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05 December 2024

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Results 1 to 200 of 1'333.   [ 1 2 3 4 5 7 ]   Next next

pmid10012268 Determination of electroweak parameters from the elastic scattering of muon neutrinos and antineutrinos on electrons
pmid10012269 Charge-exchange photoproduction of the a2-(1320) in association with Delta ++ at 19.3 GeV/c
pmid10012270 Measurement of pi 0 pi 0 production in two-photon collisions
pmid10012271 Observation of associated bottom production and decay in a high-energy hadron interaction
pmid10012272 Production of top quarks via vector-boson fusion in e+e- collisions
pmid10012273 Perturbative QCD calculation of real and virtual Compton scattering
pmid10012274 Bloch-Nordsieck regularization of QCD transverse-momentum distributions
pmid10012275 Minijets: Cross section and energy distribution in very-high-energy nuclear collisions
pmid10012276 Analysis of scaled-factorial-moment data
pmid10012277 QCD radiative corrections to muon polarization asymmetry in KL--> micro+ micro- decay
pmid10012278 Semileptonic decays of B and D mesons in the light-front formalism
pmid10012279 Rare decays B-->Kll-bar and B-->K*ll-bar
pmid10012280 Constraints on supersymmetric particles from the CERN LEP data on Z0 decay properties
pmid10012281 New constraints on the charged Higgs sector in two-Higgs-doublet models
pmid10012282 Diquarks in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
pmid10012283 Lattice constituent-quark picture of hadrons
pmid10012284 Composite Higgs bosons in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
pmid10012285 Complete set of Feynman rules for the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model
pmid10012286 Quark-lepton-symmetric model
pmid10012287 Leptonic SU(3), grand unification, and higher-dimensionality gravidynamics
pmid10012288 On the rare decays Z-->VV and Z-->VP
pmid10012289 Z0 decay and axigluons
pmid10012290 Estimate of anomalous gluon contribution to polarized electroproduction
pmid10012291 Partition temperatures of asymmetric fireballs in pi +p and K+p collisions
pmid10012292 Production of pairs of scalar leptoquarks at hadron colliders
pmid10012293 Static properties of the nucleon as a quantum stabilized soliton
pmid10012294 Prediction on the mass of the Higgs boson
pmid10012295 Unitarity and electron pair production in peripheral ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
pmid10012296 Charge quantization from anomalies
pmid10012297 Erratum: t-quark mass predicted from a sum rule for lepton and quark masses
pmid10012298 Search for decays of the Z to unstable neutral leptons with mass between 2.5 and 22 GeV
pmid10012299 New limit on KL--> pi 0e+e-
pmid10012300 Cygnus X-3: A source of highly symmetric quark bound states?
pmid10012301 Supersymmetric dark matter above the W mass
pmid10012302 Matter-enhanced spin-flavor precession of solar neutrinos with transition magnetic moments
pmid10012303 Opening the window on strongly interacting dark matter
pmid10012304 Quantum effects of domain-wall formation in the early Universe
pmid10012305 Invariant length of a cosmic string
pmid10012306 Perturbations of gravitational instantons
pmid10012307 Null-strut calculus. I. Kinematics
pmid10012308 Null-strut calculus. II. Dynamics
pmid10012309 Can black holes support a gravitating massive scalar field?
