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20 January 2025

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Results 1 to 200 of 1'626.   [ 1 2 3 4 5 9 ]   Next next

pmid10018557 Measurement of alpha s(MZ2) from hadronic event observables at the Z0 resonance
pmid10018558 Measurement of the branching ratio for the rare decay KL0--> micro+ micro-
pmid10018559 Measurement of the B-bar-->D*l nu -bar branching fractions and ||Vcb||
pmid10018560 Dipole moment effects in e+e--->Z-->bb-barg with polarized and unpolarized beams
pmid10018561 Determination of leptoquark properties in polarized e gamma collisions
pmid10018562 Multichannel search for minimal supergravity at pp-bar and e+e- colliders
pmid10018563 Standard model Higgs physics at a 4 TeV upgraded Fermilab Tevatron
pmid10018564 Diphoton production at hadron colliders and new contact interactions
pmid10018565 Hadronic Z gamma production with QCD corrections and leptonic decays
pmid10018566 Additional soft jets in tt-bar production at the Fermilab Tevatron pp-bar collider
pmid10018567 Strangeness production in hadronic and quark matter: A quantitative differentiation
pmid10018568 Consistency of the chiral pion-pion scattering amplitudes with axiomatic constraints
pmid10018569 Role of scalar meson resonances in KL0--> pi 0 gamma gamma decay
pmid10018570 CP-violating polarizations in semileptonic heavy meson decays
pmid10018571 Low energy measurements of the strong coupling constant and the question of a light gluino
pmid10018572 Rigorous QCD analysis of inclusive annihilation and production of heavy quarkonium
pmid10018573 Signals for the formation of the singlet D and P states of charmonium in p-barp collisions
pmid10018574 Angular distribution functions in the decays of psi ’ and psi " directly produced in unpolarized p-barp collisions
pmid10018575 Inconclusive inclusive nonleptonic B decays
pmid10018576 Possible tests for b-->sg penguin-diagram decays via inclusive K distributions and exclusive processes
pmid10018577 Effective Lagrangian approach to weak radiative decays of heavy hadrons
pmid10018578 Uncertainties from long range effects in B-->K* gamma
pmid10018579 New universality of the baryon Isgur-Wise form factor in the large Nc limit
pmid10018580 Loosely bound hyperons in the SU(3) Skyrme model
pmid10018581 Heavy quark symmetry, chiral symmetry, and parity doublets of heavy mesons in the Bethe-Salpeter approach
pmid10018582 Predicting the masses of heavy hadrons without an explicit Hamiltonian
pmid10018583 Effects of the one-gluon annihilation process on light diquonia
pmid10018584 Chiral phase transition and instanton-anti-instanton molecules
pmid10018585 Quenched QCD at finite density
pmid10018586 Investigation of Laplacian gauge fixing for U(1) and SU(2) gauge fields
pmid10018587 Extended variational approach to the SU(2) mass gap on the lattice
pmid10018588 Spectrum of the Dirac operator and multigrid algorithm with dynamical staggered fermions
pmid10018589 Spontaneous CP violation in some ununified models
pmid10018590 Degenerate neutrinos in left-right symmetric theory
pmid10018591 CP violation in the cubic coupling of neutral gauge bosons
pmid10018592 Natural conservation of R parity in supersymmetry
pmid10018593 Low-energy effective Lagrangian in unified theories with nonuniversal supersymmetry-breaking terms
pmid10018594 Automatically R-conserving supersymmetric SO(10) models and mixed light Higgs doublets
pmid10018595 Low energy dynamical supersymmetry breaking simplified
pmid10018596 Constraints on the minimal supergravity model from the b-->s gamma decay
pmid10018597 Fermion mass predictions in a generalized extended technicolor scenario
pmid10018598 Relation between the fermion pole mass and MS-bar Yukawa coupling in the standard model
pmid10018599 Nonperturbative decoupling and effective field theory
pmid10018600 Comparison of discovery limits for extra Z bosons at future colliders
pmid10018601 Multiparticle data in high energy hadronic interaction with nuclei and Koba-Nielsen-Olesen-Golokhvastov scaling
pmid10018602 Neutrino fluxes and resonance physics with neutrino telescopes
pmid10018603 Test of CPT symmetry conservation in K0 decays
pmid10018604 Probing factorization in the color-suppressed decay B--> psi (2S)+K(K*)
