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22 January 2025

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pmid9904503 Enhanced polarization of electron spins in 4He by simultaneous optical pumping with circularly and linearly polarized resonance radiation
pmid9904504 One-dimensional motion of slow atoms in a standing-wave field
pmid9904505 Bound states of atomic hydrogen in a laser field beyond the nonrelativistic dipole approximation
pmid9904506 Multiphoton dissociation or ionization: Partial widths and branching ratios for time-periodic Hamiltonians
pmid9904507 Angular-momentum-transfer formalism for spin-polarized atomic photoelectrons
pmid9904508 Polarization effects in the ionization cross section of Ar, Kr, and Xe by laser-excited Ne**
pmid9904509 Simulating the Wigner angle with a parametric amplifier
pmid9904510 Phase modulation in second-order nonlinear-optical processes
pmid9904511 Continuum fields in quantum optics
pmid9904512 Phase and homodyne statistics of generalized squeezed states
pmid9904513 Linear theory of superradiance in a free-electron laser
pmid9904514 Fourth-order interference of joint single-photon wave packets in lossless optical systems
pmid9904515 Multiphoton detachment of H- and the applicability of the Keldysh approximation
pmid9904516 Self-pulsing in a band model for dye lasers
pmid9904517 Linewidth of a laser with a squeezed reservoir
pmid9904518 Amplification of spontaneous emission and coherence in three-dimensional systems
pmid9904519 Kerr interaction with displaced and squeezed Fock states
pmid9904520 Two-mode squeezed states with thermal noise
pmid9904521 Squeezing and higher-order squeezing in the three-level, two-mode system
pmid9904522 Stochastic Toda-oscillator model of the bad-cavity laser
pmid9904523 Magnetic and optical resonance of two-level quantum systems in modulated fields. I. Bloch equation approach
pmid9904524 Magnetic and optical resonance of two-level quantum systems in modulated fields. II. Floquet Hamiltonian approach
pmid9904525 Coherent frequency mixing in microparticle composites
pmid9904526 Dynamical behavior in a hybrid optical system with competing interactions
pmid9904527 Low-frequency theory of multiphoton ionization
pmid9904528 Virtual photons and causality in the dynamics of a pair of two-level atoms
pmid9904529 Interaction of an electron with a multimode quantized radiation field
pmid9904530 Mode coupling in a He-Ne ring laser with backscattering
pmid9904531 Thermodynamics of squeezed states for the Kanai-Caldirola Hamiltonian
pmid9904532 Characteristics of Rabi oscillations in the two-mode squeezed state of the field
pmid9904533 Analytical treatment of quantum jumps in a system of two interacting two-level atoms
pmid9904534 Rabi sideband narrowing via strongly driven resonance fluorescence in a narrow-bandwidth squeezed vacuum
pmid9904535 Amplitude-noise reduction in lasers with intracavity nonlinear elements
pmid9904536 Energy spectrum shift for a nonadiabatic process
pmid9904537 Unitary transformation for four harmonically coupled identical oscillators
pmid9904538 Resonances in the two-center Coulomb problem and unstable periodic orbits
pmid9904539 Coupled-cluster response approach: Improved variational strategy
pmid9904540 Parameter-free exchange potential for excitation in the density-functional theory: Application to excitation energies within the fractional-occupation approach
pmid9904541 Electron-impact excitation of the Rydberg levels of the oxygen molecule
pmid9904542 Atomic alignment effects in the associative ionization of sodium
pmid9904543 Collision-induced photodissociation of the 3(1) Pi u state of Cs2
pmid9904544 Total cross sections for electron scattering from CO in the energy range 380-5200 eV
pmid9904545 Quantum theory of laser-field effects on relaxation in solids: Slow versus fast stochastic modulation and applications to optical transients
pmid9904546 Erratum: k-photon Jaynes-Cummings model with coherent atomic preparation: Squeezing and coherence
pmid9904547 Anomalous line shapes associated with the 3 (3)P state of atomic oxygen
pmid9904548 Effect of excitation-autoionization processes on the line emission of Zn I- and GaI-like rare-earth ions in hot coronal plasmas
pmid9904549 Short-range potential model for multiphoton detachment of the H- ion
pmid9904550 Quantum Kramers model: Well dynamics beyond the linear-response theory