pmid10012310 Moving mirrors, black holes, and cosmic censorship
pmid10012311 Inhomogeneous quantum cosmology: An infinite-parameter model
pmid10012312 Stability, causality, and hyperbolicity in Carter’s "regular" theory of relativistic heat-conducting fluids
pmid10012313 Lovelock gravitational field equations in cosmology
pmid10012314 Modification of Kaluza-Klein theory
pmid10012315 Higher-derivative Lagrangians, nonlocality, problems, and solutions
pmid10012316 Nonpolynomial closed-string field theory
pmid10012317 Shapiro-Virasoro amplitude and string field theory
pmid10012318 Thermal properties of open-superstring models
pmid10012319 Induced Hopf term in the nonlinear sigma model
pmid10012320 Noncommutativity of constraining and quantizing: A U(1)-gauge model
pmid10012321 Equivalence between the Weyl, Coulomb, and unitary gauges in the functional Schrödinger picture
pmid10012322 Anomaly in even dimensions with an arbitrary signature and the finite-temperature effect
pmid10012323 One-loop effective action in the sigma model for a periodic-chiral-field ansatz
pmid10012324 Light-cone-quantized QCD in 1+1 dimensions
pmid10012325 Regularized analytic evaluation of vacuum polarization in a Coulomb field
pmid10012326 Evidence that a single mechanism drives the finite-temperature phase transition in full QCD
pmid10012327 Local realism versus quantum theory: Violation of the generalized spin-s Bell inequalities for a set of three distinct axes
pmid10012328 Solar neutrino observations and neutrino oscillations
pmid10012329 Vacuum fluctuations of twisted fields in the spacetime of a cosmic string
pmid10012330 Domain-wall number in various invisible-axion models
pmid10012331 Systematic derivation of current-algebra structures in anomalous sigma models
pmid10012332 Interpretation of the "quantum-stabilized Skyrmion"
pmid10012333 Wilson loops at finite temperature
pmid10012334 Crystalline-instanton-liquid model of QCD vacuum and its implication on chiral and deconfinement transitions
pmid10012335 Erratum: Nonstationary general-relativistic "strings"
pmid10012336 Naked singularities in self-similar gravitational collapse
pmid10012337 Integrable equation of state for noisy cosmic string
pmid10012691 Search for a nearly degenerate lepton doublet (L-,L0)
pmid10012692 Radiative decay of J/ psi into eta (1430) and nearby states
pmid10012693 Model-independent determination of K-matrix poles and residues in the Delta (1232) region from the multipole data for pion photoproduction
pmid10012694 Twist-4 contributions to the hadron structure functions
pmid10012695 Multiparticle production in p-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions
pmid10012696 Detecting very massive top quarks at the Fermilab Tevatron
pmid10012697 Next-to-leading-logarithm calculation of direct photon production
pmid10012698 Large-Nc higher-order weak chiral Lagrangians coupled to external electromagnetic fields: Applications to radiative kaon decays
pmid10012699 Extracting Vbu/Vbc from semileptonic B decays
pmid10012700 Impact of new ||Vub/Vcb|| and epsilon ’/ epsilon measurements on weak mixing angles
pmid10012701 Long-range effects in K0-K-bar 0 mixing calculated in the potential model
pmid10012702 Including long-distance effects in the KL-KS mass splitting
pmid10012703 Resonances in the Higgs sector for large, finite Higgs-boson mass
pmid10012704 Constraints on Higgs-boson masses in E6 models from CERN LEP experiments
pmid10012705 Radiative corrections to W,Z masses and constraints on new Z bosons
pmid10012706 Spin splitting of the L >= 1 quarkonium levels for a class of static potentials
pmid10012707 Electroweak interactions become strong at energy above ~10 TeV
pmid10012708 Strong instanton-induced amplitudes in a weakly coupled theory
pmid10012709 Vector mesons as a Higgs phenomenon
pmid10012710 Multitude of classical solutions in the hidden gauge model of pions and vector mesons
pmid10012711 Hadronic mass spectrum in pseudofermion lattice QCD
pmid10012712 Role of baryons in chiral-symmetry restoration at high temperature
pmid10012713 Poles of the pi N P11 partial-wave amplitude
pmid10012714 Scaling of chaotic multiplicity: A new observation in high-energy interactions
pmid10012715 Some signatures of right-handed W bosons in hadron colliders
pmid10012716 On the decay b-->se+e-
pmid10012717 micro polarization in eta --> micro+ micro- due to scalar exchange
pmid10012718 Effect of the final-state phases on CP violation in the Bd0-B-bard0 system
pmid10012719 Magnus expansion and the two-neutrino oscillations in matter
pmid10012720 Comment on "Can CP nonconservation in the quark mixing matrix start at order G3?"
