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Articles rated:
20 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2023
12, 1.2023
2301.00607 Including many-body effects into the Wannier-interpolated quadratic photoresponse tensor
2301.00608 Sustained heating of the chromosphere and transition region over a sunspot light bridge
2301.00610 Charging dynamics of electric double layer nanocapacitors in mean-field
2301.00611 Yade Documentation
2301.00615 ChameleMon: Shifting Measurement Attention as Network State Changes
2301.00616 Regularity and stability for solutions to elliptic equations and systems arising from high-contrast composites
2301.00617 Some remarks on convex body domination
2301.00618 An Event-based Algorithm for Simultaneous 6-DOF Camera Pose Tracking and Mapping
2301.00620 Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
2301.00623 Triple Graph Grammars for Multi-version Models
2301.00625 On the saturation stress of deformed metals
2301.00626 Design and analysis of tweet-based election models for the 2021 Mexican legislative election
2301.00627 Instantaneous unboundedness of the entropy and uniform positivity of the temperature for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations with fast decay density
2301.00630 Prediction of the most strange tri-baryon with lattice QCD constrained potentials
2301.00631 Stochastic Variable Metric Proximal Gradient with variance reduction for non-convex composite optimization
2301.00634 Non-Equilibrium Spark Plasma Reactive Doping Enables Highly Adjustable Metal to Insulator Transitions and Improved Mechanical Stability for VO2
2301.00637 Large-Scale Traffic Signal Control by a Nash Deep Q-network Approach
2301.00640 Joint reconstructions of growth and expansion histories from stage-IV surveys with minimal assumptions II: Modified gravity and massive neutrinos
2301.00645 Resonance in quantum field theory
2301.00647 A tau-leaping method for computing joint probability distributions of the first-passage time and position of a Brownian particle
2301.00648 Fast Barrier Option Pricing by the COS BEM Method in Heston Model
2301.00649 On Some Characterizations of General s-Convex Functions
2301.00654 On the existence and uniqueness of solution to a stochastic Chemotaxis-Navier-Stokes model
2301.00655 On Some Characterization of GS-exponential kind of Convex Functions
2301.00661 Constraints from the duration of supernova neutrino burst on resonant light gauge boson production by neutrinos
2301.00663 A Survey of Toric Quivers and BPS Algebras
2301.00683 Simulated annealing, optimization, searching for ground states
2301.00686 Supersymmetric algebra of the massive supermembrane
2301.00689 Comparative analysis of observations of the selected exoplanet transits obtained at the Kyiv Comet station with the database of the orbital telescopes TESS and Kepler
2301.00690 Isotonic Regression Estimators For Simultaneous Estimation of Order Restricted Location/Scale Parameters of a Bivariate Distribution: A Unified Study
2301.00696 On certain generalized notions using $mathcal{I}$-convergence in topological spaces
2301.00697 Complete analysis on QED corrections to $B_{q}, o, τ^+, τ^-$
2301.00699 Gaia search for early-formed andesitic asteroidal crusts
2301.00700 Automata and one-dimensional TQFTs with defects
2301.00702 Hopf monoids in perturbative algebraic quantum field theory
2301.00703 Reduced quiver quantum toroidal algebras
2301.00704 Muse: Text-To-Image Generation via Masked Generative Transformers
2301.00705 White Dwarfs with Infrared Excess from LAMOST Data Release 5
2301.00706 Volumetric and Simultaneous Photoacoustic and Ultrasound Imaging with a Conventional Linear Array in a Multiview Scanning Scheme
2301.00708 Generalized periodicity theorems
2301.00709 Tsetlin Machine Embedding: Representing Words Using Logical Expressions
2301.00710 Honeypot Implementation in a Cloud Environment
2301.00711 On congruence classes of orders of reductions of elliptic curves
2301.00712 On Bilevel Optimization without Lower-level Strong Convexity
2301.00713 Seismic Wave Scattering and Dissipation in Fractured Shales
2301.00714 Learning Road Scene-level Representations via Semantic Region Prediction
2301.00718 Robust Inference for Federated Meta-Learning
2301.00722 Hyperon-nucleon interaction in chiral effective field theory at next-to-next-to-leading order
2301.00725 Learning Invariance from Generated Variance for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
2301.00727 Experimental demonstration of diffusion limitations on resolution and SNR in MR microscopy
