02680 Goldstone bosons and fluctuating hydrodynamics with dipole and momentum conservation
2301.02682 How, where and when do cosmic rays reach ultrahigh energies?
2301.02683 Classifying topological neural network quantum states via diffusion maps
2301.02684 Rhapsody-C simulations -- Anisotropic thermal conduction, black hole physics, and the robustness of massive galaxy cluster scaling relations
2301.02685 Gauss-Manin equations for propagators in the case of arbitrary masses
2301.02686 Structural spillage: an efficient method to identify non-crystalline topological materials
2301.02689 Spin Transport in Magnetically Ordered Systems: Ferromagnets, Antiferromagnets and Frustrated Systems
2301.02690 Hypothesis Testing for Error Mitigation: How to Evaluate Error Mitigation
2301.02691 Systems for Parallel and Distributed Large-Model Deep Learning Training
2301.02692 Isotonic Recalibration under a Low Signal-to-Noise Ratio
2301.02693 Design of Arabic Sign Language Recognition Model
2301.02695 Witscript 3: A Hybrid AI System for Improvising Jokes in a Conversation
2301.02696 Band unfolding with a general transformation matrix: from code implementation to interpretation of photoemission spectra
2301.02697 Preferences on Ranked-Choice Ballots
2301.02702 KomaMRI.jl: An Open-Source Framework for General MRI Simulations with GPU Acceleration
2301.02703 RUPNet: Residual upsampling network for real-time polyp segmentation
2301.02704 Rivet and the analysis preservation in heavy-ion collisions experiments
2301.02705 Covariance loss, Szemeredi regularity, and differential privacy
2301.02706 Supercurrent diode effect in thin film Nb tracks
2301.02708 Few-shot Node Classification with Extremely Weak Supervision
2301.02709 Inhibitory motor signals gate mechanosensory processing in C. eleagns
2301.02710 Using photometric redshift data to improve the detection of galactic filaments with the Bisous model
2301.02711 Autonomy for Ferries and Harbour Buses: a Collision Avoidance Perspective
2301.02712 Dynamics inside Fatou sets in higher dimensions
2301.02715 DoD Stabilization of linear hyperbolic PDEs on general cut-cell meshes
2301.02716 First-principles Investigation of Electrides Derived from Sodalites
2301.02717 Thick trace at infinity for the Hyperbolic Radial Spanning Tree
2301.02718 CGM$^2$ $+$ CASBaH: The Mass Dependence of H~I Ly$α$-Galaxy Clustering and the Extent of the CGM
2301.02719 SDSS DR17: The Cosmic Slime Value Added Catalog
2301.02720 On travelling waves of a control-volume model for liquid films flowing down a fibre
2301.02721 WS$_2$ Band Gap Renormalization Induced by Tomonaga Luttinger Liquid Formation in Mirror Twin Boundaries
2301.02722 Covariant definition of Double Null Data and geometric uniqueness of the characteristic initial value problem
2301.02723 CFG2VEC: Hierarchical Graph Neural Network for Cross-Architectural Software Reverse Engineering
2301.02724 Facilitating Contrastive Learning of Discourse Relational Senses by Exploiting the Hierarchy of Sense Relations
2301.02725 Spatio-Temporal Comparisons of the Hydrogen-Alpha Line Width and ALMA 3 mm Brightness Temperature in the Weak Solar Network
2301.02726 Augmenting Ego-Vehicle for Traffic Near-Miss and Accident Classification Dataset using Manipulating Conditional Style Translation
2301.02727 Parker Solar Probe: Four Years of Discoveries at Solar Cycle Minimum
2301.02729 A Characterization of Multilabel Learnability
2301.02730 Dimension Constraints in Some Problems Involving Intermediate Curvature
2301.02731 Attention-LSTM for Multivariate Traffic State Prediction on Rural Roads
2301.02734 Political, economic, and governance attitudes of blockchain users
2301.02735 Designing an Improved Deep Learning-based Model for COVID-19 Recognition in Chest X-ray Images: A Knowledge Distillation Approach
2301.02736 Using External Off-Policy Speech-To-Text Mappings in Contextual End-To-End Automated Speech Recognition
2301.02737 Understanding the (In)Effectiveness of Content Moderation: A Case Study of Facebook in the Context of the U.S. Capitol Riot
2301.02741 TCC bounds on the static patch of de Sitter space
2301.02742 Time change for unipotent flows and rigidity
2301.02744 Indirect controllability of two interacting qubits in presence of dissipation: a first analysis
2301.02748 Conditional Generation of Paired Antibody Chain Sequences through Encoder-Decoder Language Model
2301.02749 Do You Need a Hand? -- An Interactive Robotic Dressing Assistance Scheme
2301.02751 Skew-Hadamard matrices of order 276
2301.02752 Finite normal subgroups of strongly verbally closed groups
2301.02753 Planning and Tracking Control of Full Drive-by-Wire Electric Vehicles in Unstructured Scenario
2301.02755 Brighter and More Massive Galaxies in the Vicinity of Lyman-alpha Nebulae
2301.02756 Saturn's Magnetic Field at Unprecedented Detail Achieved by Cassini's Close Encounters
2301.02759 Two-dimensional topological insulator state in cadmium arsenide thin films
2301.02760 RIC-O: Efficient placement of a disaggregated and distributed RAN Intelligent Controller with dynamic clustering of radio nodes
2301.02761 Active Deep Learning Guided by Efficient Gaussian Process Surrogates
