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25 January 2025

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2309.01333 Rigidity of free boundary minimal disk in mean convex three-manifolds
2309.01334 Average treatment effect on the treated, under lack of positivity
2309.01335 In-processing User Constrained Dominant Sets for User-Oriented Fairness in Recommender Systems
2309.01338 Electric and dilatonic fields of a charged massive particle at rest in the field of a charged dilaton black hole
2309.01339 UniSA: Unified Generative Framework for Sentiment Analysis
2309.01340 MDSC: Towards Evaluating the Style Consistency Between Music and
2309.01342 Adaptive Parametric Prototype Learning for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Classification
2309.01343 Distributional Domain-Invariant Preference Matching for Cross-Domain Recommendation
2309.01346 White paper on LiDAR performance against selected Automotive Paints
2309.01347 Piezoelectric Electrostatic Superlattices in Monolayer MoS$_2$
2309.01348 $LambdaLambda$ Interaction in a Nuclear Density Functional Theory and Hyperon Puzzle of the Neutron Star
2309.01349 Homomorphisms of the lattice of slowly oscillating functions on the half-line
2309.01350 MalwareDNA: Simultaneous Classification of Malware, Malware Families, and Novel Malware
2309.01351 Adv3D: Generating 3D Adversarial Examples in Driving Scenarios with NeRF
2309.01352 Self-driven Grounding: Large Language Model Agents with Automatical Language-aligned Skill Learning
2309.01353 Real-time pedestrian recognition on low computational resources
2309.01354 Nodal solutions for the double phase problems
2309.01355 Hard superconducting gap in PbTe nanowires
2309.01356 AZB Rectangle Shrinkage Method and Heterogeneous Computing Accelerated Full Image Theory Method Ray Tracing Enabling Complex and Massive Outdoor 6G Propagation Modeling
2309.01357 Adapting Classifiers To Changing Class Priors During Deployment
2309.01358 Inertia and spectral symmetry of the eccentricity matrices of a class of bi-block graphs
2309.01361 High Frequency, High Accuracy Pointing onboard Nanosats using Neuromorphic Event Sensing and Piezoelectric Actuation
2309.01362 Challenges of the inconsistency regime: Novel debiasing methods for missing data models
2309.01363 Mutual Information Maximizing Quantum Generative Adversarial Network and Its Applications in Finance
2309.01365 Refined Temporal Pyramidal Compression-and-Amplification Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
2309.01366 Target-Guided Composed Image Retrieval
2309.01367 Energy Spectrum Theory of Incommensurate Systems
2309.01368 Regularity of multipliers and second-order optimality conditions of KKT-type for semilinear parabolic control problems
