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13 February 2025

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2302.01406 The role of scalar and mass interactions in a relativistic model of the charmonium spectrum
2302.01407 Hypothesis Testing and Machine Learning: Interpreting Variable Effects in Deep Artificial Neural Networks using Cohen's f2
2302.01408 Simulating Nuclear Dynamics with Quantum Effects
2302.01409 Hyperbolic Contrastive Learning
2302.01411 The Ferroelectric-Gate Fin Microwave Acoustic Signal Processor
2302.01412 Analysis of view aliasing for the generalized Radon transform in $mathbb R^2$
2302.01415 A Framework for Higher-Order Effects & Handlers
2302.01417 A Convolutional-based Model for Early Prediction of Alzheimer's based on the Dementia Stage in the MRI Brain Images
2302.01418 Critical convolution algebras and quantum loop groups
2302.01421 Convergent First-Order Methods for Bi-level Optimization and Stackelberg Games
2302.01425 Fast, Differentiable and Sparse Top-k: a Convex Analysis Perspective
2302.01426 Whitham modulation theory for the defocusing nonlinear Schrodinger equation in two and three spatial dimensions
2302.01429 Approach to Hyperuniformity in a Metallic Glass-Forming Material Exhibiting a Fragile to Strong Glass Transition
2302.01430 A Multifunctional Array System Based on Adjustable-Phase Antenna for Wireless Communications
2302.01432 Tangential Model of Microtubules
2302.01434 Inference in Non-stationary High-Dimensional VARs
2302.01435 Target specific peptide design using latent space approximate trajectory collector
2302.01438 Non-Relativistic Particles Interact with Potential Under the effect of Quantum flux in a space-time with a distortion of a vertical line into a vertical spiral
2302.01439 #RoeOverturned: Twitter Dataset on the Abortion Rights Controversy
2302.01440 Generalized Uncertainty of Deep Neural Networks: Taxonomy and Applications
2302.01441 Commonsense-Aware Prompting for Controllable Empathetic Dialogue Generation
2302.01443 DOR: A Novel Dual-Observation-Based Approach for News Recommendation Systems
2302.01445 Partitioning into common independent sets via relaxing strongly base orderability
2302.01446 The Generic Failure of Lower-semicontinuity for the Linear Distortion Functional
2302.01447 Silicon detector R$&$D for the future Electron-Ion Collider
2302.01448 Out of Context: Investigating the Bias and Fairness Concerns of "Artificial Intelligence as a Service"
2302.01451 CTE: A Dataset for Contextualized Table Extraction
2302.01453 Studies of the equation-of-state of nuclear matter by heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energy in the multi-messenger era
2302.01454 Thermodynamic quantities of two-dimensional Ising models obtained by noisy mean field annealing and coherent Ising machine
2302.01456 An Insurance Paradigm for Improving Power System Resilience via Distributed Investment
2302.01457 Spin waves in a ferromagnetic topological metal
2302.01458 Cosmological analogies for geophysical flows, Lagrangians, and new analogue gravity systems
2302.01459 A sliced-Wasserstein distance-based approach for out-of-class-distribution detection
2302.01461 Long-term accuracy of numerical approximations of SPDEs with the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations as a paradigm
2302.01465 Unsupervised learning of representative local atomic arrangements in molecular dynamics data
2302.01466 Semi-dilute rheology of particle suspensions: derivation of Doi-type models
2302.01467 Cavity optomechanical mass sensor in water with sub-femtogram resolution
2302.01471 User-centric Heterogeneous-action Deep Reinforcement Learning for Virtual Reality in the Metaverse over Wireless Networks
2302.01475 Numerical solutions to an inverse problem for a non-linear Helmholtz equation
2302.01476 Challenges and Successes of Emergency Online Teaching in Statistics Courses
2302.01478 Clustered Embedding Learning for Recommender Systems
2302.01479 Absence of extended atmospheres in low-mass star radius-gap planets GJ 9827 b, GJ 9827 d and TOI-1235 b
2302.01481 First order rigidity of homeomorphism groups of manifolds
2302.01482 Collective terahertz fluctuation modes in a polariton laser
2302.01486 Xtal2DoS: Attention-based Crystal to Sequence Learning for Density of States Prediction
2302.01490 The $RO(C_{2^n})$-graded homotopy of $Hunderline{mathbb{F}_2}$
2302.01491 DiSProD: Differentiable Symbolic Propagation of Distributions for Planning
2302.01492 Quantum Transport in Graphene Using Surface Acoustic Wave Resonators
2302.01493 Deep Learning (DL)-based Automatic Segmentation of the Internal Pudendal Artery (IPA) for Reduction of Erectile Dysfunction in Definitive Radiotherapy of Localized Prostate Cancer
