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18 February 2025

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2307.00151 The Complexity of Satisfiability Checking for Symbolic Finite Automata
2307.00152 LensLeech: On-Lens Interaction for Arbitrary Camera Devices
2307.00153 A symbolic approach to discrete structural optimization using quantum annealing
2307.00154 Stitched ViTs are Flexible Vision Backbones
2307.00155 Modeling, Characterization, and Control of Bacteria-inspired Bi-flagellated Mechanism with Tumbling
2307.00157 The Effect of Balancing Methods on Model Behavior in Imbalanced Classification Problems
2307.00158 Astrophysical calibration of the oscillator strengths of YJ-band absorption lines in classical Cepheids
2307.00159 Accretion-Ablation Mechanics
2307.00160 Representations of Color Lie Superalgebras by Hilbert Series
2307.00161 FFPDG: Fast, Fair and Private Data Generation
2307.00162 What do self-supervised speech models know about words?
2307.00163 A chip-scale second-harmonic source via injection-locked all-optical poling
2307.00164 A Geometric Field Theory of Dislocation Mechanics
2307.00165 Counterfactual Collaborative Reasoning
2307.00166 Universal Displacements in Inextensible Fiber-Reinforced Linear Elastic Solids
2307.00167 Learning to Localize with Attention: from sparse mmWave channel estimates from a single BS to high accuracy 3D location
2307.00168 U-Calibration: Forecasting for an Unknown Agent
2307.00169 VoxWatch: An open-set speaker recognition benchmark on VoxCeleb
2307.00170 Decoherence-Free Entropic Gravity for Dirac Fermion
2307.00171 The Integer Linear Programming Inference Cookbook
2307.00172 Optimal Control of Chromate Removal via Enhanced Modeling using the Method of Moments
2307.00173 Source Function from Two-Particle Correlation Through Deblurring
2307.00174 Multiscale Progressive Text Prompt Network for Medical Image Segmentation
2307.00175 Still No Lie Detector for Language Models: Probing Empirical and Conceptual Roadblocks
2307.00176 Random Discrete Probability Measures Based on Negative Binomial Process
2307.00177 Persistent homological Quillen-McCord theorem
2307.00180 Tuning a magnetic energy scale with pressure in UTe$_2$
2307.00181 Influence maximization on temporal networks: a review
2307.00182 Single-Stage Heavy-Tailed Food Classification
2307.00185 An Interpretable Constructive Algorithm for Incremental Random Weight Neural Networks and Its Application
2307.00186 How far is Language Model from 100% Few-shot Named Entity Recognition in Medical Domain
2307.00187 Exact Conditions for Ensemble Density Functional Theory
2307.00188 Coordination of DERs for Grid Reliability via Day-ahead Demand-Supply Power Bounds
2307.00190 Estimands in Real-World Evidence Studies
2307.00192 Generation of intense cylindrical vector beams by Faraday effect in plasma
2307.00193 Fast, Smooth, and Safe: Implicit Control Barrier Functions through Reach-Avoid Differential Dynamic Programming
2307.00195 Partial Linear Cox Model with Deep ReLU Networks for Interval-Censored Failure Time Data
2307.00196 Exact solutions to the Telegraph equation in terms of Airy functions
2307.00197 On the rigidity of the 2D incompressible Euler equations
2307.00198 Filter Pruning for Efficient CNNs via Knowledge-driven Differential Filter Sampler
2307.00199 Supersonic flows with a contact discontinuity to the two-dimensional steady rotating Euler system
2307.00200 Beam Scanning for Integrated Sensing and Communication in IRS-aided mmWave Systems
2307.00203 On $T$-invariant subvarieties of symplectic Grassmannians and representability of rank $2$ symplectic matroids over ${mathbb C}$
2307.00204 Status of the Spurious Evidence for Photoinduced Superconductivity
2307.00205 A Transparent and Nonlinear Method for Variable Selection
2307.00206 General Part Assembly Planning
2307.00207 Low-Carbon Operation of Power Systems with Energy Storage via Electricity-Emission Prices
2307.00209 Image Matters: A New Dataset and Empirical Study for Multimodal Hyperbole Detection
2307.00210 Projected Tensor Power Method for Hypergraph Community Recovery
2307.00212 Internal-External Boundary Attention Fusion for Glass Surface Segmentation
2307.00213 More for Less: Compact Convolutional Transformers Enable Robust Medical Image Classification with Limited Data
2307.00214 Utilizing a Capture-Recapture Strategy to Accelerate Infectious Disease Surveillance
2307.00215 A Constructive Approach to Function Realization by Neural Stochastic Differential Equations
