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05 December 2024

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pmid10030892 Quantum gravity in two dimensions: Exact solution of the Jackiw model
pmid10030893 Renormalized trajectory for O(3) Heisenberg model
pmid10030894 Large-n limit of SU(n) quantum "spin" chains
pmid10030895 Induced Chern-Simons terms at high temperatures and finite densities
pmid10030896 Composite quarks and nonstandard bosons in p-barp collisions
pmid10030897 Quasivibrational bands at high spins in 158Yb
pmid10030898 Band termination at very high spin in 158Yb
pmid10030899 Evidence for a nucleon-nucleus spin-spin interaction in 9Be
pmid10030900 Particle propagation in quasiclassical models of relativistic heavy-ion collisions
pmid10030901 Stopping atoms with laser light
pmid10030902 Laser manipulation of atomic beam velocities: Demonstration of stopped atoms and velocity reversal
pmid10030903 Laser-cooled-atomic frequency standard
pmid10030904 Total capture and line-emission cross sections for C
pmid10030905 Observation of electric quadrupole decay in Xe45+ and Xe44+
pmid10030906 Optical stark effect in the two-photon spectrum of NO
pmid10030907 Precision measurement of transition energies and Lamb shifts in two-electron argon and potassium in solar-flare spectra
pmid10030908 Production of squeezed states in the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and an electron gas
pmid10030909 Possibility of direct observation of quantum jumps
pmid10030910 Nonlinear stability of drift-tearing modes
pmid10030911 Light-scattering study of the nematic twist constant near the smectic-A transition
pmid10030912 Simultaneous magnetic-deformation and light-scattering study of bend and twist elastic-constant divergence at the nematic-smectic-A phase transition
pmid10030913 Concentration profile of a dissolved polymer near the air-liquid interface: X-ray fluorescence study
pmid10030914 Diffusion-limited aggregation in two dimensions
pmid10030915 Measurement of interionic potentials in solids using deep-inelastic neutron scattering
pmid10030916 Stabilization of bcc Co via epitaxial growth on GaAs
pmid10030917 New ordered structure for the H-saturated Si(100) surface: The (3 x 1) phase
pmid10030918 Hard-sphere glass and the density-functional theory of aperiodic crystals
pmid10030919 Scaling in spin-glasses
pmid10030920 Final-state effects in the Eu LsubIII-edge spectrum of EuPdsub2Psub2
pmid10030921 Effect of melting of the metallic component on the anomalous far-infrared absorption of superconducting Sn particle composites
pmid10030922 Two classes of composite energy bands in solids
pmid10030923 Peak mobility of silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor systems
pmid10030924 New kinetic percolation model with diffusion-limited growth
pmid10030925 Comment on " epsilon expansion for the conductivity of a random resistor network"
pmid10030926 Harris et al. respond
pmid10030927 Comment on "Pyroelectric materials as electronic pulse detectors of ultraheavy nuclei"
pmid10030928 Energy-density correlation functions in the two-dimensional Ising model with a line defect
pmid10030929 Scaling behavior of windows in dissipative dynamical systems
pmid10030930 Simulation of electric breakdown and resulting variant of percolation fractals
pmid10030931 Nonperturbative effects in quantum field theory on curved spaces
pmid10030932 One-dimensional iterative maps and intramolecular rate processes
pmid10030933 Possible tests and improvements for Monte Carlo renormalization-group studies
pmid10030934 Chiral fermions from compactification of O(32) and and E(8) x E(8) string theories
pmid10030935 Search for single photons from supersymmetric particle production
pmid10030936 phi-meson production as a probe of the quark-gluon plasma
pmid10030937 Quantization of asymmetric shapes in nuclei
pmid10030938 Measurement of T20 for the reaction 1H(dpol, gamma ) 3He and D-state effects in 3He
pmid10030939 Signature-dependenct proton alignments at high rotational frequency and the persistence of proton pairing correlations
pmid10030940 Dispersion relation and the low-energy behavior of the heavy-ion optical potential
pmid10030941 Mean-field calculations of fluctuations in nuclear collisions
pmid10030942 Threshold excitation of short-lived atomic inner-shell hole states with synchrotron radiation
pmid10030943 Photoionization yield spectra below the atomic ionization limit in xenon
pmid10030944 Anomalous effects in very small-angle electron-potassium differential scattering measurements
pmid10030945 Calculation of a P- andT-nonconserving weak interaction in Xe and Hg with many-body perturbation theory
pmid10030946 Effects of autoionization on the alignment of Cd+(4d95s2 >thinsp;2D5/2) in the range 680-710 A
pmid10030947 Thermalization of neutral-beam-injected ions by lower hybrid waves in Jupiter’s magnetosphere
