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26 January 2025

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pmid10018792 Theoretical expectations for high mass photon pairs in l+l- gamma gamma events at CERN LEP and SLC
pmid10018793 Precision study of supersymmetry at future linear e+e- colliders
pmid10018794 Production of polarized tau pairs and tests of CP violation using polarized e+/- colliders near threshold
pmid10018795 Measuring parton densities in the Pomeron
pmid10018796 Gluon and charm distributions in the photon
pmid10018797 Parton content of virtual photons
pmid10018798 O( alpha mt2/mW2) corrections to tt-bar production in high energy e+e- annihilation in the one generation technicolor model
pmid10018799 Effective Lagrangian approach to the theory of eta photoproduction in the N*(1535) region
pmid10018800 pi N scattering in a large-Nc sigma model
pmid10018801 High energy scattering in (2+1)-dimensional QCD: A dipole picture
pmid10018802 Factorial and fractal analysis of the multipion production process at 350 GeV/c
pmid10018803 Monte Carlo simulations for BNL RHIC spin physics
pmid10018804 Factorial moments of continuous order
pmid10018805 Hadroproduction and polarization of charmonium
pmid10018806 Testing J/ psi production and decay properties in hadronic collisions
pmid10018807 Gluon fragmentation to 1D2 quarkonia
pmid10018808 Intrinsic transverse momentum and the polarized Drell-Yan process
pmid10018809 Calculation of chirality-violating proton structure function h1(x) in QCD
pmid10018810 WZ production at hadron colliders: Effects of nonstandard WWZ couplings and QCD corrections
pmid10018811 Strangeness conservation in hot nuclear fireballs
pmid10018812 Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in QCD and radiative energy loss in a quark-gluon plasma
pmid10018813 Neutrino-induced nuclear excitations
pmid10018814 Origin of galactic cosmic rays
pmid10018815 KLe5 decay as a background in the search for KL--> pi 0 micro+/-e+/-
pmid10018816 Soft pion emission in semileptonic B-meson decays
pmid10018817 Nonleptonic weak decays of charmed mesons
pmid10018818 Mass corrections in J/ psi -->BB-bar decay and the role of distribution amplitudes
pmid10018819 Hadronic matrix elements and radiative B-->K* gamma decay
pmid10018820 Testing factorization in color-suppressed b-flavor decays with the B--> eta c+K(K*) modes
pmid10018821 "Nonfactorizable" terms in hadronic B-meson weak decays
pmid10018822 W+-H+ interference and partial width asymmetry in top quark and top antiquark decays
pmid10018823 Form factors for Tb-->Tc pi l nu -bar weak decays to 1/mQ
pmid10018824 Semileptonic decays of heavy tetraquarks
pmid10018825 Radiative corrections to the Higgs boson decay into a longitudinal W-boson pair in a two-doublet model
pmid10018826 Technicolor contribution to the Zbb-bar vertex correction from the spectral representation
pmid10018827 Z-->bb-bar versus dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking involving the top quark
pmid10018828 Some constraints on neutral heavy leptons from flavor-conserving decays of the Z boson
pmid10018829 Asymmetric flux tube
pmid10018830 Conservation laws and sum rules in the heavy quark limit
pmid10018831 Simple model amplitude of the nucleon: A hint for important higher-twist effects?