2307.00218 Optical N-plasmon: Topological hydrodynamic excitations in Graphene from repulsive Hall viscosity
2307.00220 Solving one-dimensional penetration problem for fission channel in the statistical Hauser-Feshbach theory
2307.00221 Codes with Biochemical Constraints and Single Error Correction for DNA-Based Data Storage
2307.00222 Re-Think and Re-Design Graph Neural Networks in Spaces of Continuous Graph Diffusion Functionals
2307.00223 Modeling of uniflagellated bacterial locomotion in unbounded fluid and near a no-slip plane surface
2307.00224 Flexible Bayesian Modeling for Longitudinal Binary and Ordinal Responses
2307.00226 S-Omninet: Structured Data Enhanced Universal Multimodal Learning Architecture
2307.00228 InferTurbo: A Scalable System for Boosting Full-graph Inference of Graph Neural Network over Huge Graphs
2307.00229 Constrained Local Approximate Ideal Restriction for Advection-Diffusion Problems
2307.00230 Statistically Optimal Beamforming and Ergodic Capacity for RIS-aided MISO Systems
2307.00231 Forward-Forward Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Classification: A Preliminary Study
2307.00232 H-Unitality of Smooth Groupoid Algebras
2307.00233 Hierarchical Federated Learning Incentivization for Gas Usage Estimation
2307.00234 The Potential of LEO Satellites in 6G Space-Air-Ground Enabled Access Networks
2307.00235 Evaluating The Interference Potential in 6 GHz: An Extensive Measurement Campaign of A Dense Indoor Wi-Fi 6E Network
2307.00236 Visualizing departures from marginal homogeneity for square contingency tables with ordered categories
2307.00238 Unified Transfer Learning Models for High-Dimensional Linear Regression
2307.00242 Existence and Instability of Standing Wave for the Two-wave Model with Quadratic Interaction
2307.00243 Search for environment-dependent dilatons
2307.00245 Deep Angiogram: Trivializing Retinal Vessel Segmentation
2307.00246 On a Relation Between the Rate-Distortion Function and Optimal Transport
2307.00248 Unusual nanoscale coexistence of polar-nonpolar domains underlying oxygen storage properties in Ho(Mn, Ti)O$_{3+delta}$
2307.00249 Asymmetric magnetism at the interfaces of MgO/FeCoB bilayers by exchanging the order of MgO and FeCoB
2307.00250 THUIR2 at NTCIR-16 Session Search (SS) Task
2307.00252 An ML approach to resolution of singularities
2307.00253 Causal Functional Connectivity in Alzheimer's Disease Computed from Time Series fMRI data
2307.00254 Efficient Algorithms for Euclidean Steiner Minimal Tree on Near-Convex Terminal Sets
2307.00255 The "super-active" accretion phase of T CrB has ended
2307.00256 Murmurations of Dirichlet characters
2307.00257 Efficient Subclass Segmentation in Medical Images
2307.00258 ASASSN-22ak: La Belle au bois dormant in a hydrogen-depleted dwarf nova?
2307.00259 InstructEval: Systematic Evaluation of Instruction Selection Methods
2307.00260 Bootstrapping the Cross-Validation Estimate
2307.00261 A polynomial quantum algorithm for the explicit isomorphism problem
2307.00262 Global regularity in the Monge-Amp’ere obstacle problem
2307.00266 Hierarchical Pretraining for Biomedical Term Embeddings
2307.00267 Self-Supervised Query Reformulation for Code Search
2307.00270 HrSegNet : Real-time High-Resolution Neural Network with Semantic Guidance for Crack Segmentation
2307.00271 A polynomial Roth theorem for corners in $mathbb{R}^2$ and a related bilinear singular integral operator
2307.00272 Generalized Li-Yau's inequalities on Finsler measure spaces
2307.00273 Stability of determining the potential from partial boundary data in a Schrödinger equation in the high frequency limit
2307.00274 Common Knowledge Learning for Generating Transferable Adversarial Examples
2307.00275 Terahertz spin currents in nanoscale spatial resolution
2307.00278 A space-time finite element method for the eddy current approximation of rotating electric machines
2307.00280 SysNoise: Exploring and Benchmarking Training-Deployment System Inconsistency
2307.00281 Cosmological constraints on dark energy in $f(Q)$ gravity: A parametrized perspective
2307.00282 A nontopological soliton in an $mathcal{N} = 1$ supersymmetric gauge Abelian model
2307.00284 Particle Acceleration at Shocks: An Introduction
2307.00286 CMA-ES for Post Hoc Ensembling in AutoML: A Great Success and Salvageable Failure
2307.00287 Null controllability of a kind of n-dimensional degenerate parabolic equation
2307.00289 The algebraic and geometric classification of nilpotent Leibniz algebras
