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20 January 2025

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pmid10019602 pt and xF dependence of the polarization of Sigma + hyperons produced by 800 GeV/c protons
pmid10019603 Direct measurement of the Ds branching fraction to phi pi
pmid10019604 New laboratory bounds on the stability of the electron
pmid10019605 Vertical muon intensity measured with MACRO at the Gran Sasso laboratory
pmid10019606 Probing Higgs sector CP violation with top quarks at a photon linear collider
pmid10019607 Gluon production at high transverse momentum in the McLerran-Venugopalan model of nuclear structure functions
pmid10019608 Probing strongly interacting electroweak dynamics through W+W-/ZZ ratios at future e+e- colliders
pmid10019609 Probing anomalous triple boson vertices at future e+e- colliders
pmid10019610 Anomalous g5Z coupling at gamma gamma colliders
pmid10019611 Possible violation of sum rules for higher-twist parton distributions
pmid10019612 Light meson production at the Fermilab Tevatron to next-to-leading order
pmid10019613 Spin content of constituent quarks and one-spin asymmetries in inclusive processes
pmid10019614 Hadroproduction of charmonium at large xF
pmid10019615 CERN LHC analysis of the strongly interacting WW system: Gold-plated modes
pmid10019616 Particle production in very-high-energy cosmic-ray emulsion chamber events: Usual and unusual events
pmid10019617 Angular correlations and light gluinos in multijet photoproduction at DESY HERA
pmid10019618 Neutralino production as a SUSY discovery process at CERN LEP 2
pmid10019619 Higgs-boson-photon associated production at ee-bar colliders
pmid10019620 Resummation of running coupling effects in semileptonic B meson decays and extraction of ||Vcb||
pmid10019621 A note on limits on new interactions from the pi -->e nu / pi --> micro nu branching ratio
pmid10019622 Applicability of perturbative QCD to B-->D decays
pmid10019623 Weak decays in the light-front quark model
pmid10019624 Recalculation of QCD corrections to b-->s gamma decay
pmid10019625 Decays of excited charmed Lambda -type and Sigma -type baryons in heavy hadron chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019626 Semileptonic lepton-number- and/or lepton-flavor-violating tau decays in Majorana neutrino models
pmid10019627 Constraining new interactions with leptonic tau decays
pmid10019628 b-->s gamma decay and right-handed top-bottom charged current
pmid10019629 Atomic alchemy: Weak decays of muonic and pionic atoms into other atoms
pmid10019630 Light-cone view on the applicability of perturbative QCD for exclusive processes
pmid10019631 Finite ma corrections for sea quark matrix elements on the lattice
pmid10019632 Noncompact lattice formulation of gauge theories
pmid10019633 Matching QCD and heavy-quark effective theory heavy-light currents at two loops and beyond
pmid10019634 Magnetic moments and charge radii of decuplet baryons in a field-theoretic quark model
pmid10019635 Fine-tuning problem in minimal SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified theories
pmid10019636 Rb in supersymmetric models
pmid10019637 Intermediate scales in SUSY SO(10), b- tau unification, and hot dark matter neutrinos
pmid10019638 Fermion masses, mixing angles, and supersymmetric SO(10) unification
pmid10019639 Dynamical generation of CKM mixings by broken horizontal gauge interactions
pmid10019640 Finite supersymmetric threshold corrections to CKM matrix elements in the large tan beta regime
pmid10019641 Third-family flavor physics in an SU(3)3 x SU(2)L x U(1)Y model
pmid10019642 Landau pole effects and the parameter space of the minimal supergravity model
pmid10019643 String no-scale supergravity model and its experimental consequences
pmid10019644 Resolving the constrained minimal and next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard models
pmid10019645 D0-D-bar 0 mixing in the presence of isosinglet quarks
pmid10019646 Theory, phenomenology, and prospects for detection of supersymmetric dark matter
pmid10019647 Comparison of a new calculation of energy-energy correlations with e+e---> hadrons data at the Z0 resonance
pmid10019648 (B+L)-conserving nucleon decays in supersymmetric models
