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25 January 2025

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2309.01055 Integration of Vision-based Object Detection and Grasping for Articulated Manipulator in Lunar Conditions
2309.01057 Key varieties for prime $mathbb{Q}$-Fano threefolds defined by Freudenthal triple systems
2309.01058 Nonradiating sources of the biharmonic wave equation
2309.01060 Radiative $B$ to axial-vector meson decays at NLO in Soft-Collinear Effective Theory
2309.01062 Validation of the Wiedemann-Franz Law in solid and molten tungsten above 2000 K through thermal conductivity measurements via steady state temperature differential radiometry
2309.01063 Semi-supervised 3D Video Information Retrieval with Deep Neural Network and Bi-directional Dynamic-time Warping Algorithm
2309.01064 Influence of Publication Capacity on Journal Impact Factor for International Open Access Journals from China: Insights from Microeconomic Analysis
2309.01065 Optimizing Mobile-Edge AI-Generated Everything (AIGX) Services by Prompt Engineering: Fundamental, Framework, and Case Study
2309.01066 AB2CD: AI for Building Climate Damage Classification and Detection
2309.01067 MQENet: A Mesh Quality Evaluation Neural Network Based on Dynamic Graph Attention
2309.01068 A Cartesian grid-based boundary integral method for moving interface problems
2309.01069 Separable Hamiltonian Neural Networks
2309.01070 Multidomain transformer-based deep learning for early detection of network intrusion
2309.01071 Business Process Text Sketch Automation Generation Using Large Language Model
2309.01073 Spatial and Visual Perspective-Taking via View Rotation and Relation Reasoning for Embodied Reference Understanding
2309.01074 Towards Efficient Modeling and Inference in Multi-Dimensional Gaussian Process State-Space Models
2309.01075 Muti-Stage Hierarchical Food Classification
2309.01076 Federated Few-shot Learning for Cough Classification with Edge Devices
2309.01077 Robust Adversarial Defense by Tensor Factorization
2309.01078 UnsMOT: Unified Framework for Unsupervised Multi-Object Tracking with Geometric Topology Guidance
2309.01080 Quantum geometric formulation of Brans-Dicke theory for Bianchi I spacetime
2309.01082 Tropical Geometric Tools for Machine Learning: the TML package
2309.01083 Chinese Text Recognition with A Pre-Trained CLIP-Like Model Through Image-IDS Aligning
2309.01086 MILA: Memory-Based Instance-Level Adaptation for Cross-Domain Object Detection
2309.01087 Stabilize to Act: Learning to Coordinate for Bimanual Manipulation
2309.01088 Geometry, mechanics and actuation of intrinsically curved folds
2309.01089 Study of vacancy ordering and the boson peak in metastable cubic Ge-Sb-Te using machine learning potentials
2309.01091 Dynamical analysis of Maclaurin disk with velocity dispersion and its influence on bar formation
2309.01092 Face Clustering for Connection Discovery from Event Images
2309.01093 CoTDet: Affordance Knowledge Prompting for Task Driven Object Detection
2309.01095 Reducing laser beam fluence and intensity fluctuations in symmetric and asymmetric compressors
2309.01096 Constructing a type-adjustable mechanism to yield Pareto-optimal outcomes
2309.01099 Enhancing Infrared Small Target Detection Robustness with Bi-Level Adversarial Framework
2309.01100 The twisted Gan-Gross-Prasad problem for finite classical groups
2309.01102 Dual Adversarial Resilience for Collaborating Robust Underwater Image Enhancement and Perception
2309.01103 Multi-Relational Contrastive Learning for Recommendation
2309.01104 Turn Fake into Real: Adversarial Head Turn Attacks Against Deepfake Detection
2309.01105 A Study on the Implementation of Generative AI Services Using an Enterprise Data-Based LLM Application Architecture
2309.01106 AdvMono3D: Advanced Monocular 3D Object Detection with Depth-Aware Robust Adversarial Training
2309.01107 Solving Non-Rectangular Reward-Robust MDPs via Frequency Regularization
2309.01108 Acoustic-to-articulatory inversion for dysarthric speech: Are pre-trained self-supervised representations favorable?
