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18 January 2025

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2309.00762 Analytic three-loop QCD corrections to top-quark and semileptonic $b o u$ decays
2309.00763 Some gradient estimates for nonlinear heat-type equations on smooth metric measure spaces with compact boundary
2309.00764 On the Kronecker product of Schur functions of square shapes
2309.00765 Sparse Graphical Designs via Linear Programming
2309.00767 Physics-informed machine learning of the correlation functions in bulk fluids
2309.00768 Space-Time Block Preconditioning for Incompressible Resistive Magnetohydrodynamics
2309.00770 Bias and Fairness in Large Language Models: A Survey
2309.00771 Non-Asymptotic Bounds for Adversarial Excess Risk under Misspecified Models
2309.00772 Classical Amplitudes in Gravitational-Wave Physics
2309.00775 Contrastive Feature Masking Open-Vocabulary Vision Transformer
2309.00776 Are Current CCPA Compliant Banners Conveying User's Desired Opt-Out Decisions? An Empirical Study of Cookie Consent Banners
2309.00777 Towards High-Frequency Tracking and Fast Edge-Aware Optimization
2309.00778 Generation of Kerr soliton microcomb in a normally dispersed lithium niobate microdisk resonator by mode trimming
2309.00780 Diffuse Inelastic Neutron Scattering from Anharmonic Vibrations in Cuprite
2309.00782 Two-stage Robust Optimization Approach for Enhanced Community Resilience Under Tornado Hazards
2309.00783 Diffusion Modeling with Domain-conditioned Prior Guidance for Accelerated MRI and qMRI Reconstruction
2309.00786 Predication of novel effects in rotational nuclei at high speed
2309.00787 Online Targetless Radar-Camera Extrinsic Calibration Based on the Common Features of Radar and Camera
2309.00788 Spectral Barron space and deep neural network approximation
2309.00789 LinkTransformer: A Unified Package for Record Linkage with Transformer Language Models
2309.00791 Instability of the solitary waves for the Generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony Equation
2309.00792 Delay-Doppler Alignment Modulation for Spatially Sparse Massive MIMO Communication
2309.00794 FastPoseGait: A Toolbox and Benchmark for Efficient Pose-based Gait Recognition
2309.00796 AttT2M: Text-Driven Human Motion Generation with Multi-Perspective Attention Mechanism
2309.00797 Numerical variational simulations of quantum phase transitions in the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model with multiple polaron ansatz
2309.00799 An Elementary Construction of Modified Hamiltonians and Modified Measures of 2D Kahan Maps
2309.00800 Enhancing Cardiac MRI Segmentation via Classifier-Guided Two-Stage Network and All-Slice Information Fusion Transformer
2309.00802 Deep Learning and Inverse Problems
2309.00803 Value-oriented Renewable Energy Forecasting for Coordinated Energy Dispatch Problems at Two Stages
2309.00804 The Hardy-Littlewood Maximal Operator on Discrete Weighted Morrey Spaces
2309.00805 Fairness Implications of Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation with Machine Learning Methods in Policy-making
2309.00806 The Fiber of the Principal Minor Map
2309.00807 Consensus-based Distributed Variational Multi-object Tracker in Multi-Sensor Network
2309.00810 RenAIssance: A Survey into AI Text-to-Image Generation in the Era of Large Model
2309.00811 A double-decomposition based parallel exact algorithm for the feedback length minimization problem
2309.00812 Chirality-dependent persistent spin current in single circular helix molecules
2309.00813 Side Ridge in Ar + KCl Collisions at 1.8 GeV/nucleon with Reaction-Plane Deblurring
2309.00815 Limiting Behaviour of Poisson-Dirichlet and Generalised Poisson-Dirichlet Distributions
2309.00817 Soil Image Segmentation Based on Mask R-CNN
2309.00818 Beam Test of the First Prototype of SiPM-on-Tile Calorimeter Insert for the Electron-Ion Collider Using 4 GeV Positrons at Jefferson Laboratory
2309.00819 Mixed Reality: The Interface of the Future
2309.00820 Jupiter Atmospheric Models and Outer Boundary Conditions for Giant Planet Evolutionary Calculations
2309.00821 On the Treatment of Melanoma: A Mathematical Model of Oncolytic Virotherapy
2309.00823 The quantum Harish-Chandra isomorphism for GL$_n$
2309.00825 Magic momenta and three dimensional Landau levels from a three dimensional graphite moir'e superlattice
2309.00828 When 3D Bounding-Box Meets SAM: Point Cloud Instance Segmentation with Weak-and-Noisy Supervision
2309.00832 ObjectLab: Automated Diagnosis of Mislabeled Images in Object Detection Data
2309.00833 Temperature Dependence of a Depth-Encoded System for Polarization-Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography using a PM Fiber
2309.00834 Approximating Fair $k$-Min-Sum-Radii in $mathbb{R}^d$
2309.00835 GENDIRECT: a GENeralized DIRECT-type algorithmic framework for derivative-free global optimization
2309.00836 An Isotropic Discretization with Semi-implicit Approach for Phase Field Model of Alloy Solidification
2309.00839 Stabilizing confined quasiparticle dynamics in one-dimensional polar lattice gases
2309.00842 DualStream: Spatially Sharing Selves and Surroundings using Mobile Devices and Augmented Reality
2309.00844 Domain Generalization via Balancing Training Difficulty and Model Capability
2309.00845 Detection of two new RRATs at 111 MHz
2309.00846 pSTarC: Pseudo Source Guided Target Clustering for Fully Test-Time Adaptation
