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21 September 2024
Articles index
2024, 2024
9, 3.2024
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2403.00176 SoD$^2$: Statically Optimizing Dynamic Deep Neural Network
2403.00177 Non-Invasive Medical Digital Twins using Physics-Informed Self-Supervised Learning
2403.00178 Causal Graph ODE: Continuous Treatment Effect Modeling in Multi-agent Dynamical Systems
2403.00179 Counterspeakers' Perspectives: Unveiling Barriers and AI Needs in the Fight against Online Hate
2403.00180 "Flex Tape Can't Fix That": Bias and Misinformation in Edited Language Models
2403.00181 Gas-dynamical Mass Measurements of the Supermassive Black Holes in the Early-Type Galaxies NGC 4786 and NGC 5193 from ALMA and HST Observations
2403.00182 SAT, Gadgets, Max2XOR, and Quantum Annealers
2403.00183 Trade-off between reconstruction accuracy and physical validity in modeling turbomachinery PIV data by Physics-Informed CNN
2403.00184 Entry-Specific Bounds for Low-Rank Matrix Completion under Highly Non-Uniform Sampling
2403.00185 Broadening of the Divertor Heat Flux Profile in High Confinement Tokamak Fusion Plasmas with Edge Pedestals Limited by Turbulence in DIII-D
2403.00186 Warped Kernel Estimator for I.I.D. Paths of Diffusion Processes
2403.00187 Learning to walk in confined spaces using 3D representation
2403.00188 Impact of Decentralized Learning on Player Utilities in Stackelberg Games
2403.00189 The Road to Next-Generation Multiple Access: A 50-Year Tutorial Review
2403.00190 Identification of important nodes in the information propagation network based on the artificial intelligence method
2403.00191 Ab initio modelling of quantum dot qubits: Coupling, gate dynamics and robustness versus charge noise
2403.00192 Block-MDS QC-LDPC Codes for Information Reconciliation in Key Distribution
2403.00193 Structural Resilience and Connectivity of the IPv6 Internet: An AS-level Topology Examination
2403.00194 Ask Your Distribution Shift if Pre-Training is Right for You
2403.00195 The evolution of pluralistic ignorance
2403.00196 Learning to Find Missing Video Frames with Synthetic Data Augmentation: A General Framework and Application in Generating Thermal Images Using RGB Cameras
2403.00197 Unifying Collisional Models and the Monte Carlo Metropolis Method: Algorithms for Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems
2403.00198 AXOLOTL: Fairness through Assisted Self-Debiasing of Large Language Model Outputs
2403.00199 Improving Socratic Question Generation using Data Augmentation and Preference Optimization
2403.00200 Skew-Gaussian model of small-photon-number coherent Ising machines
2403.00201 Constructive S4 modal logics with the finite birelational frame property
2403.00202 Substitute adjustment via recovery of latent variables
2403.00203 New invariants of involutions from Seiberg-Witten Floer theory
2403.00204 La$_4$Co$_4$X (X = Pb, Bi, Sb): a demonstration of antagonistic pairs as a route to quasi-low dimensional ternary compounds
2403.00205 A Wallace semigroup whose every finite power is countably compact
2403.00206 MaskLRF: Self-supervised Pretraining via Masked Autoencoding of Local Reference Frames for Rotation-invariant 3D Point Set Analysis
2403.00207 Yodel: A Layer 3.5 Name-Based Multicast Network Architecture For The Future Internet
2403.00208 Multi-junction surface ion trap for quantum computing
2403.00209 ChartReformer: Natural Language-Driven Chart Image Editing
2403.00210 Dissipative stabilization of high-dimensional GHZ states for neutral atoms
2403.00211 Trustworthy Self-Attention: Enabling the Network to Focus Only on the Most Relevant References
2403.00212 Transcription and translation of videos using fine-tuned XLSR Wav2Vec2 on custom dataset and mBART
2403.00213 Design principles for fast and efficient self-assembly processes
