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13 February 2025

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pmid10058286 Isospin dependence of the spin-orbit force and effective nuclear potentials
pmid10058287 Increase in width of the giant dipole resonance in hot nuclei: Shape change or collisional damping?
pmid10058288 Novel pion electroproduction low-energy theorems
pmid10058289 Multifragmentation in the 4.8-GeV 3He+ natAg, 197Au reactions
pmid10058290 Resonant rate for 15O( alpha, gamma )19Ne
pmid10058291 Collisions of doubly spin-polarized, ultracold 85Rb atoms
pmid10058292 New photon-induced triply excited hollow atom states of lithium
pmid10058293 Monte Carlo wave-function analysis of 3D optical molasses
pmid10058294 Coherence control of high-order harmonics
pmid10058295 Wave packet structure and dynamics measured by Coulomb explosion
pmid10058296 Critical sizes against Coulomb dissociation of highly charged sodium clusters obtained by ion impact
pmid10058297 Reduced system dynamics as a stochastic process in Hilbert space
pmid10058298 Doubly excited Rydberg series in solid neon studied by electron and photodesorption spectroscopies
pmid10058299 Novel principle for a tunable amplification of microwaves driven by a laser radiation
pmid10058300 Exact results on scaling exponents in the 2D enstrophy cascade
pmid10058301 Front propagation rates in randomly stirred media
pmid10058302 Forward directed Smith-Purcell radiation from relativistic electrons
pmid10058303 Masing and single-mode locking in a free-electron maser employing prebunched electron beam
pmid10058304 Micron-resolution radiography of laser-accelerated and X-ray heated foils with an X-ray laser
pmid10058305 NMR approach to the dynamic screening effect in highly entangled polymers: polyethylene oxide
pmid10058306 Site symmetry and band representations for phonons
pmid10058307 Observation of nuclear resonant scattering accompanied by phonon excitation using synchrotron radiation
pmid10058308 Phonon density of states measured by inelastic nuclear resonant scattering
pmid10058309 Unwinding scaling violations in phase ordering
pmid10058310 Coexistence of two length scales in X-ray and neutron critical scattering: a theoretical interpretation
pmid10058311 Nucleation and wetting near surface spinodals
pmid10058312 Theory of the effects of rapid thermal annealing on thin-film crystallization
pmid10058313 Effects of hydrodynamics on phase transition kinetics in two-dimensional binary fluids
pmid10058314 Temperature dependence of surface reconstructions of Au on Pd(110)
pmid10058315 Impurity effect on surface diffusion: CO/S/Ni(110)
pmid10058316 Effect of layer-dependent adatom mobilities in heteroepitaxial metal film growth: Ni/Ru(0001)
pmid10058317 Hall coefficient for the two-dimensional Hubbard model
pmid10058318 Electron-electron collisions and a new hydrodynamic effect in two-dimensional electron gas
pmid10058319 Ballistic conductance fluctuations in shape space
pmid10058320 Optical properties of ultrathin crystalline and amorphous silicon films
pmid10058321 Phenomenological BCS theory of the high-Tc cuprates
pmid10058322 Critical behavior of spin S antiferromagnetic ising model on triangular lattice
pmid10058323 Zero field muon spin relaxation study of the low temperature state in alpha -(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4
pmid10058324 Finite temperature transitions in 2D dipolar systems with uniaxial anisotropy
pmid10058325 Statistical mechanics of membrane adhesion by reversible molecular bonds
pmid10058326 Theory for the angular dependence of the upper critical field of superconducting UPt3
pmid10058327 Keller et al. reply
pmid10058364 Collapse of Chern-Simons-Gauged Matter Fields
pmid10058365 Thomas-Fermi Method for Particles Obeying Generalized Exclusion Statistics
