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20 January 2025

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pmid10018299 Gravitational waves from inspiralling compact binaries: Energy loss and waveform to second-post-Newtonian order
pmid10018300 Extracting x rays, gamma rays, and relativistic e-e+ pairs from supermassive Kerr black holes using the Penrose mechanism
pmid10018301 Inside a spinning black string
pmid10018302 Supersonic deflagrations in cosmological phase transitions
pmid10018303 Universe reheating after inflation
pmid10018304 Large-scale structure as a critical phenomenon
pmid10018305 Cosmological histories for the new variables of Ashtekar
pmid10018306 The cosmological probability density function for Bianchi class A models in quantum supergravity
pmid10018307 Maximally symmetric spin-two bitensors on S3 and H3
pmid10018308 Reality conditions and Ashtekar variables: A different perspective
pmid10018309 Real Ashtekar variables for Lorentzian signature space-times
pmid10018310 Stability of black hole event horizons
pmid10018311 Stability of the Cauchy horizon in anti-de Sitter spacetime
pmid10018312 Exact hypersurface-homogeneous solutions in cosmology and astrophysics
pmid10018313 Choptuik scaling in null coordinates
pmid10018314 Horizon boundary condition for black hole spacetimes
pmid10018315 Gravitational constraints that generate a Lie algebra
pmid10018316 Hamiltonian thermodynamics of the Schwarzschild black hole
pmid10018317 Dust as a standard of space and time in canonical quantum gravity
pmid10018318 What is the geometry of superspace?
pmid10018319 Random and correlated phases of primordial gravitational waves
pmid10018320 Comparative quantizations of (2+1)-dimensional gravity
pmid10018321 Gaugeless reduction of gravity and the evolution of the Universe
pmid10018322 Electromagnetic and gravitational scattering at Planckian energies
pmid10018323 One-loop quantum gravity in Schwarzschild space-time
pmid10018324 Asymptotic behavior of complex scalar fields in a Friedmann-Lemaitre universe
pmid10018325 Unitarity restoration in the presence of closed timelike curves
pmid10018326 Heat kernels and thermodynamics in Rindler space
pmid10018327 Charged dilaton black holes with a cosmological constant
pmid10018328 Black hole pair creation and the entropy factor
pmid10018329 Microcanonical functional integral and entropy for eternal black holes
pmid10018330 Free energy and entropy for semiclassical black holes in the canonical ensemble
pmid10018331 Gravitational radiation from a particle in circular orbit around a black hole. V. Black-hole absorption and tail corrections
pmid10018332 Naked singularities in dilatonic domain wall space-times
pmid10018333 Signatures of neutrino conversions to sterile states in collapsing stars
pmid10018334 S matrix of collective field theory
pmid10018335 Averaged null energy condition and difference inequalities in quantum field theory
pmid10018336 BRST-BFV method for nonstationary systems
pmid10018337 O(1/Nf) corrections to the Thirring model in 2<d<4
pmid10018338 Anyons in an electromagnetic field and the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation
pmid10018339 QCD strings as a constrained Grassmannian sigma model
pmid10018340 Curvature corrections to dynamics of domain walls
pmid10018341 Collective field theory of a singular supersymmetric matrix model
pmid10018342 Equation of state for cool relativistic two-constituent superfluid dynamics
pmid10018343 Swendsen-Wang update algorithm for the Symanzik improved sigma model
pmid10018344 Gravity and geometric phases
pmid10018345 Aharonov-Bohm scattering of a localized wave packet: Analysis of the forward direction
pmid10018346 Thermal versus vacuum magnetization in QED
pmid10018347 Scattering from a domain wall in a spontaneously broken gauge theory
pmid10018348 BRST quantization of anomalous gauge theories
pmid10018349 Exact Schwarzschild-like solution for Yang-Mills theories
pmid10018350 Invariant fermion correlator in the Schwinger model on the torus
pmid10018351 Scale setting in QCD and the momentum flow in Feynman diagrams
pmid10018352 Improved limits on anisotropy and inhomogeneity from the cosmic background radiation