pmid9904551 Mode locking and sideband generation: A mechanism for intermediate stochasticity in conservative systems
pmid9904552 Beyond the semiclassical approximation of the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation: Collapses and revivals as a sign of quantum fluctuations
pmid9904553 Transient transport in a dynamical two-chain model
pmid9904554 Global thermodynamic behavior of fluids in the critical region
pmid9904555 Green’s function for one-dimensional Fokker-Planck equations with exponentially dependent drift and diffusion coefficients
pmid9904556 Iterated-map approach to die tossing
pmid9904557 First-passage-time statistics in disordered media
pmid9904558 Charged oscillator in a heat bath in the presence of a magnetic field
pmid9904559 Exactly self-similar left-sided multifractal measures
pmid9904560 Randomness versus deterministic chaos: Effect on invasion percolation clusters
pmid9904561 Self-similarity in quantum dynamics
pmid9904562 Relaxation of a spin-1/2 particle driven by transverse colored Gaussian noise: Time dependence and eigenvalues
pmid9904563 Ergodic convergence properties of supercooled liquids and glasses
pmid9904564 Zero-thickness membrane interface and Schrödinger equation
pmid9904565 Crossover behavior for self-avoiding walks interacting with a surface
pmid9904566 Enhanced diffusion in random velocity fields
pmid9904567 Transport coefficients of the Widom-Rowlinson mixture
pmid9904568 Noise effects in a nonlinear dynamic system: The rf superconducting quantum interference device
pmid9904569 Generalized Grad-type foundations for nonlinear extended thermodynamics
pmid9904570 Turbulence in Josephson junctions
pmid9904571 Systematic derivation of percolation thresholds in continuum systems
pmid9904572 Unstable periodic orbits and the symbolic dynamics of the complex Hénon map
pmid9904573 Continuous quantum measurements and chaos
pmid9904574 Steady-state ensemble for the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with weak noise
pmid9904575 Coalescence of drifting droplets and bubbles in two- and three-dimensional space
pmid9904576 Molecular-dynamics simulation of flow in a two-dimensional channel with atomically rough walls
pmid9904577 Minimal model of binary fluid convection
pmid9904578 Heat transport in dielectric crystals at low temperature: A variational formulation based on extended irreversible thermodynamics
pmid9904579 Experimental study of interfacial phase transitions in three-component surfactant systems
pmid9904580 Capillary behavior of binary liquid mixtures near criticality: Rise and kinetics
pmid9904581 Dielectric constant and the electric conductivity near the consolute point of the critical binary liquid mixture nitroethane-3-methylpentane
pmid9904582 Analytical equation of state for molecular fluids: Kihara model for rodlike molecules
pmid9904583 Analytical equation of state for molecular fluids: Comparison with experimental data
pmid9904584 Nonlocal elasticity theory of polymeric liquid crystals
pmid9904585 Order-parameter fluctuations of a lyotropic liquid crystal in the nematic and isotropic phases
pmid9904586 Adhesion of vesicles
pmid9904587 Scaling behavior of the elastic properties of colloidal gels
pmid9904588 Macroscopic parameters from simulations of pore scale flow
pmid9904589 Saturation effects in K alpha absorption spectroscopy of laser-produced plasmas
pmid9904590 Liquid-gas transition in concentrated polymer solutions: Crossover effects
pmid9904591 Comparison of weighted-density-functional theories for inhomogeneous liquids
pmid9904592 Freezing of soft spheres: A critical test for weighted-density-functional theories
pmid9904593 Dielectric permittivity of sodium di(2-ethylhexyl)sulfosuccinate-H2O-iso-octane microemulsions in terms of their microscopic structure
pmid9904594 Hierarchical model for the multifractality of diffusion-limited aggregation
pmid9904595 Crossover and thermodynamic representation in the extended eta model for fractal growth
pmid9904596 Percolation of interacting diffusing particles
pmid9904597 Inverse-free-electron-laser beat-wave accelerator
pmid9904598 Localized nonlinear wave structures in the nonlinear photon accelerator
pmid9904599 First-principles calculations of shear moduli for Monte Carlo-simulated Coulomb solids
pmid9904600 Dense simple plasmas as high-temperature liquid simple metals
