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21 September 2024
Articles index
2024, 2024
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2408.00173 Matroid reinforcement and sparsification
2408.00175 The art of modeling nuclear reactions with weakly bound nuclei: status and perspectives
2408.00176 Developing and implementing a CubeSat's equations of motion
2408.00177 Fast variational Bayesian inference for correlated survival data: an application to invasive mechanical ventilation duration analysis
2408.00178 Adapting Skills to Novel Grasps: A Self-Supervised Approach
2408.00179 Gradient dynamics model for drops of volatile liquid on a porous substrate
2408.00180 First Access to ELM-free Negative Triangularity at Low Aspect Ratio
2408.00181 CC-SAM: SAM with Cross-feature Attention and Context for Ultrasound Image Segmentation
2408.00182 Observation of current whirlpools in graphene at room temperature
2408.00183 Freiman's $3k-4$ Theorem for Function Fields
2408.00184 Binary quadratic forms of odd class number
2408.00185 Anharmonic quantum muon effects in the kagome antiferromagnet Zn-Barlowite
2408.00186 $q$-Binomial Identities Finder
2408.00187 A method for verifying the generalized Riemann hypothesis
2408.00188 Clifford's Theorem for Coherent Systems on surfaces
2408.00189 Ultrastrong Terahertz Coupling in a van der Waals Heterostructure
2408.00190 Exploring Optimal Sensitivity of Lepton Flavor Violating Effective Couplings at the $e^+e^-$ Colliders
2408.00191 S-SYNTH: Knowledge-Based, Synthetic Generation of Skin Images
2408.00192 Algorithmic Pot Generation: Algorithms for the Flexible-Tile Model of DNA Self-Assembly
2408.00193 Resilience and Security of Deep Neural Networks Against Intentional and Unintentional Perturbations: Survey and Research Challenges
2408.00194 Multiplicity distributions in the eikonal and the $U$-matrix unitarization schemes
2408.00195 Engineering Rydberg-pair interactions in divalent atoms with hyperfine-split ionization thresholds
2408.00196 Combining audio control and style transfer using latent diffusion
2408.00197 Automated Software Vulnerability Static Code Analysis Using Generative Pre-Trained Transformer Models
2408.00198 On Drinfeld modular curves for SL(2)
2408.00199 Microphase Segregation in Polyelectrolyte Brushes
2408.00200 UnPaSt: unsupervised patient stratification by differentially expressed biclusters in omics data
2408.00201 A new Visual approach to pendulum period determination
2408.00202 Topological superconductivity in superconducting chiral topological semimetals with parallel spin-momentum locking
2408.00203 OmniParser for Pure Vision Based GUI Agent
2408.00204 A general dynamical theory of Schwarz reflections, B-involutions, and algebraic correspondences
2408.00205 Sentence-wise Speech Summarization: Task, Datasets, and End-to-End Modeling with LM Knowledge Distillation
2408.00206 Gaussian Processes Sampling with Sparse Grids under Additive Schwarz Preconditioner
2408.00207 The Orlov spectra of abelian categories
2408.00208 Prognosis of COVID-19 using Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
2408.00209 Extracting doubly-excited state lifetimes in helium directly in the time domain with attosecond noncollinear four-wave-mixing spectroscopy
2408.00210 A Prior Embedding-Driven Architecture for Long Distance Blind Iris Recognition
2408.00211 Penzai + Treescope: A Toolkit for Interpreting, Visualizing, and Editing Models As Data
2408.00212 Well-conditioned dipole-type method of fundamental solutions: derivation and its mathematical analysis
2408.00213 Flare Accelerated Electrons in Kappa-Distribution from X-Ray Spectra with Warm-Target Model
2408.00214 Large Language Model (LLM)-enabled In-context Learning for Wireless Network Optimization: A Case Study of Power Control