pmid10018832 Baryon current matrix elements in a light-front framework
pmid10018833 Bc spectroscopy
pmid10018834 Dibaryon states containing two different types of heavy quarks
pmid10018835 Vertex functions for confined quarks in momentum-space quark-hadron models
pmid10018836 Commensurate scale relations in quantum chromodynamics
pmid10018837 Effective field theory approach to parton-hadron conversion in high energy QCD processes
pmid10018838 Calculation of <p||u-baru-d-bard||p> from QCD sum rules and the neutron-proton mass difference
pmid10018839 Spin-flavor structure of large Nc baryons
pmid10018840 Transport properties of a quark plasma and critical scattering at the chiral phase transition
pmid10018841 Quenching an expanding chiral condensate
pmid10018842 Fitting correlated hadron mass spectrum data
pmid10018843 Spectroscopy and renormalization group flow of a lattice Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model
pmid10018844 Phase of the Wilson line
pmid10018845 Kaplan-Narayanan-Neuberger lattice fermions pass a perturbative test
pmid10018846 Observations concerning the magnitude of tt-bar threshold effects on electroweak parameters
pmid10018847 Searching for anomalous weak couplings of heavy flavors at the SLC and CERN LEP
pmid10018848 Two-loop large top mass corrections to electroweak parameters: Analytic results valid for arbitrary Higgs boson mass
pmid10018849 Pseudo Dirac neutrinos in the seesaw model
pmid10018850 Constraints on massive tau neutrinos and their cosmological implications
pmid10018851 New physics motivated by the low energy approach to electric charge quantization
pmid10018852 Evolution of the pion distribution amplitude in next-to-leading order
pmid10018853 SU(4)L
pmid10018854 Jarlskog-like invariants for theories with scalars and fermions
pmid10018855 Composite weak bosons in a confining gauge theory without Goldstone bosons: A strong coupling expansion analysis
pmid10018856 Effects of top quark compositeness
pmid10018857 Electroweak oblique corrections from quark-lepton substructure
pmid10018858 Experiments to find or exclude a long-lived, light gluino
pmid10018859 Grand unification scale effects in supersymmetric unification
pmid10018860 CPT, strings, and meson factories
pmid10018861 Spin structure of the proton in a nonrelativistic quark model
pmid10018862 Schwinger particle-production mechanism for a finite-length flux tube with transverse confinement
pmid10018863 Evaluation of the elastic pp single-flip helicity amplitude at low momentum transfer and high energies
pmid10018864 QCD radiative enhancement of the decay b-->cc-bars
pmid10018865 Lattice QCD solution to the U(1) problem
pmid10018866 Electromagnetic contributions to the Schiff moment
pmid10018867 Wolfenstein parametrization reexamined
pmid10018868 Possibility of radiochemical observation of day-night matter oscillations in light of current solar neutrino results
pmid10018869 Renormalization-group equations in the
pmid10018870 Dependence of the electromagnetic ratio of electric quadrupole to magnetic dipole Delta N gamma couplings on the Delta + mass in single-pion photoproduction
pmid10018871 Goldstone bosons in the Appelquist-Terning extended technicolor model
pmid10018872 Erratum: Top quark rare decay t-->cHi in the minimal supersymmetric model
pmid10018873 Erratum: Strong rescattering in K-->3 pi decays and low-energy meson dynamics
pmid10018874 Simple radiative neutrino mass matrix for solar and atmospheric oscillations
pmid10018875 Determination of the gravitational constant with a lake experiment: New constraints for non-Newtonian gravity
pmid10018876 Hydrodynamics of the cosmological quark-hadron transition in the presence of long-range energy and momentum transfer
pmid10018877 Landau-Zener treatments of solar neutrino oscillations
pmid10018878 Neutrino mixing constraints and supernova nucleosynthesis
pmid10018879 Analytic model with critical behavior in black hole formation
pmid10018880 Non-Abelian black holes and catastrophe theory. II. Charged type
pmid10018881 Pregalaxy formation: A nonlinear analysis of the evolution of cosmological perturbations
pmid10018882 Monopole annihilation and highest energy cosmic rays
pmid10018883 Dynamical stability of Witten vortons
pmid10018884 Cosmic microwave anisotropies from topological defects in an open universe
pmid10018885 Thermal phase mixing during first-order phase transitions
pmid10018886 False vacuum inflation with a quartic potential