2302.01494 Observation of flat-band localization and topological edge states induced by effective strong interactions in electrical circuit networks
2302.01497 Gradient Estimation for Unseen Domain Risk Minimization with Pre-Trained Models
2302.01499 Qi standard metasurface for free-positioning and multi-device supportive wireless power transfer
2302.01500 Spiking Synaptic Penalty: Appropriate Penalty Term for Energy-Efficient Spiking Neural Networks
2302.01501 ANTM: An Aligned Neural Topic Model for Exploring Evolving Topics
2302.01502 First Search for the Sagittarius Tidal Stream of Axion Dark Matter around 4.55 $mu$eV
2302.01503 LazyGNN: Large-Scale Graph Neural Networks via Lazy Propagation
2302.01506 Highly Rectifying Conical Nanopores in Amorphous SiO2
2302.01509 Double-exponential susceptibility growth in Dyson's hierarchical model with $|x-y|^{-2}$ interaction
2302.01510 An AsFem implementation for quasi-static brittle fracture phase field model
2302.01511 Randomized Gaussian Process Upper Confidence Bound with Tight Bayesian Regret Bounds
2302.01512 Spectral Aware Softmax for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification
2302.01513 Towards Practical Preferential Bayesian Optimization with Skew Gaussian Processes
2302.01514 Three-dimensional Global Simulations of Type-II Planet-disk Interaction with a Magnetized Disk Wind: I. Magnetic Flux Concentration and Gap Properties
2302.01515 UVIT observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud: Point source catalogue
2302.01516 Class Overwhelms: Mutual Conditional Blended-Target Domain Adaptation
2302.01517 Pseudonorm Approachability and Applications to Regret Minimization
2302.01518 LSA-PINN: Linear Boundary Connectivity Loss for Solving PDEs on Complex Geometry
2302.01519 Model theory of probability spaces
2302.01521 Primitive almost simple IBIS groups with sporadic socle
2302.01522 Improving Recommendation Relevance by simulating User Interest
2302.01523 Multi-channel Autobidding with Budget and ROI Constraints
2302.01524 Ordered GNN: Ordering Message Passing to Deal with Heterophily and Over-smoothing
2302.01525 Tuning the Interlayer Microstructure and Residual Stress of Buffer-Free Direct Bonding GaN/Si Heterostructures
2302.01526 Example-Based Explainable AI and its Application for Remote Sensing Image Classification
2302.01527 Quantum Data-Syndrome Codes: Subsystem and Impure Code Constructions
2302.01529 Failure-informed adaptive sampling for PINNs, Part II: combining with re-sampling and subset simulation
2302.01531 Universal multi-stream radial structures of cold dark matter halos
2302.01532 INV: Towards Streaming Incremental Neural Videos
2302.01533 Dependence of ocean surface filaments on wind speed: An observational study of North Atlantic right whale habitat
2302.01535 Support Recovery in Sparse PCA with Non-Random Missing Data
2302.01536 Using natural language processing and structured medical data to phenotype patients hospitalized due to COVID-19
2302.01537 Gradient and Variable Tracking with Multiple Local SGD for Decentralized Non-Convex Learning
2302.01538 DCM: Deep energy method based on the principle of minimum complementary energy
2302.01539 A Lipschitz Bandits Approach for Continuous Hyperparameter Optimization
2302.01541 Contrastive Learning with Consistent Representations
2302.01542 Lateralization in Agents' Decision Making: Evidence of Benefits/Costs from Artificial Intelligence
2302.01545 Ligand hole driven metal-insulator Transition in Ca$_2$FeMnO$_6$
2302.01546 Group Fairness in Non-monotone Submodular Maximization
2302.01547 Evidence to disfavour dual core system leading to double-peaked narrow emission lines
2302.01548 An FPGA-based readout chip emulator for the CMS ETL detector upgrade
2302.01552 Self-similar quantum groups
2302.01553 Efficient control pulses for continuous quantum gate families through coordinated re-optimization
2302.01556 Machine Learning for UAV Propeller Fault Detection based on a Hybrid Data Generation Model
2302.01557 Improving the dimension bound of Hermitian Lifted Codes
2302.01558 Energy Efficient SDN and SDR Joint Adaptation of CPU Utilization Based on Experimental Data Analytics
2302.01559 The nature of dynamic local order in CH$_3$NH$_3$PbI$_3$ and CH$_3$NH$_3$PbBr$_3$
2302.01560 Describe, Explain, Plan and Select: Interactive Planning with Large Language Models Enables Open-World Multi-Task Agents
2302.01561 Hierarchically Composing Level Generators for the Creation of Complex Structures
2302.01562 Uniform Bounds on S-Integral Preperiodic Points for Power and Latt’es Maps