2408.00215 Clutter-Aware Spill-Free Liquid Transport via Learned Dynamics
2408.00216 Signature of point nodal superconductivity in the Dirac semimetal PdTe
2408.00217 Load Balancing in Federated Learning
2408.00218 Adaptive Quantum Generative Training using an Unbounded Loss Function
2408.00219 Silicon Double-Disk Optomechanical Resonators from Wafer-Scale Double-Layered Silicon-on-Insulator
2408.00220 Persistent de Rham-Hodge Laplacians in the Eulerian representation
2408.00221 multiGradICON: A Foundation Model for Multimodal Medical Image Registration
2408.00222 Non-markovian neural quantum propagator and its application to the simulation of ultrafast nonlinear spectra
2408.00223 Age of Information Analysis for Multi-Priority Queue and NOMA Enabled C-V2X in IoV
2408.00224 Regular Kerr black holes: The fellowship of the string
2408.00225 Scaling and assigning resources on ion trap QCCD architectures
2408.00226 Shadow of a Renormalization Group Improved Regular Rotating Black Hole
2408.00227 Finding a Shortest $M$-link Path in a Monge Directed Acyclic Graph
2408.00228 Non-thermal baryogenesis from MSSM flat direction
2408.00229 Invariant Discovery of Features Across Multiple Length Scales: Applications in Microscopy and Autonomous Materials Characterization
2408.00230 Lost in Translation: Latent Concept Misalignment in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
2408.00231 Distance squared functions on singular surfaces parameterized by smooth maps $mathcal{A}$-equivalent to $S_k$, $B_k$, $C_k$ and $F_4$
2408.00232 CDFGNN: a Systematic Design of Cache-based Distributed Full-Batch Graph Neural Network Training with Communication Reduction
2408.00233 Interpolation of the oscillator representation and Azumaya algebras in tensor categories
2408.00234 Superconductive Sodalite-like Clathrate Hydrides MXH$_{12}$ with Critical Temperatures of near 300 K under Pressures
2408.00235 Solving cluster moment relaxation with hierarchical matrix
2408.00236 Uncertainty-Aware Liquid State Modeling from Experimental Scattering Measurements
2408.00237 Empirical Bayes Linked Matrix Decomposition
2408.00238 Anytime Trust Rating Dynamics in a Human-Robot Interaction Task
2408.00239 Simulating intermediate black hole mass measurements for a sample of galaxies with nuclear star clusters using ELT/HARMONI high spatial resolution integral-field stellar kinematics
2408.00240 Direct and inverse abstract Cauchy problems with fractional powers of almost sectorial operators
2408.00241 Multiple Greedy Quasi-Newton Methods for Saddle Point Problems
2408.00242 Bringing Data into the Conversation: Adapting Content from Business Intelligence Dashboards for Threaded Collaboration Platforms
2408.00243 A Survey on the Applications of Zero-Knowledge Proofs
2408.00244 Enhanced Structured State Space Models via Grouped FIR Filtering and Attention Sink Mechanisms
2408.00245 Measuring the Spin of the Galactic Center Supermassive Black Hole with Two Pulsars
2408.00246 Dimension formulas for modular form spaces of rational weights, the classification of eta-quotient characters and an extension of Martin's theorem
2408.00247 Simple but Efficient: A Multi-Scenario Nearline Retrieval Framework for Recommendation on Taobao
2408.00248 Joint Vehicle Connection and Beamforming Optimization in Digital Twin Assisted Integrated Sensing and Communication Vehicular Networks
2408.00249 Task-Adapter: Task-specific Adaptation of Image Models for Few-shot Action Recognition
2408.00250 On Certain Polytopes Associated to Products of Algebraic Integer Conjugates
2408.00251 Discovering Car-following Dynamics from Trajectory Data through Deep Learning
