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05 December 2024

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pmid10031189 Neutron microscope
pmid10031190 Relation between the chiral anomaly and the quantized Hall effect
pmid10031191 Direct measurement of charmed D+ and D0 semileptonic branching ratios
pmid10031192 Hierarchal mass scales in lattice gauge theories with dynamical, light fermions
pmid10031193 Implications of a systematic study of the CERN monojets for supersymmetry
pmid10031194 Baryon mass inequalities in quark models
pmid10031195 Possible unified interpretation of heavy nuclei
pmid10031196 Mass-asymmetric barriers from excitation functions for complex-fragment emission
pmid10031197 Multiple inner-shell vacancies in laser-irradiated Au plasma
pmid10031198 Far-wing absorption profiles of a reactive collision: Mg+H
pmid10031199 Application of the Schwinger principle to direct excitation of atoms or ions by impact of bare nuclei at intermediate velocities
pmid10031200 Measurement of time delays in the parametric production of photon pairs
pmid10031201 Limits to concentration by passive means
pmid10031202 Parametric interaction of modulated intense relativistic electron beams with high-voltage gaps
pmid10031203 Stimulated mode conversion at lower-hybrid frequencies
pmid10031204 Excess noise for driven diffusive systems
pmid10031205 Critical Ising spin dynamics on percolation clusters
pmid10031206 Experiments on quantum and thermal desorption from 4He films
pmid10031207 Diffuse ferroelectric phase transition and long-range order of dilute KTa1-xNbxO3
pmid10031208 Continuous and first-order wetting transitions of hcp 4He crystals
pmid10031209 Energy-loss rates for hot electrons and holes in GaAs quantum wells
pmid10031210 Resistance of small metallic loops
pmid10031211 Comment on "Active zone of growing clusters: Diffusion-limited aggregation and the Eden model"
pmid10031212 Plischke and Rácz respond
pmid10031213 Surface thickness in the Eden model
pmid10031214 Plischke and Rácz respond
pmid10031215 Stochastic ionization of electrically polarized, hydrogen Rydberg atoms
pmid10031216 Comment on "Eden model in many dimensions"
pmid10031217 Comment on Angelidis’s universality claim
pmid10031219 Classical hard-sphere fluid in infinitely many dimensions
pmid10031220 Hydrogen in metallic alloys as an example of a lattice gas with random field and random bonds
pmid10031221 Saddle-point variational method for the Dirac equation
pmid10031222 Lambda production in e+e- annihilation at 29 GeV
pmid10031223 Physical spectrum of compactified strings
pmid10031224 Evidence for muon production by particles from Cygnus X-3
pmid10031225 Experimental consequences of a horizontal gauge model for CP nonconservation
pmid10031226 Muonic atoms with vacant electron shells
pmid10031227 Spectral-spatial diffusion of resonantly trapped phonons
pmid10031228 Photoemission from ordered physisorbed adsorbate phases: N2 on graphite and CO on Ag(111)
pmid10031229 Possibility of a field-induced hexagonal blue phase in cholesteric liquid crystals
pmid10031230 Reversible amorphization in laser-quenched titanium alloys
pmid10031231 Elastic properties of glasses
pmid10031232 Resonance Raman scattering by confined LO and TO phonons in GaAs-AlAs superlattices
pmid10031233 Interface vibrational modes in GaAs-AlAs superlattices
pmid10031234 Vibrational phase relaxation at surfaces: CO on Ni(111)
pmid10031235 Adsorption phenomena at the surface of silica spheres in a binary liquid mixture
pmid10031236 Classification of axisymmetric vortices in 3He-A
pmid10031237 Critical behavior of the isotropic ferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg chain
pmid10031238 Nuclear magnetic resonance on oriented 111In in a hcp Gd single crystal
