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Articles rated:
25 January 2025
Articles index
2025, 2023
12, 1.2023
2301.01657 Cryptographic Group and Semigroup Actions
2301.01660 Projection predictive variable selection for discrete response families with finite support
2301.01665 Numerical investigation of the sharp-interface limit of the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard equations
2301.01667 Learning-based MPC from Big Data Using Reinforcement Learning
2301.01668 Construction of storage codes of rates approaching one on triangle-free graphs
2301.01670 Symmetric fractional order reduction method with $L1$ scheme on graded mesh for time fractional nonlocal diffusion-wave equation of Kirchhoff type
2301.01674 Top-down fabrication of atomic patterns in twisted bilayer graphene
2301.01676 New Lower Bounds against Homogeneous Non-Commutative Circuits
2301.01677 A Bayesian mixture model captures temporal and spatial structure of voting blocs within longitudinal referendum data
2301.01678 High-order projection-based upwind method for implicit large eddy simulation
2301.01679 COVID-Net USPro: An Open-Source Explainable Few-Shot Deep Prototypical Network to Monitor and Detect COVID-19 Infection from Point-of-Care Ultrasound Images
2301.01681 Tower of quantum scars in a partially many-body localized system
2301.01682 DOT: Fast Cell Type Decomposition of Spatial Omics by Optimal Transport
2301.01683 Mid-Infrared spectroscopy of impactites from the Noerdlinger Ries impact crater
2301.01685 Global existence and decay of small solutions for quasi-linear second-order uniformly dissipative hyperbolic-hyperbolic systems
2301.01686 String Field Theory -- A Modern Introduction
2301.01687 Tropical Mirror Symmetry: Correlation functions
2301.01690 Proofs as stateful programs: A first-order logic with abstract Hoare triples, and an interpretation into an imperative language
2301.01693 Mortality modeling at old-age: an mixture model approach
2301.01695 Non-free sections of Fano fibrations
2301.01696 Parameterised and Fine-grained Subgraph Counting, modulo $2$
2301.01697 Spectral analysis and $k$-spine decomposition of inhomogeneous branching Brownian motions. Genealogies in fully pushed fronts
2301.01698 Quantum Energy Inequalities along stationary worldlines
2301.01699 Data-driven modelling of turbine wake interactions and flow resistance in large wind farms
2301.01700 Non-Adaptive Matroid Prophet Inequalities
2301.01701 Extending Source Code Pre-Trained Language Models to Summarise Decompiled Binaries
2301.01702 Automating Nearest Neighbor Search Configuration with Constrained Optimization
2301.01703 Technology Trends for Massive MIMO towards 6G
2301.01706 On-chip Hong-Ou-Mandel interference from separate quantum dot emitters in an integrated circuit
2301.01707 Implementation of hyperbolic complex numbers in Julia language
2301.01708 Extremal problems for the eccentricity matrices of complements of trees
2301.01709 Novel topological black holes from thermodynamics and deforming horizons
2301.01710 Optimization of the Analysis of Vital Events Using Threads
2301.01711 Mobility edges and Lyapunov exponents of one dimensional mosaic models with nonreciprocal hopping
2301.01716 First-order penalty methods for bilevel optimization
2301.01720 Augmenting data-driven models for energy systems through feature engineering: A Python framework for feature engineering
2301.01721 Restricted variational principle of Lyapunov exponents for typical cocycles
2301.01722 Reaching the boundary between stellar kinematic groups and very wide binaries. IV. The widest Washington double star systems with rho > 1000 arcsec in Gaia DR3
2301.01723 Instability of the cosmological DBI-Galileon in the non-relativistic limit
2301.01724 Super-resolution with Binary Priors: Theory and Algorithms
2301.01725 Including the effect of depth-uniform ambient currents on waves in a non-hydrostatic wave-flow model
2301.01726 Anisotropic Quantum Hall Droplets
2301.01727 Classical Solutions of the Degenerate Fifth Painlev'e Equation
2301.01728 Preparation and Characterization of NixMn0.25-xMg0.75Fe2O4 Nano-ferrite as NO2 Gas Sensing Material
