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Articles rated:
13 February 2025
Articles index
2025, 2023
12, 3.2023
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2303.00125 Strong-coupling magnetophononics: Self-blocking, phonon-bitriplons, and spin-band engineering
2303.00126 Using holographic microscopy to measure the effect of confinement on crowding agents in lipid vesicles
2303.00129 Cell Division and Motility Enable Hexatic Order in Biological Tissues
2303.00130 Convergence of Leray Cosheaves for Decorated Mapper Graphs
2303.00132 Onboard dynamic-object detection and tracking for autonomous robot navigation with RGB-D camera
2303.00133 The inter-play between asymmetric noise and coupling in a super-critical Hopf bifurcation
2303.00134 Su-Schrieffer-Hegger (SSH) model with non-orientable bulk: Union of topology and flat bands in one dimension
2303.00135 Deep learning for COVID-19 topic modelling via Twitter: Alpha, Delta and Omicron
2303.00137 PixHt-Lab: Pixel Height Based Light Effect Generation for Image Compositing
2303.00139 Exact $(1 + 3 + 6)$-dimensional cosmological-type solutions in gravitational model with Yang-Mills field, Gauss-Bonnet term and $Lambda$-term
2303.00140 The limiting behavior of solutions to p-Laplacian problems with convection and exponential terms
2303.00142 Robustness of Energy Landscape Controllers for Spin Rings under Coherent Excitation Transport
2303.00143 Hecke Actions on Loops and Periods of Iterated Shimura Integrals
2303.00144 ${ m cl}$-prereductions, ${ m i}$-postexpansions, and related structures
2303.00145 Mobile disks in hyperbolic space and minimization of conformal capacity
2303.00146 I Know Your Feelings Before You Do: Predicting Future Affective Reactions in Human-Computer Dialogue
2303.00147 Non-crossing Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles in Output-Polynomial Time
2303.00149 Stability and moduli space of generalized Ricci solitons
2303.00150 Variants on Digital Covering Maps
2303.00151 Exponential trichotomy and global linearization of non-autonomous differential equations
2303.00153 SHIMM: A Versatile Seeing Monitor for Astronomy
2303.00155 Exponential Consensus of Multiple Agents over Dynamic Network Topology: Controllability, Connectivity, and Compactness
2303.00156 An unitary representation of inhomogeneous ${ m SL}(2,mathbb{C})$ using surfaces in $mathbb{R}^4$
2303.00160 On Parametric Misspecified Bayesian Cramér-Rao bound: An application to linear Gaussian systems
2303.00161 Initial experiences with Direct Imaging of Neuronal Activity (DIANA) in humans
2303.00162 Intrinsic and Measured Information in Separable Quantum Processes
2303.00163 Tuning to non-veridical features in attention and perceptual decision-making
2303.00165 Diffusion Probabilistic Fields
2303.00166 Ultra-high-speed high-resolution laser lithography for lithium niobate integrated photonics
2303.00167 Sketch2Cloth: Sketch-based 3D Garment Generation with Unsigned Distance Fields
2303.00169 An Exploratory Study on the Usage and Readability of Messages Within Assertion Methods of Test Cases
2303.00170 Asymmetric Learning for Graph Neural Network based Link Prediction
2303.00174 Quantum autonomous Boolean networks
2303.00175 A Deep Neural Architecture for Harmonizing 3-D Input Data Analysis and Decision Making in Medical Imaging
2303.00178 Disentangling Structural Breaks in High Dimensional Factor Models
2303.00180 FaceRNET: a Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Network
2303.00181 Selectively Hard Negative Mining for Alleviating Gradient Vanishing in Image-Text Matching
2303.00182 A Probabilistic Reformulation Technique for Discrete RIS Optimization in Wireless Systems
2303.00184 Parametric Amplifier Matching Using Legendre Prototypes
2303.00186 Towards a real-time demand response framework for smart communities using clustering techniques
2303.00187 On the Integration of Physics-Based Machine Learning with Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling Techniques
2303.00188 On the Capacity Region of Optical Intensity Broadcast Channels
2303.00189 Quantum Phase Diagram of PT-Symmetry or Broken in a Non-Hermitian Photonic Structure