pmid10031239 Correlation of Schottky-barrier height and microstructure in the epitaxial Ni silicide on Si(111)
pmid10031240 Investigation of the magnitude and range of the Ruderman-Kittel interaction in SmRh4B4 and ErRh4B4
pmid10031241 Temporal phase transition in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model
pmid10031242 Sub-picosecond time-resolved Raman spectroscopy of LO phonons in GaAs
pmid10031243 Diverging characteristic lengths at critical disorder in thin-film superconductors
pmid10031244 Rate expression incorporating interaction between reactants: Application to the zero-order desorption spectra
pmid10031245 Simple realization of the inflationary expansion of the universe
pmid10031246 Comment on "Induced Chern-Simons terms at high temperatures and finite densities"
pmid10031247 Comment on "Ion-dynamics effects on hydrogenic Stark profiles in hot and dense plasmas"
pmid10031248 Stamm et al. Respond
pmid10031249 Comment on "Substrate-induced orientational order in the isotropic phase of liquid crystals"
pmid10031271 Statistical mechanical origin of the entropy of a rotating, charged black hole
pmid10031272 Model for maximal CP nonconservation
pmid10031273 Measurement of p-barp and pp elastic scattering in the dip region at sqrt s =53 GeV
pmid10031274 Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and large-N expansions
pmid10031275 Variational calculation of the bound-state wave function in : lambda ( phi6- phi4)2:
pmid10031276 Exact renormalization for the Gross-Neveu model of quantum fields
pmid10031277 Observation of three P states in the radiative decay of Upsilon (2S)
pmid10031278 Experimental consequences of family unification
pmid10031279 KL-KS mass difference and supersymmetric left-right-symmetric theories
pmid10031280 Relativistic impulse approximation, nuclear currents, and the spin-difference function
pmid10031281 High angular momentum components in the subbarrier fusion of heavy ions
pmid10031282 Subthreshold pion production: An intranuclear N-N collision interpretation
pmid10031283 Electron correlation and binding effects in measured electron-scattering cross sections of CO2
pmid10031284 Bifurcation in degenerate four-wave mixing in liquid suspensions of microspheres
pmid10031285 Invasion percolation in an etched network: Measurement of a fractal dimension
pmid10031286 Self-generated loss of coherency in Brillouin scattering and reduction of reflectivity
pmid10031287 New evidence concerning the Griffiths first sum rule for tricritical light scattering
pmid10031288 Experiments on magnetically driven superflow in 3He-A1
pmid10031289 Localization of third sound by a disordered substrate
pmid10031290 Photofragmentation of Mass-Resolved Si2-12+ clusters
pmid10031291 Structure determination of the formate intermediate on Cu(110) by use of x-ray-absorption fine-structure measurements
pmid10031292 Onset of droplet aggregation from self-diffusion measurements in microemulsions
pmid10031293 3He-A textures and ultrasonic attenuation
pmid10031294 Frozen-phonon total-energy determination of structural surface phase transitions: W(001)
pmid10031295 Calculation of neutrino flux from Cygnus X-3
pmid10031296 Microwave background anisotropy and decaying-particle models for a flat universe
pmid10031297 Comment on "Study of scaling in hadronic production of dimuons"
pmid10031298 Delocalization transition of a classical two-dimensional Coulomb lattice
pmid10031299 Puzzling aspect of quantum field theory in curved space time
pmid10031300 Monojets from family unification
pmid10031301 Search for monojet production in e+e- annihilation
pmid10031302 Is perturbation theory the asymptotic expansion in lattice gauge theories?
pmid10031303 Outward effective mass of quark and baryon magnetic moments
pmid10031304 Test of neutrino oscillations using atmospheric neutrinos
pmid10031305 Two 17-keV Majorana neutrinos?