2403.00214 Five-dimensional collective Hamiltonian with improved inertial functions
2403.00215 Convective Mixing: The Formation Channel of Li-rich Giants
2403.00216 A Mathematical Model for Two Solutes Transport in a Poroelastic Material and Its Applications
2403.00217 Homomorphism Preservation Theorems for Many-Valued Structures
2403.00218 Worldline approach for spinor fields in manifolds with boundaries
2403.00219 Multi-modal Attribute Prompting for Vision-Language Models
2403.00220 Deep-learning-based Magnetic Resonance Simultaneous Multislice Imaging Using Holographic Image Decoding
2403.00221 Mode Consensus Algorithms With Finite Convergence Time
2403.00222 Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Global Decision Making in the Presence of Local Agents at Scale
2403.00223 Wave and turbulence separation using dynamic mode decomposition
2403.00224 Tobit models for count time series
2403.00225 Robust Policy Learning via Offline Skill Diffusion
2403.00226 A Semantic Distance Metric Learning approach for Lexical Semantic Change Detection
2403.00227 Closed-loop Equilibria for Mean-Field Games in Randomly Switching Environments with General Discounting Costs
2403.00228 DISORF: A Distributed Online NeRF Training and Rendering Framework for Mobile Robots
2403.00229 Diffraction and Scattering Aware Radio Map and Environment Reconstruction using Geometry Model-Assisted Deep Learning
2403.00230 On Cyclical MCMC Sampling
2403.00231 Multimodal ArXiv: A Dataset for Improving Scientific Comprehension of Large Vision-Language Models
2403.00232 FTTN: Feature-Targeted Testing for Numerical Properties of NVIDIA & AMD Matrix Accelerators
2403.00233 Causal Bandits with General Causal Models and Interventions
2403.00234 General Construction of Bra-Ket Formalism for Identical Particle Systems in Rigged Hilbert Space Approach
2403.00235 Geometry-free renormalization of directed networks: scale-invariance and reciprocity
2403.00236 Benchmarking zero-shot stance detection with FlanT5-XXL: Insights from training data, prompting, and decoding strategies into its near-SoTA performance
2403.00237 Stable Reduced-Rank VAR Identification
2403.00238 Angular bispectrum and trispectrum of scalar-induced gravitational-waves: all contributions from primordial non-Gaussianity $fnl$ and $gnl$
2403.00239 OPAF: Optimized Secure Two-Party Computation Protocols for Nonlinear Activation Functions in Recurrent Neural Network
2403.00240 Nonexistence of generalized quadrangles admitting a point-primitive and line-primitive automorphism group with socle ${ m PSU}(3,q)$, $qgeq 3$
2403.00241 CASIMIR: A Corpus of Scientific Articles enhanced with Multiple Author-Integrated Revisions
2403.00242 Energy deposition in air by moderately focused femtosecond laser filaments
2403.00243 Closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces with few intersections
2403.00244 On Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Mean Semi-Absolute Deviation Portfolio Model: Robust Selection and Efficient Computation
2403.00245 YOLO-MED : Multi-Task Interaction Network for Biomedical Images
2403.00246 Analysis of Phylogeny Tracking Algorithms for Serial and Multiprocess Applications
2403.00247 Unveiling two expanding stellar groups formed through violent relaxation in The Lagoon Nebula Cluster
2403.00248 Families of Schmidt-number witnesses for high dimensional quantum states
2403.00249 Semantics-enhanced Cross-modal Masked Image Modeling for Vision-Language Pre-training
2403.00250 Rethinking Classifier Re-Training in Long-Tailed Recognition: A Simple Logits Retargeting Approach
2403.00251 Are your comments outdated? Towards automatically detecting code-comment consistency
2403.00252 EUROPA: A Legal Multilingual Keyphrase Generation Dataset
2403.00253 Effects of $f(mathcal{R},mathcal{T},mathcal{R}_{gammaupsilon}mathcal{T}^{gammaupsilon})$ Gravity on Anisotropic Charged Compact Structures