pmid10018353 Dynamical friction on cosmic string motion and magnetic field generation
pmid10018354 Higgs-Yukawa model in curved spacetime
pmid10018355 Entropy of extremal black holes in two dimensions
pmid10018356 O(N)-symmetric (2+1)-dimensional gauged phi6 theory with a Chern-Simons term
pmid10018357 Lorentz symmetry breaking in Abelian vector-field models with Wess-Zumino interaction
pmid10018358 Confinement in relativistic potential models
pmid10018359 Erratum: Amplification of gravitational waves in scalar-tensor theories of gravity
pmid10018360 Erratum: Singularities formed by the focusing of cylindrical null fluids
pmid10018361 Inflation as the unique causal mechanism for generating density perturbations on scales well above the Hubble radius
pmid10018362 Temperature and entropy of a quantum black hole and conformal anomaly
pmid10018363 Higgs-sector solitons
pmid10018943 Kinematic evidence for top quark pair production in W+multijet events in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s =1.8 TeV
pmid10018944 Measurement of the branching ratio and asymmetry parameter for the Sigma +-->p gamma radiative decay
pmid10018945 Determination of fundamental supersymmetry parameters from chargino production at CERN LEP II
pmid10018946 Higgs boson contributions to neutrino production in e-e+ collisions in a left-right symmetric model
pmid10018947 CP violation in the heavy neutrino production process e+e--->N1N2
pmid10018948 Extracting the intermediate-mass Higgs resonance at photon-photon colliders
pmid10018949 Signatures of Higgs-triplet representations at TeV e+e- colliders
pmid10018950 Probing the Higgs mechanism via gamma gamma -->W+W-
pmid10018951 Leptoproduction of heavy quarks in the fixed and variable flavor schemes
pmid10018952 Parton distributions for low Q2
pmid10018953 Global QCD analysis and the CTEQ parton distributions
pmid10018954 A dependence of hadron production in inelastic muon scattering and dimuon production by protons
pmid10018955 Neural network classification of quark and gluon jets
pmid10018956 Heavy-quark production by polarized and unpolarized photons in next-to-leading order
pmid10018957 Perturbative QCD fragmentation functions as a model for heavy-quark fragmentation
pmid10018958 Helicity probabilities for heavy quark fragmentation into excited mesons
pmid10018959 Masses and widths of N and Delta resonances
pmid10018960 Unifying logarithmic and factorial behavior in high-energy scattering
pmid10018961 Signatures of CP violation in the presence of multiple b-pair production at hadron colliders
pmid10018962 Hadron structure and left-right asymmetry in inclusive production in single-spin hadron-hadron collisions
pmid10018963 Soffer positivity bound and a suggestion for measuring valence quark transverse spin distributions at BNL RHIC
pmid10018964 Features of photons radiated off quarks escaping from a quark-gluon plasma
pmid10018965 Angular distributions of Drell-Yan lepton pairs at the Fermilab Tevatron: Order alpha s2 corrections and Monte Carlo studies
pmid10018966 "Improved" lattice study of semileptonic decays of D mesons
pmid10018967 Renormalons in effective field theories
pmid10018968 Moments of lepton spectrum in B decays and the mb-mc quark mass difference
pmid10018969 Chiral sum rules for scrL(6)WZ parameters and its application to pi 0, eta, eta ’ decays
pmid10018970 Bound-state effects in B-->K* gamma
pmid10018971 Lattice calculation of the branching ratio for some of the exclusive modes of b-->s gamma
pmid10018972 Three-body decays of a heavy top quark in two-Higgs-doublet models
pmid10018973 Comparative analysis of tau -lepton decay and electron-positron annihilation
pmid10018974 Flavor-changing Z decay in the one generation technicolor models
pmid10018975 Higgs and Z bosons decay into light gluinos
pmid10018976 Two-loop O(GF2MH4) corrections to the fermionic decay rates of the Higgs boson
pmid10018977 Energy levels of soliton-heavy-meson bound states
pmid10018978 Kaon condensation in the bound-state approach to the Skyrme model
pmid10018979 Determination of SU(6) Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and baryon mass and electromagnetic moment relations
pmid10018980 What can a relativistic quark model tell us about charmed mesons?