pmid10031306 Majorans revisited
pmid10031307 Ultralow-background study of neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge; new limit on the Majorana mass of nu e
pmid10031308 Bound on time-reversal noninvariance in the nuclear Hamiltonian
pmid10031309 Investigation of K-shell electron capture in 158Tb
pmid10031310 Isospin dependence of s-wave pion absorption in the A=3 nuclei
pmid10031311 Solar neutrino detection: Experimental determination of Gamow-Teller strengths via the 98Mo and 115In (p,n) reactions
pmid10031312 Spontaneous emission from an excited atom in the presence of N atoms and M modes
pmid10031313 Magnetohydrodynamical equilibrium and the shear Alfvén continuum in nonaxisymmetric toroidal geometry
pmid10031314 Cyclotron resonance in a noneutral plasma
pmid10031315 Ion-Bernstein-wave heating in the JIPPT-II-U tokamak plasma
pmid10031316 Relativistic plasma-wave excitation by collinear optical mixing
pmid10031317 Thermal transport in very dilute mixtures of 3He in 4He near the superfluid transition
pmid10031318 Nonuniversal jumps and the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
pmid10031319 Incident-angle dependence of catastrophic dechanneling for strained-layer superlattices
pmid10031320 Orientational order in liquids: A possible scenario of freezing
pmid10031321 Direct photoemission study of the antibonding surface-state band on Ge(111)2 x 1
pmid10031322 Nonlocality in the two-dimensional plasmon dispersion
pmid10031323 Compound formation at Cu-In thin-film interfaces detected by perturbed gamma - gamma angular correlations
pmid10031324 Superconductivity in high-pressure metallic phases of Si
pmid10031325 Comment on "Three-cocycle in mathematics and physics"
pmid10031326 Jackiw responds
pmid11541994 Template-directed synthesis of novel, nucleic acid-like structures
pmid11643758 Court hears suit on biowarfare laboratory
pmid17736059 Erratum
pmid17736060 Paleobiology at Caltech
pmid17736061 NAS Exchange Protocol
pmid17736062 Nuclear Safety
pmid17736063 Evolving Patterns of Energy Production and Use
pmid17736064 Metal Oxide Chemistry in Solution: The Early Transition Metal Polyoxoanions
pmid17736065 China Plans Sweeping Reforms in Science: The government embraces competition in science as a key to bolster its economy
pmid17736066 Shuttle Encounters Landing Trouble
pmid17736067 In Defense of "Star Wars": Reagan Administration officials tell laser scientists that defense initiative is misunderstood
pmid17736068 Baby Doe Regs Set
pmid17736069 House Opens Broad Science Policy Hearings
pmid17736070 New Biotechnology Research Program in Britain
pmid17736071 Utilities Look to New Coal Combustion Technology
pmid17736072 Panel Examines Costs of Nuclear Warheads
pmid17736073 Court Gives CIA Broad Secrecy Rights
pmid17736074 Gregarious Grazers Eat Better: An ecological study of grazed grasslands shows significant nutritional benefits to animals in herds
pmid17736075 NSF Commits to Supercomputers: The four new centers are monuments to "experimental theory"--and to the dogged persistence of their champions
pmid17736076 Atmospheric Physics: Atmospheric Electrodynamics
pmid17736077 Quantum Gravity: Quantum Theory of Gravity
pmid17736078 Planetary Systems: Planetary Rings
pmid17736079 Reprints of Books Previously Reviewed
pmid17736080 Adaptation in Sticklebacks: A Functional Biology of Sticklebacks
pmid17736081 Disturbance and Ecologic Succession in an Upper Ordovician Cobble-Dwelling Hardground Fauna
pmid17736082 Epizootic Carcinoma in the Winter Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus
pmid17737886 This Week in Science
pmid17737887 A Good Word for Realities
pmid17737888 High-Speed Lightwave Transmission in Optical Fibers
pmid17737889 Hard Times in Magnetic Fusion: Two straight years of budget cuts are forcing a reexamination of the program’s goals and timetable; major machines could be mothballed