2403.00254 Cloud-based Federated Learning Framework for MRI Segmentation
2403.00255 Leveraging Team Correlation for Approximating Equilibrium in Two-Team Zero-Sum Games
2403.00256 Critical scaling for dense granular flow between parallel plates near jamming
2403.00257 Robust deep labeling of radiological emphysema subtypes using squeeze and excitation convolutional neural networks: The MESA Lung and SPIROMICS Studies
2403.00258 "Lossless" Compression of Deep Neural Networks: A High-dimensional Neural Tangent Kernel Approach
2403.00259 Deciphering diffuse scattering with machine learning and the equivariant foundation model: The case of molten FeO
2403.00260 Extracting Polymer Nanocomposite Samples from Full-Length Documents
2403.00261 Spatial Cascaded Clustering and Weighted Memory for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
2403.00262 A New Class of Compact Formulations for Vehicle Routing Problems
2403.00263 Data-driven transient lift attenuation for extreme vortex gust-airfoil interactions
2403.00264 Generation and optimization of entanglement between giant atoms chirally coupled to spin cavities
2403.00265 Designing for Harm Reduction: Communication Repair for Multicultural Users' Voice Interactions
2403.00266 Algorithms for Efficient, Compact Online Data Stream Curation
2403.00267 Critical slowing of the spin and charge density wave order in thin film Cr following photoexcitation
2403.00268 Improving Acne Image Grading with Label Distribution Smoothing
2403.00269 Parameter-Efficient Tuning of Large Convolutional Models
2403.00270 Event-Driven Learning for Spiking Neural Networks
2403.00271 Assessing Bilateral Neurovascular Bundles Function with Pulsed Wave Doppler Ultrasound: Implications for Reducing Erectile Dysfunction Following Prostate Radiotherapy
2403.00272 Dual Pose-invariant Embeddings: Learning Category and Object-specific Discriminative Representations for Recognition and Retrieval
2403.00273 ARED: Argentina Real Estate Dataset
2403.00274 CustomListener: Text-guided Responsive Interaction for User-friendly Listening Head Generation
2403.00275 Crosstalk-Robust Quantum Control in Multimode Bosonic Systems
2403.00276 Graph Construction with Flexible Nodes for Traffic Demand Prediction
2403.00277 Gender Bias in Large Language Models across Multiple Languages
2403.00278 Shifted Interpolation for Differential Privacy
2403.00279 The sharp estimate of nodal sets for Dirichlet Laplace eigenfunctions in polytopes
2403.00280 SoK: Security of Programmable Logic Controllers
2403.00281 Wavelet Based Periodic Autoregressive Moving Average Models
2403.00282 Scale-Invariant Gradient Aggregation for Constrained Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
2403.00283 Risk Twin: Real-time Risk Visualization and Control for Structural Systems
2403.00284 A Survey of Route Recommendations: Methods, Applications, and Opportunities
2403.00285 Signal crosstalk in a flip-chip quantum processor
2403.00286 Niobium coaxial cavities with internal quality factors exceeding 1.5 billion for circuit quantum electrodynamics
2403.00287 Neural Simulation-Based Inference of the Neutron Star Equation of State directly from Telescope Spectra
2403.00288 Stochastic linear quadratic optimal control problems with regime-switching jumps in infinite horizon
2403.00289 Optimization of Array Encoding for Ultrasound Imaging
2403.00290 Semantic Text Transmission via Prediction with Small Language Models: Cost-Similarity Trade-off
2403.00291 Hardware-Efficient Bosonic Quantum Computing with Detection Capability of Single Photon Loss
2403.00292 DPP-Based Adversarial Prompt Searching for Lanugage Models
2403.00293 Efficient Adapter Tuning of Pre-trained Speech Models for Automatic Speaker Verification