2309.00847 Sharp uncertainty principles on metric measure spaces
2309.00848 A Post-Processing Based Bengali Document Layout Analysis with YOLOV8
2309.00849 Existence and nonexistence of global solutions for time-dependent damped NLS equations
2309.00850 Invariant prime ideals in equivariant Lazard rings
2309.00851 Drift Analysis with Fitness Levels for Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms
2309.00852 Are there higher electron densities in narrow emission line regions of Type-1 AGN than Type-2 AGN?
2309.00853 Correlated and Multi-frequency Diffusion Modeling for Highly Under-sampled MRI Reconstruction
2309.00855 DoRA: Domain-Based Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Low-Resource Real Estate Appraisal
2309.00856 Bound states of a one-dimensional Dirac equation with multiple delta-potentials
2309.00857 Evaluating Transformer's Ability to Learn Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages
2309.00859 DeepScaler: Holistic Autoscaling for Microservices Based on Spatiotemporal GNN with Adaptive Graph Learning
2309.00860 Towards Code Watermarking with Dual-Channel Transformations
2309.00862 Big-model Driven Few-shot Continual Learning
2309.00867 Gradient Gibbs measures with periodic boundary laws of a generalized SOS model on a Cayley tree
2309.00868 Testing for sufficient follow-up in censored survival data by using extremes
2309.00869 Nondestructive discrimination of Bell states between distant parties
2309.00872 Fearless Luminance Adaptation: A Macro-Micro-Hierarchical Transformer for Exposure Correction
2309.00875 A hidden Markov model for statistical arbitrage in international crude oil futures markets
2309.00876 A Multiscale Method for Two-Component, Two-Phase Flow with a Neural Network Surrogate
2309.00877 A note on the polar decomposition in metric spaces
2309.00878 Pretraining Representations for Bioacoustic Few-shot Detection using Supervised Contrastive Learning
2309.00879 Towards Certified Probabilistic Robustness with High Accuracy
2309.00880 Realizing the symplectic group as a Galois group over the function field $mathbb{F}_q(t)$
2309.00881 Quantum transport theory for neutrinos with flavor and particle-antiparticle mixing
2309.00883 DiCLET-TTS: Diffusion Model based Cross-lingual Emotion Transfer for Text-to-Speech -- A Study between English and Mandarin
2309.00884 Excitation of extraordinary modes inside the source of Saturn's kilometric radiation
2309.00885 A Generic Fundus Image Enhancement Network Boosted by Frequency Self-supervised Representation Learning
2309.00887 Diagrammatic Multiplet-Sum Method (MSM) Density-Functional Theory (DFT): Investigation of the Transferability of Integrals in "Simple" DFT-Based Approaches to Multi-Determinantal Problems
2309.00888 A large population of strongly lensed faint submillimetre galaxies in future dark energy surveys inferred from JWST imaging
2309.00890 Black Hole - Neutron Star mergers: using kilonovae to constrain the equation of state
2309.00891 On semi-classical limit of spatially homogeneous quantum Boltzmann equation: asymptotic expansion
2309.00892 Room-Temperature Anomalous Hall Effect in Graphene in Interfacial Magnetic Proximity with EuO Grown by Topotactic Reduction
2309.00893 Electrical conductivity of warm neutron star crust in magnetic fields: Neutron-drip regime
2309.00894 Regularly Truncated M-estimators for Learning with Noisy Labels
2309.00895 The Dantzig Selector: Sparse Signals Recovery via l_p-q Minimization
2309.00896 On the stabilization of a kinetic model by feedback-like control fields in a Monte Carlo framework
2309.00897 A delay analogue of the box and ball system arising from the ultra-discretization of the delay discrete Lotka-Volterra equation
2309.00898 CoRD: Converged RDMA Dataplane for High-Performance Clouds
2309.00899 New Atomic Decompositions of Weighted Local Hardy Spaces
2309.00900 Large Process Models: Business Process Management in the Age of Generative AI
2309.00902 Characterising 4-tangles through a connectivity property
2309.00904 Developmental Scaffolding with Large Language Models
2309.00905 Gravitational Lensing by Transparent Janis-Newman-Winicour Naked Singularities
2309.00906 Friezes with coefficients
2309.00907 A Multi-Head Ensemble Multi-Task Learning Approach for Dynamical Computation Offloading
2309.00908 MagicProp: Diffusion-based Video Editing via Motion-aware Appearance Propagation
2309.00911 A novel framework employing deep multi-attention channels network for the autonomous detection of metastasizing cells through fluorescence microscopy