pmid10018605 Magnetic moments and beta decays of octet baryons
pmid10018606 Vector dominance model and Gari-Krümpelmann formula for the nucleon electromagnetic form factor
pmid10018607 Erratum: Parton fragmentation into photons beyond the leading order
pmid10018608 Erratum: Chromoelectroweak interference and parity-violating asymmetries in the production of an electroweak boson+two jets in hadron collisions
pmid10018609 Search for new gauge bosons decaying into dielectrons in p-barp collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10018610 Pion-pair production by two photons
pmid10018611 Asymptotic scaling from strong coupling
pmid10018612 Structure and stability of strange and charm stars at finite temperatures
pmid10018613 Results of a dark matter search with a germanium detector in the Canfranc tunnel
pmid10018614 Beyond the small-angle approximation for MBR anisotropy from seeds
pmid10018615 Neutrino-neutrino scattering and matter-enhanced neutrino flavor transformation in supernovae
pmid10018616 Red giant bound on the axion-electron coupling reexamined
pmid10018617 Massive tau neutrino and SN 1987A
pmid10018618 Non-Abelian black holes and catastrophe theory: Neutral type
pmid10018619 Limits on anisotropy and inhomogeneity from the cosmic background radiation
pmid10018620 Kinetic inflation in stringy and other cosmologies
pmid10018621 Closed-form expression for the momentum radiated from cosmic string loops
pmid10018622 CBR temperature fluctuations induced by gravitational waves in a spatially closed inflationary universe
pmid10018623 Conditions for inflation in an initially inhomogeneous universe
pmid10018624 String cosmology with a time-dependent antisymmetric tensor potential
pmid10018625 Back reaction in semiclassical gravity: The Einstein-Langevin equation
pmid10018626 Fluctuation-dissipation relation for semiclassical cosmology
pmid10018627 String cosmology and inflation
pmid10018628 Class of supersymmetric solitons with naked singularities
pmid10018629 Lifetimes of spherically symmetric closed universes
pmid10018630 Resonances in the transmission of massless scalar waves in a class of wormholes
pmid10018631 Numerical black holes: A moving grid approach
pmid10018632 Gravitational waves from a particle orbiting around a rotating black hole: Post-Newtonian expansion
pmid10018633 Magnetic monopole solutions in a modified Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs system
pmid10018634 SO(2,4) symmetry and the Einstein-Maxwell equations
pmid10018635 Improved effective potential in curved spacetime and quantum matter-higher derivative gravity theory
pmid10018636 Gravitons and light cone fluctuations
pmid10018637 Quantum mechanics and linearized gravitational waves
pmid10018638 Real decoupling ghost quantization of the CGHS model for two-dimensional black holes
pmid10018639 Continuous measurement and localization in the Unruh effect
pmid10018640 Thermodynamics and evaporation of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole
pmid10018641 Emergence of an effective two-dimensional quantum description from the study of critical phenomena in black holes
pmid10018642 The wave function of a black hole and the dynamical origin of entropy
pmid10018643 Breakdown of the semiclassical approximation at the black hole horizon
pmid10018644 Observables for two-dimensional black holes
pmid10018645 Hawking radiation of Dirac fields in the (2+1)-dimensional black hole space-time
pmid10018646 Strings near a Rindler or black hole horizon
pmid10018647 Spacetime information
pmid10018648 Sum-over-histories representation for the causal Green function of free scalar field theory
pmid10018649 OPE’s and the dilaton beta function for the two-dimensional N=1 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma model
pmid10018650 Touching random surfaces and Liouville gravity
pmid10018651 Interactions between U(1) cosmic strings: An analytical study
pmid10018652 Folded strings falling into a black hole
pmid10018653 Casimir theory for the piecewise uniform string: Division into 2N pieces
pmid10018654 Eleventh-order calculation of Ising-limit Green’s functions for scalar quantum field theory in arbitrary space-time dimension D
