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05 December 2024

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pmid10012894 Charged-particle multiplicities in e+e- annihilations at sqrt s =50-61.4 GeV
pmid10012895 Measurement of the production of high-mass gamma gamma, pi 0 pi 0, and gamma pi 0 pairs in pi -p, pi +p, and pp collisions at 300 GeV/c
pmid10012896 Hadron-shower penetration depth and muon production by hadrons of 40, 70, and 100 GeV
pmid10012897 Backgrounds to hadronic Higgs-boson detection in a 1-TeV e+e- collider
pmid10012898 Higgs-boson production in higher-order electroweak processes at e+e- supercolliders
pmid10012899 Effects of exotic composite bosons in e+e- scattering at 50-100 GeV
pmid10012900 Parity-violating electron scattering from the polarized proton and strange-quark currents
pmid10012901 Parton distributions extracted from data on deep-inelastic lepton scattering, prompt photon production, and the Drell-Yan process
pmid10012902 Towards a systematic jet classification
pmid10012903 Excited-quark and -lepton production at hadron colliders
pmid10012904 Aspects of psi and Upsilon production at supercollider energies
pmid10012905 Collider diffractive threshold, hadronic photons, and sextet quarks
pmid10012906 Multiplicity moments and nuclear geometry in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
pmid10012907 Goldstone-boson equivalence theorem and the Higgs resonance
pmid10012908 Unitarity constraints on CP nonconservation in Higgs-boson exchange
pmid10012909 Neutron electric dipole moment in left-right-symmetric models
pmid10012910 Evolution of Weinberg’s gluonic CP-violation operator and gauge dependence
pmid10012911 E(1420) meson as a KK-bar pi molecule
pmid10012912 Hadronic part of the muon anomalous magnetic moment: An improved evaluation
pmid10012913 Possible dynamics underlying the quark-lepton spectrum
pmid10012914 Flavor-changing neutral currents with heavy quarks
pmid10012915 Nucleon distribution amplitude and diquark clustering
pmid10012916 Connection between the string tension, light-meson Regge trajectories, and the QCD scale parameter
pmid10012917 Phase diagram of electroweak theory
pmid10012918 Signals of supersymmetry in charged-Higgs-boson decay at the Superconducting Super Collider
pmid10012919 Where is the anomaly of polarized deep-inelastic scattering?
pmid10012920 Spin dependence of matter creation in hadron collisions
pmid10012921 Restrictions on gravitino mass from chiral scalar and pseudoscalar production
pmid10012922 Field-theory calculations of the pion mass to one-loop order
pmid10012923 Unity of quarks and leptons at the TeV scale?
pmid10012924 Erratum: Color gauge group and new low-energy phenomena
pmid10012925 Mass limits of charged Higgs boson at large tan beta from e+e- annihilations at sqrt s =50-60.8 GeV
pmid10012926 Probing gluon and charm densities using W and Z hadroproduction at large pT
pmid10012927 Top-quark backgrounds to Higgs-boson decay to W+W-
pmid10012928 Search for an intermediate-range composition-dependent force coupling to N-Z
pmid10012929 Experimental test of equivalence principle with polarized masses
pmid10012930 Neutrino emissivity of strange quark matter
pmid10012931 Light exotic particle flux from degenerate strange quark matter
pmid10012932 Positron line radiation as a signature of particle dark matter in the halo
pmid10012933 Chaotic inflation as an attractor in initial-condition space
pmid10012934 R2 inflation in anisotropic universes
pmid10012935 Classical solutions in the N=2, D=5 supergravity theory
pmid10012936 Dissipation and fluctuation of quantum fields in expanding universes
pmid10012937 Density-gradient-vorticity relation in perfect-fluid Robertson-Walker perturbations
pmid10012938 Overproduction of 4He in strongly inhomogeneous Omega b=1 models of primordial nucleosynthesis
pmid10012939 Physical effects in wormholes and time machines
pmid10012940 Angular momentum distribution in Kerr-Newman spacetime
pmid10012941 Naked singularities and other features of self-similar general-relativistic gravitational collapse
pmid10012942 New approach to find exact solutions for cosmological models with a scalar field
pmid10012943 Exact Bianchi type-(I,V) solutions of the Einstein equations with scalar and spinor fields
pmid10012944 Appearance of distant objects to an observer in a charged-black-hole spacetime
pmid10012945 Geodetic precession or dragging of inertial frames?