pmid10018887 Bounds on Dirac neutrino masses from nucleosynthesis
pmid10018888 Electromagnetic cascades and cascade nucleosynthesis in the early Universe
pmid10018889 Arrow of time in a recollapsing quantum universe
pmid10018890 Cosmological models with a time-dependent Lambda term
pmid10018891 Past-instability conjecture and cosmological attractors in generalized isotropic universes
pmid10018892 Self-similar scalar field collapse: Naked singularities and critical behavior
pmid10018893 Nonlinear instability of Kerr-type Cauchy horizons
pmid10018894 Extended family of the electrovac two-soliton solutions for the Einstein-Maxwell equations
pmid10018895 Extended N-soliton solution of the Einstein-Maxwell equations
pmid10018896 Universal scaling and echoing in the gravitational collapse of a complex scalar field
pmid10018897 Collapse to black holes in Brans-Dicke theory. I. Horizon boundary conditions for dynamical spacetimes
pmid10018898 Collapse to black holes in Brans-Dicke theory. II. Comparison with general relativity
pmid10018899 Manifestations of quantum gravity in scalar QED phenomena
pmid10018900 Quantum cosmological entropy production and the asymmetry of thermodynamic time
pmid10018901 Consequences of Hawking radiation from two-dimensional dilaton black holes
pmid10018902 Unified approach to solvable models of dilaton gravity in two dimensions based on symmetry
pmid10018903 Averaged energy conditions and quantum inequalities
pmid10018904 Random Ising spins in two dimensions: A flat space realization of the Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov exponents
pmid10018905 Calculation of gravitational waveforms from black hole collisions and disk collapse: Applying perturbation theory to numerical spacetimes
pmid10018906 Entropy, area, and black hole pairs
pmid10018907 Action and entropy of extreme and nonextreme black holes
pmid10018908 Nonsingular four-dimensional black holes and the Jackiw-Teitelboim theory
pmid10018909 Stable and unstable circular strings in inflationary universes
pmid10018910 Stress-energy tensor of quantized scalar fields in static spherically symmetric spacetimes
pmid10018911 Calculation of Feynman diagrams in superstring perturbation theory
pmid10018912 Exact solutions of four-dimensional black holes in string theory
pmid10018913 String calculation of QCD Wilson loops on arbitrary surfaces
pmid10018914 Sister trajectories and locality in multiloop string scattering
pmid10018915 Conformal p-branes as a source of structure in spacetime
pmid10018916 Derivative expansion of the one-loop effective action
pmid10018917 Dissipation via particle production in scalar field theories
pmid10018918 Vacuum structure, zero modes, and the effective potential in light-cone quantization
pmid10018919 Meissner effect in scalar QED with magnetic moment interactions
pmid10018920 Quantum aspects of supersymmetric Maxwell Chern-Simons solitons
pmid10018921 Renormalization group and universality
pmid10018922 Lattice energy-momentum tensor with Symanzik improved actions
pmid10018923 Kinks and bound states in the Gross-Neveu model
pmid10018924 Spacetime quantization of the Braaten-Pisarski-Frenkel-Taylor-Wong action: Spacelike plasmon cut and new phase of the thermal vacuum
pmid10018925 Pressure of hot g2 phi4 theory at order g5
pmid10018926 Gauge dependence of the high-temperature two-loop effective potential for the Higgs field
pmid10018927 Semilocal nontopological vortices in a Chern-Simons theory
pmid10018928 Tree-level unitarity constraints on the gravitational couplings of higher-spin massive fields
pmid10018929 Anomalous dimension of the gluon operator in pure Yang-Mills theory
pmid10018930 Fermion production in the background of Minkowski space classical solutions in spontaneously broken gauge theory
pmid10018931 Restoration of dynamically broken chiral symmetry by a toroidal space-time
pmid10018932 Instanton content of finite temperature QCD matter
pmid10018933 Remarks on the process gamma gamma --> nu nu -bar in astrophysics
pmid10018934 Quark droplet formation in a neutron star core in the presence of a strong magnetic field
pmid10018935 Constraint of a general effective potential in vector torsion coupled conformally induced gravity
pmid10018936 Foliation by constant-mean-curvature hypersurfaces of the Schwarzschild spacetime
pmid10018937 Traversable wormholes and black hole complementarity
pmid10018938 Erratum: Can the gravitational wave background from inflation be detected locally?