pmid10030948 Absolute amplitude and growth time of electron plasma waves excited by two laser beams
pmid10030949 Microwave generation from filamentation and vortex formation within magnetically confined electron beams
pmid10030950 Energy dependence of inelastic electron scattering cross section by surface vibrations: Experimental measurement and theoretical interpretation
pmid10030951 Periodic spinodal decomposition: Light scattering in the phase-separating and disordered regimes
pmid10030952 Novel magnetic field dependence of the coupling of excitations between two fermion fluids
pmid10030953 Non-Ohmic transport in the magnetic-field-induced charge-density-wave phase of graphite
pmid10030954 Measurement of conduction-electron spin relaxation due to rare gases physisorbed on a lithium surface
pmid10030955 Monte Carlo study of high-energy electrons in silicon dioxide
pmid10030956 First-principles calculation of the electric field gradient of Li3N
pmid10030957 Effect of inelastic processes on resonant tunneling in one dimension
pmid10030958 Relativistic cosmologies with closed, locally homogeneous spatial sections
pmid10030959 Comment on "High-spin-state spectroscopy with the reaction 88Sr( rho pol, pi -)89Zr"
pmid10030960 Vigdor et al. respond
pmid10030961 Comment on "High-resolution proton NMR in amorphous Si:H: Spectroscopic direct observation of molecular hydrogen and reinterpretation of the narrow line"
pmid10030962 Lamotte responds
pmid10030963 Spin oscillations in polarized gases
pmid10030964 Comment on "Measurement of thermodynamic parameters of graphite by pulsed-laser melting and ion channeling"
pmid10030966 Phase-space eikonal method for treating wave equations
pmid10030967 Is the rho meson a dynamical gauge boson of hidden local symmetry?
pmid10030968 Vector-meson mass generation by chiral anomalies
pmid10030969 Effective-action expansion in perturbation theory
pmid10030970 Hunting for the intermediate-mass Higgs boson in a hadron collider
pmid10030971 Multiple-scattering approach to pion double charge exchange at 50 MeV
pmid10030972 Transverse response functions in deep inelastic electron scattering for 40Ca, 48Ca, and 56Fe
pmid10030973 Observation of Lambda -hypernuclei in the reaction 12C( pi +,K+) 1 Lambda 2C
pmid10030974 Coherent and incoherent echo spectroscopy with extended-time excitation
pmid10030975 Observation of radiation-pressure trapping of particles by alternating light beams
pmid10030976 Circular dichroism in photoelectron angular distributions from oriented linear molecules
pmid10030977 Nonlinear global Alfvén eigenmodes
pmid10030978 Evidence for a novel chemisorption bond: Formate (HCO2) on Cu(100)
pmid10030979 Phonon anomalies in Nb3Sn
pmid10030980 Monte Carlo renormalization-group study of the dynamics of an unstable state
pmid10030981 Frequency behavior of the second-sound damping in the smectic-A phase of octylcyanobiphenyl: Evidence for the divergence of viscosities
pmid10030982 Molecular clustering in a two-dimensional metal-ammonia solution
pmid10030983 Model-independent structure determination of the InSb(111)2 x 2 surface with use of synchrotron x-ray diffraction
pmid10030984 Mobility modulation of the two-dimensional electron gas via controlled deformation of the electron wave function in selectively doped AlGaAs-GaAs heterojunctions
pmid10030985 Binding of shallow donor impurities in quantum-well structures
pmid10030986 Excitations in incommensurate biphenyl: Proton spin-lattice relaxation
pmid10030987 ESR spectra of Er3+ in SmB6 single crystals: Dynamic Jahn-Teller effect in a mixed-valence compound
pmid10030988 Spins in Si:P close to the metal-insulator transition
pmid10030989 Dynamic M-shell effects in the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of metallic potassium
pmid10030990 Picosecond time-resolved photoemission study of the InP(110) surface
pmid10030991 Femtosecond dynamics of resonantly excited excitons in room-temperature GaAs quantum wells
pmid10030992 Defects in a nonlinear pseudo one-dimensional solid
pmid10030993 55Mn NMR study of the collective excitations in spin-glasses
pmid10030994 Attractive interaction and pairing in fermion systems with strong on-site repulsion
pmid10030995 Low-frequency relaxation in Ising spin-glasses
pmid10030996 Fractal sandstone pores: Implications for conductivity and pore formation
pmid10030997 Comment on "Effects of relative energy contributions in a two-interaction transition"
pmid10030998 Reiss responds
pmid10030999 Identification of zero-sound attenuation satellites in 3He-B
pmid10031000 AsGa-induced dichroism in GaAs
pmid10031001 Meyer, Spaeth, and Scheffler respond
pmid10031002 Comment on "Theory for the anomalous M4,5VV Auger spectrum for dilute palladium in silver"
pmid10031003 Hedega
pmid10031639 Quantum mechanics versus macroscopic realism: Is the flux there when nobody looks?