pmid10012946 Coalescing binary systems of compact objects to (post)5/2-Newtonian order: Late-time evolution and gravitational-radiation emission
pmid10012947 Two-dimensional quantum gravity in the conformal gauge
pmid10012948 Eight-dimensional, N=1 supergravity with SU(4/1) hidden supersymmetry
pmid10012949 Fiber-bundle formalism for quantization in curved spaces
pmid10012950 Fermionic Klein bottle
pmid10012951 Spectral representation in stochastic quantization
pmid10012952 Chern-Simons theory with matter fields: Broken-symmetry phase
pmid10012953 Null-plane quantization of fermions
pmid10012954 Functional integral for a free particle in a box
pmid10012955 Dirac algorithm for anomalous chiral theories
pmid10012956 Two-loop chiral anomaly as an infrared phenomenon
pmid10012957 High-density limit of hot chiral matter
pmid10012958 Extended BRS symmetry in a class of linear gauges
pmid10012959 Lack of confinement in SU(2) lattice gauge theory with an unbounded action
pmid10012960 Semiclassical analysis of the weak-coupling limit of SU(2) lattice gauge theory: The extreme infrared region
pmid10012961 Notes on solutions to the (2+1)-dimensional topologically massive Yang-Mills gauge field theories
pmid10012962 Chern-Simons theory on a hypersphere
pmid10012963 Supersymmetry, Foldy-Wouthuysen transformations, and relativistic oscillators
pmid10012964 Coulomb interaction of fermions on S3
pmid10012965 Coulomb interactions and fermion condensation
pmid10012966 Large-order behavior of the supersymmetric anharmonic oscillator
pmid10012967 Sphaleron-induced baryon-number nonconservation and a constraint on Majorana neutrino masses
pmid10012968 Quantum field effect on symmetry breaking and restoration in anisotropic spacetimes
pmid10012969 Collective physics in the closed bosonic string
pmid10012970 Chiral-symmetry breaking in the Schwinger model with Wilson fermions
pmid10012971 Results from a search for cosmic axions
pmid10012972 Fermion correlation function in multiple field configurations
pmid10021531 Erratum: Renormalization-group analysis of chiral transitions
pmid10021532 Erratum: "Oxygen dependence of the linear term in the specific heat of YBa2Cu3O7- delta
pmid10021533 Erratum: "Low-lying disordered states when ground-state long-range order exists; large-amplitude spin waves
pmid10021534 Erratum: Energy-band dispersion in oriented thin films of pentatriacontan-18-one by angle-resolved photoemission with synchrotron radiation
pmid10021535 Erratum: Strain effects in chemically lifted GaAs thin films
pmid10042989 Coherent n2 scattering in periodic lattices
pmid10042990 Suppression of local degrees of freedom of gauge fields by chiral anomalies
pmid10042991 Millicharged particles
pmid10042992 Clean test of electroweak quantum effects independent of low-energy neutral-current processes
pmid10042993 Measurement of the absolute inclusive leptonic-decay branching fraction of the Ds+ meson
pmid10042994 Identification and analysis of the np-->d eta cross section near threshold
pmid10042995 Measurement of parity violation in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons from 12C
pmid10042996 Measurement of inclusive quasielastic scattering of polarized electrons from polarized 3He
pmid10042997 Redistribution of photons and frequency mixing with cross-polarized beams in sodium
pmid10042998 Polarization of x-ray emission lines from heliumlike scandium as a probe of the hyperfine interaction
pmid10042999 Charge transfer from muonic hydrogen to neon
pmid10043000 Storage ring free-electron laser and chaos
pmid10043001 Emission of plasma cyclotron waves in plasma-filled backward-wave oscillators
pmid10043002 Magnetic reconnection of plasma toroids with cohelicity and counterhelicity
pmid10043003 Critical properties of viscoelasticity of gels and elastic percolation networks
pmid10043004 Diffusion path for an Al adatom on Al(001)
pmid10043005 Reentrant layer-by-layer growth during molecular-beam epitaxy of metal-on-metal substrates
pmid10043006 Ordering kinetics at the Cu3Au(110) surface