pmid9904601 Binding in pair potentials of liquid simple metals from nonlocality in electronic kinetic energy
pmid9904602 Nonlinear spherical surface waves
pmid9904603 Characteristics of a LaB6 hollow cathode in the glow-arc transition
pmid9904604 Stochastic properties of Trichel-pulse corona: A non-Markovian random point process
pmid9904605 Nonlinear analysis of the plasma Cherenkov maser through one-component simulation
pmid9904606 LASNEX simulations of the classical and laser-driven Rayleigh-Taylor instability
pmid9904607 Scalar wave collapse at critical dimension
pmid9904608 Langmuir wave collapse with anisotropic contraction rates
pmid9904609 First-order anharmonic correction to the free energy of a Coulomb crystal in periodic boundary conditions
pmid9904610 Excitation of the C 3 Pi u state of N2 and B 2 Sigma g+ state of N2+ by electrons at moderate and high values of E/N
pmid9904611 Dynamics of dissolved DNA polymers using a frequency-dependent dielectric constant
pmid9904612 Enlarged basin of attraction in neural networks with persistent stimuli
pmid9904613 Behavior of a neural network with three-spin interactions
pmid9904614 Fractal dimension for Gaussian colored processes
pmid9904615 Sound-propagation gap in fluid mixtures
pmid9904616 Time scales for the observation of diffusion in very small systems
pmid9904617 Interaction of hydrogen atoms embedded in small metallic clusters
pmid9904618 Exact solution of the one-dimensional immobile trapping problem with and without sources
pmid9904619 Non-Painlevé reductions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations
pmid9904620 Comment on "Analytic solutions for Rayleigh-Taylor growth rates in smooth density gradients"
pmid9904621 Comment on "DNA solitons with realistic parameters"
pmid9904622 Reply to "Comment on ’DNA solitons with realistic parameters"
pmid9904623 Erratum: Angular distribution and polarization of the continuum emission in anisotropic plasmas
pmid9904624 Chaotic electron dynamics for relativistic-electron-beam propagation through a planar wiggler magnetic field
pmid9904625 Canonical ensemble averages from pseudomicrocanonical dynamics
pmid9904626 Temporal evolution of two-dimensional drained soap froths
pmid9904627 Instability of needle crystals in anisotropic dendritic growth
pmid9904628 Stability of cellular patterns in directional solidification
pmid9920597 Erratum: Equilibrium statistical thermodynamics of a many-particle system coupled to an external scalar field
pmid9966916 Decay studies of the neutron-rich isotopes 168Dy and 168Hog and the identification of the new isomer 168Hom
pmid9966917 High-energy gamma emission in heavy-ion collisions at 9-14 MeV/nucleon
pmid9966918 Lifetime measurements in 135Sm: Large deformation in the N=6 intruder band and evidence for quenched proton pairing
pmid9966919 Energy and flux limits of cold-fusion neutrons using a deuterated liquid scintillator
pmid9966920 Resonant excitation of the reaction 180Tam( gamma, gamma ’)180Ta
pmid9966921 Observation of excited proton and neutron configurations in the superdeformed 149Gd nucleus
pmid9966922 Coupling schemes in doubly odd nuclei and identical superdeformed bands
pmid9966923 Relativistic off-shell analysis of elastic scattering of 200 MeV protons by 40Ca
pmid9966924 Nuclear level densities including thermal and quantal fluctuations
pmid9966925 Shadowing effects in deep-inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering
pmid9966926 Benchmark solutions for a model three-nucleon scattering problem
pmid9966927 Comparison of the vector analyzing power iT11 for pi +/-d scattering at 180 MeV
pmid9966928 Kinematically complete measurement of the pi +d--> pi 0pp charge-exchange reaction
pmid9966929 Partial-wave analysis of pion photoproduction
pmid9966930 Pion photoproduction resonance couplings in the second resonance region
pmid9966931 rms radius of the deuteron
pmid9966932 Parity violating nuclear force by meson mixing
pmid9966933 Meson retardation, three-body forces, and medium modifications to the nucleon-nucleon interaction
pmid9966934 Determination of the S-wave scattering shape parameter P from the zero-energy wave function
pmid9966935 Microscopic study of p+ alpha bremsstrahlung
pmid9966936 Deuteron structure from (p,2p) and (d,p) breakup data at medium energies
pmid9966937 Optical isotope shift and hyperfine structure measurements of 152,154-158,160Gd