pmid10058366 Classical XY Model in 1.99 Dimensions
pmid10058367 Universal Fluctuations in Spectra of the Lattice Dirac Operator
pmid10058368 Two-Dimensional String-Theory Model with No Folds
pmid10058369 CP Violation in Hyperon Decays due to Left-Right Mixing
pmid10058370 Vacuum Structure and Spectrum of N=2 Supersymmetric SU(n) Gauge Theory
pmid10058371 Smooth Termination of Collective Rotational Bands
pmid10058372 Microscopic Description of Alpha Decay to Intruder 0(+)2 States in Pb, Po, Hg, and Pt Isotopes
pmid10058373 Splitting of the Isoscalar E2 Giant Resonance and Evidence of Low-Lying E0 Strength in 40Ca
pmid10058374 Stopping Powers for Positrons and Electrons
pmid10058375 Topography and Dynamics of Multidimensional Interatomic Potential Surfaces
pmid10058376 Trajectory (Phase) Selection in Multistable Systems: Stochastic Resonance, Signal Bias, and the Effect of Signal Phase
pmid10058377 Dynamical Localization: Classical vs Quantum Oscillations in Momentum Spread of Cold Atoms
pmid10058378 Study of Quantum Dynamics in the Transition from Classical Stability to Chaos
pmid10058379 From Fermi’s Golden Rule to the Vacuum Rabi Splitting: Magnetopolaritons in a Semiconductor Optical Microcavity
pmid10058380 Structural Similarity and Transition from Newtonian to Non-Newtonian Behavior for Clay-Water Suspensions
pmid10058381 Experiments with Turbulent Soap Films
pmid10058382 Narrowing of the Bennett Hole In Collisional Plasma
pmid10058383 Saturation Spectra of the Two-Plasmon Decay Instability
pmid10058384 Characterization of Magnetic Turbulence in Tokamak Plasmas through Hard X-Ray Spectra
pmid10058385 Electron Density Measurements of High Density Plasmas Using Soft X-Ray Laser Interferometry
pmid10058386 Plastic Deformation of Nanometer-Scale Gold Connective Necks
pmid10058387 Atomic-Scale Variations of the Tunneling Distribution in a Scanning Tunneling Microscope Observed by Ballistic-Electron-Emission Microscopy
pmid10058388 Fluctuating Bond Aggregation: A Model for Chemical Gel Formation
pmid10058389 Antisite-Related Defects in GaAs Grown at Low Temperatures
pmid10058390 Infrared Properties of Ortho and Mixed Crystals of Solid Deuterium at Megabar Pressures and the Question of Metallization in the Hydrogens
pmid10058391 Pressure-Induced Transformation Path of Graphite to Diamond
pmid10058392 Melting in Two-Dimensional Lennard-Jones Systems: Observation of a Metastable Hexatic Phase
pmid10058393 Self-Diffusion in Supercooled Binary Liquids
pmid10058394 Superfluid Precursor Effects in a Model of Hybridized Bosons and Fermions
pmid10058395 Morphological Stability of Alloy Thin Films
pmid10058396 Density-Polarization Functional Theory of the Response of a Periodic Insulating Solid to an Electric Field
pmid10058397 Phase Diagram of Correlated Electrons in a Lattice of Berry Phase Molecules
pmid10058398 Ultranarrow Luminescence Lines from Single Quantum Dots
pmid10058399 Coherence and Phase Sensitive Measurements in a Quantum Dot
pmid10058400 Observation of Supercurrent Drag between Normal Metal and Superconducting Films
pmid10058401 Universal Fluctuations of Chern Integers
pmid10058402 Observation of Highly Enhanced Curie Temperature at Ni-Al Alloy Surfaces
pmid10058403 Theory of Oscillatory Exchange Coupling in Fe/(V,Cr) and Fe/(Cr,Mn)
pmid10058404 First-Principles Determination of Chain-Structure Instability in KNbO3
pmid10058405 Pulse Propagation in the Catalytic Oxidation of Carbon Monoxide on Platinum
pmid10058406 Network of Neural Oscillators for Retrieving Phase Information
pmid10058407 Superradiance of High Density Frenkel Excitons at Room Temperature
pmid10058408 Conditional Quantum Dynamics and Logic Gates
pmid10058409 Realizable Universal Quantum Logic Gates
pmid10058410 Quantum Computations with Cold Trapped Ions
pmid10058411 Superfluidity of Hydrogenlike Gas in a Strong Magnetic Field?