2309.01109 Extending the unified subhalo model to warm dark matter
2309.01110 Relaxed Agreement Forests
2309.01112 Swing Leg Motion Strategy for Heavy-load Legged Robot Based on Force Sensing
2309.01113 Hybrid-Supervised Dual-Search: Leveraging Automatic Learning for Loss-free Multi-Exposure Image Fusion
2309.01114 MedChatZH: a Better Medical Adviser Learns from Better Instructions
2309.01117 GICAR algebras and dynamics on determinantal point processes: discrete orthogonal polynomial ensemble case
2309.01119 Jacobi polynomials for first-order generalized Reed--Muller codes
2309.01120 Double Clipping: Less-Biased Variance Reduction in Off-Policy Evaluation
2309.01121 Competing order in two-band Bose-Hubbard chains with extended-range interactions
2309.01122 AI driven B-cell Immunotherapy Design
2309.01125 AutoML-GPT: Large Language Model for AutoML
2309.01126 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages
2309.01127 Financial Fraud Detection using Quantum Graph Neural Networks
2309.01128 Unlocking Retrospective Prevalent Information in EHRs -- a Pairwise Pseudolikelihood Approach
2309.01130 The End of the Canonical IoT Botnet: A Measurement Study of Mirai's Descendants
2309.01131 Attention Where It Matters: Rethinking Visual Document Understanding with Selective Region Concentration
2309.01132 $W$ and $Z$ Boson Pair Production at Electron-Positron Colliders in Gauge-Higgs Unification
2309.01135 Face-on Map of the Molecular Disc and 3-kpc Expanding Ring of the Galaxy based on a High-Accuracy Rotation Curve
2309.01136 $(min,+)$ Matrix and Vector Products for Inputs Decomposable into Few Monotone Subsequences
2309.01137 Computational prediction of ideal strength for a material
2309.01139 Logistic modelling of economic dynamics
2309.01140 Interpretable Sequence Clustering
2309.01141 VGDiffZero: Text-to-image Diffusion Models Can Be Zero-shot Visual Grounders
2309.01143 Two-center resonant photoionization-excitation driven by combined intra- and interatomic electron correlations
2309.01144 Distributed averaging for accuracy prediction in networked systems
2309.01145 Energy bands in a three dimension simple cubic lattice of contact potential
2309.01146 A Spin-dependent Machine Learning Framework for Transition Metal Oxide Battery Cathode Materials
2309.01147 Nonnegative Ricci curvature, nilpotency, and Hausdorff dimension
2309.01148 Orbital-Dependent Electron Correlation in Double-Layer Nickelate La3Ni2O7
2309.01149 An Iterative Approach for Collision Feee Routing and Scheduling in Multirobot Stations
2309.01151 EdaDet: Open-Vocabulary Object Detection Using Early Dense Alignment
2309.01152 Local connectivity of boundaries of tame Fatou components of meromorphic functions
2309.01156 Advances in machine-learning-based sampling motivated by lattice quantum chromodynamics
2309.01157 Large Language Models for Generative Recommendation: A Survey and Visionary Discussions
2309.01158 An Accurate Graph Generative Model with Tunable Features
2309.01159 An Asynchronous Linear Filter Architecture for Hybrid Event-Frame Cameras
2309.01161 Probabilistic Reduced-Dimensional Vector Autoregressive Modeling for Dynamics Prediction and Reconstruction with Oblique Projections
2309.01162 Contribution of Majoron to Hubble tension in gauged U(1)$_{L_mu-L_ au}$ Model
2309.01163 Generalized Majorana edge modes in a number-conserving periodically driven $p$-wave superconductor
2309.01164 Noise robust speech emotion recognition with signal-to-noise ratio adapting speech enhancement
2309.01165 Asymptotic analysis of Einstein-AE ther theory and its memory effects: the linearized case
2309.01166 Spatial-temporal Vehicle Re-identification
2309.01167 Symbolically integrating tensor networks over various random tensors -- the second version of Python RTNI
2309.01168 Noise Measurement of a Wind Turbine using Thick Blades with Blunt Trailing Edge
2309.01169 End-to-End Learning on Multimodal Knowledge Graphs
2309.01170 The Minkowski problem in Heisenberg groups
2309.01171 Deep Unfolding Convolutional Dictionary Model for Multi-Contrast MRI Super-resolution and Reconstruction
2309.01172 FusionAI: Decentralized Training and Deploying LLMs with Massive Consumer-Level GPUs
2309.01176 Observation of multiple flat bands and topological Dirac states in a new titanium based slightly distorted kagome metal YbTi3Bi4
2309.01178 Energy transition densities driven by time-dependent Hamiltonians
2309.01180 A Usage-Aware Sequent Calculus for Differential Dynamic Logic
2309.01181 Polarization-entangled quantum frequency comb
2309.01182 Direct visualization of electric current induced dipoles of atomic impurities
2309.01185 Cooperative Filtering with Range Measurements: A Distributed Constrained Zonotopic Method