2403.00294 A Gradually Reinforced Sample-Average-Approximation Differentiable Homotopy Method for a System of Stochastic Equations
2403.00295 Magnetic flux in the Sun emerges unaffected by supergranular-scale surface flows
2403.00296 Complex scaling calculation of phase shifts for positron collisions with positive ions
2403.00297 Lattice dynamics study of electron-correlation-induced charge density wave in antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeGe
2403.00298 Multiple Classical Noise Mitigation by Multiobjective Robust Quantum Optimal Control
2403.00299 Universal Auto-encoder Framework for MIMO CSI Feedback
2403.00300 Hybrid Base Complex: Extract and Visualize Structure of Hex-dominant Meshes
2403.00301 Long-time fractalisation of liquid films undergoing thermocapillary instability
2403.00302 Shock consolidation and the corresponding plasticity in nanopowdered Mg
2403.00303 ODM: A Text-Image Further Alignment Pre-training Approach for Scene Text Detection and Spotting
2403.00304 Coherent forecasting of NoGeAR(1) model
2403.00305 Discovery of Asymmetric Spike-like Structures of 10 au Disk around the Very Low-luminosity Protostar Embedded in the Taurus Dense Core MC 27/L1521F with ALMA
2403.00306 qPMS Sigma -- An Efficient and Exact Parallel Algorithm for the Planted $(l, d)$ Motif Search Problem
2403.00307 Embedded Multi-label Feature Selection via Orthogonal Regression
2403.00308 Longitudinal beam dynamics design fpr Super Tau-Charm Facility
2403.00309 Global existence and uniqueness of strong solutions to the 2D nonhomogeneous primitive equations with density-dependent viscosity
2403.00310 Wormholes in the f(R,L,T) theory of gravity
2403.00311 Enhancing social cohesion with cooperative bots in societies of greedy, mobile individuals
2403.00312 Discrete Dynamics on Locally Conformal Framework
2403.00313 A Phenomenological Study of WIMP Models
2403.00314 Lower-level Duality Based Reformulation and Majorization Minimization Algorithm for Hyperparameter Optimization
2403.00315 Axe the X in XAI: A Plea for Understandable AI
2403.00316 Surface Chern-Simons theory for third-order topological insulators and superconductors
2403.00317 Deep Optical Emission-Line Images of Nine Known and Three New Galactic Supernova Remnants
2403.00318 Deep Reinforcement Learning for Solving Management Problems: Towards A Large Management Mode
2403.00319 Creating area level indices of behaviours impacting cancer in Australia with a Bayesian generalised shared component model
2403.00320 Diffusion limits in the quarter plane and non-semimartingale reflected Brownian motion
2403.00321 DEEP-IoT: Downlink-Enhanced Efficient-Power Internet of Things
2403.00322 Model-Based Planning and Control for Terrestrial-Aerial Bimodal Vehicles with Passive Wheels
2403.00323 Softened Symbol Grounding for Neuro-symbolic Systems
2403.00324 Local stability guarantees for data-driven quadratically nonlinear models
2403.00325 Small, Versatile and Mighty: A Range-View Perception Framework
2403.00326 DAMS-DETR: Dynamic Adaptive Multispectral Detection Transformer with Competitive Query Selection and Adaptive Feature Fusion
2403.00327 Task Indicating Transformer for Task-conditional Dense Predictions
2403.00328 Inverse optically-induced ring currents in ring-shaped molecules
2403.00329 Learning with Logical Constraints but without Shortcut Satisfaction
2403.00330 Questioning whether seasonal advance of intense tropical cyclones since the 1980s truly exists
2403.00331 WindGP: Efficient Graph Partitioning on Heterogenous Machines
2403.00332 On coincidences of singular loci of types $Σ^{1_r}$ and $Σ^r$
2403.00333 Tropical twisted Hurwitz numbers for elliptic curves
2403.00334 NOVA: A visual interface for assessing polarizing media coverage
2403.00335 Probing macroscopic temperature changes with non-radiative processes in hyperbolic meta-antennas
