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20 January 2025

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pmid10019074 Higher order weak interactions and the equivalence principle
pmid10019075 Evolution of three-dimensional gravitational waves: Harmonic slicing case
pmid10019076 Gravitational waves in Bianchi type-I universes: The classical theory
pmid10019077 Feasibility of observing mechanical effects of cosmological neutrinos
pmid10019078 Warm-plus-hot neutrino dark matter
pmid10019079 Power-law density fluctuations from inflation
pmid10019080 Effect of physical assumptions on the calculation of microwave background anisotropies
pmid10019081 Domain walls in a FRW universe
pmid10019082 Natural inflation from fermion loops
pmid10019083 Open inflation with an arbitrary false vacuum mass
pmid10019084 Matching conditions for cosmological perturbations
pmid10019085 Do subcritical bubbles hinder first order phase transition?
pmid10019086 Characteristics of cosmic time
pmid10019087 Inflationary models with logarithmic potentials
pmid10019088 Complete model of a self-gravitating cosmic string: A new class of exact solutions
pmid10019089 Smooth metrics for snapping strings
pmid10019090 Tetrad-based perturbative approach to inhomogeneous universes: A general relativistic version of the Zel’dovich approximation
pmid10019091 Anisotropic scalar-tensor cosmologies
pmid10019092 Thermodynamic properties of gamma fluids and the quantum vacuum
pmid10019093 General relativity as an attractor in scalar-tensor stochastic inflation
pmid10019094 Perturbations of an anisotropic spacetime: Ideal fluid
pmid10019095 Quantum states on supersymmetric minisuperspace with a cosmological constant
pmid10019096 Probability for primordial black holes
pmid10019097 Gravitational energy in asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes
pmid10019098 Quantum probes of spacetime singularities
pmid10019099 Nonlinearity in quantum theory and closed timelike curves
pmid10019100 Quantum coherence and closed timelike curves
pmid10019101 Quantum field theory in Lorentzian universes from nothing
pmid10019102 Extreme cosmic string
pmid10019103 Gravitational waves from the inspiral of a compact object into a massive, axisymmetric body with arbitrary multipole moments
pmid10019104 Gravitational radiation from a particle in circular orbit around a black hole. VI. Accuracy of the post-Newtonian expansion
pmid10019105 Boson star rotation: A Newtonian approximation
pmid10019106 Abelian Higgs hair for black holes
pmid10019107 Spin networks and quantum gravity
pmid10019108 Lens spaces in the Regge calculus approach to quantum cosmology
pmid10019109 Unitarity of quantum theory and closed timelike curves
pmid10019110 Graviton creation and conformal noninvariance in higher order gravity theories
pmid10019111 beta functions of a scalar theory coupled to gravity
pmid10019112 Fermion zero modes and the black-hole hypermultiplet with rigid supersymmetry
pmid10019113 Blueshift of a tachyon in the charged two-dimensional black hole
pmid10019114 Uniqueness of the extreme Reissner-Nordström solution in SU(2) Einstein-Yang-Mills theory for spherically symmetric spacetime
pmid10019115 Global charges in Chern-Simons theory and the 2+1 black hole
pmid10019116 Some properties of the Kerr solution to low energy string theory
pmid10019117 Just how long can you live in a black hole and what can be done about it?