pmid9966938 Determination of 187Ir atomic mass by the 187Os(3He,t)187Ir reaction
pmid9966939 Search for ground state proton emission from 65As and 69Br
pmid9966940 Pion double charge exchange on T=2 nuclei in the Delta 3/2,3/2 resonance region
pmid9966941 Existence of alpha -cluster structure in 44Ti via the (6Li,d) reaction
pmid9966942 Uncommon decay branching ratios of spin-one states in the rare-earth region and evidence for K mixing
pmid9966943 Proton core polarization in low-lying states of 86Sr
pmid9966944 Coulomb excitation of 159Tb and the spectroscopy of the proton 3/2(+)
pmid9966945 Decay of 133Pr and structure of 133Ce
pmid9966946 Relativistic nuclear structure. I. Nuclear matter
pmid9966947 Relativistic nuclear structure. II. Finite nuclei
pmid9966948 Electromagnetic probes of nuclear structure: Sum rules, y scaling, and final state interactions
pmid9966949 Fragmentation of the low energy octupole state and the systematic behavior of 31- states
pmid9966950 Relativistic spectral random-phase approximation in finite nuclei
pmid9966951 Angular momentum projection in geometric interpretation of the interacting boson model
pmid9966952 Fermion mapping of boson-fermion pairs
pmid9966953 Consistent description of intruder states
pmid9966954 Saturation in weakly coupled relativistic systems
pmid9966955 p-shell nuclei in a (0+2)
pmid9966956 p-shell nuclei in a (0+2)
pmid9966957 Multichannel approach to the Glauber model for heavy-ion collisions
pmid9966958 Green’s function derivation of the thermal random phase approximation equations in open shell systems
pmid9966959 Angular momentum in sub-barrier fusion: Experimental study using the isomer ratio 137Cem/137Ceg
pmid9966960 Dynamical effects on the de-excitation of hot nuclei with A
pmid9966961 Spectral function of p-n pairs in 6Li, from the 6Li(p,p alpha )pn reaction at 200 MeV
pmid9966962 Photofission of 238U with monochromatic gamma rays in the energy range 11-16 MeV
pmid9966963 Extended sum-rule model view of light and intermediate mass fragment emission in nuclear reactions at intermediate energies
pmid9966964 Hard photon emission in heavy-ion reactions
pmid9966965 Polarized electron scattering from oriented nuclei in distorted-wave method
pmid9966966 Elastic Coulomb scattering of heavy ions at intermediate energies
pmid9966967 Dependence of physical observables on the incident energy in intermediate energy nucleus-nucleus collision
pmid9966968 Effective hadron theories from a quark model in U(1) and SU(N) color
pmid9966969 Neutron-proton mass difference in nuclei and the Okamoto-Nolen-Schiffer anomaly ly
pmid9966970 Pion scattering from polarized 15N at T pi =164 MeV
pmid9966971 Contribution of pi N--> Lambda K to subthreshold kaon production in heavy-ion collisions
pmid9966972 Isospin in 17O( gamma,n0) reactions
pmid9966973 Nuclear refraction in 14N+12C elastic scattering at E/A=20 MeV
pmid9966974 Fission angular distributions for the systems 9Be+232Th, 235U
pmid9966975 Nuclear tensor term in the relativistic impulse approximation for proton-nucleus elastic scattering
pmid9966976 Gauge-invariant forms of the nonrelativistic Compton amplitude
pmid9966977 Soft giant dipole mode of 11Li
pmid9966978 Microscopic calculations of low-energy reaction cross sections
pmid9966979 pi NN coupling, the pi N N- form factor, and the Goldberger-Treiman discrepancy
pmid9966980 Charge dependence and electric quadrupole effects on single-nucleon removal in relativistic and intermediate energy nuclear collisions
pmid9966981 Spins in superdeformed bands in the mass 190 region
pmid9994666 Planar channeling in superlattices. III. Potential and parameter dependence of catastrophic dechanneling
pmid9994667 Absorption and emission spectroscopy of Eu3+ in metaphosphate glasses
pmid9994668 NMR determination of the Edwards-Anderson order parameter in the deuterated pseudo-spin-glass Rb1-x(ND4)xD2PO4: Anisotropy and concentration dependence of the ND4+ deuteron second moment
pmid9994669 Dephasing times of the vibrons in alpha -N2 and in alpha -(15N2)x(14N2)1-x mixed crystals
pmid9994670 Anisotropy of momentum distributions in atomic-collision cascades generated in fcc materials
pmid9994671 Decay-kinetics study of atomic hydrogen in a-Si:(H,O,N) and natural beryl
pmid9994672 Slow-proton reemission from noble-gas solids
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