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13 January 2025

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Results 801 to 990 of 990.   previous Prev [ 1 2 3 4 5 ]

pmid9936615 Erratum: Low-temperature heat capacity of electrotransport-purified scandium, yttrium, gadolinium, and lutetium
pmid9936616 Further evidence for tunneling anisotropy in Nb crystals
pmid9936617 Origin of Knight-shift anomaly in intermediate-valence compounds
pmid9936618 Dynamics of dilute H in beta -phase palladium deuteride: A novel mass defect
pmid9936619 Fermi surface of lithium studied by positron annihilation
pmid9936620 Effects of oxygen on the upper critical fields of lead and tin molybdenum sulfide Chevrel phases
pmid9936621 Elementary derivation of one-dimensional fermion-number fractionalization
pmid9936622 Spin-fluctuation effects in the resistivity of Fe-Zr metallic glasses
pmid9936623 Diffuse interface model of diffusion-limited crystal growth
pmid9936624 Electron correlation effects on the magnetic-field-induced metal-insulator transition in Hg0.79Cd0.21Te
pmid9936625 Initial-growth modes of nucleation droplets
pmid9936626 First-principles approach for effective elastic-moduli calculation: Application to continuous fractal structure
pmid9936627 Critical and multicritical wetting phenomena in systems with long-range forces
pmid9936628 Surface free energies of three-dimensional Ising models and universality of finite-size scaling amplitudes by direct Monte Carlo sampling
pmid9936629 Incommensurate structure and stability of mullite
pmid9936630 Bethe ansatz solution of a model for valence fluctuations between two magnetic configurations
pmid9936631 Fractal character of eigenstates in weakly disordered three-dimensional systems
pmid9936632 Nonequilibrium superconductivity based on quasithermal phonon and quasiparticle distributions
pmid9949075 Erratum: Spin-orbit and paramagnon effects on magnetoconductance and tunneling
pmid9949076 Erratum: Magnetoresistance maximum at the metal-insulator transition of granular aluminum
pmid9949077 Erratum: Connection between the formation volume and formation Gibbs energy in noble-gas solids
pmid9952697 Capture of polarized protons by 12C and the interference of compound and direct reaction mechanisms near Ep
pmid9952698 Inelastic scattering of 65 MeV protons from 12C, 24Mg, 28Si, and 32S
pmid9952699 16O( gamma,p)15N reaction for E gamma =100-400 MeV
pmid9952700 Giant quadrupole and monopole resonances in 28Si
pmid9952701 3Hearrow(p,p)3He analyzing powers between 25 and 35 MeV
pmid9952702 Search for isovector magnetic quadrupole strength and spin-isospin correlations in 20Ne
pmid9952703 9Be(p,p alpha ) 5He cluster knockout reaction with 150 MeV polarized protons
pmid9952704 Polarization transfer in n-p scattering at 50 MeV
pmid9952705 Gamow-Teller matrix elements from the 11B(p,n)11C reaction at Ep
pmid9952706 Spectroscopy of the 5(-), 6(-), and
pmid9952707 Inelastic electron scattering from 48Ca
pmid9952708 Analysis of giant resonances in proton, 3He, and alpha scattering and the spin-flip strength in 208Pb
pmid9952709 Coulomb excitation of 165Ho
pmid9952710 Numerical simulation of medium energy heavy ion reactions
pmid9952711 Hydrodynamic phase in cylindrically symmetric ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
pmid9952712 Charge exchange, scattering, and transfer reactions for 9Be+6Li and analysis of 14C(6Li,6He)
pmid9952713 Spin distribution of the compound nucleus in heavy ion reactions at near-barrier energies
pmid9952714 Excitation functions for production of heavy actinides from interactions of 40Ca and 48Ca ions with 248Cm
pmid9952715 Vlasov-Uehling-Uhlenbeck theory of medium energy heavy ion reactions: Role of mean field dynamics and two body collisions