2309.00912 Enable people to identify science news based on retracted articles on social media
2309.00913 Advanced spike sorting approaches in implantable VLSI wireless brain computer interfaces: a survey
2309.00917 Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Multi-Lingual Structured Representations of Radiology Reports
2309.00919 Electron Spin Polarization as a Predictor of Chiroptical Activity in Helical Molecules
2309.00920 Trustworthy Distributed Average Consensus based on Locally Assessed Trust Evaluations
2309.00921 An iterative scheme for finite horizon model reduction of continuous-time linear time-varying systems
2309.00922 Resolving vertices of graphs with differences
2309.00924 Entanglement phase transitions in non-Hermitian quasicrystals
2309.00927 A practical guide to loss measurements using the Fourier transform of the transmission spectrum
2309.00928 S$^3$-MonoDETR: Supervised Shape&Scale-perceptive Deformable Transformer for Monocular 3D Object Detection
2309.00929 Timbre-reserved Adversarial Attack in Speaker Identification
2309.00932 Deep supervised hashing for fast retrieval of radio image cubes
2309.00933 Two-in-One Depth: Bridging the Gap Between Monocular and Binocular Self-supervised Depth Estimation
2309.00934 Strongly outer actions of certain torsion-free amenable groups on the Razak-Jacelon algebra
2309.00935 Effect of cholesterol on the mechanical stability of gel-phase phospholipid bilayers studied by AFM force spectroscopy
2309.00937 Spectroscopic Observations of Selected Planetary Nebulae from the HASH Database
2309.00938 Exploring the Robustness of Human Parsers Towards Common Corruptions
2309.00941 Emergent Linear Representations in World Models of Self-Supervised Sequence Models
2309.00942 Tracking without Label: Unsupervised Multiple Object Tracking via Contrastive Similarity Learning
2309.00943 iCOS: Option-Implied COS Method
2309.00947 On modelling and stabilizability of voltage-controlled piezoelectric material
2309.00949 Multilingual Text Representation
2309.00950 Plancherel formula for the attenuated Radon transform
2309.00951 A nanoporous capacitive electrochemical ratchet for continuous ion separations
2309.00952 Bridge Diffusion Model: bridge non-English language-native text-to-image diffusion model with English communities
2309.00953 A time-fractional optimal transport and mean-field planning: Formulation and algorithm
2309.00954 On Decidability and Expressive Power of Fusion Grammars
2309.00955 Similarity between compact extremely red objects discovered with JWST in cosmic dawn and blue-excess dust-obscured galaxies known in cosmic noon
2309.00957 Visual-Kinematics Graph Learning for Procedure-agnostic Instrument Tip Segmentation in Robotic Surgeries
2309.00958 Index-aware learning of circuits
2309.00959 Electromagnetic properties of the $Sigma_{c}(2800)^+$ and $Lambda_c(2940)^+$ states via light-cone QCD
2309.00960 Network Topology Inference with Sparsity and Laplacian Constraints
2309.00961 Asymptotes of macroscopic observables in Gibbs measures of general interacting particle systems
2309.00964 eDKM: An Efficient and Accurate Train-time Weight Clustering for Large Language Models
2309.00965 Inequivalent $Z_2^n$-graded brackets, $n$-bit parastatistics and statistical transmutations of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
2309.00966 Compositional Diffusion-Based Continuous Constraint Solvers
2309.00967 A minimal and non-alternative realisation of the Cayley plane
2309.00968 Multiscale Modeling with Differential Equations
2309.00970 Rapid pre-merger localization of binary neutron stars in third generation gravitational wave detectors
2309.00972 Two-Moment Neutrino Flavor Transformation with applications to the Fast Flavor Instability in Neutron Star Mergers
2309.00974 Deep-Learning Framework for Optimal Selection of Soil Sampling Sites
2309.00977 Improved stability ranges in the homology of Torelli and congruence subgroups
2309.00978 Robust Joint Active-Passive Beamforming Design for IRS-Assisted ISAC Systems
2309.00979 ADI schemes for heat equations with irregular boundaries and interfaces in 3D with applications
2309.00983 An Ensemble Score Filter for Tracking High-Dimensional Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
2309.00984 Out-of-plane spin-to-charge conversion at low temperatures in graphene/MoTe$_2$ heterostructures
2309.00985 Multi-agent Collective Construction using 3D Decomposition
2309.00986 ModelScope-Agent: Building Your Customizable Agent System with Open-source Large Language Models