pmid10031640 Quantum irregular spectrum in a corresponding classically chaotic lattice spin system
pmid10031641 Off-shell model for threshold pionic eta production on a nucleon and for eta N scattering
pmid10031642 Gluonic excitations of mesons: Why they are missing and where to find them
pmid10031643 Spectral flow and the anomalous production of fermions in odd number of dimensions
pmid10031644 Measurements of Gamow-Teller strength distributions in masses 13 and 15
pmid10031645 Inelastic proton scattering as a test of the new collective-"current" M1 mode in deformed nuclei
pmid10031646 Experimental angular-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of free oriented CH3I molecules
pmid10031647 Microwave radiation from a high-gain free-electron laser amplifier
pmid10031648 Transition x rays from medium-energy electrons
pmid10031649 Conversion of wave energy to magnetic field energy in a plasma torus
pmid10031650 Kinetic energies in quantum solids
pmid10031651 Nonunique structure of metastable (GaSb)1-x(Ge2)x alloys
pmid10031652 High-momentum-transfer inelastic neutron scatterins from liquid helium-3
pmid10031653 Measurement of elasticity and conductivity of a three-dimensional percolation system
pmid10031654 Hydrogen-induced strain modulation in Nb-Ta superlattices
pmid10031655 Integrated x-ray-scattering intensity measurement of the order parameter at the nematic-to-smectic-A phase transition
pmid10031656 Search for a transition in the three-dimensional
pmid10031657 Critical behavior of three-dimensional Ising spin-glass model
pmid10031658 Short-range magnetic order near the Curie temperature iron from spin-resolved photoemission
pmid10031659 Na-induced bonding and bond-length changes for CO on Pt(111): A near-edge x-ray-absorption fine-structure study
pmid10031660 Resolved forward Brillouin scattering in optical fibers
pmid10031661 Surface photoelectric effect for thin metal overlayers
pmid10031662 Predicted Raman intensities for bulk and surface plasmons of a layered electron gas
pmid10031663 Rapid solvent-induced recombination and slow energy relaxation in a simple chemical reaction: Picosecond studies of iodine photodissociation in CCl4
pmid10031664 Theory of phase separation in micellar solutions
pmid11541995 Magnetic reversals and mass extinctions
pmid11643729 Professional Society Ethics Group exchanges experience
pmid11645773 Better safe than sorry
pmid11649607 The baby makers
pmid17757847 Erratum
pmid17757848 Fuel-Efficient Automobiles
pmid17757849 Fuel-Efficient Automobiles
pmid17757850 Toward a Green Revolution for Africa
pmid17757851 Terminal Cretaceous Environmental Events
pmid17757852 Allegations of Cheating Endanger Arms Talks: Initiated by conservatives, U.S. charges of Soviet cheating on arms agreements have lately begun to attract wider support
pmid17757853 Unexpected Young Fault Found in Oklahoma: Geologists had thought that the Meers fault was long dead, but they now see that it recently slipped and could produce another large earthquake
pmid17757854 The Taung Baby Reaches Sixty: Sixty years ago the first australopithecine fossil was found in South Africa; prejudiced against it, the establishment did not want to know
pmid17757855 Chartbook Shows Employment Trends in Science and Engineering
pmid17757856 Grants to Self-Sponsored Foreign Graduate Students to Attend AAAS Annual Meeting
pmid17757857 AAAS Socio-Psychological Prize
pmid17757858 AAAS Annual Meeting Los Angeles, 26-31 May 1985: Preliminary Program