pmid9952716 Energy dependence of the cross sections for the 24Mg(16O,12C)28Si(g.s.) reaction
pmid9952717 Fragmentation of hot classical drops
pmid9952718 Incomplete fusion calculations in the 27Al(16O,xy) reaction at 65, 77, and 87.4 MeV bombarding energies
pmid9952719 Spontaneous fission of rutherfordium isotopes
pmid9952720 Surface effects on the isovector spin response induced by high energy protons
pmid9952721 Polarization observables in pi d--> pi d and pp--> pi d and the NN- pi NN equations
pmid9952722 (N, Delta ) reaction in the bag model
pmid9952723 Reaction 2H(p,d pi +)n at 506 MeV
pmid9952724 Reaction p
pmid9952725 Meson exchange calculation of the p
pmid9952726 Dynamical model for pion photoproduction in the Delta region
pmid9952727 Half-life of 241Pu
pmid9952728 End-point energy of 3H beta decay
pmid9952729 Calculation of the 48Ca( beta -)48Sc decay rate
pmid9952730 Spectroscopy of the platinum isotopes and the dynamical supersymmetry U(6/12)
pmid9952731 Thermal properties of 16O and 40Ca with a realistic effective Hamiltonian
pmid9952732 6Li--> alpha
pmid9952733 Multi-quark compound states and the 3He charge form factor
pmid9952734 Generating function for angular momentum multiplicities
pmid9952735 Radiochemical measurements of 200-MeV proton-induced fission of 133Cs
pmid9952736 Improved limits on the double beta decay half-lives of 50Cr, 64Zn, 92Mo, and 96Ru
pmid9952737 Additional beta-delayed protons from the Tz=-3/2 nuclei 21Mg, 25Si, 29S, and 41Ti
pmid9952738 Quark effects in the charge distribution of 208Pb
pmid9952739 Consistency of polarization corrections to the S-wave isovector strength in the pion-nucleus optical potential
pmid9952740 Derivation of the eigenstates of Hermitian boson expansion theory from results of non-Hermitian theory
pmid9952741 Isovector admixtures in the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in 208Pb
pmid9952742 Tensor analyzing powers T20( theta ) and T22( theta ) in the 2H(darrow, gamma ) 4He reaction
pmid9952743 Comparison of magnetic dipole excitations in the f7/2 shell region with the new collective excitations in 156Gd
pmid9952744 Charge asymmetry effects in pi *d elastic scattering at 180 MeV
pmid9952745 Double K-shell ionization in electron capture decay
pmid9952746 Systematics in the volume integrals of the imaginary part of the light ion optical potentials
pmid9952747 Influence of neck formation on heavy ion subbarrier fusion
pmid9952748 Direct surface transfer reactions induced by a 1102 MeV40Ar beam on 68Zn target nucleus
pmid9952749 Erratum: Equivalent local Dirac potentials
pmid9952750 Observation of parity doublets in 219Ac
pmid9952751 Sub-barrier fusion of 16O with 16,18O
pmid9952752 Radioactive decay of 232U by 24Ne emission
pmid9952753 Interpretation of the angular distribution of the 4He( pi -,n)3H reaction based on the Delta -hole model
pmid9952754 Evidence for an underlying SU(3) structure near neutron number N=104
pmid9955871 Precision measurement of the total cross section for e+e--->hadrons at a center-of-mass energy of 29 GeV
pmid9955872 Primary-cosmic-ray energy spectrum up to 50 TeV derived from sea-level muon measurements
pmid9955873 Valons in mesons
pmid9955874 Production of composite neutral Higgs bosons in photoproduction and e+e- experiments
pmid9955875 Amplitude description of elastic pp scattering at 800 MeV
pmid9955876 Search for supersymmetric particles in hadron-hadron collisions
pmid9955877 Asymmetry effects of supersymmetric QCD in dilepton production
pmid9955878 Proton decay and Higgs particles in SU(5)
pmid9955879 Simple dynamical hadron mass-spectrum calculations incorporating hadronic channels arising from qq-bar creation
pmid9955880 Static properties of the nucleon octet in a relativistic potential model with center-of-mass correction