2408.00252 Quantum thermalization and Floquet engineering in a spin ensemble with a clock transition
2408.00253 Saving Money for Analytical Workloads in the Cloud
2408.00254 LoopSparseGS: Loop Based Sparse-View Friendly Gaussian Splatting
2408.00255 Revocable Backdoor for Deep Model Trading
2408.00256 Mobility-Aware Federated Self-supervised Learning in Vehicular Network
2408.00257 RoCo:Robust Collaborative Perception By Iterative Object Matching and Pose Adjustment
2408.00258 Improving Image De-raining Using Reference-Guided Transformers
2408.00259 Decoupled Anisotropic Buchdahl's Relativistic Models in $f(mathbb{R},mathbb{T})$ Theory
2408.00260 MHD lensing in inhomogeneous ISM for qualitative understanding of the morphology of supernova remnants
2408.00261 Scattering problem for the generalized Korteweg-de Vries equation
2408.00262 Semantical Analysis of Intuitionistic Modal Logics between CK and IK
2408.00263 Dynamical Viability Assessment for Habitable Worlds Observatory Targets
2408.00264 Clover-2: Accurate Inference for Regressive Lightweight Speculative Decoding
2408.00265 Jumping on the bandwagon and off the Titanic: an experimental study of turnout in two-tier voting
2408.00266 Nanostructured Fe2O3/CuxO Heterojunction for Enhanced Solar Redox Flow Battery Performance
2408.00267 Mass mixing between QCD axions
2408.00268 Prospects for Cosmological Research with the FAST Array: 21-cm Intensity Mapping Survey Observation Strategies
2408.00269 Growth of eigenvalues of Floer Hessians
2408.00270 Strong Oracle Guarantees for Partial Penalized Tests of High Dimensional Generalized Linear Models
2408.00271 A note on transcendence of special values of functions related to modularity
2408.00272 Effects of Variable Mass, Disk-Like Structure, and Radiation Pressure on the Dynamics of Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem
2408.00273 3D U-KAN Implementation for Multi-modal MRI Brain Tumor Segmentation
2408.00274 QUITO: Accelerating Long-Context Reasoning through Query-Guided Context Compression
2408.00275 A Reinforcement Learning Based Motion Planner for Quadrotor Autonomous Flight in Dense Environment
2408.00276 Provably Efficient Adiabatic Learning for Quantum-Classical Dynamics
2408.00277 Stochastic Domination of Exit Times for Random Walks and Brownian Motion with Drift
2408.00278 High Performance Im2win and Direct Convolutions using Three Tensor Layouts on SIMD Architectures
2408.00279 DMESA: Densely Matching Everything by Segmenting Anything
2408.00280 Towards Scalable GPU-Accelerated SNN Training via Temporal Fusion
2408.00281 The Galois Correspondence for n-Stacks
2408.00282 Riesz transforms associated with the twisted Laplacian with drift
2408.00283 Navigating Text-to-Image Generative Bias across Indic Languages
2408.00284 Bailing-TTS: Chinese Dialectal Speech Synthesis Towards Human-like Spontaneous Representation
2408.00285 On the phenomenon of topological chaos and statistical triviality
2408.00286 Diff3DETR:Agent-based Diffusion Model for Semi-supervised 3D Object Detection
2408.00287 Construction of various time-dependent Hamiltonians on a single photonic chip
2408.00288 Gradient Harmonization in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
2408.00289 Operator on Operator Regression in Quantum Probability
2408.00290 Multi-Modal Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning via Graph Neural Network
2408.00291 Bayesian Synthetic Control Methods with Spillover Effects: Estimating the Economic Cost of the 2011 Sudan Split
2408.00292 Everything We Hear: Towards Tackling Misinformation in Podcasts
2408.00293 Gradient Flow Decoding
2408.00294 RDP: Ranked Differential Privacy for Facial Feature Protection in Multiscale Sparsified Subspace
2408.00295 Contrastive Graph Representation Learning with Adversarial Cross-view Reconstruction and Information Bottleneck