2309.01370 ReOnto: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Biomedical Relation Extraction
2309.01371 A Survey for Graphic Design Intelligence
2309.01374 ImmersiveNeRF: Hybrid Radiance Fields for Unbounded Immersive Light Field Reconstruction
2309.01375 An analytical late-Universe approach to the weaving of modern cosmology
2309.01376 Optimizing the Regularization in Size-Consistent Second-Order Brillouin-Wigner Perturbation Theory
2309.01377 Memory augment is All You Need for image restoration
2309.01378 Solving the Naturalness Problem with Feeble Coupled Sectors
2309.01379 MLGuard: Defend Your Machine Learning Model!
2309.01380 Understanding Video Scenes through Text: Insights from Text-based Video Question Answering
2309.01381 Classic algorithms are fair learners: Classification Analysis of natural weather and wildfire occurrences
2309.01382 A symmetry perspective of the Riemann zeros
2309.01386 SemProtector: A Unified Framework for Semantic Protection in Deep Learning-based Semantic Communication Systems
2309.01387 An optimization framework for wind farm layout design using CFD-based Kriging model
2309.01388 Coherently complete algebraic stacks in positive characteristic
2309.01389 The Dusty and Extremely Red Progenitor of the Type II Supernova 2023ixf in Messier 101
2309.01391 SSVOD: Semi-Supervised Video Object Detection with Sparse Annotations
2309.01392 Differentiable Bayesian Structure Learning with Acyclicity Assurance
2309.01395 AVATAR: Robust Voice Search Engine Leveraging Autoregressive Document Retrieval and Contrastive Learning
2309.01396 Design and Testing of Cesium Atomic Concentration Detection System Based on TDLAS
2309.01398 Zero-shot information extraction from radiological reports using ChatGPT
2309.01400 A priori estimates of solutions to the motion of an inextensible hanging string
2309.01401 Residue formula for flag manifold of type $A$ from wall-crossing
2309.01402 NLTE analysis for Y I and Y II in atmospheres of F-G-K stars
2309.01403 Anisotropic Seebeck coefficient of $mathrm{Sr}_2mathrm{Ru}mathrm{O}_4$ in the incoherent regime
2309.01404 Hierarchical Regression Discontinuity Design: Pursuing Subgroup Treatment Effects
2309.01405 Detection of Pedestrian Turning Motions to Enhance Indoor Map Matching Performance
2309.01406 Learning Residual Elastic Warps for Image Stitching under Dirichlet Boundary Condition
2309.01407 TRIQS/Nevanlinna: Implementation of the Nevanlinna Analytic Continuation method for noise-free data
2309.01408 Leveraging Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Neural Transfer Function Design
2309.01409 Implicit Neural Image Stitching With Enhanced and Blended Feature Reconstruction
2309.01410 Classification of Lifshitz invariant in multiband superconductors: an application to Leggett modes in the linear response regime in Kagome lattice models
2309.01411 Dynamics of projectable functions: Towards an atlas of wandering domains for a family of Newton maps
2309.01412 Finite/fixed-time Stabilization of Linear Systems with States Quantization
2309.01413 Hateful Messages: A Conversational Data Set of Hate Speech produced by Adolescents on Discord
2309.01415 A generalized vector-field framework for mobility
2309.01417 Reconstructing parton distribution function based on maximum entropy method
2309.01418 Social Factors in P2P Energy Trading Using Hedonic Games
2309.01419 Burde's series of simple pre-Lie algebras
2309.01423 On Rotated CMV Operators and Orthogonal Polynomials on the Unit Circle
2309.01425 Interior Point Methods in Optimal Control
2309.01430 DAT++: Spatially Dynamic Vision Transformer with Deformable Attention
2309.01431 Benchmarking Large Language Models in Retrieval-Augmented Generation
2309.01432 On the Pólya conjecture for the Neumann problem in planar convex domains
2309.01433 Lifting the Reasoning Level in Generic Weak Memory Verification (Extended Version)
2309.01434 Quantum error pre-compensation for quantum noisy channels
2309.01437 SememeASR: Boosting Performance of End-to-End Speech Recognition against Domain and Long-Tailed Data Shift with Sememe Semantic Knowledge
2309.01439 Large Separable Kernel Attention: Rethinking the Large Kernel Attention Design in CNN
2309.01440 Categorising the World into Local Climate Zones -- Towards Quantifying Labelling Uncertainty for Machine Learning Models
2309.01441 This Is a Local Domain: On Amassing Country-Code Top-Level Domains from Public Data
2309.01442 Fast rotating Blue Straggler Stars in the Globular Cluster NGC3201
2309.01443 The Three Hundred : contrasting clusters galaxy density in hydrodynamical and dark matter simulations
2309.01444 Quantum theory of wave mixing on a two-level system
2309.01445 Why Change My Design: Explaining Poorly Constructed Visualization Designs with Explorable Explanations
2309.01447 Experimental method for perching flapping-wing aerial robots
2309.01449 Knowledge and ignorance in Belnap--Dunn logic
2309.01451 On Translation Hyperovals in Semifield Planes
2309.01452 Toward Defensive Letter Design
2309.01453 Interactive Graph Convolutional Filtering
2309.01454 Accelerating Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling with diffusion models