pmid9955881 Supersymmetric electromagnetic moments and radiation zeros
pmid9955882 Consequences of the improved Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix for mixing and CP nonconservation in K0-K-bar 0 and B0-B-bar 0 systems
pmid9955883 Constraints on the mixing of a fourth family of quarks
pmid9955884 Breaking of isospin symmetry in theories with a dynamical Higgs mechanism
pmid9955885 Linearly rising Regge trajectories and bag and string models for hadrons
pmid9955886 Hadron structure in a simple model of quark/nuclear matter
pmid9955887 Center-of-mass corrections and fermions consisting of confined quarks
pmid9955888 Intermediate mass scales in the new SO(10) grand unification in the one-loop approximation
pmid9955889 Experimental tests of new SO(10) grand unification
pmid9955890 Composite invisible axion
pmid9955891 Production of gluinos in gamma gamma collisions
pmid9955892 Polarized e+e- collisions as a tool to reveal supersymmetric particles
pmid9955893 gamma p-->F+F-p reaction as a possible test for 0(++) glueball state
pmid9955894 Verification of NN( 3P0) structure predicted by isobar coupling
pmid9955895 W gamma production in pp collisions and the magnetic moment of the W boson
pmid9955896 Remark on an SU(3)f-violating decay of the psi
pmid9955897 Analysis of the decay psi -->vector
pmid9955898 Primary electron spectrum in semileptonic B decays
pmid9955899 Testing the single-quark radiation hypothesis
pmid9955900 t-quarkonium predictions from an interquark potential with relativistic corrections
pmid9955901 Finite-size effects on bag thermodynamics
pmid9955902 Scaling in lattice QCD with Kogut-Susskind fermions
pmid9955903 Origin of structure in the Universe
pmid9955904 Large-scale energy-density perturbations and inflation
pmid9955905 Quantum mechanics of inflation
pmid9955906 Physical approach to cosmological homogeneity
pmid9955907 Anisotropy and cosmic nucleosynthesis of light isotopes including 7Li
pmid9955908 Laws of motion and precession for black holes and other bodies
pmid9955909 Inhomogeneous electromagnetic gravitational collapse
pmid9955910 Bargmann structures and Newton-Cartan theory
pmid9955911 Charged spin fluid in the Einstein-Cartan theory
pmid9955912 Gravitational models of a Lorentz extended electron
pmid9955913 Adiabatic exponents and equations of state for neutron-star matter
pmid9955914 Glory scattering by black holes
pmid9955915 Space-time: Arena or illusion?
pmid9955916 Stability of Englert-type solutions on Npqr spaces in d=11 supergravity
pmid9955917 Time variation of coupling constants in Kaluza-Klein cosmologies
pmid9955918 Stability of ten-dimensional Kaluza-Klein supergravity
pmid9955919 Magnetic monopoles from antisymmetric tensor gauge fields
pmid9955920 Monopole annihilation and causality
pmid9955921 Restoration of spontaneously broken continuous symmetries in de Sitter spacetime
pmid9955922 Statistical mechanics in a covariant gauge
pmid9955923 1/c expansion of a separable model of direct-interaction type
pmid9955924 Matter and radiation in equilibrium
pmid9955925 Properties of a classical charged harmonic oscillator accelerated through classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation
pmid9955926 Path-wise stochastic calculus of variations with the classical action and quantum systems
pmid9955927 Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff relations and unitarity of SU(2) and SU(1,1) squeeze operators
pmid9955928 Super lattices and gauge theory
pmid9955929 Axial anomaly and the ac Josephson effect in (1+1)-dimensional models
pmid9955930 Yang-Mills theories in the light-cone gauge
pmid9955931 Explicit Hamiltonian for SU(2) lattice gauge theory
pmid9955932 Interactions between quark clusters in lattice QCD