2307.00290 All-in-SAM: from Weak Annotation to Pixel-wise Nuclei Segmentation with Prompt-based Finetuning
2307.00291 Estimating IF shifts based on SU(1,1) interferometer
2307.00293 AutoST: Training-free Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Transformers
2307.00294 Non-singularity of the generalized logit dynamic with an application to fishing tourism
2307.00295 Comparative study of under-expressed prognostic biomarkers and pivotal signaling pathways in colon cancer and ulcerative colitis using integrated bioinformatics approach
2307.00297 Fields with few small points
2307.00298 Effects of a Late Gravitational Transition on Gravitational Waves and Anticipated Constraints
2307.00300 DreamIdentity: Improved Editability for Efficient Face-identity Preserved Image Generation
2307.00301 Graphs with Permutation-Representation Number at most Three
2307.00306 SyMFM6D: Symmetry-aware Multi-directional Fusion for Multi-View 6D Object Pose Estimation
2307.00307 Spatio-Temporal Classification of Lung Ventilation Patterns using 3D EIT Images: A General Approach for Individualized Lung Function Evaluation
2307.00308 Quantum non-demolition measurement of an electron spin qubit through its low-energy many-body spin environment
2307.00310 Gradients Look Alike: Sensitivity is Often Overestimated in DP-SGD
2307.00311 Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS) VIII. Unlocking the CS chemistry: the CH + S$ ightarrow$ CS + H and C$_2$ + S$ ightarrow$ CS + C reactions
2307.00312 Upper bounds for the number of isolated critical points via Thom-Milnor theorem
2307.00314 Detection of River Sandbank for Sand Mining with the Presence of Other High Mineral Content Regions Using Multi-spectral Images
2307.00315 Joint Downlink-Uplink Beamforming for Wireless Multi-Antenna Federated Learning
2307.00316 SHARCS: Shared Concept Space for Explainable Multimodal Learning
2307.00317 On Finding Constrained Independent Sets in Cycles
2307.00318 The calculation of the asymptotic charges at the critical sets of null infinity
2307.00319 A Survey on Explainable AI for 6G O-RAN: Architecture, Use Cases, Challenges and Research Directions
2307.00320 Automatic Solver Generator for Systems of Laurent Polynomial Equations
2307.00321 Algorithms for euclidean regularised Optimal Transport
2307.00322 Spanning trees in the square of pseudorandom graphs
2307.00324 DeepMediX: A Deep Learning-Driven Resource-Efficient Medical Diagnosis Across the Spectrum
2307.00325 A System for Differentiation of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder based on rsfMRI
2307.00327 SDRCNN: A single-scale dense residual connected convolutional neural network for pansharpening
2307.00328 Solar Radio Imaging at Arecibo: The Brightness Temperature and Magnetic Field of Active Regions
2307.00329 DoReMi: Grounding Language Model by Detecting and Recovering from Plan-Execution Misalignment
2307.00331 Variation-aware Vision Transformer Quantization
2307.00333 Investigating Possible Correlations between Gamma-Ray and Optical Lightcurves for TeV-Detected Northern Blazars over 8 Years of Observations
2307.00337 Recursive Algorithmic Reasoning
2307.00340 On relation between renormalized frequency and heat capacity for particles in an anharmonic potential
2307.00341 Effective temperatures of classical Cepheids from line-depth ratios in the H-band
2307.00342 Improving Multitask Retrieval by Promoting Task Specialization
2307.00343 A note concerning polyhyperbolic and related splines
2307.00344 Sparse-Input Neural Network using Group Concave Regularization
2307.00345 Microcanonical phase transitions for the vortex system
2307.00347 Spatial-Temporal Enhanced Transformer Towards Multi-Frame 3D Object Detection
2307.00348 Lottery and Sprint: Generate a Board Game with Design Sprint Method on Auto-GPT
2307.00349 Unbalanced Growth, Elasticity of Substitution, and Land Overvaluation
2307.00350 Relative étale slices and cohomology of moduli spaces
2307.00351 Integrable coupled bosonic massive Thirring model and its nonlocal reductions
2307.00352 Brylinski-Radon transformation and generic projections
2307.00355 Comparing Mobile Testing Tools Using Documentary Analysis
2307.00357 Abstract Orientable Incidence Structure and Algorithms for Finite Bounded Acyclic Categories. II. Data Structure and Fundamental Operations
2307.00358 The Error in Multivariate Linear Extrapolation with Applications to Derivative-Free Optimization