2408.00296 Head360: Learning a Parametric 3D Full-Head for Free-View Synthesis in 360°
2408.00297 EmoTalk3D: High-Fidelity Free-View Synthesis of Emotional 3D Talking Head
2408.00298 Tails Tell Tales: Chapter-Wide Manga Transcriptions with Character Names
2408.00299 Simulation of the continuous-time random walk using subordination schemes
2408.00300 Towards Flexible Evaluation for Generative Visual Question Answering
2408.00301 A Data-Driven Model for the Field Emission from Broad-Area Electrodes
2408.00302 New and General Type Meromorphic $1$-forms on Curves
2408.00303 Neural Octahedral Field: Octahedral prior for simultaneous smoothing and sharp edge regularization
2408.00304 Constraint Energy Minimizing Generalized Multiscale Finite Element Method for Convection Diffusion Equations with Inhomogeneous Boundary Conditions
2408.00305 Leveraging Weak Cross-Modal Guidance for Coherence Modelling via Iterative Learning
2408.00306 527 elliptic fibrations on Enriques surfaces
2408.00307 ABC Align: Large Language Model Alignment for Safety & Accuracy
2408.00308 Online Computation of String Net Frequency
2408.00309 Discretizing Continuous Action Space with Unimodal Probability Distributions for On-Policy Reinforcement Learning
2408.00310 Online Linear Programming with Batching
2408.00311 Translating Imaging to Genomics: Leveraging Transformers for Predictive Modeling
2408.00312 Adversarial Text Rewriting for Text-aware Recommender Systems
2408.00313 Singularities of generalized timelike minimal surfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski 3-space
2408.00314 Rank Is All You Need: Estimating the Trace of Powers of Density Matrices
2408.00315 ADBM: Adversarial diffusion bridge model for reliable adversarial purification
2408.00316 Recalculating Total Number of e-folds in Loop Quantum Cosmology in View of Generalized Reheating
2408.00317 Condorcet's Jury Theorem with Abstention
2408.00318 Holographic thermodynamics of a five-dimensional neutral Gauss-Bonnet AdS black hole
2408.00319 Sequences with Inequalities
2408.00320 Discovery of a metallic room-temperature d-wave altermagnet KV2Se2O
2408.00321 Do all the quasars and high-excitation radio galaxies (HERGs) in the 3CRR catalog contain a magnetically arrested disk (MAD)?
2408.00322 Ultra-high-amplitude Peregrine solitons induced by helicoidal spin-orbit coupling
2408.00323 A Novel Edge Laplacian-based Approach for Adaptive Formation Control of Uncertain Multi-agent Systems with Unified Relative Error Performance
2408.00324 Effects of plasma nonuniformity on zero frequency zonal structure generation by drift Alfven wave instabilities in toroidal plasmas
2408.00325 Iterative Prototype Refinement for Ambiguous Speech Emotion Recognition
2408.00326 Exploiting Preferences in Loss Functions for Sequential Recommendation via Weak Transitivity
2408.00327 Search-in-Memory (SiM): Reliable, Versatile, and Efficient Data Matching in SSD's NAND Flash Memory Chip for Data Indexing Acceleration
2408.00328 Leveraging Virtual Reality Simulation to Engage Non-Disabled People in Reflection on Access Barriers for Disabled People
2408.00329 OTAD: An Optimal Transport-Induced Robust Model for Agnostic Adversarial Attack
2408.00330 "Patriarchy Hurts Men Too." Does Your Model Agree? A Discussion on Fairness Assumptions
2408.00331 DECIDER: Leveraging Foundation Model Priors for Improved Model Failure Detection and Explanation
2408.00332 Vision-based Wearable Steering Assistance for People with Impaired Vision in Jogging
2408.00333 Global large strong solution of the 3D inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity
2408.00334 Significant Contributions of the Higgs Mode and Self-Energy Corrections to Low-Frequency Complex Conductivity in DC-Biased Superconducting Devices