pmid10018655 Spherelike solutions in surface functional theory and Dirac’s membrane model
pmid10018656 Bose-Einstein condensation in a general static homogeneous magnetic fieldinebreak and the effective action: The nonrelativistic ideal gas
pmid10018657 Weak field superconductivity for relativistic charged gases at high temperature
pmid10018658 Maxwell-Chern-Simons scalar QED with magnetic moment interactions
pmid10018659 Three-loop free energy for high-temperature QED and QCD with fermions
pmid10018660 Finite field-dependent BRS transformations
pmid10018661 Quantum stability of the vortex state in the Abelian Higgs model
pmid10018662 Back reaction in a cylinder
pmid10018663 Compact three-dimensional QED: A simple example of a variational calculation in a gauge theory
pmid10018664 Nonperturbative renormalon structure of infrared unstable theories
pmid10018665 Effective quark-antiquark potential for the constituent quark model
pmid10018666 Strange matter equation of state in the quark mass-density-dependent model
pmid10018667 Perturbative analysis of non-Abelian Aharonov-Bohm scattering
pmid10018668 Perturbative renormalizations of anyon quantum mechanics
pmid10018669 Wormholes in the Brans-Dicke theory of gravitation
pmid10018670 Remark on the renormalization group equation for the Penner model
pmid10018671 Gauge theory in the adiabatic approximation
pmid10018672 Spontaneous breakdown of Lorentz invariance
pmid10018673 Note on QED with a magnetic field and chemical potential
pmid10018674 Erratum: WT identities of gauge theories from broken OSp(3,1||2) symmetry in a superspace formulation
pmid10018675 General solution of the Wess-Zumino consistency condition for Einstein gravity
pmid10018676 Upsilon (1S)--> gamma +noninteracting particles
pmid10018677 Experimental study of the rare decays KL0--> microe, KL0-->ee, KL0--> micro micro, and KL0-->eeee
pmid10018678 Two-neutrino double- beta decay measurement of 100Mo
pmid10018679 Detection of minimal supersymmetric model Higgs bosons in gamma gamma collisions: Influence of supersymmetric decay modes
pmid10018680 Experimental evidence for simple relations between unpolarized and polarized parton distributions
pmid10018681 Decisive search for a diquark-antidiquark meson with hidden strangeness
pmid10018682 Bounds on the Z’ mass and mixing angles in the ununified gauge models
pmid10018683 Supersymmetric corrections to heavy quark pair production in e+e- annihilation
pmid10018684 Unbiased estimators for correlation measurements
pmid10018685 Balitsky-Fadin-Kuraev-Lipatov approximation versus O( alpha s3) corrections to large-rapidity dijet production
pmid10018686 Fermilab Tevatron and CERN LEP II probes of minimal and string-motivated supergravity models
pmid10018687 Impact of R-parity violation on supersymmetry searches at the Fermilab Tevatron
pmid10018688 Reanalysis of the decay KL--> pi 0e+e-
pmid10018689 Extracting Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa elements in Bc semileptonic decays and heavy quark spin symmetry
pmid10018690 Determination of ||Vub|| from inclusive semileptonic decay spectra
pmid10018691 Operator product expansion sum rules for heavy flavor transitions and the determination of ||Vcb||
pmid10018692 Relativistic flux tube model calculation of the Isgur-Wise function
pmid10018693 Vector and pseudoscalar charm meson radiative decays
pmid10018694 Form factor A0(q2), nonleptonic D(B)-->PV transitions, and rare B-->K* gamma decays
pmid10018695 Covariant spin tensors in meson spectroscopy
pmid10018696 beta decay of hyperons in a relativistic quark model
pmid10018697 New approach to Sigma +-->p gamma and CP noninvariance
pmid10018698 Decay H0-->tt-bar in the two-Higgs-doublet model
pmid10018699 Radiative decays of Z in the Chikashige-Mohapatra-Peccei model
pmid10018700 Amplitude zeros in radiative decays of scalar particles
pmid10018701 Novel approach to decays, gluon distributions, and fragmentation functions of heavy quarkonia
pmid10018702 Excited heavy baryons in the bound state picture
pmid10018703 Baryons with many colors and flavors
pmid10018704 Baryon magnetic moments in a simultaneous expansion in 1/N and ms
pmid10018705 Quenched chiral perturbation theory for heavy-light mesons