pmid9955933 Abelian and non-Abelian bosonization in the path-integral framework
pmid9955934 Memory-function approach to retardation effects in the relativistic two-body problem
pmid9955935 Zitterbewegung of the electron in external fields
pmid9955936 Fractional charge and spectral asymmetry in one dimension: A closer look
pmid9955937 Radiative corrections in supersymmetric gauge theories
pmid9955938 Hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon
pmid9955939 Differential cross section of electron-positron bremsstrahlung
pmid9955940 Repulsive gravitation and electron models
pmid9955941 Homogeneous, nonsingular, closed Einstein-Cartan cosmological model
pmid9955942 Rotational anomalies without anyons
pmid9955943 Radiatively induced topological mass terms in (2+1)-dimensional gauge theories
pmid9955944 Explicit decoupling gauge condition
pmid9955945 Gauge covariance of the effective potential
pmid9955946 New Lagrangian formalism for the bag
pmid9955947 Nonperturbative analysis of leading logarithms in three-dimensional QED
pmid9955948 Thermal production of superheavy magnetic monopoles in the new inflationary-universe scenario
pmid9955949 Inclusive hadron production in upsilon decays and in nonresonant electron-positron annihilation at 10.49 GeV
pmid9955950 Limits on deeply penetrating particles in the >10(17) eV cosmic-ray flux
pmid9955951 Sensing-area distribution functions for one- and three-loop superconductive magnetic-monopole detectors
pmid9955952 Exotic processes in high-energy e-p collisions
pmid9955953 Long-range effects in the weak parity-violating pion-nucleon coupling
pmid9955954 K+-proton partial-wave analysis to 3 GeV/c
pmid9955955 KN scattering in the cloudy bag model: s, p, and d waves
pmid9955956 Diffraction dissociation and the Chou-Yang model
pmid9955957 Kl3+ decays involving finite neutrino mass and mass mixing
pmid9955958 Long- and short-distance contributions to kaon decays
pmid9955959 SU(3) breaking in K-->K gamma from QCD sum rules
pmid9955960 Hadron-hadron interaction in a string-flip model of quark confinement. I. Meson-meson interaction
pmid9955961 Majorana neutrino masses and lepton mixing angles in the perturbative and semiempirical approach
pmid9955962 Numerical solutions to an extended chiral bag model
pmid9955963 Quantum relativistic oscillator. Modifying the Hamiltonian formalism of the relativistic string
pmid9955964 Symmetry breaking in SO(10): Higgs-boson structure
pmid9955965 Monopole-induced baryon-number violation in "realistic" grand unified theories
pmid9955966 Dynamical symmetry breaking and composite model for leptons, quarks, and Higgs mesons
pmid9955967 New results on the reaction e+e---> micro+ micro- at sqrt s =29 GeV
pmid9955968 Implications for logarithmic-singularity contribution to e+e---> pi + pi - gamma reaction at Q2=0.9 GeV2 from bremsstrahlung background
pmid9955969 Striking pattern of a strong-interaction reaction
pmid9955970 Two-body decays of K mesons in a microscopic framework
pmid9955971 Radiative decay of heavy Higgs bosons
pmid9955972 Excited Z0 bosons and the anomalous CERN events
pmid9955973 Comparison of beam-dump and vector-boson-decay production of new neutral heavy leptons
pmid9955974 High-spin mesons in the quark model
pmid9955975 Interesting four-quark states besides xi (2220)
pmid9955976 Symmetrical parametrization of the Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix
pmid9955977 Bound on the horizontal coupling from a deviation from universality
pmid9955978 Erratum: Ratio of lifetimes for the D+ and D0 mesons
pmid9955979 Observation of the decay B-bar 0-->D
pmid9955980 Limits on excited spin-3/2 leptons
pmid9971952 Erratum: Ultralight Dirac neutrinos from possible supergrand scenario
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