2303.00190 Gravitational lensing by a charged spherically symmetric black hole immersed in thin dark matter
2303.00191 pyribs: A Bare-Bones Python Library for Quality Diversity Optimization
2303.00192 Exploring Challenges and Opportunities to Support Designers in Learning to Co-create with AI-based Manufacturing Design Tools
2303.00194 The Ionization and Dynamics of the Makani Galactic Wind
2303.00195 Jeffery's orbits and microswimmers in flows: A theoretical review
2303.00196 Transformed Low-Rank Parameterization Can Help Robust Generalization for Tensor Neural Networks
2303.00197 Development and task-based evaluation of a scatter-window projection and deep learning-based transmission-less attenuation compensation method for myocardial perfusion SPECT
2303.00199 DMSA: Dynamic Multi-scale Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation Based on Adaptive Affinity
2303.00200 Feature Extraction Matters More: Universal Deepfake Disruption through Attacking Ensemble Feature Extractors
2303.00201 On the Uniqueness of Convex Central Configurations in the Planar $4$-Body Problem
2303.00202 PatchZero: Zero-Shot Automatic Patch Correctness Assessment
2303.00203 Joint Coverage Regions: Simultaneous Confidence and Prediction Sets
2303.00204 PCF: ECAPA-TDNN with Progressive Channel Fusion for Speaker Verification
2303.00205 RECIST Weakly Supervised Lesion Segmentation via Label-Space Co-Training
2303.00206 A Shared Component Point Process Model for Urban Policing
2303.00207 CoMesh: Fully-Decentralized Control for Sense-Trigger-Actuate Routines in Edge Meshes
2303.00209 Memory-Sample Lower Bounds for Learning with Classical-Quantum Hybrid Memory
2303.00212 A task-specific deep-learning-based denoising approach for myocardial perfusion SPECT
2303.00214 Gate-tunable negative differential conductance in hybrid semiconductor-superconductor devices
2303.00215 Single Image Backdoor Inversion via Robust Smoothed Classifiers
2303.00218 Lifshitz motivated black holes in two-dimensional dilaton gravity
2303.00219 Optimality-Based Discretization Methods for the Global Optimization of Nonconvex Semi-Infinite Programs
2303.00220 Structural instability of non-hyperbolic limit cycles in the realm of planar polynomial vector fields
2303.00221 Comet P/2021 HS (PANSTARRS) and the Challenge of Detecting Low-Activity Comets
2303.00222 Efficient and accurate exponential SAV algorithms with relaxation for dissipative system
2303.00223 Meal-time Detection by Means of Long Periods Blood Glucose Level Monitoring via IoT Technology
2303.00225 Mass-selected Ion-molecule Cluster Beam Apparatus for Ultrafast Photofragmentation Studies
2303.00228 Two Views of Constrained Differential Privacy: Belief Revision and Update
2303.00229 Linear Darboux polynomials for Lotka-Volterra systems, trees and superintegrable families
2303.00233 Single-Cell Multimodal Prediction via Transformers
2303.00234 The Holar Wind
2303.00235 Consta-dihedral Codes over Finite Fields
2303.00236 P$^2$SDF for Neural Indoor Scene Reconstruction
2303.00237 Monoidal strengthening of simple $mathcal{V}$-polyhedral disjunctive cuts
2303.00238 Ambitwistor string amplitudes in light-like linear dilaton background
2303.00239 Self-Calibrated Atom-Interferometer Gyroscope by Modulating Atomic Velocities
2303.00240 Machine-learning Repurposing of DrugBank Compounds for Opioid Use Disorder
2303.00241 Nonsymmetric $q$-Cauchy identity and representations of the Iwahori algebra
2303.00242 DIFFQG: Generating Questions to Summarize Factual Changes
2303.00245 On rank filtrations of algebraic K-theory and Steinberg modules
2303.00246 ISBNet: a 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation Network with Instance-aware Sampling and Box-aware Dynamic Convolution
2303.00247 Some Remarks on Random Vectors and $O(n)$-Invariants
2303.00248 Compact multi-channel radio frequency pulse sequence generator with fast switching capability for cold atom interferometers
2303.00249 Possible relationship between initial conditions for inflation and past geodesic incompleteness of the inflationary spacetime