pmid10019649 Charmonium in a weakly coupled quark-gluon plasma
pmid10019650 Nuclear dependence of J/ psi production by 800 GeV/c protons near xF=0
pmid10019651 Erratum: Isospin violation in QCD sum rules for baryons
pmid10019652 Possible revelation of a seesaw mass pattern in solar and atmospheric neutrino data
pmid10019653 Spontaneous CP violation in supersymmetric models with four Higgs doublets
pmid10019654 Where does the rho go? Chirally symmetric vector mesons in the quark-gluon plasma
pmid10019655 Mixed dark matter with neutrino chemical potentials
pmid10019656 Functional approach to stochastic inflation
pmid10019657 Primordial spectral indices from generalized Einstein theories
pmid10019658 Determination of inflationary observables by cosmic microwave background anisotropy experiments
pmid10019659 Semiclassical back reaction in the formation of a straight cosmic string
pmid10019660 Gravitational radiation from realistic cosmic string loops
pmid10019661 Initial conditions for the Starobinsky model in a nonminimal-coupling-type theory
pmid10019662 Non-Gaussian CMBR angular power spectra
pmid10019663 Baryogenesis from domain walls in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model
pmid10019664 Early stages of relativistic fireball expansion
pmid10019665 Renormalization group approach to relativistic cosmology
pmid10019666 Solutions in self-dual gravity constructed via chiral equations
pmid10019667 Comparison of the Noether charge and Euclidean methods for computing the entropy of stationary black holes
pmid10019668 Some new black string solutions in three dimensions
pmid10019669 Conservation laws for systems of extended bodies in the first post-Newtonian approximation
pmid10019670 Head-on collision of two black holes: Comparison of different approaches
pmid10019671 Head-on collision of compact objects in general relativity: Comparison of post-Newtonian and perturbation approaches
pmid10019672 Propagation and interaction of gravitational waves in some expanding backgrounds
pmid10019673 Massive scalar field in multiply connected flat spacetimes
pmid10019674 Entanglement entropy in curved spacetimes with event horizons
pmid10019675 Dipole perturbations of the Reissner-Nordström solution: The polar case
pmid10019676 Quantum black hole entropy and Newton constant renormalization
pmid10019677 Quantum gravitational collapse of a scalar field and the wave function of black hole decay
pmid10019678 One-loop quantum corrections to the entropy for an extremal Reissner-Nordström black hole
pmid10019679 Thermal divergences on the event horizons of two-dimensional black holes
pmid10019680 Hawking radiation without trans-Planckian frequencies
pmid10019681 Quasilocal thermodynamics of dilaton gravity coupled to gauge fields
pmid10019682 zeta functions for nonminimal operators
pmid10019683 Gauge-independent trace anomaly for gravitons
pmid10019684 Classical splitting of fundamental strings
pmid10019685 Bound states and instabilities of vortices
pmid10019686 Loop expansion in light-cone phi4 field theory
pmid10019687 Explicit relativistic vortex solutions for cool two-constituent superfluid dynamics
pmid10019688 Reexamination of the path-ordered approach to real time thermal field theory
pmid10019689 Cubic scattering amplitudes for all massless representations of the Poincaré group in any space-time dimension
pmid10019690 Massive renormalizable Abelian gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions
pmid10019691 Really computing nonperturbative real time correlation functions
pmid10019692 Cooling and the SU(2) instanton vacuum
pmid10019693 Spinor vortices in nonrelativistic Chern-Simons theory
pmid10019694 An effective potential that is real
pmid10019695 Dynamical flavor symmetry breaking by a magnetic field in 2+1 dimensions
pmid10019696 Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, Goldstone’s theorem, and the consistency of the Schwinger-Dyson and Bethe-Salpeter equations
pmid10019697 A strongly first order electroweak phase transition from strong symmetry-breaking interactions
pmid10019698 Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking by a magnetic field in QED
pmid10019699 Can the vacuum foam structure solve the flatness problem of a big bang universe?