2302.01564 Effects of gravitational lensing by Kaluza-Klein black holes on neutrino oscillations
2302.01566 Measured and projected beam backgrounds in the Belle II experiment at the SuperKEKB collider
2302.01567 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Online Error Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems
2302.01570 Witgenstein's influence on artificial intelligence
2302.01571 Robust Camera Pose Refinement for Multi-Resolution Hash Encoding
2302.01574 An Operational Perspective to Fairness Interventions: Where and How to Intervene
2302.01575 Jaynes-Cummings interaction between low energy free-electrons and cavity photons
2302.01576 ResMem: Learn what you can and memorize the rest
2302.01577 Topological properties of a periodically driven Cruetz ladder
2302.01578 Searching Large Neighborhoods for Integer Linear Programs with Contrastive Learning
2302.01582 Controlling for Stereotypes in Multimodal Language Model Evaluation
2302.01583 Topological fundamental groupoid. I
2302.01584 TT-TFHE: a Torus Fully Homomorphic Encryption-Friendly Neural Network Architecture
2302.01588 Bioformer: an efficient transformer language model for biomedical text mining
2302.01592 Graph-Based Compensated Wavelet Lifting for Scalable Lossless Coding of Dynamic Medical Data
2302.01593 Explicit Box Detection Unifies End-to-End Multi-Person Pose Estimation
2302.01594 Analysis of mesh-based motion compensation in wavelet lifting of dynamical 3-D+t CT data
2302.01596 A Novel Fuzzy Bi-Clustering Algorithm with AFS for Identification of Co-Regulated Genes
2302.01598 Geometric retract rationality of norm varieties
2302.01599 SCCAM: Supervised Contrastive Convolutional Attention Mechanism for Ante-hoc Interpretable Fault Diagnosis with Limited Fault Samples
2302.01600 MetaOpera: A Cross-Metaverse Interoperability Protocol
2302.01601 An Equilibrated Error Estimator for the 2D/1D MSFEM T-Formulation of the Eddy Current Problem
2302.01602 A Feature Selection Method for Driver Stress Detection Using Heart Rate Variability and Breathing Rate
2302.01604 Convex hypersurfaces of prescribed curvatures in hyperbolic space
2302.01607 dynamite: An R Package for Dynamic Multivariate Panel Models
2302.01611 One-quasihomomorphisms from the integers into symmetric matrices
2302.01612 Crescent-Shaped Molecular Outflow from the Intermediate-mass Protostar DK Cha Revealed by ALMA
2302.01613 Classification of modular data of integral modular fusion categories up to rank 11
2302.01614 Around the world in 60 words: A generative vocabulary test for online research
2302.01616 A geometrically aware auto-encoder for multi-texture synthesis
2302.01617 Factorial survival analysis for treatment effects under dependent censoring
2302.01619 Joint Scattering Environment Sensing and Channel Estimation for Integrated Sensing and Communication
2302.01622 Private, fair and accurate: Training large-scale, privacy-preserving AI models in radiology
2302.01623 Majorana CP violating phases
2302.01624 Gravitational effects of free-falling quantum vacuum
2302.01626 Modeling Sequential Sentence Relation to Improve Cross-lingual Dense Retrieval
2302.01627 Simultaneous measurement of specific heat and thermal conductivity in pulsed magnetic fields
2302.01628 Comments to "High current ionic flows via ultra-fast lasers for fusion applications" by H. Ruhl and G. Korn (Marvel Fusion, Munich)
2302.01629 Beyond the Universal Law of Robustness: Sharper Laws for Random Features and Neural Tangent Kernels
2302.01630 Frequency Quality in Low-Inertia Power Systems
2302.01632 On a linear differential game in the Hilbert space $ell^2$
2302.01634 A model for slip and drag in turbulent flows over superhydrophobic surfaces with surfactant
2302.01635 Rate-limiting recovery processes in neurotransmission under sustained stimulation
2302.01636 Symbiosis of an artificial neural network and models of biological neurons: training and testing
2302.01640 The Cassels-Tate pairing on 2-Selmer groups of elliptic curves
2302.01641 Consistency of New CDF-II W Boson Mass with 123-Model
2302.01642 Cluster-CAM: Cluster-Weighted Visual Interpretation of CNNs' Decision in Image Classification
2302.01644 On packing of Minkowski balls. II
2302.01646 Error analysis for a Crouzeix-Raviart approximation of the obstacle problem
2302.01647 Blockwise Self-Supervised Learning at Scale
2302.01650 ShadowFormer: Global Context Helps Image Shadow Removal
2302.01653 From slides (through tiles) to pixels: an explainability framework for weakly supervised models in pre-clinical pathology
2302.01655 Conjugacy classes of derangements in finite groups of Lie type