2303.00250 Combating Exacerbated Heterogeneity for Robust Models in Federated Learning
2303.00251 Distributed Data-driven Predictive Control via Dissipative Behavior Synthesis
2303.00252 Is Planted Coloring Easier than Planted Clique?
2303.00253 The fine structure of the spectral theory on the $S$-spectrum in dimension five
2303.00255 Phase spaces that cannot be cloned in classical mechanics
2303.00256 Influence of Structural Defects on Charge Density Waves in 1T-TaS2
2303.00260 Addressing DAO Insider Attacks in IPv6-Based Low-Power and Lossy Networks
2303.00263 Categorifying reduced rings
2303.00265 Security of RPL Based 6LoWPAN Networks in the Internet of Things: A Review
2303.00266 Numerical Analysis of Thermo-Hydraulic Performance of FLiBe Flowing Through a Louvered-Fin Compact Heat Exchanger
2303.00268 Miyaoka type inequality for terminal threefolds with nef anti-canonical divisors
2303.00269 Quench dynamics of edge states in a finite extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger system
2303.00270 Stability and energy identity for Yang-Mills-Higgs pairs
2303.00271 Measurement of $Lambda$ transverse polarization in $e^{+}e^{-}$ collisions at $sqrt{s}= 3.68-3.71$ GeV
2303.00272 Influence of Spattering on In-process Layer Surface Roughness during Laser Powder Bed Fusion
2303.00273 The impact of copycat attack on RPL based 6LoWPAN networks in Internet of Things
2303.00274 Locally Optimal Eigenvectors of Regular Simplex Tensors
2303.00277 UAV Tracking with Lidar as a Camera Sensors in GNSS-Denied Environments
2303.00278 Entropy associated with conformation and density fluctuations in biomolecular solutions
2303.00280 Label Attention Network for sequential multi-label classification
2303.00282 FedScore: A privacy-preserving framework for federated scoring system development
2303.00284 To Make Yourself Invisible with Adversarial Semantic Contours
2303.00285 Strat{é}gies de gestion de la chaleur et performances sportives de haut niveau: {é}clairage psychophysiologique et recommandations appliqu{é}es
2303.00286 Enhancing Knowledge Graph Embedding Models with Semantic-driven Loss Functions
2303.00288 The Race of mRNA therapy: Evidence from Patent Landscape
2303.00290 Spectral Symmetry Breaking of Electro-Acoustic Noise in Ferroelectric Materials
2303.00292 A note to "Radial limits of quasiregular Local Homeomorphisms''
2303.00293 How Robust is GPT-3.5 to Predecessors? A Comprehensive Study on Language Understanding Tasks
2303.00295 Region Prediction for Efficient Robot Localization on Large Maps
2303.00299 Static Power Consumption Modeling and Measurement of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
2303.00300 BiSVP: Building Footprint Extraction via Bidirectional Serialized Vertex Prediction
2303.00301 Auxiliary MCMC and particle Gibbs samplers for parallelisable inference in latent dynamical systems
2303.00305 A family of $2$-groups and an associated family of semisymmetric, locally $2$-arc-transitive graphs
2303.00306 A massive interacting galaxy 525 million years after the Big Bang
2303.00308 Event Fusion Photometric Stereo Network
2303.00310 Quantum Gravitational Corrections to Particle Creation by Black Holes
2303.00312 A Ruelle dynamical zeta function for equivariant flows
2303.00313 Deep Learning Methods for Small Molecule Drug Discovery: A Survey
2303.00314 Green Hydrogen Cost-Potentials for Global Trade
2303.00315 Efficient Explorative Key-term Selection Strategies for Conversational Contextual Bandits
2303.00316 Some remarks on permanent dominant conjecture
2303.00318 Bayesian outcome-guided multi-view mixture models with applications in molecular precision medicine
2303.00319 RIFT2: Speeding-up RIFT with A New Rotation-Invariance Technique
2303.00320 TimeMAE: Self-Supervised Representations of Time Series with Decoupled Masked Autoencoders
2303.00321 Hölder regularity for the linearized porous medium equation in bounded domains
2303.00322 Kleene Algebra With Tests for Weighted Programs
2303.00323 DeFNet: Deconstructed Fabric Folding Strategy Based on Latent Space Roadmap and Flow-Based Policy
2303.00324 Algebraic K-functors for $Γ$-rings
2303.00325 Full analytical solution of finite-length armchair/zigzag nanoribbons
2303.00326 Empowering Networks With Scale and Rotation Equivariance Using A Similarity Convolution
2303.00328 The Total Matching Polytope of Complete Bipartite Graphs
2303.00329 Mean-Field Approximate Optimization Algorithm
2303.00331 A run-and-tumble particle around a spherical obstacle: steady-state distribution far-from-equilibrium
2303.00334 Online Video Streaming Super-Resolution with Adaptive Look-Up Table Fusion
2303.00335 Subalgebras of Octonion Algebras
2303.00336 Prescribed energy periodic solutions of Kepler problems with relativistic corrections
2303.00337 TAU: A Framework for Video-Based Traffic Analytics Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Unmanned Aerial Systems
2303.00339 In-orbit Performance of ME onboard Insight-HXMT in the first 5 years
2303.00340 A Practical Upper Bound for the Worst-Case Attribution Deviations