pmid10019118 Critical exponents and stability at the black hole threshold for a complex scalar field
pmid10019119 Semiclassical back reaction to black hole evaporation
pmid10019120 Duality between electric and magnetic black holes
pmid10019121 Tachyon field quantization and Hawking radiation
pmid10019122 Particle path-integral approach to the study of Dirac spin-1/2 field systems
pmid10019123 Effective field theory description of Green and vertex functions in the infrared domain
pmid10019124 Renormalization of light-front Hamiltonian field theory
pmid10019125 Large-order behavior of a two-coupling-constant phi4 theory with cubic anisotropy
pmid10019126 Classical conformal solutions of two-dimensional Euclidean scalar electrodynamics with topological coupling
pmid10019127 Equivalence of light-front and covariant field theory
pmid10019128 String bit models for superstring
pmid10019129 Super-Galilei invariant field theories in 2+1 dimensions
pmid10019130 Quantum mechanics of the dynamical zero mode in (1+1)-dimensional QCD on the light cone
pmid10019131 Continuum annulus amplitudes from the two-matrix model
pmid10019132 Duality symmetric quantization of superstrings
pmid10019133 Relation between helicity, linking, and writhing numbers of the closed Nielsen-Olesen strings
pmid10019134 Quantum nucleation of vortex string loops
pmid10019135 Non-Abelian, self-dual Chern-Simons vortices coupled to gravity
pmid10019136 Some exact results in supersymmetric theories based on exceptional groups
pmid10019137 Toy models of nonperturbative asymptotic freedom in six-dimensional phi3 theory
pmid10019138 Confinement and complex singularities in three-dimensional QED
pmid10019139 Phase structure of the linear sigma model in R1+1
pmid10019140 Dynamical behavior in the (2+1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu model with a Thirring interaction
pmid10019141 Compton scattering at finite temperature
pmid10019142 Thermodynamics of an anyon system
pmid10019143 Interacting anyons and the Darwin Lagrangian
pmid10019144 Non-Abelian Yang-Mills analogue of classical electromagnetic duality
pmid10019145 Exotic nonsupersymmetric gauge dynamics from supersymmetric QCD
pmid10019146 Remarks on the Hiscock-Gott interior string metric
pmid10019147 Charged black points in general relativity coupled to the logarithmic U(1) gauge theory
pmid10019148 Slicing the Schwarzschild spacetime: Harmonic versus maximal slicing
pmid10019149 Thermodynamical fluctuation and phase transition in a two-dimensional dilaton black hole with a heat bath
pmid10019150 Chaos suppression in the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs system
pmid10019151 Propagators on the two-dimensional light cone
pmid10019152 Comment on "Conformal transformations single out a unique measure of distance"
pmid10019153 Comment on "Conformal transformations single out a unique measure of distance"
pmid10019154 Reply to the Comments by Teyssandier and Schmidt
pmid10019155 Erratum: Calculation of Feynman diagrams in superstring perturbation theory
pmid10019156 S duality at the black hole threshold in gravitational collapse
pmid10019157 Temperature-polarization correlations from tensor fluctuations
pmid10019158 Scale factor duality and hidden supersymmetry in scalar-tensor cosmology
pmid10019159 N=2 extremal black holes
pmid10019160 Relative abundance of 3He and 4He in cosmic rays near 10 GV
pmid10019161 Testing CPT invariance with the neutral-D system
pmid10019162 Gluon production from non-Abelian Weizsäcker-Williams fields in nucleus-nucleus collisions
pmid10019163 Inverse neutrinoless double- beta decay in gauge theories with CP violation
pmid10019164 W-pair production in the process e+e--->l nu qq-bar’ and measurement of the WW gamma and WWZ couplings
pmid10019165 Constraining anomalous top quark couplings at the Fermilab Tevatron
pmid10019166 Neutral-Higgs-boson CP violation at micro+ micro- colliders
pmid10019167 Diffractive deep-inelastic scattering
pmid10019168 Systematics of heavy quark production in high energy electron-proton collisions
pmid10019169 Estimate of sigma ( gamma gamma -->VV’) at high energies