pmid10018981 Possible effects of color screening and large string tension in heavy quarkonium spectra
pmid10018982 Variational estimates for excited states
pmid10018983 Observations on the potential confinement of a light fermion
pmid10018984 Mass singularities in light quark correlators: The strange quark case
pmid10018985 Properties of B mesons in lattice QCD
pmid10018986 QCD (lattice) potential and coupling: How to accurately interpolate between multiloop QCD and the string picture
pmid10018987 beta function and equation of state for QCD with two flavors of quarks
pmid10018988 Observing long color flux tubes in SU(2) lattice gauge theory
pmid10018989 Lee-Yang zeros and the chiral phase transition in compact lattice QED
pmid10018990 Perturbative analysis of the massless Schwinger model
pmid10018991 Phases and triviality of scalar quantum electrodynamics
pmid10018992 Vacuum oscillation solution to the solar neutrino problem in standard and nonstandard pictures
pmid10018993 Expansion of the weak mixing matrix in powers of 1/mb and 1/mt
pmid10018994 Isgur-Wise function and Vcb from Bethe-Salpeter equations
pmid10018995 Normalization of QCD effects on O(mt2) electroweak corrections
pmid10018996 CP violation in the two-Higgs-doublet model: An example
pmid10018997 Low-energy effects of charged Higgs bosons with general Yukawa couplings
pmid10018998 Leptonic CP violation in the supersymmetric standard model
pmid10018999 Triviality bounds in the next to minimal supersymmetric standard model
pmid10019000 Singlet charge 2/3 quark hiding the top quark: Fermilab Tevatron and CERN LEP implications
pmid10019001 Squark and slepton mass relations in grand unified theories
pmid10019002 Thermal self-energies at zero momentum
pmid10019003 Novel structure function for photon fragmentation into a Lambda hyperon and transverse Lambda polarization in unpolarized electron-positron annihilation
pmid10019004 Top quark as a topological color soliton
pmid10019005 How to parametrize an S-wave resonance and how to identify two-hadron composites
pmid10019006 Relations among zero momentum correlators for heavy-light systems in QCD
pmid10019007 Pion-nucleon sigma term in lattice QCD
pmid10019008 Current renormalization constants with an O(a)-improved fermion action
pmid10019009 Electroweak sphaleron for effective theory in the limit of large Higgs boson mass
pmid10019010 Strong renormalization scheme dependence in tau -lepton decay: Fact or fiction?
pmid10019011 Large rapidity gap events and meson exchange in deep inelastic scattering
pmid10019012 Upsilon (3S)--> Upsilon (1S) pi pi decay: Is the pi pi spectrum puzzle an indication of a bb-barqq-bar resonance?