pmid10043007 Alkali promotion of photodissociation of adsorbed Mo(CO)6
pmid10043008 Random matrix theory and the scaling theory of localization
pmid10043009 Electronic shell structure in large metallic clusters
pmid10043010 "Universal" conduction-band structure in some common semiconductor compounds
pmid10043011 Origin of optically induced electron-spin resonance in hydrogenated amorphous silicon
pmid10043012 Observation of hot-electron energy loss through the emission of phonon-plasmon coupled modes in GaAs
pmid10043013 Subpicosecond time-resolved coherent-phonon oscillations in GaAs
pmid10043014 Electric potential and current distributions in a quantum wire under weak magnetic fields
pmid10043015 Single-electron charging and periodic conductance resonances in GaAs nanostructures
pmid10043016 Collapse of integer Hall gaps in a double-quantum-well system
pmid10043017 Complex quantum scattering and the breakdown of the quantum Hall effect
pmid10043018 Observation of macroscopic spin phenomena in nanometer-scale magnets
pmid10043019 Nucleation of magnetization reversal via creation of pairs of Bloch walls
pmid10043020 Pressure-induced metallization and the collapse of the magnetic state in the antiferromagnetic insulator NiI2
pmid10043021 Transition between flux liquid and flux solid in high-Tc superconductors
pmid10043022 Inelastic-tunneling model for the linear conductance background in the high-Tc superconductors
pmid10043023 Superconducting energy gap and normal-state conductivity of a single-domain YBa2Cu3O7 crystal
pmid10043024 Comment on "Absence of impurity bands in conjugated polymers"
pmid10043025 Harigaya, Wada, and Fesser reply
pmid10043026 Comment on "Atomic-structure-dependent Schottky barrier at epitaxial Pb/Si(111) interfaces"
pmid10043027 Weitering et al. reply
pmid10043028 Proposed neutrino monitor of long-term solar burning
pmid10043029 Duality transformation for non-Abelian lattice gauge theories
pmid10043030 Finite-size test for the finite-temperature chiral phase transition in lattice QCD
pmid10043031 Natural strong CP conservation in flipped physics
pmid10043032 More sum rules for quark and lepton masses
pmid10043033 Threshold enhancement and the flavor-changing electromagnetic vertex
pmid10043034 Summing graphs in large-Nc quantum hadrodynamics
pmid10043035 Beyond the plane-wave impulse approximation in (e,e’p) reactions
pmid10043036 Color van der Waals force acting in heavy-ion scattering at low energies
pmid10043037 Disappearance of fusionlike residues and the nuclear equation of state
pmid10043038 Breakup of 7Li near the alpha -t threshold and a possible probe of radiative-capture processes
pmid10043039 Parasitic wave excitation by multimode coupling in a Raman-regime free-electron laser
pmid10043040 Absolute instability for enhanced radiation from a high-power plasma-filled backward-wave oscillator
pmid10043041 Dynamic trapping: Neutralization of positive space charge in a collisionless magnetized plasma
pmid10043042 Nucleation and growth of monodisperse droplets in a binary-fluid system
pmid10043043 Nonhydrodynamic spin transport in superfluid 3He
pmid10043044 Pressure dependence of Ag photodoping in amorphous As-S films
pmid10043045 Evidence for amorphization of a metallic alloy by ion electronic energy loss
pmid10043046 Universal properties of classical surface diffusion
pmid10043047 Observation of quasicrystal surface order and disordering by low-energy electron diffraction
pmid10043048 Forces on charged defects in semiconductor heterostructures
pmid10043049 Indirect energy gap of 13C diamond
pmid10043050 Electronic and optical properties of yttria
pmid10043051 Ultrafast adiabatic following in semiconductors
pmid10043052 Energy spectrum and charge-density-wave instability of a double quantum well in a magnetic field
pmid10043053 Nature of the extended states in the fractional quantum Hall effect
pmid10043054 Observation of conductance fluctuations in large In2O3-x films
pmid10043055 Determination of the superconducting gap in RBa2Cu3O7- delta