pmid10019170 Higher excitations of omega and phi in dilepton spectra
pmid10019171 Triple electroweak gauge-boson production at Fermilab Tevatron energies
pmid10019172 Optimized top quark analysis with the decision tree
pmid10019173 Heavy Higgs boson production and decay via e+e--->ZH0-->bb-barZZ and irreducible backgrounds at the Next Linear Collider
pmid10019174 epsilon ’ and the decay eta --> pi pi in a theory with both explicit and spontaneous CP violation
pmid10019175 Effects of supersymmetric grand unification scale physics on Gamma (b-->s gamma )
pmid10019176 Analysis of KL--> gamma nu nu -bar
pmid10019177 Model-independent constraints on the Isgur-Wise function and the Upsilon BB-bar couplings
pmid10019178 Decays of B mesons to two pseudoscalars in broken SU(3) symmetry
pmid10019179 Electroweak penguin diagrams and two-body B decays
pmid10019180 Radiative weak decays of charm mesons
pmid10019181 Testing the standard model in B-->K(*)l+l-
pmid10019182 Electroweak and strong penguin diagrams in B+/-,0--> pi pi, pi K, and KK-bar decays
pmid10019183 Strong coupling of excited heavy mesons
pmid10019184 (1+1)-dimensional QCD with fundamental bosons and fermions
pmid10019185 Field transformations and the classical equation of motion in chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019186 Baryon mass splittings in chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019187 Charmed baryons with J=3/2
pmid10019188 Covariant generalization of the Isgur-Scora-Grinstein-Wise quark model
pmid10019189 Nontrivial asymptotically nonfree gauge theories and dynamical unification of couplings
pmid10019190 Two-dimensional nonlinear sigma model on a random lattice
pmid10019191 Efficient algorithm for numerical simulations of the fermion-scalar systems
pmid10019192 Spontaneous breaking of vector symmetries and the nondecoupling light Higgs particle
pmid10019193 Indirect CP violation in the neutral kaon system beyond leading logarithms
pmid10019194 Precision charmonium spectroscopy from lattice QCD
pmid10019195 Renormalization and the equivalence theorem: On-shell scheme
pmid10019196 Mesons in the relativistic flux tube model
pmid10019197 Minimal supersymmetric model of Higgs-Higgs condensation
pmid10019198 Production of heavy quarks close to threshold
pmid10019199 Neutrino physics and the mirror world: How exact parity symmetry explains the solar neutrino deficit, the atmospheric neutrino anomaly, and the LSND experiment
pmid10019200 Reconciling present neutrino puzzles: Sterile neutrinos as mirror neutrinos
pmid10019201 Can large u,d quark masses be inferred from the Ds-->n pi decay rate?
pmid10019202 Pion fusion in peripheral pp collisions
pmid10019203 Creutz ratios from color-truncated lattice configurations
pmid10019204 Planck scale physics and testability in SU(5) supergravity GUT
pmid10019205 Gluon fragmentation into spin-triplet S-wave quarkonium
pmid10019206 Possible implications of the atmospheric, the Bugey, and the Los Alamos neutrino experiments
pmid10019706 Measurement of the W boson mass
pmid10019707 Measurement of the tau lifetime at SLD
pmid10019708 Study of the eta c(1 (1)S0) state of charmonium formed in p-barp annihilations and a search for the eta c’(2 (1)S0)
pmid10019709 New pi + lifetime measurement
pmid10019710 Search for CP violation in D0 decay
pmid10019711 Evidence for virtual Compton scattering from the proton
pmid10019712 Study of two particle azimuthal correlations in e+e- annihilation at sqrt s =58 GeV
pmid10019713 Top quark search with the D0 1992-1993 data sample
pmid10019714 Azimuthal correlations in photon-photon collisions
pmid10019715 W anomalous moments and the polarization asymmetry zero in gamma e-->W nu
pmid10019716 QED radiative corrections for parton distributions
pmid10019717 Real photoabsorption and the proton structure function at low x
pmid10019718 Pion and kaon production in e+e- and ep collisions at next-to-leading order
pmid10019719 eta photoproduction of nucleons and the structure of the resonance S11(1535) in the quark model