2301.01729 Locally adaptive aggregation of organisms under death risk in rock-paper-scissors models
2301.01730 Multitime Quantum Communication: Interesting But Not Counterfactual
2301.01731 GUAP: Graph Universal Attack Through Adversarial Patching
2301.01732 UNAEN: Unsupervised Abnomality Extraction Network for MRI Motion Artifact Reduction
2301.01734 Super-resolution with Sparse Arrays: A Non-Asymptotic Analysis of Spatio-temporal Trade-offs
2301.01735 Normed spaces using intrinsically Lipschitz sections and Extension Theorem for the intrinsically H"older sections
2301.01737 Episodes Discovery Recommendation with Multi-Source Augmentations
2301.01738 Quasiconformal contact foliations
2301.01739 Refactorisation in subleading $ar B o X_s gamma$
2301.01741 Graph state-space models
2301.01742 Tight Distortion Bounds for Distributed Single-Winner Metric Voting on a Line
2301.01743 Chatbots as Problem Solvers: Playing Twenty Questions with Role Reversals
2301.01745 Two-Point Functions of Composite Twist Fields in the Ising Field Theory
2301.01746 An efficient and quantitative phase-field model for elastically heterogeneous two-phase solids based on a partial rank-one homogenization scheme
2301.01747 A computationally efficient and mechanically compatible multi-phase-field model applied to coherently stressed three-phase solids
2301.01748 Cost-Sensitive Stacking: an Empirical Evaluation
2301.01749 Geometric foundations for classical $operatorname{U}(1)$-gauge theory on noncommutative manifolds
2301.01750 Comparison of Azzalini and Geometric Skew Normal Distributions Under Bayesian Paradigm
2301.01751 Iterated Decomposition: Improving Science Q&A by Supervising Reasoning Processes
2301.01752 The Hermite-Taylor Correction Function Method for Embedded Boundary and Maxwell's Interface Problems
2301.01753 Generalizing Yee's method: Scalable geometric higher-order FEEC algorithms for Maxwell's equations on an unstructured mesh
2301.01754 Status of leptoquark models after LHC Run-2 and discovery prospects at future colliders
2301.01755 Autonomous Drone Racing: A Survey
2301.01756 Dynamic Viscosity of Methane and Carbon Dioxide Hydrate Systems from Pure Water at High-Pressure Driving Forces
2301.01757 Molecular dynamics predictions of transport properties for carbon dioxide hydrates under pre-nucleation conditions using TIP4P/Ice water and EPM2, TraPPE, and Zhang carbon dioxide potentials
2301.01759 Microgrid Optimal Energy Scheduling with Risk Analysis
2301.01760 Using Science Education Gateways to improve undergraduate STEM education: The QUBES Platform as a case study
2301.01761 Lyman-alpha Scattering Models Trace Accretion and Outflow Kinematics in T Tauri Systems
2301.01763 Statics and Dynamics of non-Hermitian Many-Body Localization
2301.01764 UniHD at TSAR-2022 Shared Task: Is Compute All We Need for Lexical Simplification?
2301.01765 Some ring-theoretic properties of rings via Frobenius and monoidal maps
2301.01766 Learning Gaussian Mixtures Using the Wasserstein-Fisher-Rao Gradient Flow
2301.01767 Self-Supervised Video Forensics by Audio-Visual Anomaly Detection
2301.01769 Comprehensive analysis of gene expression profiles to radiation exposure reveals molecular signatures of low-dose radiation response
2301.01771 Exploring Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Important Factors Leading to Injury in Curve Related Crashes
2301.01773 Large eddy simulations of turbulent compressible supersonic jet flows using discontinous Galerkin methods
2301.01776 Exploring the stellar populations of backsplash galaxies
2301.01777 Intrinsically-multilayer moiré heterostructures
2301.01778 Quantum relaxation for quadratic programs over orthogonal matrices
2301.01779 The James Webb Space Telescope Mission: Optical Telescope Element Design, Development, and Performance
2301.01780 Superradiant axion clouds around asteroid-mass primordial black holes
2301.01782 A broad-line quasar with unexplained extreme velocity offsets: post-shock outflow?
2301.01784 Local positive feedback in the overall negative: the impact of quasar winds on star formation in the FIRE cosmological simulations
2301.01785 The temperature dependency of Wolf-Rayet-type mass loss: An exploratory study for winds launched by the hot iron bump