pmid10043056 Intrinsic pinning and lock-in transition of flux lines in layered type-II superconductors
pmid10043057 Quantum phase transitions in disordered two-dimensional superconductors
pmid10043058 Magnetic-field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition in two-dimensional films
pmid10043059 Statistical-Mechanical Theory of the Ripple Phase of Lipid Bilayers
pmid10043060 Comment on "New nonphotorefractive mechanism for two-beam coupling in a crystallographic-cut photorefractive crystal"
pmid10043061 Khitrova et al. reply
pmid10043062 Anisotropy in the optical spectrum of the GaAs(110) surface
pmid10043063 Zhu et al. reply
pmid10043065 Cluster dynamics for fully frustrated systems
pmid10043066 Statistical mechanics and phase transitions in clustering
pmid10043067 Self-organized criticality in a deterministic automaton
pmid10043068 G-dot/G and a cosmological acceleration of gravitationally compact bodies
pmid10043069 Bounds on halo-particle interactions from interstellar calorimetry
pmid10043070 Emission and detectability of hadronic axions from SN 1987A
pmid10043071 New constraint on a strongly interacting Higgs sector
pmid10043072 Jet-fragmentation properties in p-barp collisions at sqrt s =1.8 TeV
pmid10043073 Search for long-lived neutral resonances in Bhabha scattering around 1.8 MeV/c2
pmid10043074 Quantum nondemolition measurement of small photon numbers by Rydberg-atom phase-sensitive detection
pmid10043075 Quantum algebra as the dynamical symmetry of the deformed Jaynes-Cummings model
pmid10043076 Model study of photoinduced structural changes in molecular chains
pmid10043077 Argon-photoion-Auger-electron coincidence measurements following K-shell excitation by synchrotron radiation
pmid10043078 Stability and mix in spherical geometry
pmid10043079 Abnormally low electron energy and heating-mode transition in a low-pressure argon rf discharge at 13.56 MHz
pmid10043080 Frequency up-conversion of microwave pulse in a rapidly growing plasma
pmid10043081 Buckling instability in monolayer network structures
pmid10043082 Crossovers in the density of states of fractal silica aerogels
pmid10043083 Atomic-resolution electron holography in solids with localized sources
pmid10043084 Theoretical study of antiphase boundaries in fcc alloys
pmid10043085 Kinetic pathway in Stranski-Krastanov growth of Ge on Si(001)
pmid10043086 Stopping power for helium in aluminum
pmid10043087 Directed Wave Propagation in Random Media: Superdiffusion and Phase Transitions
pmid10043088 New collective mode and corrections to Fermi-liquid theory in two dimensions
pmid10043089 Theorem for exact local exchange potential
pmid10043090 1/f resistance noise complements anelasticity measurements of hydrogen motion in amorphous Pd80Si20
pmid10043091 Phase slips and the instability of the Fukuyama-Lee-Rice model of charge-density waves
pmid10043092 Effect of finite hole mass on edge singularities in optical spectra
pmid10043093 Quantum oscillations in the transverse voltage of a channel in the nonlinear transport regime
pmid10043094 Magneto-optical evidence for fractional quantum Hall states down to filling factor 1/9
pmid10043095 Weak localization in a distribution of magnetic flux tubes
pmid10043096 Dipolar ferromagnetic order in a cubic system
pmid10043097 Theory of Raman scattering in Mott-Hubbard systems
pmid10043098 Dimer versus twist order in the J1-J2 model
pmid10043099 Strong-coupling field theory and soliton doping in a one-dimensional copper-oxide model
pmid10043100 Dynamic instability of liquidlike motions in a globular protein observed by inelastic neutron scattering
pmid10043101 Reductions of self-dual Yang-Mills fields and classical systems
pmid10043102 Exact solution of critical self-dual unitary-matrix models
pmid10043103 Calculating the neutron electric dipole moment on the lattice
pmid10043104 Use of an energy-dependent barrier for heavy-ion fusion
pmid10043105 Analysis of quantum manifestations of chaos in general Rydberg atoms in strong magnetic fields
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