pmid10019700 Magnetic-moment contributions to the neutrino index of refraction in the early Universe
pmid10019701 Discrete anomaly and dynamical mass in the (2+1)-dimensional U(1)V x U(1)A model
pmid10019702 Erratum: Anyons in an electromagnetic field and the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation
pmid10019703 Soluble model of four-fermion interactions in de Sitter space
pmid10019704 Cosmic colored black holes
pmid10019705 Duality symmetric actions with manifest space-time symmetries
pmid10059366 Atom wave interferometry with diffraction gratings of light
pmid10059367 Atom interferometer based on Bragg scattering from standing light waves
pmid10059368 Doppler peaks from cosmic texture
pmid10059369 Making ends meet: String unification and low-energy data
pmid10059370 Candidate events in a search for nu -bar micro--> nu -bare oscillations
pmid10059371 An alternative analysis of the LSND neutrino oscillation search data on nu -bar micro--> nu -bare
pmid10059372 Search for narrow sum-energy lines in electron-positron pair emission from heavy-ion collisions near the Coulomb barrier
pmid10059373 Radial flow in Au+Au collisions at E=(0.25-1.15)A GeV
pmid10059374 Direct observation of s-wave atomic collisions
pmid10059375 Shattering of clusters upon surface impact: An experimental and theoretical study
pmid10059376 Observation of visible and infrared luminescence of xenon cluster ions: Role of radiative processes in the formation of cluster ions and their size and temperature dependence
pmid10059377 Photonic-wire laser
pmid10059378 Ray chaos and Q spoiling in lasing droplets
pmid10059379 Effect of an insoluble surfactant on capillary oscillations of bubbles in water: Observation of a maximum in the damping
pmid10059380 Viscous effects on inertial range scalings in a dynamical model of turbulence
pmid10059381 Self-consistent treatment of repulsive and attractive forces in nonuniform liquids
pmid10059382 Stick-slip transition at polymer melt/solid interfaces
pmid10059383 Negative diffusion and clustering of growing particles
pmid10059384 Nonuniversal dynamical crossover in pure and binary fluids near a critical point
pmid10059385 Scaling of the specific heat in superfluid films
pmid10059386 Numerical evidence for bcc ordering at the surface of a critical fcc nucleus
pmid10059387 Six-dimensional quantum dynamics of adsorption and desorption of H2 at Pd(100): Steering and steric effects
pmid10059388 Self-organized critical and synchronized states in a nonequilibrium percolation model
pmid10059389 Template structure at the silicon/amorphous-silicide interface
pmid10059390 Step-bunching instability of vicinal surfaces under stress
pmid10059391 Theory of nickel and nickel-hydrogen complexes in silicon
pmid10059392 Atomic size effects in pressure-induced amorphization of a binary covalent lattice
pmid10059393 Surfactant mediated crystal growth of semiconductors
pmid10059394 Longer living majority than minority image state at Fe(110)
pmid10059395 Semiclassical analysis of the conductance of mesoscopic systems
pmid10059396 Direct vortex lattice imaging and tunneling spectroscopy of flux lines on YBa2Cu3O7- delta
pmid10059397 Two phase transitions in the fully frustrated XY model
pmid10059398 Self-similarity and localization
pmid10059399 Microscopic model of nonreciprocal optical effects in Cr2O3
pmid10059400 Linear viscoelasticity of colloidal hard sphere suspensions near the glass transition
pmid10059401 Mechanisms of protein crystal growth: An atomic force microscopy study of canavalin crystallization
pmid10059402 Investigation of virus crystal growth mechanisms by in situ atomic force microscopy
pmid10059403 Controlling nonchaotic neuronal noise using chaos control techniques
pmid10059405 Convergent strong-coupling expansions from divergent weak-coupling perturbation theory
pmid10059406 Invaded cluster algorithm for equilibrium critical points
pmid10059407 Does the time-of-swing method give a correct value of the newtonian gravitational constant?