2309.01456 LLM and Infrastructure as a Code use case
2309.01457 On the Consistency and Robustness of Saliency Explanations for Time Series Classification
2309.01459 H-Theorem and Boundary Conditions for Two-Temperature Model: Application to Wave Propagation and Heat Transfer in Polyatomic Gases
2309.01460 Hidden variables unseen by Random Forests
2309.01463 Mutual Witness Proximity Drawings of Isomorphic Trees
2309.01465 Identifiability and estimation of the competing risks model under exclusion restrictions
2309.01466 Communication Lower Bounds for Cryptographic Broadcast Protocols
2309.01467 One-dimensional topological channels in heterostrained bilayer graphene
2309.01468 Surprising occurrences of order structures in mathematics
2309.01469 Defect Detection in Synthetic Fibre Ropes using Detectron2 Framework
2309.01472 FinDiff: Diffusion Models for Financial Tabular Data Generation
2309.01473 Twisted Equivariant Gromov-Witten Theory of the Classifying Space of a Finite Group
2309.01474 Intensity contrast of solar network and faculae close to the solar limb, observed from two vantage points
2309.01475 On the Novikov problem with a large number of quasi-periods
2309.01476 Parameter identifiability and model selection for partial differential equation models of cell invasion
2309.01478 Mixed mode transition in boundary layers: Helical instability
2309.01479 Parameter and Computation Efficient Transfer Learning for Vision-Language Pre-trained Models
2309.01480 BadSQA: Stealthy Backdoor Attacks Using Presence Events as Triggers in Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment
2309.01482 Thick Forests
2309.01483 CA2: Class-Agnostic Adaptive Feature Adaptation for One-class Classification
2309.01484 Acoustic realization of projective mirror Chern insulators
2309.01486 Charge-Trapping-Induced Compensation of the Ferroelectric Polarization in FTJs: Optimal Conditions for a Synaptic Device Operation
2309.01487 GenSelfDiff-HIS: Generative Self-Supervision Using Diffusion for Histopathological Image Segmentation
2309.01488 On the use of Mahalanobis distance for out-of-distribution detection with neural networks for medical imaging
2309.01489 Moment-Based Estimation of Diffusion and Adoption Parameters in Networks
2309.01490 Adaptive Maximum Power Transfer for Movable device in Wireless Power Transfer system
2309.01491 Intermittency as a consequence of a stationarity constraint on the energy flux
2309.01492 Selective inference after convex clustering with $ell_1$ penalization
2309.01493 HAGRID -- High Accuracy GRB Rapid Inference with Deep learning
2309.01494 Productive Development of Scalable Network Functions with NFork
2309.01495 Do Losses Matter? The Effect of Information-Search Technologies on Risky Choices
2309.01496 Global stability and scattering theory for non-cutoff Boltzmann equation with soft potentials in the whole space: weak collision regime}
2309.01498 Vibration spectra of benzene-like models with Hooke's law interactions
2309.01499 Engineering rich two-dimensional higher-order topological phases by flux and periodic driving
2309.01500 Unique chemical composition of the very metal-poor star LAMOST J1645+4357
2309.01502 A coupled-channel analysis of the $X(3872)$ lineshape with BESIII data
2309.01503 Layer-wise training for self-supervised learning on graphs
2309.01504 Construction of perfect tensors using biunimodular vectors
2309.01505 Transverse orbital angular momentum imparted upon focusing spatiotemporally coupled ultrashort pulses
2309.01507 Memory Efficient Optimizers with 4-bit States
2309.01508 Shear flow of non-Brownian rod-sphere mixtures near jamming
2309.01509 Distributed Online Optimization with Coupled Inequality Constraints over Unbalanced Directed Networks
2309.01510 Stabilization by Noise for Chafee-Infante Equation in Perforated Domains
2309.01511 Marked spatial point processes: current state and extensions to point processes on linear networks
2309.01512 Neural Vector Fields: Generalizing Distance Vector Fields by Codebooks and Zero-Curl Regularization
2309.01514 Asymptotic behaviour of general nonautonomous Nicholson equations with mixed monotonicities
2309.01515 Federated cINN Clustering for Accurate Clustered Federated Learning
2309.01516 MultiWay-Adapater: Adapting large-scale multi-modal models for scalable image-text retrieval
2309.01519 Hawkeye: Change-targeted Testing for Android Apps based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
2309.01520 Towards a high-intensity muon source at CiADS
2309.01521 Sublimation of silicene and thin silicon films: a view from molecular dynamics simulation
2309.01522 What are Public Concerns about ChatGPT? A Novel Self-Supervised Neural Topic Model Tells You
2309.01524 Input Redundancy under Input and State Constraints (Extended version of the submission accepted to Automatica)
2309.01525 The History of Quantum Games
2309.01526 Passing Heatmap Prediction Based on Transformer Model and Tracking Data
2309.01527 The proto-neutron star inner crust in a multi-component plasma approach
2309.01529 Magnetobaryogenesis in the presence of weak sphalerons from overlapping transient fluctuations in temperature and vorticity