pmid10018706 Bethe-Salpeter wave functions for mesons of arbitrary spin and the covariant instantaneous approximation
pmid10018707 Charmonium spectrum with open channel effects in the complex-scaled Kogut-Susskind model
pmid10018708 Searching for G3 in tt-bar production
pmid10018709 Next-to-leading-order temperature corrections to correlators in QCD
pmid10018710 Quantum evolution of disoriented chiral condensates
pmid10018711 Gauge fixing and extended Abelian monopoles in SU(2) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions
pmid10018712 Critical exponents of a three-dimensional O(4) spin model
pmid10018713 Neutrino electric charge and the possible anisotropy of the solar neutrino flux
pmid10018714 Vacuum oscillations in the supersymmetric standard model
pmid10018715 Solar and atmospheric neutrinos in three generations with a magnetic moment
pmid10018716 Investigating the light-gluino scenario through b-->s gamma
pmid10018717 Constraints on supersymmetric grand unification from b-->s gamma decay
pmid10018718 Probing supergravity models with indirect experimental signatures
pmid10018719 Hint from the interfamily mass hierarchy: Two vectorlike families in the TeV range
pmid10018720 Supersymmetric SO(10) simplified
pmid10018721 Isospin considerations in correlations of pions and B mesons
pmid10018722 Transverse polarization of top quarks produced at a photon-photon collider
pmid10018723 Charmonium state formation and decay: pp-bar-->1D2-->1P1 gamma
pmid10018724 Centauro- and anti-Centauro-type events
pmid10018725 Minimal supersymmetric standard model and large tan beta from SUSY trinification
pmid10018726 Erratum: 1/Nc expansion for baryons
pmid10018727 Gluon fragmentation into polarized charmonium
pmid10018728 Decays H0--> gamma gamma, gamma Z, and Z--> gamma H0 in the effective Lagrangian approach
pmid10018729 Scheme dependence of the electroweak radiative corrections
pmid10021669 Erratum: Elementary amplitudes in the multiple diffraction theory of pp and p-barp elastic scattering
pmid10021670 Erratum: Can the s quark be treated as heavy in spectroscopy?
pmid10058860 Limits to quantum mechanics as a source of magic tricks: Retrodiction and the Bell-Kochen-Specker theorem
pmid10058861 Remarkable phase oscillations appearing in the lattice dynamics of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen states
pmid10058862 Status of the solar neutrino puzzle
pmid10058863 A choatic pulsating star: The case of R Scuti
pmid10058864 Predictions from quantum cosmology
pmid10058865 Charge asymmetry in W-boson decays produced in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s= 1.8 TeV
pmid10058866 Observation of rapidity gaps in p-barp collisions at 1.8 TeV
pmid10058867 Two-proton emission from the ground state of 12O
pmid10058868 Influence of complex surface vibrations on the fusion of 58Ni+60Ni
pmid10058869 N=40 neutron subshell closure in the 68Ni nucleus
pmid10058870 Time-dependent optimized effective potential
pmid10058871 Structural dynamics of protonated methane and acetylene
pmid10058872 Local field effects and electric and magnetic dipole transitions in dielectrics
pmid10058873 Experimental determination of the quantum-mechanical state of a molecular vibrational mode using fluorescence tomography
pmid10058874 Neutralization of H- in energetic collisions with multiply charged ions
pmid10058875 Electron-impact detachment of D-: Near-threshold behavior and the nonexistence of D2- resonances
pmid10058876 Branching processes in the dissociative recombination of H3+
pmid10058877 Fine structure of thresholds in a micromaser pumped with atom clusters
pmid10058878 Dephasing dynamics of the vibronic states of epitaxial polydiacetylene films
pmid10058879 Stochastic noise and chaotic transients
pmid10058880 Long-range correlations in systems with coherent (quasi)periodic oscillations
pmid10058881 Possibility of generating a high-power self-similar radiation pulse from a free-electron laser
pmid10058882 Driven Depinning in Anisotropic Media
pmid10058883 Fokker-Planck calculations with ionization dynamics of short-pulse laser-solid interactions
pmid10058884 Terraced spreading of chain molecules via molecular dynamics
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