2309.01187 The emergence of order in many element systems
2309.01188 Pre-trained Neural Recommenders: A Transferable Zero-Shot Framework for Recommendation Systems
2309.01189 LogGPT: Exploring ChatGPT for Log-Based Anomaly Detection
2309.01191 Sustainable early-stage lasing in a low-emittance electron storage ring
2309.01192 Nash's bargaining problem and the scale-invariant Hirsch citation index
2309.01195 A dispersive estimate of the $a_0(980)$ contribution to hadronic light-by-light scattering in $(g-2)_μ$
2309.01197 On the vacuum free boundary problem of the viscous Saint-Venant system for shallow water in two dimensions
2309.01199 DKWS: A Distributed System for Keyword Search on Massive Graphs (Complete Version)
2309.01202 MAGMA: Music Aligned Generative Motion Autodecoder
2309.01204 Falconer distance problem on Riemannian manifolds with constant sectional curvature
2309.01205 Rigidity and deformation of generalized sphere packings on 3-dimensional manifolds with boundary
2309.01206 Comparative Safety Performance of Autonomous- and Human Drivers: A Real-World Case Study of the Waymo One Service
2309.01207 Spectral Adversarial MixUp for Few-Shot Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
2309.01208 Streaming and Query Once Space Complexity of Longest Increasing Subsequence
2309.01209 A New Insight into Electron Acceleration Properties from Theoretical Modeling of Double-Peaked Radio Light Curves in Core-Collapse Supernovae
2309.01212 NADiffuSE: Noise-aware Diffusion-based Model for Speech Enhancement
2309.01214 Immersive Technologies in Virtual Companions: A Systematic Literature Review
2309.01216 Unifying positioning corrections and random number generations in silicon micro-strip trackers
2309.01217 Quantum Tapsilou -- a quantum game inspired from the traditional Greek coin tossing game tapsilou
2309.01219 Siren's Song in the AI Ocean: A Survey on Hallucination in Large Language Models
2309.01220 On the numerical approximation of the distance to singularity for matrix-valued functions
2309.01221 $mathbb{H}^{2|2}$-model and Vertex-Reinforced Jump Process on Regular Trees: Infinite-Order Transition and an Intermediate Phase
2309.01223 Tensor products of topological abelian groups and Pontryagin duality
2309.01225 Stabilization of parareal algorithms for long time computation of a class of highly oscillatory Hamiltonian flows using data
2309.01226 Saturn: An Optimized Data System for Large Model Deep Learning Workloads
2309.01227 The Born Oscillator
2309.01230 lfads-torch: A modular and extensible implementation of latent factor analysis via dynamical systems
2309.01232 Chirped Pulse Control of Raman Coherence in Atoms and Molecules
2309.01233 An FLRW accelerating universe model in Weyl type $f(Q)$ gravity and Observational Constraints
2309.01235 Generalizability and Application of the Skin Reflectance Estimate Based on Dichromatic Separation (SREDS)
2309.01236 BodySLAM++: Fast and Tightly-Coupled Visual-Inertial Camera and Human Motion Tracking
2309.01237 The Information Geometry of UMAP
2309.01238 Performance-Sensitive Potential Functions for Efficient Flow of Connected and Automated Vehicles
2309.01239 Primordial black holes in non-canonical scalar field inflation driven by Higgs potential in the presence of bump
2309.01242 On input-to-state stability verification of identified models obtained by Koopman operator
2309.01243 Privacy-Utility Tradeoff of OLS with Random Projections
2309.01244 On the Convergence of L-shaped Algorithms for Two-Stage Stochastic Programming
2309.01245 Representations Matter: Embedding Modes of Large Language Models using Dynamic Mode Decomposition
2309.01247 Evaluation of forecasts by a global data-driven weather model with and without probabilistic post-processing at Norwegian stations
2309.01248 Modified Step Size for Enhanced Stochastic Gradient Descent: Convergence and Experiments
2309.01249 Large AI Model Empowered Multimodal Semantic Communications
2309.01250 Longest Common Substring and Longest Palindromic Substring in $ ilde{mathcal{O}}(sqrt{n})$ Time
2309.01251 Reflection of Stochastic Evolution Equations in Infinite Dimensional Domains
2309.01252 S2RF: Semantically Stylized Radiance Fields
2309.01253 Lattice homology and Seiberg-Witten-Floer spectra
2309.01255 On the structure of the Schur complement matrix for the Stokes equation
2309.01256 BDC-Adapter: Brownian Distance Covariance for Better Vision-Language Reasoning
2309.01257 A dynamic state-based model of crowds
2309.01258 Efficient Classical Shadow Tomography through Many-body Localization Dynamics
2309.01259 The science of ultra-high energy cosmic rays after more than 15 years of operation of the Pierre Auger Observatory