2301.01786 Is Yang-Mills Theory Unitary in Fractional Spacetime Dimensions?
2301.01787 Measuring out quasi-local integrals of motion from entanglement
2301.01788 Nucleon Energy Correlators for the Color Glass Condensate
2301.01789 Vortex weighing and dating of planets in protoplanetary discs
2301.01790 Smooth forecasting with the smooth package in R
2301.01791 Fully Automated Artery-Vein ratio and vascular tortuosity measurement in retinal fundus images
2301.01792 Saturation of fishbone modes by self-generated zonal flows in tokamak plasmas
2301.01793 Interior H"older estimate for the linearized complex Monge-Ampere equation
2301.01794 Several classical identities via Mellin's transform
2301.01796 Recursive classification of satellite imaging time-series: An application to water and land cover mapping
2301.01798 The IXPE view of GRB 221009A
2301.01799 The HETDEX Survey: Emission Line Exploration and Source Classification
2301.01800 Arithmetic Properties Of $ell$-adic 'Etale Cohomology and Nearby Cycles of Rigid-Analytic Spaces
2301.01802 MonoEdge: Monocular 3D Object Detection Using Local Perspectives
2301.01805 Unsupervised Manifold Linearizing and Clustering
2301.01806 Renormalon-chain contributions to two-point correlators of nonlocal quark currents
2301.01807 fintech-kMC: Agent based simulations of financial platforms for design and testing of machine learning systems
2301.01808 MessageNet: Message Classification using Natural Language Processing and Meta-data
2301.01809 Significant Digits: Using Large-Scale Blockchain Data to Predict Fraudulent Addresses
2301.01817 Evaluation of Induced Expert Knowledge in Causal Structure Learning by NOTEARS
2301.01819 A Protocol for Intelligible Interaction Between Agents That Learn and Explain
2301.01820 InPars-v2: Large Language Models as Efficient Dataset Generators for Information Retrieval
2301.01821 Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Design Spaces
2301.01822 On the Existence of Symplectic Barriers
2301.01823 Individual frailty excess hazard models in cancer epidemiology
2301.01824 Privacy and Efficiency of Communications in Federated Split Learning
2301.01825 Thermal dependence of the hydrated proton and optimal proton transfer
2301.01827 A GOA-Based Fault-Tolerant Trajectory Tracking Control for an Underwater Vehicle of Multi-Thruster System without Actuator Saturation
2301.01828 On Sequential Bayesian Inference for Continual Learning
2301.01829 Fragment-based t-SMILES for de novo molecular generation
2301.01830 Search for an Ultraviolet Zero in the Seven-Loop Beta Function of the $lambda phi^4_4$ Theory
2301.01833 Classical multivariate Hermite coordinate interpolation in n-dimensional grid
2301.01834 Two Families of Cremona Maps and orthogonal Krall-Jacobi Polynomials
2301.01836 A Quantum-Inspired Binary Optimization Algorithm for Representative Selection
2301.01837 A Meta-Learning Algorithm for Interrogative Agendas
2301.01838 PMP: Privacy-Aware Matrix Profile against Sensitive Pattern Inference for Time Series
2301.01839 The dimension of an orbitope based on a solution to the Legendre pair problem
2301.01840 Towards a Unified User Interface for Visual Analysis of Retinal Data in Ophthalmology
2301.01841 Automatic Classification of Single Tree Decay Stages from Combined ALS Data and Aerial Imagery using Machine Learning
2301.01842 Detecting Neighborhood Gentrification at Scale via Street-level Visual Data
2301.01844 Solving Unsplittable Network Flow Problems with Decision Diagrams
2301.01845 Sign-changing bubble tower solutions for sinh-Poisson type equations on pierced domains
2301.01846 Monotone rearrangement does not increase generalized Campanato norm in VMO
2301.01847 Probabilistic Genotype-Phenotype Maps Reveal Mutational Robustness of RNA Folding, Spin Glasses, and Quantum Circuits
2301.01848 Correcting one error in channels with feedback
2301.01849 NODAGS-Flow: Nonlinear Cyclic Causal Structure Learning
2301.01851 Quantum Machine Learning: from physics to software engineering
2301.01853 Kagome qubit ice
2301.01854 Solving The Ordinary Least Squares in Closed Form, Without Inversion or Normalization
2301.01855 Weak Deflection Angle, Hawking Radiation and Greybody Bound of Reissner-Nordström Black Hole Corrected by Bounce Parameter