2301.00728 The decay $A^0 o h^0 Z^{(*)}$ in the inverted hierarchy scenario and its detection prospects at the Large Hadron Collider
2301.00730 Lifting-wing Quadcopter Modeling and Unified Control
2301.00731 Feuerbach's and Poncelet's theorems meet in space
2301.00732 Improved NP-Hardness of Approximation for Orthogonality Dimension and Minrank
2301.00733 Theoretical investigation of the occurrence of tidally excited oscillations in massive eccentric binary systems
2301.00735 Failure of curvature-dimension conditions on sub-Riemannian manifolds via tangent isometries
2301.00737 Rotational Abstractions for Verification of Quantum Fourier Transform Circuits
2301.00738 Training Differentially Private Graph Neural Networks with Random Walk Sampling
2301.00739 On the Complexity of Sub-Tree Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks with Partial Coverage
2301.00741 Analysis of the first infrared spectrum of quasi-bound H2 line emission in Herbig-Haro 7
2301.00742 Multicomponent Van der Waals model of a nuclear fireball in the freeze-out stage
2301.00744 Odd and even Fibonacci lattices arising from a Garside monoid
2301.00745 Moduli of triples of points in quaternionic hyperbolic geometry
2301.00746 NaQ: Leveraging Narrations as Queries to Supervise Episodic Memory
2301.00747 Time-domain observation of ballistic orbital-angular-momentum currents with giant relaxation length in tungsten
2301.00748 Impact of random and targeted disruptions on information diffusion during outbreaks
2301.00749 Disk Wind Feedback from High-mass Protostars. II. The Evolutionary Sequence
2301.00750 Interactive Control over Temporal-consistency while Stylizing Video Streams
2301.00751 Finite energy well-posedness for nonlinear Schr{ö}dinger equations with non-vanishing conditions at infinity
2301.00752 Point Cloud-based Proactive Link Quality Prediction for Millimeter-wave Communications
2301.00753 Polynomial representation of additive cyclic codes and new quantum codes
2301.00755 Highly Sensitive and Self Powered Ultraviolet Photo Detector based on ZnO Nanorods Coated with TiO$_2$
2301.00759 Avalanche scaling in large neural populations with distributed coupling to multiple dynamical latent variables
2301.00763 Supersymmetric phases of AdS$_4$/CFT$_3$
2301.00764 Bimanual Telemanipulation with Force and Haptic Feedback through an Anthropomorphic Avatar System
2301.00766 Examination of saturation coverage of short polymers using random sequential adsorption algorithm
2301.00770 Dual-band electro-optically steerable antenna
2301.00772 PCRLv2: A Unified Visual Information Preservation Framework for Self-supervised Pre-training in Medical Image Analysis
2301.00773 Well-posedness of the traveling wave problem for the free boundary compressible Navier-Stokes equations
2301.00774 Massive Language Models Can Be Accurately Pruned in One-Shot
2301.00775 Generalized frustration in the multidimensional Kuramoto model
2301.00778 Lecture notes on tree-free regularity structures
2301.00779 Generation and ampleness of coherent sheaves on abelian varieties, with application to Brill-Noether theory
2301.00780 A Linear Stochastic Model of Turbulent Cascades and Fractional Fields
2301.00784 On a determinant formula for some real regular representations
2301.00785 CLIP-Driven Universal Model for Organ Segmentation and Tumor Detection
2301.00786 Sparse Array Design for Dual-Function Radar-Communications System
2301.00787 The Hamilton-Jacobi analysis for higher-order modified gravity
2301.00788 Electrochemical Polishing of Chemical Vapor Deposited Niobium Thin Films
2301.00791 Conjectures for distributions of class groups of extensions of number fields containing roots of unity
2301.00793 Causal Inference (C-inf) -- closed form worst case typical phase transitions
2301.00794 STEPs: Self-Supervised Key Step Extraction from Unlabeled Procedural Videos
2301.00795 Data-Constrained Solar Modeling with GX Simulator
2301.00796 Direct lattice calculation of inclusive hadronic decay rates of the $ au$ lepton
2301.00798 Timely Opportunistic Gossiping in Dense Networks
2301.00800 Preface: Characterisation of Physical Processes from Anomalous Diffusion Data
2301.00801 Causal Inference (C-inf) -- asymmetric scenario of typical phase transitions
2301.00803 Asymptotically compatibility of a class of numerical schemes for a nonlocal traffic flow model
2301.00804 Convex integration above the Onsager exponent for the forced Euler equations
2301.00806 The characterization of $mathbf{(n-1)}$-spheres with $mathbf{n+4}$ vertices having maximal Buchstaber number