pmid10059408 CP violating metastable states and baryogenesis in the hot standard model
pmid10059409 New measurement of the CP violation parameter eta +- gamma
pmid10059410 New method for determining ||Vub||/||Vts|| by the processes B-bar--> rho l nu -bar and B-bar-->K*ll-bar
pmid10059411 Soft photons from off-shell particles in a hot plasma
pmid10059412 Coherent control of isotope separation in HD+ photodissociation by strong fields
pmid10059413 Role of electron localization in intense-field molecular ionization
pmid10059414 Bragg scattering from atoms in optical lattices
pmid10059415 Aggregation, fragmentation, and the nonlinear dynamics of electrorheological fluids in oscillatory shear
pmid10059416 Stationary shear flow in boundary driven Hamiltonian systems
pmid10059417 Stability of a uniform-density breathing beam with circular cross section
pmid10059418 Cold kilo-electron ball as probe for charge-proportional cyclotron frequency shift in Penning trap cavity
pmid10059419 Evidence for a pronounced local orientational order in the high temperature phase of C60
pmid10059420 Structural glass transition and the entropy of the metastable states
pmid10059421 Rate memory of structural relaxation in glasses and its detection by multidimensional NMR
pmid10059422 Proton and deuteron field-cycling NMR relaxometry of liquids in porous glasses: Evidence for Lévy-walk statistics
pmid10059423 In-plane lattice reconstruction of Cu(100)
pmid10059424 Density Profile of Polyelectrolyte Brushes
pmid10059425 Order-N multiple scattering approach to electronic structure calculations
pmid10059426 Total energy calculation of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy in the ferromagnetic 3d metals
pmid10059427 Precursors and transition to chaos in a quantum well in a tilted magnetic field
pmid10059428 Pair tunneling in semiconductor quantum dots
pmid10059429 Photoelectron diffraction in magnetic linear dichroism
pmid10059430 Monte Carlo simulation of the ferromagnetic order-disorder transition in a Heisenberg fluid
pmid10059431 Heterogeneous catalysis on a disordered surface
pmid10059432 Tracking unstable turing patterns through mixed-mode spatiotemporal chaos
pmid10059433 Cooperative formation of chiral patterns during growth of bacterial colonies
pmid10059434 Comment on "Role of a new type of correlated disorder in extended electronic states in the Thue-Morse lattice"
pmid10059435 Transmission through organic thin films
pmid10059436 Kadyshevitch and Naaman reply
pmid10059437 Comment on "Pressure-induced structural metastability in crystalline C60"
pmid10059438 Wolk, Horoyski, and Thewalt reply
pmid10059441 Velocity peaks in the cold dark matter spectrum on Earth
pmid10059442 Understanding proton emission in central heavy-ion collisions
pmid10059443 Intermediate-mass fragment decay of the neck zone formed in peripheral 209Bi+136Xe collisions at Elab/A=28MeV
pmid10059444 Resonant two-photon detachment through the lowest singlet D state in H-
pmid10059445 Semiclassical quantization of intermittency in helium
pmid10059446 Reconstruction of the quantum mechanical state of a trapped ion
pmid10059447 Evidence for a molecule-rotation-dependent spin polarization transfer mechanism in the photon-induced autoionization of HCl and DCl
pmid10059448 Pressure broadening of gas phase molecular at very low temperature
pmid10059449 Optimal quantum measurements for phase estimation
pmid10059450 Finding regular orbits
pmid10059451 Controlling chaos using differential geometric method
pmid10059452 Model for plane turbulent Couette flow
pmid10059453 Tunneling spectroscopy of bcc (001) surface states
pmid10059454 Atom condensation on surface clusters: Adsorption or incorporation?
pmid10059455 Spontaneous ordering of arrays of coherent strained islands
pmid10059456 Free-running droplets
pmid10059457 Direct observation of a new growth mode: Subsurface island growth of Cu on Pb(111)
pmid10059458 Kinetic anisotropy and dendritic growth in electrochemical deposition
pmid10059459 Hot electrons in amorphous silicon
pmid10059460 Apparent inconsistency of observed composite Fermion geometric resonances and measured effective mass
pmid10059461 Peak effect in twinned superconductors
pmid10059462 Ab initio calculations of the giant magnetoresistance
pmid10059463 Origin of pure spin superradiance
pmid10059464 Nonreciprocal optical rotation in antiferromagnets
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