2309.00987 Sequential Dexterity: Chaining Dexterous Policies for Long-Horizon Manipulation
2309.00988 The repetition threshold of episturmian sequences
2309.00989 Equitable list colorign of planar graphs with given maximum degree
2309.00990 Classification of bifurcation diagrams for semilinear elliptic equations in the critical dimension
2309.00991 Pseudofiniteness and measurability of the everywhere infinite forest
2309.00993 A Boosted Machine Learning Framework for the Improvement of Phase and Crystal Structure Prediction of High Entropy Alloys Using Thermodynamic and Configurational Parameters
2309.00996 Machine-learning potentials for nanoscale simulations of deformation and fracture: example of TiB$_2$ ceramic
2309.00997 Switch and Conquer: Efficient Algorithms By Switching Stochastic Gradient Oracles For Decentralized Saddle Point Problems
2309.00998 Local support theorem for the exponential Radon transform
2309.00999 Bayesian sparsity and class sparsity priors for dictionary learning and coding
2309.01003 Existence of a positive solution for a class of Schrödinger logarithmic equations on exterior domains
2309.01004 Projection-based reduced order modeling of an iterative coupling scheme for thermo-poroelasticity
2309.01006 A Sub-Terahertz Sliding Correlator Channel Sounder with Absolute Timing using Precision Time Protocol over Wi-Fi
2309.01008 Luminosity determination using Z boson production at the CMS experiment
2309.01009 Modeling single-molecule stretching experiments using statistical thermodynamics
2309.01010 Mitigating Motion Blur for Robust 3D Baseball Player Pose Modeling for Pitch Analysis
2309.01011 Classical Limit of genus two DAHA
2309.01012 Investigating the Day-to-Day Experiences of Users with Traumatic Brain Injury with Conversational Agents
2309.01013 Streaming Active Learning for Regression Problems Using Regression via Classification
2309.01014 Searching for Variable Stars Using the Large Array Survey Telescope (LAST)
2309.01016 Bootstrap, Markov Chain Monte Carlo, and LP/SDP Hierarchy for the Lattice Ising Model
2309.01017 Contrastive Grouping with Transformer for Referring Image Segmentation
2309.01019 Counting Regions in Billiard Trajectories
2309.01022 A Neural Benders Decomposition for the Hub Location Routing Problem
2309.01023 Size effects on atomic collapse in the dice lattice
2309.01024 Spectral Libraries for Analyzing Spectra of Low-Metalicity Galaxies
2309.01026 Zero-Shot Recommendations with Pre-Trained Large Language Models for Multimodal Nudging
2309.01027 Hausdorff limits of external rays: the topological picture
2309.01028 Automated Synthesis of Quantum Subcircuits
2309.01032 Hessian-aware Quantized Node Embeddings for Recommendation
2309.01034 Discrete-to-continuum models of pre-stressed cytoskeletal filament networks
2309.01035 Deep Deformable Models: Learning 3D Shape Abstractions with Part Consistency
2309.01036 SEPAL: Spatial Gene Expression Prediction from Local Graphs
2309.01037 A numerical illustration of a recently proposed strongly polynomial-time algorithm for the general linear programming problem
2309.01038 Neurosymbolic Reinforcement Learning and Planning: A Survey
2309.01041 Energy transport between heat baths with oscillating temperatures
2309.01042 Digital Twins and Blockchain for IoT Management
2309.01043 Distribution learning via neural differential equations: a nonparametric statistical perspective
2309.01044 When are KE-closed subcategories torsion-free classes?
2309.01045 Exploring the Structures and Substructures of the Andromeda Satellite Dwarf Galaxies Cassiopeia III, Perseus I, and Lacerta I
2309.01046 Theoretical investigation on potential of zero free charge of (111) and (100) surfaces of Group 10 and 11 metals
2309.01047 "Extraordinary" Phase Transition Revealed in a van der Waals Antiferromagnet
2309.01048 Uniqueness of lump solutions of KP-I equation
2309.01049 A solid-state high harmonic generation spectrometer with cryogenic cooling
2309.01050 Efficient Curriculum based Continual Learning with Informative Subset Selection for Remote Sensing Scene Classification
2309.01051 On Galois self-orthogonal algebraic geometry codes
2309.01052 From Vlasov-Maxwell-Landau system with Coulomb potential to two-fluid incompressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier-Maxwell system with Ohm's law
2309.01053 An inequality for the Delta-genus of toric varieties
2309.01054 Self-Purification and Entanglement Revival in Lambda Matter
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