pmid17757859 Early Animals: The Dawn of Animal Life
pmid17757860 Meteoric Processes: Physics of Meteoric Phenomena
pmid17757861 A Cetacean Species: The Gray Whale
pmid17757862 Origins of Modern Astronomy: The History of Astronomy from Herschel to Hertzsprung
pmid17757863 The Cell Division Cycle: Cell Cycle Clocks
pmid17757864 Uranium-Series Dating of Sediments from Searles Lake: Differences Between Continental and Marine Climate Records
pmid17757865 Gas Exchange-Wind Speed Relation Measured with Sulfur Hexafluoride on a Lake
pmid17757866 A Simple and General Method for Transferring Genes into Plants
pmid17757867 Monoclonal Antibodies Against the Aster Yellows Agent
pmid17757868 Rapid Switching of Plant Gene Expression Induced by Fungal Elicitor
pmid17777758 Tracing Aerosol Pollution
pmid17777759 In Reply: Tracing Aerosol Pollution
pmid17777760 Erratum
pmid17777761 Smoking and Longevity
pmid17777762 Health, Wealth, and Unhappiness
pmid17777763 Ore Metals Through Geologic History
pmid17777764 U.S. Experts Condemn Soviet Radar: Most experts agree that the Abalakova radar violates SALT I, but they differ on its strategic significance
pmid17777765 NAE Elects New Members
pmid17777766 Air Force, NASA Settle Launch Dispute: A compromise has been found: the Air Force gets its Titans, NASA protects the shuttle, and both will study new launch technology
pmid17777767 USDA’s Basic Research Needs Beefing Up
pmid17777768 Shultz Chides Scientists But Also Asks for Advice
pmid17777769 Superfund Needs Superfunding (and More)
pmid17777770 U.S. Sanctions Required to Enforce Whaling Ban
pmid17777771 EPA Accelerates Ban on Leaded Gas
pmid17777772 Periodic Extinctions and Impacts Challenged: Critics are attacking the evidence that comet showers have caused periodic extinctions; proposed triggers for the showers seem unlikely as well
pmid17777773 Fifteen Years of African Drought: The well-publicized 1972 sub-Saharan drought never went away, but, despite its magnitude and persistence, it is neither a human creation nor unique
pmid17777774 AAAS Annual Meeting Los Angeles, 26-31 May 1985
pmid17777775 Readings of Galileo: Galileo and His Sources
pmid17777776 Avian Ecology: Shorebirds
pmid17777777 Atom-Atom Collisions: Theory of Slow Atomic Collisions
pmid17777778 Modes of Reproduction: Fish Reproduction
pmid17777779 Remote Sensing of the Magnetic Moment of Uranus: Predictions for Voyager
pmid17777780 Margin to Craton Expansion of Late Ordovician Benthic Marine Invertebrates
pmid17777781 Stable Carbon Isotope Ratios of Rock Varnish Organic Matter: A New Paleoenvironmental Indicator
pmid17777782 Xylem-Tapping Mistletoes: Water or Nutrient Parasites?
pmid17777783 How Bees Remember Flower Shapes
pmid17793752 Cosmic Billboards?
pmid17793753 Gordon Research Conferences
pmid17793754 In Reply: Preventing Famine
pmid17793755 Preventing Famine
pmid17793756 Magnetochemistry of Ions in the 4A2 Electronic State
pmid17793757 Hollywood Takes on Genetic Engineering
pmid17793758 Keyworth Attacks the Press
pmid17793759 DOD Says "Nuclear Winter" Bolsters Its Plans: Congress is disappointed by a report on the impact of soot on nuclear strategy
pmid17793760 French Education: Back to Basics
pmid17793761 A Model Synchrotron Light Source in Berlin: Users want photons on a reliable schedule; Berlin’s electron storage ring (BESSY) provides 2400 hours of bright ultraviolet light yearly
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