pmid10018939 New nondiagonal singularity-free cosmological perfect-fluid solution
pmid10018940 Phase transition for gravitationally collapsing dust shells in 2+1 dimensions
pmid10018941 Superfield generalization of the classical action-at-a-distance theory
pmid10018942 Effective action for quasielastic scatterings in QCD
pmid10018943 Kinematic evidence for top quark pair production in W+multijet events in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s =1.8 TeV
pmid10018944 Measurement of the branching ratio and asymmetry parameter for the Sigma +-->p gamma radiative decay
pmid10018945 Determination of fundamental supersymmetry parameters from chargino production at CERN LEP II
pmid10018946 Higgs boson contributions to neutrino production in e-e+ collisions in a left-right symmetric model
pmid10018947 CP violation in the heavy neutrino production process e+e--->N1N2
pmid10018948 Extracting the intermediate-mass Higgs resonance at photon-photon colliders
pmid10018949 Signatures of Higgs-triplet representations at TeV e+e- colliders
pmid10018950 Probing the Higgs mechanism via gamma gamma -->W+W-
pmid10018951 Leptoproduction of heavy quarks in the fixed and variable flavor schemes
pmid10018952 Parton distributions for low Q2
pmid10018953 Global QCD analysis and the CTEQ parton distributions
pmid10018954 A dependence of hadron production in inelastic muon scattering and dimuon production by protons
pmid10018955 Neural network classification of quark and gluon jets
pmid10018956 Heavy-quark production by polarized and unpolarized photons in next-to-leading order
pmid10018957 Perturbative QCD fragmentation functions as a model for heavy-quark fragmentation
pmid10018958 Helicity probabilities for heavy quark fragmentation into excited mesons
pmid10018959 Masses and widths of N and Delta resonances
pmid10018960 Unifying logarithmic and factorial behavior in high-energy scattering
pmid10018961 Signatures of CP violation in the presence of multiple b-pair production at hadron colliders
pmid10018962 Hadron structure and left-right asymmetry in inclusive production in single-spin hadron-hadron collisions
pmid10018963 Soffer positivity bound and a suggestion for measuring valence quark transverse spin distributions at BNL RHIC
pmid10018964 Features of photons radiated off quarks escaping from a quark-gluon plasma
pmid10018965 Angular distributions of Drell-Yan lepton pairs at the Fermilab Tevatron: Order alpha s2 corrections and Monte Carlo studies
pmid10018966 "Improved" lattice study of semileptonic decays of D mesons
pmid10018967 Renormalons in effective field theories
pmid10018968 Moments of lepton spectrum in B decays and the mb-mc quark mass difference
pmid10018969 Chiral sum rules for scrL(6)WZ parameters and its application to pi 0, eta, eta ’ decays
pmid10018970 Bound-state effects in B-->K* gamma
pmid10018971 Lattice calculation of the branching ratio for some of the exclusive modes of b-->s gamma
pmid10018972 Three-body decays of a heavy top quark in two-Higgs-doublet models
pmid10018973 Comparative analysis of tau -lepton decay and electron-positron annihilation
pmid10018974 Flavor-changing Z decay in the one generation technicolor models
pmid10018975 Higgs and Z bosons decay into light gluinos
pmid10018976 Two-loop O(GF2MH4) corrections to the fermionic decay rates of the Higgs boson
pmid10018977 Energy levels of soliton-heavy-meson bound states
pmid10018978 Kaon condensation in the bound-state approach to the Skyrme model
pmid10018979 Determination of SU(6) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and baryon mass and electromagnetic moment relations
pmid10018980 What can a relativistic quark model tell us about charmed mesons?
pmid10018981 Possible effects of color screening and large string tension in heavy quarkonium spectra
pmid10018982 Variational estimates for excited states
pmid10018983 Observations on the potential confinement of a light fermion
pmid10018984 Mass singularities in light quark correlators: The strange quark case
pmid10018985 Properties of B mesons in lattice QCD
pmid10018986 QCD (lattice) potential and coupling: How to accurately interpolate between multiloop QCD and the string picture
pmid10018987 beta function and equation of state for QCD with two flavors of quarks
pmid10018988 Observing long color flux tubes in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
pmid10018989 Lee-Yang zeros and the chiral phase transition in compact lattice QED
pmid10018990 Perturbative analysis of the massless Schwinger model
pmid10018991 Phases and triviality of scalar quantum electrodynamics
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