pmid10019720 pi pi and pi K scattering in unitarized chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019721 gamma -ray bundles at the cores of extensive air showers and primary cosmic ray identification
pmid10019722 Calculation of the flux of atmospheric neutrinos
pmid10019723 Soffer’s inequality
pmid10019724 Supersymmetric QCD corrections to top quark production in pp-bar collisions
pmid10019725 Analytical results for photon-photon scattering via bosonic loops and for the decay of Z--> gamma gamma gamma via W-boson loops
pmid10019726 Discovering the Higgs bosons of minimal supersymmetry with muons
pmid10019727 Prospects for supersymmetry at CERN LEP 2
pmid10019728 Decay of Z into two light Higgs bosons
pmid10019729 Instantons and the end point of the lepton energy spectrum in charmless semileptonic B decays
pmid10019730 Analysis of charge asymmetry in rare dilepton B decays
pmid10019731 Lattice study of semileptonic B decays: B-bar-->Dl nu -bar decays
pmid10019732 KL--> pi + pi -e+e-
pmid10019733 Angular distribution in the decay of the singlet D state of charmonium directly produced in unpolarized p-barp collisions
pmid10019734 Angular distribution in the decays of the triplet D2 state of charmonium directly produced in unpolarized p-barp collisions
pmid10019735 Relativistic description of the exclusive rare radiative decays of B mesons
pmid10019736 Instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation
pmid10019737 Dual superconductivity in the SU(2) pure gauge vacuum: A lattice study
pmid10019738 U(2)L x U(2)R chiral theory of mesons
pmid10019739 U(3)L x U(3)R chiral theory of mesons
pmid10019740 Anomalous commutator corrections to sum rules
pmid10019741 Constraints on light quark masses from the heavy meson spectrum
pmid10019742 Gluon plasma with a medium-dependent dispersion relation
pmid10019743 Is the quenched spectrum in agreement with experiment?
pmid10019744 Infrared behavior of the gluon propagator: Confining or confined?
pmid10019745 Heavy mesons in a relativistic model
pmid10019746 Hybrid and conventional mesons in the flux tube model: Numerical studies and their phenomenological implications
pmid10019747 CP violation in Lambda -->p pi - beyond the standard model
pmid10019748 Perspective on quark mass and mixing relations
pmid10019749 Transverse momentum distribution in hadrons: What can we learn from QCD?
pmid10019750 Quantization dependence in a constituent quark model
pmid10019751 Quark structure of the pion and pion form factor
pmid10019752 Bounds on compositeness from neutrinoless double beta decay
pmid10019753 Corrections to the Zbb-bar and Z tau tau -bar vertices in a realistic one-family technicolor model
pmid10019754 Supersymmetry without R parity and without lepton number
pmid10019755 Baryon-baryon interactions in large NC chiral perturbation theory
pmid10019756 Accelerator and reactor neutrino oscillation experiments in a simple three-generation framework
pmid10019757 Strategy for detecting b polarization effects
pmid10019758 Nonresonant Cabibbo suppressed decay B+/---> pi + pi - pi +/- and signal for CP violation
pmid10019759 Reexamination of the perturbative pion form factor with Sudakov suppression
pmid10019760 Effect of radiative corrections on the solar neutrino spectrum
pmid10019761 Effects of gravitational smearing on predictions of supergravity grand unification
pmid10019762 Instanton size distribution: Repulsion or an infrared fixed point?
pmid10019763 Extended technicolor contribution to the Zbb vertex
pmid10019764 Comment on "Pion-nucleon partial-wave analysis to 2 GeV"
pmid10019765 Reply to "Comment on ’Pion-nucleon partial-wave analysis to 2 GeV’ "
pmid10019766 Compton twist-three subprocesses for pp single spin asymmetries
pmid10019767 Model of four light neutrinos in the light of all present data
pmid10021674 Erratum: Action and entropy of extreme and nonextreme black holes
pmid10059571 Einstein and Yang-Mills theories in hyperbolic form without gauge fixing
pmid10059572 Pair production of black holes on cosmic strings
pmid10059573 Pair creation of black holes joined by cosmic strings
pmid10059574 Breaking cosmic strings without monopoles
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