pmid10058412 Korolev and Liberman Reply
pmid10058413 Comment on "Crystal Field Model of the Magnetic Properties of URu2Si2"
pmid10058414 Santini and Amoretti Reply
pmid10058416 Quantum-state tomography and discrete Wigner function
pmid10058417 Inhibition of the measurement of the wave function of a single quantum system in repeated weak quantum nondemolition measurements
pmid10058418 Fredholm theory for quasiclassical scattering
pmid10058419 Dynamic scaling behavior of ballistic coalescence
pmid10058420 Universality of random-matrix results for non-Gaussian ensembles
pmid10058421 Density of levels in a generalized matrix ensemble
pmid10058422 Anomalous relaxation in the fractal time random walk model
pmid10058423 Supersymmetric minisuperspace with nonvanishing fermion number
pmid10058424 Limits on dark matter using ancient mica
pmid10058425 Nonoblique corrections in technicolor theories revisited
pmid10058426 3 alpha +3 alpha and 3 alpha +12C configurations in 24Mg
pmid10058427 Schematic model of a 6- alpha chain state
pmid10058428 Origin of pseudospin symmetry
pmid10058429 Radiative neutron-proton capture in effective chiral Lagrangians
pmid10058430 Determination of the S-wave scattering length in pionic deuterium with a high resolution crystal spectrometer
pmid10058431 Two-color multiphoton ionization of atoms using high-order harmonic radiation
pmid10058432 Parity nonconservation in the 6s2 1S0-->6s5d3D1 transition in atomic ytterbium
pmid10058433 Very high Kr7+* Rydberg states after electron capture from laser-excited Rb*(17p) atoms into Kr8+
pmid10058434 Electron-impact ionization of Fe15+ ions: An ion storage ring cross section measurement
pmid10058435 Spectroscopy of size-selected neutral clusters: Femtosecond evolution of neutral silver trimers
pmid10058436 1/f spectra in finite atomic clusters
pmid10058437 Short wavelength bifurcations and size instabilities in coupled oscillator systems
pmid10058438 Pulse-coupled relaxation oscillators: From biological synchronization to self-organized criticality
pmid10058439 Experimental evidence for recurrent multiple scattering events of light in disordered media
pmid10058440 Novel four-wave mixing phenomenon in a Raman amplifier
pmid10058441 Penta-hepta defect motion in hexagonal patterns
pmid10058442 Dynamics of surface roughening with quenched disorder
pmid10058443 Dynamic and Debye shielding and antishielding in magnetized, collisionless plasmas
pmid10058444 Transport and damping from rotational pumping in magnetized electron plasmas
pmid10058445 Observation of continuous divertor detachment in H-mode discharges in ASDEX upgrade
pmid10058446 Structural isotope effect in water bilayers adsorbed on Ru(001)
pmid10058447 Stabilizing new morphologies by blending homopolymer with block copolymer
pmid10058448 Monte Carlo simulations of anomalous relaxation in percolating systems
pmid10058449 Dynamic structure factor of a helium-neon dense gas mixture: Crossover from hydrodynamics to the microscopic regime
pmid10058450 Polymer confinement in surfactant bilayers of a lyotropic lamellar phase
pmid10058451 True incommensurate phase in mixtures of two polar liquid crystalline materials
pmid10058452 Melted-grain-boundary phase in chiral smectic-C liquid crystals near the triple N*A*C* point
pmid10058453 High-frequency monochromatic acoustic waves generated by laser-induced thermomodulation
pmid10058454 Laws for stationary states in systems with extremal dynamics
pmid10058455 Glassy solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation
pmid10058456 Reentrant nematic phase in a mixture of associating cylindrical molecules
pmid10058457 Robustness of a local Fermi liquid against ferromagnetism and phase separation
pmid10058458 Spectral statistics of mesoscopic wires: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Poisson regime
pmid10058459 Coherent plasma oscillations in bulk semiconductors
pmid10058460 Analytic results for N particles with 1/r2 interaction in two dimensions and an external magnetic field
pmid10058461 Antiferromagnetically induced photoemission band in the cuprates
pmid10058462 Kohn’s theorem and correlation functions for a Fermi liquid
pmid10058463 Exactly solvable model of a quantum spin glass
pmid10058464 Quantum description of spherical spins
pmid10058465 Doping induced quantum bound states within the Haldane gap
pmid10058466 Singlet magnetism in heavy fermions
pmid10058467 No phase transition in a magnetic field in the ising spin glass Fe0.5Mn0.5TiO3
pmid10058468 Nanoscale visualization and control of ferroelectric domains by atomic force microscopy
pmid10058469 Theory of electronic Raman scattering in disordered unconventional superconductors