2303.00341 Response to criticism on "Ruling Out Primordial Black Hole Formation From Single-Field Inflation": A note on bispectrum and one-loop correction in single-field inflation with primordial black hole formation
2303.00342 Reheating consistency condition on the classically conformal $U(1)_{B-L}$ Higgs inflation model
2303.00343 SMPC Task Decomposition: A Theory for Accelerating Secure Multi-party Computation Task
2303.00345 Independent electrical control of two quantum dots coupled through a photonic-crystal waveguide
2303.00346 Using the Charlap-Coley-Robbins polynomials for computing isogenies
2303.00348 Compactified extra dimension and entanglement island as clues to quantum gravity
2303.00351 An end-to-end SE(3)-equivariant segmentation network
2303.00353 Annealed quantitative estimates for the quadratic 2D-discrete random matching problem
2303.00354 Unlimited-Size Diffusion Restoration
2303.00355 Progressive Scale-aware Network for Remote sensing Image Change Captioning
2303.00356 A Deep Reinforcement Learning Trader without Offline Training
2303.00358 Semisimplicity of affine cellular algebras
2303.00359 Corrugated Versus Smooth Uniqueness and Stability of Negatively Curved Isometric Immersions
2303.00360 The Long-term Monitoring Results of Insight-HXMT in the First 4 Yr Galactic Plane Scanning Survey
2303.00362 How to Communicate Robot Motion Intent: A Scoping Review
2303.00363 Overbias photon emission from light-emitting devices based on monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
2303.00364 Lessons Learned Report: Super-Resolution for Detection Tasks in Engineering Problem-Solving
2303.00366 Harnessing the Hubble Space Telescope Archives: A Catalogue of 21,926 Interacting Galaxies
2303.00368 Sufficient conditions for the surjectivity of radical curve parametrizations
2303.00369 Indescribable Multi-modal Spatial Evaluator
2303.00371 AI-Based Multi-Object Relative State Estimation with Self-Calibration Capabilities
2303.00373 There is no going back: Properties of the non-backtracking Laplacian
2303.00374 Monolithic Convex Limiting for Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Methods
2303.00377 Few-shots Portrait Generation with Style Enhancement and Identity Preservation
2303.00378 A general approach to constructing minimal representations of Lie supergroups
2303.00379 Temporal Scalability of Dynamic Volume Data Using Mesh Compensated Wavelet Lifting
2303.00380 Rotor/spin-wave theory for quantum spin models with U(1) symmetry
2303.00381 Event-triggered boundary damping of a linear wave equation
2303.00382 Revisiting the $J/psi$ decay into three vectors with generation of resonances
2303.00383 Ordinal Poincar'e Sections: Reconstructing the First Return Map from an Ordinal Segmentation of Time Series
2303.00384 Misaligned gas accretion as a formation pathway of S0 galaxies
2303.00386 Authorship Conflicts in Academia: an International Cross-Discipline Survey
2303.00390 Hierarchy of Lifshitz transitions in the surface electronic structure of Sr$_2$RuO$_4$ under uniaxial compression
2303.00391 Grid-Forming Control Based On Emulated Synchronous Condenser Strategy Compliant With Challenging Grid Code Requirements
2303.00392 Floquet engineering to overcome no-go theorem of noisy quantum metrology
2303.00394 A systematic review of mechanistic models used to study avian influenza virus transmission and control
2303.00395 On the instability of the magnetohydrodynamic pipe flow subject to a transverse magnetic field
2303.00396 Controlling Class Layout for Deep Ordinal Classification via Constrained Proxies Learning
2303.00400 A Study on Accuracy, Miscalibration, and Popularity Bias in Recommendations
2303.00402 On discrete ground states of rotating Bose-Einstein condensates
2303.00403 Can representation learning for multimodal image registration be improved by supervision of intermediate layers?
2303.00404 Distilled Reverse Attention Network for Open-world Compositional Zero-Shot Learning
2303.00405 Measure-preserving mappings from the unit cube to some symmetric spaces
2303.00406 Graphene-Quantum Dot Hybrid Photodetectors from 200 mm Wafer Scale Processing
2303.00407 Relative and logarithmic resolution of singularities
2303.00408 A Persian Benchmark for Joint Intent Detection and Slot Filling
2303.00409 RePAD2: Real-Time, Lightweight, and Adaptive Anomaly Detection for Open-Ended Time Series
2303.00410 JWST/NIRSpec Measurements of the Relationships Between Nebular Emission-line Ratios and Stellar Mass at z~3-6
2303.00412 Validating Monte Carlo simulations for an analysis chain in H.E.S.S
2303.00413 Automated Task-Time Interventions to Improve Teamwork using Imitation Learning
2303.00416 Achieving High Temporal Resolution in Single-Molecule Fluorescence Techniques using Plasmonic Nanoantennas
2303.00417 Gauged $U(1)_X$ breaking as origin of neutrino masses, dark matter and leptogenesis at TeV scale
2303.00418 Weak c-ideals of Leibniz algebras
2303.00419 Electrical control of hybrid exciton transport in a van der Waals heterostructure
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