2309.01260 Completions of triangulated categories
2309.01262 Multimodal Contrastive Learning with Hard Negative Sampling for Human Activity Recognition
2309.01263 $P$-log-Sobolev inequalities on $mathbb{N}$
2309.01264 Upward and Orthogonal Planarity are W[1]-hard Parameterized by Treewidth
2309.01265 SOAR: Scene-debiasing Open-set Action Recognition
2309.01266 Calderón-Zygmund theory with noncommuting kernels via $H_1^c$
2309.01267 Learning-Aware Safety for Interactive Autonomy
2309.01268 Timescale of Stellar Feedback-Driven Turbulence in the ISM: A Deep Dive into UGC 4305
2309.01269 Outlining the design space of eXplainable swarm (xSwarm): experts perspective
2309.01271 Bayesian inference of composition-dependent phase diagrams
2309.01272 Electromagnetic Waves from Pulsars Generated by Null Cosmic Strings
2309.01273 WindMill: A Parameterized and Pluggable CGRA Implemented by DIAG Design Flow
2309.01274 Diffusion Models with Deterministic Normalizing Flow Priors
2309.01276 Verifying the Unknown: Correct-by-Design Control Synthesis for Networks of Stochastic Uncertain Systems
2309.01277 Star formation efficiency across large-scale galactic environments
2309.01279 FOR-instance: a UAV laser scanning benchmark dataset for semantic and instance segmentation of individual trees
2309.01280 KMT-2021-BLG-1547Lb: Giant microlensing planet detected through a signal deformed by source binarity
2309.01282 Generalization of the Thistlethwaite--Tsvietkova Method
2309.01283 Square packings and rectifiable doubling measures
2309.01285 The role of pressure-induced stacking faults on the magnetic properties of gadolinium
2309.01286 MAP: Domain Generalization via Meta-Learning on Anatomy-Consistent Pseudo-Modalities
2309.01287 Integral expressions for derivations of multiarrangements
2309.01289 Federated Orthogonal Training: Mitigating Global Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Federated Learning
2309.01290 Lattice Point Variance in Thin Elliptic Annuli over $mathbb{F}_q [T]$
2309.01291 Generative Social Choice
2309.01292 Ultra-Compact accurate wave functions for He-like iso-electronic sequences and variational calculus. IV. Spin-singlet states $(1s,ns)$ $n,{}^1 S$ family of the Helium sequence
2309.01294 AlphaZero Gomoku
2309.01295 Study on Susceptibilities of Superconductors BaPtSb and BaPtAs with Honeycomb Structure
2309.01296 EMR-MSF: Self-Supervised Recurrent Monocular Scene Flow Exploiting Ego-Motion Rigidity
2309.01297 Communication-Efficient Design of Learning System for Energy Demand Forecasting of Electrical Vehicles
2309.01299 Scalable Hierarchical Instruction Cache for Ultra-Low-Power Processors Clusters
2309.01301 $mathbb{T}$-Stochastic Graphs
2309.01302 Partial Proof of a Conjecture with Implications for Spectral Majorization
2309.01303 Uniform domains and moduli spaces of generalized Cantor sets
2309.01305 Progress on two-dimensional ferrovalley materials
2309.01306 A linearly convergent method for solving high-order proximal operator
2309.01307 Gaussian and Bootstrap Approximations for Suprema of Empirical Processes
2309.01308 Fermi constraints on the ejecta speed and prompt emission region of the distant GRB 220101A
2309.01311 Review of Semileptonic $B$ Anomalies
2309.01313 $L^1 ightarrow L^infty$ Dispersive estimates for Coulomb waves
2309.01314 Model Review: a PROMISEing Opportunity
2309.01315 Steering-induced phase transition in measurement-only quantum circuits
2309.01317 Multirole Logic and Multiparty Channels
2309.01319 An ML-assisted OTFS vs. OFDM adaptable modem
2309.01320 Evaluation Mappings of Spatial Accelerator Based On Data Placement
2309.01321 Joint Oscillation Damping and Inertia Provision Service for Converter-Interfaced Generation
2309.01322 FAU-Net: An Attention U-Net Extension with Feature Pyramid Attention for Prostate Cancer Segmentation
2309.01323 State-independent geometric quantum gates via nonadiabatic and noncyclic evolution
2309.01324 SKoPe3D: A Synthetic Dataset for Vehicle Keypoint Perception in 3D from Traffic Monitoring Cameras
2309.01325 Data-constrained Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of an Intermediate Solar Filament Eruption
2309.01326 Improved Photocatalytic Performance via Air-Plasma Modification of Titanium Dioxide: Insights from Experimental and Simulation Investigation
2309.01328 Restoration Guarantee of Image Inpainting via Low Rank Patch Matrix Completion
2309.01329 Maximality Principles and Ressurection Axioms under a Laver-generic large cardinal
2309.01330 A thin plate approximation for ocean wave interactions with an ice shelf
2309.01331 Semantic-Constraint Matching Transformer for Weakly Supervised Object Localization
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