pmid10012721 Erratum: Hadron-collider limits on new electroweak interactions from the heterotic string
pmid10012722 Ultrahigh-energy photonuclear cross sections
pmid10012723 Width and flavor-changing decays of the Z as a test of exotic quarks and leptons
pmid10012724 Direct tests of CPT and T invariance in the neutral-kaon mass matrix
pmid10012725 Gluon color-electric dipole moment and its anomalous dimension
pmid10021521 Erratum: "Structural properties of oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu3O7- delta "
pmid10021522 Erratum: "Limits d-->
pmid10021626 Erratum: B-meson decay constant on the lattice and renormalization
pmid10021627 Erratum: Isospin incursion into CPT theorem in non-Abelian gauge theory
pmid10041797 Relativistic virial theorem
pmid10041798 Global texture and the microwave background
pmid10041799 Hyperextended inflation
pmid10041800 Phase-space constraints on bosonic and fermionic dark matter
pmid10041801 Permutation symmetry and the origin of fermion mass hierarchy
pmid10041802 Vector and axial-vector meson dominance in neutrino scattering and the measurement of sin2 theta W
pmid10041803 Improved experimental limit on KL--> pi 0e+e-
pmid10041804 Kinematically complete measurement of the reaction pi -p--> pi + pi -n in the region of Delta dominance as a test of chiral Lagrangians
pmid10041805 Observation of unexpected energy levels in molecular hydrogen and ortho-para energy transfer
pmid10041806 Atomic electron binding energies of multiply charged krypton ions by internal-conversion-electron spectroscopy
pmid10041807 Squeezing via one-dimensional distribution of coherent states
pmid10041808 Thermodynamics of spatiotemporal chaos: An experimental approach
pmid10041809 Overcoming intrinsic and synchrotron depolarizing resonances with a Siberian snake
pmid10041810 Observation of sub-Poissonian photon statistics in a micromaser
pmid10041811 Observation of long-range intensity correlation in the transport of coherent light through a random medium
pmid10041812 Nonintersecting random walk in the presence of nonspherical obstacles
pmid10041813 Observation of ballistic phonons in silicon crystals induced by alpha particles
pmid10041814 Elastic singularities at the Peierls transition
pmid10041815 Interaction energies of impurities in Cu and Ni
pmid10041816 Synchrotron-radiation-excited soft-x-ray-fluorescence studies of Cu and Zn: On the validity of the sudden approximation
pmid10041817 Band tails in hydrogenated amorphous silicon and silicon-germanium alloys
pmid10041818 Second-harmonic generation in odd-period, strained, (Si)n(Ge)n/Si superlattices and at Si/Ge interfaces
pmid10041819 Conduction in curvilinear constrictions: Generalization of the Landauer formula
pmid10041820 Almost-localized electrons in a magnetic field
pmid10041821 Nonhomogeneous charge distribution in layered high-Tc superconductors
pmid10041822 Correlation exponents and the metal-insulator transition in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
pmid10041823 Comment on "Observation of electron capture into continuum states of neutral atoms"
pmid10041824 Sarkadi et al. reply
pmid10041826 Kosterlitz-Thouless-type transition in two-dimensional non-Abelian field theory
pmid10041827 Colored black holes
pmid10041828 Cosmological production of black holes
pmid10041829 Inhomogeneity and the onset of inflation
pmid10041830 New bound on neutrino dipole moments from globular-cluster stars
pmid10041831 Search for charged massive particles in cosmic rays
pmid10041832 Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin cohomology of compact gauge algebras
pmid10041833 Hierarchical radiative quark and lepton mass matrices
pmid10041834 Z decay confronts nonstandard scenarios
pmid10041835 Interference of uu-bar and dd-bar final states in electron-positron annihilation and Z0 decay
pmid10041836 Search for doubly charged Higgs scalars in Z decay
pmid10041837 Search for nonminimal neutral Higgs bosons from Z-boson decays
pmid10041838 Study of Ds+--> phie+ nu e and the absolute Ds+--> phi pi + branching fraction
pmid10041839 Resonances in the electronic excitation of molecular hydrogen
pmid10041840 Asymmetric fission of Nan++ around the critical size of stability
pmid10041841 Observation of high-intensity sub-Poissonian light using an optical parametric oscillator