2301.00807 New Analytical Approach Based on Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) for Study of Tunable Plasmonic Modes in Graphene-Based Heterostructures
2301.00810 SIRL: Similarity-based Implicit Representation Learning
2301.00815 NeuroExplainer: Fine-Grained Attention Decoding to Uncover Cortical Development Patterns of Preterm Infants
2301.00816 Thermo-optic phase shifter based on hydrogen-doped indium oxide microheater
2301.00817 Computational Performance of a LES Solver for Supersonic Jet Flow Applications
2301.00818 ClusTop: An unsupervised and integrated text clustering and topic extraction framework
2301.00820 Classification of BATSE, Swift, and Fermi Gamma-Ray Bursts from Prompt Emission Alone
2301.00821 Anomalies From the Covariant Derivative Expansion
2301.00822 Detecting Dark Compact Objects in Gaia DR4: A Data Analysis Pipeline for Transient Astrometric Lensing Searches
2301.00823 Bringing data minimization to digital wallets at scale with general-purpose zero-knowledge proofs
2301.00824 A Generic Topological Criterion for Flat Bands in Two Dimensions
2301.00826 Compact stars in Quantum Field Theory
2301.00827 Anomaly Cancellation in Effective Field Theories From the Covariant Derivative Expansion
2301.00830 Evidence for AGN-Regulated Cooling in Clusters at $z sim 1.4$: A Multi-Wavelength View of SPT-CL J0607-4448
2301.00831 Intersection theory of polymatroids
2301.00832 The Issues with Journal Issues: Let Journals Be Digital Libraries
2301.00833 Hyperuniform disordered parametric loudspeaker array
2301.00841 Ranking Differential Privacy
2301.00842 Skewed Anosov flows are orbit equivalent to Reeb-Anosov flows in dimension 3
2301.00843 Explicitly Solvable Continuous-time Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes
2301.00844 Understanding the main failure scenarios of subsea blowout preventers systems: An approach through Latent Semantic Analysis
2301.00845 Weak solutions to the near-field reflector problem with spatial restrictions approached with generalized reflectors constructed from ellipsoids
2301.00847 Popularity Ranking of Database Management Systems
2301.00849 Small-World Formation via Local Information
2301.00853 Tweet's popularity dynamics
2301.00854 PHANGS-JWST First Results: Mapping the 3.3 micron Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Vibrational Band in Nearby Galaxies with NIRCam Medium Bands
2301.00855 Experimental Status of Jets in Heavy-Ion Collisions
2301.00860 Dijet azimuthal decorrelation in $e^+e^-$ annihilation
2301.00861 Hardware Abstractions and Hardware Mechanisms to Support Multi-Task Execution on Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays
2301.00863 Sensitivity Analysis of the Current, the Electrostatic Capacity, and the Far-Field of the Potential with Respect to Small Perturbations in the Surface of a Conductor
2301.00864 Bond-based nonlocal models by nonlocal operator method in symmetric support domain
2301.00865 Implicit-Explicit Multirate Infinitesimal Stage-Restart Methods
2301.00866 3DSGrasp: 3D Shape-Completion for Robotic Grasp
2301.00868 Group gradings on infinite dimensional upper triangular matrices
2301.00869 On the existence of an intermediate phase in the antiferromagnetic Ising model on an face-centered cubic lattice
2301.00870 Enhanced prospects for direct detection of inelastic dark matter from a non-galactic diffuse component
2301.00871 Measuring nonlocal three-body spatial correlations with Rydberg trimers in ultracold quantum gases
2301.00872 Pre-acceleration in the Electron Foreshock II: Oblique Whistler Waves
2301.00877 On the new possibility of pulse accumulation of UCN
2301.00878 Science Platforms for Heliophysics Data Analysis
2301.00879 Resident Population Density-Inspired Deployment of K-tier Aerial Cellular Network
2301.00881 PHANGS-JWST First Results: The Dust Filament Network of NGC 628 and its Relation to Star Formation Activity
2301.00882 What is Cognitive Computing? An Architecture and State of The Art
2301.00883 The minimal projective bundle dimension and toric $2$-Fano manifolds
2301.00887 Towards Computer-Vision Based Vineyard Navigation for Quadruped Robots
2301.00888 SAFEMYRIDES: Application of Decentralized Control Edge-Computing to Ridesharing Monitoring Services
2301.00890 Estimating Distributions with Low-dimensional Structures Using Mixtures of Generative Models
2301.00891 Understanding Political Polarisation using Language Models: A dataset and method