2301.02762 Active control of higher-order topological corner states in a piezoelectric elastic plate
2301.02763 High-temperature thermoelectric properties with Th$_{3-x}$Te$_4$
2301.02764 LAGA: A Learning Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Earth Electromagnetic Satellite Scheduling Problem
2301.02765 Multiplicative Majorana zero-modes
2301.02766 Valley contrasting bulk photovoltaic effect in antiferromagnetic MnPSe$_3$ monolayer
2301.02767 Health Wearables, Gamification, and Healthful Activity
2301.02768 Hadron-quark phase transition in neutron star by combining the relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory and Dyson-Schwinger equation approach
2301.02769 Quantization of the Bateman damping system with conformable derivative
2301.02770 On Primorial Numbers
2301.02772 A note on a Cohen-type theorem for $w$-Artinian modules
2301.02774 Second order Killing tensors related to symmetric spaces
2301.02775 The messy death of a multiple star system and the resulting planetary nebula as observed by JWST
2301.02776 Coherent pair of measures for orthogonal polynomials on lattices
2301.02778 Lightweight Salient Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images via Semantic Matching and Edge Alignment
2301.02779 Choked accretion onto Kerr-Sen black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-Dilation-Axion gravity
2301.02780 Explaining Graph Neural Networks via Non-parametric Subgraph Matching
2301.02781 Knowledge Reasoning via Jointly Modeling Knowledge Graphs and Soft Rules
2301.02782 Superconformal blocks for stress-tensor and chiral operators for 4D $mathcal{N}=2$ superconformal field theories
2301.02783 Can a pure neutron state of matter exist?
2301.02785 Duet: Creating Harmony between Processors and Embedded FPGAs
2301.02786 The JCMT SCUBA-2 Survey of the James Webb Space Telescope North Ecliptic Pole Time-Domain Field
2301.02787 On the long range dependence of time-changed generalized mixed fractional Brownian motion
2301.02789 CGI-Stereo: Accurate and Real-Time Stereo Matching via Context and Geometry Interaction
2301.02790 Investigations on convergence behaviour of Physics Informed Neural Networks across spectral ranges and derivative orders
2301.02791 Faithful and Consistent Graph Neural Network Explanations with Rationale Alignment
2301.02793 Gravitational Waves by Perturbation of a Slowly Rotating Thin-Shell Wormhole
2301.02794 Single crystal growths and magnetic properties of hexagonal polar semimetals RAuGe (R = Y, Gd-Tm, and Lu)
2301.02796 Observation of light thermalization to negative temperature Rayleigh-Jeans equilibrium states in multimode optical fibers
2301.02798 Modulation-Doping a Correlated Electron Insulator
2301.02799 DoD stabilization for higher-order advection in two dimensions
2301.02803 From graph theory and geometric probabilities to a representative width for three-dimensional detonation cells
2301.02804 Radio source analysis services for the SKA and precursors
2301.02805 Significance of Strain Rate in Severe Plastic Deformation on Steady-State Microstructure and Strength
2301.02806 Comment on "Possible Precise Measurement of Delbruck Scattering Using Polarized Photon Beams"
2301.02808 High-efficiency entanglement of two microwave fields in cavity opto-magnomechanical systems
2301.02810 Coping with geometric discontinuities in porous shallow water models
2301.02812 Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimal Control for Multiplicative-Noise Systems with Input Delay
2301.02813 $SU(infty)$-QGR: Emergence of Gravity in an Infinitely Divisible Quantum Universe
2301.02815 Changes in the distribution of circum-binary material around the HMXB GX 301-2 during a rapid spin-up episode of the neutron star
2301.02820 Observations on the Lovász $θ$-Function, Graph Capacity, Eigenvalues, and Strong Products
2301.02821 Confusion noise from Galactic binaries for Taiji
2301.02823 Strichartz estimates for the Schrödinger equation on products of odd-dimensional spheres
2301.02824 Orthogonal magnetic structures of Fe4O5:representation analysis and DFT calculations
2301.02825 Discrete holography in dual-unitary circuits
2301.02826 Boundary conditions dependence of the phase transition in the quantum Newman-Moore model
2301.02827 Lower bounds on par with upper bounds for few-electron atomic energies
2301.02830 Advanced Data Augmentation Approaches: A Comprehensive Survey and Future directions
2301.02831 Joint Beamforming and Phase Shift Design for Hybrid-IRS-aided Directional Modulation Network
2301.02832 J-PET detection modules based on plastic scintillators for performing studies with positron and positronium beams
2301.02834 $n$-photon blockade with an $n$-photon parametric drive
2301.02835 Dark matter freeze-in via a light thermal fermion mediator
2301.02836 Dynamic Local Feature Aggregation for Learning on Point Clouds
2301.02838 Congruences of the $q$-Fibonacci sequence related with its finite transcendence
2301.02839 Method to deterministically generate large-amplitude Optical Schrödinger-cat states
2301.02842 Stratified bundles on the Hilbert Scheme of $n$ points
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