pmid10041842 First laser cooling of relativistic ions in a storage ring
pmid10041843 Laser cooling of atoms in squeezed vacuum
pmid10041844 New field-induced axial and circular birefringence effects
pmid10041845 Statistics of ballistic agglomeration
pmid10041846 Universal quantization of curvature jump at the roughening transition
pmid10041847 Temperature dependence of the nonergodicity parameter in polybutadiene in the neighborhood of the glass transition
pmid10041848 Structure and phases of the Au(001) surface: X-ray scattering measurements
pmid10041849 Atomic structure of Cu adlayers on Au(100) and Au(111) electrodes observed by in situ scanning tunneling microscopy
pmid10041850 Optical spectra of localized excess electrons in alkali halide clusters
pmid10041851 Low-temperature phase of the Ising spin glass on a hypercubic lattice
pmid10041852 New resistance anomaly in the superconducting fluctuation region of disordered Cu-Zr alloys with dilute magnetic impurities
pmid10041853 Observation of nondissipative quasiparticle tunnel currents in superconducting tunnel junctions
pmid10041854 Search for circular dichroism in high-Tc superconductors
pmid10041855 Experimental evidence of a sustained standing Turing-type nonequilibrium chemical pattern
pmid10041856 Inference of a rule by a neural network with thermal noise
pmid10041857 First-principles thermodynamical properties of semiconductors
pmid10041858 Temperature dependence of vortex-twin-boundary interaction in YBa2Cu3O6+x
pmid10041859 Kwok et al. reply
pmid10041860 Superpositions of time evolutions of a quantum system and a quantum time-translation machine
pmid10041861 Soliton solutions to the gauged nonlinear Schrödinger equation on the plane
pmid10041862 Study of Cygnus X-3 at ultrahigh energies during the 1989 radio outbursts
pmid10041863 Test of CPT symmetry through a determination of the difference in the phases of eta 00 and eta +- in K-->2 pi decays
pmid10041864 Direct search for pair production of heavy stable charged particles in Z decays
pmid10041865 Searches for supersymmetric particles produced in Z-boson decay
pmid10041866 Limits on the production of light scalar and pseudoscalar particles
pmid10041867 QCD plasma parameters and the gauge-dependent gluon propagator
pmid10041868 Color Transparency and Charmonium Photoproduction
pmid10041869 Hyperfine structure of the metastable 5S2 state of 17O using an AlGaAs diode laser at 777 nm
pmid10041870 Statistical distribution of trajectories in the time-intensity plane during semiconductor-laser gain switching
pmid10041871 Measuring the onset of spatiotemporal intermittency
pmid10041872 Calculation of universal scaling function for free-electron-laser gain
pmid10041873 Role of edge electric field and poloidal rotation in the L-H transition
pmid10041874 Fluid moment models for Landau damping with application to the ion-temperature-gradient instability
pmid10041875 Plasma vortices and their relation to cross-field diffusion: A laboratory study
pmid10041876 Dipole and monopole vortices in nonlinear drift waves
pmid10041877 Dependence of Young’s modulus of trans-polyacetylene upon charge transfer
pmid10041878 Inhomogeneous critical Ising model
pmid10041879 Dendritic sidebranching initiation by a localized heat pulse
pmid10041880 Microscopic identification and electronic structure of a di-hydrogen-vacancy complex in silicon by optical detection of magnetic resonance
pmid10041881 Fission and liquid-drop behavior of charged gold clusters
pmid10041882 Photoemission line shapes of adsorbates: Conclusions from the analysis of vibration-resolved N2 spectra
pmid10041883 First-principles theory of atomic-scale friction
pmid10041884 Novel electro-optical properties of a semiconductor superlattice under a magnetic field
pmid10041885 Experimental evidence for zero-correlation-energy deep defects in intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon
pmid10041886 Phase transition of an exciton system in GaAs coupled quantum wells
pmid10041887 Hole relaxation and luminescence polarization in doped and undoped quantum wells
pmid10041888 Phase diagram of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPt3
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