2301.00895 A strengthened Kadison's transitivity theorem for unital JB$^*$-algebras with applications to the Mazur--Ulam property
2301.00896 Efficient Robustness Assessment via Adversarial Spatial-Temporal Focus on Videos
2301.00897 Game of Intelligent Life
2301.00898 Permutation Statistics in Conjugacy Classes of the Symmetric Group
2301.00900 State and parameter learning with PaRIS particle Gibbs
2301.00901 Towards Modeling and Influencing the Dynamics of Human Learning
2301.00902 Modularity of counting functions of convex planar polygons with rationality conditions
2301.00903 Magnetic Reconnection as the Driver of the Solar Wind
2301.00907 Scale-dependent elasticity as a probe of universal heterogeneity in equilibrium amorphous solids
2301.00909 Multidimensional Item Response Theory in the Style of Collaborative Filtering
2301.00910 Causal Inference in Recommender Systems: A Survey of Strategies for Bias Mitigation, Explanation, and Generalization
2301.00911 Detecting Information Relays in Deep Neural Networks
2301.00912 Distributed Machine Learning for UAV Swarms: Computing, Sensing, and Semantics
2301.00914 On the Kaniadakis distributions applied in statistical physics and natural sciences
2301.00915 Entanglement and work statistics in the driven open system
2301.00916 Individual Path Recommendation Under Public Transit Service Disruptions Considering Behavior Uncertainty
2301.00918 Evaluation of Public Transit Systems under Short Random Service Suspensions: A Bulk-Service Queuing Approach
2301.00919 The Massless Electron limit of the Vlasov-Poisson-Landau system
2301.00920 Five Common Misconceptions About Privacy-Preserving Internet of Things
2301.00921 Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Count Data
2301.00922 Faster Approximate Dynamic Programming by Freezing Slow States
2301.00923 Exploring Complex Dynamical Systems via Nonconvex Optimization
2301.00924 Improving Performance in Neural Networks by Dendrites-Activated Connections
2301.00926 A lift of West's stack-sorting map to partition diagrams
2301.00928 AI-Driven Confidential Computing across Edge-to-Cloud Continuum
2301.00930 Data Valuation Without Training of a Model
2301.00931 Optimal Grid Layouts for Hybrid Offshore Assets in the North Sea under Different Market Designs
2301.00933 OTFS-SCMA: A Downlink NOMA Scheme for Massive Connectivity in High Mobility Channels
2301.00934 Finding the Most Transferable Tasks for Brain Image Segmentation
2301.00936 Control and Dynamic Motion Planning for a Hybrid Air-Underwater Quadrotor: Minimizing Energy Use in a Flooded Cave Environment
2301.00940 Interior $W^{2,p}$ estimate for small perturbations to the complex Monge-Ampere equation
2301.00942 Deep Learning and Computational Physics (Lecture Notes)
2301.00943 Characterizing Architecture Related Posts and Their Usefulness in Stack Overflow
2301.00944 Temporal Difference Learning with Compressed Updates: Error-Feedback meets Reinforcement Learning
2301.00945 On Euclidean, Hermitian and symplectic quasi-cyclic complementary dual codes
2301.00949 Very low state in PY Per in 2022
2301.00953 Carrollian Yang-Mills Theory
2301.00954 PanopticPartFormer++: A Unified and Decoupled View for Panoptic Part Segmentation
2301.00956 Shadows of quintessential dark energy black holes in the domain of outer communication
2301.00958 Transverse circular photogalvanic effect associated with Lorentz-violating Weyl fermions
2301.00959 Developing a highly sensitive $^{222}$Rn concentration measurement system for the water Cherenkov detector of Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory
2301.00960 The Wiener criterion for fully nonlinear elliptic equations
2301.00961 Some Properties of Internal Locale Morphisms Externalised
2301.00962 The derived moduli stack of logarithmic flat connections
2301.00963 Morse numbers of function germs with isolated singularities
2301.00964 e-Inu: Simulating A Quadruped Robot With Emotional Sentience
2301.00965 OccluMix: Towards De-Occlusion Virtual Try-on by Semantically-Guided Mixup
2301.00967 A fast and accurate kernel-based independence test with applications to high-dimensional and functional data
2301.00969 Boosting Neural Networks to Decompile Optimized Binaries
2301.00971 Low-Temperature Chemical Vapor Deposition of Copper(II) Sulfide Crystals and its Nonlinear Optical Response
2301.00973 Detecting Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy from Fundus Images using Ensembled Transformers
2301.00977 Milliarcsecond Structures of Variable Peaked-Spectrum Sources
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