pmid17737890 New French Law Boosts Industrial R&D
pmid17737891 Dispute over Soviet Testing Heats Up
pmid17737892 Hawaiian Rainforest Being Felled: Woodchipping operation decried by scientists as sorry model for bioenergy development
pmid17737893 Stockman Relents on Landsat
pmid17737894 Environmental Leadership in State of Flux
pmid17737895 New York Mayor Honors Scientists
pmid17737896 Pentagon Claims Export Controls Save Billions
pmid17737897 Fractal Fingers in Viscous Fluids: Highly unstable viscous fingers break up into many-branched structures that are suggestive of fractal geometry
pmid17737898 A Unit for Social Analysis: Households
pmid17737899 An Ancient Lake: Lake Biwa
pmid17737900 Marine Ecology: Marine Ecological Processes
pmid17737901 Lichen Biology: Biology of Lichenized Fungi
pmid17737902 A Theory for El Nino and the Southern Oscillation
pmid17737903 The Diversification of the Leguminosae: First Fossil Evidence of the Mimosoideae and Papilionoideae
pmid17737904 Chronic Herbivory: Impacts on Architecture and Sex Expression of Pinyon Pine
pmid17737905 Late Pleistocene Faunal Extinctions in Southern Patagonia
pmid17737906 Male Reproductive Parasitism: A Factor in the Africanization of European Honey-Bee Populations
pmid17797645 This week in Science
pmid17797646 NAS Exchange Agreement
pmid17797647 Arms Negotiations
pmid17797648 Erratum
pmid17797649 In Reply: Arms Negotiations
pmid17797650 A Good Word for Delusions
pmid17797651 Torsional Oscillations of the Sun
pmid17797652 European Physicists Push Alternative to SSC: They claim that adding to CERN’s facilities could do much of the physics of the proposed supercollider but at a fraction of the cost
pmid17797653 Negotiators Report No Progress at Arms Talks: Recent accounts of round 1 in Geneva indicate that the superpowers are even further apart than expected
pmid17797654 International Primate Campaign Launched
pmid17797655 Engineering "Crisis" Abating, Study Says
pmid17797656 Interior Slashes Offshore Oil Estimates
pmid17797657 Why Do Galaxies Exist?: Theorists can answer that question in remarkable detail if they postulate a universe filled with "cold" dark matter
pmid17797658 Pan paniscus: The Pygmy Chimpanzee
pmid17797659 Issues of Drug Development: Orphan Drugs
pmid17797660 Form in the Mineral Kingdom: The Scientific Reinterpretation of Form
pmid17797661 Role of Fault Bends in the Initiation and Termination of Earthquake Rupture
pmid17797662 A Model for a Seismic Computerized Alert Network
pmid17797663 Selection for Increased Safety Factors of Biological Structures as Environmental Unpredictability Increases
pmid17797664 Floral Mimicry Induced by Mummy-Berry Fungus Exploits Host’s Pollinators as Vectors
pmid17797665 Durability of the Accretion Disk of Millisecond Pulsars
pmid17797666 Gravity, Drag, and Feeding Currents of Small Zooplankton
pmid17797667 Gravity, Drag, and Feeding Currents of Small Zooplankton
pmid17815009 This week in Science
pmid17815010 Verification of Nuclear Testing
pmid17815011 "Nuclear Winter" Models
pmid17815012 In Reply: Verification of Nuclear Testing
pmid17815013 A Welcome Grace Note
pmid17815014 Summit Calls for Research Integration: Western political leaders endorsed demands to harmonize technical norms and scientific procedures in different countries
pmid17815015 NAS Elects New Members
pmid17815016 Soviet Biowarfare Efforts Cited by Pentagon
pmid17815017 Senators Criticize Lopsided Chemical Weapons Panel
pmid17815018 Ohio State, Arizona to Build Giant Telescope
pmid17815019 ERAB Panel Ranks Major Materials Facilities
pmid17815020 EVIST to Be Salvaged, More or Less
pmid17815021 Number Theory Connections: An unusual meeting honoring mathematician John Tate had as its theme connections between number theory and diverse areas of mathematics
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