pmid10058470 Intermittency of single molecule reaction dynamics in fluctuating environments
pmid10058471 Correlations and coarsening in the q-state Potts model
pmid10058472 Critical phenomena in morphology transitions of growth models with competition
pmid10058473 Rheology of wormlike Micelles: Two universality classes
pmid10058474 Transient trapping desorption of molecules at surfaces
pmid10058475 Exact solution for on-line learning in multilayer neural networks
pmid10058476 Scaling and singularities in the entrainment of globally coupled oscillators
pmid10058477 New solutions to the Helfrich variation problem for the shapes of lipid bilayer vesicles: Beyond Delaunay’s surfaces
pmid10058478 Two-level systems in myoglobin probed by non-Lorentzian hole broadening in a temperature-cycling experiment
pmid10058479 Comment on "Resonant bonds in symmetry-lowering distortion around a silicon divacancy"
pmid10058480 Saito and Oshiyama reply
pmid10058481 Comment on "Excitonic recombination of degenerate two-dimensional electrons with localized photoexcited holes in a single heterojunction quantum well"
pmid10058482 Folkes et al. reply
pmid10058483 Predicting sandpile avalanches
pmid10058484 Rosendahl and Rutledge reply
pmid10058487 Critical behavior of a fluid in a disordered porous matrix: An Ornstein-Zernike approach
pmid10058488 Semiclassical stability of the extreme Reissner-Nordström black hole
pmid10058489 Signal-to-noise eigenmode analysis of the two-year COBE maps
pmid10058490 Vectorial interactions and quantum chaos
pmid10058491 CPT tests in the neutral kaon system
pmid10058492 Comparison of the Padé approximation method to perturbative QCD calculations
pmid10058493 The neutrino cross section and upward going muons
pmid10058494 Extraction of Vub from the decay B--> pi l nu
pmid10058495 Precision calculation of the next-to-leading order energy-energy correlation function
pmid10058496 Quantum Monte Carlo calculations of A <= 6 nuclei
pmid10058497 New cross term in the two-particle Hanbury-Brown-Twiss correlation function in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
pmid10058498 Collective flow from the intranuclear cascade model
pmid10058499 Role of nonperiodic orbits in the semiclassical quantization of the truncated hyperbola billiard
pmid10058500 Lyapunov exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for the Lorentz gas at low densities
pmid10058501 Mean-field theory for Lyapunov exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy in Lorentz lattice gases
pmid10058502 Experimental maintenance of chaos
pmid10058503 Coherent vorticity holes from 2D turbulence decaying in a background shear flow
pmid10058504 Observation of ultrahigh gradient electron acceleration by a self-modulated intense short laser pulse
pmid10058505 Laser cooling of a bunched beam in a synchrotron storage ring
pmid10058506 Invariant measure and turbulent pinch in tokamaks
pmid10058507 Leaky channel stabilization of intense laser pulses in tenuous plasmas
pmid10058508 X-ray reflectivity measurements of surface layering in liquid mercury
pmid10058509 Evidence of adsorbed atom pairing during homoepitaxial growth of silicon
pmid10058510 Model for hard molecular fluids: Ellipsoidal fluids
pmid10058511 Structure of the Lc’ phase in a hydrated lipid multilamellar system
pmid10058512 Light-scattering study of the structure of blue phase III
pmid10058513 Small-angle neutron scattering investigation of topological constraints and tube deformation in networks
pmid10058514 Dynamic scaling in an aggregating 2D Lennard-Jones system
pmid10058515 First order rigidity transition in random rod networks
pmid10058516 Entropic origin of the free energy barrier to nucleation of crystallites in amorphous CoSi2 thin films
pmid10058517 3He mobility and localization in thin 4He films
pmid10058518 Bound states of 3He at the helium-cesium interface
pmid10058519 High resolution low energy electron diffraction study of flattening on the TiO2(110) surface
pmid10058520 First-principles finite-temperature characterization of dynamics of the Si(111)-7 x 7
pmid10058521 Submonolayer growth with repulsive impurities: Island density scaling with anomalous diffusion
pmid10058522 Conductivity between Luttinger liquids in the confinement regime and c-axis conductivity in the cuprate superconductors
pmid10058523 Crossover from non-Fermi-liquid to Fermi-liquid behavior in the two channel Kondo model with channel anisotropy
pmid10058524 Fermi- and non-Fermi-liquid behavior in the anisotropic multichannel Kondo model: Bethe Ansatz solution
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