2309.01531 Optimizing mixing in the Rudner-Levitov lattice
2309.01532 Are We Using Autoencoders in a Wrong Way?
2309.01534 An entropy penalized approach for stochastic control problems. Complete version
2309.01535 Single-Channel Speech Enhancement with Deep Complex U-Networks and Probabilistic Latent Space Models
2309.01536 perms: Marginal likelihood estimation for binary Bayesian nonparametric models in Python and R
2309.01537 The ${cal N}=2,4$ Supersymmetric Linear $W_{infty}[λ]$ Algebras for Generic $λ$ Parameter
2309.01538 ChatRule: Mining Logical Rules with Large Language Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning
2309.01540 DCAlign v1.0: Aligning biological sequences using co-evolution models and informed priors
2309.01542 Hyperfine collisional excitation of ammonia by molecular hydrogen
2309.01544 On the evolution of a stellar system in the context of the virial equation
2309.01545 Spin Read-out of the Motion of Levitated Electrically Rotated Diamonds
2309.01547 Discrepancies and their means
2309.01548 Relative Entropy from Coherent States in Black Hole Thermodynamics and Cosmology
2309.01549 On the small-mass limit for stationary solutions of stochastic wave equations with state dependent friction
2309.01550 Entanglement Teleportation Based on Noisy Port Based Teleportation
2309.01551 Is Your Learned Query Optimizer Behaving As You Expect? A Machine Learning Perspective
2309.01552 OutRank: Speeding up AutoML-based Model Search for Large Sparse Data sets with Cardinality-aware Feature Ranking
2309.01553 Image denoising in photon-counting CT using PFGM++ with hijacked regularized sampling
2309.01554 Rogue wave patterns associated with Adler-Moser polynomials in the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
2309.01555 Giant ultra-broadband photoconductivity in twisted graphene heterostructures
2309.01557 Baryon correlations in Pythia
2309.01558 Ab initio calculation of the alpha-particle monopole transition form factor: No puzzle for nuclear forces
2309.01560 Quasi 1D Nanobelts from the Sustainable Liquid Exfoliation of Terrestrial Minerals for Future Martian based Electronics
2309.01561 Locality-Aware Hyperspectral Classification
2309.01562 On the non-global linear stability and spurious fixed points of MPRK schemes with negative RK parameters
2309.01563 Evolution of coherent waves driving a single artificial atom
2309.01564 On the self-consistent Landauer-Büttikker formalism
2309.01566 Layer Construction of Three-Dimensional Z2 Monopole Charge Nodal Line Semimetals and prediction of the abundant candidate materials
2309.01567 Some examples of well-behaved Beurling number systems
2309.01568 ML-Based Top Taggers: Performance, Uncertainty and Impact of Tower & Tracker Data Integration
2309.01569 Rail Crack Propagation Forecasting Using Multi-horizons RNNs
2309.01571 The Interplay Between High-Level Problems and The Process Instances That Give Rise To Them
2309.01573 Ideals as generalized prime ideal factorization of submodules
2309.01574 Raw Data Is All You Need: Virtual Axle Detector with Enhanced Receptive Field
2309.01575 DiffHPE: Robust, Coherent 3D Human Pose Lifting with Diffusion
2309.01576 A Comparative Analysis of Pretrained Language Models for Text-to-Speech
2309.01578 Mini droplet, mega droplet and stripe formation in a dipolar condensate
2309.01579 Direct observation of topological surface states in the layered kagome lattice with broken time-reversal symmetry
2309.01580 Dissipative Landau-Zener transitions in a three-level bow-tie model: accurate dynamics with the Davydov multi-D2 Ansatz
2309.01581 A fourth-order kernel for improving numerical accuracy and stability in Eulerian and total Lagrangian SPH
2309.01582 Improving Visual Quality and Transferability of Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition Simultaneously with Adversarial Restoration
2309.01583 On graphs with maximum difference between game chromatic number and chromatic number
2309.01584 Delusive chirality and periodic strain pattern in moir'{e} systems
2309.01585 Incorporating Data Dependencies and Properties in Difference Verification with Conditions (Technical Report)
2309.01586 Automatic Scam-Baiting Using ChatGPT
2309.01587 SATAY: A Streaming Architecture Toolflow for Accelerating YOLO Models on FPGA Devices
2309.01589 Algebraic sums of achievable sets involving Cantorvals
2309.01591 Unified equations of state for cold non-accreting neutron stars with Brussels-Montreal functionals. IV. Role of the symmetry energy in pasta phases
2309.01592 Les Houches Lectures on Deep Learning at Large & Infinite Width
2309.01593 Deep Learning Overloaded Vehicle Identification for Long Span Bridges Based on Structural Health Monitoring Data
2309.01594 Lepage equivalents and the Variational Bicomplex
2309.01596 Extended Eulerian SPH and its realization of FVM
2309.01600 Cold diffuse interstellar medium of Magellanic Clouds: I. HD molecule and cosmic-ray ionization rate
2309.01602 Fingering convection in a spherical shell
2309.01603 Chiral crossover vs chiral density wave in dense nuclear matter
2309.01605 Linear limit continuation: Theory and an application to two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensates
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