2408.00335 Transition properties of Doubly Heavy Baryons
2408.00336 Cybloids $-$ Creation and Control of Cybernetic Colloids
2408.00337 DistillGrasp: Integrating Features Correlation with Knowledge Distillation for Depth Completion of Transparent Objects
2408.00338 A motivic Greenlees spectral sequence towards motivic Hochschild homology
2408.00339 Thick attractors with intermingled basins
2408.00340 Homogeneous Besov Space in Dunkl setting
2408.00341 MAARS: Multi-Rate Attack-Aware Randomized Scheduling for Securing Real-time Systems
2408.00342 MuJoCo MPC for Humanoid Control: Evaluation on HumanoidBench
2408.00343 IN-Sight: Interactive Navigation through Sight
2408.00344 Interaural time difference loss for binaural target sound extraction
2408.00345 The discrete generalized exchange-driven system
2408.00346 Neural Graph Matching for Video Retrieval in Large-Scale Video-driven E-commerce
2408.00347 Advancing Medical Image Segmentation: Morphology-Driven Learning with Diffusion Transformer
2408.00348 Securing the Diagnosis of Medical Imaging: An In-depth Analysis of AI-Resistant Attacks
2408.00349 Enabling Next-Generation V2X Perception: Wireless Rigid Body Localization and Tracking
2408.00350 A Simple Background Augmentation Method for Object Detection with Diffusion Model
2408.00351 Hierarchically Structured Neural Bones for Reconstructing Animatable Objects from Casual Videos
2408.00352 Autonomous LLM-Enhanced Adversarial Attack for Text-to-Motion
2408.00353 Bounds on the $p$-adic valuation of the factorial, hyperfactorial and superfactorial
2408.00354 Redefining Lexicographical Ordering: Optimizing Pauli String Decompositions for Quantum Compiling
2408.00355 DNTextSpotter: Arbitrary-Shaped Scene Text Spotting via Improved Denoising Training
2408.00356 Rotational influence on fermions within negative curvature wormholes
2408.00357 DeliLaw: A Chinese Legal Counselling System Based on a Large Language Model
2408.00358 Quasilocal Newtonian limit of general relativity and galactic dynamics
2408.00359 Memorization Capacity for Additive Fine-Tuning with Small ReLU Networks
2408.00360 An alternative way to decipher the nature of the doubly charmed tetraquark $T_{cc}(3875)^+$: its antiparticle $T_{{ar c}{ar c}}(3875)^-$ photoproduction off nuclei near threshold
2408.00361 High-Precision Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Rich-Resource Prior
2408.00362 Measuring the Speed of Gravity and the Cosmic Expansion with Time Delays between Gravity and Light from Binary Neutron Stars
2408.00363 Coexistence of large anomalous Hall effect and topological magnetic skyrmions in a Weyl nodal ring ferromagnet Mn5Ge3
2408.00364 Multiferroic Microstructure Created from Invariant Line Constraint
2408.00365 Multimodal Fusion and Coherence Modeling for Video Topic Segmentation
2408.00366 Singlet-Triplet Kondo Effect in Blatter Radical Molecular Junctions: Zero-bias Anomalies and Magnetoresistance
2408.00367 Integrating spatially-resolved transcriptomics data across tissues and individuals: challenges and opportunities
2408.00368 Illumination Design for Joint Imaging and Wireless Power Transfer Systems
2408.00369 Systems of curves on non-orientable surfaces
2408.00370 DiM-Gesture: Co-Speech Gesture Generation with Adaptive Layer Normalization Mamba-2 framework
2408.00371 A Nečas-Lions inequality with symmetric gradients on star-shaped domains based on a first order Babuška-Aziz inequality
2408.00372 Few-shot Defect Image Generation based on Consistency Modeling
2408.00373 Force and kinetics of fast and slow muscle myosin determined with a synthetic sarcomere-like nanomachine
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