2403.00336 Never-Ending Embodied Robot Learning
2403.00337 Nonlinear Sheaf Diffusion in Graph Neural Networks
2403.00338 Semi-Instruct: Bridging Natural-Instruct and Self-Instruct for Code Large Language Models
2403.00339 Energy-Efficient Clustered Cell-Free Networking with Access Point Selection
2403.00340 Understanding the role of B-cells in CAR T-cell therapy in leukemia through a mathematical mode
2403.00341 Theory on linear L-fractional differential equations and a new Mittag-Leffler-type function
2403.00342 A proof of Bott periodicity via Quot schemes and bulk-edge correspondence
2403.00343 Novel Pauli blocking method in quantum molecular dynamics type models
2403.00344 Robustifying a Policy in Multi-Agent RL with Diverse Cooperative Behavior and Adversarial Style Sampling for Assistive Tasks
2403.00345 Microwave-to-optics conversion using magnetostatic modes and a tunable optical cavity
2403.00346 Dynamic control of polarization conversion based on borophene nanostructures in optical communication bands
2403.00347 Set-Valued Control Functions
2403.00348 Regularity of the free boundaries for the two-phase axisymmetric inviscid fluid
2403.00349 Impact of Inter-Operator Interference via Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
2403.00350 Eckart streaming with nonlinear high-order harmonics: an example at gigahertz
2403.00351 Phase retrieval algorithm applied to high-energy ultrafast lasers
2403.00352 Revisiting Disentanglement in Downstream Tasks: A Study on Its Necessity for Abstract Visual Reasoning
2403.00353 MS-Net: A Multi-Path Sparse Model for Motion Prediction in Multi-Scenes
2403.00354 Self-Consistent Reasoning-based Aspect-Sentiment Quad Prediction with Extract-Then-Assign Strategy
2403.00355 Weak non-linearities of amorphous polymer under creep
2403.00356 Critical Nature of the Size Exponent of Polymers
2403.00357 On the sharp constants in the regional fractional Sobolev inequalities
2403.00358 A game-theoretic approach to the asymptotic behavior of solutions to an obstacle problem for the mean curvature flow equation
2403.00359 Superconductivity and metallic behavior in heavily doped bulk single crystal diamond and graphene/diamond heterostructure
2403.00360 Causal Fermion Systems and Octonions
2403.00361 Cooperatively Modulating Magnetic Anisotropy and Colossal Magnetoresistance via Atomic-Scale Buffer Layers in Highly Strained La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Films
2403.00362 Equivariant cohomology for cyclic groups
2403.00363 SFQ counter-based precomputation for large-scale cryogenic VQE machines
2403.00364 Optimal Control of a Diffusive Epidemiological Model Involving the Caputo-Fabrizio Fractional Time-Derivative
2403.00365 Can a Funny Chatbot Make a Difference? Infusing Humor into Conversational Agent for Behavioral Intervention
2403.00366 Exploring the dynamic interplay of cognitive load and emotional arousal by using multimodal measurements: Correlation of pupil diameter and emotional arousal in emotionally engaging tasks
2403.00367 A Novel Quantum Algorithm for Ant Colony Optimization
2403.00368 Recommending Target Actions Outside Sessions in the Data-poor Insurance Domain
2403.00369 Hybrid ultrathin metasurface for broadband sound absorption
2403.00370 Post-decoder Biasing for End-to-End Speech Recognition of Multi-turn Medical Interview
2403.00371 Quasi-one-dimensional spin transport in antiferromagnetic Z3 nodal net metals
2403.00372 HyperSDFusion: Bridging Hierarchical Structures in Language and Geometry for Enhanced 3D Text2Shape Generation
2403.00373 Frobenius rigidity in $mathbb A^1$-homotopy theory
2403.00374 Amoeba Measures of Random Plane Curves
2403.00375 Polarization-dependent effects in vibrational absorption spectra of 2D finite-size adsorbate islands on dielectric substrates
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