pmid10021668 Erratum: Black holes of a general two-dimensional dilaton gravity theory
pmid10058222 Lattice Kronig-Penney models
pmid10058223 Superfluidity of repulsing "quasifermions"
pmid10058224 Atomic clocks and variations of the fine structure constant
pmid10058225 Gravitational-radiation damping of compact binary systems to second post-Newtonian order
pmid10058226 Possible new class of dense white dwarfs
pmid10058227 Cosmic strings in an open universe with baryonic and nonbaryonic dark matter
pmid10058228 Fixed-point structure of scalar fields
pmid10058229 Asymptotic behavior of the correlator for Polyakov loops
pmid10058230 New decay modes of the Lambda +c charmed baryon
pmid10058231 Search for new particles decaying to dijets in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10058232 Special relativity and the single antiproton: Fortyfold improved comparison of p-bar and p charge-to-mass ratios
pmid10058233 Inclusive micro and b-quark production cross sections in pp-bar collisions at sqrt s=1.8 TeV
pmid10058234 Three-nucleon charge radius: A precise laser determination using 3He
pmid10058235 Transition state rates and complex fragment decay widths
pmid10058236 Neutral-pion electroproduction on the proton near threshold
pmid10058237 Nuclear effects in the diffractive electroproduction of ss-bar mesons
pmid10058238 One-neutron halo of 19C
pmid10058239 Hyperspherical elliptic coordinates and three-body Coulomb problem
pmid10058240 Evaporative cooling in a crossed dipole trap
pmid10058241 Photoabsorption by ultracold atoms and the scattering length
pmid10058242 Photoelectron angular distributions of rotationally selected NO Rydberg states
pmid10058243 Observation of postcollision effects in the scattered projectile spectra for ionizing proton-helium collisions
pmid10058244 Laser spectroscopy of alkali-doped helium clusters
pmid10058245 Phase-controlled currents in semiconductors
pmid10058246 Observation of two-photon "ghost" interference and diffraction
pmid10058247 Detection of ion plasma waves by collective Thomson scattering
pmid10058248 Dynamic behavior of rippled shock waves and subsequently induced areal-density-perturbation growth in laser-irradiated foils
pmid10058249 Minority ion cyclotron current drive in tokamaks
pmid10058250 Novel plasma source for dense plasma effects
pmid10058251 Strong nonlocal effects in a tokamak perturbative transport experiment
pmid10058252 Diffusion and scaling behavior of polymer-surfactant aggregates
pmid10058253 Free-standing black films of polymers: A model of charged brushes in interaction
pmid10058254 Simultaneous bunching and debunching of surface steps: Theory and relation to experiments
pmid10058255 Phase separation in two-dimensional fluid mixtures
pmid10058256 Real-time observation of atomic ordering in (001) In0.53Ga0.47As epitaxial layers
pmid10058257 Energetics and dynamics of Si Ad-dimers on Si(001)
pmid10058258 Si binding and nucleation on Si(100)
pmid10058259 Constrained path quantum Monte Carlo method for fermion ground states
pmid10058260 Observation of a narrow pseudogap near the fermi level of AlCuFe quasicrystalline thin films
pmid10058261 Energy gaps and cohesive energy of Ge from the optimized effective potential
pmid10058262 Laterally squeezed excitonic wave function in quantum wires
pmid10058263 Interedge interaction in the quantum Hall effect
pmid10058264 New exponent for the nonlinear IV characteristics of a two dimensional superconductor
pmid10058265 "Limit" model of CuO2 planes: Exact results
pmid10058266 Ginzburg-Landau equations and vortex structure of a dx2-y2 superconductor
pmid10058267 Washboard frequency of the moving vortex lattice in YBa2Cu3O6.93 detected by ac-dc interference
pmid10058268 Disorder and noncollinear magnetism in permanent-magnet materials with the ThMn12 structure
pmid10058269 Observation of large Kerr angles in the nonlinear optical response from magnetic multilayers
pmid10058270 Quantum well theory of the exchange coupling in Co/Cu/Co(001)
pmid10058271 High resolution X-ray resonant Raman scattering
pmid10058272 Proteins and glasses: A relaxation study in the millikelvin range
pmid10058273 Comment on "Evolution of two-dimensional soap froth with a single defect"
pmid10058274 Levitan replies
pmid10058275 Comment on "Evolution of two-dimensional soap froth with a single defect"
pmid10058276 Levitan replies
pmid10058277 Role of twin boundaries in the magnetic flux penetration in YBa2Cu3O7- delta
pmid10058278 Welp et al. reply
pmid10058279 Linearly positive histories: Probabilities for a robust family of sequences of quantum events
pmid10058280 Computational study of many-dimensional quantum energy flow: From action diffusion to localization
pmid10058281 Microlensing and halo cold dark matter
pmid10058282 Nonperturbative lattice simulation bounds on high multiplicity cross sections in phi42
pmid10058283 Precision measurement of the Omega - magnetic moment
pmid10058284 Near threshold photoproduction of eta mesons off the proton
pmid10058285 Isospin breaking in low-energy pion-nucleon scattering
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