2307.00360 BatGPT: A Bidirectional Autoregessive Talker from Generative Pre-trained Transformer
2307.00361 A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Algorithms for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Environments: Performance and Environmental Impact
2307.00362 Kernelization for Finding Lineal Topologies (Depth-First Spanning Trees) with Many or Few Leaves
2307.00363 On the Complexity of Robust Eventual Inequality Testing for C-Finite Functions
2307.00364 The future of human-centric eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is not post-hoc explanations
2307.00366 Enhancing the EEG Speech Match Mismatch Tasks With Word Boundaries
2307.00367 Dark Dust III: The high-quality single-cloud reddening curve sample. Scrutinizing extinction curves in the Milky Way
2307.00368 Minimizing Energy Consumption of Deep Learning Models by Energy-Aware Training
2307.00373 On the notion of polynomial reach: a statistical application
2307.00374 Revisiting Sample Size Determination in Natural Language Understanding
2307.00375 Fractionality and PT-symmetry in an electrical transmission line
2307.00376 The Spark of Symmetric Matrices Described by a Graph
2307.00377 Linear maps preserving (p,k) norms of tensor products of matrices
2307.00378 Suppression of the inclination instability in the trans-Neptunian Solar system
2307.00379 Residual-based attention and connection to information bottleneck theory in PINNs
2307.00380 Remarks on the paper: Ikehata, M., Extraction formulae for an inverse boundary value problem for the equation $ ablacdot(σ-iωε) abla u=0$, Inverse Problems, 18(2002), 1281-1290
2307.00382 Low-Resource Cross-Lingual Adaptive Training for Nigerian Pidgin
2307.00386 Hybrid Stars Built with Density Dependent Models
2307.00387 Simplifying the large mass expansion
2307.00392 Non-Smooth Setting of Stochastic Decentralized Convex Optimization Problem Over Time-Varying Graphs
2307.00396 Modified gauge unfixing formalism and gauge symmetries in the non-commutative chiral bosons theory
2307.00398 ProbVLM: Probabilistic Adapter for Frozen Vison-Language Models
2307.00399 Hydrodynamics of $(1+1)$ dimensional fluid in the presence of gravitational anomaly from first order thermodynamics and its connection with Hawking effect
2307.00400 Atomisation of an acoustically levitated droplet: Experimental observations of a myriad of complex phenomenon
2307.00402 Making Sense of Constellations: Methodologies for Understanding Starlink's Scheduling Algorithms
2307.00403 Amenability of finite energy path and loop groups
2307.00408 Droplet formation simulation using mixed finite elements
2307.00409 Maximum Overlap Area of Several Convex Polygons Under Translations
2307.00414 Group actions on injective spaces and Helly graphs
2307.00415 Inertial-like waves in rigidly-rotating odd viscous liquids
2307.00416 On the stability of vanishing cycles of étale sheaves in positive characteristic
2307.00417 Aggregation Consistency Errors in Semantic Layers and How to Avoid Them
2307.00418 Decaying Dark Matter and the Hubble Tension
2307.00421 Brightness-Restricted Adversarial Attack Patch
2307.00423 Spectral Sequence Computation of Higher Twisted $K$-Groups of $ SU(n)$
2307.00424 Adaptive Algorithms for Relaxed Pareto Set Identification
2307.00426 Sparsity aware generalization theory for deep neural networks
2307.00427 Primal-Dual Gradient Methods for Searching Network Equilibria in Combined Models with Nested Choice Structure and Capacity Constraints
2307.00428 Dynamics of cascades in spatial interdependent networks
2307.00431 Scattering amplitudes for self-force
2307.00433 Intelligent Traffic Control with Smart Speed Bumps
2307.00434 Ultrafast Ultraviolet C and Visible Laser Light with Broadly Tunable Spectrum
2307.00436 Infinite Series Whose Topology of Convergence Varies From Point to Point
2307.00437 Passive and active field theories for disease spreading
2307.00438 One Copy Is All You Need: Resource-Efficient Streaming of Medical Imaging Data at Scale
2307.00439 Weighted Anisotropic-Isotropic Total Variation for Poisson Denoising
2307.00442 Homotopy theories of $(infty, infty)$-categories as universal fixed points with respect to enrichment
2307.00443 Increasing the bandwidth of High Harmonic Generation emission peaks by spectrally splitting and recombining the driver field
2307.00444 An Adaptive Optimization Approach to Personalized Financial Incentives in Mobile Behavioral Weight Loss Interventions
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