2302.01656 First detection time statistics in many-body quantum transport
2302.01658 A space-time adaptive low-rank method for high-dimensional parabolic partial differential equations
2302.01659 RI/(S)MOM renormalizations of overlap quark bilinears with different levels of hypercubic smearing
2302.01660 The Learnable Typewriter: A Generative Approach to Text Line Analysis
2302.01663 Adversarial queues and trading on a CFMM
2302.01668 Empirical analysis in limit order book modeling for Nikkei 225 Stocks with Cox-type intensities
2302.01669 All-coupling solution for the continuous polaron problem in the Schrödinger representation
2302.01670 The liberation set in the inverse eigenvalue problem of a graph
2302.01671 Moir'e Fringes in Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy
2302.01672 Game Networking and its Evolution towards Supporting Metaverse through the 6G Wireless Systems
2302.01674 A coupling generalized multiscale finite element method for coupled thermomechanical problems
2302.01675 Enabling Relational Database Analytical Processing in Bulk-Bitwise Processing-In-Memory
2302.01676 Show me your NFT and I tell you how it will perform: Multimodal representation learning for NFT selling price prediction
2302.01681 Improving the Timing Resolution of Positron Emission Tomography Detectors using Boosted Learning -- A Residual Physics Approach
2302.01683 A mixture logistic model for panel data with a Markov structure
2302.01687 Better Training of GFlowNets with Local Credit and Incomplete Trajectories
2302.01688 Optical Kerr nonlinearity of dielectric nanohole array metasurfaces with different hole shapes near anapole state
2302.01689 Algorithms and radiation dynamics for the vicinity of black holes. II. Results
2302.01690 See or Hear? Exploring the Effect of Visual and Audio Hints and Gaze-assisted Task Feedback for Visual Search Tasks in Augmented Reality
2302.01692 On the Time Momentum Representation of Hadronic Vacuum Polarization and $oldsymbol{g_{mu}-2}$
2302.01694 Coevolving Boolean and Multi-Valued Regulatory Networks
2302.01697 Orthogonal-Time-Frequency-Space Signal Design for Integrated Data and Energy Transfer: Benefits from Doppler Offsets
2302.01706 GTV: Generating Tabular Data via Vertical Federated Learning
2302.01707 Parfum: Detection and Automatic Repair of Dockerfile Smells
2302.01708 Crucial Semantic Classifier-based Adversarial Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
2302.01709 Ridepooling and public bus services: A comparative case-study
2302.01711 Analysis of the limiting spectral distribution of large dimensional General information-plus-noise type matrices
2302.01712 Transcending shift-invariance in the paraxial regime via end-to-end inverse design of freeform nanophotonics
2302.01713 Data Mesh: Motivational Factors, Challenges, and Best Practices
2302.01714 Learning End-to-End Channel Coding with Diffusion Models
2302.01715 Dimer Coupling Energies of the Si(001) Surface
2302.01717 Diophantine approximation with prime denominator in real quadratic function fields
2302.01718 Analysis of the $T_{car{s}}(2900)$ and related tetraquark states with the QCD sum rules
2302.01722 Leveraging Contaminated Datasets to Learn Clean-Data Distribution with Purified Generative Adversarial Networks
2302.01723 A phase transition in block-weighted random maps
2302.01724 Reinforcing User Retention in a Billion Scale Short Video Recommender System
2302.01726 Asymptotic structure and stability of spatially homogeneous space-times with a positive cosmological constant
2302.01727 Distributional constrained reinforcement learning for supply chain optimization
2302.01728 Decentralised and Cooperative Control of Multi-Robot Systems through Distributed Optimisation
2302.01729 Resolving Left-Right Ambiguity During Bearing Only Tracking of an Underwater Target Using Towed Array
2302.01731 Generators of the Mapping Class Group of a Nonorientable Punctured Surface
2302.01732 A Robust Time-Delay Approach to Extremum Seeking via ISS Analysis of the Averaged System
2302.01734 Stochastic Policy Gradient Methods: Improved Sample Complexity for Fisher-non-degenerate Policies
2302.01735 Rethinking Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation: A Variance-Reduction Perspective
2302.01736 Relating EEG to continuous speech using deep neural networks: a review
2302.01738 AIROGS: Artificial Intelligence for RObust Glaucoma Screening Challenge
2302.01740 A Systematic Evaluation of Backdoor Trigger Characteristics in Image Classification
2302.01741 Disorder in interacting quasi-one-dimensional systems: flat and dispersive bands
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