2301.01857 Geometric G-functions and Atypicality
2301.01858 Can the Schrodinger dynamics explain measurement?
2301.01860 Dynamical mean-field theory for the Hubbard-Holstein model on a quantum device
2301.01862 Review: Graphene oxide 2D thin films for high performance nonlinear integrated photonics
2301.01864 Instance-based Explanations for Gradient Boosting Machine Predictions with AXIL Weights
2301.01865 Dynamics of active particles with translational and rotational inertia
2301.01866 Rational Schur Superalgebras
2301.01867 Unsupervised High Impedance Fault Detection Using Autoencoder and Principal Component Analysis
2301.01868 Lattice Boltzmann Model in General Curvilinear Coordinates Applied to Exactly Solvable 2D Flow Problems
2301.01869 Enabling Ice Core Science on Mars and Ocean Worlds
2301.01870 A nonlinear elasticity problem with no local but many global minimizers unrelated by symmetry
2301.01872 Smallest nonabelian quotients of surface braid groups
2301.01873 Free energy and specific heat near a quantum critical point of a metal
2301.01877 When Cyber Aggression Prediction Meets BERT on Social Media
2301.01878 Cluster-shell competition and effect of adding hyperons
2301.01879 Learning Feature Recovery Transformer for Occluded Person Re-identification
2301.01882 InsPro: Propagating Instance Query and Proposal for Online Video Instance Segmentation
2301.01883 Local electronic structure of dilute hydrogen in $β$-Ga$_2$O$_3$ probed by muons
2301.01884 Local Fluctuations in Cavity Control of Ferroelectricity
2301.01885 Enhancement attacks in biomedical machine learning
2301.01887 A Novel Exploitative and Explorative GWO-SVM Algorithm for Smart Emotion Recognition
2301.01888 Nondeterministic efficient cooling with a near-unit probability
2301.01889 FPGA Implementation of SIMON-128 Cryptographic Algorithm Using Artix-7
2301.01890 Modular Mix-and-Match Complementation of B"{u}chi Automata (Technical Report)
2301.01891 Prime Graph and Its Structures
2301.01893 GIVL: Improving Geographical Inclusivity of Vision-Language Models with Pre-Training Methods
2301.01894 Urban-Semantic Computer Vision: A Framework for Contextual Understanding of People in Urban Spaces
2301.01897 A non-vanishing result on the singularity category
2301.01898 Fast Replica Exchange Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics
2301.01899 On Sparse Regression LDPC Codes
2301.01900 False Alarms Revealed in a Planet Search of TESS Light Curves
2301.01902 What is in a Text-to-Image Prompt: The Potential of Stable Diffusion in Visual Arts Education
2301.01904 Piloting Virtual Reality Photo-Based Tours among Students of a Filipino Language Class: A Case of Emergency Remote Teaching in Japan
2301.01905 FireFly: A High-Throughput and Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerator for Spiking Neural Networks
2301.01906 Realtime Safety Control for Bipedal Robots to Avoid Multiple Obstacles via CLF-CBF Constraints
2301.01907 Graphic Elementary Lift of Cographic Matroids
2301.01908 Virtual Reality Photo-based Tours for Teaching Filipino Vocabulary in an Online Class in Japan: Transitioning into the New Normal
2301.01909 Solid-solid phase transitions in the "near-liquid" limit
2301.01910 Differentiability of the largest Lyapunov exponent for planar open billiards
2301.01911 TractGraphCNN: anatomically informed graph CNN for classification using diffusion MRI tractography
2301.01913 Training a Deep Q-Learning Agent Inside a Generic Constraint Programming Solver
2301.01914 Accuracy and Fidelity Comparison of Luna and DALL-E 2 Diffusion-Based Image Generation Systems
2301.01916 The sharp bound of the third Hankel determinant for inverse of convex functions
2301.01919 Scalable Communication for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning via Transformer-Based Email Mechanism
2301.01922 Open-Set Face Identification on Few-Shot Gallery by Fine-Tuning
2301.01923 Two-dimensional Heisenberg models with materials-dependent superexchange interactions
2301.01924 Diagonalization Games
2301.01927 Towards simultaneous coherent radiation in the visible and microwave bands with doped molecular crystals
2301.01930 Information-theoretical analysis of statistical measures for multiscale dynamics
2301.01931 Reduced Deep Convolutional Activation Features (R-DeCAF) in Histopathology Images to Improve the Classification Performance for Breast Cancer Diagnosis
2301.01932 PA-GM: Position-Aware Learning of Embedding Networks for Deep Graph Matching
2301.01933 Online Decomposition of Surface Electromyogram into Individual Motor Unit Activities Using Progressive FastICA Peel-off
2301.01934 Hyperbolic and satellite Lorenz links obtained by twisting
2301.01936 Clustering of large deviations in moving average processes: the long memory regime
2301.01937 ATOMS: ALMA Three-millimeter Observations of Massive Star-forming regions -XIII. Ongoing triggered star formation within clump-fed scenario found in the massive ($sim1500$ $ m M_odot$) clump
2301.01938 Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena for the FRW Universe in an Effective Scalar-Tensor Theory
2301.01939 Thomsen-type parameters and attenuation coefficients for constant-Q transverse isotropy
2301.01940 Enabling Augmented Segmentation and Registration in Ultrasound-Guided Spinal Surgery via Realistic Ultrasound Synthesis from Diagnostic CT Volume
2301.01944 Study of variability in long-term multiwavelength optical lightcurves of blazar AO 0235+164
2301.01947 StitchNet: Composing Neural Networks from Pre-Trained Fragments
2301.01948 Random forests, sound symbolism and Pokemon evolution
2301.01951 ${it Ab}$ ${it initio}$ descriptions of $A=16$ mirror nuclei with resonance and continuum coupling
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